What is marketing in simple words: types and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan.

Marketing is a whole philosophy, which easily fits both the idea that marketing is the holy of holies of the economy, and the categorical statement of Artemy Lebedev - "Marketing does not exist." And if you hear in this the echo of the famous “God is dead”, Friedrich Nietzsche, then it is not surprising that every third book on the topic is referred to as the “Marketing Bible”, and some companies believe that all their problems are miraculously resolved after the “divine” intervention of a marketing specialist. marketing.

The term "marketing" itself comes from the English market and means "market" or "bazaar", and in a modern, broader sense - market activity. The formation of marketing as a science took place (and is still taking place) in parallel with the stormy search for practice, so that as a result we have a lot of research on the topic, an abundance of very diverse literature, market research departments as a "comme il faut" for every more or less large firm and the absolute impossibility to briefly characterize what marketing is and what types of marketing exist.

The main types of marketing and their characteristics

Most researchers, however, agree that marketing is the process of planning, implementing, promoting and implementing ideas, goods, services in order to meet consumer demand and maximize profits. Alas, in domestic realities, this theoretical abundance turns into either non-professionals in the positions of marketers, recruited according to the principle: “good girl, let her advertise in the newspaper,” or mental throwing of professionals suffering from the blinkered leadership, for which Kotler’s postulates are the ceiling.

In fact, there is more than where to turn around. The main types of marketing are related to the state of the market for a product or service and are intuitively understandable even to the unenlightened majority. For example, mass marketing involves targeting the widest possible range of consumers without taking into account the differences between them.

A specific market segment (sports goods, wedding services) is managed by concentrated (targeted) marketing. Differentiated marketing will help those who seek to capture the most part of the market by offering several varieties of goods.

Developing marketing forms the demand for goods or services, stimulating marketing is “located” quite close to it, although it manages services / goods that are generally ignored by consumers.

Conversion marketing changes the negative attitude of the buyer towards the product (by improving the product, reducing the price of it, etc.), remarketing "revives" demand in a certain period of extinction of the life cycle of goods or services. In conditions of fluctuating demand (for example, when we are talking about seasonal goods or services), synchromarketing is used.

If the situation is almost ideal, and the level and structure of demand for a product / service are fully consistent with the offer, supportive marketing comes into play. And demarketing is designed to reduce the demand for your product (if demand exceeds supply, but it is impossible to increase the volume). Counter marketing is used to reduce demand that is irrational from the point of view of society or the consumer (for example, alcohol, tobacco).

Considering the nuances, it is impossible not to mention the most relevant recent phenomena:

Geomarketing - analysis of spatial data for product marketing, market research and management. While developing new territories, businessmen are in dire need of information, but in Russia there is a real problem of geodata - so far, information about local infrastructure, the competitive environment and other things is available mainly only through big cities with over a million inhabitants.

Territory marketing - deals with the creation, maintenance or change of opinions, intentions and behavior of subjects-consumers of territories. In the West, it has long become a part of the economy and politics, in Russia it is only being formed, and therefore it is great that many regions are now seriously concerned about the issue of “selling their homeland” (of course, in a good sense of the word).

Co-marketing or joint marketing is a joint management of the creation and sale of services and goods, a single complex process with common goals and objectives. In a practical sense, co-marketing is a relationship between two or more companies that jointly sell goods on the market. A very rational way out in a permanent economic crisis.

Coolhunting (from the English cool - cool, cool and hunting - hunting) is the area of ​​activity of marketers whose task is to study new trends and predict trends. Coolhunters focus on fashion, especially streetwear, music, cinema, television, gadgets, games, social networks and subcultures.

Idea marketing is associated with the promotion of general social ideas to the masses, such as the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, environmental protection, and so on. Social marketing is close to the marketing of ideas, with the only difference being that at present this term refers to the simultaneous promotion of the brand and social values ​​(family, sports, and so on).

Personal marketing - marketing aimed at changing or maintaining a specific position or behavior of certain individuals. Experts call it one of the most difficult types of special marketing and in the modern period of formation " civil society» exclusively in demand by candidates for elective office.

As it is easy to guess, from people marketing to hidden marketing, the purpose of which is not direct advertising, but the promotion of a product / service in an unobtrusive form, when the consumer does not have to guess that he has become the object of advertising influence. Rumor marketing (other names Buzz marketing or Word-of-mouth marketing) is most common in this sector. By the way, with the development of the Internet (speaking of the World Wide Web, we should also mention about internet marketing, to which a detailed article was devoted to on our website) the area of ​​rumors has successfully migrated and feels great on forums and social networks.

