How to sow and care for parsley at home. Green parsley on the windowsill - how to grow parsley from seeds and roots

In the article we talk about parsley on the windowsill, we talk about how to plant a plant. Find out which varieties are suitable for home growing. You will learn how to care for parsley so that it produces a crop at home.

Varieties of parsley for home cultivation

Growing parsley on a windowsill is easy. To grow fresh herbs faster, choose early-ripening varieties. The ripening period of such parsley is 10 days less than that of other varieties. At home, you can grow both curly and ordinary leaf parsley. Below are varieties that are suitable for growing parsley at home.

Parsley can be planted at home on the windowsill

These varieties include:

  • ordinary sheet;
  • Green pearl;
  • Aster;
  • Gloria;
  • Vorozhey;
  • Beads;
  • Grandma's garden.

These varieties of parsley are intended for growing on greens. They don't require special care ripen early. They have large leaves and a bright aroma.

Parsley on the window can be grown in two ways:

  • from seeds;
  • from root crops.

Let's take a closer look at each method below.

Growing parsley from seed

Parsley, which was planted with seeds, will sprout in 20 days. The first greens can be cut in 1-1.5 months.

Soil and seed preparation

How to plant parsley from seed on a windowsill? Before planting parsley, you need to prepare the seeds and soil. Soak parsley seeds for 1-3 days, this will speed up their germination. A couple of hours before planting, put the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate will disinfect the seeds and prevent the development of diseases.

Choose the right container. It can be a large box or a fairly deep flower pot. A prerequisite for the container is the presence of drainage holes. Because of excess moisture parsley on the window will not grow well and may rot. Land for planting can be taken from garden plot or buy a primer for flowers in the store. Loosen the soil well before planting and water.

Planting seeds

Make grooves in the prepared soil and fill them with seeds. The depth should be no more than 0.5 cm. Sprinkle a small layer of earth on top and lightly tamp.

Cover with dark film and place the box in warm place. This will speed up the process of seed germination.

We told you how to grow parsley on a windowsill in winter from seeds. Below are some more recommendations.

plant care

Let's look at how best to care for parsley on the windowsill so that it will delight you with its greenery for a long time.

When the first sprouts appear, remove the film and place the box on the windowsill. Do not over water or let the soil dry out. It is recommended to water the soil every other day. Watering can be increased if there are heaters near the plant. If possible, install a fluorescent lamp at a distance of about 50-60 cm from the box. This will speed up growth and improve the quality of greenery. You can cut the parsley when the branches grow to 10-12 cm.

Growing parsley from roots

Parsley can be planted not only with seeds, but also with roots.

We looked at how to grow parsley in winter on a windowsill from seeds. Below we will analyze another way - growing parsley from root crops.

The advantage of this method is that you do not need to prepare the seeds. Greens will appear faster.

Growing conditions

To grow parsley from root vegetables:

  1. Dig roots no more than 5 cm long before freezing the soil;
  2. Prepare and disinfect the box with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. Lay a drainage of 1.5 cm at the bottom and cover with earth;
  4. Plant the roots in moist soil and lightly press the soil;
  5. Remove the box in a cool place until shoots appear.

After the shoots have appeared, move the box to a warm place. Below we give recommendations for the care of root parsley.

plant care

In winter, parsley on the windowsill will grow well if you follow simple rules . Boxes of parsley need to be rotated towards the sun occasionally so that the plant gets enough light. Water the parsley sparingly until sprouts appear. Avoid drying out and waterlogging the soil. After the appearance of leaves, watering can be increased. On cloudy days, it is advisable to install a lamp for additional illumination.

For more information on growing greenery at home, see the video:

What to remember

  1. For growing at home, choose early varieties parsley.
  2. You can grow parsley on the windowsill in winter with seeds and root crops.
  3. Growing containers should have drainage holes.
  4. Until the shoots of the first sprouts, stick to moderate watering.
  5. Parsley from seeds after sowing, put in a dark and warm place, from root crops - leave until germination in a cool place.
  6. The plant is ready for cutting when the stem has grown by 10-15 cm.

