What and how to cut plywood with a jigsaw. Slotted carving (openwork) and stencils How to cut from plywood correctly

Artistic sawing jigsaw - one of the types of wood processing. For such creativity, it is necessary to have certain skills in working with the instrument, so for beginners this view may seem difficult. But despite this, wood carving with a jigsaw (templates, photos are attached) is an extremely exciting activity. In addition to conventional tools, you can use an electric jigsaw or special tables for bulk carving. This technique is usually used in workshops, and the result of working with it is really amazing, especially if there are high-quality sketches.

Thread types

There are several types of wood carving with a jigsaw, which templates and photos help to get to know better.

relief carving characterized by the fact that the pattern is on the same plane with the base.

Saw thread- the ornament is cut with a jigsaw or a reciprocating saw. The decorative effect is achieved using an openwork mesh. This type of carving is, as it were, a continuation of the flat-relief.

It is the saw thread that is most often done with a jigsaw. This type of woodcarving is most often used when decorating furniture, home facades. The most common pattern is the S-curl with twisted ends. Flora and fauna motifs are also often found.

slotted thread usually performed with a flat ornament. All its elements are in contact with each other, smoothly flowing one into another. In the technique of this carving, large cuttings of wood are made. An example can be seen in the figures below.

Stages of work

To create a thread with a jigsaw will be required the following materials and tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • a set of files;
  • awl and chisel;
  • drill;
  • pliers;
  • base (wood);
  • pattern (drawings are created with its help);
  • stencils;
  • brush, varnish (if necessary, cover the product with a finish coat).

The threading technology itself implies the following steps:

Step 1. The choice of the main material (thin wooden boards will be good at work).

Step 2. Choosing an ornament. Transferring it to the base with carbon paper and a simple pencil.

Step 3. Making starting holes with a drill.

Step 4. Carving process.

Step 5. Working out small details with an awl or knife.

Step 6 Finishing products.

There are several thread options. Above, flat-relief and sawn threads have already been described.

Performing a flat-relief thread with an indication of the direction of movement of the tool:

Particularly interesting are the large paintings made with a jigsaw using the saw carving technique.

Pargori technique

Another carving technique worthy special attention- pargori technique.

It is performed on a smooth background with the creation of a so-called overhead thread.

Of particular importance is the resulting chiaroscuro. It is she who gives the products carved using this technique a particularly mysterious and interesting look.

Woodcarving is used to decorate various accessories and household items. Patterns for cutting in this case are distinguished by a special grace. Very often, with the help of woodcarving, caskets are decorated with a jigsaw.

The jigsaw is one of the most common hand-held electric tools. They can process the most different materials: wood, plastic, ceramic, metal, etc. However, the main material that most jigsaw craftsmen work with is plywood.

Using a narrow file, this tool allows you to make not only a straight cut, but also to make intricate patterns. And in this article we will look at some tips from experts working with a jigsaw.

Features of working with a jigsaw

A jigsaw for sawing plywood in appearance is a very simple tool and almost every beginner can make an even cut with it. However, if we talk about beautiful curly patterns, then here it is necessary not only to have certain skills, but also to choose the right files.

Main nuances

When cutting plywood with an electric jigsaw with your own hands, you should know the following:

  1. The main condition for obtaining an even cut is right choice tool files. In order for the cut to be free of burrs on the front side, it is necessary to use a thin file, the teeth of which are directed downwards.
  2. The workpiece needs to be firmly fixed otherwise you won't get a straight cut.

  1. A few words about files. Available for electric jigsaws a large number of saws, which differ from each other, both in thickness and in design features.
    Depending on this, there are:
    • Saw or side divorce. The teeth are bent to the right and left in turn, like a hand saw. In this way, files with relatively large teeth. They are used for fast straight cutting. The cut is obtained with rough edges, therefore it should be processed sandpaper.
    • Fabric with undercut. In this case, the teeth do not have a divorce at all. Such files allow you to make very thin and clean cuts. Naturally, the speed of work decreases. If such a file has a small divorce, then the work will go a little faster. However, in this case, the main emphasis is not on speed, but on the quality of the cut.
    • Wave divorce. In order for very small and narrow files to be able to make wider cuts, the cutting edge of the blade is made wavy. For the most part, these files are used when working with metal, but are often used when working with plywood to get a narrow and clean cut in a fairly short time.

