Characteristics for a former student sample. Material on the topic: Sample characteristics for a student



per student of group _______

Andreev Andrey Andreevich

The year of birth

Andrei studies in KUPK since 2013 on the specialty 09.02.04 "Information systems". During his college years, he showed high ability. According to the results of the first, second and third courses, he has excellent and good grades. There were no comments on the discipline, there were no delays and omissions without a good reason.

Performs the duties of deputy head of the group. .

Interest in public life College exhibits, attends events.

Andreev A.A. physicallywell developed, has a penchant for mathematical sciences, a participant in Olympiads and NPC different levels. In 2015, he received the City Youth Prize II degree and the Government Scholarship. At the same time, he studies at the evening department, receives a second specialty.

By nature, a cheerful person, not lazy, not tiring, persistent in achieving the goal.

Respect for teachers. Friendly relations with group mates. The comments of fellow students and teachers are adequate, self-esteem is normal.

Outwardly always neat, watching appearance. He is brought up in a friendly family, parents are interested in the success of their son. Mom attends parent meetings. Andrei bad habits does not have.

the date

Class teacher full name

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

state autonomous professional educational institution

Kamensk-Ural Polytechnic College



for a student of the group ____________

Ivanova Irina Ivanovna

The year of birth

Ivanova Irina studies in KUPK since 2013 at the electrical engineering department, specialty 09.02.04 "Information systems".

During her studies in college, she showed high abilities. According to the results of the first, second and third courses, he has only excellent marks. There were no comments on the discipline, there were no delays and omissions without a good reason.

In the group, he performs the duties of the educational sector. A very responsible girl.

Possesses the skills of planning educational and labor activity, is able to highlight the main thing in the educational material, analyze, draw conclusions. Able to be collected and organized. Irina is a regular participant in olympiads, competitions, NPCs of various levels, in 2015 she received the City Youth Prize of the 1st degree and the Governor's scholarship. At the same time, he studies at the evening department, receives a second specialty.

Shows interest in the social life of the college, was present at all events taking place in the college and outside it.

By nature, a modest, well-bred girl, cheerful, not lazy, has Creative skills to drawing, sewing, persistent in achieving the goal. Has slightly low self-esteem.

Respect for teachers. Friendly relations with group mates.

Outwardly, always neat, monitors appearance. Brought up in a friendly family, parents are interested in the success of their daughter. Mom always attends parent-teacher meetings. Irina has no bad habits.

the date

Class teacher full name

Characteristics of a student from the place of practicedescribes it vocational training, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and business qualities that he showed during the period of educational, industrial or undergraduate practice.

On conducting an internship and drawing up a student’s characteristics from the place of its passage

Holding industrial practice students is regulated by the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs higher education(hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2015 No. 1383. The purpose of the practice is to develop basic skills professional activity, and if we are talking about undergraduate internship, then obtaining additional factual material for writing a thesis.

2 curators should manage the practice at once: one of the teachers educational institution and an employee of the organization that accepted the student for an internship. Together they create a practice schedule.

The functions of the representative of the educational institution are listed in paragraph 12 of the Regulations:

  • drawing up a practice plan;
  • development of individual practical tasks;
  • distribution of students by jobs;
  • control over observance of terms of practice;
  • control of the practice content;
  • methodological assistance to students;
  • evaluation of practice results.

Clause 13 of the Regulations describes the functions of the head of practice on the part of the enterprise. Organization employee:

  • coordinates the individual practical tasks of students, the content and results of the practice;
  • provides students with jobs in the enterprise;
  • introduces trainees to the requirements of labor protection and fire safety rules;
  • explains to students the rules of labor activity;
  • provides safe conditions of practice from the point of view of sanitation and labor safety.

Legislation requires students to complete tasks under the internship program, comply with the rules of internal work schedule, as well as the requirements of labor protection and fire safety.

