Scenario New Year's Eve. Play of light, screen flicker

Description: This scenario of the New Year's performance is intended for children of any age. It can be held in cultural institutions, children's theaters, studios, palaces of creativity, schools. Fairy tale characters help Santa Claus. In the end, good triumphs over evil. Young viewers will be delighted! The script has 4 songs-alterations on the motive popular today. Cons in the application.


Father Frost,
Snow Maiden,
Red Riding Hood,
baba yaga,
The Snow Queen,
4 Kolobok.

Action 1.

Santa Claus is sitting on the stage with his head bowed.

sn. (runs in): Grandpa, why are you sitting? It's time to get together! Not all Christmas trees are covered with snow yet.
D.M.: Oh, granddaughter! Woe what happened! I left my staff at the edge of the forest. An evil witch flew in and stole it. What will I do without him? You see, I started to melt. After a while, I will completely melt!
sn. (sadly): So there will be no Christmas tree. And a holiday for children.
D.M.: It won't. Without my staff, I can't light the Christmas tree. What a mess I am! (groans, groans).
Sn.: Something must be done immediately! I'll think of something! We cannot leave children without a holiday!
D.M .: You can’t do anything, granddaughter, alone. After all, you need to go to the witch's kingdom, and the road there, oh how, is difficult.
Sn .: Don't worry, grandfather, our good friends will help me, And here they are.

Action 2.

Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, and Cheburashka enter the stage.

Heroes in unison: Hello, Santa Claus! Hello, Snow Maiden!
D.M. (sadly): Hello, hello.
K.Sh.: Grandfather Frost, why are you hanging your nose?
D.M.: I'm a cursed fool! My head is empty!
Bur.: What happened?
Sn .: The witch stole the staff from grandfather! And without him, he, as without hands!
Cheb.: Yes, he is melting!
SN: Melts. And if you do not return the staff, grandfather will soon turn into a puddle, and the kids will never see New Year!
K.Sh.: We must not let this happen! We will go to the witch and take away the staff of Santa Claus!
Bur.: Little Red Riding Hood is right. We're going to get the staff right now!
DM: But it's not easy to get there.
Cheb.: Don't worry, Santa Claus, we can handle it!

Change of scenery.

Action 3.

Forest. Hut of Baba Yaga.

Cheb.: Oh, where are we? Where did you get?
Snow: We entered the domain of Baba Yaga. And this is her house.
K.Sh.: We need to get out of here as soon as possible before she sees us.
B.-I. (runs onto stage): Too late! Now you can't get away from me! I feel like I'm enjoying myself today! (Approaches Cheburashka) What an unprecedented beast! (Pulls him by the ears, sniffs).
Bur.: Don't touch Cheburashka!
B.-Ya.: I don't need your cockroach! It doesn't smell like a human spirit either.
Cheb. (offended): I'm not a cockroach, but Cheburashka!
B.-Ya.: What's the difference! You still don't interest me.
Bur.: Listen, Baba Yaga, we have no time to talk with you. We are going for the staff of Santa Claus to the domain of the evil Witch.
B.-Ya.: And here are the firewood! Sami! No need for the old grandmother to go anywhere. Now I’ll heat the stove and overcook you one by one.
K.Sh.: No need to fry us, you better do a good deed. Tell me the way.
B.-Ya.: And what will happen to me for this?
Bur.: Let's do a good deed for you too.
B.-Ya.: Do it! Jump in my oven!
K.Sh .: You can’t be so evil, Baba Yaga. You scare the kids.
B.-Ya.: And I want them to be afraid of me! (Scares the children in the hall, walks around the hall singing a song).

Song about Grandma Yozhka

V. Serduchka "Prince"


End of introductory segment. For purchase full version scenarios with music tracks 4 pcs. go to cart. After payment, the material will be available for download on the page with the material, and the link that will be sent to your e-mail.

Price: 199 R kill

Hello boys! Hello girls!
Hello grandmothers! Hello grandpas!
Hello parents! Hello all viewers!
We can’t start the holiday without you, we invite everyone to this festive hall!

The song "Wonderful Holiday" sounds. Children enter the hall, stand around the Christmas tree.

If the Christmas tree is standing and the lights are all on fire,
It means that the holiday is coming, but someone is missing ...
So the music sounds ... The Snow Maiden is in a hurry to us!

Music sounds. The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! How glad I am to meet you again! And did you recognize me?

If the people call the Snow Maiden,
Santa Claus is calling again
So, he believes in a fairy tale again,
What will come to us New Year).

If adults are like children
Together they stood in a round dance,
So it's going to be a holiday soon.
long-awaited ( New Year).
If before six in the morning
People don't go to bed
So the TV screen
He meets ( New Year)

And gifts under the tree
Everyone, old and young, will find:
Today is not the eighth of March,
Today is a holiday ( New Year)

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! I see you are ready for the New Year! It remains only to wait for Santa Claus. (music plays) Oh! What else is this?

Suddenly, hares-heralds with newspapers leave on roller skates.

1: Fresh Newspapers! Buy the press!
Read about all forest news!
2: The bear woke up in his lair
And trampled the bear's feet!
3: The hare played hide and seek with the wolf
And climbed to the top of the Christmas tree!
1: Hedgehog, so as not to catch a cold.
I bought a new fur coat from the fox!
2: And now, attention, sensation!
New Year's Eve seems to be cancelled!
3: Latest news from the capital:
Santa Claus has gone abroad!
4: If he doesn't come back,
New Year will not start without him!

Hares-heralds are leaving.

Snow Maiden: Guys, don't worry! Grandfather Frost really went on a trip to visit his friends, but by the New Year he will certainly have time! Now I will call him.

Dials the number of Santa Claus. In response, he hears "The subscriber's device is turned off or is outside the network coverage area ..."

Snow Maiden: Does not answer ... I do not understand anything ! (continues dialing) Maybe network problems? Hello!... Failed again... One minute guys... ( exits and the hall)

A wild roar is heard. The light goes out. The Zluchella Witch appears from behind the tree.

Zlucella: Finally! How long have I been waiting for this moment! Santa Claus very conveniently left his possessions and now his tower is at my disposal! We must make sure that he does not have time to return by the New Year!
1: And he won't make it! I conjured over his sleigh, picked out the extra details!
2: And I unscrewed a couple of things and changed the navigation system.
3: The sleigh will break, Grandfather will get lost and will definitely be late for the holiday!

Zlucella: Well done! Now the frost is not a hindrance to me! I, the Witch Zlucella, will be the hostess of the New Year!
1: Oh, Mrs. Zlucella, but what about his granddaughter Snegurochka!

Zlucella: The girl is not dangerous! In addition to stupid games and stupid round dances, she does not know how to do anything. So get to work, my faithful servants! This good-natured Santa Claus taught little people to meet every year with smiles and fun. Smudge! We'll have our own party!
2: Only on it we will not allow anyone to laugh, everyone will quarrel and fight!

Zlucella: Well done!
3: We will not decorate houses, but ruin them!

Zlucella: Not bad. Yet?
1: We will not give gifts, but take them away from children!

Zlucella: Fine! And most importantly: this terrible night will last forever, because the New Year will never come!

