Sharing a room for a boy and a girl. How to choose the right design for a children's room for a boy and a girl living together

The living conditions of many domestic families are far from ideal. Sometimes children of different sexes have to live in the same room. Is it possible to have a normal existence and maintain good family relations between brother and sister within the same room? Designers note that even in a small room, you can create a very attractive and functional space in which each of the children will feel confident.

It is customary to choose the largest and brightest room in an apartment or house for a children's room for children of different sexes.

Room for children of different sexes

For everyone, even the most experienced designer creating an interior for a girl and a boy becomes a difficult but interesting task. To solve it means to create harmonious interior in which children will be comfortable to grow and develop. The combination within one room of two sexes, two moods, two different interests is possible only by searching for a compromise solution.

Children's room for a boy and a girl

IMPORTANT. A properly designed children's room for a boy and a girl can become the basis for strong friendship and warm relationships in the future.

In order for the room of the brother and sister to be comfortable for living, it is necessary to equip several zones in it: a place for comfortable rest, an area for classes and creativity, a game part, a storage system for things, books, toys and other little things. And if the size of the room allows, then a welcome addition would be a reception area with small armchairs or a sofa, a corner for active games or playing sports.

Choosing a color for a nursery

For children of different sexes, designers offer to choose from the two most popular color palette options that are optimal for specific conditions. The room can be decorated in gender-neutral colors that will not create an advantage in favor of one or another gender. This technique is ideal for small rooms, which, from the abundance of color and contrasting combinations may be visually reduced.

In addition, such a solution makes it possible to pay attention to the fullness of the room: pick up more sophisticated furniture, create accents in the form of decor. Among the popular ones are usually called black and white, beige, brown, gray tones, pastel shades of green, yellow.

ADVICE. When choosing a shade for decorating a children's room, be sure to focus on the degree of illumination of the room, as well as the direction of the windows. In nurseries with windows to the south, colder colors are appropriate, with windows to the north - warm and soft colors.

If the size of the room allows, then you can use more bright combinations colors, with their help placing accents in the room and zoning the common space into separate parts.

For example, the classic combination of blue and red in any shade options clearly delimits the room into two halves - the possessions of a boy and a girl. So that such a contrast does not look too rough and bright, designers advise combining the main tone with a softer companion, diluting blue and pink with beige, white or gray tones.

Children's design for a girl and a boy together

In addition to the classic red and blue combination, other contrasting duets are also used to highlight zones: yellow and blue, pink and green, orange and gray, peach and cornflower blue.

Furniture in the room for a boy and a girl

The difficulty in choosing the perfect furniture for a mixed-sex children's room is that each of them needs a slightly different set of furniture. In addition to the standard and necessary things for everyone (bed, wardrobe, table for learning activities), the boy will need a sports corner, a table for playing with designers, and the girl will need shelves for dolls, a dressing table and a large mirror for personal care.

Designers note the importance of creating ideal conditions for each of the children - without distortions in any direction, even if one of the children is still small and does not require special conditions.

Room for a girl and a boy different ages

It is better to place children's desktops by the window: there is more light and space. Each of the children should have their own individual table with personal shelves and drawers for storing writing materials and books. The presence of only one study table in the room is allowed only if one of the children does not go to school yet. The study area can be separated from the rest of the room with light shelving or curtains: this is a great option for children with different rhythms of learning activities.

Children should not have shared beds, wardrobes, chests of drawers and shelving. The presence of individual pieces of furniture will not divide, but, on the contrary, will unite children, because this way parents will be able to avoid conflicts on the basis of dividing a shelf or box. When choosing furniture for a boy or girl, you should take into account the number of things the child has (as a rule, the boy does not need such a spacious closet), as well as hobbies and hobbies that require additional space.

In conditions small room it seems attractive to use loft beds with a workplace below: this saves space and creates the necessary isolation of personal areas.

ADVICE. bunk bed no the best way for children of different sexes, especially with big difference aged. More preferably, the placement of separate beds along the same wall or opposite each other.

Details in the interior: we create comfort

To make the room of children of different sexes look like a harmonious room, it is important not only to choose perfect color and pick up practical furniture, but also to complement the interior with details that create comfort. For example, such an insignificant detail as bedding, selected individually for each of the children, can become the leading decorative detail of the room.

Princesses, animals, flowers, floral ornament- for a girl, robots, cars, sailboats, a strict cage or a sea strip - for a boy.

Pictures, posters, lamps, toys will help to place accents in the room. decorative panels. Each detail should be chosen with the children so that they feel their involvement in creating the interior of their room. So that the room does not look too heterogeneous, you need to strike a balance and choose harmoniously combined details: for example, textiles from the same collection or paintings using the same technique.

A room for children of different sexes can be not only cozy and functional, but also beautiful. The use of eye-pleasing colors, practical and solid furniture, modern decor helps to make the nursery more comfortable for the boy and girl.

