Requirements for a biology class. Requirements for the biology room Biology room (laboratory, laboratory room) - Document Cabinets in the biology room content

The school biology classroom is a special educational unit of the school, equipped with educational equipment that contributes to the active cognitive activity of students in the classroom, in extracurricular, extracurricular activities in the subject of "Biology". The biology room is a specially equipped room for organizing the teaching and educational process in biology. The classroom contains general equipment necessary for teaching all biology courses, and specific equipment for a particular course, a particular topic. Educational and educational role of the cabinet: in the biology cabinet, the process of training, education and development of students is carried out, for which special equipment is provided. Comfortable work tables and chairs, a large and well-lit blackboard, chalk and a damp sponge for wiping the blackboard, the teacher's table and blackboard are used to demonstrate visual aids in the lesson, a screen is placed on the wall, a TV is placed on the side on a high stand, and in the back of the room on a special pedestal movie projector. The office should have running water with a sink. The classroom is equipped with a small library containing various reference books for students. Changing and permanent exhibitions are organized in the office, developing interest in biological science, helping to assimilate complex educational material. The scientific and methodological role of the office: the office is the place of work of a biology teacher. Therefore, it should contain everything that a teacher needs for creative preparation for a lesson and other types of classes with schoolchildren: programs, textbooks, collections of problems and tests in biology, periodicals, biological journals, various methodological literature, reference books, plant identification books and mushrooms, animals. The teacher should have instructional materials from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the education authorities of their region, state education standards in the classroom. The office should have materials reflecting the work of biological circles and electives, didactic materials. The integrated use of educational equipment makes it possible to most fully realize the unity of content, methods and teaching aids in the educational process. Complexes of educational equipment are prepared by the teacher for each lesson and do not remain constant. Placement of educational equipment: natural objects, images of natural objects, handouts and didactic cards, devices and devices for demonstrating technical means, laboratory equipment, chemicals, a small first aid kit. The main part of the educational material is stored in cabinets by types of manuals, sections and topics. For ease of searching, each cabinet is assigned a letter, the shelves are numbered. Stuffed animals, collections of insects and herbariums are stored packed in boxes with mothballs. Animal skeletons are placed in the glazed part of the cabinet. Micropreparations in special boxes. Microscopes and magnifiers are placed in cases. The tables are glued to cardboard and stored in an upright position. Reference function of the cabinet: in order to quickly obtain information about the availability of this or that educational equipment in the biology cabinet, the place of its storage should be a reference file on the main sections: literature, instruments, technical and audiovisual aids, tables, preparations, collections, herbariums, etc. . The function of accounting and planning of the office: the teacher, as the head of the office, is obliged to keep a book of accounting, in which material values ​​​​must be recorded in alphabetical order by section. Once a year, the office conducts an inventory of them. The account also includes the passport of the office. All the main organizational work of the biology cabinet, storage of equipment is performed by the head of the biology cabinet. This function belongs to the biology teacher.

A lesson in learning new knowledge.

The didactic purpose of this lesson is the communication and assimilation of new knowledge. The most important stage of the lesson is the stage of assimilation of new knowledge. The role of the teacher in this lesson is informational. The student in the course of the lesson independently acquires knowledge under the guidance of a teacher. Stages: 1) Organizational 2) Preparing students for active conscious assimilation of knowledge 3) The stage of assimilating new knowledge 4) The stage of consolidating new knowledge 5) The stage of information about dz. Species diversity - 1) Lesson-lecture, 2) Lesson-conversation,) Movie-lesson, 4) Lesson of research type - theoretical and practical, 5) Lesson presentation of knowledge.

Lesson to consolidate the studied material.

The didactic goal is to consolidate and comprehend what is being studied in the form of relevant skills and abilities, both motor and intellectual. The basis of this lesson is the theoretical and practical independent work of students. Training in the use of knowledge, skills, both in standard and non-standard situations. Stages: 1) Organizational 2) Preparing students for the active assimilation of knowledge 3) The stage of consolidating knowledge 4) The stage of information about dz. Stage 3 is the leader of the lesson. The structure of this stage includes an analysis of the completed homework. At the stage, the material is repeated, translated into skills and abilities that are trained through a system of tasks and exercises. Thus, the main process of this lesson is training through exercises. Stage of information about d.z. is of great importance, because it is necessary to clearly put forward requirements for the results of the exercises, it is desirable that d.z. was diformed by the level of complexity and individualized.

9) The main regulatory documents regulating the content, norms and requirements of biological education at school.

1) An educational standard is a federal regulatory document that defines the minimum content of the main images. Programs, the maximum amount of student workload. Requirements for the level of training of students. It consists of 3 components: 1) the federal component defines the basic standard of education that ensures the unity of school images, space in the country. 2) the national-regional component provides for the needs of nationalities and regions. 3) the school component ensures the realization of the interests of the contract of the educational institution. 2) Curriculum - a normative document that determines the composition of academic subjects, their distribution by year of study, weekly and annual number of hours of study. 3) Curriculum - outlines the range of basic knowledge of the skills and abilities formed by students in the learning process. 4) Educational literature, school textbooks, workbooks, reference books, dictionaries, books for additional reading.

Lesson repetition.

To prevent forgetting the learned material, to deepen and clarify the idea of ​​knowledge and skills of each student. The main didactic feature of the repetition lesson. Repetition of all the material studied in the topic, including primary and secondary questions (in the consolidation lesson, separate rules and regulations are worked out)). The lesson is repeated, for example, on the development of memory, logical thinking, worldview. The difficulty in preparing this lesson lies in the clear definition of the boundaries of the students of the material used in the lesson. Stages: 1) Organizational 2) Preparing students for active assimilation of knowledge 3) Stage of repetition 4) Stage of information d.z.

