Snow globe with your own hands. Master class with step by step photo

What should dads do with their children while moms carefully cut salads for the New Year? Let them make a magic glass ball with them! After all, Santa Claus with gifts is already on his way, and you still have time to prepare a wonderful surprise for him. Moreover, making a snow globe at home is not at all difficult.

To create a ball of snow you will need:

Base - it can be a small glass jar with a tightly screwed lid;

A small piece of styrofoam;

Decorations, figurines, figurines of the New Year theme or the symbol of the coming year (Yellow Dog). It is advisable to treat metal jewelry with an anti-corrosion agent, and if you want to put a photo inside, it must first be laminated;

Glycerin solution;

Distilled water;

Artificial snow, sparkles, stars. You can make "snow" with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to clean the eggshell from the film and grind it. You can also use finely chopped rain;

Oil paint-enamel white (optional);

Epoxy adhesive (waterproof, transparent), silicone sealant.

When you find all the necessary components, you can start creating a glass ball with snow inside.

Snow globe making process:

1. We make a platform for the figure from foam plastic, glue it to the lid. We paint white. Leave until completely dry.

2. Lubricate the platform with a thin layer of glue and generously sprinkle with sparkles. Carefully shake off those that are not stuck.

3. We compose a composition of figures so that it fits on the platform. Then glue them on and let dry.

4. After the epoxy glue is completely dry, pour distilled water and glycerin into the jar (glycerin should be slightly less than half of the entire jar liquid). If you add a little more glycerin, the snowflakes will fall more slowly.

5. Add sparkles, stars and artificial snow.

6. Coat the thread of the lid with glue and close the jar tightly. Let the glue dry.

7. We process the joint with a sealant so that water does not leak out.

Your snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the magical spectacle.

Such a toy can become a decoration of your interior or an unusual gift for guests and loved ones.

To complete the composition, decorate the resulting snow globe around the edge of the lid with decorative braid or ribbon. A small New Year's souvenir is ready!

According to the Internet.

Instructions for making a snow globe.

By the New Year holidays, many strive to make the best gifts for their loved ones. If you don't have a lot of money, but have enough free time at your disposal, you can make Christmas balls with snow. Such products will complement the interior and will always remind you of you, as well as cheer up the owner of the ball. At the same time, it is quite simple to make such products.

How to make a snow globe yourself from a jar of glycerin and without glycerin, with water: instructions, design ideas, photos

In order to make a ball, you will need an empty jar, preferably a beautiful one with a screw cap, some New Year's tinsel, body glitter, and some kind of figurine. It can be a kinder surprise figurine or a small souvenir ceramic figurine, which is purchased in a souvenir shop.


  • In order to make such a ball, you need to paint the screw cap with some kind of gold or silver paint.
  • The inner surface also needs to be painted. Next, apply a little glue to the figurine and attach it to the lid. After the figurine is securely attached to the lid, you need to fill the jar with glycerin one third and add water.
  • This means that it must be distilled or purified. You can also use boiled, chilled water. Pour water almost to the top, then grind the tinsel and pour it together with the sparkles into a jar of water and glycerin.
  • Lubricate the neck of the jar with glue. Screw the cap on tightly. If you wish, you can decorate it with polymer clay modeling. In the same way, you can make figures that you can lay out inside the jar.

You can make such a pretty ball without the use of glycerin, although you can buy it in a pharmacy for just a few rubles. Instead of glycerin, refined sunflower oil can be used. It is desirable that the oil be refined and almost without a yellow tint. Thus, you will achieve a perfectly beautiful, clean overflow of sparkles. Oil should also be about 2 times less than water.

snow globe from a jar of glycerine

glycerine jar snow globe glycerin jar snow globe

How to buy a blank for a snow globe on Aliexpress: links to the catalog

Of course, it can be very difficult to find a suitable jar at home. The most ideal option would be jars of baby food or canned food. In such jars, baby puree is sold. They are small in size and rather interesting in shape. There are round jars with a flat bottom, they look very organic and pretty. Please note that art kits can be purchased at AliExpress. Selling the most various banks , as well as artificial snow, glitter and small figures to create snow globes.

snow globe from a jar of glycerine

snow globe from a jar of glycerine

How to make a New Year's glass transparent ball with snow and a photo: ideas, photos

An excellent memorable gift will be a New Year's ball with snow with a photo. This will take a little effort. The ideal option would be all series of photos on one strip. It is necessary that the length of the photo be slightly less than the circumference of the can.


