How to grow greens on the windowsill in winter, vitamins on the table all year round. Greenery on the windowsill: growing at home

It is best to grow seeds at home in plastic trays or special containers. Not recommended for this wooden boxes, as they eventually begin to leak, because of which. soil mix can be purchased at a special store for gardeners and gardeners, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, mix in equal proportions the earth, river sand, peat and sawdust. Use expanded clay or crushed brick as drainage.

It is very important to provide the sprouts with enough light. Purchase fluorescent lamps, install near the seedling box (especially in the cold season, when daylight hours are minimal). But be aware that green onion, dill practically do not suffer from a lack of light, therefore, when growing the listed greens, you can safely do without additional lighting.

Of course, the greens grown at home will not reach the same size as in the garden. But with careful and proper care the harvest will not keep you waiting.


It is enough to place small seeds at a depth of 5 millimeters, they can not be dug in with earth. Then water and stretch over a pot or box cling film, remove from a sunny place before sprouts form. The film will help create the necessary microclimate. When the sprouts hatch, remove the polyethylene and put the pot on the window (protect from drafts and direct sunlight).

Water the plants regularly, but try not to overwater the soil. Some experts recommend using a sprayer so that the leaves also get moisture.

Dill is unpretentious in care and resistant to cold. For its cultivation, it is better to take peaty soil. A month and a half after sowing, the greens will be ready for eating. Onions can be heads or in any container. Parsley seeds before sowing, leave for a day in a vessel with water to essential oils vanished (they prevent fast shoots). Parsley loves moisture, water it daily. Thin out after germination. After harvesting the first harvest, feed the parsley with mineral fertilizers.

Many housewives have large window sills and are thinking about how to grow greens at home. In fact, there is nothing complicated, many types of green plants do not need special care, top dressing and additional lighting. Greens can be grown all year round. It is tasty and healthy, especially during beriberi. You can grow irreplaceable additives to dishes.

Juicy spicy greens are indispensable for activating metabolic processes in the body, it has an expectorant, disinfectant, diuretic effect. But first things first.

It is better to grow greens in plastic containers, wooden boxes are not practical, heavy and often leak. In one long container, several varieties of herbs can be planted at once, but taking into account their combination with each other, irrigation conditions. For example, dill, parsley and celery will get along in one container, but for marjoram, thyme and oregano you need a separate, separate space.

Most optimal composition land (soil) - peat, earth, river sand and sawdust, taken in equal proportions. For drainage, it is advisable to put pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom of each vessel with a layer of up to 5 cm. To create the required level of humidity, you will need a piece of plastic wrap or caps from plastic bottles. They need to cover the sown seeds for faster germination.

All kinds of greens how to grow

Growing greens at home for some types of greens has its own characteristics. The easiest way to get a crop of onions for a feather, dill and parsley.

To obtain large and juicy arugula leaves, containers should be kept in sufficient light and humidity levels. The topsoil must be constantly damp. Arugula loves moisture, also top dressing, the introduction of nitrates. Seeds are sown to a soil depth of 11-12 cm, topped up with a small layer of earth - up to 1.5 cm. In a week, the first shoots can be expected. When the leaves reach a height of 7 cm, they can be cut and added to salads.

Celery prefers to grow in fertile, nutritious and moist soil in moderation. Planting seeds are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, soaked for a day in warm water, wrapped in a damp cloth and left for a while in a dark place. It is important to prevent them from drying out the fabric and spray it from time to time.

The hatched seeds are ready for planting. Lay seeds on a layer of soil at a distance of up to 6 cm from each other, sprinkle with a small layer of earth, put on a lighted warm place. Optimal temperature regime for celery - 25 g. Sufficiently overgrown plants will need to be thinned out, loosen the soil. The best varieties for home growing: delicacy, snowball, apple, mushroom.