Time marketing is a technology for managing the client's time in order to increase the efficiency of promoting and selling goods and services.

Trying to choose any one type of marketing is not worth it, since all of the above and moreover perfectly fit into the marketing mix - a set of marketing tools, manipulating which specialists achieve their goals and satisfy the needs of the company.

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In many ways, the marketing policy of any company depends on the state of demand in the market. Potential buyers may have different attitudes towards the brand itself and its products. In one case, it is necessary to dispel prejudices and change negative attitudes, and in the other, on the contrary, to reduce the demand for "scarce" goods. However, developmental marketing is the most interesting in this regard. What is it and in what cases is it used? Let's try to figure it out.

general characteristics

"Developmental marketing is associated with what demand?" - this question is often found in the examination tasks of economic universities. The correct answer to it is with emerging and / or hidden. In simple terms, this means that consumers have a need for a particular product or service when the product itself is not yet on the market.

Let's take an example. In 1983, one of the first operating systems with a graphical interface - Apple Lisa Office System 1. Until that moment, all OSes were exclusively text-based - in order to perform any action, you had to enter the appropriate command. Despite the fact that there was nothing similar to the "windows" familiar to us in those years, people needed them, that is, the demand for such systems arose much earlier than the first prototypes of graphic systems. It is not surprising that as a result, such developments have brought their creators billions.

Thus, the goal of developmental marketing is to turn potential (hidden) demand into real, identify the unmet need of the consumer and create an offer that can satisfy it. In this case, we are talking about the creation of a completely new product, which until that moment did not exist on the market.

Main tasks

Developmental marketing is based on dissatisfaction with existing products and services. It is focused on solving those problems and tasks that life puts forward for an individual consumer or some branch of the economy.

Based on this, we can conclude that developmental marketing includes two main tasks:

  1. Market analysis, identification and definition of hidden needs of buyers.
  2. Creation of new products/services capable of satisfying them.

In addition, it is necessary to develop an appropriate set of promotion and advertising (marketing mix) that will inform potential buyers about the product and encourage them to make a purchase.

What influences demand formation?

Considering the features of developmental marketing, it is important to understand exactly how the demand for various goods and services is formed. This process is influenced by many factors:

  • economic (income of the population, price level, level of development of production of goods);
  • demographic (population, ratio between rural and urban population, age and sex structure, migration);
  • social (professional composition of the population, level of education, level of development of science);
  • natural and climatic factors, living conditions, traditions;
  • political situation, unforeseen emergencies, etc.

An important nuance: unlike other types of marketing, developing does not involve artificial actions to create demand, but offers to work with needs that have formed "by themselves".

Identification of hidden needs

In many textbooks and trainings on sales, almost half the time is devoted to this topic. It is believed that the ability to identify the hidden needs of the client is the key to success. If we talk about developmental marketing, then the situation is the same. The only difference is that in this case we need to determine the needs not of an individual, but of the market as a whole.

From what to build on in this case? All needs can be divided into 2 large groups: functional and emotional (which, in turn, include psychological and social).

Functional Needs

Functional or basic - these are needs associated with the desire of the buyer to improve his physiological condition. This may include the desire to satisfy the feeling of hunger, get rid of pain, or, say, quickly get from point "A" to point "B".

In most cases, functional needs are closely related to emotional needs. When buying a product of a certain class, a person seeks to create a certain image, seeks an opportunity for self-expression, wants to receive recognition and admiration from others.

emotional needs

Identify internal and external emotional needs. Internal are associated with personal fears and experiences of the consumer - the desire to be confident in tomorrow, fear of purchasing low quality goods, the desire to look attractive. External needs (they are also called social) are associated with a person's desire to belong to a certain social group, to create a certain image ( successful businessman, caring mother, etc.).

It should be emphasized that there is an unmanifested, latent demand in almost all industries. So, which smoker would not like to see cigarettes released that are not harmful to health? However, it is important for businesses not only to discover unmet needs, but also to understand which of them can bring real commercial value.

Methods for determining potential demand

Developing marketing is based primarily on a deep market analysis and competent forecasting. An entrepreneur who managed to discover a hidden need in time and figure out how to satisfy it will be "on horseback".