Requirements for a biology class:

1. The presence of an office passport, issued indicating the functional purpose of the equipment, instruments, technical means, visual aids, didactic materials, etc.

2. The presence of a work plan for the study room for the academic year and the future.

3. Compliance with safety regulations, sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

4. Compliance with aesthetic requirements for the design of the study room: the presence of permanent (periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev, solubility table, a number of metal stresses, coloring of indicators in different environments) and replaceable educational and information stands, etc. (according to the work plan of the study room) .

5. The staffing of the classroom with educational equipment, educational and methodological complex of teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the educational program of the school.

6. Compliance of the educational and methodological complex and the complex of teaching aids with the profile of the classroom, the requirements of the standard of education and educational programs.

7. The presence of a set of didactic materials, standard tasks, tests, independent and control work and other materials for diagnosing the quality of education and the educational process (according to the profile of the office).

8. Provision of textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with the educational program.

9. Open and visual presentation to students of the minimum required content of education and. requirements for the level of compulsory training (education standard).

10. Open and visual presentation to students of samples of meters fulfilling the requirements of the mandatory standard.

11. Providing students with a set of standard tasks, tests, tests, etc. for diagnosing the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and advanced levels of the educational standard.

12. Availability of poster material in the study room: recommendations for students on designing their educational activities, on implementing the skills development program, on organizing and doing homework, on preparing for various forms of educational and cognitive activities (workshop, seminar, laboratory work, testing , test, interview, exam, etc.).

13. The presence of a screen for the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational standard by students.

14. Availability of the schedule of work of the classroom for the compulsory program, extracurricular activities, additional education program, individual lessons with lagging behind, with gifted students, consultations, etc.

To implement these requirements, it is necessary to be guided by a certain regulatory framework, to have relevant documentation in the office.

Required documentation for the biology classroom:

1. Passport of the study room.

2. Inventory list for existing equipment.

3. Magazine or card file of visual aids, handouts.

4. Safety regulations for work in the classroom.

5. Journal of briefing students during extracurricular and

events, as well as instructing the laboratory assistant and student interns.

6. Rules of conduct for students in the classroom.

7. Schedule of the study room.

8. Certificate of acceptance of the classroom by the school administration.

9. The work plan of the cabinet for the academic year.

10. Long-term plan for the work of the cabinet (plan for retrofitting).

All documentation of the biology classroom is maintained by the teacher (laboratory assistant) regularly and in accordance with the established methodological requirements and deadlines. It should be organized, stored in numbered folders with appropriate names.

Folders (boxes, boxes) also accumulate other material related to the teaching of this subject.

Here are the approximate names of the folders that you can have in the biology classroom:

1. Biology room.

2. Labor protection.

3. Regulatory documents.

4. Planning of educational work.

5. Work on self-education of the teacher.

6. Modern educational technologies.

8. Non-traditional forms of biology classes.

9. Week of biology at school.

10. Extracurricular work in biology.

11. Work with gifted children.

12. Biology and health.

13. Ecology.

14. Science news.

15. Problems of modern biology.

And others at the discretion of the teacher.

General requirements for the classroom.

The classroom should contain the following legislative and regulatory documents:

* Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education";

* Standard regulation on a general educational institution (if necessary - Model regulation on an institution of the appropriate type);

* Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in educational institutions (SanPiN;

* State educational standard for subjects according to the profile of the cabinet;

* Charter of the educational institution;

* Rules of conduct for students;

* Regulations on incentives and penalties for students;

* Cabinet passport containing:

Agreement on full liability (if necessary);

List of furniture;

List of technical training aids;

List of equipment, fixtures and tools;

List of didactic materials;

Cabinet library catalog;

Certificate of permission to conduct classes;

Labor protection instructions;

Safety Instructions;

Office hours (per trimester, quarter);

Cabinet acceptance sheet.

The classroom must comply with the sanitary and hygienic requirements of SanPiN (for finishing materials; composition, size and placement of furniture; air-thermal regime; natural and artificial lighting regime) and fire safety requirements PPB 01-03.

The classroom should be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment and a first aid kit for first aid.

The design of the classroom should be carried out in a single style, taking into account aesthetic principles.

Classes in the classroom should serve to develop in students:

* modern picture of the world;

* general educational skills and abilities;

* a generalized way of educational, cognitive, communicative and practical activities;

* the need for a continuous, independent and creative approach to mastering new knowledge;

* key competencies - the willingness of students to use the acquired general knowledge, skills and abilities in real life to solve practical problems;

* theoretical thinking, memory, imagination;

* education of students, aimed at developing their sociability and tolerance.

Requirements for the teaching and methodological support of the classroom.

The classroom must be equipped with educational and computer equipment necessary for the implementation of educational programs implemented by the school on the basis of the "List of educational and computer equipment for equipping educational institutions" in accordance with local regulations.

The classroom should be provided with textbooks, didactic and handouts necessary for the implementation of the curricula implemented by the school.

In the classroom in the public domain there should be materials containing the minimum required content of education and requirements for the level of compulsory training (education standard);

samples of control and measuring materials (KIM) to determine the assimilation of the requirements of the educational standard.

The classroom should be provided with a set of standard tasks, tests, tests for diagnosing the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and advanced levels of the educational standard.

On the stands in the classroom should be placed:

* requirements of the educational standard according to the profile of the office;

* requirements, samples of registration of various types of work (laboratory, creative, control, independent, etc.) and their analysis;

* variants of tasks for olympiads, competitions, intellectual marathons according to the profile of the office and their analysis;

* safety requirements.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the biology classroom.

Natural and artificial lighting of the office should be provided in accordance with SNiP-23-05-95. "Natural and artificial lighting",

The orientation of the windows of classrooms should be to the south, east or southeast sides of the horizon.

