Management activities of a motor transport enterprise (on the example of LLC "ATB-Service"). Organizational structure of ATP management

Fundamentals of ATP management

I. Management functions. Classification of functions.

II. Management process, its elements and stages.

III. ATP control system.

IV. Types of organizational structures of enterprise management.

V. Operational planning and management of trucking.

VI. Transportation quality management at ATP.

I. Management - purposeful influence of the subject on the object for organizing and coordinating the activities of teams and individual workers in the production process.

It is necessary to carry out a number of management functions. They reveal the essence and content management activities at any level. The management functions show what and how the subject is doing in order to more accurately display the object, goals are formulated, impact management is developed and implemented, and its implementation is monitored. Thus, the control function is understood as special kind activities, which is a set of actions or decisions carried out in the management of the enterprise.

Management functions are assigned to individual employees, and each is responsible for the quality performance of his function. Functions are fixed by job descriptions. In addition to the instructions, regulations are developed on departments, which determine the status of the department in the enterprise, and establish the responsibility of each department for developing issues within the competence of this department.

Management functions can be implemented only if the enterprise will organize an information transfer system.

All functions can be classified according to a number of characteristics into groups. This is necessary for:

1. establishing the scope of work for each management function;

2. to determine the number of management employees;

3. increasing the productivity of engineering and managerial labor based on the concentration of the volume of work and the specialization of workers by type of work;

4. rational construction of the structure of the administrative apparatus;

5. forecasting the need for specialists and their preparedness in the network of educational institutions.

Management functions can be subdivided according to the content into the main ones and according to the direction of impact on specific production facilities. economic activity to specific ones. The division of functions by content is fundamental and determines the list of the main tasks that management is called upon to solve.

II. The elements of the management process are the management functions. The content of the management process is revealed in the functions:

1) forecasting;

2) planning;

3) organization;

4) regulation or coordination;

5) stimulation;

6) control;

8) analysis.

The management process consists of the following steps:

1. preparatory;

2. executive;

3. control.

At the first stage, the function of forecasting and planning is performed. The second stage is organization, regulation, stimulation. The third stage is control, accounting, analysis.

All three stages are objectively necessary. The absence of any stage leads to poor management. The management process is a closed cycle (forecast → planning → organization → regulation → stimulation → control → accounting → analysis → forecast.

III. A system is a certain set of elements that form a whole that has features that are absent from its constituent elements.

The enterprise consists of managing and managed subsystems, i.e. subject and object of control.

Management system: administrative, information support subsystem, management methods subsystem.

Managed system: a subsystem of labor force, means of labor, objects of labor.

A technological subsystem, economic, organization of production is singled out.

Administrative system includes specialists of various qualifications, which are divided into groups:

1. leaders;

3. technical performers.

The control system must satisfy a number of conditions:

1) between the elements of the system, there must be causal relationships between the control system and the controlled object, i.e. they react mutually to the changes that occur in one or the other. Therefore, here the direct Feedback.

2) the control system must have the ability to transition from one qualitative state to another;

3) it is necessary to have a parameter in the control system, the impact on which can change the course of the process;

4) it is necessary to provide in the control system the possibility of transferring, accumulating and transforming control information;

5) the management system should be a single whole.

IV. Structure - a relatively stable way of organizing the elements of a system, allowing you to maintain the quality of the system when changing internal or external conditions. Structure is the structure of the system. Under the management structure is understood the organizational structure of the relationship and subordination of management bodies, managers and managed objects.

Types of governance structures:

1) linear;

2) functional;

3) mixed;

4) matrix.

Linear type characterized by the fact that each structural unit is subordinate to only one leader, from whom he receives instructions on all issues.


1. the principle of unity of command;

2. high efficiency.


1. The manager must have a wide range of knowledge in order to be able to answer any question regarding the unit he manages.

This structure is applied at lower levels of management.

functional type- the management of the same functions in different departments is transferred to the jurisdiction of one manager who specializes in the management of this function. If two or more different functions are performed, then there will be two or more leaders.

In case of violation of the principle of unity of command, mixed structure.

V. Operational planning and management of road freight transport in the ATP is carried out by the operation service.

The main tasks of the operation service are the timely and complete fulfillment of obligations for the transportation of goods with the effective use of rolling stock.

The dispatching group is engaged in operational shift-daily planning, issues waybills and bills of lading. It also carries out the release of the rolling stock on the line and accepts it upon return. He receives waybills, TTN, coordinates the work of cars on the line, draws up a shift-daily report on the release to the line and a daily report on the work of cars.