The procedure for evaluating the results is not established by the Regulations and is regulated by local regulations educational organization. At the same time, in most cases, the head of practice on the part of the enterprise is required to write detailed characteristics for an intern.

Characteristics of the student's work in the place internship: sample, form

A sample characteristic for a student is not established by law, so the document is written in an arbitrary form. The head of the practice should only remember that the document must be written in formal style and the following information must be included in the specification:

  • the name of the organization in which the student had an internship;
  • organization address;
  • the name of the educational institution where the trainee is studying;
  • surname and initials of the student;
  • timing of the internship;
  • type of practice;
  • responsibilities of the student during the internship;
  • professional qualities of the student;
  • features of the student, shown when communicating with the workforce;
  • practical skills mastered by the trainee;
  • grade given to the student based on the results of the internship;

Theoretically, the characteristics of the student are written by the head of practice from the enterprise. It is he who should characterize the skills and abilities of the student obtained during the internship.

However, in most cases, the characteristics are written by the students themselves, and the head only signs it and puts the seal of the organization (even more often this is done by the secretary of the enterprise).

A sample of the characteristics can be obtained at your department from a methodologist, or requested from undergraduates.

So that you do not have to search for a long time, we have attached at the end of the article. Just insert your details and print the document.

Requirements for the registration of the characteristics of the student

Familiarize yourself with the basic rules for writing a review for an intern from a supervisor

The results of the internship are recorded in the report, which is drawn up by the student. The content of the report is regulated by the university, as well as the documents that are attached to it. Therefore, the characteristic for a student-trainee should be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, indicating the necessary information and appropriate design.

It is preferable to issue a review on the letterhead of the organization where the student was in practice.

Information to be included in the description:

  • the name of the organization and its details;
  • mailing address;
  • e-mail;
  • contact number;
  • full information about the student-trainee: full name, university, faculty and course of study;
  • the position in which the student had an internship;
  • terms of production practice;
  • duties that were assigned to the trainee;
  • signature of the head of practice;
  • organization stamp.

How to write a testimonial for an internship student

To write a testimonial for a trainee student, you can use our recommendations

When describing the duties that the student performed in practice, one should focus on job description. Example: The student was responsible for maintaining accounting inventory, analysis of financial statements, etc.

The level should be assessed theoretical training student and his ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Example: when fulfilling the instructions of the head during the internship of Ivanov I.A. guided by the knowledge gained in higher education. The level of theoretical preparation of the student allows to perform official duties at a good professional level.

Then it is necessary to reflect the skills acquired by the student in practice. This may be reporting, contracts, etc.

In addition, one of the mandatory attributes of the review is a characteristic of the student's personal qualities. Such qualities as diligence, punctuality, responsibility, ability to learn, sociability, purposefulness, etc. should be evaluated.

In conclusion, the characteristics from the place of internship should indicate the grade that the student deserves for the internship.

Sample Student Intern Profile


This characteristic is given to a student of the Russian State technological university them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, held undergraduate practice in Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012

During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in the work in filling out supply contracts, compiling reports, studied the rules of a trade visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of laying out goods on shelves).

During the internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed good level theoretical training. She approached all assignments conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to acquire new knowledge.

In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

Student characteristics template from internship place

When compiling the characteristics of a student from the place of practice, the leader should focus on the level of the student's professional preparation for work, as well as identify the skills and abilities that the trainee received in production. A characteristic, written in accordance with all the rules, will help the head of the university to assess the effectiveness of the student's internship and fairly evaluate it.

Characteristics for a student who had an internship - a sample and a template updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

A characteristic from the place of study may be needed in several cases. Sometimes an employer asks for it when you get a part-time job, wanting to combine work and study. Or it may be required at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. But whatever the reason, the form of the document and its typical content remain roughly the same.