The room should have lateral left-hand lighting. With double-sided lighting at a depth of more than 6 m in the cabinet, a right-sided lighting device is required, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor

It is forbidden to obstruct the light openings (on the inside and outside) with equipment or other objects. Do not place large plants or shelves with plants on the windows. Office light openings should be equipped with adjustable sun protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains in light colors that match the color of the walls and furniture.

For artificial lighting, fluorescent lamps of the following types should be used: LS002x40, LP028X40, LP002-2x40, LP034-4X36, TsSP-5-2X40. Luminaires should be installed in rows along the laboratory parallel to the windows. It is necessary to provide for separate (in rows) switching on of lamps. The blackboard should be illuminated by two mirror lamps of the LPO-30-40-122Ts25 type ("oblique light") installed parallel to it. Lamps should be placed 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board.

The level of illumination of workplaces for the teacher and for students under artificial lighting should be at least 300 lux, on the blackboard - 500 lux.

The coloring of the room, depending on the orientation, should be done in warm or cold tones of low saturation. The rooms facing south are painted in cold colors (range of blue, gray, green), and to the north - in warm colors (range of yellow, pink colors). Coloring in white, dark and contrasting colors (brown, bright blue, lilac, black, red, crimson) is not recommended.

The floors must be without gaps and have a plank, parquet or linoleum flooring on an insulated base.

Cabinet walls should be smooth, allowing them to be cleaned with a wet method. Window frames and doors are painted white.

The coefficient of light reflection of the walls should be within 0.5-0.6, the ceiling - 0.7-0.8, the floor - 0.3-0.5.

The laboratory and the laboratory room should be provided with heating and supply and exhaust ventilation in such a way that the temperature in the rooms is maintained within 18-21 degrees Celsius; air humidity should be within 40-60%.

Natural ventilation should be carried out using transoms or vents with an area of ​​​​at least 1/50 of the floor area and providing a three-fold air exchange. Transoms and vents should be equipped with devices that are convenient for closing and opening.

At least two sinks with water supply should be installed in the office: one - in the laboratory, the other - in the laboratory room.

The power supply of the cabinet must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28139-89 and PUE.

The teacher's demonstration table must be equipped with a 220V AC outlet. The electric current supply to the table must be stationary and hidden.

Requirements for a set of furniture in the classroom.

In the office, specialized furniture is used:

To organize jobs for students and teachers;

For the correct and rational storage and placement of educational equipment;

To accommodate living objects (plants and animals) used in a demonstration experiment, observations in the classroom and after school hours;

Appliances for office interior design;

For equipment placement.

Furniture for the organization of the workplace of the teacher:

One section of the demonstration table (GOST 18607-93) and a table for the teacher with a chair.

Furniture for the organization of students' workplaces includes double laboratory student tables of different height groups (N4,5,6) with color marking, complete with chairs of the same height groups (according to GOST 18314-93).

For rational placement and proper storage of educational equipment, a set of sections for various purposes is needed, from which you can assemble variants of combined laboratory cabinets.

The combined laboratory cabinet is located along the rear wall of the laboratory and consists of the following sections (according to GOST 18666-95).

Furniture for living objects is located in the laboratory room - a preparation table (or racks).

A cabinet is installed in the laboratory room, consisting of the following sections:

Lower (with a plinth) with blind doors - 2 pcs.;

Lower (with a plinth) with trays - 2 pcs.;

Top with blind doors - 8 pcs.

Office room requirements.

For a biology cabinet, two adjacent rooms are required: a laboratory with an area of ​​66-70 sq. m (with a length of 10-11 m, a width of 6-7 m) and a laboratory assistant - 15-18 sq. m. It is best to place an office on the ground floor with windows oriented to the south or east.

The biology room can be combined with a room for teaching an integrated natural science course. In small schools, joint classrooms can be organized: biological and chemical, biological and geographical, natural science classroom with teaching biology, chemistry, physics. In a joint office, you need: one laboratory room and 1-2 laboratory rooms.

The area of ​​​​the office should allow you to arrange furniture in it in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Student tables should be set up as a rule in three rows. Two-row or single-row installation of tables is allowed.

The distance between tables in a row is 0.6 m, between rows of tables is at least 0.6 m, between rows of tables and longitudinal walls is 0.5-0.7 m, from the first tables to the front wall is about 2.6-2.7 m , the greatest distance of the last place of students from the blackboard is 8.6 m.

Sectional cabinets for educational equipment and equipment (overhead projector, epiprojector) on stands are installed along the rear wall of the laboratory.

A board and part of the permanent exhibition are placed on the front wall.

Showcases or stands for permanent and temporary exposure are installed on the side wall opposite the windows.

In the laboratory room there is a cabinet-wall for storing educational equipment, a preparation table for some living objects and preparing simple experiments. In addition, a work table for the teacher is equipped in the laboratory, a sink-sink with a board for drying chemical glassware is installed.

Requirements for equipping the classroom with educational equipment.

Educational equipment in biology is divided into groups:

Natural objects (live plants and animals, collections, wet and osteological preparations, herbariums, etc.);

Instruments, utensils, accessories for demonstrations and laboratory work;

Models, models, relief tables;

Manuals on a printed basis (tables, maps, textbooks, didactic material, etc.);

Screen-sound teaching aids (ESSE) (video films, films);

Projection equipment for presenting information embedded in the EZSO;

Literature for teachers and students (textbooks, reference books, methodological literature, etc.).

Requirements for the organization of jobs for teachers and students.

The composition of the workplace for a biology teacher includes: a demonstration table (one section), a table for a teacher with a chair, a blackboard, a screen.