The witches run away laughing. The light is on. The Snow Maiden returns.

Snow Maiden: I don’t understand anything… I didn’t manage to contact my grandfather… Guys, why are you so sad? What happened? (Children tell the Snow Maiden about Zluchella)

Snow Maiden: All clear. What to do? Witch Zluchella is a very evil and powerful sorceress and we alone cannot cope with her. We urgently need to find Santa Claus. Guys, are you ready to go with me on this difficult and dangerous journey? (Yes!)
If we come together, if we hold hands,
To find Grandfather, we will not go astray!
What if the path is in the woods? ( Children: And we legs: top-top ..).
And if the snowdrifts are deep? ( Children: And we are on skis: chic-chic ...)
What if the road is wide? ( Children: Amy by car: w-w-w-w...)
And if the thickets are dense? ( Children: And we are on the plane: woo-oo-oo...)
And if the rails are iron? ( Children: And we are on the train: chuk-chuk-chuk ...)
Well done boys! And now forward! The magic ball of Santa Claus will help us! Repeat after me: “Magic Ball, sparkle, sparkle! Take us to Santa Claus!”

The light goes out. Music sounds. The Snow Maiden with the Magic Ball walks around the Christmas tree.

Chinese music sounds. Girls in kimonos appear.

Dance with fans.

Runs out unexpectedlyMorozu-sanwith a sword in hand. Makes characteristic movements.

Morozu-san: Tomimo tokoso! Hatahama us Kushomo! Hana namiti!

girls(chorus): "Hana Namiti"

Morozu-san: Is everything ready for the arrival of the New Year? Flashlight ready?

1 girl: Ready, Frost-san, ready.

Morozu-san: Shikoka ready?

2 girl: A lot, Frost-sana, autumn is a lot.

Morozu-san: Tiger - dragon ready?

3 girl: Ready, Frost-san, ready.

Morozu-san: Have you checked the fireworks? Is Karasho on fire?

4 girl: Hayasho, Frost-san, autumn hayasho!

The Snow Maiden appears.

Morozu-san: Is this a takiya kito?

Snow Maiden: Hello girls, hello grandpa. I am the Snow Maiden, I am looking for Moroz Ivanovich. Isn't he visiting you?

Frost-san: Bila Moroza Ivanovitya, wanted to celebrate the New Year with us and was in a hurry to fall. But we will meet the very first New Year in the East.

Snow Maiden: How interesting. And what are you doing?

We light the flashlight, let the fireworks go.
We sing a song, we eat sushi.
We dance with the Dragon.

Snow Maiden: With what dragon?

Morozu-san: But with what ...

Music sounds. The girls carry out a Chinese dragon with the head of a Tiger.

Morozu-san: On the first days of the New Year, the festive procession "Dancing Tiger" passes through the streets of our cities. By the way, it was our tradition to name each year after one of the twelve animals. Guys, can you name these animals?

The children are called.

Morozu-san: Well done! Guys, do you want to celebrate the New Year in Chinese? Then try to catch the tiger by the tail.

Game "Catch the Tail of the Tiger"

Children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. The first is the "head" of the dragon, the "last" is the tail. The task of the "head" is to catch the "tail" of the dragon.

Snow Maiden: Well done boys. Thank you very much, Saint Frost, you have a very interesting New Year, but it's time for the guys and I to go further.

Morozu-san: Well, goodbye! And may the Tiger bring you good luck in the New Year!

Snow Maiden: See you! Happy New Year! Guys! Our journey continues. “The ball is magic, spin it! Show us the way!"


The song sounds "Oriental Tales". Oriental beauties appear, dance.

The Sultan enters.

1 beauty: We salute you, our most merciful master. Why are you sad?

Sultan. I'm not sad. I'm bored-a-yu ... ( yawns)

2 beauty: Would you like me to sing a wonderful song to please your ears?

3 beauty: And I'll do the best dance you've ever seen?

4 beauty: And I will give you a taste of the sweetest Turkish Delight?

Sultan. Every day the same thing: songs, dances, Turkish Delight… Tired! If you want something special, something new...

Beauties(vying with each other): New dance? New song? New treat?

Snow Maiden(entering): Or maybe New Year's?

Sultan. Salam alaikum, emerald of my soul! Where did you come from, beauty? And who are they?

Snow Maiden. My name is Snegurochka. And these are guys. We arrived from Russia and are looking for Santa Claus.

Sultan. What is this frost? It's warm here, we've never had a frost!

Snow Maiden. Frost is my grandfather, Moroz Ivanovich.

Sultan. And what does this grandfather of yours with the strange name "Frost" look like? Perhaps he is scary and evil? ( Not!)

Snow Maiden. Guys! Let's tell the Sultan about our grandfather!\

Snow Maiden: Here is our Santa Claus!

Sultan. Ah, how I remember! Your grandfather came to visit me. But why do you need him?

Snow Maiden. Without it, the New Year will not come.

Sultan. New Year? And what is it?

Snow Maiden. New Year is such a holiday. Now we will sing about it to you.

Stand in a circle, guys, the music is calling to the Christmas tree.
In the song we will now tell you what the New Year is!

Round dance "What is the New Year"

Snow Maiden. And on New Year's Eve, it's customary to give each other gifts!

Sultan. What a wonderful holiday! I also want to become Santa Claus for my people, dance and give gifts to everyone! What do you think, Snegurka-jan, will I succeed?

Snow Maiden. Will definitely work! After all, doing good deeds is very pleasant!

Sultan. Then it's decided! I will be the only Sultan Frost in the world! And you stay with us, Snow Maiden! Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snow Maiden. Sorry, Sultan Frost, but I need to find my Grandfather.

Sultan. Understood. Then I will have not one Snow Maiden, but whole ... Leila! Zuhra! Fatima! Gulchatay! Equal! Attention! Count in numerical order! Ready for the New Year's Eve? ( - Ready!) And look for your Grandfather a little to the south! Goodbye! ( beauties) Left! March with song!

Music sounds. The Sultan, accompanied by beauties, leaves.

Snow Maiden. Well guys! Not tired? Then we go further, and our path lies to the south! Magic ball, spin! Show us the way! (leaves)

The light goes out. Evil music plays. On stage, Zlucella is brewing a potion with the witches.

Zlucella: Ha ha ha! We spent this stupid Snow Maiden! While she wanders around the world, she might get lost somewhere.

4 witch: And if it doesn’t get lost, then it will certainly melt in Africa!

Zlucella: Soon the kids will come, apparently, invisibly. Let's brew a magic potion for them!

1 witch: Let's add more damage!

2 witch: Resentment and ridicule angrier!

3 witch: Laziness and envy are blacker!

4 witch: Meanness and stupidity more accurate!

1 witch: As soon as the children try the broth, all the deceivers and liars will become!

2 witch: Harmful, lazy and evil!

3 witch: Greedy, rude, in general, bad!

Zlucella: And why is this nasty Christmas tree still burning, making everyone around happy? Extinguish it immediately! How do people say? One two Three! Elka, don't burn!

Witches blow on the Christmas tree. The lights go out.