An important step in planning activities is the assessment of potential demand. For this, various methods and tools are used:

  • Testing. The release of a limited trial batch is the best way to find out if the audience really needs a given product, what percentage of potential customers are ready to buy it "here and now".
  • Conducting surveys. After analyzing the reviews, you can find out what consumers lack in existing analogues, how, in their opinion, the product should look and what functions it should have.
  • Comprehensive market analysis. It is extremely important to have an idea of ​​the competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as understand the general trends of the selected market.

The more information a company gathers about the industry and its potential customers, the higher its chances of success.

Marketing is a holistic concept management activities a firm that is characterized by a single entity, general principles and functions and is aimed at orienting production and marketing to the needs of end users.

However, depending on the emphasis in the marketing activity itself, as well as depending on the scope and object of application of the marketing concept of management, there are various types of marketing.

Dependence on the structure of the marketing concept.

Managerial Marketing assumes the primacy of the marketing concept in the management of the company and the promotion of the marketing service to the level of top managers, for example, it is headed by the vice president of the company, who coordinates all its work.

behavioral marketing the main emphasis is on the study of consumer psychology, the motivation of consumer behavior. This type of marketing is especially important for large, advanced firms that are able to carry out serious marketing activities in terms of both quality and quantity in the market in the form of product, target, marketing and communication policies. Integrated Marketing
pays special attention to the coordination and linking of all components of marketing measures to influence the market, namely: commodity, pricing, marketing and communication policies and the balance of their participation in solving the global strategic tasks of the company.

innovative marketing overcomes such a disadvantage of conventional marketing as the limited development of new products based on qualitative leaps in the development of science and technology. Innovative marketing comes from scientific and technical developments based on fundamental and applied scientific research, the results of which are further “sifted through a sieve” of market preferences and requirements and then introduced into production and offered to end consumers.

Direct Marketing It is characterized by a direct way of selling goods and services and involves the organization of marketing activities in the form of personal sales through sales agents - traveling salesmen, as well as in the form of catalog sales and TV marketing, when the manufacturer and seller of the relevant products come into direct contact with the end consumer.

Strategic Marketing defines as the most important function of the development of global strategies and strategic planning. It also strengthens the active side of marketing, which contributes to the creation and formation of demand and supply of consumers in accordance with the long-term goals of the company and the subordination of all production and marketing activities of the company to these goals.

Ecological, or "green" type of marketing is designed to solve market and production and sales tasks in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection.

Social, or socio-ethical, marketing is aimed not only at satisfying the needs of end consumers, but also at the optimal solution of economic and social problems facing the whole society, observance of its long-term interests.

Types of marketing by coverage areas.

Internal Marketing associated with the sale of goods and services within one country and is limited by its national borders.

Export marketing associated with the complication of functions and tasks in the field of marketing activities of the company, as it involves additional research into new foreign markets, the creation of foreign sales services and networks, etc.

Import marketing recognized by some economists, others have already denied it, since it is not related to the technology of promoting goods on the market, organizing successful sales and effective marketing. In my opinion, import marketing has a right to exist, as it involves a special form of market research to ensure high-performance procurement.

Foreign trade marketing defines as its object the export and import types of marketing activities in relation to the objects of foreign trade.

Foreign scientific and technical marketing concerns the specifics of sales and purchasing results scientific and technical activities– patents and licenses, which largely changes the nature of marketing work, and is associated with the preparation of licensed and patent materials for sale, with the tasks of studying the areas of patent law of the respective countries, etc.

Foreign direct investment marketing includes issues of studying the conditions of foreign investment activities, a deeper and more comprehensive analysis of the possibilities of the new enterprise and its sales activity, as well as the specifics of organizing sales in the foreign market by a company that expresses the interests of the parent company, but operates according to the laws foreign country where she is.

Foreign economic marketing considers as features not only forms of foreign trade, but also foreign economic cooperation (scientific and technical, industrial, etc.).

International Marketing involves a new stage in the development of marketing, in particular its implementation in relation to the marketing of products by national enterprises (or controlled national companies) registered abroad, in third countries, or foreign companies in your own country.

Multinational Marketing differs in the specifics of production and marketing tasks and is inherent mainly in transnational companies, covering market territories a large number countries.