The group of preliminary processing of commodity-transport documents fills in waybills and bills of lading in the ATP in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for paying for the carriage of goods by road.

The group of daily transportation planning, based on the data of the group for receiving applications, develops a shift-daily work order for the operation of a truck.

The client group studies cargo flows and turnover, the condition of access roads and loading and unloading points, concludes annual contracts for the transportation of goods and the use of cars, carries out annual, quarterly, monthly, ten-day planning, accounting and analysis of cargo transportation and draw up appropriate reports.

The Container Transportation Group decides on the organization of these transportations, i.e. issues of organizing the import and export of containers, the work of container points.

The Scheduled Transportation Group organizes these transportations, including the system of traction arms.

The group of line dispatchers includes personnel located directly at the places of loading and unloading of the rolling stock and ensures efficient work cars on the line.

The KRG controls the operation of the vehicle on the line, maintains commodity and transport documentation, etc.

VI. The quality of transport products is understood as a set of properties of the transportation system, which determines its ability to meet the needs of the population and the economy in transportation.

The properties that determine the quality of transport products include:

1) the completeness of meeting the needs of the economy and the population in transportation and in all types of services;

2) ensuring the safety, quantity and quality of transported goods;

A specific feature of transport in general and automobile transport in particular is that the production process here consists of the work of the rolling stock on the line and Maintenance Vehicle on the production base. This requires the implementation of a variety of operations related to the organization of traffic and transportation, ensuring the technical serviceability of the rolling stock and its uninterrupted supply of fuel, lubricants and other operating materials, the selection of the necessary personnel and the improvement of their qualifications, the organization of labor, planning, accounting, reporting, the establishment of financial relations with the clientele, etc.

In the conditions of motor transport, when the production process goes beyond the scope of the enterprise itself, it is very important to organize a clear interaction between individual services and divisions of the enterprise, individual groups of workers and the entire team as a whole. At the same time, it is important to maximally link the production activities and interests of this team with the interests of society as a whole.

The management of a motor transport enterprise includes: organizing the implementation of directives and instructions received from higher organizations, and providing them with relevant information (reporting); decision-making and organization on their basis of the production process and the work of support services of the enterprise; organization of relations with other enterprises and organizations.

The development of road transport is accompanied by an improvement in the structure of production management and a more rational distribution of management functions between its various structural divisions. At the same time, on the one hand, specialization constituent parts motor transport - the development of centralized specialized transportation, specialized operating and repair enterprises, and on the other hand, their integration, consolidation of enterprises, the creation of associations, the development of centralized operational services, etc.

Individual components represent the links of production, the totality of which forms certain stages of production. So, the totality of sections associated, for example, with the repair and maintenance of rolling stock, forms a workshop stage of production; a set of workshops and columns - an enterprise; a set of enterprises - an association; a set of related enterprises and associations -- a sub-sector (industry).

Links and steps of production also correspond to links and steps of management. In this case, the control link is understood as a separate cell with certain control functions. The level of control is the unity of the links of control at a given level of the control hierarchy. The steps of management show the sequence of subordination of some links (bodies) of management to others, as a rule, from the bottom up.

The originality of the content of the main control functions at each stage is revealed in specific control functions that take into account the characteristics of the controlled system. The coincidence of the content of the main functions indicates the presence of duplication, which, of course, should be eliminated. director or Chief Engineer a motor transport enterprise that seeks to directly coordinate or control work at workplaces in the same volume (content) in which it is done by the head of a workshop, section, column, only duplicates these management functions, although subjectively he considers that he manages “specifically”. What the director or chief engineer does must go beyond what the head of a shop or column, a foreman, can do.

Management functions are implemented by people who are grouped into links and levels of management. The management structure is the unity of the steps and links of management in their dependence and subordination. The management structure reveals the connections of each stage, each link, shows the degree of integration and specialization of management functions. The criteria for a rational management structure can be:

efficiency of management -- compliance with the speed of preparation and decision-making to the pace of implementation of production processes;

reliability of the functioning of the control system - ensuring the reliability of displaying the actual state of production and decisions made;

the flexibility of the control system - that is, mobility, dynamism, the ability to quickly restructure in accordance with the changes taking place in production;

economy - that is, achieving the highest labor productivity at the lowest cost;

the optimality of the decisions made is the creation of the opportunity for management employees to find the best technical, economic, and organizational solutions in given specific conditions.

Implementation of control functions.

Control is the process of measuring (comparing) the actual results achieved with the planned ones. Control is related to the procedure for assessing the success of the implementation of the plans outlined by the organization and meeting the needs of the internal and external environment.

