How to visually reduce the length of an elongated room. Narrow living room design - how to visually make the room wider

Carriage, pencil case, tunnel - as soon as they do not name long narrow rooms. Unfortunately, they are frequent guests in domestic apartments. If the problem cannot be solved by redevelopment and demolition of the wall, then you will have to act more cunningly. Small narrow and long rooms are a challenge for many experienced designers, let alone ordinary people! But do not despair - the right choice of colors, proper placement of furniture and a few win-win tricks will help organize a retracted room and even bring its shape closer to a perfect square. So, the design of a long narrow room: what can be done and what should never be done?

No. 1. Color scheme and finish

The main friend of all small and non-standard-shaped premises is light shades. If white is not to your liking, you can use light gray, beige and light shades of other colors. Dark and bright colors can only be used in small quantities.

The most effective approach- paint long walls in light colors, thereby pushing them apart, and highlight short walls with a more saturated color, bringing them closer to each other. Two shades can be both in common tonality and contrasting. The ceiling is also desirable to make light, like the floor.

So that the interior does not seem boring, you can use bright color accents: paintings, vases, textiles, small pieces of furniture of prominent colors will attract attention and distract the visitor from the true geometry of the room. At least that's what the designers say, backing up this fact with psychology.

Elements floor covering it is better to lay out parallel to short walls or even diagonally. Thus, the space of the room can be made visually a little wider.

One of the long walls can be finished with perspective. Suitable for urban and natural landscapes. This solution can be recognized as ingenious and universal, since due to the perspective the room expands significantly, and due to other tricks, you can completely turn the trailer into a harmonious room of the correct form.

They do a good job of adjusting the room. mirrors. By placing a large mirror on a long wall, you can also achieve the effect of expanding space. It is important not to overdo it, and not to use photo wallpaper and a large mirror in the same room. An interesting solution is to use mirror inserts along the top or bottom edge of the wall, making the partitions airy and creating the illusion that the room is actually much larger than it is. In addition, mirrors perfectly reflect light, making the room more lit, which is very important in our case.

Some designers advise to use in the decoration of one of the short walls horizontal stripes, which will partially “run into” the adjacent long wall.

No. 2. Proper zoning

Another effective technique in the design of a long narrow room is the allocation of two functional centers in one room. The main thing is not to use bulky cabinets and solid massive partitions to divide the space.

For zoning an elongated room, you can use:

  • contrasting color to the flooring. In this case, all corners of the room will be quietly illuminated by sunlight, but at the same time, the living area, for example, will be clearly separated from the working area with a desk;
  • can be used to place a bed or workplace on it. The space under the podium can be used to organize storage. It is important to choose the optimal height of the "pedestal" so that, when entering it, you do not bang your head against the ceiling. Additional separation can be obtained due to the different colors of the walls;
  • small, placed across the room. Most of the area will turn into a regular square-shaped living room, and a smaller one can be used as;
  • shelving unit with open shelves works just like a sofa. The main thing is that it should be airy and not block the light;
  • mobile partitions, screens and curtains suitable when in a narrow long room it is necessary to allocate a place for sleeping and receiving guests, for example.

No. 3. Proper lighting

A well-lit room seems more spacious than a similarly dark one. In the tram room, it is better to highlight every corner and use it to the maximum sunlight, therefore, light compact curtains are chosen to frame the window. They are also perfect, which make it easy to open the entire window opening completely, and if desired, protect yourself from street light. If necessary, you can complement the window with a delicate translucent tulle.

AT artificial lighting it is better to provide several levels: for general light, spotlights, floor lamps and sconces to illuminate individual areas, as well as an LED strip to create decorative lighting.

No. 4. Arrangement of furniture in a long narrow room

This is the most difficult issue in the design of pencil cases. On the one hand, I want to fit all the required pieces of furniture in order to ensure a comfortable life. On the other hand, if you sideways and zigzags your way from the door to the window, then there is no question of any convenience.

