The second name in the trade of the fruit is guanabana. Guanabana fruit (graviola) - place of growth and useful properties

Currently, a huge amount of information has appeared on the World Wide Web that there is a cure for cancer. But pharmaceutical companies flatly refuse this fact, fearing to lose huge profits. Allegedly, one Latin American company has been conducting research for many years, as a result of which it was proved that there is some kind of exotic fruit that completely destroys cancer cells in the body. This is guanabana. The opinions of doctors about this are completely different. Does guanabana really cure cancer?

exotic plant

This low tree has several names: guanabana, graviola, soursop, sausep, annona. It grows in the subtropical latitudes of our planet. Widely known in Mexico, America, India and other countries located in this latitude.

The fruits of this tree appear not only on the branches, but also on the trunk. In shape, they resemble an elongated pear, only larger. They have a dark green color, on the surface - an imitation of spikes. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, sweet with sourness and very tasty.

Transportation of this fruit over long distances is very problematic, as the ripe fruit deteriorates within a few days. Usually unripe fruits are harvested, which successfully ripen in boxes. Now many companies offer to buy not only guanabana, but also various parts of this plant, which are no less useful.

This plant does well in the home as well. It is grown in urban apartments and greenhouses.

Useful properties of guanabana

Thanks to its unusual taste, this one won the hearts of many gourmets. Many delicious dishes, desserts, and drinks are prepared from this fruit. Numerous reviews of guanabana as an excellent ingredient for baking, ice cream and other culinary delights can be found on many sites. Guanabana leaves are used to make aromatic tea.

A fragrant essential oil is produced from the seeds, which is widely used in soap making. It is also used in perfumery and cosmetic purposes.

In India, an infusion of the leaves of this plant is used to reduce fever, to combat diarrhea and dysentery.

Harm guanabana

Use the fruits of this plant with caution, avoiding eating seeds. They are poisonous. Guanabana seed juice can cause blindness if splashed into the eyes.

No matter how tasty guanabana is, the reviews of dietitians are full of warnings about the undesirable use of fruits during pregnancy due to the high calcium content in this fruit.

In addition, according to Latin American scientists, the immense consumption of the fruits of this plant can lead to the development of Parkinson's disease.

Guanabana in medicine

For the human body, this fruit is very useful. It contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins that can help the work of internal organs. It also has a positive effect on the immune system.

Not only the fruits, but also the roots, leaves, bark and trunk of this tree are widely used in folk medicine. They treat helminthic diseases, obesity, nervous disorders. Guanabana pulp can lower blood sugar. In Indian countries, a mixture is made from the pulp of the fruit, leaves, bark and olive oil. The drug prepared in this way is widely used for external use in the treatment of arthritis and osteochondrosis.

The beneficial properties of the guanaban plant, the reviews of doctors confirm this, make it possible to use this plant to treat many diseases along with pharmaceuticals.

Guanabana as a cure for cancer

One of the most valuable and beneficial qualities is the ability of this plant. There is an opinion that the guanaban fruit from cancer is replete with phytonutrients that are incredibly toxic to intestinal cancer cells. Also, these substances can destroy breast, lung and prostate cancer. Based on this opinion, conclusions are drawn that guanabana cures cancer. Reviews of doctors about this are absolutely opposite.

Expert opinion

When information about the exotic fruit of guanabana is found on the Internet, then in the list of its beneficial properties it is necessarily written that the fruits of this plant can cure twelve types of cancerous tumors. This is confirmed by the fact that one of the Latin American companies has been conducting research since the seventies of the last century and has proven the effectiveness of the treatment of cancer with guanabana fruits. But few people know that this is not a state organization. By its status, it is similar to our LLC - limited liability companies. Studies may have been carried out, but their results can in no way be considered reliable, since the goals of this organization are unknown.

Back in 2009, the US Food and Drug Administration published information on the Internet that all drugs made from guabana did not pass the state accreditation. Their anti-cancer properties have not been proven. And websites and offices that distribute these supposedly medicines received special letters about illegal campaigning and sales. And so far, no legal studies of this fruit have been conducted in any of the countries, and their anti-cancer focus has not been proven.