Zlucella: That's better! Follow me! (run away)

The song "Grandfather Coconut" sounds. Papuans run out. They dance.

Grandfather Coco:

I'm in the hot south in the jungle
I'm coming for the New Year.
They know here that Father Heat
Love the little people!
Give gifts to children
In the New Year I'm in a hurry!
New Year's hot holiday
I'm having fun at the palm tree!

Greetings, foreigners! What brings you to our region?

Snow Maiden. I am the Snow Maiden, and these are my friends. We are looking for my grandfather. What are you doing here?

Grandfather Coco: We are celebrating the arrival of the New Year.

Snow Maiden. How? Do you also celebrate the New Year in Africa?

Grandfather Coco: Certainly! And we don't just celebrate, we make it a lot of fun! For example, it is customary for us to pour water on each other on this day. Do you want us to hug you?

Snow Maiden. No no! Thank you, of course, but it's too much of an honor. Are you a local Santa Claus?

Grandfather Coco: You're wrong, girl. In the south, everyone calls me not Father Frost, but Father Coconut, or, in your opinion, Father Heat. Where did you come from? (- From Russia) Oh, I heard that you have cold sand falling from the sky in winter. White as in the Sahara desert! It's true?

Snow Maiden. Truth. Only it's not sand, but snow.

Sultan. Snow? I've never seen him. In our south, the New Year comes at the height of summer, when beautiful flowers bloom in the deserts, with which we decorate our homes. And you have some kind of snow growing everywhere on New Year's Eve! Brrr!

Snow Maiden. We also decorate our houses on New Year's Eve, but not with flowers, but with Christmas trees. It is customary to dance around them.

Grandfather Coco: What are these Christmas trees? And what is this round dance that needs to be led?

Snow Maiden: Have you never heard of the Christmas tree? This is an amazing evergreen tree. Now our guys will tell you everything and even show you.

Performance of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Grandfather Coco: What a good song! I also want to decorate a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve and sing a song about it, only ... in Africa, for some reason, Christmas trees do not grow ...

Snow Maiden. What are you growing?

Grandfather Coco: Palms. But they are also evergreen.

Snow Maiden. Then you can dress up a palm tree, and the guys will help you.

The game "Outfit for a palm tree"

Two teams are participating. Task: dress up your palm tree as quickly as possible.Props - tinsel, plastic balls on clothespins.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa Kokos, unfortunately, we have to go. You are very hot. And there is no Frost.

Grandfather Coco: Your Grandfather Frost was here, he was, only for a very short time, he was also afraid of melting everything, so he leaned to the north. So look for it there!

Snow Maiden. Thank you! Grandpa Coco! Happy New Year! Goodbye!

Music sounds. Grandfather Kokos, surrounded by Papuans, leaves.

Snow Maiden. Well guys! Let's go further north! Magic ball, spin! Show us the way!

Magical music sounds. Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree .

The song "Eskimo" by G. Gladkov sounds. Eskimo girls appear, they dance.

Frost-Eskimo: Oho-ho! It's hard to be Santa Claus-Eskimo, however. Until you get from one yaranga to another, two days will pass. In the meantime, you will deliver gifts to all the kids, the year will fly by - you have to get ready for the journey again.

Music sounds. The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Frost-Eskimo. Isn't my grandfather Moroz Ivanovich visiting you?

Eskimo: Moroz Ivanovich was here, but not for long. Was in a hurry. Left, however.

Snow Maiden: What a pity ... And where did he go?

Eskimo: I will not say. You, too, will follow him to America, and again I will remain alone for a thousand miles.

Snow Maiden: To America? Is my grandfather in America?

Eskimo: Ai-ai-ai! He let it slip, however. And you look around, what a beauty!

Snow Maiden: Yes, you are fine here. Cold, frost, not like in the south.

Eskimo: Here! And t how Grandfather really liked it in our area. And how can you not like it here! Snow - as much as you like, New Year's Eve is like a polar one - it lasts for six months! No electricity is needed - the northern lights and light, and gives a festive illumination! What about dog sledding? What about winter ice?

Snow Maiden: Yes, snow is great. This year, as Grandfather left, we started having troubles with snow.

Eskimo: So what's the matter? I have snow - full of it, take as much as you want! But why do you need him? Before, we built ice huts from it - they are called igloos. And now in the snow we only go sledding and skiing.

Snow Maiden: Our kids love to play in the snow.

Eskimo: play in the snow? Very interesting, however. Maybe you can teach me too?

Snow Maiden: Certainly! Guys! Didn't you freeze? Do you want to play snowball fight? Then get into two teams.

Game "Snow fight"

Eskimo: What a fun game! It will be necessary to teach the Eskimo kids. Okay, I chatted in myself, however. It's time for you to go on the road, and all the Eskimo children are waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: Thank you Frost-Eskimo! Goodbye!

Eskimo: Thank you! Come visit us in the summer, maybe it will be warmer then!

Music sounds. Santa Claus-Eskimo leaves on a team.

Snow Maiden: Guys, well, we're moving on. And now our path lies in America! I wonder what awaits us there?

Magic ball, spin, show the way to Frost!

The light goes out. Magical music sounds. Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree .

The song sounds jingle bells » Four deer are dancing on the playground.

Santa Claus appears.

Santa: How do you do, people! Mary Christmas, May Little Baby! Happy New Yea!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa! Ouch! Sorry! Well, the spitting image of our Santa Claus, only the beard is a little shorter and the fur coat is simpler!

Santa: I beg your pardon for my bad Russian, I still don’t eat pros ... ( passage in English) My reindeer eats will make a landing he is a big tree ... My name is from Santa Claus, Nikolaus. Frome Lapland viz love.

Snow Maiden: My name from Snegurochka. And these are children from the village of Marishkino, a visa is not needed.

Santa Claus: All Europe, all America, all progressive people will celebrate the New Year. Ai'm eats a mythological hero, a child's dream! I want to invite you to Happy New Years. We love to arrange a fun disco. Do you know how to dance the hanging dance?

Snow Maiden: Certainly!

Santa: OK! I want to see how you can sing and dance! Just dance to my music.

Snow Maiden: Good! Our guys English language study and know a lot of your songs!

Dance "handsup».

Santa: Guys, you have a good fellow! Very good! And how does your Frost give you gifts? I come to an American baby through the chimney and put presents in a Christmas boot. How do you give gifts? (children's answers) What gifts would you like to receive?

A game " New Year gifts» (Annex 3)

Santa: And now I want to give everyone a kid a little surprise. Make your most cherished wish and if you can catch my magic bubble, your dream will surely come true!

Music sounds. Santa Claus blows soap bubbles, children pop them.

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! Dear Santa! While we are playing here with you, we will be late for our holiday. I was told that Santa Claus went to you.

Santa: Your grenfaza Frost beat, but split. He was here for a very short time, and then he wanted to go home, that is, to go back home to his granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: So Grandpa is already at home? So what are we waiting for! Thank you very much dear Santa! Come visit us in Russia!

Santa: OK! Senkyu Veri Match! I am sure to come to such a friendly kid. Goodbye!