The most effective techniques that designers use when arranging furniture in long narrow rooms:

  • the location of the sofa against a short wall;
  • grouping furniture in one part of the room, the rest is left more spacious;
  • instead of one large sofa, it is sometimes appropriate to use several armchairs, which form a cozy living room group;
  • it is extremely undesirable to place absolutely all pieces of furniture along long walls - we risk getting a semblance of a railway car, so a small sofa and an armchair set at an angle to it are better than one long sofa;

  • at least some of the furniture should be perpendicular to the long walls;
  • if possible, leave long walls free; open shelves are allowed;

  • it is better to have it against a short wall. So we acquire a storage place, and bring the room closer to the shape of a square.

No. 5. What other tricks can be used?

There are a number of ways to change the perception of space and give a long room a more regular shape:

No. 6. Features of different rooms

The rules described above are equally valid for all long and narrow spaces, but still, when arranging different rooms (living room, bedroom, etc.), some nuances should be taken into account.

Narrow and long living room

They usually allocate under the living room, because this is a gathering place for all household members and guests. If only a long narrow room remains at your disposal, then it will not be easy. It will be doubly difficult if the room is small in size.

If the living room has a decent length, then the most correct set up multiple areas. In one there will be a sofa with a TV and other attributes of the living room, in the other - a work desk, or a play area for children.

If the living room has the shape of a pencil case, and at the same time, then you may have to abandon the traditional large sofa. It can be replaced with a couple of compact sofas or a few armchairs. They must be placed in different planes: parallel and perpendicular to the long wall. Light and multifunctional furniture will come to the rescue. Storage places are organized on open shelves and in a small console, which can also act as a TV stand.

Narrow long bedroom

In the bedroom, you can’t do without a bed, so its location is thought out in the first place. It all depends on the size of the room and the bed itself. The standard length is 1.9-2 m. The width of a single bed is about 90 cm, a single bed is up to 140 cm, a double bed is 160-170 cm. Do not forget that you must still leave room for movement near the bed - at least 50 cm with each sides, and preferably 70 cm.

With a single bed, problems, as a rule, do not arise. If you want to put a bigger bed, you will have to carefully calculate everything. It is best to put it with a headboard against a long wall, but another option is allowed. In extreme cases, you can move the bed with one side to the wall.

If the bedroom is very elongated in length, then you can give part of it for creation. The remaining space on the opposite side can be used to install a work or dressing table.

Armed with these techniques, you can easily create a spacious and voluminous interior in your room.

1. The very first thing is color. When choosing materials, choose light pastel colors without bright and dark elements.

2. If you need to lengthen the room, then the opposite wall must be decorated with a colder and lighter shade. If you have some kind of print on your wallpaper, then you need to remember that a large pattern brings it closer, and a small one lengthens it.

3. If the room is long and narrow, then it can be expanded using wallpaper with a horizontal stripe, as well as visually bringing the opposite wall closer with wallpaper or paint in a dark warm shade.

4. Wallpaper with a small floral print will visually enlarge the room, and if you combine and stick the same wallpaper with only a large flower on the opposite narrower wall, you will also expand the room.

5. Low ceilings can be leveled using a light, or better white, glossy ceiling or, more extreme, “mirrors”. If the height allows, then you can “play” with a multi-level plasterboard ceiling. The ceiling and floor should be light, like the rest of the walls in the room. A light floor with longitudinal lines will also help increase the space. A light glossy tile will also help with this.

6. It is necessary to work very carefully with borders in a small room, there is a risk of reducing it even more.

7. A good tool with which you can always increase or expand the space is mirrors. But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

8. Light and light textiles on the windows will also visually enlarge the space and make the room more airy and bright.

9. Choose simple furniture, preferably with straight lines and functional. In color, it is desirable that it does not differ from the general color scheme of the room. Avoid large furniture. It is better to put an average sofa and one small armchair than a full-fledged soft corner.