There are the following types of control:

  • * Preliminary control. It is carried out before the actual start of work. The main means of exercising preliminary control is the implementation (not the creation, namely the implementation) of certain rules, procedures and lines of conduct. In the enterprise, preliminary control is used in three key areas: human, material and financial resources. In the field of human resources, control is achieved through the analysis of those business and professional knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform specific tasks of the ATP, in the field of material control over the quality of services, raw materials to provide quality services. In the region of financial resources The preliminary control mechanism is the budget in the sense that it gives an answer to the question of when, how much and what kind of funds (cash, non-cash) the organization will need. In the process of preliminary control, it is possible to identify and anticipate deviations from the standards at various points. It has two varieties: diagnostic and therapeutic. Diagnostic control includes categories such as meters, standards, warning signals, etc. indicating that something is not right in the organization. Therapeutic control allows not only to identify deviations from the standards, but also to take corrective measures.
  • * Current control. He carried out the work. Most often, its volume is employees, and he himself is the prerogative of their immediate superior. It allows you to exclude deviations from the planned plans and instructions. In order to carry out current control, the control apparatus needs feedback. All feedback systems have goals, use external resources to internal use, monitor deviations from the intended goals, correct deviations to achieve these goals.
  • * Final control. The purpose of such control is to help prevent errors in the future. As part of the final control, feedback is used after the work is done (with the current one in the process of its implementation). Although the final control is carried out too late to respond to problems as they arise, it firstly provides management with information for planning in case similar work is expected to be carried out in the future.

At the ATP, preliminary control of human resources is carried out by the personnel department for the provision of information by the heads of services and workshops, certification of workers is carried out, drivers pass the qualification commission, etc. Responsibility for the quality of the services provided and the provision of ATP with materials is entrusted to the heads of the operational and technical services. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise is carried out by accounting and planning and economic departments. At the end of the year is general meeting all employees, where the financial and production activities of the enterprise are discussed based on the results of the past year.

Control, as a rule, is carried out on the implementation of production tasks, in order to improve discipline in the enterprise. The results of the control are brought to the attention of the performers. As a result of the control, there was no backlog in the fulfillment of production tasks, no lateness to work was detected, and a behavior strategy was chosen - to leave everything as it is.

When working with personnel, the administration pays more attention to issues of production, the implementation of plans, and the human factor is little taken into account. The possibility of functional growth is minimal, combinations are not additionally paid.

Unfortunately, middle managers are very reluctant to be distracted by strategic tasks. All your own work time they spend on operational matters on which the immediate results of their activities and the corresponding encouragement depend. At the same time, many valuable ideas of a strategic nature are put forward by people who have never dealt with these issues before.

There is a low activity of attending general final meetings, which indicates the lack of interest of employees in the success of the enterprise.

At a motor transport enterprise, the composition of management functions depends on many specific features of the enterprise structure, including the place occupied by this management link in the organizational structure, and the degree of centralization of management functions. So, for example, the composition of the functions of managing a maintenance site depends on the specific conditions of labor organization, the scale of work and the level of their mechanization, as well as the degree of automation of production management. The composition of the management functions of a repair shop (or motorcade) is more complex than that of a site and depends on the level of specialization, production structure and technical equipment. The composition of the management functions of a motor transport enterprise as a complete production and economic unit depends on the degree of its independence, the nature of relations with repair, supply, marketing, financial, design, scientific and other organizations, as well as on the structure of the goods transported and the composition of the clientele served.

In the structure of motor transport management, there are independent links (units), acting as legal entities(enterprises, associations), and non-independent links (units) that do not have an independent legal status (section, shop, column, branch). Organizational structure management of a motor transport enterprise cannot be the same for all enterprises. It largely depends on the nature and structure of road transport, the number of rolling stock and the number of employees, the form of organization and the scale of maintenance and repair of vehicles, the technical equipment of the enterprise and other factors. The structure of the management apparatus of a motor transport enterprise is established and approved by the head of the enterprise himself within headcount administrative personnel of the enterprise.

In the conditions of insufficient development of issues related to determining the capacity of motor transport enterprises, the leading place among the factors listed above is occupied by the number of vehicles and the number of personnel.

At a motor transport enterprise, as well as at any other, such forms of management as linear, functional and line staff can be used. The ratio between linear and functional management determines the degree of combination of management, fragmented into functions, with integrated management, covering all functions. At the same time, the general trend in the transition from lower to higher levels of management is to increase the role of functional management.