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A common nursery for a boy and a girl has many advantages. For example, children during the time they live together will establish a strong bond, they will never be afraid to fall asleep and will always have fun playing together. However, equipping a room for two children is doubly difficult, and decorating a nursery for children of different sexes is an even more difficult task, because there are so many things to consider. In this article we will tell you how to zone a common space, come up with a beautiful design, convenient system storage, place both study and play areas in the room with the help of 10 tips and 40 photos of beautiful interiors.

1. Make sure children can be isolated from each other

Even the closest people sometimes need privacy, especially if it is a boy and a girl of different or adolescence. How to at least partially fulfill the dream of children of their own room? You can do this with:

  • Canopy, but better - thick curtains around the perimeter of the bed;
  • Furniture, namely shelving or a wardrobe between beds;
  • Curtains or sliding doors in the middle of the room;
  • With the help of a partition screen;
  • False walls, such as drywall.

These ways of dividing the space are good because they allow children to go about their business without interfering with each other. For example, if someone alone wants to read before going to bed, then the curtain or partition will not allow the light from the lamp to interfere with the sleep of another tenant.

For examples of the physical separation of a child's boy and girl, see the following selection of photos.

2. Functional beds - 50% success

The bed is the most important and bulky piece of furniture in a child's bedroom. If the area of ​​the room does not allow for two standard beds, then your best bet is multifunctional beds, such as:

  • Bunk beds are almost the only possible option for small rooms.
  • Loft beds - these beds are bulky, but can save space for storage or placement of a study / play area for each child. In essence, a loft bed is a room within a room.
  • Couches, sofas or beds with storage sections so that the space under the bed is not wasted. By the way, bunk beds are also better to choose with drawers.
  • Beds that can be extended as the child grows - these beds are good because they allow you to save space for a while ... until the kids grow up. This is a great option for arranging a room for growth or if the children are of different ages and heights (then the beds will be the same in design, but different in length).

Below are 10 photos of well-chosen beds and options for their placement in the nursery for children of different sexes (scroll!).


  • If you want the interior of the room to create a sense of order, then the furniture should not be variegated, but from the same series or just similar.
  • If possible, the beds should be ordered by individual sizes This will help you save space.

3. Decide which way to go - to beat the difference in interests in the interior or design it gender neutral?

Before you start planning the design of a room for a boy and a girl, you need to decide which design option is closer to you and the kids:

  • Playing with the idea of ​​the difference between boyish and girlish interests in finishes, colors and decor is a good option because it will allow you to satisfy the wishes and tastes of both children, give them the opportunity to have ... almost their own room and apply interesting design techniques.

  • Decorate the room so that the situation is universal, that is, both the boy and the girl like it, but without an emphasis on gender difference - this method is preferable if you are furnishing a room for growth, if in the future someone will live in it alone and also if the children have a significant age difference.

4. Color is the main zoning tool

Color coding is the most in a simple way give each child a private space in the common room. In addition, it is the color that can help in its organization. For example, painting the toy storage boxes, say, pink and blue, will make the cleaning process more interesting.

But not only the traditional pink and blue can make up the color scheme of the interior. The following shades are also suitable:

  • To designate the girl's zone- yellow, orange, coral, red, cream, blue, purple shades;
  • To designate the boy's zone-, turquoise, brown, gray, black, maroon.

Examples color combinations and zoning using color, see the following photos.

5. The girly and boyish parts of the room should be combined with each other and have something in common.

It is important that the designs of both "territories" are combined with each other and have something in common. For example, you can furnish a room with the same furniture, but in a different color, or make beds bed linen with one pattern, but different color, decorate the walls with multi-colored stripes as in the photo below.

6. Neutral finishes are a win-win backdrop for a colorful room

To avoid "overload" and balance the variegation of the interior of the boy's and girl's room, it is better to choose wall paint or wallpaper in neutral colors. For example, in white, beige, cream, light blue or light gray. Against such a background, all colors will be appropriate.

7. Personalize your sleeping arrangements

The design of sleeping places in the interior of a nursery for children of different sexes should be given special attention. After all, even the most ordinary room can be easily modified with the right decor of the beds and the space around them. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:

  1. Above each bed hang decorative letters or the names of their owners;
  2. Cover the beds with linen of different colors and designs (in the colors that you have chosen in advance);
  3. Decorate the head of the girl's bed more brightly and elegantly;
  4. For a daughter, you can choose an elegant bedside table, and for a son, a more minimalist one;
  5. Decorate the walls above each bed with some special, personal decor;
  6. Rugs near children's beds can also be different.