Green juicy spinach leaves are rich in provitamin A, vitamins PP, B, C, vitamin B2, mineral salts, easily digestible iron, iodine in large quantities. With anemia, such a vitamin and mineral composition of spinach is simply irreplaceable. With its regular use, hemoglobin will increase, vision will improve, the work of the pancreas will improve, and blood vessels will strengthen. But children and people with high acidity should take spinach very carefully. It has a lot oxalic acid.

Such greens at home, like spinach, require good watering and long-term illumination. First, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 hours in warm water, then planted in containers to a depth of 1.5 cm. The optimum room temperature is -18-21 g. After a couple of weeks, the crops need to be fed with mineral fertilizers to form wide and lush bushes. After 1-1.5 months, fresh herbs are ready to eat. Varieties are livable on window sills: Virofle, Mazurka, oily Victoria, Melody.

Borago and marjoram

Contains vitamin C, carotene, smells like fresh cucumbers. Borago is sown with seeds to a depth of up to 1.5-2 cm in enough fertile soil. Do not place containers in drafts. The place should be warm, and the soil should be of high quality.

When creating such conditions, after 2 weeks it will be possible to admire the first shoots, and after 1.5 months, cut the first juicy leaves for salads, which, by the way, can replace cucumbers, if in winter time they won't be on your table.

Do not cut or discard the arrows that appear on the grass with purple flowers. They have a pleasant smell and taste of honey, they can be dried, added to pastries, desserts and even liquors, liqueurs. home production.

Marjoram is a spice unfamiliar to many, it is sold in bags as a dried seasoning to add to meat dishes, soups, appetizers, salads, pates. It is quite possible to grow it at home, in flower pots. Marjoram is included in recipes traditional medicine in the treatment of kidneys, liver, respiratory organs, helps with headache, toothache, a good sedative.

Marjoram - unpretentious plant, growing it at home is quite simple.

  • Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, on top - a layer of earth up to 15 cm, then - seeds with a depth of up to 2 cm, lightly sprinkled with earth on top.
  • After the soil can be watered, put on window sills with moderate lighting, but avoid drafts.
  • After a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear.
  • After another 15-20 days - the first harvest.

Plants require regular watering.

Lettuce and mustard

Salad is low-calorie, used in many diet menus to normalize blood pressure, prevent sclerosis.

Drainage is poured at the bottom of the boxes, on top - a layer of earth up to 13 cm in height, then - a small layer of nutrient mixture. You can sow the lettuce tightly, water well, cover with a film and put in a warm place. When seeds germinate, move the boxes to more lighted window sills. The first seedlings after the appearance of 1-2 sheets should be dived, seated. For the rapid growth of lettuce, the soil should be fertilized, fertilizers should be applied in the complex. Watering - 3-4 times a week for juiciness and freshness of the leaves. In about a month, the first crop will be ready for harvest.

Watercress with carotene, sulfur, potassium salts, vitamin C. Adding lettuce to the diet normalizes blood pressure and sleep. Lettuce is not picky about growing conditions. Grows in the shade, on window sills facing north. Soil up to 12 cm is poured into the container, seeds are planted with a depth of 1 cm, lightly fall asleep top layer earth.

For the appearance of fast entrances, you need to water abundantly. After 2-3 weeks, the succulent leaves will be ready to eat. Lettuce grows well when fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, in sufficiently moist soil, the drying of which is unacceptable. Overheating of the air or insufficient watering will lead to coarsening of the leaves, stretching of the stems, and the formation of inflorescences. This salad is no longer suitable for food. The pepper, curly, ordinary, broad-leaved variety winters well on the windowsill.

Leaf mustard grows well next to watercress. The seeds must first be soaked, after swelling, put on the prepared soil in boxes, sprinkle with a layer of up to 1.5 cm of earth on top, cover with a film to accelerate germination. Keep in a dark place until they appear. As soon as the first sprouts appear, you need to remove the film from the plants and expose them to the light. The first harvest is in 15-25 days.