Unlike a student's autobiography. the characteristic is compiled by a responsible person from the institute. It should reflect the following points:

  1. Full name, as well as basic information of the questionnaire plan.
  2. Data where the student is studying, in which course and department.
  3. Characteristics of educational and professional qualities.
  4. Characteristics of the personal qualities of the student, his relationship with teachers and classmates.
  5. Conclusions and an indication of where the characteristic is intended

It is also customary to assess the psychological and moral character student, his characteristic inclinations and abilities. Now let's look at examples.

Sample characteristics from the place of study


on the student Venediktov Anton Pavlovich, a graduate of the St. Petersburg GPU

Student Venediktov Anton Pavlovich is a second-year student at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, at the Department of Nanotechnology and quantum mechanics. During his studies, he showed himself as a responsible student.

Took part in cultural events organized by the university: the day of the freshman and the day open doors. Member of the institute team of KVN.

He completed an internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Marine Physical and Technical Systems, established himself as a responsible trainee.

Shows special abilities in physics, passed educational practice at the Cathedral Laboratory of Optics and Photonics.

In contacts with classmates, Anton Venediktov shows leadership qualities, is non-confrontational, and is always ready to help friends and comrades.

In 2010, he was nominated for a scholarship from the Governor of St. Petersburg following the results of two examination sessions.

Teachers characterize Anton Venediktov as a capable student who can further reveal his engineering talent in professional field subject to intensive training.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of requirement. Seal. Signature.

Form template characteristics of a student from the place of study

Full name, date of birth, studied at the evening department of _______________________ (name of the institute) from September 2005 to July 2010.

In the process of studying, __________________ (full name) showed himself to be a purposeful, disciplined and capable student. Successfully mastered educational material in specialized disciplines. In general education subjects, semester and term papers received well and excellent. Graduate work in the specialty _________________ on the topic: ____________________ is novel and reflects the high professional training of the author.

During the introductory practice at ___________________ and the production practice at __________________ ________________ (full name) showed good knowledge engineering, programming skills in high-level languages ​​and the ability to apply in practical work knowledge acquired at the university. During the internship, he successfully completed all the assigned tasks, showing himself on the positive side. Has a penchant for innovation. Good industrial and educational training is confirmed by the characteristics and reviews from the places of passage of ___________________ (full name) practice.

___________________ (full name) was a member of the student scientific circle, made presentations at scientific and practical conferences and was nominated for a grant based on the results of a number of published works.

_________________ (full name) easily finds mutual language with others, always benevolent, in controversial situations looking for a compromise, prone to creative activity.

The qualification degree _______________________ (full name) fully corresponds to his knowledge and skills, which allows him to be recommended for admission to graduate school in the specialty _______________.

The characteristic is given for presentation to graduate school ____________________.

Characteristics for a school graduate

1992 year of birth


Svatov school I-III Art.

Svatovsky district of Luhansk region

Yuri Gagarin studied at this school from 1st to 9th grade. The guy is capable, but he did not show significant diligence in mastering knowledge. More inclined to study the humanities, and worked unsystematically in the lessons. In the study of the exact sciences, he felt certain difficulties. For the results of study showed middle level knowledge.

He attended school constantly, there were no missed lessons without good reason. He was not noticed in offenses, he behaved courteously, disciplined.

He took part in extracurricular activities, he found special activity and curiosity in sports. He was an active participant in sports competitions from football and tennis. I enjoyed attending the computer club. Interested in technology.

The guy is calm, balanced, polite. He treated teachers with respect. He had many friends among his classmates. Hardworking.

Relations in the family in which he was brought up are normal. Parents were interested in their son's studies.

The characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of demand.

I need a sample of characteristics from the place of study (institute) please help.

EVGENIA-) Pupil (167), closed 1 year ago

P I Master (1955) 5 years ago

Student characteristics

Student Grachev Nikolai Vyacheslavovich, born in 1989, is a student of the Komi Republican Academy public service under the Head of the Komi Republic since 2006. Currently, he is finishing his studies at the 2nd year of the Faculty of Law and Records Management.