10. By placing some bright decor item in the farthest corner of the room, you will create the effect of a great perspective, and the person who enters will perceive the room as spacious.

11. Brighten up the room with extra lighting. In addition to sunlight and central lighting, use interior lighting and additional light sources. Sometimes, with just the right lighting, you can create stunning visual effects. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional designers.

12. In a small room, a lot of small decor items (trinkets, candlesticks, figurines, etc.) will look ridiculous and visually litter the space even more. Therefore, try to remove all unnecessary.

13. Do not take up space in the center of the room, place furniture along the walls and in the corners.

14. Choose "transparent" furniture with glass surfaces.

15. Use mirrors. With their help, you will create depth in the room. Mirrors also make a room lighter and brighter by reflecting natural and artificial light.

16. If you need to divide a room by highlighting some area, use “shelf” and glass partitions.

17. Instead of ordinary doors, you can also put a glass partition into the room.

18. When choosing household appliances, give preference to narrow options. Fortunately, today there is a very wide selection of flat wall-mounted TVs and narrow monitors.

19. By making a niche with circular illumination in the wall, you will visually push the wall further, which will increase the volume of the room.

20. And finally, if you have the opportunity to combine rooms by removing partitions, use this method as well, but here you will have to work hard and run around all sorts of authorities to agree on the redevelopment of the apartment.

The owner of a square room does not have to think long about how to design a living room. It is not subject to any rules or restrictions. The square is the perfect shape for any room, requiring very little: defining its functionality and creating a design that matches the tastes of the owners. The owner of an elongated rectangular room has more problems and fewer opportunities to let go of fantasy. He has to apply various techniques that help visually expand the space.

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room?

First of all, you should decide on the functionality of your room. It should contain everything you need for family celebrations, visits of guests, friendly gatherings and a comfortable stay with your family.

By itself, a rectangular shape, if the room is long, has to delimit the entire available area into zones. This makes the room cozier and masks its not the most successful configuration. Often, in a spacious living room, the area in which they equip is separated. Here they put a dining table, chairs, pieces of furniture designed to store cutlery, and in the other part - the so-called composition center (home theater, electric fireplace), surrounded by upholstered furniture. In such a room, sofas and armchairs can be placed both along the walls and closer to the center. However, one should not forget about the free space, which makes it possible to move around the room.

The long living room is divided into a seating area and…

… dining area

Design of a long rectangular living room

Zoning in a long narrow room

Long rectangular living room

A corner sofa is installed, part of the furniture is located closer to the central axis: this is the right approach

In a rectangular living room, furniture should be placed not only parallel to the long walls, but also perpendicular to them. It makes the room cozy

Everything you need for a working corner (desk, bookcase, shelves) is conveniently placed by the window, especially if the room is elongated from it.

If the window is located on an adjacent, longer wall, a different arrangement of furniture is recommended - a closet with doors of the same tone as the walls is built in on the narrow side. The room becomes shorter by the depth of the closet, which makes it closer to the square.

It is important to avoid repeating the most common mistakes that owners of non-standard premises often make. First mistake- placing furniture along the walls along the entire length of the room. Second- the concentration of furniture in one corner. One mistake leads to a visual lengthening of the room and even a completely undesirable increase in the "corridor effect", the second - to an excess of emptiness and a loss of space harmony.

Decoration of the front door and floor

The feeling of spaciousness is achieved with a wide doorway. It is best to install a sliding door. It is difficult to come up with a more suitable option for distinguishing between the kitchen and the living room, but only if the appearance of the door matches the design of these rooms.

Light laminate is often laid on the floor. This coating is able to visually give lightness to all three-dimensional elements of the interior. You can visually shorten a long room with parquet planks laid parallel to short walls (across the room). On the floor, a pattern of squares will be appropriate. A soft square carpet in the center of the room will not hurt, which will emphasize the cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the recreation area.

Rectangular living room colors

When decorating a room, it is useful to listen to the recommendations of experienced designers.