Greenery on the windowsill is one of the most popular ways to create an aromatic herb garden in the home and provide required amount spices for dishes and natural vitamins at any time of the year, without bothering to go to the supermarket or the market. Fragrant sprigs of dill, parsley, basil, tarragon, cilantro grown on the windowsill are used in a wide variety of situations.

Parsley (Petroselínum) is a real "universal soldier" in a long list of plants used in cooking and folk medicine. Greens and parsley roots are rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, ascorbic acid or vitamin C, vitamins B, E, K, PP, which help strengthen immunity, slow down the aging process, and heal many diseases. Parsley is absolutely indispensable on the table. The dishes to which this representative of the umbrella family gives a unique taste and aroma are innumerable. The plant is unpretentious and takes root perfectly in any home, so just remember a few tips on how to grow parsley on the windowsill so that you always have fresh herbs on hand for salads, meat, side dishes, and rhizomes that give special flavor broths.

How to grow parsley on a windowsill

For the plant, you need to choose a wide plastic, ceramic or clay container or pot about 20 cm deep, at the bottom of which you should arrange drainage layer 2-3 cm thick from a mixture of coarse-grained river sand, expanded clay, perlite, pebbles. Soil can be poured onto the drainage.

Parsley needs loose fertile moisture and permeable soil. Can buy garden soil packaged or use garden soil with suburban area, having previously processed it from pests.

Parsley on the windowsill will grow quickly if you choose the right place. The plant is extremely photophilous, so it is necessary to place the container with parsley in well-lit sunlight. windowsill. East, south, southeast and southwest side at home, but if the windows face north, you can put a pot there, after installing fitolamps for additional illumination.

parsley on the windowsill from seeds. A photo

How to grow parsley from seed on a windowsill. A photo

The speed of emergence of the first shoots and the growth of parsley depends on planting material. The first greens will be ready for use in a couple of weeks if you plant strong, healthy, slightly trimmed root crops about 18 cm long in moist soil at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other. To form a beautiful bush, it is advisable to turn the container with parsley in different directions in light.

Varieties of parsley seeds for the home

When choosing seeds for planting parsley on a windowsill, you should focus on early ripe varieties, such as:

  • morning freshness;
  • ordinary sheet;
  • Gloria;
  • Fragrant alley;
  • Russian feast;
  • Aster;
  • Emerald lace;
  • Green pearl;
  • Fitness;
  • Beads;
  • Grandma's garden;
  • Soothsayer.

Parsley seeds germinate much more slowly (at least a month) and require certain rules to be observed:

Care: temperature and watering

Parsley on the windowsill grows successfully at a temperature of +12°C. High air temperature leads to stretching of the stems and a change in the color of the leaves to lighter tones.

In warm seasons, parsley should water daily with warm settled water, preventing the topsoil from drying out. In summer, in the heat or during heating season in winter, when the air becomes excessively dry, the greens on the windowsill must be sprayed.

how to grow parsley on a windowsill. A photo

At low temperature and high humidity indoor air in winter period the amount of water to be cut, insofar as over watering can lead to root rot and plant death.

In winter, for the full development of parsley on the windowsill, it is necessary illuminate plants with the help of special lamps for 4-6 hours a day. On cloudy days, the lamps should be left on for 10-12 hours. It is recommended to use energy-saving light sources.

Fertilizer for parsley

For feeding greens on the windowsill is used nitrogen fertilizer(1-1.5 tablespoons of saltpeter per 10 m²). A single application of nitrogen fertilizer to the soil is sufficient. You can use liquid concentrated universal fertilizers for indoor and garden plants, by dissolving 5-7 drops of the product in a 1.5-liter bottle of warm water.