Mustard does not need to maintain a high temperature and excessive light. The best place- cool, shaded, and watering - moderate.

Green onions: growing in boxes (video)

Parsley, dill, basil and onion

Thickened seedlings should be thinned out. Feed min. fertilizers can be after the first harvest of parsley and dill.

Dishes mediterranean cuisine can not do without fragrant basil. He loves light and warmth. In winter, it is worth taking care of additional lighting, as well as daily watering. You can plant seeds in flower pots. When the first shoots appear, apply complex fertilizers. To prolong the life of the plant, remove flower stalks during flowering.

What is easy to grow on a windowsill is feather onions.

A jar of distilled water is enough for him. Scald the onion with boiling water, place in a jar so that only the roots touch the water. Cut off periodically when green arrows appear. New arrows will climb again until the bulb is wrinkled, but the water must be changed regularly.

To grow green onions in containers, fill in a layer of earth up to 7-8 cm, plant the bulbs, sprinkle with soil. Expose the boxes to the light, preferably to the south windows. With a lack of lighting, taste and useful material onions will be lost.

For forcing on a feather, it is better to plant small bulbs up to 2 cm in diameter. Plant in the ground at a distance of 2 cm from each other in half the volume of the bulb.

Growing herbs on the windowsill is quick and easy. Stock up on the right seeds in the fall. Delicious, fresh and fragrant spices in winter will always come in handy.

How to grow dill at home in winter (video)

Gallery: greens at home (15 photos)

The spring garden at home is a million in one: eco-style praised by the Scandinavians, saving on vitamins and entertainment for the whole family. They checked what can be easily grown on the windowsill, and what will have to be very confused; where to get by with improvised means, and where it is better not to save; which plants should be grown from seeds, and which ones should be grown from leftovers not included in the salad.


You can grow fresh herbs at home without any special tools at all, planting seeds in packing trays from under vegetables and herbs, yogurt cups or containers from Doshik. However, for beauty and style, it is better to purchase special pots or boxes - wide, but not deep. It is convenient if they are equipped with special lids to create a greenhouse effect, although it can be achieved by simply covering the pot. plastic wrap or by packing it in a transparent bag from the nearest Magnit.

The same principle applies to tools - you can dig in the ground with improvised means, but why, if Fix Price asks only 50 rubles for a decent mini-shovel and rake? You will also need a spray gun or a watering can with a “rain” nozzle and a bottle for settling water - watering young greens with tap water is too cruel.

The most stylish pots and watering cans this spring were seen in, although their prices are not the most affordable (the Bittergurka watering can made of white eco-ceramics is 799 rubles, and this is already with a seasonal discount). Quite fashionable ones can also go broke on garden gadgets - hydroponic beds, aqua farms and mini-greenhouses - you can check the possibilities of technology, for example, at the link.

For soil it is better to go to the store. Dig up on the nearest lawn or grandmother's dacha is not an option, because the street land is full of not only weeds, but also insect larvae that have no place in the kitchen. It is ideal to buy special soil for homemade vegetables (30-50 rubles for a five-liter package), but if there is no such soil in the nearest store, the soil is also suitable for indoor plants. You can also spend money on drainage - expanded clay or special pebbles, or you can use crushed polystyrene foam or chopped corks from eight-March wine bottles.


Having stocked up with everything you need, we choose a place for a garden. Experts recommend a kitchen window sill - it is more humid and warm there than in rooms. However, before trusting expert opinion, decide on a list of plants: some (basil, oregano, spinach) really love light and warmth, while others (marjoram, watercress) need shade and coolness. These can be planted on a glazed loggia.

We plant each type of greenery in its own pot - not only because of differences in care and climate, but also because most plants cannot stand close proximity to others. If there is not enough space, but you want to plant a lot, it is better to use hanging planters or shelving.