Linear system management means direct subordination to each head of the team of all the leaders of the site. In this case, the system of control links generally coincides with the system of links in the production process. The linear system provides a clear formulation of tasks (issuance of commands), the full responsibility of the manager for the results of work, but at the same time limits the possibility of using competent specialists in the course of managing individual sections.

Functional management provides for the creation of a management system differentiated by functions and carried out by functional units (cells). This determines the organization within certain functions of the corresponding control cells, which direct the lower levels of control or links of production with decisions that are binding on them. The positive side of functional management is the ability to attract relevant specialists to the management, which makes it possible to resolve issues more competently, relieve line managers and simplify their work. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that with functional management, the unity of leadership and responsibility for the assigned work is violated, since the performer in this case receives instructions from several superiors (specialists). Certain elements of depersonalization and the possibility of violating the principle of unity of command in production management are being created.

Functional management does not exclude linear management, but somewhat limits its role. In the process of its development, linear management is more and more organically combined with a functional system. Based on them, a linear staff management system has been formed, in which the head of the single commander has a headquarters consisting of functional cells (departments, departments, groups, individual specialists) corresponding to a specific management function. The line staff management system provides the most effective combination of unity of command with the activities of competent specialists, which contributes to an increase in the level of production management.

According to the current classification in the public road transport system, motor transport enterprises are divided depending on the list availability of cars in them (when determining the number of cars, buses are accepted with a coefficient of 1.5) into five groups: I - enterprises with more than 800 cars, II - from 501 to 800, III from 251 to 500, IV from 101 to 250 and V from 50 to 100 vehicles. ATPs of lower capacity, as a rule, are not organized in the public transport system. Enterprises of the fifth group are created in individual regions only in rare cases, only with limited needs for transportation.

At present, the approval of standard management structures and standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions is carried out by the relevant ministries and departments of Russia.

To perform production and management functions in associations and motor transport enterprises, it is planned to create the following structural divisions, depending on their capacity. For example, in enterprises Group III in the management structure, all management units are recommended, with the exception of the department of labor organization and wages. The employees of this division are part of the planning and economic department. In addition, specialists in certain areas, including a traffic safety engineer and a safety engineer, are provided as part of enterprise management departments or separately.

At large ATPs with a fleet of more than 500 vehicles, along with the presence of the above management units, it is possible to create separate design and technology groups to develop and implement measures to improve the organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock and prepare other issues related to the introduction of new technology and the dissemination of best practices.

IN major cities in the system of public transport or any department there are often several ATPs, which are complex enterprises that store the fleet, transport, maintain and repair rolling stock. In this case, it is rational to organize car factories on the basis of these enterprises with the allocation of rolling stock storage functions in garages located in close proximity to the main transportation areas, with the centralization of maintenance and repair in one of the most equipped enterprises with the necessary capacities, or at a specialized enterprise.

Further improvement of the management structure in motor transport is associated with the creation of production associations (PO). An expedient form of software is represented by large parent enterprises with branches. Large self-supporting production associations have great advantages over individual enterprises. It is difficult for an individual enterprise to independently identify needs, organize supplies and sales, improve specialization and cooperation, and centralize auxiliary work. These functions should be entrusted to associations whose organizations assume further concentration of production and centralization of the necessary part of material and financial resources. The development of associations will make it possible to realize more fully the possibilities of economic reform and accelerate scientific and technological progress.


Types of links in ATP

Operational Service

Technical service

Economic Service



Building the right organizational structure is the main task of any motor transport enterprise (ATP). The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole largely depends on the rational composition of the departments of the management bodies, their communication with each other and interaction with the production departments.

Signs of an optimal management structure are:

a small number of management levels;

the presence in the management structure of groups of specialists;

orientation of the work schedule to the customer;

quick response to changes;

high performance and low costs.

Standard organizational system management of a motor transport enterprise, there are three independent unit management: operational, technical and economic, each of which reports to the corresponding manager.

Organizational structure of ATP management

ATP is characterized by a non-workshop organizational structure, in which all management functions are concentrated in the enterprise management apparatus.

The organizational structure of management of the majority of ATP is linear-functional. The functions and rights of command and decision-making are assigned to the linear levels of management, and the functional units (for example, the planning and economic department) are given methodological guidance in the preparation and implementation of decisions on planning, organization, accounting, control and analysis for all functions of production and economic activities .

