How to choose a good steamer. How to choose the right steamer (expert advice, video Test purchase)


This figure can vary from 400 to 2000 watts. It affects the speed and volume of cooking. Do not forget that the lower the power, the slower the cooking, which means that it is unlikely that you will be able to save a lot of money.

Number of baskets

When purchasing a steamer, be sure to pay attention to this parameter. Preferably, the cooking containers should be independent. The more of them, the more dishes you can cook at the same time. At the same time, the quality of cooking in a 4-container steamer is lower than, for example, in a two-container one, since such a simple device is simply not able to accurately calculate the different heating of the zones. The material of execution does not play a big role if it is of high quality. Stainless steel and plastic have both pros and cons.

Which brand steamer is better?

Now most companies have their branches in China, where they produce Appliances. So the brand in most cases is just a memory of the old glory days of European high-quality production. Therefore, when purchasing, it is better to focus not on a beautiful inscription on the case, but on customer reviews. Happy shopping!

If you decide to purchase a double boiler for the convenience of cooking, then the question arises of choosing a model, because the variety of double boilers can lead any buyer into long reflections. In order to decide which model of a double boiler should be preferred, we offer to understand with us the intricacies of choosing this kitchen device.

The main types of steamers

The very first model of a double boiler is a lid with many holes known to our grandmothers, which, when installed on a pot filled with boiling water, created the effect of a water bath. It is still available for sale today, however, more modern and user-friendly models are more likely to attract your attention.

Depending on the control method, a steamer for the home can have both mechanical and automatic or electronic control. We will study their differences, pros and cons during operation.

Steamers with mechanical control

This is the most simple model double boilers. It does not require special skills for its work - it is only necessary to be able to control the rotary power levers and the time counter. Quite practical and inexpensive models, such double boilers are in great demand and allow you to cook healthy and tasty meals without special trouble.

A variety of colors, several levels for placing products on them depending on the number of family members - all this makes mechanically controlled steamers convenient, and the cost of their purchase is minimal.

Electronic control panel

Choosing an electronically controlled steamer is already more difficult. After all, such models have a higher cost, you will have to manage them at the acquaintance stage with the help of the attached instructions, but there are many more cooking options.

The main thing when working with such a double boiler is to prepare those products that are necessary for preparing the selected dish, and the double boiler itself will be able to calculate the cooking time and the necessary strength of the steam jet, and at the end of the time it will give a signal that the dish is ready.

Features of the steamer device: attention to detail

To choose the right steamer, you should understand which parts carry the load during its operation and take this into account in the process of choosing a model.

The electric steamer has three main parts - the base element, the water tank, the steam basket and the condensate tray.

The basic element of the steamer

The function of the base element is to heat the collected water and turn it into steam. Its power determines the speed at which dishes will be cooked. The standard power rating is 1000 watts.

Storage tank

It is in the tank that water is collected, which is then used to turn it into steam. It is located slightly above the base of the double boiler. The depth of the tank indicates the need to pour more water into it.

steamer tray

After the transition of water from a liquid to a vapor state, it returns back to the liquid phase. A tray is used to collect the resulting condensate. In different models, there can be either one or several pallets, which are located under each basket.

steam basket

With the help of this part, the products that are cooked in it are placed in the double boiler. If there are several such baskets, it becomes possible to cook several dishes at the same time.

Functional features of the steamer

Among all the functions of steamers, the most popular are the possibility of topping up. required amount water, protection against possible overheating, the ability to reheat food, delayed start time and accelerated cooking in a double boiler.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Topping up water in the tank

IN modern models steamers, this function allows you to add water directly during the preparation of the product. This is convenient, because in most models of double boilers, when water is completely evaporated from the tank, the operation of the unit is completely stopped, and after replenishing with water, the double boiler must be re-configured.

Protection against possible overheating

With especially long cooking, the body of the appliance is significantly heated, which is dangerous from the point of view of household safety. The possibility of fire and the inconvenience of use make such a function as protection against overheating of the case convenient and useful.

Heating food

If the moment of the end of cooking was missed and the dish became cold, it is the possibility of heating prepared food make hot food available again. In this case, it is possible not only to reheat the cooled dish, but also to maintain the temperature for a long time.

Delay start option

If you need to cook food at a predetermined time, this function will come to the rescue. It is difficult to overestimate its convenience, since it allows you to get ready-made food on time.

Fast Cooking

Raising the temperature level by using the maximum power of the unit will significantly reduce the cooking time of your favorite dishes.

What is it for you to choose?