Snow Maiden: See you soon! (Santa leaves) Well, it's time for us guys to go home. Magic ball, spin, bring us home as soon as possible!

Magical music sounds. Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree .

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, here we are at home. Only grandfather is still not here ...

Evil music plays. Zlucella appears surrounded by evil spirits.

Zlucella: Here are those on! She came not dusty! Where is your grandfather? Probably sunbathing somewhere on the beach, and he forgot to think about you and about the kids!

Snow Maiden: Not true! Grandpa will be back soon and will punish you!

Zlucella: What, really put in a corner? Girls, we were, like, scared. (The witches pretend to be afraid.) In vain you are so, Snow Maiden. Here we have prepared some tasty treats for the kids.

Witches: Kids, who's hungry? Eat to your health! Well, eat quickly! Who was told! (they offer children spiders, snakes, etc.)

Snow Maiden: Don't you dare offend guys!

Zlucella: What about me? Does that mean I can be offended? You have fun here every year, play, and this makes me even angrier! So get the full program!

Snow Maiden: Guys! I think I got it! Zlucella hates friendship, fun and laughter. Let's join hands and start laughing loudly and cheerfully!

Children join hands. They laugh. The evil spirits squirm and run away.

Snow Maiden: Thank you guys! Do you hear? It seems that Grandpa is coming here! So that he does not go astray, let's call him! ( Children call Santa Claus)

The song "Russian Santa Claus" sounds.

Helpers of Santa Claus run out onto the site and dance. Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all children!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all guests!

Hello my friends!
I am very glad to see you!
I heard someone call me
I hope I'm not too late?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! It's good to have you back! We've been looking for you all over the world! We had it here! Zlucella took over your tower and wanted to turn the children into lazy and rude people! But the guys were not afraid and drove her away!

Father Frost: Here are some good fellows! Guys, you coped with Zluchella and strong friendship, kind heart and good mood!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa! It turns out that we could have dealt with Zlucella at the very beginning, and we wasted so much time!

Father Frost: No, Snow Maiden! Not in vain! The guys made a very interesting journey and learned how the New Year is celebrated in other countries.

Snow Maiden: Guys, where did you like the most? In which country would you like to celebrate New Year 2010? ( Children's answers)

Snow Maiden:
We have a question for you
Glorious Santa Claus.
The tree is sad
For some reason it doesn't light up.

Father Frost:
We will fix this problem:
Let's make all the fires burn.
Everyone look at the tree
In unison, you say:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up with lights!"

The lights on the tree light up.

Father Frost:
Together with you, even now I'm ready to start dancing.
Get up, guys, hurry up in a round dance.
We will celebrate the New Year together with song, dance and fun.

Games, contests. Parade of costumes. Presentation of gifts.

Father Frost:
You guys are fine, but it's time for us to leave.
We will never forget this New Year's holiday.

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year
We wish you happiness, joy!
Other children are waiting for us
Goodbye, goodbye!

Father Frost: Learn, grow, and may the New Year
It will bring you success and joy!

Music. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden say goodbye to the guys and leave.

Anastasia Volkova
Scenario New Year's performance for children of middle school age "New Year's confusion"

Scenario: "Christmas confusion"

1st picture


Storyteller 1: The old year ends

Good good year.

We won't be sad

After all, the New one is coming to us.

Accept wishes

You can't do without them

Be healthy and happy!

Happy new year friends!

Congratulations to everyone

Welcome all,

Long live jokes, fun and laughter!

Let our country flourish

Let people not know what war means.

I wish you good luck at this hour,

Children and adults, happy holiday to you!

And from this scene beautiful, bright

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

And the first holiday gift,

Our performance is fabulous, friends!

Children beautifully run out and sing the song "New Year's Toys"

Mysterious fairy tune

2nd picture

Storyteller 2: Hello dear friends! We start our New Year's celebration! But what do we need for real fun? Of course, magic! And magic always comes to us in the New Year, along with fairy tales, I found the best New Year's fairy tale on the shelf, you love them so much! Once upon a time winter forest, Malvina got lost.

Music for Malvina's exit

Malvina: And where am I wondering? Where have I gone? Where did you get? And not a soul around. It is not clear where Piero, Pinocchio and Artemon have gone, as usual, they just started to study arithmetic, and all the flowers in the clearing disappeared, and the earth was covered with white snow, and snowflakes seem to fall from the sky.

Music. Snowflakes come out

1 Snowflake: Hello, who are you?

2 Snowflake: What is your name?

3 Snowflake: Are you probably lost?

Malvina: Hello, dear snowflakes, my name is Malvina, I'm from the Golden Key fairy tale, but where did I get here and how? I won't put my mind to it!

4 Snowflake: Ah, well, it’s clear, Again our storytellers mixed up the tales! That's always how they come up with!

1 Snowflake: Do not be sad Malvina, you are in a fairy forest, and we are snowflakes, we know where it is small house at the edge of the forest, and we will guide you, perhaps they will help you there!

Song "Silver Snowflakes"

(everyone leaves the stage)

3rd picture

Storyteller 1: The Snow Maiden lived in the forest,

Snowflakes called in a round dance

And I was waiting for the bullfinches to visit,

To in the snowy forest

To see dawn beauty.

Song "Ice Girl"

The creak of the door enters the second Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate children on the holiday, to give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: And why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? After all, we are both granddaughters of Santa Claus, and both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I must go. Why is an old woman like you needed at the festival!

Snow Maiden 1: Look at yourself better, I’ll also get a present for the holiday! It would be better if it snowed.

Snow Maiden 2: What is it, am I worse than snow or what? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase such a gift as you, as you draw, you can’t turn it off with any bulldozer, you won’t go around on a crooked mare!

Knock on the door

Snow Maiden 2: Oh, who's that knocking on the door?

Snow Maiden 1: Well, come and have a look! You are young with us!

Opens the door enters Malvina

Snow Maiden 2: Oh, well, here you are, please, another Snow Maiden has drawn - you won’t erase it!

Malvina: Hello, but I'm not a Snow Maiden, I'm Malvina, and I got lost in a snowy forest. They say that storytellers mixed up fairy tales, so I ended up here.

Snow Maiden 1: They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen, everything will always come true!

Song: Crystal Heart of Malvina

Snow Maiden 2: And I know what to do! We urgently need to find the storytellers, and ask them to rearrange all the fairy tales in their places! Otherwise, the New Year is in danger.

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, and our Grandfather Frost disappeared for about half a day, and promised to return in an hour!

Malvina: Hurry up the sled! We are going to save our holiday! We need to unravel this New Year's mess now! (Everyone leaves)

4th picture

Pinocchio comes out on one side and Little Red Riding Hood on the other

Pinocchio: Oh, I have met at least one living person all the time, hello, and who are you?

Red Riding Hood: Hello, my name is Little Red Riding Hood. I carried pies to my grandmother through the green summer forest, and found myself in a snowy and winter forest, what a miracle!

Music included Pippi Longstocking

Peppy: Here are those on! And you are here, Koschey and Artemon, Fairies, Butterflies of all sorts roam! I don’t understand anything, What miracles are happening!

Red Riding Hood: And what is your name, anyway?