Undoubtedly, there is a very useful guanaban fruit. Reviews of dietitians who have won worldwide recognition confirm the benefits of this plant for the body as a food product. The world-famous nutritionist Bruno Reinard in his works has said more than once that nutrition cannot be a panacea for cancer. Even if a person eats absolutely right, no one will give a guarantee that he will not get cancer.

After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that guanabana is a fruit that does not cure cancer. Following the lead of scammers who convince of the opposite, a person loses precious time. Cancer passes into the stage of an incurable disease, and doctors become powerless to help the patient.

Overseas or exotic fruits are becoming in demand and popular in our time. One of the most famous and healthy fruits is the guanabana, often referred to as soursop, green melon or soursop. This product contains many minerals and vitamins, which protect the body from many diseases.

If you see the fruit, then visually it looks like a melon, only green. The fruit has thorns, so it feels a little prickly to the touch. The tree is evergreen, it is very tall (sometimes reaches nine meters, seven on average). The leaves on the tree are dark green above and light green below, and are glossy and smooth. When a tree blooms, it is surprising that the flowers are not on the branches, but on the trunk itself. In rare cases, the inflorescence is formed on thick branches. The flowers look like triple inner petals and three outer ones, eventually becoming conical.

The fruit belongs to the Annon family and is the largest of their species. If grown in the right conditions, its weight reaches seven kilograms, and the size is from ten to thirty centimeters in length and fifteen centimeters in width.

When the product is ready or ripe, it becomes light green, slightly yellowish. An unripe fruit is easy to identify if it is saturated green, you should not pick it, as it has not yet fully acquired all the useful characteristics.

What does the fruit taste like and where does it grow?

The aroma and taste of soursop is specific. Some taste like a combination of banana, pineapple and strawberry, others feel the taste of citrus fruits. Sausep can be consumed in its pure form, freshly squeezed juice is very fragrant. The leaves are also considered medicinal. If a couple of spoons of this tincture is added to tea, deep depression can be cured.

  • First of all, the fruit can be eaten as a dessert in its pure form, the pulp is eaten with a spoon.
  • In addition, guanabana is preserved or various drinks are made from it: juices, teas and cocktails.
  • A cream is prepared from the pulp, which is then used to prepare mousse, ice cream or baking decorations.
  • In exotic countries, they even eat unripe fruits, then they look more like vegetables than fruits. They are used as an ingredient in salads or in soups.

It is easy to buy tea with soursop in the markets and enjoy its aroma and taste. If possible, you can make a drink yourself using 4 fresh leaves, boiled water and sugar.

So, graviola fruits are medicinal, tasty and healthy. The composition of the fetus is necessary for human life. However, there are cases when guanabana is contraindicated.

Guanabana is one of the popular exotic plants with juicy and fragrant fruits. It is common in the wild, but has been cultivated for more than a century in countries with a suitable climate. Of particular culinary value are the fruits of guanabana - they are distinguished by a pronounced aroma and taste. But these are not all the benefits of the plant, because guanabana is a storehouse of valuable minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances that can restore the body and help with various diseases. To use the healing power of guanabana fruits, you need to know its beneficial properties, contraindications and features.

What is guanabana

Guanabana is a plant that is better known as sausep. Also this plant is called "soursop". Guanabana is one of the most popular representatives of the Annona genus. The scientific name of this evergreen tree is Annona prickly. This plant is considered the largest among all members of the genus.

Guanabana is of interest not only to gardeners who grow it. For more than a decade, pharmacists have been studying it, since the composition of fruits and leaves contains unique components that can affect the biochemistry in the body. To date, susep is also of interest to geneticists - this prolific plant is being studied by breeders, more productive, early-ripening hybrids are regularly produced.

The most valuable thing in this plant is the fruits. They are rich in minerals and vitamins, have a sweet and sour taste and a bright fruit and berry aroma. Desserts, cocktails, wine, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks are prepared from the pulp. A significant disadvantage is that, due to the large amount of sugar, guanabana fruits deteriorate too quickly, so they are never transported when ripe. Harvested before the fruits ripen, so that they do not have time to rot during transportation.