Having decided to buy and choose the right steamer, you should take into account all the properties and useful functions listed in our article that will be most relevant. If you are alone, then a double boiler with one or two tiers will be enough for cooking. If the family consists of 3-4 people, then a model with the ability to cook more food at the same time will already be required.

In order to get better acquainted with the range and models of steamers offered, you should also find out which models and why are considered the most popular today.

The most commonly bought models of steamers

The steamer from the manufacturer Bork, model F700, according to consumer reviews, is considered one of the most popular and in demand.

The advantages of the model include its aesthetic appearance– nickel-plated surfaces look advantageous in any interior, and the possibility of using a huge number of functions and electronic control will make cooking possible a large number various dishes. This steamer model will be a godsend for big family, because it has as many as three baskets, the total amount of food that can be cooked in it at a time is 8 liters.

The presence of additional functions (the possibility of adding water during cooking, delayed start, warming up previously prepared dishes, the possibility of accelerated cooking) makes the use of this steamer model especially pleasant.

The disadvantages include its rather high cost and significant dimensions.

A good steamer from Tefal, model VS 4003 is also one of the top three sellers among steamers.

The ability to monitor the cooking process, the convenient and aesthetic shape of the steamer, as well as additional functions and electronic control make it especially comfortable to use. Compact shape, classic design and color performance This model allows you to organically fit it into any kitchen interior. The amount of food you can cook allows you to cook meals for family members of three to four people.

Additional functions of the steamer make its use the most simple and comfortable. This is the possibility of adding water during the operation of the steamer, sound signal at the end of cooking, the ability to set the start time of cooking.

The cost of such a model is already more democratic and affordable.

Steamer Kenwood FS 620, being the most voluminous, allows you to cook a large number of dishes at the same time. Its acquisition will be justified in a family of a large number of people.

However, the appearance of the double boiler has somewhat worsened here, and the significant dimensions are not always convenient in a small kitchen.

In addition, there is no possibility of a delayed start. The cost of such a model of a double boiler is democratic, which allows anyone to purchase it.

Having decided on your needs and weighed your own capabilities, you can make the right choice based on the information from our article, and the steamer will become a real helper in the kitchen.

Happy shopping!

In contact with

On the modern kitchen there are many techniques that make life much easier for housewives. An example of such a technique is a steamer. It is very popular among fans of healthy eating.

There are different types of double boilers, so sometimes it can be too difficult to understand which one is worth buying in the end. This article will help you understand all the differences between them and the intricacies of choosing a steamer.

What is it: device and principle of operation

If you have never encountered such a technique, then you, first of all, should figure out what it is. A steamer is a convenient electric appliance that allows you to process food with hot steam. This method of cooking is much more useful, because it allows you to save all the important trace elements in the products. The result is a healthier and more nutritious food.

If you look at its description, you can understand that the technique consists of several components. The main base stores all the heating elements. When you turn on the steamer, it begins to heat the liquid poured into a container specially available for this purpose. You can pour water in there and when it warms up, steam will begin to be released. It is he who is used to process products.

On the same part is the control panel, which allows you to select different modes and simply turn the steamer on and off. Depending on how modern and multifunctional your steamer is, the number of modes varies.

Above are steam baskets. They should be made of durable material, but not too heavy so that the pallet does not sag under pressure. Their number varies, depending on which unit you have. Food containers can be from one to three. This is very convenient, as you can put one basket on top of another, preparing several dishes at once. Since a power of 2000 watts is not uncommon for steamers, baskets are made of durable plastic, stainless steel or special glass so that they do not emit any harmful substances under the influence of high temperature.

At the bottom of the baskets, no matter how many there are, there should be special holes. They allow steam to pass through and allow you to get tasty and nutritious food.

Also, each steamer should have a tray. It collects all excess liquid. After all, when processing products with steam, condensate is released. As a rule, in double boilers it is only one for all baskets. But there are also more expensive models in which their number is equal to the number of baskets. This option is more convenient, but also costs, respectively, more expensive.

Now that we have dealt with the basic technical issues, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this kitchen appliance.

First of all, such a double boiler, of course, will please those who take care of their health. At home, with the help of this technique, you can cook delicious and complex dishes without any effort. And steam cooking instead of frying makes any food healthier, which has been confirmed by more than one study.

Another useful feature of a double boiler is that you can use it to defrost food and reheat food. And moms will be pleased with the fact that you can also sterilize children's dishes in it. Hot steam treatment instantly kills all bacteria, which is very convenient.

Another undeniable dignity is that when you buy a double boiler with several massive baskets, you can cook several dishes at a time. This is convenient for large families and those who often host guests. This technique will make your life easier and save you a lot of time.