  • You need to roll the photo into a tube and glue it with a thin strip of tape to make a cylinder or tube.
  • After that, you need to laminate or tape the surface of the photo. This will prevent it from soaking in the water.
  • Next, apply a little glue to the ribs and glue to the lid. It also needs to be painted first. Start gluing the photo.
  • After that, pour glycerin into a jar, add sparkles and chopped tinsel to the water. Apply glue to the neck and screw the jar tightly. Let the glue dry. You can admire your creation.

glass transparent ball with snow and photo

How to make a New Year's glass transparent ball with snow, sparkles and figurines: ideas, photos

You can make any pretty ball. To do this, you will need all the same tools and items. This is glycerin, jewelry, and figurines. Most often, such figures are purchased in souvenir shops. You can also use small figures from kinder surprises. Ornaments that you can make yourself from polymer clay are also suitable. Keep in mind that you need to paint such products not with acrylic paint, but with some kind of oil.

Since under the influence of glycerin, the paint can dissolve and then your liquid will be colored. If desired, you can paint the liquid in some color. To do this, use some kind of food coloring. If you want to make blue, then blue is suitable for you, for pink, use a few drops of fucorcin. If you want to make green water, add a drop of greenery.

Such balls look very unusual if a New Year's landscape with Christmas trees and snowmen is used. Similar products are complemented with tinsel, body glitter or small rhinestones. You can also use styrofoam crushed on a grater as snow.

Christmas glass transparent ball with snow

Christmas glass transparent ball with snow

The best do-it-yourself snow globes: photo

Below are the most interesting options for balls with snow. As you can see, making Christmas balls with snow is quite simple. You will need half an hour of your time, cute figurines and a beautiful jar. If you do not have them in stock, you can purchase everything you need in needlework stores or on AliExpress. Such products are very popular. If desired, they can be supplemented with sprigs of dry grass or flowers.

VIDEO: Balls with snow

It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, and at the same time, almost all of its components can be found at home.

DIY snow globe | Components

  • Jar with screw cap. Ideally, the lid should seal tightly. If you take a jar and a lid from ready-made canned food, do not count on tightness. I took a jar of compote, so I had to reinforce and glue the threads to prevent leakage.
  • Decorations. Christmas decorations are well suited for this role. Houses and Christmas trees look especially good with snow from above. I didn’t take this moment into account right away, so I had to take a lot of shots so that Grandfather Frost’s face would not hide in the snow.
  • Glue. Glue is needed to stick the decoration to the lid. Many praise the glue gun, but I didn’t want to buy it specifically for the snow globe. I used a tube of super glue.
  • Snow simulation. It can be artificial snow, glitter, or even shredded white plastic dishes. I bought the usual silver sequins, but in the process I realized that they did not match the color scheme of our ball. Artificial snow in a small town is not so easy to find, so I had to limit myself to homemade “snow” from plastic toy packaging.

Homemade artificial snow
  • Glycerol. It is needed so that the "snow" falls slowly. It does this by increasing the viscosity of the water. The amount of glycerin depends on the type of "snow" chosen. Large "snowflakes" will require more glycerin. I have a 400 ml jar. it took 4 bottles of glycerin 25 gr. With the proportions of water and glycerin 1: 1, snowflakes will float in the water almost without sinking to the bottom.
  • Water. If you decide to make a ball for long-term storage or as a gift, then you will need distilled water and some kind of disinfectant for jewelry. There is no guarantee that the jewelry is sterile and their microbes will not cloud the water. For a ball that is not going to be stored for a long time, any clean, clear water will do. I used tap water. The first time I was not lucky, there was a whitish precipitate in the jar, which spoiled the appearance. For the second time, I used pre-settled water.
  • Rubber medical gloves. They are needed if you are not sure about the tightness of the lid. Gloves are convenient to use as a sealant for threads.

DIY snow globe | Assembly algorithm

At this stage, the ball is ready, and the next portion of the New Year's mood has been received.

Magic is always present in our lives, you just need to believe in it. Take at least a New Year's snow globe filled with liquid, shaking which you can watch for some time how snowflakes are dancing merrily inside it, isn't it magic?! But did you know that you can make such a ball yourself, from a simple jar with a screw cap. So, the topic of today's article is: "How to make a snow globe with your own hands."

The first snow globe was presented in 1889 at the Paris Exhibition, it was small in size, about the size of a palm, and a miniature copy of the Eiffel Tower was installed inside it. The ball was filled with water, and the role of snowflakes was played by crumbled porcelain and sifted sand.