Sawing patterns with an electric jigsaw

You can use patterns from embroidery, knitting or paper-cutting magazines in your work.

In order to transfer the drawing to plywood, you need to do the following:

  1. We transfer the pattern to thick paper.
  2. Using a sharp clerical knife or scalpel, cut out the stencil.
  3. We apply the stencil to the surface of the material, circling it with a simple pencil.
  4. Now you can start cutting out the pattern.

Unlike the implementation of a direct cut, sawing out of plywood with an electric jigsaw has its own characteristics.

This manual will help you understand all the intricacies of the work:

  1. For cutting along a curve, use a saw blade with a narrow blade.
  2. For it is necessary to use a special nozzle - circle cutter. The circle cutter is fixed in the center of the circle, after which you can get to work.
  1. If you need to choose grooves in a wooden blank, then a rasp can be used instead of a saw. It is also used for cleaning uneven cuts.
  2. In order to carry out a perfectly accurate and even cut, you should use a parallel stop. It must be attached to the jigsaw with screws.
    A special guide ruler can be installed on the “ski”, thanks to which the cut is parallel to the straight edge. Before starting work, you must make sure that the ruler is firmly fixed and aligned with the canvas. Otherwise, the movement of the file will be incorrect, and it may break or “burn” the material being processed.
  1. If you need to make a straight long cut, you can use the auxiliary guide. In this case, the jigsaw will move along a firmly fixed bar.
  2. With this tool, you can make cuts at an angle of up to 45 degrees. The angle of inclination is set on a scale.
  1. Cutting a hole. Very often, when cutting out ornaments, the master needs to make a hole in plywood.
    There are two options for this:
    • The first option is the simplest. You need to drill a hole with a drill, after which you insert a file into it and continue to cut out the desired pattern.
    • The second option involves the use of plunge or plunge sawing technology. Drilling the starting hole should not be done. To do this, you need to put the tool on the leading edge of the "ski", without touching the workpiece with the blade.

Plunge sawing should always start at the waste end of the material.
The saw should enter the plywood not too close to the cutting line, so as not to spoil the material.

  1. In the event that you need to cut a board of great thickness and the length of the file is not enough for this, you must use a file with a pointed end. First, we saw through the workpiece with it on one side, then turn it and saw through it on the other.
  2. To cut out a curly part, you can fix the tool from the bottom of the desktop. In the case of a uniform and smooth feed of the workpiece, you can get a cut with clean, even edges.
In the photo - a tool attached to the bottom of the desktop.


In this article, you learned how to cut plywood with a jigsaw. Here, the basic principles of working with this tool were considered, which will help you in the implementation of various construction and design decisions.

In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

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What is plywood carving? This question, perhaps, arose among many novice masters. Plywood carving is an arts and crafts.There are several types of slotted plywood carving:

  • openwork;
  • cutting out an image on a painted plywood sheet;
  • sawing;
  • combination (for example, openwork method + sawing).

Where to begin

  • A plywood sheet is used as a blank, on the surface of which there should not be any defects. As a rule, first-class and second-class sheets of glued wood veneer are used for these purposes.
  • In order to carry out carving with a jigsaw on plywood, use a material whose thickness is in the range of 3-12 millimeters. The size of the glued veneer sheet depends on the image that should be applied to it.

It's important to know! Cut a sheet of glued veneer along the grain, not across. Therefore, the base must be cut in such a way that the lines of the picture are located along the outer layer.