8. Design the play area as a free area where children can play together

The play area should be such that children can play together in it. For example, here you can

9. Pay attention to the arrangement of study tables

Ideally, a room for two schoolchildren should have two study places. Here are some tips for setting them up:

  • Tables can stand separately, placed in one line or L-shaped.
  • In addition, the table can be one, but at the same time double, that is, either long or so wide that both tenants can study at it.
  • So that children are not distracted during classes, tables can also be isolated from each other, for example, using desktop mini-shelves or a rack.
  • Speaking of shelves and racks - of course, each child should have personal places to store school supplies, but it is better to make the library common.
  • Above every baby's bed.
  • On desks.
  • Above or near a closet/chest of drawers.

In the American tradition, it is customary to equip a separate room for each child, but in our country this approach has been used recently. Even 30-50 years ago, most people did not know about the concept of "nursery" and teenagers often slept in the same room with their parents. Therefore, if your kids of different sexes share one room, do not be upset - this will not interfere with their development, but will only help them grow up friendly and loving friend friend brother and sister. It remains only to carefully consider the premises so that your boy and girl have as few reasons for conflict as possible.

My own architect

The process of creating the perfect playroom for kids of different sexes starts with planning. You need to meet the needs of each child for:

Sleep by setting a comfortable bed;

Cognition, putting a desktop for study, drawing and quiet games;

Activities, leaving an area for outdoor games in the room and equipping a sports corner.

Sleeping, play and study areas are the main components of the room, but do not forget about the storage area. Even when the bulk of the things are in a common dressing room or wardrobe in the hallway, you need to provide a chest of drawers for linen, a cabinet / shelves for stationery and a chest / rack for actively used toys.

Room layout plans for a boy and a girl

The study area should be placed in the lightest part of the room, and the storage and sleeping areas in the darkest.

Ideally, each child should have their own fully functional space, almost a separate room. But in practice, it is possible to implement this only in the attic country cottage. In high-rise buildings, such a separation is hampered by the unfortunate location of the window, door, or the too modest scale of the room. Therefore, some zones have to be combined, and when and which ones depend on the age of the kids and the parameters of the room itself.

Age matters

Let us consider two main cases: when children are the same age or one is 1–3 years older than the other, and when one child is 4 or more years older.

Twins, weather and others like them

A small child feels protected only in the company of an older companion or the same age, loneliness is depressing for most kids. Therefore, if you decide to settle separately children from 2 to 5 years old with a small difference in age, they can have all the functional areas in common. Children, especially twins, will be pleased to fall asleep, seeing each other, draw together and play sports. Their beds can be placed side by side, instead of two tables, they can put a large common table and even shelves in a single closet, they are able to share peacefully.

But already from 6–7 years old, the child should have his own space in which he can make independent changes (attach a picture, rearrange books on a shelf that is convenient for him, choose the color of the stationery stand, etc.). Schoolchildren with a small age difference can do their homework together, but it is better to put two separate tables next to each other. Sleep zones for a boy and a girl should already be separate.

If it is not possible to distinguish between them, it is better to place the cribs so that the children do not see each other, or put a two-level crib.

Starting from primary school age, children of different sexes diverge more and more in their tastes and preferences. Girls stop playing with cars for the company of their brother and become interested in cooking, needlework, and other girlish activities. Similarly, boys refuse to participate in puppet tea parties, they pay more attention to cars and technology. So that children do not have conflicts, game Zone must meet their new needs. If it is not possible to install a toy kitchen and a track for sports car models at the same time, try to at least make the toy storage areas separate.

During adolescence, children tend to bond again. Both young gentlemen and future ladies pay a lot of attention to music, dancing, communication with the opposite sex. If both children like to have guests in the room, the beds can be hidden under the catwalk to leave room for parties. In this case, a training area is placed on the podium itself, and the remaining space under it is used for storage. In free space, frameless bean bags and a small coffee table. For greater convenience, the podium and steps should be trimmed with long pile carpet so that some guests can use it as a seat.

Children over the age of 17 should decide for themselves which zones are more convenient for them to combine and which ones to delimit, because everyone has already formed a character, social circle and basic preferences.

senior + junior

If by the time the younger baby appears, the older one is 4 or 5 years old, he really feels like an older brother / sister. This contributes to his faster maturation, he becomes an assistant to his parents and can consciously look after the baby. But the fulfillment of the parental role quickly tires the elder, common interests in children appear only after 6–8 years. Therefore, for an older child, their own space becomes especially important.

If such children live in the same room, it is advisable to make the sleeping, study and even storage areas separate. It is best if the older child can completely isolate himself from the baby for a while. The entertainment area opposite should be made common or farmed out younger child, then the elder will be more willing to join his simple games.

How older child, the more important for him the opportunity to retire in personal space.

