Self-representation for a competition for admission to a technical school. Presentation-portfolio of Samofalova O.M.

UDC 159.923+37.015.3+378.637


Ludmila S. Kolmogorova1" @1, Galina G. Spiridonova1" @

Altai State Pedagogical University, Russia, 656031, Barnaul, st. Youth, 55 @1 [email protected] @ [email protected]

Received November 30, 2016. Accepted for publication April 12, 2017.

Keywords: self-presentation, professional training, culture of self-presentation, external and internal components of the culture of self-presentation, ideas about self-presentation.

Resume: The article is devoted to the actual problem of teacher's self-presentation in professional activity. The paper presents the results of an empirical study conducted with students of the Pedagogical University. The purpose of the study was to identify students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation. In the course of the study, the obtained data are described. Students' ideas about the self-presentation of teachers of the older and younger generations, the difficulties experienced by students in self-presentation, characteristics related to the components of the teacher's self-presentation culture are revealed. Among the characteristics related to the teacher's self-presentation, students single out external (literacy of speech, demeanor, form of presenting themselves, etc.) and internal (education, openness, self-awareness, etc.). In the conclusions, the authors point out the importance of taking into account students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation in their professional training, which can be taken into account in higher education. Ignorance of these ideas of students in the educational process makes it difficult to establish contact, solve pedagogical problems by a teacher of higher education, etc.

For citation: Kolmogorova L. S., Spiridonova G. G. Students' perceptions of the teacher's self-presentation // Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University. 2017. No. 2. P. 135 - 140. B01: 10.21603/2078-8975-2017-2-135-140.

One of the main tasks of university teachers is the preparation of highly qualified, competitive specialists. Education at the university is built on the basis of intensive communication between the teacher and the student. In the course of communication, educational information is assimilated, the quality of which largely depends on how ready the student is to perceive information coming from the teacher. Such readiness largely depends on the student's ideas about the self-presentation of the teacher, formed in the course of communication. Also, the discrepancy between the ideas about the teacher's self-presentation among students and teachers makes it difficult not only to communicate, but also the process of professional development.

The terms “self-presentation”, “impression management” have firmly entered the English-language scientific vocabulary (I. Hoffman, B. Shlenker, D. Myers, etc.), however, in our country, the phenomenon of self-presentation is not so long ago (starting from the 90s of XX century) became the subject of independent psychological research (works by N. V. Amyaga, E. V. Zinchenko, Yu. P. Kosheleva, E. V. Mikhailova, E. P. Nikitina, O. A. Pikuleva, E. A. Sokolova -Baush, N. E. Kharlamenkova, V. V. Khoroshikh and others).

Self-presentation in the professional activity of a teacher at the present stage is considered in various aspects. Thus, a number of scientific papers are devoted to the study of self-presentation and the related concept of "teacher's image". S. I. Glukhikh examines the image of a modern teacher, A. A. Chekalina explores the features of self-presentation of female teachers, L. E. Semenova studies the features of self-presentation of men-

teachers, N. F. Anokhina in her work explores the teacher's self-presentation in the Internet space, O. V. Yaroshevich pays attention to the teacher's image as a component of the quality of the system of geometric and graphic training of students, L. P. Inozemtseva considers the teacher's image as a component of his professional personality , S. D. Yakusheva pays attention to the pedagogical image of a modern teacher of higher education , A. A. Kalyuzhny studies the psychology of forming the image of a teacher , L. Yu. Donskaya explores the psychological conditions for the formation of the image of a teacher of higher education , E. Yu. Sysoeva highlights the psychological and pedagogical foundations formation of the image competence of a university teacher, Z. R. Azhniyazova, M. I. Isaev in their work consider the image of a modern university teacher through the eyes of a student.

In our opinion, the self-presentation of the teacher is not sufficiently considered by modern psychology. In particular, students' ideas about the self-presentation of teachers are not disclosed. This issue is important in connection with the training of future teachers, because university teachers either pay insufficient attention to self-presentation skills, or do not know and (or) do not take into account the views of students on their own presentation (ideals, guidelines, patterns of behavior, etc.) . This, in turn, complicates interpersonal contacts in the pedagogical process, especially with a pronounced age difference between teachers and students.