What it looks like and where it grows

Annona prickly is a tropical plant that is common on almost all continents. It grows in China, Sri Lanka, is grown in Australia, India. The tree is quite thermophilic, and also cannot bear fruit with a deficit of sunlight, so it will not work to grow it under artificial conditions.

Botanical characteristics:

  1. The height of the tree is about 6–9 m.
  2. The leaves are large, wide, leathery and dark green on the outside, light green on the inside.
  3. The fruits are multi-leaflets, large, pear-shaped with thorns on the surface.

The fruits of this tree are quite large, they can grow the size of a large melon and weigh more than 6-7 kg. The peculiarity of the plant is that the fruits can ripen both on the branches and on the trunk. Guanabana after planting bears fruit for 3-4 years.

Composition and calories

Guanabana is not the most dietary product. The pulp of this fruit contains many carbohydrates of various types, so you should not abuse it in the afternoon. 100 g of the product contains 94 kcal, but if the pulp is subjected to heat treatment, the calorie content of the product decreases from 94 kcal to 56 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of the product contains up to 10 g of carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, polysaccharides). Also in the pulp there are fats and vegetable proteins - up to 1 g per 100 g.

The composition of the plant includes a full range of minerals, as well as a lot of vitamins that are well absorbed by the body. Here is a complete list of active substances that are part of Annona:

  1. Iron - is involved in hematopoiesis, prevents the development of anemia.
  2. Sodium and potassium - maintain water-salt balance, protect the heart, normalize blood pressure.
  3. Zinc - is involved in the regeneration of skin cells, improves the condition of hair and nails, strengthens the nervous system.
  4. Magnesium - relieves nervous tension, activates brain activity, is necessary for insomnia and increased irritability.
  5. Vitamin PP - is responsible for the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, prevents problems of the reproductive system.
  6. B vitamins - are responsible for the immune system, nervous system, health of internal organs, skin condition.
  7. Antioxidants - protect against cancer, premature aging, infections.
  8. Vitamin C - activates defense mechanisms, helps to cope with infections, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and thins the blood.

In addition, the fruit pulp contains organic acids, as well as fats in a small concentration. They help speed up metabolic processes in the body, cleanse blood vessels and the liver. With regular use, guanabana rejuvenates, strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of hair and skin, and also significantly increases the productivity of the brain.

Even in ancient times, the indigenous inhabitants of the warm countries where guanabana was grown knew how useful its fruits were. Therefore, they actively used soursop for medicinal purposes. But recent studies of the composition of the fruits have also provided scientific confirmation that soursep is a truly therapeutically valuable product. Scientists identify at least 10 of the most beneficial properties of fruits for the human body.

  1. Guanabana is useful in oncological diseases. It contains plant components that inhibit cancer cells and prevent their division. In addition, the fruit is rich in antioxidants, which neutralize the action of free radicals and stop the growth of tumors.
  2. The fruit is useful in inflammatory processes of any localization, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. This is also due to the abundance of antioxidants found in the pulp.
  3. Guanabana fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Thanks to this, it boosts immunity and helps the body cope with viruses and bacterial infections.
  4. Guanabana is effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes. The active components of the fetus break down cholesterol, remove it from the body.
  5. Guanabana also normalizes blood pressure.
  6. A full complex of minerals, as well as B vitamins, restore the nervous system after stress, improve brain function, and stabilize the emotional state.
  7. Annona has a pronounced laxative effect, as it contains a large amount of fiber. The fruit normalizes the functioning of the intestines, restores the microflora, improves the digestibility of food.
  8. Guanabana prevents premature aging and also protects cells and cellular structures from damage.
  9. Due to the presence of special mineral compounds, the pulp of the fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and protects the heart muscle from premature wear.
  10. The pulp of the fruit is incredibly valuable for the health, beauty and youthfulness of the skin. It activates cell regeneration, stimulates the production of collagen necessary for skin elasticity.