We count square meters

If you have already roughly estimated the needs of children, it is worth considering how they can be met in the allocated space. The “strategy” of actions must be chosen based on the characteristics of the premises:

  • narrow elongated room with a door in the center of a long wall. This is ideal for proper zoning. "Boys to the right, girls to the left." Even if there is only one window, most children will prefer their own space to natural light. To compensate for the loss of light, it is worth placing a mirror of the same size opposite the window, as well as providing for contour and zonal illumination of the natural spectrum.
  • The door to the narrow room is offset against a short wall. In this case, it is worth equipping a storage area near the entrance, or building a partition and allocating a sleeping area (depending on the age of the children). The work area will predictably shift to the window, and there will be room for games between them.
  • The door to the narrow room is in the center of the short wall. Such a room is divided between children along a long axis. It will be convenient if there are cabinets on either side of the door, a little further - beds opposite each other, and under the window - desktops.
  • Room irregular shape. An acute corner or a small niche can be turned into a dressing room, a large niche can be allocated for a sports corner, and a comfortable bay can be made in an asymmetrical bay window. working area on an extended window sill.
  • The room is square. Such rooms are divided along the length or diagonally. But if the children are small enough to sleep in adjacent beds or one duplex, you can enclose a small dressing room in the corner, and place a sleeping area in the resulting niche.
  • The room has access to a balcony / loggia. If the additional space cannot be fully attached, it is worth insulating it and using it to accommodate the workplace. It can be either a common long table along the window, or two separate ones at the ends.
  • The room has a very high ceiling. If you are lucky enough to live in Stalinka, it is a sin not to use multi-level structures. You can afford to place on the podium not only a study corner, but even a play area, and so that the space under it does not disappear - organize storage niches or a roll-out bed. Teenagers will like the option of placing the sleeping area on a gallery about 2.5–2.6 m high from the floor.
  • A room with a low ceiling is the most problematic option for a nursery. If the area allows, it is better not to put bunk beds here. But cabinets, racks and shelves can be picked up to the height of the ceiling, this will help to visually raise it. In quite small space it is worth putting a crib, from under which an additional bed rolls out. But this option is only suitable for twins and weather, children with a greater age difference will conflict.

For them, it is better to choose beds that can stand on the end.

Combination of sleeping and storage area

If you are very lucky with the squaring of the room, and all the functional areas not only fit, but also look too small and forlorn, you can add children's World"buns". Optional amenities include a lounge area for gatherings with friends, an extended sports corner and a climbing wall, large toys ( table tennis, football, children's billiards, dollhouse).

Delicate ruffles or strict functionality?

When designing a children's room for children of different sexes, designers use three approaches:

  • Create a holistic neutral space. Such a room looks unified and harmonious. It is characterized by common colors for both sexes: green, yellow, red, orange, combinations of white with black and white with gray. The gender of the hosts different zones give out only toys on the shelves and tones of stationery. From the point of view of parents, this option seems to be the most acceptable, but children, as a rule, are not happy. Therefore, the guys are trying to saturate their territory with posters, books, various accents characteristic of their own sex. If you are not going to limit the creative impulses of children, this option for organizing a room will be successful.
  • Clearly distinguish between areas of male and female influence. To do this, they usually use harmonious, but traditionally opposite tones: blue and pink, pale turquoise and red-orange, raspberry and salad green, blue and red. Each zone can differ not only in color, but also in the style of furniture (modern for a boy and classic for a girl), decorative elements (girlish pillows with ruffles and, in contrast, felted pillows in the form of stones), material for decorating walls, floors and ceilings. This approach will make it possible to meet the needs and wishes of each child to the maximum, but it requires parents to good taste and a sense of proportion so that the room does not seem chaotic.
  • Separate zones (sleeping and / or training) are designed by gender, and common ones are neutral. This method combines the approaches described above in an effort to please both children and parents. If you are furnishing a nursery on your own, use the " bright accents against a neutral background. Don't share the ceiling, floor, or walls, just choose different bedspreads, posters/pictures, small item boxes, and other easy-to-change items for babies. It will be easy to transform such a nursery both into a neutral and holistic (according to the first type), and into a unity of opposites (according to the second type).

It is not worth decorating a nursery for children of different sexes only in a boyish / girlish style, as this will have a bad effect on the psychological development of one of the children. According to doctors, boys in women's interiors grow up overly sensitive and mannered, and girls in men's - gloomy and withdrawn.

It is better to sacrifice the harmony of the design of the room in favor of the interests of children than vice versa.

4 repair kits in the children's room for children of different sexes

When the design project of the room has already taken shape in my head, we must return to the harsh everyday life and begin its transformation.

You can't save on draft work

If you carried out a solid overhaul of the premises or the entire apartment only 5 years ago, a cosmetic update will be enough to relocate the children. Such works include painting walls and ceilings, wallpapering, replacing laminate, lighting fixtures and sockets.