You can feed parsley no more than 1 time per month, so that excesses harmful to human health do not accumulate in the leaves and stems of the plant. chemicals. In winter, it is advisable not to apply top dressing, but if the plant looks depressed, growth slows down or stops completely, the leaves turn pale or yellow spots appear on them, the stems weaken, the minimum amount should be added to the water for irrigation. universal fertilizer , which contains the required amount of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Wonderful fertilizer for parsley on the windowsill at any time of the year - bird droppings. Perfect litter poultry, but pigeon also finds the widest application. For dry top dressing, it is enough to collect a small amount of litter, mix it with sawdust, sand, straw or peat, dry the mixture well in a well-ventilated place, for example, on a balcony in good sunny weather, and evenly scatter it over the entire surface of the pot about once every two weeks. , being careful not to get the mixture on the parsley leaves, and gently stir into the soil with a match or toothpick. A pinch of the product is enough for each container. It is impossible to feed plants with fresh litter because of the causticity and high toxicity.

No less effective and completely safe for parsley on the windowsill watering decoction of onion peel. For a decoction, the onion peel should be boiled for 2 hours over low heat in in large numbers water, cool and add to water for irrigation.

Parsley in folk medicine

Parsley is effectively used as an aid in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

  • anemia or iron deficiency;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • oncological diseases at the initial stage;
  • colds and flu;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, due to the high content of potassium, necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in myocardial cells;
  • diabetes;
  • decreased vision;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • puffiness;
  • diseases of the digestive system and loss of appetite;
  • cystitis, diseases Bladder and nephrolithiasis;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammation skin, dermatitis;
  • diseases and bleeding of the gums, stomatitis and purulent rashes on the mucous membrane in the mouth and nose;
  • arthritis;
  • depressive states.

useful properties of parsley. A photo

Parsley helps to strengthen the bone structure, lower cholesterol levels in the body and is used as a choleretic agent. The juice of the plant stops bleeding with minor skin lesions and helps relieve itching and inflammation from the bites of blood-sucking insects.

The beneficial properties of parsley are appreciated by those who want to lose weight, since the greens of this plant are an indispensable ingredient in most diet dishes.

Parsley in gynecology

The beneficial effect of parsley on the female body has been known since antiquity. Leaves, stems, roots of the plant in fresh and dried form, extracts and essential oils successfully used as a home remedy that alleviates physical and mental stress, with menstrual irregularities, pre-menopausal and menopausal ailments. Decoctions and infusions of parsley are effectively used for uterine bleeding.

The beneficial properties of parsley are successfully manifested before pregnancy, as it contributes to the accumulation in the body folic acid necessary for the normal development of the fetus without pathologies. During pregnancy, the use of the plant in food is recommended to be minimized, since parsley can provoke a miscarriage. After the baby is born, parsley in the diet of a nursing mother will help increase the amount of milk.

Parsley in cosmetology

Masks, lotions and baths using fresh finely chopped greens, juice, extract, decoctions, infusions refresh, moisturize and whiten the skin of the face, neck, hands, help smooth wrinkles, eliminate skin defects, have a powerful antibacterial effect, removing blackheads and rosacea, comedones, pimples, rashes and even boils. Parsley is recommended for use in violation of skin pigmentation, to smooth the skin and treat all kinds of cosmetic defects. Regular use of homemade masks from parsley leaves and roots will slow down the aging process for a long time and help maintain freshness and youthfulness of the skin.

Bushes of fragrant greenery are grown both in the garden and on the balcony. The main thing in this business is to know the rules for planting parsley and leaving from seed to harvest.

Sowing in open ground and in residential conditions practically does not differ. The first thing to do is soak the seeds. It is best to use spring, untreated water. So, on a saucer, lay out a piece of gauze, folded in half. Sprinkle the seeds and cover with the free end of the gauze. Pour in water until the seed pad is completely covered. After a day and a half, the seeds are ready. Planting is also carried out without pre-soaking, then shoots appear more slowly. Prepare the ground. When growing on a balcony, place drainage on the bottom of the pot, it can serve as wood ash, river pebbles, then pour a layer of earth, about 3 cm, a layer of fertilizer and earth again. When sowing in the garden, the soil is prepared as follows: make shallow grooves and pour boiling water over them. The soil is ready, it's time to sow. Deepen the swollen seeds half a centimeter into the ground, cover with soil no more than 1 cm. Moisten the crops. At positive temperatures, seedlings will appear on the 5-6th day.