Particularly relevant are the antitumor properties of guanabana. Scientists have noticed that the use of this fruit significantly reduces the risk of developing tumors, and also increases the chances of recovery with existing oncology. Contrary to the popular myth, guanabana cannot replace chemotherapy or radiation, as it does not have the ability to destroy already developed cancer cells. But the use of this product significantly helps to fight and recover the body. Guanabana does not cancel the main cancer therapy, therefore it can only be considered as an additive. But there are a few nuances that you need to know for those who plan to use guanabana during the fight against cancer.

  1. To date, there are no clinical studies that truly confirm the anti-cancer efficacy of the fetus.
  2. There are no extracts and dietary supplements based on guanabana that can cure cancer without traditional treatment.
  3. Scientists managed to study only some of the properties of these fruits. They concluded that eating an antioxidant-rich fruit can stop the growth of tumors, but this effect is achieved only in 60% of cases.
  4. It is not recommended to use guanabana as a remedy, it can only be used as one of the components of the diet.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to eat the fruit of Annona daily for more than a month. It contains components that are toxic to the brain and liver, which, if accumulated in the body, can lead to severe intoxication.
  6. In order to get the maximum antioxidants when eating fruit, you can not subject it to heat treatment.
  7. It is imperative to consult a doctor and clarify the possibility of introducing an exotic product into the diet.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to use the product with open bleeding or a pronounced deterioration as a result of the progression of the disease.

It is worth noting that not only the fruits of the plant have medicinal properties. Annona prickly leaves are also used for medicinal purposes, contain essential oils, phytoncides and flavonoids. Dry leaf tea helps with overwork, insomnia, stress, chronic fatigue. The leaves are also used to prepare infusions for external use - you can take a bath with them, make compresses and rubbing for muscle pain and joint diseases.

Application in cooking

The main area of ​​​​use of guanabana is cooking. In Asian, Javanese and Australian cuisine, desserts with this fruit are as popular as apple pies in our latitudes. The most common way to consume it is raw. Thus, the taste qualities of these exotic fruits are fully preserved, and the concentration of valuable components is not lost.

Raw guanabana is eaten not only in its pure form. It is used in many dishes and drinks.

  1. Guanabana cocktails are prepared with the addition of fruits, berries, and milk.
  2. From the fresh fruits of the plant, they make delicious juices with pulp, adding other ingredients, such as pineapple and orange.
  3. Raw guanabana is used to make ice cream.
  4. From the pulp make the basis for mousses.
  5. The pulp cut into pieces is suitable for fruit cuts, canapes.

In its raw form, guanabana has a tart, sweet and sour taste and a pronounced aroma. This must be taken into account when choosing products that will be combined with this fruit. But you can also cook many other delicious dishes with Annona fruits.

Annona pudding

To prepare pudding, you can take a ready-made dry mix, as well as combine the fruit with other exotics. You can make pudding based on milk - then it will have a delicate taste, and the right proportions of the ingredients will maximize the flavor notes of each of them.


  • 500 ml milk or 1 pack of dry concentrated pudding powder;
  • 400 grams of pitted Annona fruit pulp;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of cornstarch.

Bring milk to a boil and add sugar, starch and vanillin. Stir and boil for 2 minutes. Add the pulp gradually grated into the gruel and boil for no more than 2 minutes. Pour the pudding into silicone molds, let it cool and then place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After a while, remove the molds, transfer the pudding to plates and decorate. For decoration, you can use fresh berries or fruits. You can also complement the taste of the pudding with grated chocolate, cocoa-based topping or raspberry syrup.


Marshmallow from guanabana is incredibly light and tender, and the acid balances the taste. You can cook marshmallows as a base for cakes and pastries, or use it as a separate treat or dessert.


  • 1 sachet of gelatin or agar-agar;
  • 400 grams of fruit pulp;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar.

It is necessary to pour gelatin with a small amount of water so that it can be dissolved. Whisk the egg whites into foam, gradually adding powdered sugar and gruel from the pulp of the fruit. Pour the dissolved gelatin there, but do not remove the mixer, but continue to beat the mixture. Cool the resulting marshmallow mass a little, and then put it in a pastry bag. Lay a sheet of parchment paper on the spacing and use a confectionery syringe to make marshmallows of the preferred shape from the mass. Refrigerate until completely set and sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Guanabana ice cream

Fragrant ice cream with a delicate sweet and sour taste is an excellent delicacy that will refresh you at any time of the year. You can cook an exotic dish even at home.