How to make a snow globe at home.

To recreate this magical item, you need to prepare:

  1. A jar with a screw cap, it is better to choose a small container (ideally, it is better to use a rounded vessel, but it is also quite possible to use a regular elongated jar);
  2. A plastic figurine or even a few tiny plastic figurines;
  3. Glue gun or waterproof glue;
  4. Artificial snow and several shades of glitter (you can use glitter for nails);
  5. Glycerin (sold in pharmacies, it is inexpensive);
  6. Pure, filtered water.

Master class: how to make a snow globe.

We remove the lid from the jar, on the inside of it with a glue gun we glue a pre-selected figure. To make the composition inside the jar look spectacular, you can use many different small items: houses, Christmas trees, benches, shrubs, etc. This item, in fact, will largely depend on your imagination. In this example, the figurine of Queen Elsa from the Frozen cartoon was used.

Pour water into a clean jar, add glycerin here (you can even pour the entire bottle). The more glycerin you add, the smoother the snowflakes and sparkles will swirl.

Here we pour the prepared sparkles into the jar, do not pour too much, everything should be in moderation, first add half a teaspoon of each shade of prepared sparkles to the water, then you can add more if you think that this is not enough. Instead of sparkles, artificial snow can be poured into the water.

Close the jar with a lid with a glued figurine, and so that water does not leak during operation, we recommend that you pre-treat the inside of the lid with glue.

The snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the snowfall raging inside it.

DIY snow globes, photo.

Below are various variations of self-made snow globes, pay attention to all kinds of spectacular compositions inside them, perhaps you will like some and you will try to make a similar snow globe.

How to make a snow globe with your own hands:

Today we showed you how to make a snow globe, the process of its creation is absolutely not complicated, and the result is very impressive. The snowflakes dancing inside it soothe, plunging into bright thoughts and dreams. In addition, children should like such a ball, try to make it together with your child, he will definitely be delighted. Moreover, the whole process of creating such a ball can be completely entrusted to the child, he will cope, you just have to watch from the side how your child deftly copes with the task.

Last year, we bought a shower gel for our daughter, on the bottle of which a sweetheart posed. I don’t want to repeat myself, besides, the very idea of ​​​​man-made winter attracts, so I collected information from the Web and today I share it with readers. I planned to call the article “New Year's ball with snow”, but I came to the conclusion that it is difficult to make it at home - for lack of transparent balls. But cylindrical glass jars are in every kitchen, and it is them that craftswomen use to create home-made winter-themed decorations.

Figures are glued to the lid, dried, then “snow” is poured into a clean jar and filled to the top with “winter air”. It remains to connect the two parts of the product and conduct a test: whether snow is falling, whether the contents are leaking.

What plot to choose for crafts?

In tall jars, slender fir trees look spectacular, next to which children and animals walk, in low jars you can put one object each: a snowman, Santa Claus, the animal symbol of the year, a resident of the North; tree, winter house, etc. Beautiful and touching Christmas compositions with angels, Christ's mangers. Sometimes it is appropriate to use a background cut out of a postcard. In order for the craft to acquire a finished design, it is worth decorating the base cover: paint, fabric, self-adhesive film, bright adhesive tape, bow, varnish.

What materials are needed for snow in a bank?

  • A jar with a tight screw cap.
  • Small toys that are not afraid of moisture. Ideal - penguins, bears and princesses from a chocolate kinder egg.
  • Glue "Supermoment" for fixing toys on the lid.
  • Artificial snow or glitter, crushed rain, Styrofoam balls, rubbed white paraffin candle.
  • Transparent liquid filler. Filtered water, a mixture of water and glycerin, pure glycerin from a pharmacy will do. The higher the density, the slower the snowflakes fall down - so interesting.

What I wouldn't do

Photos with children's heads in jars give away dismemberment, so I don't like this experiment. I don’t insert pictures so as not to offend the authors of crafts - but they are easy to find on the Internet. But the figure of a child in full growth against the background of a Christmas tree and under the snow looks very cute. They write that the photo must first be laminated or generously pasted over with adhesive tape, but I'm not sure of absolute tightness, so I won't risk it.

A transparent ball with snow can be a good competitive craft for kindergarten or for the New Year. Small children should study such a toy with their parents, because the jar is not only fragile and dangerous, but also quite heavy.

How to make a beautiful Christmas ball on a stand, you will learn from a very good video.