The temperature of the steam in the lower basket will always be higher, so if you put something that takes longer to cook there and something that will be ready faster on top, you will get your food almost at the same time. So, you can put meat in the lower container, and vegetables in the upper one, and get a delicious and hearty dinner for the whole family, cooked at the same time.

The steamer is very easy to use, because nothing burns in it, even for those who are not very good at cooking. The fact is that when the time that is needed to prepare a certain dish expires, the device automatically turns off, or goes into the keep warm mode. This means that even if you are distracted by extraneous matters, your dish will still not burn.

In addition, under the influence of steam, food always turns out juicy and very tasty. So, if your dishes often turn out to be dryish, then a double boiler will definitely save you.

This technique is also very easy to clean. To do this, just open the steamer and rinse the grate and containers with warm water with detergent. After washing, the parts of the steamer must be thoroughly dried, and only then close it. Thus, you will extend the life of your equipment by several months, or even years.

Another useful action of a double boiler that you should pay attention to is the function of delayed cooking or heating food. With a simple double boiler, you can put food to cook in slow motion from the very morning. And it will be ready just in time for you to come home. The maximum time for which you can postpone the process of complete cooking is twelve hours.

You can also cook food right away and put it on a timer. So she will immediately cook, but will not cool down by the time you return home. This is a very handy feature. She will save both busy women and those who cook for the whole family. If you dine and dine in different time, then this feature will be very useful for you.

Such double boilers and students have chosen. It is always forbidden to keep in hostels electric stoves, but a double boiler will allow you to make delicious food without the risk of starting a fire or being evicted. In this case, it is not necessary to buy a multi-level model. One basket will be enough for you to cook delicious food for yourself.

As is clear from the description, a high-quality double boiler is a very multifunctional unit. It can be used in any home. Its characteristics make the steamer suitable for both young girls and experienced housewives. The main thing here is to choose the right technique.

About what are good induction steamers with a mechanical or electronic control system, and will be discussed further.

Varieties: advantages and disadvantages

Among the many varieties of steamers are different types aggregates. The main thing in which they differ is power and control features. Just these characteristics are recommended to pay attention to when buying.

In most steamers, power is a parameter that can be adjusted. But remember when buying that it should not be lower than 650 watts. In this case, the food will cook too slowly.

The size of the baskets also affects the speed of cooking. In a large container, food will cook much longer. Even if you do not fill the container completely with products. But too compact baskets, or containers made of low-quality material - this is not the best way for a steamer.

Another important point is that the steamer should have the simplest possible control system. It can be mechanical or electronic. Professional steamers are always supplemented with an electronic control system. This is what allows you to use such convenient functions as delayed cooking. On such equipment there is a display that shows which mode is selected and how much time is left until the end of cooking.

Another option is a unit with a mechanical control system. Such steamers are easier to manage. When cooking, you just need to press a few buttons, turning on the steamer and setting the cooking time. And she herself will do everything for you.

There are also steamers with additional features. If you need a smokehouse, convection oven or food processor, then a double boiler may well be a replacement for all the units listed above. The main thing is to choose a technique with the modes you need. After all, a folding double boiler with a chopper, no matter how versatile it may be, will not be needed in any kitchen.

Another convenient option for a pressure cooker is a folding travel model. A mini steamer is the thing that will save you when traveling to another city or relaxing. A good compact steamer taken on the road will save you from having to spend a lot of money on food in public places.

Important point when choosing - the number of baskets in the steamer. As already mentioned, they are single-tier, two-tier and three-tier. The most convenient option is a technique that has 3 tiers at once, and each of them is supplemented with a pallet. This allows you to cook several dishes at once without mixing their tastes and smells.

Indeed, if in a three-level double boiler there is no separate tray for each tier, then the food from the bottom will be saturated with condensate or broth. And an insert in the form of a tray in which all the liquid collects will easily prevent this.

A multi-level steamer at first glance seems too cumbersome. But, considering how many functions it performs at once, this is quite justified. By installing such a multifunctional thing in your kitchen, you can get rid of the frying pan, microwave and even air grill. So, despite the fact that the tiered steamer is quite large, you should not refuse it for this reason alone.

But if you have too little space in the kitchen, and you are just starting to be interested in proper nutrition, then you can buy a two-level steamer. This is a kind of golden mean. It does not look too bulky, and allows you to cook a little more than the usual single-level model.

Material and accessories

As well as the number of baskets, the material from which they are made also plays an important role. Most often in double boilers, the containers are transparent. This is both aesthetically attractive and very convenient, because you will constantly see what is happening inside your steamer and control these processes.