Global Marketing is associated with the marketing activities of the largest firms and transnational corporations on a global, global scale and includes strategies for the development and formation of world markets, regardless of national borders and territories, according to standardized marketing programs.

Types of marketing depending on demand.

conversion- transforming negative, negative demand into positive;

creative- creating demand, if there is no demand on the market for this product in a given period of time;

stimulating– increasing demand when it is at a low level;

remarketing- revitalizing demand, if it decreases;

synchromarketing- stabilizing fluctuating demand;

supportive- ensuring the preservation of optimal demand;

demarketing- lowering excessively high demand;

counteracting- eliminating the demand for goods that are inhumane, antisocial in nature.

Types of marketing, are different, but all of them have the main goal of increasing the profitability and profitability of the enterprise. Below I bring to your attention the top 50 types of marketing, for any business environment. For convenience, I combined them by common features into separate groups. Hyperlinked definitions are clickable and described in more detail, with goals, objectives, and extended examples.

- the concept is applicable in the absence or very low demand for certain reasons. In this case, the manufacturer applies all sorts of measures to increase demand or change the negative attitude of consumers towards the product. An example of this is the automotive segment, where fuel-polluting cars are being replaced by electric cars, which in the near future can seriously compete with traditional cars, due to the increasing environmental responsibility of people and concern for environment. Thus, manufacturers of gasoline and diesel cars already today need to think about the development and implementation of biofuels, which will become an alternative to gasoline and help curb demand for their products.

Stimulating- used when there is no demand for a product or service. In this case, the analysis and identification of the needs of the end user is carried out in order to determine what qualities can satisfy them and convey this information to the user.

Developing- this type implies the manufacturer's response to a latent or only formed demand. This strategy works best when the manufacturer constantly analyzes the changing needs of the audience and, based on this data, modifies and develops its offer, thereby forming a trend for the user.

- a concept that applies to online advertising. The bottom line is that the user is shown an advertisement of what he was interested in but did not buy, for a number of reasons. Within a short period of time, he will be shown an advertisement for this offer on other sites that he will visit, regardless of the subject or direction. Thus, the advertiser unobtrusively reminds of his offer and helps to decide on the choice of goods. This type of advertising does not annoy the user, as it corresponds to his interests.

– measures aimed at containing fluctuations in demand that may arise due to seasonality or under the influence of other factors. This may be the expansion of the product line under certain demand conditions, the search for new market segments or the retention of demand by reducing the price of goods or conducting promotional activities.

– is used in conditions of full satisfaction of millet for products in order to maintain a leading position. Basically, the complex of events is aimed at studying the dynamics of changes in consumer preferences and analyzing the activities of competitors in order to respond in time to fluctuations or changes.

Demarketing- a set of measures, organizations or companies aimed at reducing demand. Such a need may arise in the event of a situational or seasonal surge in demand, which leads to an overload of production capacities that cannot meet the demand for in full. Such demand arises under the influence of temporary factors and the increase in production capacity is unprofitable, and in such conditions demarketing is used, which restrains, controls or redirects demand.

Reactive- used to reduce demand for a manufacturer's offer, which may harm the public. This may be a set of measures promoting healthy lifestyle life and illuminating possible harm from use or abuse. This type of marketing is often used in government or social programs. In rare cases, this approach may be used by competitors.

Global- a type of strategy when the organization's marketing goals cover the whole world, as a single sales market. Such actions are applicable only for large brands, organizations with already established leading positions in the world's largest markets. Such "titans" develop a unified global communication, pricing and advertising strategy, for global market, which is applicable anywhere in the world without the need for regional or cultural adaptation. In other words, the mission and purpose of the campaign is clear and resonates in any country.

Export– promotion and sales, in international markets, taking into account territorial, cultural, national, religious, linguistic and other differences that can and should influence the choice of a marketing strategy and its adaptation to local markets.

Geomarketing is a study and analysis of the geo-position of points of sale. Such actions and data help in making decisions on strengthening distribution in certain countries or regions, provide answers to the potential opportunities of points of sale, identify the causes of possible difficulties, as well as the climatic and cultural characteristics of the region of interest. Without geomarketing research, there is a high risk of unforeseen situations when entering new sales markets, which can negatively affect the desired result.

Territorial- a market approach to promotion, which is applied in relation to a certain territory (country, city, district ...). Actions aimed at creating a certain image of the territory, which will create the necessary value as a product among the audience and influence demand.