The section of the demonstration table must be supplied with an electric current of 220V, water.

For an office, as a rule, they use a blackboard with five working surfaces, consisting of a main shield and two folding ones. The size of the main shield is 1500x1000 mm, folding shields - 750x1000 mm. These boards have a magnetic surface for the use of appliqué models. There should be 6-7 occasional table holders on the top edge of the chalkboard.

The rational organization of the workplace for the student requires compliance with the following conditions:

Sufficient work surface for writing, reading, observing, etc.

Convenient placement of equipment used in the lesson;

Correspondence of the table and chair to anthropometric data to maintain a comfortable working posture of the student;

The required level of illumination on the working surface of the table (300 lux).

Student furniture must be marked. On the bottom of the table cover, write the group of the table (in the numerator) and the height of the students (in the denominator). For example, brand 4 / 140-160 means that group 4 furniture is intended for students 140-160 cm tall. On the outside, on the side of the table, color marking is applied (a circle with a diameter of 25 mm or a horizontal strip 20 mm wide). Each group of furniture is marked with its own color.

Requirements for the placement and storage of equipment.

The system of placement and storage of educational equipment should provide:

His safety;

A permanent place, convenient for removing and returning the product, securing a place for this type of educational equipment based on the frequency of use in the classroom;

Fast accounting and control to replace failed products with new ones.

The basic principle of placement and storage of educational equipment - by subjects, types of educational equipment, taking into account the frequency of use of this educational equipment. The laboratory is equipped with equipment for laboratory work (optical instruments, trays for handouts, dissecting instruments).

Training equipment should be located so that the capacity of cabinets and other devices is used to the maximum, while meeting the requirements listed above.

To organize independent laboratory work, you should use a tray system for supplying handouts. Dishes, dissecting instruments, a tray for micropreparations, etc. are stored in stacks.

Natural objects (herbaria, stuffed animals, entomological collections) must be stored in cabinets with blind doors away from direct sunlight. Entomological and other collections are stored in special boxes, herbariums - in boxes or folders.

Vertebrate skeletons are stored in closed cabinets.

Micropreparations are stored in their original packaging so that the micropreparation is placed horizontally, which prevents it from slumping. Sets of micropreparations are arranged according to classes and topics. Micropreparations are distributed on the tables of students in special trays with 4-5 nests.

Wet preparations should be stored in a cabinet with solid doors.

Dummies, models are stored in cabinets away from direct sunlight and heating devices. Models are stored in boxes, in special recesses made of soft paper. Large anatomical models - under covers made of dense matter or synthetic film.

The tables are stored in rolls or glued (at the choice of the teacher) onto cardboard or fabric and arranged in order of numbering for each series in the bookcases.

For optical instruments - microscopes, dissecting instruments and hand loupes, it is advisable to take a special cabinet. Microscopes should be stored under a synthetic film cover in lockable cabinet sections. Hand magnifiers in special arrangements.

Dissecting instruments (dissecting knives, needles, scissors, tweezers) are also placed in stacks.

Placement of dishes in the biology room depends on the frequency of its use. The most commonly used dishes of small capacity, slides and coverslips, so they are placed in the middle part of the cabinet in trays. In the same cabinet, on the top shelf, they store the instruments used in the study of biology. Small laboratory accessories are placed in the lower compartment: tripods, glass and rubber tubes, cork and rubber stoppers. Labels with the name of the available equipment are glued on the end of the stacks.

The storage of reagents in the office is subject to general requirements for the storage of chemical reagents in the school. The most common reagents are the following: a solution of iodine in kaji iodide, starch, glucose, sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate, lime water, ethyl alcohol, formalin (40%), sodium chloride (physiological saline, hypertonic saline).

Solutions and dry substances are stored in glass jars with ground-in lids. Each beam is provided with a label with the name, formula of the substance and its concentration. It is prohibited to store substances without labels in the office. Organic substances (alcohol, formalin) should be stored in the chemistry room.

To combat pests in the school area, in the corner of wildlife, to combat museum pests, poisonous substances are purchased in the biology room. Many of them are poisonous to humans as well. On the label of the vessels where these substances are stored, it is necessary to indicate "poison". Toxic substances must be stored in a locked cabinet or safe.

Excursion equipment - folders for collecting plants, drying presses, spreaders, scoops, jars for collecting living material - are stored in a special section of a cabinet or preparation table in the laboratory.

Requirements for interior design.

The interior of the classroom should have a positive emotional impact on the teacher and students. The interior of the classroom should be functionally significant: for decoration, those materials are used that are constantly or most often used in biology lessons. The objects of the permanent exhibition of the cabinet should contribute to the development of basic biological concepts (such as the levels of organization of the living, the development of the organic world, environmental protection).

When placing objects of permanent and temporary exposition, it should be borne in mind that all this material is intended for use in the classroom, which means that text and drawings should be visible to students from any workplace.

To illustrate the concept of the development of the organic world, it is advisable to use a printed table. Another element of the permanent exhibition is the stand "Phenological Observations", used in the study of all sections of the biology course. For the design of the side wall, materials from the series "Levels of organization of wildlife", portraits of biologists are used.

Cabinets (two-section, the upper section is glazed) or showcases should be placed along the back wall, in which representatives (in the form of herbarium material, stuffed animals, etc.) of the main systematic groups of flora and fauna, as well as the exposition "Typical biocenoses" .

The main part of materials of episodic use is placed outside the classroom, where students can familiarize themselves with them during breaks. In the corridors and recreation areas adjacent to the biological study, it is recommended to place stands for career guidance for schoolchildren, a stand with literature for extracurricular reading, as well as photomontages, wall newspapers of biological circles, etc.