During his studies at the Academy, he proved himself to be a conscientious student. Copes with the curriculum on "good" and "excellent". Does not allow absences from classes and violations of discipline.

GPA - 4.75. He actively participates in the public and sports life of the Academy, being a member of the Academy's KVN team and a player in the academic futsal team.

Grachev Nikolai Vyacheslavovich is characterized by us as a disciplined person. Has a calm nature, avoids conflict situations, tactful. He enjoys well-deserved authority among other students of his group. Has friends among other students of the Academy.

In communication with students and teachers, he is polite and friendly. He has an equal relationship with everyone. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, seeks to find a compromise. Thinks creatively.

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Documentation

Other answers

Characteristics from the place of study

(the name of the institution)

(address: zip code, city, street, house)


student of _________________________ faculty

(Name of the student) _______

(Name of the student) _____. _____ year of birth, has been a student of ____ since 20__. Currently studying in the _th year of the ____________________ faculty, specializing in &ldquo____________________&rdquo.

During the period of study (full name of the student) he proved himself to be a conscientious, sympathetic, versatile student. He showed particular interest in the study of academic disciplines of social and psychological orientation.

(Student's full name) _____ has a pronounced creative personality, creative thinking, his own, different from the generally accepted, views on the structure of society, which lies in the dominant role of humanism, philanthropy and non-violence over the individual.

In communication with students and teachers, he is polite and friendly. He has an equal relationship with everyone. If there are difficulties, seeks to find a compromise.


Faculty Dean ___ (signature) ___/ ___ (signature) ___

Student characteristics

Student characteristics - an official document issued by an educational institution and containing information about the student's academic performance and psychological qualities. This document may be required when applying for a job, when passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office, when transferring to another educational institution or to another faculty, and in other cases.

The document is similar to drawing up a job description. The characteristic is written on the letterhead of the university and is supported by the seals and signature of the dean. The document can be drawn up by the dean's office staff, the curator of the group, the head practical exercises or another representative of the university.

Structure and sample characteristics

Sample General Specification

The standard structure of registration of characteristics is reduced to the following points:

  1. Indication of the address and details of the educational institution and the name of the institution at the request of which the student's profile is compiled. This information located in the header of the document and may be part of the letterhead.
  2. Indication of personal data about the student, full name, date of birth, period of study in this institution, name of the faculty, specialty, group.
  3. The overall assessment of the student's progress, his ability to different types learning, attitude to the learning process. This part of the document indicates the student's average grade. Creative or scientific achievements of the student, his activity in cultural life, are also indicated in this section.
  4. Assessment of the psychological and behavioral qualities of a person: the type of thinking, the level of culture, the nature of relationships with other participants in the educational process.
  5. In the final part of the document, the date of compilation is indicated and the signature of the dean is put.

The document must contain only objective and truthful information about the student. Characteristics from the place of study can affect the perception of the student by the employer or the new supervisor.

Sample characteristics of a student in the military registration and enlistment office (Size: 32.0 KiB | Downloads: 9 167)

Sample Student Profile (Size: 31.5 KiB | Downloads: 26,119)

Outdated form or article? Please click!

When called young man on the military service to the army, when transferring to another university or military school, when resolving issues with the police or the court, almost always a reference is required for a student from the place of study. Sometimes employers request such a characteristic when hiring a graduate and signing employment contract. In any case, the characteristic for a student is an assessment document that reflects the indicators of the student's academic performance, the absence of debts in subjects, the assessment of discipline and the participation of the student in the public life of the educational institution. As a rule, each head of the study group, in the dean's office, and in the case of training and industrial practice, at the curator at the enterprise, have a sample of the characteristic for a student from the place of study.

What needs to be indicated in the characteristic from the place of study, and whether there is a strict standard form of such a document, we will tell in this publication.