Territory Marketing- a strategy aimed at protecting territorial interests and obtaining the maximum benefit from geographical location. This concept can be considered in terms of countries or regions. The country in this case will act as a product that needs to determine its competitive advantages, present them in a favorable light and develop a promotion strategy.

The following types of marketing are distinguished by areas of application:

Idea Marketing is a process aimed at creating mainly social ideas or social norms. This type activity can solve certain global tasks or create rules of behavior or life. An example of this is the idea of ​​sorting waste into organic and inorganic, as the problem of environmental pollution and recycling of plastic waste has become acute.

Personal– promotion of the person (as a brand) or the first person of the campaign, which the user must associate with the product or service. These are actions aimed at creating a certain image and image of the first person. This type of marketing, like the classical model, involves studying the needs of the audience and creating an image in accordance with them.

Political— the use of standard marketing approaches to compete in the field of politics. The main focus is on identifying and analyzing socio-political sentiments in society and finding the right approach to interaction and influence.

Green– actions aimed at creating an environmentally friendly product, with care for nature in order to minimize negative impact production on the environment. This approach is applicable to both large and small producers. The first can focus on their social responsibility to the client for the conservation of nature, and the second - on the maximum benefit of everything organic for health.

Ecological— meeting the demand and needs of users, with minimal negative impact on the environment at all stages of production and consumption. Thus, the manufacturer creates an image of an eco-brand that cares about the environment and is aware of global problems nature and climate.

social ethical- forced measures by the manufacturer to improve the quality of its product, in order to maintain a leading position in the market or maintain a certain segment. In the context of mass consumption, the focus is on quality and impact on the consumer. If the product provides negative impact on the end user, under pressure from the public, the manufacturer is forced to improve quality and choose a strategy of social responsibility, otherwise this may lead to a loss of share or a complete exit from the market.

Social— a set of actions aimed at building the image of a socially responsible brand. Most often, this approach is used by large campaigns that have a leading position in the market and a loyal audience to strengthen the emotional connection with consumers and indicate that the campaign empathizes with important social problems and contributes to their solution in every possible way, or emphasizes the core values ​​that are worth cherish.

According to the market coverage strategy:

Differentiated is the creation of a separate solution for each market segment. This strategy is applicable for the purpose of promoting a brand, not a single product. This approach is considered more correct, since a unique adapted solution is displayed for each market segment that meets the demand and specific needs of the audience.

Mass- production of a commodity of mass use at average market prices, which can be in daily use. The main goal is a mass and large-scale type of production, in order to minimize production costs and get the maximum benefit from the equipment. This strategy is justified when building short-term plans and does not imply long-term retention of leading positions.

Target- dividing the market segment by the manufacturer into classes, determining the differences targeted for themselves and positioning the product separately for each class. This approach is used in conditions of high competition and the mass market, in order to focus on the advantageous differences of your product and stand out from other players in the market.

undifferentiated- a strategy aimed at creating a mass consumer product that satisfies the demand and needs of all market segments. This strategy involves price competitive advantages of the product and a reduction in production costs, against the search for consumer preferences specific to each segment and the creation of a product solution for them.

Concentrated- a strategy aimed at strengthening the position of the brand in certain markets or its segments by concentrating and focusing on competitive advantages goods and unique trade offer. By analyzing its product and market share, a manufacturer can identify its strengths and work to improve and enhance them.

Micro Marketing- this is an activity on the scale of one enterprise, which has a clear focus of marketing actions on one or two market segments or even a certain category of users. These can be highly specialized goods that will not become mass consumption, and the manufacturer sees the main value in building loyal and long-term relationships within its market segment.

Joint- association of organizations or producers of goods and services with a single goal, in conditions of high competitive environment, which allows you to win or retain a large market share. In other words, this is the unification of production forces, as well as the proportional division of financial costs for product promotion.

According to the period of preemption of events.

Tactical- short-term goals of the enterprise on the way to the global one. This process is aimed at finding points of sale or customers, fulfilling sales plans and sales volumes, solving unforeseen difficulties and other daily tasks, without which there will be no desired result in the future.

Strategic- long-term goals of the manufacturer and a clear plan of action for the future to improve or change the quality of the product, meet the expectations and needs of the user, marketing techniques that will allow you to stand out from competitors and maintain your position.