As a result of the theoretical analysis of the literature, which we carried out earlier, we have defined the concept

The term “culture of self-presentation” is as follows: it is a set of knowledge and skills necessary for self-presentation, their effective application, value attitude and awareness of the importance of self-presentation, reflection of the process and result of self-presentation, creativity in self-presentation. This basic definition was taken by us as a basis for defining the culture of self-presentation of a teacher, taking into account the content and specifics of his professional activity. This definition corresponds to the previously identified components in self-presentation as characteristics of psychological culture: cognitive (literacy), competency-based, value-semantic, reflective-evaluative, creative. In the culture of self-presentation, we also single out a set of external and internal components through a system of essential characteristics of self-presentation and their external manifestations in professional activity.

In our opinion, the teacher's self-presentation culture includes: a) external components (appearance; non-verbal / verbal means and ways of influencing others in the process of self-presentation; communication techniques in self-presentation), and b) internal components (value attitude to the process, content and the result of self-presentation; principles and rules for constructing the content of self-presentation; knowledge of the means and methods of self-presentation; emotional self-regulation in the process of self-presentation; analysis of self-presentation in terms of the manifestation of personal qualities; knowledge of one's professionally significant qualities that contribute to the effectiveness of self-presentation; design and correction of goals, content self-presentation).

In our study, the following methods were used: questioning and content analysis of the essay. In accordance with the above ideas about self-presentation, we developed a questionnaire aimed at identifying students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation, namely: students' ideas about the self-presentation of teachers of the older and younger generations; students' ideas about the external and internal characteristics of the teacher's self-presentation; difficulties in self-presentation among future teachers. Also, as part of the study, the respondents wrote essays on the topic “Teacher of the 21st century”.

The purpose of our study was to identify students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation.

The study was conducted in 2016 on the basis of the Altai State Pedagogical University in Barnaul. In total, 100 students of different training profiles took part ("Primary education", "Psychology of education", "Psychology and social pedagogy").

Research objectives:

To identify students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation, its external and internal characteristics;

Compare students' ideas about the self-presentation of teachers of the older and younger generations;

To identify difficulties in self-presentation among future teachers.

According to the results of the content analysis of the essays, the following characteristics of the teacher are most often named: education - 72%, communication - 68%, development - 65%, self-improvement - 64%, modernity of mentality - 63%, responsibility - 61%, culture - 57%, erudition -54%, enlightenment - 52%, aesthetics - 49%, confidence - 48%, discipline - 44%, speech literacy - 43%, modernity in manners and clothes -45%, poise - 41%, mental activity - 39% , self-confidence - 37%, mobility - 36%, attentiveness - 34%, respectfulness - 33%, conscientiousness - 31%, physical activity - 34% (table).

Among the characteristics named by students, there are qualities related to the internal components of the teacher's self-presentation (education -72%, development - 65%, self-improvement - 64%, responsibility - 61%, culture - 57%, erudition - 54%, mental activity - 39 %, confidence - 48%, discipline - 44%, balance - 41%, self-confidence - 37%, mobility - 36%, mindfulness - 34%, respectfulness -33%, conscientiousness - 31%, modernity of mentality - 63%, enlightenment - 52%), as well as to external components (aesthetics - 49%, communication - 68%, speech literacy - 43%, modernity in manners and clothes - 45%, physical activity - 34%) (table).

So, the content analysis of the essays revealed the predominance of the internal characteristics of the teacher's self-presentation over the external ones.

When analyzing students' answers to the questionnaire, among the internal components of the teacher's self-presentation culture, students identify the following characteristics: experience - 78%, education - 73%, good manners - 71%, goodwill - 67%, self-awareness - 61%, knowledge - 58%, openness - 57%, modesty - 56%, calmness - 53%, skills - 51%, life principles - 48%, confidence - 47%, listening skills - 44%, attitude - 43%, self-esteem -41%, self-criticism - 34% , the ability to win over others - 32%. Among the characteristics related to the external components of the teacher's self-presentation culture, students note: speech literacy - 72%, the form of self-presentation - 63%, behavior - 61%, appearance - 53%, communication style - 44%, presentability - 42%, neatness - 41%, facial expressions - 39%, the ability to show one's positive qualities in speech - 49%, conciseness of speech - 37%, creating a general opinion about oneself in society - 31%, making a favorable impression on the interlocutor - 27%, acting - 23%, the ability to show their emotions - 48%. The data of the questionnaires show that students have a higher indicator for the internal components of the teacher's self-presentation than for external ones. Internal characteristics prevail both in frequency of occurrence in statements and in a wide range of preferences among students (table).