  • 200 ml cream;
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 500 grams of fresh guanabana fruit pulp;
  • thickener (at the tip of a knife).

To make ice cream quickly, you must first cool the food thoroughly. Grind the pulp into a homogeneous gruel using a blender. Add cream, powdered sugar and thickener there. Beat everything well until foamy, and then place in a closed container in the freezer. After 2 hours, the ice cream will be ready - you can serve it in waffle cups or in a bowl. Such ice cream is deliciously combined with vanilla or chocolate syrup. You can pour caramel - it will complement the sweet and sour taste of the Annona pulp.

Harm and contraindications

Guanabana is extremely dangerous for those who are allergic to the fruits of this plant. This phenomenon is rare, but in case of a tendency to allergic reactions, it is better not to risk it. In addition, there are other contraindications that make it impossible to eat fruits:

  • diabetes mellitus (fruits contain a lot of sugar);
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • diarrhea.

During pregnancy, this fruit can be eaten, but only in moderation. When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to introduce guanabana into the diet before 6 months. Before the introduction, you need to consult a doctor.

Of particular danger to human health are the seeds of the guanabana fruit. The fact is that they contain toxic substances. Also, the pulp of the fruit contains toxins, but in small concentrations. It is important to know that daily use for more than 4 weeks can lead to such side effects:

  • headache;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased irritability;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • speech disorder.

Most often, the toxins contained in the fruits of Annona affect the nervous system, so you should not abuse this product. But also these substances can lead to dysfunction of the liver and kidneys - the body's natural filters. Such a phenomenon is possible only under the condition of the accumulation of toxins in high concentrations with daily use.

How to choose and store

It is almost impossible to buy a ripe guanabana fruit in regions where it is not grown due to an unsuitable climate. Since in the process of transportation, in just three days, ripe fruits begin to rot, they are brought to stores in an unripe form. But this is not a problem, since in just a few days the skin of the fruit will turn yellow, after which it will be possible to fully enjoy its taste. In addition, there are five rules that will help you choose the most delicious and healthy fruits.

  1. You need to pay attention to the smell. Do not be afraid of the aroma - the ripening fruits of annona smell like turpentine. If there is some kind of foreign aroma, then the fruit has been treated with toxic chemicals.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the size and weight of the fetus. The larger the fruit, the juicier the pulp in it, and it will also be sweeter and tastier.
  3. The skin of a high-quality and well-preserved fruit should be whole and uniform, without cracks, spots, inclusions.
  4. The ripe Annona fruit has a slightly yellowish, yellow-green tint. Juicy green fruits are immature, in order to start eating them, you will have to wait 2-3 days.
  5. It is worth choosing only those fruits that have spines of the same shape and size and a mesh pattern on the surface of the green skin.

Annona fruits can be stored at room temperature or on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. If you need to wait until the fruit is ripe, it is better to leave it on the windowsill. If you leave guanabana in the refrigerator, it will ripen for a long time. A cut or peeled fruit should be consumed within a few hours, since when in contact with oxygen, the pulp begins to deteriorate 2-3 times faster. If the pulp of the product has darkened or began to exude an unpleasant odor, you should not eat it - this indicates that the fermentation process has already begun.

How to eat guanabana fruit

Annona fruits can be eaten fresh or used to make various desserts. The easiest way:

  • cut the fruit into slices;
  • completely remove the seeds from the pulp;
  • eat with a spoon.

You can choose the pulp from the fruit, mix with other fruits and prepare a fragrant cocktail that will saturate the body with a full range of minerals and vitamins.

Guanabana has long been considered an ornamental plant, and few people took an interest in it. The thing is that in ancient times people did not know the cause of poisoning with this fruit, and only after a while the presence of toxins in the seeds of annona was revealed. But these are not all interesting facts from the history of the plant.