Integrated- the actions of the organization aimed at analyzing and determining the future needs of the consumer and the trends of their changes in order to adapt and modernize the product in accordance with these processes. By understanding the needs of its audience and its advantages, the manufacturer can stay ahead of consumer expectations and create a trend in innovation.

Innovative– search for solutions and ideas for upgrading and updating the product in order to constantly keep the interest of the consumer and meet his changing needs. This approach may be applicable not only to an existing product, but also aimed at creating a new unique product solution.

Trial- implementation of a test batch of products before a full-scale launch of production. The set of actions is aimed at analyzing the product, price, packaging, distribution channels, consumer preferences.

Marketing within organizations.

Interior– internal building of employee loyalty to the organization, product and company. In conditions of high competition between employers for obtaining highly qualified personnel, it is customary to build relations between personnel and employers according to marketing principles, where the position is considered the product, and the personnel is the consumer. The manufacturer (employer) directs all its efforts to provide quality working conditions, improve them and build long-term relationships with employees. interconnected marketing

Relationship Marketing– creation of long-term relationships with all links that take part from the product creation process to distribution to the end user. It is important to understand the need for these actions, since the loyalty of the audience depends on many factors, including the speed of delivery, properly organized logistics, the winning position of the goods on the counter and the level of service in retail chains. Thus, the underlying goal is to create close and profitable interactions with partners.

Operating- tactical actions of the manufacturer within the framework of the classic marketing mix, which are aimed at solving short-term problems from the sale of the product to its delivery to the end customer. Such actions include the search for retail chains, logistics, the study of consumer preferences and their satisfaction.

Time marketing- actions aimed at finding all possible ways the most efficient and rational use of time resources in terms of product production or market competition. It can analyze the load of production capacity, which will identify additional opportunities and increase the volume of production. Finding a logistics model that will deliver the product to the customer faster than competitors, which will bring additional benefits. This approach may be applicable to all business processes that are involved in production.

As well as other main types of marketing:

interconnected- a term that describes marketing interaction as a single mechanism of work. These actions can be concentrated, both within the organization, and go beyond its levels by establishing communication with distribution and sales offices. The process is aimed at building communication links within an organization, production or company, so that all departments clearly understand the processes, possible difficulties at each stage, as well as their degree of influence and responsibility on the result.

Viral- action aimed at non-standard ways of brand manifestation and its communication with the target audience. This way of promotion is aimed at building strong emotional connections and associations. Viral marketing is considered to be less expensive than classic advertising, since users themselves share the video with their friends and may not even perceive it as an advertisement. In most cases, this statement may be true, but the qualitative study of the idea of ​​a "virus", its implementation and "sowing" may require large investments.

Interactive– direct interaction with the end user in real time. This behavior model allows you to get an instant audience response to an advertising campaign, rebranding, innovation or product changes, as well as listen to needs and wishes. Competent possession of this tool will allow you to maintain a position in the market or gain leadership.

Complex- an approach to promotion using all kinds of marketing tools and techniques, without focusing on certain areas or competitive advantages. Such a strategy allows you to determine the most effective ways of promotion and focus on them, while not disregarding alternative marketing moves.

creative– search for non-standard marketing solutions to improve and strengthen the market position of the brand. This tactic should be as thoughtful as possible and based on many years of experience and marketing research. The purpose of these actions is to surprise the user and make an unforeseen and unexpected step for competitors.

- a set of actions aimed at promoting products with minimal advertising investment. The main goal is for a limited advertising budget, to attract the attention of the audience in an unusual way and to get a response and sales as quickly as possible. This approach is more often used by small manufacturers and campaigns that cannot compete with large advertisers.

Straight- communication with the end consumer of a product or service without intermediaries. This approach can be used in both B2B and B2C models. Such a scheme can be beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses, which allows them to receive feedback from the client and saves money on marketing research.

Commoditydetailed analysis product as a key object of marketing activity. The study of the range, quality, appearance and all the factors that affect final product. It can also be sales promotion actions through promotions or special offers.

performance marketing- This term is more often used on the Internet. Its essence lies in the fact that the brand calculates the real benefit from investments in promotion, against the potential one. In this case, payment for the advertising display of a product or service is carried out for a specific action on the part of the target audience (purchase, registration on the site, filling out a questionnaire, etc.), and not just for communication with the audience and an assessment of potential benefits in the future.

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