Such baskets can be made of glass or plastic. But these materials are far from the most durable. In addition, they eventually lose their attractiveness, and mechanical damage may not survive at all. Both glass and plastic can easily crack under pressure from the top container.

A more durable option is a stainless steel steamer. It is more durable than glass. In addition, a metal basket retains its visual appeal longer than a glass product.

By the way, the shape of the baskets also plays an important role. They can be square or round, but that's not what matters here. Much more important is whether they are all the same size. If one of the baskets is smaller and the other is larger, then you will not be able to swap them. And this very often saves when products are cooked at different speeds.

In addition, such dishes can have a different volume. For a large family, a 12-liter container is suitable, but for those who live alone, you can choose a smaller steamer with a basket the size of a small deep plate.

But not only bowls should be durable and resistant to damage, but also the mesh through which the steam passes. The sieve must be of high quality so that the food does not taste like cheap plastic.

This technique is very often supplemented with additional attachments and all sorts of functions. The most popular functions are slow cooking and warming up.

A less useful feature is the water indicator. It allows you to determine how much liquid is in the tank. But you still add water before each cooking process, so this detail is not particularly important.

Some models are also equipped with a special hole that allows you to add water to the tank directly during cooking. So, if you notice that the liquid evaporates, and the food is not ready at all, then this problem can be completely solved. When you are not using it, an inconspicuous flap can hide it.

New models: reviews

Technological progress does not stand still, and manufacturers are constantly releasing more and more modern and multifunctional steamers. It is difficult to decide which of the new models is the best. It is even more difficult to understand whether another new feature. Customer reviews help facilitate the process of finding the perfect technique.

To date, among experienced housewives and fans proper nutrition steam products from five leading brands are popular. If you want to find good appliances, we recommend looking at technical innovations from the brands Braun, Moulinex, Philips, Tefal and Scarlett.

Let's take a look at them so you can compare and see what works best for you.

Let's start with Tefal. This brand has been delighting its fans lately quality steamers who know a little more than their predecessors. Among them, it is worth highlighting options with the ability to maintain heat, delayed start of cooking and quick heating of food with hot steam.

Everyone knows that steamed food is different in its palatability and beneficial properties from traditional food. Eating steam dishes is advised to all people who care about their health. Such food is especially relevant for children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who are concerned about diseases. gastrointestinal tract. We will tell you how to choose a steamer in which you can cook many delicious and healthy dishes.

Steamer - a device necessary for cooking quality food

Why buy a steamer

Previously, steam dishes were prepared only for those people who simply needed it for health reasons, while other lucky people who did not have stomach problems preferred to cook food in the traditional way - boil, fry, bake. For some reason, steamed foods were considered tasteless, and many people even sympathized with the "unfortunate" who had to eat only steam food. Now most housewives have appreciated the double boiler, and the appliance has taken pride of place in many kitchens. And not only because, the cult of a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle has firmly penetrated our consciousness. A double boiler, preserving vitamins and microelements in products, cooks them quickly, and, most importantly, independently. And this unties the hands of the hostesses and gives them free time, which they can spend at their discretion. So, a young mother, instead of spending several hours in the kitchen, loads fish, rice and vegetables into three baskets of a double boiler, and goes for a walk with her child. Upon their return, they will have a delicious and healthy lunch or dinner.

The principle of operation of the steamer

In short, food in a double boiler is cooked in a water bath. At the base of the device there is a special container for water. After turning on the steamer a heating element brings water to a boil quickly. Steam is generated, which is fed into the bowls located below. Steam cooks food.

Uniform and fast cooking products occurs due to the fact that hot steam envelops the products from all sides. Another advantage of a double boiler is that it allows you to cook without the use of fats. This is very important for people who are trying to limit their fat intake.

How to choose the perfect steamer

The mechanical steamer is very light and easy to operate.

If you decide to purchase a double boiler, you should decide on the characteristics that this device must meet so that it is convenient for you to use it.

Whichever steamer you choose, remember that only soft water should be poured into the appliance. If you use tap water, it is advisable to pass it through a filter. Hard water contains dissolved calcium and magnesium salts, which, when water boils, turn into steam and settle on the walls of the double boiler during condensation. The body of the device is covered limescale which needs to be deleted periodically. This is best done by pouring a solution into a double boiler. table vinegar and putting the device into operation.

Expensive models of double boilers have a reminder function to clean the walls of the appliance. There are models in which the electronic display displays information about the number of cooking cycles before the next cleaning of the appliance. There are also models on sale that automatically dry the walls of the steamer after each cooking cycle.

Device control type

Electronically controlled steamers are usually presented in medium and high price categories

Most often, steamers have a mechanical type of control. They are easily recognizable by the characteristic round handle on the front. To set the operating time of the steamer, just turn this knob.