When selecting plants in the biology classroom, one should first of all proceed from the fact that several of these objects can be used in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the role of plants in the interior design of the office and their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. It is advisable to place plants on racks that are mounted in the walls at the edge of windows or on stands.

All plants are provided with labels, where they write the species name, family, origin of the plant. Labels are attached to the flower pot.


The date of the: 24.08.2011

Time: 11.00.

Location: OU No. 000

The address: st. Amurskaya, house 6

Responsible methodologist:

1. Participants' speeches:



Topic:"Peculiarities of teaching biology in the context of a comprehensive modernization of the education system of the city of Moscow"

The date of the: 26.08.2011

Time: 10.3 - registration

11.00. - the beginning of the section

Location: State Darwin Museum

The address: st. Vavilova, house 57

Directions: metro station "Akademicheskaya"

Responsible methodologist:.

Participants: teachers of biology and ecology: 175 people

Section work program:

1. Opening remarks:

Deputy director for scientific and educational work of the State Darwin Museum.

2. Performances of participants:

· Analysis of the joint work of the CMC and the district methodological association of teachers of biology and ecology in the academic year and tasks for the new academic year. Features of teaching biology and ecology in the context of a comprehensive modernization of the education system of the city of Moscow in the account. G.

, CMC methodologist

· Phenological observations in teaching biology

Presentation of a new project of the publishing house "National Education" - Modular asset-course as a tool for the implementation of comprehensive preparation of students in grades 9 and 11 for the final certification "

, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Biology Teaching Methods, MIEO

· The use of video materials in biology lessons to form the methodological knowledge of students

, teacher of biology, educational institution No. 000, Honorary worker of general education

· The role of the biological museum in teaching biology.

, Deputy Director for Scientific and Educational Work of the State Darwin Museum

· Presentation of the scientific and methodological journal “Biology. Everything for the teacher (new)

, head of the department of methodological support of the publishing house "Osnova"

· Summarizing.

, CMC methodologist


On the first floor of the museum are organized:

Exhibition - sale of educational and methodical literature on biology and ecology;

Presentation of materials about the State Darwin Museum, the Biological Museum. , Zoological Museum of Moscow State University.

Chemistry cabinet. When checking the chemistry classroom, pay attention to the compliance of the premises with the requirements of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of study in educational institutions" and the availability of an act of permission to conduct classes in the chemistry classroom.

The presence of overalls and personal protective equipment is checked: cotton gown, rubberized apron, goggles, rubber gloves. The chemistry room should be equipped with a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings.

To conduct demonstration experiments, the chemistry room must be equipped with a fume hood.

Storage of reagents and chemicals and solutions. It is forbidden to store reagents and solutions in containers without labels, alkali solutions in bottles with ground stoppers, and flammable and combustible liquids in vessels made of polymeric materials. Do not store any equipment on cabinets or in close proximity to reagents and solutions.

A container for spent reagents is required.

Compliance with fire safety requirements. In the chemistry room there should be a fire evacuation plan, a sign “Responsible for the fire condition”. The cabinet must be equipped with fire extinguishers (at least 2 powder fire extinguishers of the type OP-4 (h), OP-5 (h) or other types that allow you to extinguish electrical equipment under voltage), a box with sand and a scoop, two capes made of fire-retardant fabric , as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) in the amount according to the number of students in the classroom.

Physics office. When checking the physics classroom, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of the premises with the requirements of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in educational institutions" and the availability of an act of permission to conduct classes.

Checking for:

overalls and personal protective equipment (cotton gown, voltage indicator, tool with insulated handles and completeness with a first-aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings);

personal protective equipment when working on electrical installations (dielectric gloves and a dielectric mat). Electrical installations must be earthed. The electrical network must be protected by a residual current device (RCD);

instruments and devices prohibited for use in experiments. It is forbidden to use broken or cracked glassware, use appliances and devices that do not meet safety requirements, as well as homemade appliances. It is forbidden to use equipment, devices, wires and cables with open current-carrying parts;

devices with open heating elements (TENY). Do not use devices with an open coil.

Electrical appliances must have indications of rated voltage and polarity. It is forbidden to apply voltages above 42V AC and 110V DC to students' desktops.

Compliance with fire safety requirements. The physics cabinet must have a fire evacuation plan, a sign "Responsible for the fire condition." It must be equipped with fire extinguishers (at least 2 powder fire extinguishers of the OP-4 (z), OP-5 (z) type or other types that allow extinguishing electrical equipment under voltage), a box with sand and a shovel, and two capes made of fire-retardant fabric, as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) in the amount of the number of students in the classroom.