Table. Quantitative analysis of students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation Table. Quantitative analysis of impression management of a teacher as seen by students

Method Content analysis of essays Questioning

Components of self-presentation Characteristics of self-presentation % Characteristics of self-presentation %

The external component of self-presentation is aesthetics 49 the ability to show one's positive qualities in speech 49

communication skills 68 speech literacy 72

literacy of speech 43 form of presenting oneself 63

modernity in manners and dress 45 demeanor 61

physical activity 34 appearance 53

the ability to express one's emotions 48

manner of communication 44

presentability 42

neatness 41

conciseness of speech 37

creating a common opinion about oneself in society 31

making a favorable impression on the interlocutor 27

acting 23

Internal component of self-presentation erudition 72 erudition 73

sophistication 65 experience 78

self-improvement 64 good manners 71

responsibility 61 benevolence 67

culture 57 self-awareness 61

erudition 54 knowledge 58

confidence 48 openness 57

discipline 44 modesty 56

poise 41 calmness 53

mental activity 39 skills 51

self-confidence 37 life principles 48

mobility 36 confidence 47

attentiveness 34 ability to listen 44

respect 33 attitude 43

conscientiousness 31 self-assessment 41

modernity of mentality 63 self-criticism 34

enlightenment 52 ability to win over others 32

Teachers and students are representatives of different generations, therefore, for their mutual understanding, it is important to trace students' ideas about the self-presentation of teachers of different generations, and it is interesting how students understand these intergenerational differences. To do this, the questionnaire included a question about the differences in the self-presentation of teachers of the older and younger generations. Among the characteristics related to the external components of the self-presentation of the younger generation, students distinguish: non-strict style - 43%, illiteracy of speech - 29%, bright colors in appearance - 27%, vulgarity - 48%. Among the internal components: freedom and looseness in communication - 13%, openness - 64%.

Consequently, in the differences in the self-presentation of teachers of the older and younger generations, students more often note external components than internal ones. At the same time, among the named characteristics of teachers of the younger generation, negative ones (illiteracy, vulgarity, lax style) are more common than positive ones.

nye. The positive characteristics include freedom and looseness in communication, as well as openness, which, of course, can contribute to the effective interaction of the teacher with students in the educational process.

We also studied the main difficulties that future teachers face in the process of professional training. This was necessary for the organization of work on the formation of self-presentation skills among future teachers on the basis of the Center for the Psychological and Social Health of Youth. Respondents single out excitement, fear, and trembling among the answers (46%). 37% of respondents are afraid to be funny, misunderstood. 17% of students indicate uncertainty, inability to attract an audience, control over non-verbal components of communication. It follows from the questionnaires that students experience mainly emotional difficulties. These characteristics are associated with emotional self-regulation, which causes the need

ability to organize work with students in this direction.

Thus, among the characteristics related to the components of the teacher's self-presentation culture, students distinguish more internal (experience, education, good manners, goodwill, skills, self-awareness, knowledge, openness, modesty, calmness, etc.) than external (literacy of speech, the ability to show one's emotions, the form of presenting oneself, demeanor, appearance, manner of communication, presentability, neatness, facial expressions, brevity of speech, etc.). In students' ideas about the self-presentation of teachers of the older generation, positive characteristics are more common than in the ideas about teachers of the younger generation. The differences between the teachers of the younger generation and the older generation, according to students' ideas, are related to negative characteristics (illiteracy of speech, vulgarity, lax style), rather than positive ones. Negative characteristics refer to external

components of the teacher's self-presentation culture, and positive ones (looseness in communication and openness) - to internal components. The difficulties experienced by students in their self-presentation are mainly related to emotional self-regulation as one of the characteristics of the internal component of the teacher's self-presentation culture. Students' ideas about the teacher's self-presentation, formed in the course of communication with the teacher, in personal life experience are the main components that can be taken into account in the course of training qualified specialists. To create a positive image of a teacher, students need to analyze both external and internal components of the self-presentation of teachers of different generations. In order to improve the professional skills of future teachers, we developed and tested the training "Culture of self-presentation in professional activity", which took into account the identified ideas.


1. Mikhailova E. V. Self-presentation: theory, research, training. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. 167 p.

2. Glukhikh S. I. The image of a modern teacher as a condition for the formation of professional competence. Narodnoe obrazovanie. 2012. No. 2. P. 112 - 116.

3. Chekalina A. A. About the features of self-presentation of women teachers // Theory and practice of social development. 2012. No. 3. S. 85 - 88.

4. Semenova L. E. Features of self-presentation of male teachers of secondary school in the context of their professional activities // Psychological science and education. 2008. No. 1. S. 82 - 89.