  1. More recently, annona has been grown in modern greenhouses, where it is possible to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible.
  2. Annona can be used as a houseplant. If you provide full care, you can even get fruits three years after planting.
  3. Annona contains a complex of acids that is used by expensive Israeli cosmetics manufacturers for whitening creams and masks that can eliminate hyperpigmentation in a few applications.

As you can see, guanabana is an extremely healthy product, which also has an appetizing appearance, strong aroma and pronounced taste. Knowing its healing properties and the basic rules of use, you can use the full potential of the fruit to improve health, restore the functioning of the body and fight various diseases.

« Important: All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any of the recommendations, consult with a specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.

Guanabana (guanabana, annana muricata, soursop,Annona prickly,graviola, sauceup, sauasep)

A fruit that cures cancer and is 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy. They don't want us to know because the big drug makers will stop selling their creepy products...

The most powerful anticarcinogen on this planet.

Guanabana or the fruit of the graviola tree is a miracle product that kills cancer cells. Why don't we know about it? Because there are organizations interested in finding synthetic options that allow them to make fabulous money. Now you can help your neighbor by telling them that it is necessary to drink guanabana juice in order to prevent illness.

It is pleasant to the taste and its use does not entail the terrible consequences of chemotherapy. You can plant a tree in the yard. All parts are useful.

The next time you feel like drinking juice, ask for guanabana juice. How many people died during the period when this information was kept in the strictest confidence, so as not to jeopardize the multimillion-dollar profits of large corporations? Guanabana is a low growing tree and does not take up much space. It is known as Graviola in Brazil, Guanábana in Latin America, and Soursop in English. The fruits are large, with white pulp, sweet, eaten raw, used to make drinks, sweets, etc. Interest in this plant is associated with its strong anti-cancer effect. It has many other properties, but the most interesting is the effect on tumors. This herb is a proven treatment for all types of cancer. Some claim that it is useful for all forms of cancer.

And what is even more surprising, graviola extract therapy only destroys cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells.
Guanabana is a close relative of Noina and Cherimoya, and they can really be confused with an inexperienced eye in appearance and even in taste. Their main difference is in the peel: in Guanabana, the surface of the peel is clearly similar to rare low spines or villi, although in fact these processes are soft and not prickly at all. The fruit is round, irregularly elongated, quite large, can reach a weight of 12 kilograms, although usually there are fruits weighing no more than 3 kilograms on sale.

The homeland of Guanabana is tropical America, but it can be found in almost all tropical regions, including in the countries of Southeast Asia, in Israel. You can find this fruit not in every fruit market.

The flesh of the fruit is white, soft creamy in texture and slightly fibrous. The taste is sweet and slightly sour, unlike any other fruit. Inside there are a large number of hard bones the size and shape of a large bean.

In an unripe fruit, the flesh is hard and tasteless, like a pumpkin. Moreover, the fruits are often sold unripe (they ripen within a few days), which is why tourists, having bought it and tried it, do not immediately fall in love with it. But it is enough to let her lie down for a couple of days, as she acquires her own unique taste. To select a ripe fruit, you need to press a little on it, the peel should sag slightly. Hard dense fruit - unripe.

Guanabana can be eaten by cutting the fruit in half and scraping out the pulp with a spoon, or cut into slices and consumed like a watermelon. It is impossible to peel a ripe fruit from the peel.

Guanabana is a perishable product and should be stored in the refrigerator. If you want to bring home, choose firm unripe fruits, they ripen quite well within 2-3 days, but then deteriorate.

The ripening season of Guanabana is all year round.

More and more popular in our time are exotic overseas fruits. One such fruit is guanabana. Among exotic lovers and residents of those lands where overseas guanabana grows, this fruit of a tropical tree called graviola has more common names:

  • Soursop;
  • Sausep;
  • Anonna needle (or prickly).

Guanabana - what is it?

In appearance, this exotic fruit resembles a not very ripe melon, only with small spikes that are located on the entire surface of the fruit. The evergreen gaunabana tree can reach a height of 7 to 9 meters. The leaves of this tree are smooth and glossy, dark green above and light green below. The flowers of the future "soursop" grow directly on the trunk and stronger branches, and have 3 outer and 3 inner petals. The shape of the flowers is conical.