2.2.1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the biology classroom. Natural and artificial lighting of the office should be provided in accordance with SNiP-23-05-95. natural and artificial lighting, The orientation of the windows of classrooms should be to the south, east or southeast sides of the horizon. The room should have lateral left-hand lighting. With double-sided lighting at a depth of more than 6 m in the cabinet, a right-sided lighting device is required, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor It is forbidden to obstruct the light openings (on the inside and outside) with equipment or other objects. Do not place large plants or shelves with plants on the windows. Office light openings should be equipped with adjustable sun protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains in light colors that match the color of the walls and furniture. For artificial lighting, fluorescent lamps of the following types should be used: LS002x40, LP028X40, LP002-2x40, LP034-4X36, TsSP-5-2X40. Luminaires should be installed in rows along the laboratory parallel to the windows. It is necessary to provide for separate (in rows) switching on of lamps. The blackboard should be illuminated by two mirror lamps of the LPO-30-40-122Ts25 type (oblique light) installed parallel to it. Lamps should be placed 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board. The level of illumination of workplaces for the teacher and for students under artificial lighting should be at least 300 lux, on the blackboard - 500 lux. The coloring of the room, depending on the orientation, should be done in warm or cold tones of low saturation. The rooms facing south are painted in cold colors (range of blue, gray, green), and to the north - in warm colors (range of yellow, pink colors). Coloring in white, dark and contrasting colors (brown, bright blue, lilac, black, red, crimson) is not recommended. The floors must be without gaps and have a plank, parquet or linoleum flooring on an insulated base. Cabinet walls should be smooth, allowing them to be cleaned with a wet method. Window frames and doors are painted white. The light reflection coefficient of the walls should be within 0.5-0.6, the ceiling-0.7-0.8, the floor - 0.3-0.5. The laboratory and the laboratory room should be provided with heating and supply and exhaust ventilation in such a way that the temperature in the rooms is maintained within 18-21 degrees Celsius; air humidity should be within 40-60%. Natural ventilation should be carried out with the help of transoms or vents with an area of ​​at least 1/50 of the floor area and providing a threefold air exchange. Transoms and vents should be equipped with devices that are convenient for closing and opening. At least two sinks with water supply should be installed in the office: one - in the laboratory, the other - in the laboratory room. The power supply of the cabinet must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28139-89 and PUE. The teacher's demonstration table must be equipped with a 220V AC outlet. The electric current supply to the table must be stationary and hidden.

2.2.2. Requirements for a set of furniture in the classroom In the office, specialized furniture is used: - for organizing the workplaces of students and teachers; - for the correct and rational storage and placement of educational equipment; - for placing living objects (plants and animals) used in a demonstration experiment, observations in the classroom and after hours; - fixtures for office interior design; - for placing equipment. Furniture for the organization of the teacher's workplace: - one section of the demonstration table (GOST 18607-93) and a table for the teacher with a chair. Furniture for the organization of students' workplaces includes double laboratory student tables of different height groups (N4,5,6) with color marking, complete with chairs of the same height groups (according to GOST 18314-93). For rational placement and proper storage of educational equipment, a set of sections for various purposes is required, from which you can assemble options for combined laboratory cabinets. The combined laboratory cabinet is located along the back wall of the laboratory and consists of the following sections (according to GOST 18666-95).

Name of sections Quantity Notes Glazed section

5 Top, with shelves Section with drawers 1 With plinth, used as bottom. Solid doors Section with solid doors 2 With plinth, used as bottom Section with trays 2 With generation. used as the bottom. Doors are deaf Furniture for living objects is located in the laboratory room - a preparation table (or racks). A cabinet is installed in the laboratory room, consisting of the following sections: - lower (with a plinth) with solid doors - 2 pcs; - lower (with a plinth) with trays - 2 pcs; - upper with solid doors - 8 pcs.

2.2.3. Requirements for equipping the office with technical devices, equipment and fixtures An overhead projector, a graph projector, an epiprojector, a TV set (color, with a diagonal screen size of at least 61 cm), a video recorder, and a computer for the teacher's work must be permanently placed in the office. To place the equipment in the office, there must be two mobile stands. On one, located at the back wall, a slide projector and an epiprojector are placed; on the other, located at the front wall - TV, VCR. The graphic projector must be installed on a special mobile trolley installed at a distance of at least 1.8 m from the board (screen). To connect projection equipment and other technical teaching aids in the laboratory, at least 3 sockets should be provided: one - at the blackboard, the other - on the laboratory wall opposite from the blackboard, the third - on the wall opposite the windows. For the rational placement of equipment during its use in the classroom, the following three zones for the placement of projection equipment can be distinguished: ;b) in the area of ​​the teacher's workplace (graphic projector and TV, VCR). The screen must be hung at an angle, as when working with a graphic projector on a vertical screen, distortion occurs. The screen can be mounted on brackets above the chalkboard at a distance of about 40 cm from the front wall (it is also possible to suspend the screen from the ceiling on rods, cables or a panel above the board). When demonstrating transparencies-slides (with a screen image width of 1.2 - 1.4 m), the distance from the first tables of students to the screen should be at least 2.7 m, and from the last tables - 8.6 m. When demonstrating videos, it is necessary to ensure the distance from the screen to the students of at least 3-4 m, the height of the suspension of the lower edge of the screen above the podium is at least 0.9 m. The optimal viewing area for TV shows and videos is located at least 2.7 m from the TV screen. The height of the TV from the podium should be -1.2 - 1.3 m. To reduce light reflections on the screen, the TV should be installed so that the upper edge is tilted towards the students by 10 - 15 degrees.

2.2.4. Office room requirements For a biology cabinet, two adjacent rooms are required: a laboratory with an area of ​​66-70 sq. m (with a length of 10-11 m, a width of 6-7 m) and a laboratory assistant - 15-18 sq. m. It is best to place an office on the ground floor with windows oriented to the south or east. The biology room can be combined with a room for teaching an integrated natural science course. In small schools, joint classrooms can be organized: biological and chemical, biological and geographical, natural science classroom with teaching biology, chemistry, physics. In a joint office, you need: one laboratory room and 1-2 laboratory rooms. The area of ​​​​the office should allow you to arrange furniture in it in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Student tables should be set up as a rule in three rows. Two-row or single-row installation of tables is allowed. The distance between tables in a row is 0.6 m, between rows of tables is at least 0.6 m, between rows of tables and longitudinal walls is 0.5-0.7 m, from the first tables to the front wall is about 2, 6-2.7 m, the greatest distance of the last place of students from the blackboard is 8.6 m. Sectional cabinets for educational equipment and equipment (overhead projector, epiprojector) on stands are installed along the rear wall of the laboratory. A board and part of the permanent exhibition are placed on the front wall. Showcases or stands for permanent and temporary exposure are installed on the side wall opposite the windows. A cabinet-wall is placed in the laboratory room for storing educational equipment, a preparation table for some living objects and preparing simple experiments. In addition, a work table for the teacher is equipped in the laboratory, a sink-sink with a board for drying chemical glassware is installed.