5. Anokhina N. F. Self-presentation of a teacher in the Internet space // Educational technologies. 2012. No. 4. P. 135 - 144.

6. Yaroshevich O. V. Image of a teacher as a component of the quality of the system of geometric and graphic training of students. Novosibirsk, 2015. P. 140 - 149. Access mode: novosibirsk/2015/doc/034.pdf

7. Inozemtseva L.P. The image of a teacher as a component of his professional personality // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. 2011. No. 24. S. 231 - 232.

8. Yakusheva S. D. Pedagogical image of a modern teacher of higher education // Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology: materials of the international correspondence scientific and practical conference. Novosibirsk: Siberian Association of Consultants, 2011. Part I. P. 71 - 82.

9. Kalyuzhny A. A. Psychology of the formation of the teacher's image. M.: VLADOS, 2004. 222 p.

10. Donskaya L. Yu. Psychological conditions for the formation of the image of a teacher of higher education: dis. ... cand. psychol. Sciences. Stavropol, 2004. 212 p.

11. Sysoeva E. Yu. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the formation of the image competence of a university teacher // Science and education: modern trends. 2014. No. 5. P. 156 - 174.

12. Azhniyazova Z. R., Isaev M. I. The image of a modern university teacher through the eyes of a student: the results of empirical research // Student Scientific Forum 2016: Materials of the VIII International Student Electronic Scientific Conference. Moscow: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2016. Access mode:

13. Kolmogorova L. S. Formation of the psychological culture of students in the context of education: monograph. Barnaul: AltGPA, 2013. 237 p.

14. Kolmogorova L. S., Spiridonova G. G. Characteristics of self-presentation in the context of the ratio of internal and external components of human culture // World of Science, Culture, Education. 2015. No. 4(53). pp. 180 - 182.

15. Spiridonova G. G. Culture of self-presentation in the professional activity of a teacher // Education and society. 2015. V. 5. No. 94. S. 98 - 102.


1 Altai State Pedagogical University, 55, Molodejnaja St., Barnaul, Russia, 656031

Abstract: This article presents a topical issue of impression management of the teacher in professional activity. This paper presents the results of the diagnostic study, which was planned among Pedagogical University students. The aim of the study was to identify the representation of students about the teacher"s self-presentation. The study describes the findings. There were revealed students" representations about the teachers" self-presentation of the older and younger generation, as well as problems of self-presentation experienced by students, characteristics related to composing of culture of the teacher's self-presentation. Among the characteristics relating to the teacher's impression management, students single out external (verbal intelligence, behavioral pattern, feeding themselves and form, etc.) and internal ones (politeness, openness, self-awareness, etc.). The conclusions of the authors points at the importance of consideration of representations of students about teacher"s self-presentation in their training, which can be taken into account in higher education. Ignorance of these representations of students in the educational process makes it difficult to establish contact and to solve pedagogical matters for high school teacher, etc.

For citation: Kolmogorova L. S., Spiridonova G. G. Predstavleniia studentsov o samoprezentatsii pedagoga . Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, 2017; (2): 135 - 140. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.21603/2078-8975-2017-2-135-140.

1. Mikhailova E. V. Samoprezentatsiia: teorii, issledovaniia, training. Saint-Petersburg: Rech", 2007, 167.

2. Glukhikh S. I. Imidzh sovremennogo pedagoga kak uslovie formirovaniia professionalnoi kompetentnosti. National obrazovanie = Education, no. 2 (2012): 112 - 116.

3. Chekalina A. A. Ob osobennostiakh samoprezentatsii zhenshchin-uchitelei. Teoriia i praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiia = Theory and practice of social development, no. 3 (2012): 85 - 88.

4. Semenova L. E. Osobennosti samoprezentatsii muzhchin-pedagogov srednei shkoly v kontekste ikh professionalnoi deiatelnosti. Psikhologicheskaia nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological science and education, no. 1 (2008): 82 - 89.

5. Anokhina N. F. Samoprezentatsiia uchitelia v internet-prostranstve. Educational technology = Educational Technology, no. 4 (2012): 135 - 144.

6. Iaroshevich O. V. Imidzh prepodavatelia kak sostavliaiushchaia kachestva sistemy geometro-graficheskoi podgotovki studentsov. Innovatsionnye tekhnologii v inzhenernoi grafike: problemy i perspektivy: sbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 85-letiiu Novosibirskogo go sudar stvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitelnogo universiteta . Novosibirsk, 2015, 140 - 149. Available at:

7. Inozemtseva L. P. Imidzh prepodavatelia kak sostavliaiushchaia ego professionalnoi lichnosti. Vestnik Cheliabinsk gosudarstvennogo universiteta = Bulletin of Cheliabinsk State University, no. 24 (2011): 231 - 232.