1. Light colors effectively mask the disadvantages of the layout, visually expanding the room. Use materials of white, beige, light gray, pale blue, light green, lilac, cream colors for finishing the ceiling and walls.

2. Walls look stylish, the upper part of which is painted with paint, and the lower part is pasted over with patterned wallpaper of the same tone (or painted in a different color or paneled). This division of the walls horizontally contributes to the visual expansion of the room.

3. Want brightness? Add yellow, blue, orange, but try not to overload the interior with them. Your living room will sparkle with colors if textiles and other decorative elements are correctly selected.

4. When choosing a color scheme, consider the location of your living room relative to the cardinal points. If the windows face south, you can choose cooler shades of blue, brown, purple, gray and white. For living rooms with north-facing windows, choose warm yellows, oranges, and greens.

5. For the expressiveness of the interior, it is useful to use contrasts in its design. For example, to give a richer tone to niches in a room with light walls.

To visually bring short walls closer to the center (and thereby make the room more like a square), you need to use "hot" or dark tones for their decoration: for example, orange, red, terracotta, warm brown or black. Long walls at the same time remain light, cool.

Design of a narrow loft-style living room

A large rectangular living room looks like a square one thanks to the play of colors.

Narrow living room design

To equip living room in a long and narrow room, the design approaches already mentioned above should be applied. However, there are several additional ways to give the space of the “pencil case” room more harmony.

Experts advise not to be limited to the correct arrangement of various elements of the interior. Do not use massive furniture. Preference should be given to light puffs, small open, glass elements, furnishings that are capable of transformation. An interesting solution for decorating the floor in a narrow living room is proposed - a striped carpet, the lines of which are perpendicular to the length of the wall. A transverse pattern can also be introduced on the ceiling (light, painting in a wide strip, etc.).

The illusion of a square, much larger than the real one, is helped to create modern ones. Their role in creating the interior of a long and narrow living room is truly invaluable. You can adjust the space with high-quality images of natural landscapes, historical landmarks, space landscapes, those places that you have already visited or dream of visiting.

Do not refuse mirror surfaces and large paintings that can “open up” the space.

In order for the process of furnishing your home to please with the results and give positive emotions, be bolder in experiments, show imagination and use the experience gained by interior designers.

Design of an elongated living room: successful examples and mistakes

Large rectangular living room. It looks, however, too elongated. This could be facilitated by the arrangement of rows of lamps along the long walls, which visually lengthened the rooms. It would be worth changing the position of the lamps.

Red curtains visually bring the short wall closer, making the room closer to the square. Part of the furniture is installed perpendicular to the long walls. The light floor creates a feeling of spaciousness. Everything is done right here. But the picture should be preferred neutral.

Dark tones. Narrow stripe and frequent pattern. All this visually narrowed the room even more. The mirror doesn't help. Stylish, but mistakes are evident.

Green, the color of space, is well chosen. The striped carpet on the floor serves as a visual extension. The furniture is arranged correctly. Well thought out design and decor.

The area behind the sofa is congested, but the room still looks quite wide. This is facilitated by the color scheme and the shelves behind the sofa, giving the illusion of volume.

The small narrow room is not at all like a pencil case. The living room turned out to be harmonious and cozy thanks to the color, asymmetry, the correct arrangement of elements in all directions (along the long walls, across the room, along the central axis).

In a long rectangular living room, some of the furniture must be perpendicular to the long walls and / or diagonally.

Very long elongated living room. Uncomfortable and boring. Zoning not thought out. To remedy the situation, it is enough to put a large coffee table in front of the sofa, and place a couple of armchairs or a small couch perpendicular to the long wall on the border of the living area.

Got a penalty. The floor covering should be placed across the room. At least one piece of furniture had to be placed perpendicular to a long wall or along a central axis.

Complete harmony! However, the direction of the floorboard is debatable.