Electromechanical is the simplest type of control, which has one advantage over electronic. To turn on the steamer, one turn of the handle is enough. Electronic steamers are equipped with a keypad, which has a small display that displays the selected modes. It will take longer to understand the principle of operation of such a double boiler, but on the other hand, here you can more accurately set the cooking time. Housewives who have already managed to use both types of steamers are advised to choose mechanical appliances. First, they are cheaper. Secondly, they break less often. Third, the cooking time can be adjusted manually.

The electromechanical type of control is used in models of double boilers of the middle and low price range. These are Moulinex, Braun, Tefal, Atlanta, Binatone, Richards, Saturn, Viconte devices.

There are models of the middle and high price range with electronic control. Their price depends on the quality of the material from which the body and bowls are made, as well as on the number of additional functions. Some models of Siemens, Electrolux, Tefal, Scarlett, Vitek, AEG, De Dietrich, Gaggenau, Imperial, Kenwood, Kuppersbusch, Neff, Unit steamers are equipped with electronic control.

Appliance power

The cooking time in the double boiler depends on this parameter. The more bowls in your chosen double boiler, the more power should be. Usually the power of the device is from 400 to 1800 watts. For a steamer with three baskets of 3-4 liters, a power of 900-1200 watts is enough. If you decide to buy a simple double boiler with one bowl, 400-500 watts of power is enough for its operation.

Number and shape of steam baskets

An inexpensive one-bowl steamer is quite suitable for a small family with an average income

Most often, steamers have two or three baskets, but there are models with one bowl. In models with two or three bowls, you can cook several dishes at the same time. If you have a large family, it is better to choose a steamer with three steam baskets. Be sure to check if there is a special bowl for rice.

Pay attention to the shape of the steam baskets. Most models of steamers have baskets with different bottom diameters, which is very convenient for storing the device (it takes up less space, since the baskets are inserted one into the other). But baskets with different bottom diameters can be inconvenient during operation, since it will not be possible to swap baskets during cooking if it turns out that the dish is almost ready at the bottom of the steamer, and only half ready at the top.

Bowls for cooking in the boil are made of transparent heat-resistant plastic. You can follow the cooking process.

Small bowls are very convenient for washing in dishwasher. They are very convenient to store, which is important if you have small kitchen with a minimum number of cabinets. Large bowls are needed for cooking large foods (fish or whole chicken, and oval bowls are better for these products than round ones).

Bowls can have a collapsible or non-collapsible bottom. If the bottom is removable, you can assemble one large bowl from two small bowls. The bottom can be made of stainless steel or have a non-stick coating. The latter greatly facilitates washing the steamer and allows you to stew food in own juice or marinade.

Tefal, Bosch, Kenwood, Morphy Richards, Viconte, Unit, Binatone steamers are equipped with collapsible bowls. At the same time, Tefal and Bosch steamers have a bottom with a non-stick coating.

Number of pallets

When choosing a steamer, be sure to find out how many trays are in the steamer model you have chosen. This is very important, because if there is one tray in the double boiler (which is typical for most models), then steam condensate and juice from all products that are cooked in different bowls of the appliance drain into it. Consequently, the lower products will be saturated with the juice of the upper ones. Sometimes this is very good, and sometimes not - depending on what dishes are being cooked at the same time in your steamer.

It is better if the pallet is deep. In this case, you do not have to turn off the steamer to pour out the accumulated liquid. A 1.5 cm high tray is quite roomy, but it is better that the height is from 2 to 2.5 cm. Choosing a steamer with a deep tray, you will be sure that it will not have time to overflow during the preparation of most dishes. Usually dishes in a double boiler are cooked for no longer than 60 minutes.

It is highly desirable that the pallet be with handles. This is especially true for not very deep trays - during the preparation of the dish they will be filled almost to the brim, therefore, pouring out water, it is easy to get burned.

Water indicator and refill option

If there is not enough water in the Kenwood mechanical steamer, you can add it without turning off the device

Some models of steamers are equipped with an external water level indicator. This is very convenient, because you can always check whether there is enough water in the appliance to produce steam. After all, it is with the help of hot steam that dishes are prepared. The ability to add water during cooking is very important if you are using several tiers or steaming meat or fish. There may not be enough water in the sump to operate the appliance for a long time.

Water is added through a special funnel or through the hollow handles of the cooking basket. The possibility of adding water is not provided only in the cheapest models of double boilers (Braun, Unit). Most devices have this feature. These are Tefal, Kenwood, Moulinex, Atlanta, Binatone, Saturn, Scarlett, Morphy Richards, Viconte, Vitek, Unit steamers.