  • Before painting the workpiece, it is necessary to clean the plywood with a file. This process should take place along the edge. Otherwise, sheets of glued veneer will begin to crumble.
  • With the help of sandpaper (fine-grained and coarse-grained are used), the surface of the sheet is polished, on which the picture will be cut. Begin to process with a fine-grained knife. The result is a smooth surface. After grinding, the base should be wiped with a damp cloth (thus eliminating working dust).
  • Used for painting dark tones: blue, grey, black. For this you can use conventional paints: gouache or watercolor. However, over time, such paints fade, so it is recommended to use nitro paint. Such a coloring composition fits well. This composition dries for about half an hour.

Important point! Nitro paint, acrylic dyes and gouache are only suitable for contouring. To apply a shadow picture, it is necessary to cover the base with an aqueous solution.

  • After the pattern is cut out, its edges should be carefully sanded with sandpaper.

In order to carry out high-quality carving on plywood, you need to think about the drawings in advance. The selected drawing can be printed on a printer or drawn with your own hands immediately on a plywood sheet. They also make carving with a jigsaw on plywood according to a template.

You can also use calque. Through it, a picture is transferred, which is applied to the workpiece. This method is considered the simplest.

Important! Every novice craftsman must remember that the process of creating plywood carvings with a jigsaw begins with drawings. Carving on plywood with a jigsaw, the drawings and templates of which will correspond to what was planned, will turn out to be the most attractive.

Necessary tools for work

First of all, it is worth noting that the tool for cutting material should be selected from steel. Steel cutters are considered more durable. Drills, pieces of wire, needle files or reamers will do.

It is also worth paying attention to sharpening. The tool must be well sharpened, otherwise the plywood will become unusable.

First, you should make a small hole into which the chips will fall in the process of cutting the material.

To carry out slotted carving on plywood with a jigsaw / laser carving on plywood, you will need flat, semicircular and triangular cutters.

Important! The tool must be set at a 45 degree angle.

So, for work you will need:

  • sandpaper (coarse-grained and fine-grained);
  • file, brace, jigsaw;
  • coloring composition, varnish;
  • incisors and swab.

How to make a blank

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the workpiece, it is necessary to prepare workplace. The table on which the workpiece will be made must be durable. If during the work the table accidentally moves or staggers, then all the work will go to the mark. Lighting must be good.


  1. Clamp the cutter with one hand, hold the blade with the other. In this case, the handle of the tool should rest against the palm of your hand. The little finger on the second hand controls the angle of the blade.
  2. In the process of cutting curved lines, the slope is not done. The pressure exerted on the tool must be controlled. This is necessary so that all lines are the same width.
  3. After the image has been applied, varnish should be applied in several layers. However, the second coat of bark needs to be applied only after the first coat has completely dried.

If the cut carving on plywood with a jigsaw corresponds to the drawings, then the master did everything right.

Openwork way

Work process:

  1. The drawing is applied using a pre-prepared template.
  2. Carry out sawing. Then mark the guide holes.
  3. Carry out cutting along the inner contour.
  4. Using sandpaper, the cut elements are polished.
  5. Fix the workpiece securely. Then mark the places where you need to make holes. To do this, use a rotator. If you need to make small holes, use an awl.
  6. After the work done, the picture is sawed off along the contour. Then the product is cleaned and polished.
  7. Sawing is carried out using an electric or conventional jigsaw.


It is worth noting that the work process is practically no different from the previous methods. However, many believe that this method is the simplest and most understandable. Sawing is carried out using a conventional jigsaw or electric.

It is worth noting that at the factories, cutting out elements is performed using a laser.

In order for the cutting to turn out attractive, you must be able to work with a jigsaw.


  1. The selected image is applied to the plywood sheet. A novice master first needs to choose something simpler, where it will not be necessary to cut out internal holes with smooth lines.
  2. The workpiece is securely fixed with clamps. If they are not, then you can do without them.
  3. The saw should be perpendicular to the plane of the base. You need to cut evenly. The hand should move in the direction of the contour being cut.
  4. Using sandpaper, the product is polished. You should also take care of the edges.
  5. The product is painted or varnished.

Why is plywood used to create carvings

Currently, such material is actively used not only in the manufacture decorative elements, it is also used in the manufacture of furniture, subfloor, wall decoration, ceiling and more.