The material contains images from the photo bank

When planning the premises of an apartment, the question often arises of how to properly organize the design of a narrow room. The main problem that is encountered along the way is the constrained, narrow space. These limitations require a skillful approach to arranging furniture, while maintaining the required functionality of the room. The methods described in the article will allow you to competently equip the sleeping area, while maintaining a maximum of free square meters.

A narrow bedroom is a special case, often requiring extraordinary solutions.

The bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom. No couches and sofas can replace a full double bed

If you stick to certain methods of interior layout, you will be able to smooth out the inconvenience that a long, narrow room implies.

  1. Wall decoration. In order to visually expand the bedroom, long walls are finished with light materials. But short ones, on the contrary, stand out with bright shades.
  2. Use of functional furniture. For example, take a folding sofa. After a night's sleep, simply remove the folding part.
  3. Niche application. Ideal for a narrow room with short walls. This method allows you to hide a sleeping place, as well as organize cabinets and shelves in convenient niches. Make the most of your free space.
  4. Horizontal and vertical stripes. With the correct arrangement of these interior elements, you can create the effect of a regular square, or simply visually expand the space.
  5. patterns. Affect the visual perception of the size of the bedroom. Keep this in mind when purchasing wallpaper. Smooth lines on light paper can add quadrature.
  6. Proper lighting will also increase the size of the bedroom. Install as many light sources as possible.
  7. Window textiles are selected depending on the intensity of natural light from the street. If the windows of the room face south, then the sun will shine brightly here for a long time, and vice versa if the room is located north. Choose the density of curtain fabric based on this condition.

Cold light in the bedroom is not needed, give preference to lamps with soft diffused light

A narrow bed will leave room for passage and bedside tables on the sides

If the room is intended for a couple, you will have to install a large double bed. It is best to place it at the end of the bedroom, right by the window. In this case, if the width allows, the bed can be turned sideways to the window. If this is not possible, then you will have to install it with a headboard to the window opening.

Bed close to the window in a very narrow room

If the room is so narrow that it is impossible to pick up a standard bed, you can purchase a mattress and make a wooden podium under it

When choosing a bed, give preference to products with free space under the bed. Drawers for bed linen or clothes are mounted here. Also consider buying with ready-made shelves.

Use the minimum amount of furniture - only the essentials

You can zone a room using a podium. And if you make it as high as in the photo, it will accommodate a full-fledged storage system

If there is no sofa in the bedroom, then the TV can be hung from the ceiling using a special mount. The only drawback of this solution is the presence of ugly hanging wires. Therefore, provide for wiring long before the start of finishing the walls and ceiling. In this case, it can be hidden under plaster or curtain panels.

It is better not to separate a room with one window with cabinets and high partitions

In an elongated bedroom, furniture is placed alternately. It would be rational to put a desk or dressing table by the window, you can place a bed in the center, and a closet against the opposite wall

You should not pile up the interior of a narrow room with multi-level plasterboard wall structures. You can equip the ceiling with such options. But the walls are better left smooth, even. This solution will further expand the space.

Bright room in the style of Scandinavian minimalism

Bright children's room with striped bedspreads

Bright rustic bedroom

It is better to remove heating pipes from your eyes by mounting them in a wall or floor. The fewer unnecessary elements that catch your eye, the larger the narrow room will seem.

Expanding space

The design of a long narrow room must be given a square shape. It is much more comfortable to be in a bedroom of the right size. To do this, you need to equip the bedroom, namely short walls, with horizontal elements of interior decoration. In their quality, wall wallpapers with drawings, patterns and patterns are used. Also suitable for opening a shelf.

A striped walkway is an easy way to visually expand a narrow room.

Vertical striped wallpaper will "raise" the ceiling

Long walls are decorated with wallpaper with natural landscapes, photographs of megacities. The main idea here is to use as much of the available wall space as possible. A drawing of a decent size will visually reduce the length of the wall.

The widespread use of light shades of color perfectly affects the depth of perception of the room. Eliminate the desire to equip a bright accent. It will draw a lot of attention to itself, but you will lose in size.