The fruit of the guanabana is considered the largest of the entire species of Annona, to which this plant belongs.

Its weight can reach up to 7 kilograms. As for the size of guanabana fruits, they can grow from 10 to 35 cm in length, and up to 15 cm in width. The ripe fruit is light green in color with a yellowish tinge. At the same time, the unripe fruit has a rich dark green color.

Where does guanabana (or sausep) grow?

The historical homeland of this evergreen tree with exotic fruits called sausep is the lands of Latin America. In these comfortable climatic conditions, the guanaban fruit grows throughout the region. From Mexico to Argentina itself, where the fruit is widely used in the production of juices. Sausep is also popular in these parts in the form of ice cream and dessert.

In the wild, in its natural habitat, sausep grows throughout the entire Caribbean and Southeast Asia. For example, in Indonesia, sausep (guanabana) is used in the preparation of national sweets. Here it plays the role of the main ingredient.

This southern fruit is grown in India, South China, Australia, as well as the Pacific Islands and Sri Lanka.

The conditions in these regions are also favorable for the Guanabana tree. Well, in European countries, sausep grows only in botanical gardens, where they learned to artificially create a suitable climate for it.

In general, the optimal conditions in which graviola can grow are areas with high levels of humidity in the air and consistently warm temperatures. Because readings of -5 C and below will be fatal for the tree. Guanabana (fruit) in the wrong conditions will simply become hard and dry. As a rule, such lands do not know severe cold winters.

What does Graviola taste like?

A southern fruit called guanabana (graviola) has a pleasant taste and aroma, reminiscent of a combination of strawberries and pineapple. Slightly perceptible notes of citrus, coconut, and sometimes banana complement the overall impression and leave an interesting aftertaste.

In cross section, the fruit of the graviola tree is white flesh with fibers and black seeds. Probably, the name "Soursop" appeared when looking at the inner cavity.

Useful and healing properties

From the description of the fruit, it has already become clear that this is a specific and unique fruit. It is not only in appearance. Earlier, we have already mentioned its healing properties and ability to cure oncological diseases. However, researchers and doctors have not yet provided accurate evidence of this. But still, sausep (fruit from the graviola tree) has many useful properties and an interesting composition that is not inferior to other overseas fruits.

It has long been noticed that in regions and localities where the guanabana fruit grows and where it is grown, local residents have excellent immunity. Sausep is able to maintain good health. In addition, the use of fruit for medicinal purposes or simply for food in various forms can have a positive effect on the body:

  • Not only tasty, but also healthy tea with soursop. It looks like Ceylon tea leaves soaked in guanabana juice. This tea has a slight effect on the diuretic system and the liver. Has a tonic effect.
  • Fully ripe saucepa fruits successfully help to fight excess weight by normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as restoring the microflora in the intestines.
  • Blood pressure will lower freshly squeezed guanabana juice.
  • Traditional medicine in America advises diabetics to use the outlandish fruit to increase blood sugar levels.

Some skin diseases can also be cured with soursep, by making a poultice from the crushed leaves of the graviola tree. Dysentery is cured by crushed unripe fruits. And it is easy and simple to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as pediculosis (lice) by using guanabana seed oil.

There are also opinions that the raw fruit of the graviola tree can help with arthritis and osteoporosis. Also, according to some studies, Sausep is recommended for people suffering from viral and herpes infections.

Benefits of Guanabana

No wonder this fruit is called " vitamin bomb”, because the secret of its benefits is its composition. The fruits of the graviola tree are energetically valuable, due to the presence of fructose in large quantities. Well, amazing healing properties are provided by an abundance of vitamins B1, B2 and C, which are contained in fruit juice. It is this unique composition that helps in the fight against more than 12 types of cancer.

Unfortunately, the conditions of our latitudes will not allow growing such a heat-loving exotic tree with guanaban fruits in your own garden. But you can always enjoy fragrant tea with soursop, or better yet, visit countries where this wonderful fruit grows.