2.2.5. Requirements for equipping the classroom with educational equipment The organization of the biology classroom provides for its equipping with a complete set of educational equipment in accordance with the current Lists of educational equipment in biology for general educational institutions of Russia, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Educational equipment in biology is divided into groups: - natural objects (living plants and animals, collections, wet and osteological preparations, herbariums, etc.); - instruments, dishes, accessories for demonstrations and laboratory work; - dummies, models, relief tables ; - manuals on a printed basis (tables, maps, textbooks, didactic material, etc.); presentation of information embedded in the EZSO; - new information technology tools (SNIT): personal electronic computers (PC), application software packages; demonstration equipment - a set of sensors and devices that provide information on the controlled physical parameter or process: - literature for teachers and students (textbooks, reference books, methodological literature, etc.).

2.2.6. Requirements for the organization of jobs for teachers and students The composition of the workplace for a biology teacher includes: a demonstration table (one section), a table for a teacher with a chair, a blackboard, a screen. The section of the demonstration table must be supplied with an electric current of 220V, water. For an office, as a rule, they use a blackboard with five working surfaces, consisting of a main shield and two folding ones. The size of the main shield is 1500x1000 mm, folding shields - 750x1000 mm. These boards have a magnetic surface for the use of appliqué models. There should be 6-7 occasional table holders on the top edge of the chalkboard. The rational organization of the workplace for the student requires compliance with the following conditions: - sufficient working surface for writing, reading, conducting observations, etc. - convenient placement of equipment used in the lesson; - correspondence of the table and chair to anthropometric data to maintain a comfortable working posture of the student; - the required level of illumination on the working surface of the table (300 lux). For the biology classroom, it is necessary to use student laboratory tables (table top size 600x1200 mm) with a plastic coating. In order for the furniture to match the height of the students, the tables of the following groups should be placed in the classroom: 4 - 20%; 5 - 60%; 6 - 20%.Dimensions of tables and chairs in the biology roomFurniture group Height group (in mm) Height of the rear edge of the table top (in mm) Height of the front edge of the chair seat (in mm) Marking color 4 1450-1600 640 380 Red 5 1600-1750 700 420 Green 6 From 1750 760 460 Blue Student furniture should be marked. On the bottom of the table cover, write the group of the table (in the numerator) and the height of the students (in the denominator). For example, brand 4 / 140-160 means that group 4 furniture is intended for students 140-160 cm tall. On the outside, on the side of the table, color marking is applied (a circle with a diameter of 25 mm or a horizontal strip 20 mm wide). Each group of furniture is marked with its own color.

2.2.1. Requirements for placement and storage of equipment The system for placing and storing educational equipment should ensure: - its safety - a permanent place, convenient for removing and returning the product, securing a place for this type of educational equipment based on the frequency of use in the classroom; - quick accounting and control to replace failed products with new ones .The main principle of placement and storage of educational equipment - by subjects, types of educational equipment, taking into account the frequency of use of this educational equipment. The laboratory is equipped with equipment for laboratory work (optical instruments, trays for handouts, dissecting instruments). Training equipment should be located so that the capacity of cabinets and other devices is used to the maximum, while meeting the requirements listed above. To organize independent laboratory work, you should use a tray system for supplying handouts. Dishes, dissecting instruments, a tray for micropreparations, etc. are stored in stacks. Natural objects (herbaria, stuffed animals, entomological collections) must be stored in cabinets with blind doors away from direct sunlight. Entomological and other collections are stored in special boxes, herbariums - in boxes or folders. Vertebrate skeletons are stored in closed cabinets. Micropreparations are stored in their original packaging so that the micropreparation is placed horizontally, which prevents it from slumping. Sets of micropreparations are arranged according to classes and topics. Micropreparations are distributed on the tables of students in special trays with 4-5 nests. Wet preparations should be stored in a cabinet with solid doors. Dummies, models are stored in cabinets away from direct sunlight and heating devices. Models are stored in boxes, in special recesses made of soft paper. Large anatomical models - under covers made of dense matter or synthetic film. The tables are stored in rolls or glued (at the choice of the teacher) onto cardboard or fabric and arranged in order of numbering for each series in the bookcases. Filmstrips, transparencies-slides, videos are stored in their factory packaging - in boxes, albums. They should be decomposed into sections of the biology course. For optical instruments - microscopes, dissecting instruments and hand loupes, it is advisable to take a special cabinet. Microscopes should be stored under a synthetic film cover in lockable cabinet sections. Hand magnifiers in special arrangements. Dissecting instruments (dissecting knives, needles, scissors, tweezers) are also placed in stacks. Placement of dishes in the biology room depends on the frequency of its use. The most commonly used dishes of small capacity, slides and coverslips, so they are placed in the middle part of the cabinet in trays. In the same cabinet, on the top shelf, they store the instruments used in the study of biology. Small laboratory accessories are placed in the lower compartment: tripods, glass and rubber tubes, cork and rubber stoppers. Labels with the name of the available equipment are glued on the end of the stacks. The storage of reagents in the office is subject to general requirements for the storage of chemical reagents in the school. The most common reagents are the following: a solution of iodine in kaji iodide, starch, glucose, sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate, lime water, ethyl alcohol, formalin (40%), sodium chloride (physiological saline, hypertonic saline). Solutions and dry substances are stored in glass jars with ground-in lids. Each beam is provided with a label with the name, formula of the substance and its concentration. It is prohibited to store substances without labels in the office. Organic substances (alcohol, formalin) should be stored in the chemistry room. To combat pests in the school area, in the corner of wildlife, to combat museum pests, poisonous substances are purchased in the biology room. Many of them are poisonous to humans as well. On the label of the vessels where these substances are stored, it is necessary to indicate the poison. Toxic substances must be stored in a locked cabinet or safe. Excursion equipment - folders for collecting plants, drying presses, spreaders, scoops, jars for collecting living material - are stored in a special section of a cabinet or preparation table in the laboratory.