In expensive models, a sound signal warns of the need to add water to the steamer. There are also built-in steamers in which all processes are automated, including monitoring the water level and topping it up. At the right time, purified water flows from the water supply, and the condensate is safely discharged into the sewer.

Additional instrument functions

The TEFAL steamer with non-stick coating in all respects confirms the high reputation of its creators

In addition to the water level indicator and the possibility of topping it up during cooking, many models of steamers have the following additional functions:

  • shutdown in the absence of water in the steamer is a very important function, thanks to which the device is protected from overheating. Your comfort and safety while using the steamer depends on it;
  • delayed start - the ability to set the time after which the steamer will start its work. A very useful feature if you need to cook food at a specific time. In combination with the function of keeping the dish warm, the delayed start gives the hostess great opportunities;
  • keeping food warm (Keep warm). This mode allows you not to turn off the steamer after the end of cooking. It can keep the dish warm for up to 12 hours. It is very convenient: you have gone for a walk, and by the time you return, a warm lunch will be waiting for you, even if you are late;
  • « fast steam» is a function that allows you to speed up the cooking process as much as possible. Steam is formed very quickly - depending on the model of the steamer, in 30-40 seconds. Manufacturers claim that more vitamins are preserved in this way. And the creators of the Vitamin + steamer, Tefal specialists, claim that when this function is turned on, food is cooked twice as fast;
  • function "recipes" or "automatic cooking". Available only in double boilers with electronic control type. The manufacturer has stored several standard cooking recipes in the memory of the device. This is very convenient for those who do not know how to cook. It is enough to indicate the mass and the product, and the steamer will independently choose desired program;
  • steamer operating status indicator. This function is available in all models, except for the cheapest steamers of unknown Chinese manufacturers. It is clear that it is not recommended to buy such: it is not known what quality the plastic is, in what condition electric wires;
  • the indicator of time which is necessary for preparation of a dish and the digital display showing temperature of heating. The function is only in electronic double boilers;
  • sound alarm about the beginning and end of the cooking process.

The steamer built into the hob is convenient and practical

Different models of steamers are equipped in different ways. So, in addition to the obligatory bowls for cooking, the delivery sets usually include:

  • container for garnish, grill or stand for boiling eggs (steamers Tefal, Moulinex, Binatone, Unit, Saturn, Scarlett, Vigor, Vitek);
  • a special bowl for cooking rice (steamers Moulinex, Tefal, Kenwood, Atlanta, Binatone, Braun, Saturn, Scarlett, Viconte, Vitek, Unit);
  • a special grate for cooking whole bulk products (Tefal steamer);
  • trays for collecting drops of condensate (Tefal, Kenwood, Saturn, Unit, Braun, Vitek);
  • a container for bulk and liquid products and trays for collecting juice or fat that flow out of the products during the cooking process (Vigor steamer);
  • stand for steaming products that color other products (Braun steamer);
  • a probe that controls the temperature of the food during cooking (available separately from service center);
  • a cookbook with recipes and recommendations for cooking in this double boiler (books are included with many double boilers, but the Tefal appliance has the most voluminous one).

Other Benefits of Steamers

In many modern kitchen sets it is possible to install a built-in steamer

In addition to the fact that the steamer is able to cook several dishes at the same time, saving beneficial features food, it can reheat a cold dish, pastry or bread.

Thanks to the steamer, cold meat dishes you can bring back the taste of freshly cooked. Cutlets and meat rolls will be juicy and very tasty.

In a double boiler, you can not only cook food, but also defrost it. Thawed food retains moisture (unlike defrosting in microwave oven where meat or fish dry up in some places).

You can quickly cook in a steamer yeast dough for pies by creating optimal conditions for his rise. You can also blanch vegetables, sterilize jars for home canning and dishes for baby food.

Choosing a steamer by price

Steamers of the same brand can be made in different variations, have different prices and different consumer indicators. Moreover, the prices for double boilers can differ several times.

Appliances whose price is up to 1000 rubles are considered low-price steamers. They are suitable for cooking simple diet meals for a couple. In an average-priced double boiler (2-3 thousand rubles), you can cook meat and fish dishes, side dishes (cereals, pasta, scrambled eggs). They tend to have fairly large cooking containers, so you can cook a whole chicken or large fish in them.

Steamers of a high price range (3000 rubles and more) are double boilers and multicookers in which you can not only steam, but also stew, bake. Expensive double boilers can cook up to three dishes at the same time. But remember: the more dishes you cook, the more time it will take.

Expensive double boilers choose the temperature and cooking time according to the parameters that the user specifies: the actual product and its weight.