But if a window is visible in the room and the parquet “walks”, and the floors were last seen by the builders of the house 50 years ago, you need to start with overhaul. It's better to buy cheap ones paper wallpaper and the simplest pine cabinet than to leave under the floor construction garbage or incorrectly seal cracks in the walls. Ignoring this rule can cause significant harm to the health of your kids and will significantly bring the need for the next repair.

The main thing is not durability, but safety

Knowing about the love of children to paint wallpapers, jump on the bed and scratch polished furniture, many advise using the most wear-resistant materials in the nursery. But you should not go to extremes, pouring asphalt on the floor (as in a well-known joke), or making a room in the shabby chic style, which is only decorated with scuffs and scratches.

Better watch out for Decoration Materials and furniture were as safe as possible, because the durability of many of them is ensured precisely by the addition of components harmful to health.

The child is naughty not from harm, but from boredom.

If the room has comfortable (for the baby, not the parents), areas for games and sports activities, the child will not suffer from boredom and spoil the furniture. And when brother and sister live together, they always have good company for joint activities.

In the children's room - children's furniture

Some parents, in an effort to save money, furnish children's furniture that does not fit in other rooms. This is fundamentally wrong, in the room of children there should be only things that please them, satisfy their needs and help them develop. A showcase with grandmother's service and mother's wardrobe for needlework are absolutely useless here.

Ideas for reworking old furniture

If you don’t have enough money to buy furniture you like, try transforming an old closet so that it becomes comfortable for children and they like the look. Often for this it is enough to repaint it, adjust the hinges on the doors and rearrange the shelves to the desired height.

It makes sense to put a boy and a girl in the same room only if they do not differ much in age or are generally peers, and also when the eldest of them is not more than 12 years old.

A room for two children should be spacious, perhaps even the largest in the house, since children spend a lot of time in it. Be that as it may, each child should have his own sleeping place, as well as personal places for storing clothes and things, a specially equipped place for studying.

When considering the interior of a children's room for a girl and a boy, parents first of all decide whether the furniture should be the same or different depending on the gender of the child. Psychologists believe that it is better with early childhood give children the opportunity to feel their belonging to a particular gender.

50 baby room design ideas for a boy and a girl, see this video::

Zoning a children's room for a boy and a girl

Most people are wondering how to properly organize the space and make the room perform several functions. In addition, quite often families are faced with the problem of having to arrange a room for a boy and a girl using the same room. In this case, zoning can help a lot, which can be done in several ways.

The use of drywall partitions

Of course, such structures are best used in large rooms, with a small area. general form rooms are simply lost. The main advantage of this method is clearly defined zones and the ability to "hide" from another occupant of the room.

In addition, such structures can be of interesting shape and help in creating the interior. If you make the partitions not deaf, but with shelves, then they can become an additional place for storing books, toys, placing photo frames.

Wallpaper zoning

Nothing complicated here: in the “girlish” half I will prevail gentle colors, on the half for the boy - sea, sand.

Use of shelving

This is a very convenient and functional way that will allow you to separate the zones for the boy and the girl, as well as get additional shelves. In order not to lose lighting, it is preferable to choose open shelving, not too high.

Use of curtains

This approach has the advantage that the borders can be easily removed if desired. If you make curtains from thick fabric, then decorative pockets for storing items, or interior decorations will be appropriate on them. An equally interesting interior can be obtained if screens are used instead of curtains.

Features of choosing furniture for a boy and a girl

Children's furniture should be not only functional, but also original, because it shapes the child's tastes for life. Therefore, children's furniture for two children may differ in design, colors and even purpose. The fact is that children of different sexes perceive colors differently. In addition, "special" furniture helps to form a child's sexual self-determination, which begins to take shape from the age of three.

Of the furniture, the boy should have a bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table for linen and a table with a chair. The baby's bed can be themed - reminiscent of a ship or a car in shape. If there is not much space in the room, the boy's bed can be placed in the "attic" - above a closet or table, and maybe above a sports corner with a Swedish wall, rings, crossbar.

Are you interested in the design of a small bedroom in Khrushchev? Get to know him

As for the colors of furniture, most often boys prefer cold colors: blue, blue, green and the like. They are associated with space or the sea, imbued with the spirit of adventure.

Decorative elements for furniture can also testify to the masculine beginning of its owner. These can be cars, trains, pirates, spaceships, knights, etc. If the child has any achievements, medals and certificates, then they should also be hung up to develop leadership skills.

How to choose furniture for a boy and a girl, see this video:

Girls prefer warm shades: yellow, golden, beige, orange, pink. These colors are perceived as fabulous, magical, associated with fairies and princesses.

The girl can also be offered a “loft” bed, under which a mini office will be equipped. The side rails and backs of such a bed can be decorated with carvings or openwork patterns from twigs. To create a more intimate atmosphere, you can arrange a decorative canopy above the head of the bed, similar to a canopy, from which a beautiful fabric will descend.