Such a structure is characterized by the use of formal procedures and rules, a rigid hierarchy of power in the organization, and centralized decision-making. Each performer reports to only one leader. The performer receives all instructions and decisions on management functions from the immediate supervisor. Between the executor and functional divisions there are information communications of methodical and consulting character. In order for the decision of the functional unit to become directive, it must be approved by the head.

Despite the fact that, in principle, all ATP managers perform managerial actions, it cannot be said that they are all engaged in the same type of activity. labor activity. Individual managers have to spend time coordinating the work of other managers, who, in turn, coordinate the work of lower-level employees, and so on. to the level of a manager who coordinates the actions of non-managerial personnel - people who physically produce products or provide services. This vertical deployment of the division of labor forms the levels of management.

Types of links in ATP

In organizations consisting of many parts, their activities must be coordinated in a certain way. It is she who acts as the basis of the structure of the organization, which is usually defined as a set of stable relationships in the organization.

In general, in any organization, including ATP, there are several types of connections. The following pairs of links are most often analyzed: vertical and horizontal; linear and functional.

Vertical links connect hierarchical levels in an organization and its parts. They are formalized in the process of designing an organization, act constantly and are depicted on all possible schemes, reflecting the distribution of authority or indicating "who is who" in the organizational hierarchy. These communications serve as channels for the transmission of administrative and reporting information, thereby creating stability in the organization. Within the framework of vertical connections, the problems of power and influence are solved, i.e. “vertical loading” of work is implemented. Usually, the growth of an organization is accompanied by the growth of vertical connections, so the number of these connections can be used to judge the size of the organization.

Horizontal links are links between two or more parts or members of an organization that are equal in position in the hierarchy or status. Their main purpose is to promote the most effective interaction between the parts of the organization in solving the problems that arise between them. They help to strengthen vertical ties and make the organization as a whole more resilient under various external and internal changes. Horizontal links create a number of important advantages. They save time and improve the quality of interaction. Horizontal connections develop independence, initiative and motivation among leaders, weaken the fear of risk. Therefore, of particular interest is the analysis of practice and the study of ways to establish such links. When horizontal connections are established on an informal basis by a senior manager, they are usually tied to time, event or people. So, for example, the director can offer the chief economist and the head of the personnel department to decide on their own the issues of setting salaries for employees, since he trusts them. But, as soon as one of them leaves the post for some reason, the manager will most likely return this right to himself back and will use it until the other employee earns his trust.

Another pair of relationships established in the organization are linear and functional relationships.

Linear connections are relationships in which the boss exercises his power rights and exercises direct leadership over his subordinates, i.e. communications go in the organizational hierarchy from top to bottom and act, as a rule, in the form of an order, order, command, instruction. The nature of functional links is deliberative, and through these links the information support of coordination is realized.

Thus, connections ensure the integral work of the enterprise, unite all its links.

The basis of the work of the enterprise are functional responsibilities divisions. It is they who, in the end, make up the total activity of the enterprise.

For the normal functioning of the ATP, it is necessary that all its divisions work on the right schedule and in accordance with the needs of the market, i.e. must be flexible, as well as on time and in in full performed their functions.

The director of the ATP, for example, manages in accordance with the current legislation all types of activities of the enterprise. Organizes the work and effective interaction of production units, workshops and other structural divisions of the enterprise, directs their activities to achieve high rates of development and improve production, its compliance with the best world standards in order to best meet the needs National economy and the population in the relevant types of products, an all-round increase in labor productivity, production efficiency and product quality based on the widespread introduction of new technology and progressive technology, scientific organization of labor, production and management, improvement of the economic mechanism. Ensures the fulfillment by the enterprise of all obligations to the federal and local budgets, state non-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as economic and labor contracts and business plans. Organizes the production and economic activities of the enterprise based on the widespread use of the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and organization of labor, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, market research and best practices in order to improve the technical level and quality of products (services) in every possible way , economic efficiency production, rational use production reserves and economical use of all types of resources. Takes measures to provide the enterprise with qualified personnel, to make the best use of the knowledge and experience of employees, to create safe and favorable conditions for their work, compliance with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection. Provides the right combination economic and administrative methods of leadership, unity of command and collectivity in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives to improve production efficiency, the application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work entrusted to him and the results of the entire team, payment of wages on time. Resolves all issues within the limits of the rights granted to him and entrusts the performance of certain production and economic functions to others officials- Deputy directors, heads of production units, as well as functional and production divisions of the enterprise. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the enterprise and the implementation of its economic and economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the enterprise in order to maintain and expand the scale entrepreneurial activity. Protects the property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, bodies state power and management.