Peppy: I am Peppilotta Victualia Rulgardina.

Peppy song

Pirate: hello hello my dad former captain, he lived with us, he sailed the seas for a long time and sailed away from me. And I live alone here, I'm dad, mom, daughter, I'm a strong girl, I have such power! I'm a pirate girl! Why are you all so sad?

Peppy: Oh, familiar story! Only my dad doesn't sail far and for long, and I'm not a pirate, I'm Pippi Longstocking.

Red Riding Hood: And we are all from different fairy tales and lost in this forest.

Pirate: So it's not a problem! Look - how many people are there in the distance. Maybe they will help us! Egegey! People! (Looks into the hall)

Boys and girls!

And also their parents!

In a fun workout

Play, don't you want to?

Everyone got up cheerfully,

Play with us!

Fizminutka "Heroes of fairy tales"

Pirate: Friends, don't you know how to unravel our fairy tales? (NO - shout)

Red Riding Hood: Do not be sad friends! Not all is lost, let's move on! (leave the stage)

5th painting

The princess enters

"Princess Song"

A princess: Ah, the New Year is just around the corner, and the prince is lost somewhere! We'll be late for the ball Snow Queen! Kai and Gerda are waiting for us there! Prince, where are you lost?

Enter the Prince

Prince: Yes, I was just dressing up, I couldn’t go like that!

The Snow Maiden and Malvina enter.

Snow Maiden 1: Hello, Your Majesty, have you seen storytellers here in your castle?

Snow Maiden 2: We really, really need them!

A princess: And who are they? And why do you need them?

Malvina: They mixed up all the fairy tales for us, and we cannot return to our home!

Prince: Aha! Not simple task, but maybe I can help you if you solve the riddles! Do you agree?

Chorus: Yes!

Snow Maiden: And I am sure that the children together will help us!

Game "Riddles of the Snow Maiden"

Prince: Of course, I don’t know where to look for them, but I can show you approximately the way! Come follow me! (Everyone leaves the stage in chorus)

6th painting

("Turnip" on new way, a fairy tale is played out by children)

Storyteller 1: And Pinocchio came to the field of miracles, and found the largest tubercle, took his coins and planted them in the hole, and buried them, and grew large and beautiful flower called "Poppy". And he wanted to give this flower to Malvina, he pulls, pulls, but he can’t tear it off, and he called Little Red Riding Hood for help, Riding Hood for Pinocchio, Pinocchio for Poppyhead, they pull, pull - they can’t tear it off. He called Pinocchio Peppy, Peppy for the Hat, Cap for Pinocchio, they pull - they pull, they can’t tear it off. He called Pinocchio the Princess, the Princess for Peppy, Peppy for the Riding Hood, the Riding Hood for Pinocchio, they pull - they pull, they can’t tear it off. He called Pinocchio Chanterelle, Chanterelle for the Princess, Princess for Peppy, Peppy for the Little Hat, Little Hat for Pinocchio, they pull - they pull, they can’t tear it off. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a robber ran up, waved her sword, and cut off the flower. That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

(2 Storyteller comes out)

Storyteller 2: Hey, you have a bad story! But I have a better look at what! One day, a beautiful butterfly flew into a winter and snowy meadow!

(A butterfly fluttered on the stage to the music and flies)

The Snow Maiden and Malvin enter the stage

Snow Maiden 1: So who made all this confusion?

Malvina: Well, bring back all the fairy tales back!

Storyteller 1: And why do you feel bad, look what fairy tales we have come up with! For example, Emelya married Vasilisa the Wise, they have, go ahead, three children and are expecting a fourth, they are all so nice)

Storyteller 2: Yes, by the way, the Three Little Pigs feel great with seven kids, now they are not afraid of the wolf in a 5-storey mansion they live with an alarm system and video surveillance.

Snow Maiden 2: you mixed up all the fairy tales, and now our Grandfather Frost has completely disappeared! Now we will not have a New Year, and there will be no holiday!

Storyteller 1: Oh ho ho, have we really come this far? But what to do?

Snow Maiden 1: new fairy tale write, in which everything will be redone the other way around, and then all the heroes will be able to return to their homes!

Storyteller 2: Yes, it would be possible, but we have written so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count and remember which one and whom we sent.

Malvina: And I have an idea! But what if you don’t rewrite fairy tales, but simply add a Fairy in each, who waved her wand and everything fell into place?

Storyteller 1: Oh right! And this is an idea! Let's all come together and help us fix it. We will give each of you a fairy tale and we will fix everything! Follow me! (Everyone leaves the stage)

Fairy Dance with Ribbon Nadya Evdokimova

7th picture

Music and the release of Santa Claus

Father Frost: Finally at home like

That's how I got to Africa

Never seen more

Crocodile monkeys.

What's not fun here is sad

Who went where?

Does not meet Santa Claus,

Joyful kid.

What happened? Where did they disappear?

Or who was taken where?

I don't understand anything

I'll look for someone.


Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden 1: Hurray, it seems to have worked out, Guys, have you met Santa Claus by chance?

Snow Maiden 2: So let's call him all together! (3 times)

Santa Claus's "Dance like Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Hello, and here I am.

Happy New Year to you friends!

One day the day and the hour come.

Everyone is looking forward to their arrival.

And the miracle happens again

After all, this is a miracle - the New Year!

We come to visit people

And he is no longer far away.

Let everyone be happy

On the New Year's Eve!

Snow Maiden 2: Grandpa, it's time to give gifts to the guys!

Snow Maiden 1: Wait a minute, they still haven’t guessed riddles from grandfather! Guys, can you guess the riddles of Santa Claus? Yes!

Game "Riddles of Santa Claus"

Snow Maiden 1: And now we meet the guests, we clap loudly for the guys,

Together we will say in unison, "Come visit us!" three four again! (and so three times)

Snow Maiden 1: Come on, our friendly people, get into a round dance!

Song - round dance of Santa Claus "Dance like Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Oh, tired, oh, tired!

I haven't danced like this in a long time!

I almost sprained my leg

I'll rest a bit now.

(Sits down on a chair.)

I want to know guys

How talented you are.

There are readers among you,

Dancers, musicians and singers?

Come quickly to the tree

Yes, show your talents.

Snow Maiden 1: Father Frost! Our children have learned many poems and now they will tell you. Guys who want to tell rhymes, come to our stage!

(Children read poems to Santa Claus and receive gifts)

Snow Maiden 1:

It's time for us to part

But in the new year

I'm on the tree to you

I will definitely come.

Father Frost:

Farewell, all Petechki,

Tanechki, Yurochki!

Do not forget me,

And the Snow Maiden!

Storyteller 1:

May this year

What started so merrily

Will bring you

Good luck in your life!

Storyteller 2:

And together we'll say

Goodbye to all of you

All: May your dreams and wishes come true!

The final song "The Christmas tree is decorated with colored lights"

Winter's Tale - script for the New Year's performance for high school




    Father Frost


    Snow Maiden

    Baba Yaga (modern): ponytail wig with red ribbon, rocker headscarf, patched long skirt, bodycon tank top, platform shoes.

    kikimora (optional costume): leggings, T-shirt, vest in green-blue-brown tones, slates. On the head are ponytails with multi-colored rubber bands. At the waist is a belt of multi-colored scarves.