Characteristics plan for a student from the place of study

Usually, the preparation of characteristics for students is entrusted to the dean's office or the rector's office, but often the students themselves are entrusted with this task (and only then the leader, having read the document, puts his resolution under its text, or returns it to the student for correction if he does not agree with its content), because this skill of compiling such documentation will be useful to the trainee in the future.

How to draw up a characteristic from the student's place of study? Is there a strict form for such a document? No, the strict form of the characteristic is not standardized anywhere and by anyone, therefore they are compiled in a free form.

At the same time, despite the free form of the characteristic, general rules when compiling business documentation, it must comply, since this document is transferred to other organizations, which, in the form of characteristics, must make a correct impression of high level educational institution.

Sample Plan characteristics from the place of study can be as follows:

  • Document title- usually in the title they write the position and full name the head of the organization to which the characteristic is sent. In some cases, the heading is omitted, instead, at the end of the document, a note is made about the direction of this characteristic at the place of requirement.
  • Student's personal data- here the full name of the characterized student, the date and place of his birth, the year of enrollment to study at this university, as well as the faculty, department, group and course number are disclosed.
  • academic achievement- the main indicator that characterizes a student is the level of his academic performance. Not only academic performance is written here, but also the attitude to study, course attendance, class absences, as well as the student's social workload and his achievements - participation in competitions, olympiads, etc. are revealed.
  • Personal qualities of a student- should be disclosed here psychological features personality, including the level of culture, character traits, if any - behavioral features and relationships with fellow students and with the teaching staff. It is possible to write about achievements in sports.
  • The final part of the characteristic- at the end, the date of the document and certifying signatures with a transcript is put, usually the curator of the group and the dean of the faculty where the student is studying puts the signature.

Perhaps your university has letterheads for compiling frequently compiled documents, including characteristics for students. In this case, the name of the educational institution will already be imprinted in the form of a letterhead, and it will be superfluous to mention it in the text.

Video instruction on how to write a testimonial for a student

If after watching this video instruction on how to write a testimonial for a student you still have questions, then below is a small sample example of such a “ recommendation letter».

Sample characteristics for a student from the place of study

You can take this sample of characteristics for a student from the place of study as an example and correct it at your discretion, preserving the structure of the document, replacing personal data:

MSTU im. N. E. Bauman,
105005, Moscow, st. 2nd Baumanskaya, 5


Petrov Vladimir Sergeevich born April 24, 1999 since 2018 is a student of the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman. Currently studying at the 2nd year of the faculty "Radioelectronics and laser technology (RL)", study group RLT-74.

During his studies at MSTU. N. E. Bauman managed to prove himself on the positive side, he shows himself as a disciplined and conscientious student. Strives for knowledge, does not allow absences of training sessions and seminars without a good reason. Academic plan performs with a mark not lower than "good". The average academic score is 4.7. Studying is easy, takes part in the Faculty Olympiads in higher mathematics and physics.

Athletic and socially active. Captain of the KVN team of the faculty, member of the university swimming team and orienteering.

Character sustained, solid. Able to achieve goals without losing sight of teamwork. good leader feels the team. Non-confrontational, friendly. Responds constructively to criticism.

He enjoys well-deserved authority not only among the students of his group, but also among the students of the entire faculty. Maintains friendly relations with students of his own and other groups and faculties. With teachers respectful, polite, tactful.

The characteristic is given at the place of requirement

The date ________

Curator of the RLT-74 group ___________
Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics and Laser Technology (RL) ___________

As you can see compiling a profile for a student does not require any specific skills and abilities, however, do not forget that a characteristic drawn up in accordance with all the rules (especially when it is compiled by the author on himself and submitted for approval to the head of the group, an employee of the dean's office) is a document on which a person's assessment will be formed, and such an assessment can play far from a secondary role when applying for a job, when being distributed to one or another branch of the military, when considered by a court, in the case of administrative offense or a criminal offense, etc.