The little princess needs to equip a place with a large mirror or even a small dressing table where she can store her girlish treasures.

Also, the girl should have her own wardrobe, bedside table and a desk with a chair. And if she has hobbies, then she may need a special corner for them: small boxes for a needlewoman or an easel for a young artist. It is better if the hostess herself chooses the decor that suits her: animals, flowers or beautiful landscapes.

Color solution

How to combine two such different corners for a girl and a boy in one room? There are several design techniques, with the help of which a nursery for children of different sexes can look cozy and beautiful.

The first of these is a game of contrasts. There are pairs of contrasting colors, using which, the room can be divided into two parts and at the same time it will look harmonious and stylish.

For example, a boy's corner may be blue, and a girl's corner may be yellow. If a girl wants to pink walls near his bed, then the boy can be offered green. Also contrasting are purple and orange colors, blue and red. However, it is not necessary that the colors be bright. They can be very pale, but the same tone.

The second trick may be to choose closer colors. For example, the general gamut of the room may be green, but in the boy's corner a jade shade will be chosen, and in the girl's corner - the color of lime.

In the third case, the room can be decorated in the same style, but the decor that adorns the children's personal corners will be different.

See how you can decorate in an original and beautiful way

There is another interesting idea that can be implemented if children like the same colors. You can use inversion in the design of the walls. That is, in the personal area of ​​​​one child, for example, make a yellow pattern on a blue background on the wall, and for another - a blue pattern on a yellow background. As a result, the room will have a single style, but it will look very interesting.

When choosing colors for a children's room, one should also remember that too bright an environment can excite the psyche of babies too much. Therefore, there should be a place for neutral colors, in which it is better to decorate the ceiling and walls, if the furniture is bright, or the ceiling and furniture, if the walls are bright.

Themed design

A similar approach to interior design is gaining popularity more and more, it can be used when decorating a common room for children of different sexes. There can be several options for thematic division of space.

Using a Specific Style

We can talk about decorating a room in lavender tones of Provence with elements characteristic of it, or you can choose a minimalist concept for a child. The Mediterranean style will be conducive to the atmosphere of relaxation.

Active use of details

In this case, it is most appropriate to recall the saying that the little things create the style and image of a person. To give a certain charm to the room of a son and daughter, it is enough to use photographs, interesting pictures, details that will beat their personal characteristics. It's great if they "combine" the hobbies of both children.

Stylization with a plot

For very young children, when decorating a room, you can remember their favorite fairy tale. Also, a film, a certain event in their life (a joint trip to the sea) is well suited as a basis. The greater the difference between the children, the more difficult it is to find a unifying plot. In this case, it will be necessary to connect zoning to the maximum.

Choice of style for the season

An interesting option is when enough is chosen for the room traditional decoration, but the details of the interior change every season, or are selected taking into account the upcoming holidays. Here the nature of the interior will always change a little, such surprises have a very positive effect on the development of children, especially at an early age.

It should also be noted that what less room, the more careful the use of complex thematic elements. If the space is very small, then it would be more appropriate to choose bright hues for furniture and walls. When choosing a particular theme, be sure to remember that decorative elements should be pleasing to the eye, but at the same time not complicate life.

Children's room styles

Of course, a children's room can be furnished without thinking about a certain style. However, there are traditional styles, in which the room for children is most often equipped.

Children's room in classical style looks like an adult room. Her parents furnish her, according to their own taste and without asking the opinion of the children. A clear advantage of this design is the durability and ease of construction of a standard wooden furniture. However, for children, this design is boring. Yes, and there is a risk of raising little dull old people, ruining the creative impulses of children.

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The modern design of the children's room includes the use of modern and high-tech styles. This design is especially liked by teenagers. He is distinguished simple shapes, rich colors, the ability to easily transform and transform space and furniture. The loft bed is actively used, under which you can place a wardrobe or table. Also, the furniture can increase as the children grow. This allows parents to save on updating the environment.

The nursery in ethnic style looks exotic. It is also good because only natural ecological materials are used in this design.

The main thing is that the children choose a specific style themselves, without parental imposition. So, children who are fond of studying the animal world or specific continents can decorate it with photographs of animals or special decorative items.

Quite popular in children's room themed interior. The traditional option is a room in nautical style with the right accessories. In a room for two children of different sexes, you can highlight the corners of the captain and the mermaid. So you get a solid and at the same time quite original children's room.

When choosing a specific style for a room, it is important to consult with both of its tenants, find compromises and together develop a design that suits everyone.

See how unusual and memorable it can be

Creating an interior design for a children's room is not limited to buying suitable furniture and carrying out repairs. It should be a joint work of parents together with children. Only thanks to such cooperation, it is possible to create an interior in which children will be comfortable and interested.

How to save space

A children's room is a room where a child not only sleeps, but also plays sports, learns lessons, plays. Therefore, parents should make sure that the space in the boy's and girl's room is used as efficiently as possible. Here are some ways to make the room more functional.