    Goblin: jeans, a cape on the shoulders of fur, a fluffy wig, on the arm there is an inscription: "Leshy".

    Zmey Gorynych:3 people tied with a belt, the middle one has a tail attached behind, each has hoops on its head with the inscription: “3mei”.

The hall is decorated in a New Year's way: garlands, a Christmas tree, snowflakes, etc.

Two presenters appear on the stage: a young man and a girl in clothes corresponding to this holiday: Evening Dress the girl and the evening version of the costume for the young man.

Lead 1. Good evening to everyone in this room!

Lead 2. Hello dear guests!

Presenter 1. Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the ball. We congratulate everyone, invite everyone, let only laughter sound in this hall!

Lead 2. Happy New Year, with new happiness, we congratulate you again. The holiday is cheerful and the evening is beautiful, it's time for us to start.

Lead 1.
Listen! As if in a magical dream, lights will shine at school today, music will sound here and laughter, a festive evening for everyone today.

Lead 2. Whoever loves laughter, who knows how to joke, let him come to this hall, we invite everyone, we invite everyone to the New Year's carnival.

Lead 1.
Festive, cheerful, winter, joyful, exciting, it is not repeated twice.

Lead 2. Listen, listen to the highest order: it's time to have fun, it's time for us to rejoice. Whoever fulfills these precepts, now all dreams come true.

Lead 1. Happy New Year, we congratulate you, we wish you all happiness, so that you can live this year without sadness, and without troubles, so that you work willingly, but have fun on holiday. And success to you in business, smiles on everyone's lips.

Lead 2.
This is our opening speech, we all started well, and now we ask everyone to make noise and laughter in the hall, so that you meet the artists and sincerely applaud them. We didn’t sleep for more than one night and prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, somehow it’s not in harmony, because this fairy tale is in a new way.

Lead 1.
We ask you, do not sleep! Get in the hall and whistle! They are already sitting on the needles under the tree fairy-tale heroes, we will invite them to this hall for a festive carnival.

Lead 2.
Listen, it's time for us to shut up and start our fairy tale!

Lead 1. It's time to call those without whom the New Year does not happen, I think that everyone guessed who they are talking about? Therefore, all together, friendly call: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden"

The light goes out. Suddenly, strange laughter is heard into the microphone:

Baba Yaga's voice: Well, did you want to celebrate the holiday, guys? And the holiday won't work. This is our holiday. We've been waiting for it for so long. And now we are not going to give it to you. Why are you quiet, doves. Didn't they recognize me? And this is me, your beloved Butterfly Yaga. Okay, I'll show myself, so as not to suffer.

Good evening dear boys and girls! Well, are we celebrating? Well, celebrate, celebrate, just don't bother us. Today we have a big meeting of "good wizards" (laughs). And you have nothing to do with him.

Presenter 1: Listen, Yagurochka, in my opinion, it was you who interfered with us, not us.

Baba Yaga: Well hello to you. We prevented them. No, you heard it. Hey, evil spirit, come here, flock, run and go up to the stage. Let's celebrate.

Serpent Gorynych, Goblin, Kikimora enter the hall to cheerful music. While walking, laughing, dancing. They rise to the stage.
Baba Yaga: Well hello my dears. How glad I am to see you. You have already heard that we are now going to celebrate the holiday. They say that this is a holiday of goodness and light. No, you heard it.

Devilry laughs.

Serpent: Yagurochka, what's the actual problem? Let me burn them all together now with my blue flame, and there is no problem.

Baba Yaga. Well, the uncouth blockhead will “burn”, “burn” this in the past. It's time to move forward. Come up with something new. And I don't want any fire at all. Tired. I want one thing: that the New Year belongs to us! And point. Why only people? Therefore, dear, vacate the premises.

Kikimora and Leshy (laugh). Yes, yes, yes, vacate the room!

Lead 2. Well, no, dear evil spirit. Let's have your scheduled meeting elsewhere. For example, in the Koshcheev castle. By the way, where is this walking museum piece? Something it is not visible among you.

Serpent. None of your business. Not yet evening.

Lead 1. I propose to hold a small New Year's competition program. Whoever wins, he rules the ball. Deal? And so that our guests do not get bored, we organize our evening in such a way that there are dances, competitions, and much more interesting things. Do you agree?

Devilry (after conferring). And you will not deceive?

Lead 2. We won't cheat. Only you can cheat.

Devilry. But but but! No need!

Lead 1. Well, then, go to the hall and have fun with the guests, and when it starts competitive program we will invite you right away.

Lead 2. The year begins with a blue twilight,

An old Christmas tree tale

flickering and shining candles,

Hidden hope: of course, he will be good.

And prickly frost, and a scattering of stellar paths.

Lead 1. And the snow is still flying, showering powders.

And over every tree in the forest a star lit up.

The year begins - well, of course, it will be good,

And with happiness will make friends with you forever!

More than once today and in the coming days, words of congratulations from friends, acquaintances, even passers-by, to all people from TV screens will sound.

Lead 2 . We wish you only one thing: let all these wishes and congratulations for the new year improve your mood and instill in your hearts hope, warmth and faith that this coming year of the Sheep really going to be good. We really miss Santa Claus - let's remember a little childhood and call him to us. Let's just do it in an organized way. This part of the hall will stomp your feet.

Lead 1. This part of the audience will clap their hands, and this part of the audience gets the hardest part: laughing. I think it is impossible not to hear such a stunning greeting, and our Santa Claus will appear here any minute.

Evil spirits are on the scene.

Devilry. We didn't agree on that. The fact that this forest robber will appear here now does not suit us in the least.

Lead 2. Rogue? They made me laugh. The robber is your friend - Nightingale. By the way, it doesn't exist either. Do they have problems with Koshchei?

Kikimora. Your Grandfather brought such a cold in the forest, piled up snowdrifts - you can’t get through, you can’t drive. He knows that women live in the forest. We that, specifically, to get here, had to get a sled? In general, he does not need mulberry.

Lead 1. No, friends. Without Santa Claus there can be no New Year. So you'll have to deal with it.

Goat:There is a horned goat, after the little guys,
For uncles and aunts, for moms and dads...
Prepare for trials and disappointments
But without despair...
Those who are brave, funny, skillful will break through!
- Nu that, me waited?! Not happy, I see?
Well, I was seized with envy, well, why are you like that, friends?
And what about the bearded, nondescript, old grandfather?
He sleeps and does not hear you, buried in a warm blanket!
I missed the gifts and missed the staff,
I am the main one today, and he is completely exhausted!
I think that you really need gifts,
But, you know, for gifts, they should praise me!