The combination of contrasting shades will visually enlarge the small bedroom

Important. Glossy surfaces should be present in the finishing of flooring, walls, ceilings, as well as interior furniture. The reflective effect will expand the room many times over. Together with clean, light colors, the interior of a long, narrow room will have a winning position.

The combination of a white brick wall with smooth surfaces in a dark shade


White, beige and other light colors are selected for the floor. The finishing material will ideally serve as a laminate, ceramic tile, linoleum. Parquet is also suitable, but it is very difficult to find a white board. The bed has a light brown carpet. The texture of the carpet is voluminous, similar to the skin of a wild animal.

Light flooring will make the bedroom interior softer

The room will appear wider if the floorboards are placed along the smaller side.

Skirting boards are required to delineate the boundaries of the floor. Therefore, purchase products made of natural wood, varnished. Choose a color so that it is combined with one of the elements of interior decoration. Perfect for furniture.


The decoration of short walls must be done in bright tones of color. Plain wallpaper or glass wallpaper will fit well, which can later be repainted. So the interior design will not become boring over time. The window opening needs to be covered. To do this, choose Roman or roller blinds (read more about choosing curtains in our article), since the head of the bed does not allow the use of long fabrics (for example, Italian, Austrian).

Large mirrors contribute to the visual increase in space.

Mirror surfaces should be placed on long walls

Long walls are equipped with wallpaper in light, faded colors. In addition, the widespread use of mirrors will successfully transform the room. Consider organizing one wall entirely of glass panels. Choose panels of a certain format, thanks to which it will be possible to organize a relief pattern.

Wall mural with perspective will make the room wider

It looks interesting combination of wallpaper of the same color, but with a different print

When placing a bed near a long wall, organize the wall space with soft upholstery. Additionally, attach sofa buttons to create a tie.


The ceiling space of a small room can be arranged in two levels. It is not necessary to make a standard rectangle around the perimeter. This arrangement will create certain frames, completely unnecessary here. Instead, organize the ceiling into two different halves. Use smooth lines. An interesting option would be the layout of the three components. At the same time, the middle part of the bedroom on the ceiling will be marked with a kind of “hollow”, which can be decorated with a different color from the rest.

White ceiling vault in an oriental style bedroom with the most necessary interior items

The ceiling looks original with a 3D effect

Lighting the ceiling space will give the interior lightness, airiness. A soft glow LED strip is installed in the level transition. Along the edge of the transition, as well as throughout the space of the ceiling, point light sources are installed.

Video on how to visually enlarge a room with curtains

After looking at trendy interior photos, do you often find yourself thinking that all these ideas are only suitable for large rooms with ideal proportions? The fact is that an experienced designer is able to fill the problem space so that its proportions look harmonious. We tell the secrets, thanks to which professionals manage to transform a narrow and long room.

1. Long live asymmetry

The central part of the narrow room should not be empty.

The biggest temptation that the inhabitants of the “pencil case” have to deal with is the desire to arrange all the interior items along the walls. But the realization of this desire threatens that the room will seem even narrower and longer. Therefore, several interior items should be placed near smaller walls. For example, a large armchair will look great at the end of the room.

2. Non-standard lighting scheme

The unusual arrangement of lamps attracts the eye.

Who said that the chandelier should be in the central part of the room? Visually expand the space will help a number of ceiling lights located diagonally. Bedside lamps are also optional. In a narrow room, it is better to replace them with wall or ceiling ones.

3. Higher and higher

Ceiling storage systems are ideal for a narrow room.

At first glance, placing storage systems as high as possible may seem like an impractical solution. But not in the case of a narrow room. After all, such shelves allow you to free up space at the lower levels of the interior by placing large furniture there. In addition, one wall with unusual storage systems becomes an accent, diverting attention from the length of the room.

4. Unfairly forgotten window space

A window seat in the interior of a narrow room must also be used.