We fill the bottom of the pots with drainage, and then lay out the soil. Its thickness depends on what we plant. Seeds can be soaked for several hours in a small amount of water - usually they are wrapped in cheesecloth and laid out in a saucer of water. The optimal moment for planting is when sprouts begin to hatch from the seeds.

Before planting, the soil is loosened, moistened, the seeds are planted to the desired depth, after which the soil is slightly tamped and watered again. Close with a lid or polyethylene until sprouts appear.

So that the plant does not grow crookedly, leaning towards the window, the “bed” must be rotated 180 degrees daily. An alternative for the lazy is to attach foil to the pot to reflect sunlight.

To use fertilizers or not, each gardener decides for himself. From effective and at the same time safe - ash, crushed banana peel, eggshell or yeast.

Starter level

Even a kindergartner can grow green onions, watercress or parsley on the windowsill. Planting watercress does not even require land: the seeds are placed in moistened cotton wool or paper towels. You can also do without a pot - a plate or a tray is enough. It is necessary to sow densely so that the plants support each other. Press the seeds into a damp substrate and place on a lighted windowsill. It is important to maintain humidity, but not flood. The salad does not like heat - the top temperature for it is 18 degrees. Harvest should be expected in 2-3 weeks. To renew seedlings, you can either plant new seeds every 3-4 days, or sow a new pallet every two weeks (this rule works for almost all plants that are grown from seeds).

Green onions can also be grown without land. The bulb is placed in a glass of water so that only the root part is in the water. Change the water daily to avoid rotting. You can also transplant into the ground - after the roots appear. It is not necessary to deepen the bulbs entirely, you can plant them tightly - one to one. Also - through the roots and water - grow celery. They take as a basis not the root (which would seem logical), but the stump from the leaf. After the roots appear in the water, it is transplanted into a pot and wait a couple of weeks until new leaves appear.

Mint is grown directly from twigs bought in a store: they are placed in water, and after the roots appear, they are planted in a flower pot. Only regular watering is important.

Parsley can be grown from both roots and seeds. For the first method, we are looking for greens in a pot in supermarkets, cut off the leaves, and place the root in moist soil. The first shoots should appear in a few days. To grow not one bush, but a whole garden, we buy seeds. We plant them in peat cups or directly into the ground. The first harvest will appear only in a month and a half, but it will be updated throughout the whole year. Parsley loves light and water, but it is picky about temperature - it grows equally well on the kitchen windowsill and on an unheated balcony.

It is difficult to spoil the bed with dill. Seeds can not even be soaked - immediately planted in moist soil. The main requirement is to provide frequent watering. best grade for growing at home - "Gribovsky".

Marjoram is also unpretentious - it survives on loggias even in winter and germinates well from seeds. It easily tolerates not only cold, but also a lack of light, but you still have to water it.

Level Explorer

Having dispersed "simple" plants, you can move on to more capricious ones. You don't have to do anything supernatural - just follow certain conditions.

Basil seeds are planted at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from each other, because otherwise the emerging bushes will be crowded, and the planters are placed in the warmest place in the kitchen, creating familiar conditions for the “Italian”. You can also grow it from cuttings by putting the twigs bought in the store into the water and subsequently transplanting them into the ground. Spinach and arugula seeds are not planted deep - otherwise there is a risk of not waiting for the harvest at all. These plants need both sun and abundant watering. For a long time - 3-4 weeks - oregano also sprouts. But here the abundance of water is only to the detriment: even a slight stagnation of liquid can lead to the death of the crop.

Leaf lettuce will be good only in moist air - in a dry and hot room, its leaves will become rough and bitter. Watering should be plentiful, but if poured, the roots will rot. But the plant tolerates the cold calmly - it will grow on a glazed balcony until late autumn. For home conditions, it is better to take the Lollo Rossa, Lollo Bionda, Red Credo, Odessa, Vitamin and New Year varieties. They can be grown from seeds, stalks or rhizomes left in pots from the supermarket.