The sprouts give two false leaves. Approximately on the 10-12th day, a pair of true leaves appear, which are eaten. For good harvest and juicy greens, seedlings need to be weeded, freeing parsley from weeds and weak sprouts. Optimal distance on open ground - 10-15 cm apart. In pots, the distance decreases to 4-5 cm. If the sowing is too dense, transplant the seedlings into other flowerpots, trying not to damage or expose them from the ground root system. Watering during this period is moderate.

After 65-75 days from the moment of sowing, the plant matures. With proper care, the leaves reach 15-20 cm, depending on the variety, the bush is sprawling, the number of branches is from 6 pieces. Such greens can be cut. The next collection is carried out in 35-40 days, when new leaves grow. On average, parsley grown from seed yields up to 4 crops.

Sowing in open ground is carried out either in October-November or March-April. If parsley hibernates, it needs additional warming and soil mulching. With such a planting, greens are harvested in mid-April - early May. When propagating parsley seedlings, sowing is performed in March-April. Before sending to the garden, the leaves must be strong, real, the stem is up to 7 centimeters long. Usually seedlings are transferred in early May. Be very careful, as damage to the roots can lead to the death of the plant or delayed establishment in a new place.

To help parsley grow quickly, place the seedling pots in the light, if possible in direct sunlight. Don't let the soil dry out. Keep the temperature no higher than +21 degrees. Choose places for beds in a calm, shady place. By adhering to these rules, you will get an environmentally friendly plant rich in vitamins.

Parsley leaves are known to give off an aroma that repels pests, so plant several rows of greens next to carrots, lettuce, and other vegetable crops.

There are not many plants in the world, especially of food value, that are easy to grow at home. One of them is parsley. Caring for it is simple, and the plant takes up very little space. Knowing how to grow parsley at home, on the windowsill, and even in winter, it will be possible to provide yourself with fresh herbs all year round.

It cannot be said that the choice of a particular plant variety is fundamentally important when growing on a windowsill. However, there are still nuances that do not allow completely ignoring this aspect. The ripening time depends on which variety is chosen. Better to have them early.

Here are the varieties:

  • Gloria;
  • Emerald lace;
  • Aster;
  • Morning freshness Fitness;
  • Beads.

Both curly and leafy greens are found among these varieties, so gourmets who want to grow parsley on their window will be satisfied. Early dates ripening parsley will allow you to quickly get the desired result at home, but comfortable for the plant conditions.

Tank selection and soil preparation

You can sow the plant either in a seedling container or in a small pot. Whatever it is, the tank must have drainage holes. However, later, when the parsley grows up, you will need a container with a greater depth, in which an impressive tap root system will fit.

Also, seedlings are planted in a box, if there are no other options, and many plants need to be planted. You can already place a large pot directly on the windowsill. This is a convenient and familiar way. Of course, window sills must be strong enough to grow enough parsley on them.

As for the soil for growing parsley, it is loose and light in texture. mechanical properties. The soil should contain enough nutrients, because the volume of the pot will be limited, and the parsley will need to somehow actively develop.

You can take garden soil and mix with humus in the amount of one quarter of its amount, and with peat in the same amount. But before doing this mixing, garden soil spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will eliminate pathogenic microbes.

After the components are mixed, potash and phosphorus additives are added. In addition, if necessary, liming is carried out. That's all you need to do to provide parsley with good soil right in the apartment.

Growing parsley from seed

First, the seeds are soaked in water. So they stand from one to three days. It is important to change the water twice a day. Thanks to this pre-sowing treatment, seedlings will be friendly and will not keep you waiting. Immediately before sowing, two hours before, the seed material is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then a container is taken into which sowing will be carried out and filled with earth. If it is not possible to take land from a summer cottage, you can easily find soil in any gardening store. But it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with its properties, because not any soil is suitable for growing parsley.

Need to shed the ground hot water and tamp, but not too hard. This will give the soil the right condition so that parsley can grow in it in the future without problems. This is especially important given that the growing conditions are relatively unnatural.