Lead 1.
- Yes, not you, beauty, we were waiting, and in general, we know that the Blue Wood Goat has a temper, though harsh, but fair. Maybe you are not Blue and not Wooden, but the most ordinary, mischievous, domestic goat?
goat :(
pointing to the blue wig)
- And what's that?
Knocks himself on the head with a wooden sound (phonogram):
- Did everyone hear that?
Lead 2.
- Well, okay, goat, we'll have to look for an approach to you!
- I think that in order for the patroness of the coming year to be more favorable to us, we need to try to convert all the minuses of her character into pluses. To do this, we will now name the negative qualities characteristic of a goat, and you will need to convert them into positive ones. It will sound something like this:
The goat is stubborn, which means that it is actually persistent. They say about her that she is cheerful - let's consider this quality as the ability to fend for herself. If they tell you that she is vindictive, do not believe it, she just perfectly knows how to save the information she needs.

Lead 1.
- As you can see, the goat was practically slandered, and in fact she is the most gentle and sweetest creature! Are you satisfied, goat?
- Oh, you know how to do something nice!

Lead 2. Now let's call Santa Claus. Remember how we will do it? We stomp, we clap, we laugh. So, we started.

Father Frost. Hello dear friends! I'm glad I finally got to your piece of paradise.
- It's nice to meet you, look warmly in the eyes,
The evil goat did not interfere with the holiday!
For the fact that she loves to mischief, she has to work all year,
For the benefit and joy of both adults and children!

Happy New Year to you! Year of the Goat!

- Horoscopes, horoscopes, horoscopes,
Signs, superstitions, omens,
With them, people became carefree
And live by following their advice...

Let's also try to predict by the stars what the coming year will be like - the year of the Blue Wood Goat.
For those born under the sign of the Rat, the year will be successful in financial plan: parents will be generous with tutors, in the hope of good grades, they may even increase the amount of pocket money, well, or they will be obliged to earn a living!
Bulls will have to overcome difficulties, but with the help of increasing intellectual strength, everything can be solved - the perseverance inherent in bulls will help to successfully overcome all trials.
The Tigers will have every opportunity to travel, the main thing is to pass exams on time and not miss the plane!!!
cats will find peace of mind only at the end of July, then they will definitely be able to relax and do nothing!
Dragons are in danger of being incompetent around the end of spring and early summer, but this can be avoided if you start increasing the level of knowledge and skills right now!
Snakes should avoid entertainment, otherwise there is a chance to get into a closed serpentarium under the strict supervision of their parents!
Horses will work as always, but this work will be rewarded, and the level of claims and self-awareness will increase to incredible.
The goat this year will be capable of the highest deeds and will show miracles of ingenuity in difficult situations, however, I would like to remind you that there is an even more cunning goat for the most inventive goat, especially if we are talking about the cleanliness of passing exams!
The monkey will be able to achieve its goals, but it can ruin everything if it continues to engage in intrigue and quarrel with friends over trifles.
Roosters will have a lot of worries after mid-March, but they will cope with everything perfectly deeds, if they don’t panic and shout “ka-ka-raul” for every insignificant occasion!
Dogs should avoid unnecessary fuss, not cling to people and words, then they will succeed.
Pigs will have romantic adventures in the second half of the year, which may interfere with the implementation of ambitious plans.

Let in next year we will be wise, fair and cheerful, there will be more kind words and good health with a margin.

All evil spirits enter the scene.

Baba Yaga. No, well, look at them. Are we here to listen to all this nonsense?

Kikimora. Yes. We have no other business. Let's get your contests here. We need power, and they are playing in sentimentality.

Lead 1. Will have to wait. We have another musical pause.

Dance Break - "Under the Lucky Snowflake"

After a dance break, Leshy and Kikimora appear on the stage.

Goblin. So, I saw you flirt with a man-cub.

Kikimora. And what not? We're on holiday!

Goblin. It compromises us, don't you understand. Look, princess! I'll tell dad, he will quickly beat your cupids on the side.

kikimora (offended). Well, talk. I will still dance with them.

Goblin. Ah, Kikimora, well, you are stupid!

Why are you headless!

Stop giggling - I'm not kidding at all!

Kikimora. Bu-doo de-lat that ho-choo!

Goblin. The whole gymnasium groans from you (points to the hall).

Throw you, my dear, your ugliness,

Or else I'll yell at you!

Kikimora. Bu-doo de-lat that ho-choo!

Goblin. Here, my dear, what do cupids mean!

So that I do not see troubadours in the forest,

Otherwise, I will personally drown everyone!

Kikimora. I'm from the forest u-be-gu!

Goblin. Stop arguing. Here Baba Yaga will appear, she will arrange a beating for you. Shout into place, green.

Kikimora joins the evil spirits. Leaders appear on the stage.

Lead 2. Father Frost! Where did you lose your granddaughter?

Father Frost: Yes, I did not lose her - this honest company took care of it. Thanks to them, she remained outside the Old Year. And to save her, unfortunately, my magical power is not enough for me. Still need a noble heart. That is why I turn to you, dear friends. Maybe there is a young man in the hall who is ready to help us free the Snow Maiden. And what is a holiday without it?

The applicant is located, and he is called to the stage. Immediately, Baba Yaga and the Serpent Gorynych enter the stage.

Baba Yaga. There is a very simple way to free your beauty. Give us the reins of government in the New Year and take your Snow Maiden. We don't need her for nothing. She's nothing but trouble.

Father Frost. No, dear. Everything will be fair. What condition did you set? If this young man answers two of your questions, then you give him a hint on how to free the Snow Maiden. Understood?

Baba Yaga. Got it, got it.

Father Frost. Everything is very simple. And you don't have to be smart. Give me your questions.

Baba Yaga. So, the first riddle: Who is the most charming and attractive?

Baba Yaga. Well, have you eaten? Did you think it was so easy to take us with bare hands?

Youth. You, Yagurochka, are the most charming and attractive.

Baba Yaga (having parted). Correctly. (Then startled) Ah, he guessed right... How did you guess?

Youth. Very simple. You love yourself so much that how could you think of someone else?

Baba Yaga. Okay, the second riddle: Who is smart, gallant, furry, shaggy and the best in the forest? Try now. It's not me anymore.

Youth. This is Leshy.

Baba Yaga. What is it? It's not fair. He overheard me writing riddles?

Father Frost . He didn't overhear anything. Just a very smart guy got caught. And you make riddles about your evil spirit, and everyone knows it well.

Snow Maiden. Hello dear friends!

The evil spirit mimics her words and whispers something on the sidelines.

Snow Maiden. I thank you for your generosity, young man. It's nice that in your soul there are wonderful impulses. It is on kindness and nobility that the world rests. The fire of goodness and light will be with us in the most difficult moments of life.

- Let's forget about quarrels and enmity,
And we will have fun, I'm looking forward to it!
- May the New Year give us
health and success,
Songs sound everywhere, happy laughter flows!
Let's shout together, as in childhood:
- One two Three!
Please us soon, Christmas tree. Burn!!!

I'm glad we met...

Candles are lit today.

They burn between us

Magic lights.

Father Frost. Make your deepest wish.

With youthful joy in your eyes

The New Year is on the threshold.

In the blue flying snowfall

With a free wind far and wide.

Dear friends, let's have fun. After all, today we celebrate the best holiday on earth. The holiday with which we pin all our hopes...

Snow Maiden. In it we see the meaning of our life and believe in it to the depths of our souls.

Happy New Year! Music!