Location of furniture around the perimeter

This method is used by many, but not quite successfully. Extremely rarely used, for example, the window zone. Near it, for example, workplaces for a boy and a girl can be placed, and on the sides of the window opening, hinged shelves can be made on which children's crafts, drawings, and favorite toys will be placed.

bunk bed

She can be completely normal. However, in order to make the interior design more personal, you can write on the tier of each child his name. If you place the girl’s bed below, then she will surely be delighted with the curtains, which form a kind of canopy.

Hidden storage spaces

As you know, children love to hide objects, to make “secrets”. Surely they will appreciate additional places to store toys. Drawers for bed linen, blankets, etc. can be made under the bed.

Transformer furniture, multifunctional furniture

Now you won’t surprise anyone with such innovations, but it’s worth thinking about purchasing such furniture purposefully. For example, it can be very convenient if an additional tabletop extends from the chest of drawers, behind which you can draw, or use it to put a cup.

If you are ready to purchase two beds in the nursery of a boy and a girl, then you can make them both bunk, using the lower tiers as places to play, store things, or place a soft sofa and a table in the formed niche.

Highly located mezzanines

You can organize storage spaces right under the ceiling. There you should determine what children rarely use, or send some of the toys to these shelves to “rest”. Such an organization of space will help you save on dolls, cars, bears, because often a forgotten thing is perceived by a child as new.

Watch the video on how you can decorate a children's room for a boy and a girl:

It is wonderful when a child grows in a family. And two children is doubly good. The truth and everything else: care, upbringing, training, organization of life - increase in proportion to the number of children.

And if these two - children of different sexes of different ages, with different characters and hobbies - are forced to share one room for two, everything becomes even more complicated. Because it is not so easy to equip a joint home for a boy and a girl.

There are design features and nuances that must be taken into account when decorating the interior of a children's room for two children of different sexes. And our task is to make the room where the sister and brother sleep and play their favorite place in the apartment. Although this is not an easy task, it is quite within the power of loving parents. And some tips and ideas from professional designers will help us in this difficult event.

The design decision largely depends on the age of children of different sexes. AT preschool age gender signs are not yet so felt, and one should not particularly focus on them when designing a children's room for children of different sexes.

But already from the age of seven, the child begins to realize his biological sex and behave accordingly, like a boy or a girl (to master the appropriate forms of behavior, develop habits, manners, and so on).

All these differences are even more pronounced when adolescence is reached. Here, already when decorating the space and choosing a design for a children's room, it is difficult to do without planning for each child a personal isolated territory with a dedicated working area, taking into account their opinions and their own vision of the interior.

Children are forced to share one room among themselves, and due to the fact that there is everything in it: beds, tables, chairs, wardrobes - there should be two each, it becomes very crowded.

The interior of a common room for a boy and a girl should be planned in such a way as to take into account the needs of each of them, so that they are equally comfortable and cozy, so that each of the children has a private area where, if desired, he could retire.

In addition, parents are well aware that a nursery for children of different sexes is a special room in which every square meter counts. This is not only a bedroom, in which most of the space is reserved for beds. In it, children still have to play, which implies the presence of an open, uncluttered space for mobile fun games for kids and the organization of the working area.

Another feature of the nursery for two is that the environment grows with the children: beds, chairs and tables change, the number of clothes, toys increases, it is required large quantity storage systems. With all this, the size of the room remains unchanged.

So it is necessary to look for options and opportunities to at least visually expand the space and rationally use the area of ​​​​the room, placing everything you need in it.

Often the problem is solved with multifunctional furniture: bunk beds, folding tables and smart storage system.

We select furniture for the children's room

In fact, it is very difficult to furnish a children's room for children of different sexes in such a way as to fit in it all the things necessary for two, and also to organize all the necessary zones. Save the situation and save space (especially if the size of the room is small) will help a certain set of furniture.

Read also: Pockets for storage, a cheerful stadiometer and multi-colored flags or How to equip a nursery?

Choosing a bed

A multifunctional bunk bed is quite appropriate in this situation. It is intended, first of all, to organize a place to sleep, but along the way it helps to save space and solve a number of other problems.

Bunk beds on the market are represented by several models. Most best option from the point of view of saving square meters - a classic version of two-level beds with sleeping places located parallel to each other. The “second floor” is given to the eldest child, and the younger one is placed below on a safe and more comfortable “ground floor”. Such models are most often supplied with a vertical ladder.

The next model is a bunk bed also with parallel sleeping places, which are shifted in relation to each other to the left or right. This design allows you to additionally equip the furniture complex with a compact storage system or a gentle, comfortable staircase.

Comfortable and compact furniture complex - a bunk bed with sleeping places perpendicular to each other. This design involves, in addition to sleeping places, drawers, cabinets and workplaces.