8. Iakusheva S. D. Pedagogicheskii imidzh sovremennogo prepodavatelia vysshei shkoly. Aktualnyie problemyi pedagogiki i psikhologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoi zaochnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. Novosibirsk: Siberian associations of consultants, Part I (2011): 71 - 82.

9. Kaliuzhnyi A. A. Psikhologiia formirovaniia imidzha uchitelia. Moscow: VLADOS, 2004, 222.

@1 [email protected] @2 [email protected]

Received 11/30/2016. Accepted 04/12/2017.

Keywords: impression management, professional education, culture of self-presentation, external and internal parts of self-presentation, concept of self-presentation.

10. Donskaia L. Iu. Psychological usloviia formirovaniia imidzha prepodavatelia vysshei shkoly. Diss. cand. psychology science. Stavropol", 2004, 212.

11. Sysoeva E. Iu. Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie osnovy formirovaniia imidzhevoi kompetentnosti prepodavatelia vuza. Nauka i obrazovanie: sovremennyie trendy = Science and education: current trends, no. 5 (2014): 156 - 174.

12. Azhniiazova Z. R., Isaev M. I. Imidzh sovremennogo prepodavatelia vuza glazami studenta: rezultaty empiricheskogo issledovaniia. Studencheskii nauchnyi forum 2016: materialy VIIIMezhdunarodnoi studencheskoi elektronnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Moscow: Rossiiskaia Akademiia Estestvoznaniia, 2016. Available at:

13. Kolmogorova L. S. Stanovlenie psikhologicheskoi culture uchashchikhsia v usloviiakh obrazovaniia. Barnaul: AltGPU, 2013, 237.

14. Kolmogorova L. S., Spiridonova G. G. Kharakteristiki samoprezentatsii v kontekste sootnosheniia vnutrennei i vneshnei sostavliaiushchikh kultur cheloveka. Mir nauki, culture, obrazovaniia = The world of science, culture and education, no. 4(53) (2015): 180 - 182.

15. Spiridonova G. G. Kultura samoprezentatsii v professionalnoi deiatelnosti pedagoga. Obrazovanie i obshchestvo = Education and society, 5, no. 94 (2015): 98 - 102.

Self-presentation is understood as an act of self-expression. Original performances are obtained in poetic form. They are much easier to understand than prose.

Self-presentation is aimed at creating a favorable impression of the speaker. Translated from Latin, presentation (praesentatio) means presentation or presentation. Modern society understands this word as the presentation of oneself in front of an audience.

When compiling a presentation, they rely on fundamental principles that will help make a successful speech in verse. Among them:

  • Positive. Throughout the self-presentation, even for a summary, it is worth considering only the positive traits and abilities of the speaker.
  • Individuality. When presenting oneself, individual traits and abilities that are characteristic of few are necessarily highlighted. The student in a successful performance talks about his individual hobbies, which are not included in the school curriculum. In the teacher's poems about himself, it is advisable to add nuances in his character, to highlight individual characteristics.

For example:

modest in nature,

But there is humor. Vesela.

And so the kids

Everyone loves me.

  • brevity. Information must be presented clearly and concisely. If a physical education teacher talks about all the exercises that he gives to students, or school life throughout the year, then the audience will get bored and will not pay attention to meaningful information.
  • Concreteness. When compiling a self-presentation, it is worth using less common phrases and being distracted by extraneous topics that do not concern the person himself. It is important to reflect the distinctive features of your profession when preparing a presentation, for example, for the competition of the year. Consider the presentation of a psychologist as an example.

I love my job,

And I try every day.

Like a torch I light up

From excess ideas!

Big beautiful office

All done by myself

Walls, doors painted

Why am I not a master?

Self-presentation during the speech of a psychologist emphasizes the professional qualities and individuality of the individual, attractiveness as an employee of his profession. When choosing the best psychologist, a lot is taken into account, and who, if not for them, understands the role of the first impression of what was said. The result of the psychologist of the year competition largely depends on the ability to present yourself and specifically provide information about yourself.

  • Selectivity. If you need to make a self-presentation for an interview, then you should only touch on information about yourself that is of direct importance for this work or speech.
  • Activity. When compiling the text of a self-presentation in a resume or for a competition, it is worth using the maximum number of words that indicate activity in life. I participated, I did, I can - examples of such words.