Head of the technical department. It organizes the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activity of the enterprise, ensures the acceleration of the growth rate of labor productivity, the reduction of labor costs for production, the improvement of the quality of products, works, services. Coordinates the work of the technical services of the enterprise for testing new technical means, the creation and development of new types of products, complex mechanization and automation of production, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, new equipment and advanced technology. Manages the current and prospective support of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base. Leads the compilation terms of reference for the design of newly built industries, structures, technical facilities, the expansion, development and reconstruction of existing ones, for the introduction of mechanization and automation facilities. Reviews and approves design documentation for the modernization of equipment and the rationalization of jobs. It monitors the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new technology, as well as the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures for the development of new equipment and technology, new types of raw materials and finished products. Participates in the development and implementation in production of resource-saving technologies, progressive consumption rates of the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of defects and production of lower grades, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production capacities. In the absence of independent design and technological departments, performs the functions of their leaders. Directs the activities of departments dealing with issues of product standardization, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and inventive work. Supervises the employees of the department, coordinates and directs the activities of the divisions of the enterprise that provide technical preparation for production.

Operational Service

The operational service of the ATP is primarily engaged in the scientific organization of the transport process and efficient use Vehicle. It seeks opportunities for the most rational implementation of transportation at the lowest cost. In general, at the ATP, the operation service, based on a comprehensive study of needs, is designed to ensure a more complete satisfaction of the needs of customers.

Technical service

The technical service of the ATP pays main attention to the issues of maintaining vehicles in a technically sound condition and ensuring the development of the production base, and also manages the logistics of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the technical service of the enterprise are:

organization of proper storage of rolling stock, ensuring its high technical readiness for work, timely release of vehicles on the line and their acceptance (garage service);

development and solution of issues related to the strengthening of the production and technical base of the enterprise (chief engineer);

operational planning of all types of maintenance and repair of cars and car tires, organization of these works and their quality control, technical accounting and reporting on rolling stock, car tires and other production funds (head of the repair service);

management of the entire set of works to ensure the normal material and technical supply of the enterprise, the organization of storage, issuance and accounting of fuel, spare parts and other material resources, development and implementation of measures for their more rational use (supply department);

development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to improve production processes, introduce new equipment, labor protection and accident prevention.

Based on the above tasks technical service has the right to control technical condition rolling stock, decommission it, plan and carry out preventive and repair work, attract to liability for improper operation of rolling stock, buildings, structures, equipment, etc., as well as to limit the cost of fuel and lubricants.

Economic Service

organizational transport service

An important place in the economic management and improvement of the quality indicators of the enterprise is given to the economic service. Based on a systematic analysis of the work of the enterprise, convoys and other divisions and based on the volume indicators of transportation, their resource support, the economic service determines the ways in which technical and organizational arrangements aimed at increasing the technical readiness of the rolling stock and improving the operational and commercial activities ATP.

Accounting is usually part of the economic service. This department, headed by the chief accountant, keeps track of the availability of funds allocated to the ATP, their safety and level of use, organizes the implementation of the financial plan, checks the financial condition of the enterprise, carries out a lot of operational work to organize settlements with clients, suppliers and financial authorities, organizes the primary accounting for the expenditure of material resources and Money. Chief Accountant is responsible for the expediency and legality of spending funds, and compliance with financial discipline.


Thus, the optimal organizational structure of the ATP is one of the conditions for its effective operation. At the same time, it is important to take into account that at all levels of management, managers perform not only purely managerial, but also executive functions. However, with the rise in leadership specific gravity executive functions are reduced. This means that the head of any level of management spends a certain percentage of time on making decisions. management decisions and certain - to make decisions in the specialty. With an increase in the level of management, the share of tasks in the specialty falls, and in management it increases. From here heads of the enterprise should possess high professional skills. For employees of the management apparatus, the labor process is the performance of a set of functions, the main of which include planning, organization, coordination, control, accounting, analysis, regulation. They are also endowed with certain rights, primarily in terms of rewarding and punishing subordinate employees. They are responsible for hiring and firing employees.

But even with a properly organized management system, not a single ATP will be able to carry out its activities, without the leading profession for such enterprises - the driver. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the ATP is proper organization the labor of drivers, since the implementation of the transportation plan largely depends on their work, and consequently, the satisfaction of the needs of customers, and, as a result, the efficiency of the enterprise.


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Organization of production of transport services

Building the right organizational structure is the main task of any motor transport enterprise (ATP). The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole largely depends on the rational composition of the departments of the management bodies, their communication with each other and interaction with the production departments.