Next, grooves are made in moist soil. It's best to land right away. Seeds are sown shallow - only half a centimeter. So that there is no crust on the ground, it is necessary to sprinkle it with a layer of loose soil. The thickness of this layer is 1 cm.

Growing parsley from roots

Perhaps it is even easier than sowing a plant. Several root crops are dug up. Only petioles should be preserved. The best diameter for growing is from two to four centimeters. However, this is not essential.

Yes, you can buy a root crop in some grocery store, but it's not a fact that it was grown in environmentally friendly conditions, and harmful pesticides were not used. Majority modern people and so they constantly encounter junk food, so it’s better to take parsley for growing from the dacha.

The size of the root crop affects:

  • duration of the growing season;
  • the number of kidneys;
  • number of leaves.

The larger the diameter of the planting material of parsley, the more productive the cultivation will be in the end. That is why it is better to plant a large parsley root vegetable in a large pot, if, of course, the windowsill allows it.

The ground is poured into the disinfected container, which is subsequently moistened. Root crops are planted there. Arrange correctly in rows. The distance between the latter is 4 cm, while the distance between plants in a row is 2 cm. Of course, the roots should be well dug in, but their heads should not be covered with earth. After the landing is completed, it will be necessary to crush the soil a little and shed it.


Important points when growing parsley Houses small, but these points cannot be ignored. It is necessary to provide the plant correct temperature, competent watering, suitable lighting and top dressing. In addition, there are other nuances.

After planting or sowing is done, the container is removed to a cool place. Then, when the petioles begin to grow and develop rapidly, it is worth moving the plants to the windowsill. It is sometimes necessary to rotate the container, which will avoid asymmetry in the growth of the culture.


The best temperature will be +20 ºC, that is, room temperature. If it's a little lower, it's not critical. However, a temperature exceeding this value is a negative factor. Most likely, the apartment will be like this temperature regime, which is needed for the growth of parsley.

As for the demi-season period, when the heating has not yet been turned on, this is unlikely to be critical when good quality Houses. A seedling on a windowsill can grow successfully even at +17 ºC. Of course, if the temperature drops significantly lower, this will negatively affect the culture.

If the situation is such that it is almost summer outside, but the heating has not been turned off, and the room is unbearably hot, then the risk that the sprout on the windowsill will suffer is much higher. In this case, it is important to provide abundant watering to compensate for the excess of high temperatures.


Seedlings are watered sparingly. When the plants begin to grow and are moved to the windowsill, the volume of water increases. Parsley is watered abundantly and often. Water needs settled. Cold liquid is usually needed, but if watering occurs in winter or on hot days, warm water should be used.

In the experience of many of those who grow parsley on the windowsill, it is enough to water twice a week. However, it is important to consider that this is true for normal growing conditions. If it happens in the summer, and the weather turned out to be unusually hot, if not dry, then you should think about how to increase the number of waterings. In this case, you can navigate the state of the plant and soil.


It is important to know that parsley ideally has at least 13 hours of daylight. However, there is a period when lighting is especially important - a young age. If during this period the parsley does not receive enough light, this will significantly affect further development. In cloudy weather, additional lighting may be relevant.

It is better to choose the window sill that is most open. sunshine. It will be convenient for those who live in own house or in an apartment overlooking two sides of the house. In this case, it is more likely to find the optimal room for cultivating a crop.

You should not choose a window sill in front of the loggia, because in this case less sunlight may fall on the seedling. The ideal option is one of the ordinary rooms without access to the balcony. You should not choose a window sill in the kitchen, since the sprout there will be periodically exposed to high temperatures that are unfavorable for it.

top dressing

Parsley looks emaciated? In this case, you need to feed. This is done through special fertilizers. Such measures are relevant after the plant is on the windowsill. Even if parsley feels good, you may need complex fertilizers at least once a month, in a volume of 5 g per liter of water.

Greenery lovers know how to grow parsley on the windowsill, because in winter, while it is not possible to grow it in the garden, a vitamin food supplement is no less in demand. There are two ways to get a parsley crop at home - growing from seeds or from roots. The second method is easier, although it is more realistic to get seeds than good roots.