You can give four lines from the teacher's self-presentation as an example of writing:

And we write poems

We can show the story

And we go hiking together

We love to sing and dance

  • Honesty. Do not use false or false information when preparing a presentation for the competition. Often, several methods of collecting information about a person are used, for example, they additionally check the data in the questionnaire or offer testing. Lies will always come out.

If, when compiling the text of the presentation, the factors described above are taken into account, then you can safely count on success.

Self introduction for the teacher

A person at different times is faced with the need to make presentations about himself. But most of all, teachers who participate in competitions face this type of creativity.

Self-presentation in verse, which is always perceived as a business card, should be light in nature. When preparing a self-presentation of a teacher, it is important to consider the audience to which it will be directed.

The self-presentation of the teacher for the competition differs from the speech of the class teacher at the beginning of the year. The student perceives information a little differently. After all, such a text will be incomprehensible to him, and his colleagues will tell a lot:

There are three professions from God:

Treat.. judge.. teach..

Choosing fate for yourself in the end,

I decided to be a teacher!

I love the inquisitive mind of a child,

Open eyes...

Among the young oaks - I am an OAK!

Well, what else to say?

We will grow together

Under the vault of the temple - the school ...

And maybe one of them, who knows….

The teacher will come out new.

When evaluating self-presentations, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • Artistry;
  • Originality;
  • Relevance to the topic;
  • Brightness and figurativeness;
  • Compliance with the rules in the preparation (performance does not exceed 3 minutes).

When compiling such a speech, it is advisable to choose existing verses as a basis, adhering to their style of description.

For example:

The little one came up to me

And the little one asked:

"To be a teacher, Ruslan,

Good or bad?

Pupil or Student Presentation

It is worth noting that the performance of a pupil and a student at competitions also obliges to make a self-presentation, which is called a business card. And it plays a role for the jury, since the brighter the first performance is and the child’s story about himself is interesting, the better his work will be perceived further.

When compiling, it is very important to take into account the age of the baby, since adult poems for a second or third grade student do not look quite on topic and are relevant at the children's competition of the year. If an adult is involved in compiling a children's presentation, then the language in which he writes is chosen by the age level of the baby.

Here is an example:

Hello! My name is Marina,

My surname is Mirkova.

Today I am like a TV star

I stand before you as a new one.

I enjoy studying in the third grade

102nd favorite school,

Because her world is beautiful for us:

Here, study and funny jokes.

I also love crafts

And I make them with a stapler and tape.

Get toys and nozzles

So cute, so very...

How to write a self-presentation

Drawing up a presentation in verse, and they are often used for the competition of the year of the student or teacher, is a difficult process for many, since not everyone can do the lyrics, especially the physical education teacher. All poems are different, but when compiling them, it is taken into account that it is difficult to understand by ear what the author wanted to say. Therefore, the choice and compilation of such a speech should be approached carefully, for some it takes years to completely improve the poems.

  • Initially, it is worth compiling a complete list of information and thoughts that will be required, then transforming it into poems. When compiling, it is important to take into account the specifics of the event and the audience where you will perform. A physical education teacher and a preschool teacher will have different texts.
  • At the next stage, it is worth deciding whether the poems will be self-composed, or it is better to ask a person who specializes in this to write. If you have to write it yourself, then you need to show the result to friends or relatives, and make changes according to their criticism.
  • If the poems of other authors are used as the basis for the competition, then a large number of works will need to be reviewed, since it is difficult to change someone else's so that it conveys the state of mind.
  • Then it is worth deciding what the self-presentation will consist of. It is possible to successfully present information in one work, and sometimes it is advisable to create a “collage” of quatrains that will comprehensively characterize a person.
  • Humor plays a role in the speech, it helps to perceive information. But here it is very important not to overdo it. Otherwise, the interlocutor will perceive the author, not as an original witty personality, but as a loser with a flat sense of humor.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in modern society there is a trend of entrainment in the requirements for the individual. For this reason, it is important to properly present and present yourself, both for the competition and when applying for a job, in order to take a place in life and realize desires and ambitions. And for this you will need to make an effort, consider all the options and examples. Today it is not so important only to be a specialist in your field, it is important to be able to correctly and competently “present yourself”.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education


Department of Psychology and Pedagogy


Guidelines to help students prepare for practical classes and independent work in the discipline "Social and psychological aspects of organizational and managerial activities"

Compiled by G. V. Pinigina

I. V. Kondrina

O. Yu. Trishina

Approved at the meeting of the department

educational and methodological commission of the bachelor's degree in the direction 140400

Protocol No. dated

The electronic copy is

in the library of KuzGTU

Kemerovo 2012

Dear students!