Have you noticed that in winter you really want summer greenery or fresh cucumber from the garden, and even better fragrant tomato. We are so arranged that we want the impossible ... But who said that these dreams are impossible. Even in winter, you can grow many garden plants at home - start a real garden on the windowsill. Let's talk in more detail about what can be grown on the windowsill in winter.

What kind of greens and herbs can be grown on the windowsill in winter?

At the word greens, the first thoughts that come to mind are the cultivation of dill, parsley or lettuce. Growing them at home is pretty easy. For this you need:

I advise beginner gardeners to start with unpretentious cultivation: green onions, parsley, watercress. From herbs You can try rosemary and basil. They will not only come in handy as a seasoning, but will fill the apartment with their aroma!

Now let's look at it step by step

Seed preparation

Before planting, it is better to soak the seeds overnight in warm water, and then put them in pink potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.


Any suitable container can be used for sowing. From a box and a flower pot to a cake box. I like the last option. After sowing with a cake lid, it is convenient to immediately close the mini-garden and create greenhouse conditions there. I remove the lid only after the appearance of full shoots, and before that I need to ventilate every day. When planting in boxes, cover them with plain plastic bags.

Use store-bought soil or calcine garden greens to get rid of pests and weeds. Watering home garden need settled water. Tap water must not be used.

So that the plants do not stretch towards the window, you need to turn the containers with plants every day.

How to grow onions for greens at home

Onions on greens in a bottle

To do this, use the turnip early varieties. In later long term keeping quality and they will grow poorly.

This is the easiest crop to grow on a windowsill. Even children in kindergarten trying to grow onions on a feather. It is growing fast, useful, accessible.

It is better to use larger heads - they will provide you with vitamin greens longer.

The easiest way is to put the bulb in water - just make sure that the bulb touches the water only with the tip, otherwise it will rot.

You can plant onions in the ground - close to each other. And water regularly. If you make such a bed once every two weeks, then you will provide yourself with greenery for the whole winter.

You can expel onion greens in vertical containers. You can make them yourself. Cut holes in a plastic bottle with earth and insert into the holes of the bulb.

What vegetables can be grown on the windowsill in winter?

homemade tomatoes

A lot of vegetables grow well on the windowsill, if you create the right conditions for them.

You can even grow cucumbers and tomatoes.

Read in detail in the articles "" and "".

What conditions are needed for the growth of cucumbers and tomatoes on the windowsill?

  1. A lot of light - be sure to grow on the southern, southeastern windows.
  2. Use additional lighting, daylight hours should be more than 12 hours.
  3. Fertile soil, mandatory fertilizing with complex and organic fertilizers.
  4. Provide a suitable temperature for cucumbers - not lower than + 20 ° С
  5. The best results will be if you hide the young cucumbers under the cover of the film.
  6. Use only self-pollinating varieties.

small cucumbers at home

How to grow radishes at home

A few details in the article "". It is necessary to comply with the same lighting requirements as for all home crops. You also need to sow early varieties.

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Sometimes I want to go out on the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, pick up my own grown vegetables and herbs and stir up something stunning from them. And the balcony, by the way, looks much prettier if there are not old pieces of iron that are stored there, which it’s time to send to the landfill, but fragrant herbs and vegetables.

website chose a few interesting plants, which take root well on the windowsill or on the balcony.


On the windowsill you can grow a hot pepper for pizza diablo. It will require a warm, bright place and varieties suitable for home cultivation: Carmen, Flint, Spark, Ryabinushka, Bride, Indian Summer, etc.

The bushes are very pretty and do not require large pots. Up to 50 fruits can be tied on one plant. Optimum temperature- 25-27 degrees of heat.


For growing carrots at home, it is better to take mini-varieties such as "Parmex", "Sophie", "Granddaughter". They grow in 80-90 days and do not require much space - a pot or container will suit them just fine. You can also take a funny round grade"Round Baby".