Loft beds with an extra bed below, located perpendicularly or with one bed shifted to the side - another model of furniture design for a nursery with two children.

This model can be made complete with desks, cabinets and shelves, storage niches, which allows you to organize a work and play area located on the side. The top tier can also be used as a play area.

The disadvantage of one bunk bed for two children can be considered a small play area, which will be a bit crowded.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows and for a more harmonious solution, this drawback can be corrected by purchasing two identical loft beds, at the bottom of each of which there is a full-fledged play area for a small child.

In such places equipped with children's house, kids love to play with their toys. Later this space is transformed into workplace with computer or desk.

The same task of maximum autonomy during sleep, comfort and freeing up space for games is solved by a variety of options for pull-out (exit) beds. The lower berth rolls out from under the upper one in the evening, and in daytime moves back.

This model is especially suitable for the case when children of different sexes are of the same age and both have not reached the age when one of them can be safely laid on the second floor of a bunk bed.

A convertible bunk bed for teens turns into two bunk beds at night, and during the day it can easily be converted into a regular comfortable sofa.

A great option for a children's room for two is a working corner for a student with a desk on the podium with a bed sliding under it during the day.

What to look for when choosing a bed? First of all, on its safety: it is the strength and stability of the structure. The height of the sides of the bed should be at least 20 cm, and preferably 30-35 cm. The furniture structure must necessarily be equipped with strong railings and stairs, the stairs should not be slippery.

The distance between the tiers and from the surface of the top bed to the ceiling should be comfortable enough for the child. For safe descent from the top bed at night, you need to install a small nightlight or unobtrusive backlight at the top bed. And remember, the top bunk is for children ages 6 and up.

Workplace organization

Making a workplace for two children depends on their age. When children are small, a common table and a pair of high chairs are enough for them to learn, play and draw. But schoolchildren already need a full-fledged workplace with a separate desk, comfortable chair so that the children, doing their own thing or doing their homework, do not interfere with each other.

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To store books, notebooks, stationery, racks and shelves will be required. To organize the working area, ready-made furniture complexes are suitable, consisting of a desk at the bottom, a sleeping place at the top, and shelves and racks are organized on the sides.

The table should be of the right height, and there should be space for a computer on it (modern schoolchildren practically cannot do without it) and a pull-out shelf for the keyboard. In this regard, multi-module tables with maximum functionality are convenient, helping to place all the necessary items on them.

The chair is selected according to the height of the child: the legs in a sitting position should touch the floor, while the thighs and lower legs are located at a right angle. The child's diaphragm should be flush with the table surface (these rules will help protect the child from scoliosis and myopia).

If a chair on wheels is chosen instead of a chair, it must be equipped with an adjustable backrest with an anatomical curve and armrests. It is not recommended to purchase such a chair for younger students.

If it is absolutely not possible to organize a work area for children with a full-fledged desk, you can use compact furniture, such as a secretary (combines the functions of a table and a wardrobe) with a folding or retractable worktop for a computer. However, it is not very convenient for long work behind him.

Another one design idea to help organize working space in the nursery for children of different sexes - the use of a window sill.

Storage spaces

Agree, even in a room with one of its small owners, there is often a problem of storing numerous toys, crafts, books and things. And if there are two of them, then all these riches and small treasures will require much more various containers and devices.

These can be all kinds of boxes that are easily removed under the bed or in a closet, baskets, chests on wheels, in which you can put away things that are not taken out so often, beautiful boxes, containers with beautiful bags for large toys and bags for designers, small toys, dolls.

For things and objects that should always be at hand, it is best to use stationary and hanging shelves and shelving. It is convenient to store children's crafts, books on them. Multifunctional designs with drawers under the bed are well suited for these purposes (it is better to store in them what is rarely used) or with ready systems storage.

Secrets of decorating a children's room for children of different sexes

Often modern apartments are not spacious. But there are tricks that are used professional designers to visually increase the space of the children's room. And this is even more true if more than one child lives in the room.

Color design

A room painted in light neutral colors always visually seems larger than it actually is. But children like to look at cheerful wallpapers with bright pictures on the walls.

To please everyone in this situation, you can make the ceiling glossy white, which will make the room visually higher. And choose a wallpaper with a base of predominantly light shades, but with bright patterns, preferably not very big size. In the design of small rooms, it is not recommended to use more than three shades.

It is also worth considering the age of children living in a common room. Psychologists say that children under 7 years old perceive bright colors better. As they grow older, preference is given to calm colors.

vertical furniture

If a small children's room is equipped with a high and narrow furniture- it will also visually increase its size. But at the same time, racks and cabinets should not rest against the ceiling, because this, on the contrary, will visually reduce the height of the room. In this case, it is better not to use a large amount in the interior. open shelves(preferably cabinets with doors).