You are studying the course "Socio-psychological aspects of organizational and managerial activity." you are considering theoretical questions in the section "Management Culture". Some aspects will be worked out by you in practical exercises, which will require preliminary self-preparation. For greater efficiency, the guidelines propose a phased work on self-management. Strictly follow the instructions and rules for the design of the work that will be included in your portfolio.

General information

With the aim of improving the general culture, developing the desire for self-improvement and the success of future organizational and managerial activities, the student needs to master the skills of self-organization and management of their activities even in the process of studying at the university.

concept self-presentation comes from the English word "self-presentation", that is, the presentation of oneself to other people. In the English encyclopedic dictionary, it literally means " managing other people's impressions of themselves through countless behavioral strategies that involve presenting their external image to other people.

According to J. Tedeschi and M. Ries “ self-presentation is intentional and conscious behavior aimed at creating a certain impression in others. In the literature, the following synonyms for self-presentation are often found: impression management, self-presentation and self-presentation. We increasingly hear such words as “presentability”, “the ability to present oneself”, “to be able to please” and others. This becomes an integral part of the image of a successful person, especially those who want to realize themselves as professionally as possible.

Tasks for independent work

You need to prepare for self-presentation for the so-called interview with the employer when applying for a job. You choose the place of work and the position for which you will try to “get settled” in advance together with the teacher during a practical lesson. You hand over the text of the story about yourself to the teacher in writing, which will be included in your portfolio along with all your previous works. In addition, you will be required to speak orally in class in the presence of the instructor and your fellow students.

In order for your self-presentation to be successful, and you can compete with your colleagues, you need to carefully prepare. Strictly follow the recommendations and advice provided in these guidelines. For more realism, try to imagine a situation in your near future - after graduating from university, you found yourself in a position to choose a job and you came across an advertisement for a vacancy for a position that you dreamed of, and even in an organization where it is quite prestigious to work. After submitting your resume, you received an invitation for an interview. And now an important question should be answered: “How to make a good impression on the employer so that he has a desire to take only you for this position?”. Of course, it is important to carefully prepare for this meeting. Preparation includes not only verbal information about yourself, but also psychological readiness for this situation. We suggest paying attention to the following points of preliminary preparation:

    Pay attention to your appearance. Remember: “they meet by clothes - they see off by mind”

    Try to look at yourself through the eyes of the employer (control not only what you say, but also how you look)

    Think about what the employer would like to hear from you (find out in advance about the specifics of not only the enterprise, but also about the directions of its development; in addition, get acquainted with the main functions of the position you have chosen)

    Practice at home in front of your loved ones with a "story about yourself" (if possible, record your performance on video and then work it out in detail. Do not forget - "you will not get a second chance to make a first impression")

    Ask your friends who have already participated in the interview about what questions they were asked

    Reflect on your state. If there is something that worries you in this meeting, then try to psychologically prepare yourself for these moments. For example, you are not used to talking about yourself - convince yourself that if you don’t tell about yourself, then no one will hire a pig in a poke. Mentally set yourself up to the fact that you really need this job, and that you will not see such good luck again.

    Think carefully about your speech. Your self-presentation should be just long enough to tell as much information as possible about yourself (to avoid unnecessary additional questions) and not take too much time. The most optimal amount of time for a story about yourself is 2-3 minutes.

    Prepare yourself for the fact that the employer may start the conversation with questions: “Why did you come to us?”, Or “What can you do?” and others like them. In such a dialogue, you can feel more relaxed. But remember, employers resort to such methods if there is not only no competition for a vacant position, but it is also of little prestige. In this case, think about whether you need this job? It is more difficult if you are immediately asked to tell about yourself. Here you should be fully armed and show yourself in all its glory.

After the psychological attitude to the interview procedure, proceed to drafting the text.

I did not choose a profession.
"Be a teacher!" - the soul prompted me.
It can be seen that being with children is my destiny!

Good afternoon, Dear teachers and students of the College of Humanities!

My name is Myagchenkova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, a 3rd year student, majoring in Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education.