The soil for carrots should be light and well drained. Vegetables can be grown in pruned plastic bottles. The optimum temperature is within 13-24 degrees Celsius.


Mint is a non-capricious and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or balcony, even in winter, if you arrange additional lighting. It can be grown from cuttings and seeds. If it is possible to dig a stalk in the country at home or with friends, it is better to use this method. Mint grown from seeds is not as actively accepted, and it will take longer to wait for the harvest.

It is important to remember that the plant loves well-moistened soil. And, when choosing a place for it, keep in mind that the lighting should be good, but direct sunlight is best avoided. The optimum temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees with a plus sign.

green onion

To grow green onions at home, special dexterity is not required. But still, it is worth considering some nuances: the bulb that you will plant should be round, dense to the touch and without traces of rot, the root cup should be well formed.

Immediately after planting, it is worth putting the onion in a cool dark place to better form root system, and only then the pen will need a lot of light. The optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees, you should not overheat, because then the growth of greenery will stop.


Any variety of basil grows well in flower pots and boxes. He better highlight sunny place, water well, keep warm and provide good drainage. For planting, you can use both cuttings and seeds. At the same time, the cuttings will quickly give the first crop, but will not last long, as they will quickly bloom. Harvest from seeds will have to wait longer, but such a bush will last longer.

The optimum temperature for basil is 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, lighting is required for about 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.


To grow cucumbers on the windowsill or on the balcony, you should take a closer look at hybrid varieties, which are marked with the F1 icon. If all conditions are created for the plant, it can produce 3-4 dozen fruits. Here you will have to tinker a little with seedlings, but after transplanting into boxes, you will only need to water and trim the antennae.

Planted plants in containers with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is important to remember that cucumbers are large watermelons and the earth must always be moist. The optimum temperature is 21-24 degrees Celsius.


As home tomatoes are usually chosen dwarf varieties: "Minibel", "Florida Petite", "Balcony Miracle", etc. You will have to take the most illuminated place in the apartment to this miracle. It will be necessary to start with seedlings, then plant them in containers, tie them up, feed them and protect them from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops, but pride in the work done and horticultural talent is attached to the harvest.

It is important to remember that tomatoes, like all plants, love water, but they are easy to pour. Therefore, watering should be done carefully. The optimum temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.


Sorrel, in addition to its wonderful taste, is distinguished by the fact that it calmly tolerates shaded places. It can be grown from the rhizomes of 2-4-year-old plants with buds or from seeds of varieties such as Maykopsky, Altaisky, Odessa broad-leaved.

It can grow at both 5 and 20 degrees Celsius and even withstands slight frosts. So you can keep it on the balcony until the last, and if the balcony keeps heat well, then do not clean it for the winter. The leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.


Ginger not only delicious seasoning, but also beautiful plant. If planted at home, sprouts can grow up to a meter in height. Plant pieces of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with live buds. If the root is dry, you can hold it in warm water for several hours to wake up the kidneys.

Plant the root should not be very deep, and until the first shoots appear, water should be very moderate. Keep ginger in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Strawberries are afraid of the cold, so it should be taken out to the balcony only when the weather is warm. The optimum temperature is 18-24 degrees Celsius. It is important to remember that since there are no insects at home, you will have to pollinate the flowers yourself with a brush.


Thyme is a wonderful herb. It is very fragrant, tasty and extremely unpretentious. In nature, thyme grows in dry areas with poor soil. Therefore, it is not easy to ruin it at home. The most important thing he loves is light. It is not afraid of direct sunlight, and it can be placed even where other plants will die. The only difficulty is watering: in the sun, the soil in a small volume of the pot dries quickly, and thyme itself does not like waterlogging.

It also makes no sense to overdo it with fertilizers - thyme will not appreciate this. It can be grown from both cuttings and seeds.

What goodies do you grow at home?