The price of this device depends on its brand and design. Dimensions, power and equipment affect the price to a lesser extent. On the Russian market models of desktop steamers are presented, the price of which is from 1000 to 6000 rubles. Models Moulinex, Kenwood, Scarlett, Unit can be purchased at a price of up to 1.5 thousand rubles. Steamers Bork, Panasonic, Tefal, Braun, Kenwood, Morphy Richards cost from 2 to 6 thousand rubles. Built-in steamers are much more expensive.


A steamer is a reliable assistant in the kitchen of supporters of healthy eating and delicious food

Boiled and fried food is devoid of vitamins and minerals, but this is not its main drawback. It can be hazardous to health, because, according to studies, long-term heat treatment products (especially for frying) leads to the formation of carcinogens - substances that have an extremely Negative influence on human health (according to some reports, they cause cancer).

If you have never used a steamer before, be sure to try it. There is no doubt that you will be satisfied. After all, using this device is extremely easy: pour some water, put food, turn on the timer - and that's it, you are free. Go about your business until the signal calls you to the kitchen when everything is ready. There is no need to stir and turn the food, and you can only watch the preparation out of idle curiosity. And in a double boiler, you can defrost food and prepare them for canning.

The purchase of a steamer is often thought of mainly by adherents of a healthy lifestyle and people who are forced to adhere to a diet. However, with the help of this device, you can cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes and people who are not fond of healthy eating. However, the steamer has many detractors and skeptical critics who claim that steamed food - be it thrice healthy - is devoid of taste.

We will refrain from commenting on the taste preferences of opponents of double boilers. In the insipid taste of dishes, so fiercely condemned by them, as a rule, it is not the appliance that is to blame, but the cook. Steam cooking is just a way of processing food, and a steamer is just a tool in the hands of a person that must be learned to operate. Without knowledge of the subtleties in using a double boiler, delicious dish don't cook.

Before you start choosing a steamer, you need to decide on your desires. How many tiers should the steamer contain, what power should it have, should it have additional functions, what type of control is preferable for you, what do you want to cook in the steamer.Power

We note right away that the power of the steamer heater is not the main parameter of the device, although it affects the speed of cooking food. The fact is that the time it takes to cook food also depends on the design features and volume of the steam baskets. The power rating of steamers designed for cooking at home varies from 400 to 5100 watts. The most powerful steamers are the most dimensional. However, when purchasing such a double boiler, you need to make sure that the state of the electrical network in the house allows you to withstand such loads. Most steamers have one power level - about 1 kW, but there are steamers with 2 levels - 650W and 2000W.


The steamer consists of a body into which water is poured, a heating element and steam baskets for products, the number of which can vary from 1 to 3. The volume of one steam basket ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 liters, the volume of the rice bowl - from 07 to 2 liters. The rice basket is not perforated, it has a volume of 0.7 to 1 liter, is inserted into the main bowl with a perforated bottom and is intended for boiling rice, buckwheat, beans and other cereals. The water, which is filled with the contents of the bowl, is heated by steam.

Users are often surprised by the difference in the volume of steamers - from 0.4 to 38 liters. However, the increase in volume comes from the total volume of 2 or 3 perforated steam food baskets. In most cases, the capacity of the steamer does not exceed 10 liters.

Steamer baskets are round and oval, transparent and opaque. For many models, they differ in volume and, accordingly, have a different bottom diameter. Therefore, they can be inserted one into the other, which is convenient for storage. Some steamers have the same baskets so that you can swap them around if necessary. Thus, the user can move the undercooked dish to the lower level, where the steam temperature is higher, and thereby speed up the cooking process.

Large oval baskets with removable stainless steel bottoms and non-stick coating, for example, are good for cooking poultry. If the bird is too large and does not fit into one basket, then you can increase the volume of the basket by removing the bottom from one of them and docking one with the other. Thanks to the non-stick coating, the dish does not burn, which allows you to stew food in its own juice. By the way, these baskets are easier to care for.

Many users are more sympathetic to steamers with transparent baskets, sincerely believing that the cooking process will be visible in them. In fact, the walls of the device fog up so much that it becomes impossible to see something inside, therefore, in terms of functionality, such baskets are no different from opaque ones. Some steamers are also equipped with recessed egg baskets that are heated by steam during cooking, and the special design of the grates allows you to place them most conveniently.

Principle of operation
The user loads the products into the steam baskets, pours water into the tray with a volume of 0.45 to 6 liters, sets the required mode, and the heating element brings the water to a boil. The steam formed during boiling rises and through the holes in the bottom of the bowl begins to act on the products. The “exhausted” steam condenses on the walls of the steamer and flows into the drip tray.