My pedagogical achievements:

She was awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree for participation in the 3rd regional scientific and practical conference of students of institutions of secondary vocational education of the Samara region "FUTURE - THIS IS US", in the section "My professional development". She was awarded a diploma for participation in the conference dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergei of Radonezh, as well as dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M. Yu. Lermontov. I have the gratitude of the director of the boarding house "Rainbow" for active participation in organizing the work of the children's camp, for creativity, optimism and unquenchable love for children.

In 2015, I attended a training course at the “School of Leadership Mastery” and that same summer I tried this new profession. My achievements: OSP "Electronic - Dubrava" (counselor); GBU SO "TsPV" / Forest Fairy Tale (counselor); Boarding house "Rainbow" (replacement counselor, methodologist).

I had my first teaching practice at the Children's summer health camp Boarding house "Zvezdny" OSP "Electronic - Dubrava" as a counselor. The practice turned out to be simple for me, in some situations even entertaining and exciting. During the internship, I developed the following qualities in myself: patience, attention. I have mastered the following communication skills: listen to the interlocutor without interrupting him; in an appropriate situation, express respect for the independence, originality of statements, judgments of children. It was difficult for me to get used to the new working environment in the early days, as well as the need to pay attention to each child.

The second teaching practice was held at the ANO Orthodox classical gymnasium as a tutor. During the period of practice, I tried myself as a class teacher. I carried out educational activities, pedagogical diagnostics, questionnaires, I also learned to systematize and evaluate pedagogical experience, develop educational and methodological materials based on the educational standard.

After graduating from the College of Humanities, I plan to get two higher educations, at the Volga Orthodox Institute and at the International Market Institute.

My pedagogical credo is to give people joy, to teach children to believe in their uniqueness, to help each child reveal their creative abilities, because there is nothing better in the world of happy, kind and talented people!

I would like to end my self-presentation with the words of Boris Pasternak. May they help us all to reflect and aspire to the future….

"If I don't burn,

If you don't burn

If we don't burn...

Thank you for your attention!


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Slides captions:

Myagchenkova Anastasia Alexandrovna student of the group KP - 31 Specialty: Correctional teaching in primary school

My pedagogical achievements

Additional education

Practice, work experience Boarding house "Zvezdny" OSB "Electronic - Dubrava"

Practice, work experience of ANO Orthodox Classical Gymnasium

Plans to continue education International Market Institute Volga Orthodox Institute

My pedagogical credo Happy Kind Children! Talented

“If I don’t burn, If you don’t burn, If we don’t burn…” Nazim Hikmet Future…

Thank you for your attention!!!

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let me introduce myself

Bankovskaya Olga Anatolievna


MADOU No. 1 Parfino village

My motherland

Here is my native village,

I love him very much.


The village is a mountain

I value them very much.

Here are the schools where I successfully studied

I studied well at school Have fun and work. All this helped me!

Tesovo - Netyl secondary school. Chechulinskaya secondary school

My education

There were no teachers in my family, but from childhood I respected the teachers of my school, I really wanted to become one of them, and my favorite game in childhood was the game “to school”. After graduating from school, I entered the Borovoye Pedagogical College for the correspondence department. I changed several jobs, but there was only one field of activity - these are children. And again, fate intervened and brought me to kindergarten as a teacher - for the second year I have been working as a kindergarten teacher. I found myself in this profession.

My family is my castle

My family was sent to me by fate,

She gives me warmth and happiness.

It has a son and a daughter, a husband and me.

With her, I forget about any bad weather.

my hobbies

This is how white light works:

I have no leisure.

My life is just a hobby

There is no time to rest.

The main hobby is work.

Here and rest and care,

From half past seven to six

I don't have the strength to carry my legs.

Can't say it's a burden to me...

No, no, friends

I can't live without a garden!

my hobbies

All honest people know:

In summer, my hobby is gardening.

This hobby is a hell of a job,

But there are charms here too.

If you work hard for glory,

You will reap a lot

And look in the bins -

Surprise yourself.

Marinades and pickles

Compotes and jams.

I invite everyone to visit

I feed this as a hobby.

My teaching credo:

“Teaching others, I learn myself, and I live my childhood many times”

My relationship with my parents

And we get along with our parents.

We play, dance and sing, we have different conversations.

My life in kindergarten

I am different: cheerful, funny.

I can be sad, joke and sing songs.

I am very groovy by nature,

I can warm with a word, with a look.

Thank you for your attention!

There are many different professions in the world

And each has its own charm

But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful

Than the one I work for!

The world of childhood is sweet and thin,

Like a flute floating sound.

While the child is laughing

I know that I don't live in vain.