The signs of an optimal control structure are: · a small number of departments with highly qualified personnel; · a small number of management levels; · the presence of groups of specialists in the management structure; · orientation of the work schedule to the customer; · rapid response to changes; · high productivity and low costs.

In the standard organizational system for managing a motor transport enterprise, one can single out three independent control units: operational, technical and economic, each of which reports to the corresponding leader.

Operational Service ATP deals primarily with the scientific organization of the transport process and the efficient use of vehicles. It seeks opportunities for the most rational implementation of transportation at the lowest cost. In general, at the ATP, the operation service, based on a comprehensive study of needs, is designed to ensure a more complete satisfaction of the needs of customers.

Technical service ATP focuses on maintaining
vehicles in a technically sound condition and ensure the development of the production base, as well as manage the logistics of the enterprise. The main tasks of the technical service of the enterprise are: organization of proper storage of rolling stock, ensuring its high technical readiness for work, timely release of vehicles on the line and their acceptance ( garage service); development and solution of issues related to the strengthening of the production and technical base of the enterprise ( Chief Engineer); operational planning of all types of maintenance and repair of cars and car tires, organization of these works and their quality control, technical accounting and reporting on rolling stock, car tires and other production assets ( head of repair service); management of the entire set of works to ensure the normal material and technical supply of the enterprise, the organization of storage, distribution and accounting of fuel, spare parts and other material resources, the development and implementation of measures for their more rational use ( purchase department);· development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to improve production processes, introduce new equipment, labor protection and accident prevention. Based on the above tasks, the technical service has the right to monitor the technical condition of the rolling stock, decommission it, plan and carry out preventive and repair work, hold liable for the improper operation of the rolling stock, buildings, structures, equipment, etc., as well as limit fuel costs. An important place in the economic management and improvement of the quality indicators of the enterprise is given to economic service . Based on a systematic analysis of the work of the enterprise, convoys and other divisions and based on the volume indicators of transportation, their resource support, the economic service determines the ways in which technical and organizational measures should be developed aimed at increasing the technical readiness of the rolling stock and improving the operational and commercial activities of the ATP . Part economic service usually included accounting. This department, headed by the chief accountant, keeps track of the availability of funds allocated to the ATP, their safety and level of use, organizes the implementation of the financial plan, checks the financial condition of the enterprise, carries out a lot of operational work to organize settlements with clients, suppliers and financial authorities, organizes the primary accounting for the expenditure of material resources and funds. The chief accountant is responsible for the expediency and legality of spending funds, and compliance with financial discipline.

Three types of management structures are most common in road transport enterprises:

Linear - management of a subdivision or employee of a motor transport enterprise is carried out by only one head of the facility;

Functional - management of a subdivision or employee of a motor transport enterprise is carried out by various services of the relevant competence;

Headquarters - the management of a subdivision or an employee of a motor transport enterprise is carried out by various objects of a linear structure, the corresponding functional divisions.

Thus, the optimal organizational structure of the ATP is one of the conditions for its effective operation. At the same time, it is important to take into account that at all levels of management, managers perform not only purely managerial, but also executive functions. However, with an increase in the level of leadership, the share of executive functions decreases. This means that the head of any level of management spends a certain percentage of time on making managerial decisions and a certain percentage - on making decisions in the specialty. With an increase in the level of management, the share of tasks in the specialty falls, and in management it increases. From here heads of the enterprise should possess high professional skills. For employees of the management apparatus, the labor process is the performance of a set of functions, the main of which include planning, organization, coordination, control, accounting, analysis, regulation. They are also endowed with certain rights, primarily in terms of rewarding and punishing subordinate employees. They are responsible for hiring and firing employees. But even with a properly organized management system, not a single ATP will be able to carry out its activities without the leading profession for such enterprises - the driver. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the ATP is the correct organization of the work of drivers, since the implementation of the transportation plan largely depends on their work, and consequently, the satisfaction of the needs of customers, and, as a result, the efficiency of the enterprise.

The organizational structure of enterprise management largely depends on the payroll of the fleet, its purpose, the type of services provided, etc.

The organizational structure for managing a large and medium-sized ATP may include:




Economic service.

Part economic service includes the planning and economic department, the department of labor and wages, accounting.

planning department organizes the development of long-term and current plans for the production, economic and financial activities of the enterprise, involving for this purpose employees of other departments and services, as well as production units; brings plans to performers; organizes statistical accounting and control, draws up reports; analyzes the implementation of the plan; develops proposals to eliminate the causes of deficiencies in the work of the ATP and ensuring the fulfillment of planned targets; participates in the preparation of a plan to improve the efficiency of production and control over its implementation; determines the economic efficiency of organizational technical events.