During operation, the liquid evaporates and the steamer automatically turns off if the heating element is not in the water. In order for the steamer to continue working, you need to add water. On some models, all steam baskets must be removed to do this, but there are models equipped with a special hole through which you can add water without removing the bowls, even when the steamer is running.

In fact, you can do without such a hole. If you add water up to the external water level indicator before each use of the steamer, you will not have to do this during the cooking process. If the water has already evaporated, then before adding a new portion, it will be necessary to empty the tray, which by this time will be full, so the user will still have to turn off the steamer for a while and remove the baskets.

When buying a steamer, you need to pay special attention to the height of the tray. If it is too small, during the cooking process, the accumulated condensate will have to be drained several times. If this is not done, the tray will overflow and its contents will fall onto the heating element. A capacious tray should have a height of 1.5 cm to 2-2.5 cm. In this case, you can be sure that during the time required to cook most dishes (up to 1 hour), it will not have time to overflow. It is desirable that the pan be with handles, since it is easy to get burned when draining the hot broth. If the pan is shallow, then the handles are all the more important as it will fill to the brim.

Most double boilers have only one pan, into which food juices and condensate drain. If several dishes are cooked in a double boiler at the same time, then the bottom dishes are saturated with juice and the smell of those on top. Some users don't like this as flavor combinations may be undesirable. However, in some cases, this happens, by the way. For example, rice cooked in meat broth is a delicious dish.

There are models with a separate tray for each bowl. In addition to the fact that this design prevents the mixing of odors, it has another undeniable advantage. The user can use the contents of different trays to prepare different sauces, such as vegetable, mushroom and meat broths.

Control type

Modern steamers have 2 types of controls:



The operating time of the device with a mechanical type of control is set using a round timer switch. To set the desired time, you just need to turn the knob to the appropriate number of divisions. It is believed that this type of control is more convenient because of its simplicity.

Steamers with electronic control type have a keypad and a display that shows the process of the device. Such devices are equipped big amount functions. So they have a delay start function (up to 12 hours), the steamer will start cooking on its own and turn itself off at the right time. This is convenient if you want to prepare a dish by the specified time without personal participation. In addition, such double boilers have the function of keeping the dish warm. It is believed that such steamers are more complex and require more time for the user to figure out how to operate them. So, if you do not need additional features, buy a double boiler with a mechanical type of control.

Both types of control panels can have the following elements:

Operating status indicator;

indicator of the time required for cooking the dish;

Digital display showing heating temperature;

Alarm in the absence or insufficient amount of water in the double boiler;

Sound and light signaling of the beginning and end of the cooking process.

Built-in steamers

The main disadvantage of a freestanding steamer is that it needs to be stored somewhere. Devices built into countertops and cabinets do not have such problems. Steamers for built-in kitchen furniture differ from conventional devices in design, size and price. Often such steamers are built into countertops next to glass-ceramic hob. In this case, only the lids of the round or oval steam baskets and the control panel are visible. A steamer built into furniture is similar to a built-in oven. With this type of embedding, the door for access to the steamer is made transparent.

Water in the built-in steamer comes from a special vessel fixed on the front wall of the body, which must be filled before cooking. Expensive models are connected to the water supply and sewerage. Built-in steamers have at least 2 cooking programs: steam and defrost and quick-frozen cooking. More expensive double boilers have 5 automatic operating modes and up to 140 cooking recipes.

Steamers, like many kitchen appliances, have an auto-cook function, which includes the presence of several simple functions and found in models with electronic control. It is enough to set the type of dish being prepared and its weight, and the steamer will automatically select the time required for cooking. This feature makes the use of the steamer more comfortable. The number of automatic cooking recipes stored in the memory of the steamer can be from 2 to 75. Advanced steamers are also equipped with a quick steam function (30-35 seconds), which also reduces the cooking time.


Typically, the delivery set of the steamer contains the following items:

Special bowls of small capacity for rice, buckwheat, beans and other cereals;

Containers for preparing side dishes; grills or stands for boiling eggs;

Lattices for preparation of volumetric products entirely;

stands for steaming stained products;

Tanks for liquid and bulk products;

Trays for collecting dripping drops of condensate;

Trays for collecting excess juices and fat from products during cooking;

Probe to control the temperature of the product during cooking;

Cookbook with diet options for every day of the week.

Despite the fame of a device for exclusively "diet" and people passionate about a healthy lifestyle, the steamer is a device with great culinary potential, which is also worth trying out for people who are seriously passionate about cooking. We hope that this article will help you in choosing a steamer.