Games, contests

Father Frost: Dear friends! Let's spend Old year cheerful dance.

You must each make your own snake. And after the end of the music, we will see who will have it longer, he will receive our New Year's prize.

Phonogram. Participants descend into the hall and make up two snakes to the music. After that, in each snake D.M. asks evil spirits to count the number of people and give the prize to the winner.

Father Frost: Dear friends, and now we offer you a small contest. We will read you the titles of literary works: novels, fairy tales. Only one "but" ... This is a competition "turnovers". For example: Blue scarf (Little Red Riding Hood). Got the principle? The one who first calls the answer - comes to us on stage. So, we started.

square (Kolobok).

Mouse in sandals (Puss in Boots).

Garbage Continent (Treasure Island).

Nailed down by the calm (Gone With the Wind).

happiness from stupidity (Woe from Mind).

homebody mouse (Frog traveler).

Doghouse (Cat house).

solar prince (The Snow Queen).

Here are our winners. Now we will raffle off a prize among them. I give each of you one piece of paper. Whoever throws the piece of paper the farthest wins a prize.

"Rhyme"- This competition is very simple. You only need
come up with a continuation of the line, of course, so that
it was funny and in rhyme. For example: Standing in the corner
fluffy beauty...
you have to come up with
the ending. It's easy - Standing in the corner fluffy
beauty ... that look, now it will collapse.

1. After New Year's Eve... (the morning was heavy

2. Santa Claus came to us .... (and took away all the gifts)

3. We were waiting for gifts ... (with the Snow Maiden
got into a fight)

4. The chimes strike 12 times...

5. We dressed the Christmas tree together ...

6. From the snow, everything is white - white ...

Turning proverbs and sayings.

Happiness moves in heaps. (Trouble does not walk alone.)

walk away from the new washing machine. (Stay with nothing.)

Baldness is a male disgrace. (The scythe is a girlish beauty.)

Courage has a small back of the head. (Fear has big eyes.)

The boots on the policeman get wet. (The hat on the thief is on fire.)

Don't go below your heels. (You can't jump above your head.)

He hid that algae - get out of the aquarium. (Gruzdev called himself get in the body.)

Chicken boar friend. (A goose is not a comrade to a pig.)

You will fix the borscht with sauce. (You can't spoil porridge with butter.)

Variant of the game "Oh, lucky man"


What did the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin shout while starting in a rocket?

A. "Give up!"

B. "Let's go!" +

B. "From the screw!"

G. "Let's fly!"

Where is the native land of the Indians?

A. In America +

B. In India

B. In Indonesia

G. At the mouth of the Indigirka River

What is the insignia on a uniform cap called?

A. Patch

B. Icon

B. Buckle

G. Cockade +

What tree do dates grow on?

A. On a palm tree +

B. On poplar

B. On the Christmas tree

G. On the baobab

What is the name of an unopened flower?

A. Kidney

B. Ovary

B. Bud +

G. Earring

What is the name of the popular animal that runs on the wheel?

A. Khomyak

B. Squirrel +

B. Mouse

G. Chipmunk

What part of the world is located on two continents?

A. Africa

B. Eurasia

B. America +

G. Antarctica

Father Frost: What do you guys make me happy. I'll sit and look at you.

(Numbers of amateur performances from classes)

Father Frost: Now it's time for us to say goodbye

But a year will pass and a new holiday

A cheerful one will come into our house again.

Snow Maiden. Dear friends! Thank you for being with us all this time. Happy New Year. Peace, hopes, great ideas and great paths.

Hours go by, days go by

Such is the law of nature.

We hasten to congratulate you, friends,

Now we are Happy New Year.

Father Frost: Evil spirits, one of you can also turn to our guests, say something, wish.

Baba Yaga. Serpent, you are the smartest. You fly around the world, you know everything. Speak. Just don't hit the dirt in the face.

Snow Maiden. Not a face in the dirt, but a face in the dirt.

Baba Yaga. Don't study science.

Serpent (referring to the audience).

Dear comrades! Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Workers and collective farmers! Signors, senoritas and signorinas! Boys and girls! Workers of fields and farms! Soldiers, sailors and foremen! Corporal! Postilions and porters! Swiss and Swiss! Koryaks and Koryaks! Kuryans and Pskovians! Arkhangelsk people! Archbishops and Popes! Mothers and sisters! Brothers in Christ - relatives and cousins! Atheists, atheists! Politicians! Poetic figures! Princes, counts and graphomaniacs! Writers and filmmakers! Athletes of the World! Retirees and students! My good citizens! I have nothing to tell you!

Father Frost. Well, what kind of disgrace is this, Yagurochka? I will never let you party again.

Baba Yaga. And we will not ask, we will come ourselves. Well, good, good. We want to give you guys one piece of advice:

If you came to the Christmas tree

Claim your gift right away.

Goblin. And see that no candy

Santa Claus did not heal.

Kikimora. And don't hesitate to look back

Bring home leftovers.

Serpent. How dad and mom jump -

All gifts will be taken!

Father Frost. No, well, you can't really say Happy New Year to people.

Devilry. OK. POS-DRAV-LA-EM!

Snow Maiden. Another thing.

Father Frost. It will be the Year of the Goat. Perfectly!
I'm sure it's clear to all of us
What does the New Year bring us?
Lots of fun stuff.

GOAT: Hello, friends!
I'm very, very happy
Fifteenth year to accept
And give grace to all:
travel, fun,
Shock work, housewarming,
All health and good luck,
Lots of joy in addition.

FATHER FROST: And now accept gifts from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

Congratulations to all!
We wish you all happiness!

See you soon!

Horoscope in verse for the New Year


We'll see the New Year soon!
The Year of the Goat is already underway.
Make all your wishes -
Have fun don't be bored!
The stars lined up...
What are the stars telling us?

Aries is a sign of stubbornness.
Refrain from rudeness
And then the goat will gore,
It drives you through the mountains!

Know that there will be all Taurus
In the New Year - well done!
In the year of the Goat, recognition will come!
And for pride - punishment.

Gemini will be lucky
Your cottage will be the best.
And the wife is the most beautiful
New Year brings success!

Cancers in the New Year be silent,
Don't bite, don't grumble!
Be wise, don't be lazy!
Do not add laziness to your strength!

Leo, Sheep - always enemies!
You don't look at it.
Be calm like a boa...
Leo is always in conflicts of rights!

Virgo this year of the Sheep
All minutes of the road!
Don't waste good time
Choose reliable friends!

Libra-handsome goat does not like!
She butts them, muddies the water.
But bad weather will pass by!
Victory is like the pinnacle of happiness!

Scorpions this year
The people will love it!
But take care of your health
Love yourself dear!

Don't worry Sagittarius!
Take the goat by the bridle
Feel free to welcome this year
Call cheerful guests!

Capricorn this year
May you always be lucky in everything
At work and with friends
Decide everything yourself!

In the year of the Goat, you, Aquarius,
Don't smoke, drink juice.
Love life and enjoy
Have fun with a prickly joke!

Our fish in the year of the Goat
Unnoticeable yet!
Have fun, dance and sing
Become a golden fish!