Department of labor and wages develops proposals for improving the organization of work of drivers, repair and auxiliary workers; improves the system of remuneration and bonuses for certain categories of employees; organizes the regulation of labor; determines production rates and prices; assists the management in organizing the competition; carries out work on the preparation of collective agreements by the administration and control over their implementation.

Accounting organizes financial work at the enterprise; keeps track of the availability of funds; controls their safety and spending; checks the financial condition of the enterprise; organizes settlements with clients, suppliers, financial and credit departments.

commercial service performs marketing work and organizes the process of transportation of goods and passengers. The task of this service on freight vehicles is to make a profit by timely execution of transport services for each customer and efficient use of transport. On passenger ATPs, the commercial service should strive to fully meet the needs of the population in bus and taxi transportation.

The commercial director and his staff are responsible for the effective sale of motor transport services. His competence includes monitoring the systematic monitoring of the state of the external environment of the ATP, a comprehensive analysis, research and forecasting of the market for motor transport services. The commercial director forms and implements the marketing strategy, in his daily work he pays great attention to legal and economic issues.

Marketing work on freight ATP is carried out directly by the marketing department (group). As part of this work, in particular, the following issues are resolved: analysis of the transport services market and the state of competition, tracking current changes in market conditions, development of measures to attract new customers (customers of services), conclusion of contracts for the provision of services, development of proposals for the diversification of services, etc. .

transportation process the operation department is engaged, which accepts applications, draws up operational plans for transportation, develops schedules for the movement, release and return of cars, develops measures to improve the use of rolling stock, writes waybills, monitors the release of cars on the line, receives waybills and other documents from drivers (waybills, certificates, etc.), keeps a daily record of the work done for each car and for the ATP as a whole, draws up a shift-daily report on the work of the fleet.

The duties of the accounting department include taxation of shipping documents and control over their correct execution, issuing invoices for the provision of services to customers, calculating fines for excess demurrage of vehicles, and searching for lost goods using shipping documents.

The chiefs of columns (detachments) will be in charge of the following issues: the implementation of operational and technical management, the organization of the correct storage and operation of the rolling stock of the detachments, the selection and placement of drivers, the maintenance of personal cards of drivers, control over drivers involved in car repairs, and drivers on lines.

ATP technical service complex type organizes work to maintain vehicles in a technically sound condition, developing for this production base and carrying out material and technical supply. Functions of the technical service: organization of technical training of the rolling stock; operational planning of maintenance and TP of rolling stock, tires; organization of the specified works and control; conducting technical accounting and reporting on rolling stock, tires and other production assets; organization of MTS, storage, issuance and accounting of fuel, spare parts; study and dissemination of best practices; development and implementation of organizational and technical measures.

housekeeping service carries out operation, maintenance and repair of buildings on the territory of ATP.

Human Resources Department carries out the reception, dismissal and maintenance of personal files of the personnel of the enterprise, monitors the promotion of employees in the service.

The ultimate goal of the enterprise will be achieved only if the manager clearly knows his job responsibilities. To this end, each enterprise develops job descriptions for each employee of the management apparatus, which are approved by the head of this enterprise.

Each job description should contain the following sections: general provisions, functions, job responsibilities, rights, responsibilities.

The general provisions state:

    by whom the employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from it;

    what requirements the candidate for the relevant position must meet (education, work experience in road transport, etc.);

    what he should know;

    what normative documents is guided by (the charter of the enterprise, job description, other documents);

    to whom it is accountable (for example, the founders of the enterprise, the head, etc.);

    who performs the duties of the employee during his absence (vacation, illness).

It should be noted that the main objects of production and economic activity, in essence, are preserved at all ATPs, regardless of their size. Therefore, management functions at small enterprises remain, but their implementation is carried out in a simplified form. In small enterprises, the combination of managerial functions by one employee is widely used, so for such enterprises it is almost impossible to develop a typical management organization structure. By the way, according to experts, at small enterprises there is no need for a formalized management structure. This is in line with the provisions modern theory management, according to which, with the number of employees up to 10-20 people, there is no need to create a formalized management structure.

Due to the small number of employees in small enterprises, simplified organizational structures are used, which contributes to the absence of bureaucracy. At the same time, there is a powerful motivation to work, which arises on the basis of the emergence of a "feeling of the owner" in all workers. Employees are aware of the direct relationship between the quality of their work, the results of economic activity and their material well-being.