Let the starting point in designing the interior of a narrow room be a source of natural light, that is, a window. As a rule, it is located on a smaller wall. Near the window, you can place a workplace, put a cosmetic table or equip a miniature seating area with a comfortable sofa.

5. Wallpaper with perspective

Photowall-paper with the realistic image - the excellent decision for an interior of the narrow room.

An ingenious solution in its simplicity is to stick photo wallpapers with a perspective image on a long wall. For example, an urban landscape, a photograph of an alley or a bridge that goes into the distance, is suitable.

6. Forward through the looking glass

The mirror wall in the living room is an exquisite solution.

Visual correction of space with the help of mirrors has long been a classic. This approach is quite applicable if it is necessary to bring the proportions of a narrow room closer to the correct ones. We recommend hanging a mirror on one of the long walls. The reflection of the opposite wall will visually expand the room. Visually changing the proportions of a narrow room will also help a wardrobe with mirrored doors, located against a smaller wall.

7. Not a step without zoning

The narrow living room is zoned with a carpet and a sofa armrest.

You can divide the interior of a narrow room into several functional zones using several methods. A high rack, a mobile screen or lamps hanging from the ceiling, arranged in one row, will help. You can also visually divide the room with the help of carpets or various finishing materials for the floor and walls. A good solution would be the arrangement of the podium.

8. Changes to the doorway

An arch instead of a door to a narrow kitchen.

A standard doorway, which most often does not carry the main aesthetic load, always attracts a lot of attention. So why not use it for good? Changing the shape of a doorway is a great way to change the proportions of a room. If the doorway is located on a smaller wall, then we recommend equipping it in the form of an arch; on a larger one - to expand, bringing it closer in shape to a square.

9. Looking for focus

Partitions harmonize the interior of a narrow room.

One of the main problems when working with the interior of a narrow and long room is the difficulty in choosing a focal point, that is, the main point in space. A compromise solution may be the construction of narrow columns or partitions dividing the room into two parts. The issue of zoning will also be solved at the same time.

10. Darkness is not the enemy

A dark room can be cozy too.

If there is clearly not enough light in a narrow and long room, then it makes sense to abandon futile attempts to turn it into a brightly lit room. Choose a dark and rich color scheme to create a cozy interior.

11. Walking in circles

Successful interior of a narrow room with a minimum of clear geometry.

The fewer rectangles and squares in the interior of a narrow room, whether it be a countertop or a pattern on a carpet, the better. It is also better to refuse stripes in all their variety. Give preference to rounded silhouettes, and the space will look more harmonious.

12. Groups instead of individual items

Two armchairs replace the sofa.

The right way to make an analogue of the corridor is to place narrow objects along the walls. For example, a long sofa or wardrobe. Try alternative options. For example, a sofa for sitting will be replaced by several chairs arranged around a compact table. And instead of a cabinet, you can use open shelves of a non-standard shape. The original option for replacing the cabinet is various mounts and brackets on the wall, on which the necessary things are placed.

13. Distracting maneuvers

Unusual furniture and lamp - in the spotlight.

Drawing maximum attention to the walls is not the best solution for the interior of a narrow room. Non-standard large decor or bright wallpaper will emphasize the boundaries of the room, from which, on the contrary, you need to divert attention. As a highlight of the interior, it is better to choose non-trivial furniture, lamps, curtains.

14. Mastering the space vertically

A large light closet completely filled the smaller wall.

The space of the walls, filled from floor to ceiling, makes you focus on it. The gaze does not glide along space, but from top to bottom. As a result, attention is diverted from the irregular shape of the room. A suitable solution would be to use long curtains attached under the ceiling, many floor-to-ceiling paintings, high shelving.

15. Walls - apart

The walls in the spirit of constructivism are ideal for a narrow room.

LED lighting in a narrow room will come in handy. It will allow you to divide long walls into sections of the desired shape and size, focusing on certain areas. At the same time, the whole structure will look light, and the space will not visually decrease. Another way of dividing is an asymmetrical finish specific to each wall.