Varieties of parsley for the windowsill

In general, the success of cultivation depends very little on the choice of variety. Rather, it will be different how soon you can start cutting greens. Among the varieties listed below, there are both curly parsley on the windowsill and ordinary leafy parsley. The earliest varieties of parsley for the windowsill are:

  • "Aster";
  • "Grandma's garden";
  • "Beads";
  • "Green Pearl";
  • "Morning freshness";
  • "Vorozheya";
  • "Gloria";
  • "Fitness";
  • "Ordinary sheet";
  • "Fragrance Alley".

Growing parsley on a windowsill

Parsley from seeds on the windowsill during the growing process does not require special skills. Although some nuances are still worth considering. For example, the fact that before sowing you need to soak parsley seeds for 2-3 days. This will ensure a more friendly and faster germination. Seeds can be sown in flower pots or in boxes. The soil for filling them can be pre-collected on the site or bought at the store.

How to plant parsley on the windowsill?

Some features of how to sow parsley on the windowsill:

  1. Water the soil before planting warm water, after - make grooves of small depth in it (about 0.5 cm). After sowing, the seeds must be covered with loose earth, without tamping.
  2. It is not necessary to overmoisten the soil, but it is also impossible to allow it to dry out. Water the "bed" should be carefully, without eroding the soil.
  3. The optimum temperature regime is from +15°C to +20°C. When the temperature drops, the parsley can freeze, when it rises, it can dry out.
  4. To prolong daylight hours, parsley plantings need to be additionally highlighted.
  5. Too frequent seedlings need to be thinned out.
  6. You can cut the finished parsley when it reaches a height of 10 cm.

Growing parsley from root crops is even easier. So, on the windowsill? From autumn, you need to dig up parsley roots 5 cm long and 2-4 cm wide. They are dug in a box with soil almost right next to each other. Only the apical heads should remain on the surface. For the first time, the box with the roots is removed to a cool place (on the balcony), they are rarely watered during this period. When the first shoots appear, the box is transferred to a warm place, the backlight is turned on, and watering is increased. The first harvest will please you by the New Year.

How much parsley grows on the window?

Parsley seeds give the first shoots about 2 weeks after sowing. To speed up this moment, you can cover the pots or boxes with foil, thereby ensuring greenhouse conditions. Parsley in a pot on the windowsill, grown from the roots, germinates a little longer, but the greens ready for cutting will grow much earlier than the seed. For comparison: parsley sown with seeds is ready for consumption 6-7 weeks after sowing, planted with roots - already after 3-4 weeks.

How long does parsley grow on a windowsill?

If you want to enjoy the sight and taste of fresh herbs on your windowsill all winter long, it's best to plant root parsley. She can be kicked out several times in a row. Seed parsley can also be harvested many times throughout the winter-spring period. From seed quality and proper care will depend on how parsley grows on the windowsill, how many times it will give new branches. Without highlighting and periodic top dressing, it will be weak and pale.

Parsley on the window - care

If you are growing a garden at home for the first time, you need to better understand the issues regarding how to grow parsley on a windowsill. O proper sowing you already know. Follow-up care is as follows:

  • parsley at home on the windowsill needs to be watered more after germination, but without soil overflow;
  • the temperature with the emergence of seedlings can be reduced by sometimes opening the window;
  • periodic top dressing will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop; complex ones are suitable for this;
  • be sure to highlight parsley, since it belongs to light-loving crops, ideally, daylight hours should be extended to 8 hours a day;
  • you can cut the first crop 2 months after planting, leaving 4-5 cm petioles.

How often to water parsley on the windowsill?

Growing greens in the garden, we can not always control the amount of moisture it receives, since it is additionally watered by rain. Another thing is parsley at home on the windowsill. Everything is in our hands. And, knowing that this green does not like to grow in the "swamp", it can and should be provided with moderate watering. The moisture of the earth must be replenished as it dries up, but without allowing the formation of a rough crust on its surface.