2. 2. 8. Requirements for office interior design The interior of the classroom should have a positive emotional impact on the teacher and students. The interior of the classroom should be functionally significant: for decoration, those materials are used that are constantly or most often used in biology lessons. The objects of the permanent exhibition of the cabinet should contribute to the development of basic biological concepts (such as the levels of organization of the living, the development of the organic world, environmental protection). When placing objects of permanent and temporary exposition, it should be borne in mind that all this material is intended for use in the classroom, which means that text and drawings should be visible to students from any workplace. To illustrate the concept of the development of the organic world, it is advisable to use a printed table. Another element of the permanent exhibition is the Phenological Observations stand used in the study of all sections of the biology course. For the design of the side wall, materials from the series Levels of organization of wildlife, portraits of biologists are used. Cabinets (two-section, glazed upper section) or showcases should be placed along the back wall, in which representatives (in the form of herbarium material, stuffed animals, etc.) of the main systematic groups of flora and fauna, as well as expositions of Typical biocenoses. some materials of occasional use are placed outside the classroom, where students can familiarize themselves with them during breaks. In the corridors and recreation areas adjacent to the biological study, it is recommended to place stands for career guidance for schoolchildren, a stand with literature for extracurricular reading, as well as photomontages, wall newspapers of biological circles, etc. When selecting plants in the biology classroom, one should first of all proceed from the fact that several of these objects can be used in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the role of plants in the interior design of the office and their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. It is advisable to place plants on racks that are mounted in the walls at the edge of windows or on stands. All plants are labeled with the species name, family, and origin of the plant. Labels are attached to the flower pot.

Purpose: acquaintance with professions related to biology; deepening knowledge about the importance of biology in people's lives.


– study of materials about professions related to biology;
compiling a folder and presentation - “Biology and Profession” for speaking to an audience;
– mastering the skills of working with primary sources, computer technologies;
– mastering the skills of self-organization; the ability to set goals, plan activities;
- mastering the technique of conducting a discussion, speaking in front of an audience.

Form of the event: round table ( Attachment 1)

Organizers and participants: members of the circle “Young Explorer”, head Markova E.A.; 8th grade students.

Guests: students of 10 "B" class of the chemical and biological direction; teacher of biology and ecology of the lyceum.


Within the ten-day book on subjects of the natural science cycle.

Preparation period:

  1. Study of popular science literature, acquaintance with material about professions related to biology;
  2. Conducting and analyzing the survey ( Annex 2);
  3. Creation of presentation slides about the chosen profession.

Equipment : laptop or computer, multimedia projector, screen, sheets of paper, pencils, mineral water, disposable cups.

Expected Result

  • Create folder and presentation:

All material prepared by students is collected in a folder with files, a single presentation is created from all slides.

  • Speaking in front of an audience:

Speech in front of an audience - students of the 7th and 8th grades and their parents.

The course of the round table meeting “Biology and Profession”

(accompanied by electronic presentation: Annex 3)

Moderator's introduction: “Round table” is a civilized way of exchanging opinions. A form of public discussion or coverage of any issues, when participants speak in a certain order, initially sitting at a table that has a round shape. The idea of ​​K.S. as a symbol of equality and nobility goes back to the Arthurian legends about the Knights of the Round Table. It was Arthur, according to legend, who came up with the idea of ​​using round table so that the feasters do not argue about the best place, but are equal. Much later, the expression round table” has become familiar in the vocabulary of politicians and businessmen. Conferences in the form of a round table on international issues were held in the 30-40s. in London and The Hague.

The topic of our round table is “Biology and Profession”. Today we will talk about professions related to biology, find out the role of biology in the life of every person, determine the importance of biology for the future.

Today we are visiting students of 10 "B" of the chemical and biological class, who study biology in depth, and for what, you can ask them about it. As guests and experts, we invited teachers of biology and ecology of our lyceum.

Participation rules:

It is very important to establish rules for the participants, which must be observed by all participants of the round table:

  1. Give a specific answer to a question.
  2. Eliminate details that are not necessary.
  3. Don't shy away from the topic.
  4. Respect the speaker.
  5. Comply with the regulations. Main report 5 minutes, additional 3-4 minutes each, answer to the question 1-2 minutes.

Keynote speech (a brief history of the science of biology, the importance of biology, survey results)

Additional posts about professions related to biology (students in grade 8):

1. Doctor.
2. Breeder.
3. Psychologist.
4. Veterinarian.
5. Ecologist.
6. Pharmacist.

Issues for discussion:

  1. What professions, other than those mentioned, are related to biology?
  2. What is the importance of biology in the life of a person whose professional activity is not related to biology?
  3. Why is it important to study biology at a basic level in school for everyone?
  4. Does every person need to be biologically and environmentally literate? Why?
  5. What role and in what sectors will biology play in the future?

Questions for students of 10 "B" class:

  1. Why did you choose a chemical and biological direction for further education?
  2. Which colleges do I need to take Biology to get into?
  3. What do you want to become? Why? What attracts you to this profession?
  4. Is it difficult to study biology?
  5. What advice would you give eighth graders?

Leading: (conclusion about the importance of biology in the life of all people, about the connection of biology with various areas of human activity, about the importance of studying the basics of biological science at school, gratitude for cooperation and wishing the right choice).