This material is chosen for many reasons:

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • temperature fluctuations negative impact do not render on plywood;
  • low cost (unlike solid wood, the price of a plywood sheet is much lower);
  • ease of use;
  • light weight.

It is also worth noting that for the manufacture of crafts and furniture, where carving will be present, it is necessary to choose first-class or second-rate plywood. The remaining varieties (3.4) are not suitable for such creativity, since there are cracks, chips, knots on the surface.


If plywood was carved strictly following the instructions, while taking into account all the features of cutting and material, then the result will be a product that will deserve everyone's attention. With the help of such crafts, you can not only decorate the interior, but also present it as a gift.

However, in addition to the fact that as a result you can get beautiful product The process itself is very interesting and exciting.

What a pleasure to walk around own garden while enjoying the enchanting nature and stunning fresh air. Thinking through the design suburban area, each owner tries to make it special by adding color and creating positive mood. garden figurines from plywood are able to successfully complement plant compositions and surprisingly transform the site, making it pretty and cozy corner conducive to a pleasant stay. Anyone can make such funny plywood figurines. To create such an ornament, it is not at all necessary to have the skills of an artist, it is enough just to show imagination and make a minimum of effort.

Such figures are designed to accentuate certain places on the site, making them more elegant and attractive. Due to the natural naturalness, decorations made of wood and plywood most harmoniously fit into landscape design.

figurines cut out of plywood garden plots look extraordinary

From plywood, you can make many interesting functional decorations for a summer residence. It can be:

  • Funny figurines;
  • Containers for flowers;
  • Bird feeders;
  • Decorative fences.

There are a lot of options for plywood figurines, and each of them is distinguished by originality and expressiveness.

miniature toy houses, figurines of animals, whimsical fairy-tale sculptures and cartoon characters adorn many suburban areas today

Plywood is one of the lightest and most convenient materials for creating crafts. It is so easy to work with that the figures from it are obtained quite quickly, and most importantly, it is interesting.

Plywood is a sheet of wood veneer, fastened together in several layers with glue or a synthetic compound. The strength and thickness of the material directly depends on the number of these layers. The thickness range of plywood sheets ranges from 3 to 30 mm. The material can have a completely different texture, which can affect the color and structure of the finished craft. For example: thanks to the beautiful structure and warm shades, birch plywood looks very aesthetically plywood, while coniferous plywood is more suitable for painting.

For creating garden decorations plywood sheets are perfect, the material for the manufacture of which was: poplar, alder, aspen, pine, birch, spruce

The main advantages of plywood:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Strength and durability;
  • Waterproof;
  • Good flexibility;
  • Compatibility with other materials;
  • Ease of processing.

But since plywood is still a tree, which by its nature is subject to the influence of environment When choosing a material, a number of points should be considered:

  • moisture resistance. For outdoor decoration and decoration household territory, you can use plywood sheets labeled FKM and FSF. In their manufacture, melamine and phenolic resins are used, which have a moisture-repellent effect.
  • Sanded finish. On sale you can find sheets polished on one side (SH1), processed on both sides (SH2) and not polished at all (NSh). This moment is very important only in the case when you do not have time for additional processing.

For expressive and colorful garden decorations, oils and butters are ideal. acrylic paints. They fit great on wooden surface, creating rich color combinations. The paints are resistant to ultraviolet rays, retaining its attractiveness for several years.

When choosing materials for making decorations, it is important not only to correctly pay attention to the quality characteristics of plywood. The moment of choosing paints for decoration is also important, which will retain color saturation for several seasons.

We create figurines with our own hands

Most often, dachas are decorated with flat figures cut from moisture-resistant plywood sheets. For creating original decoration we will need:

  • Moisture resistant plywood 2 cm thick;
  • Stencil;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Fine-grained sandpaper;
  • Screwdriver and screws;
  • Acrylic paints, brushes and varnish.

If you plan to install the figure without leaning it on any support in the garden, you must also provide for the manufacture of pegs for its base. Their size depends on the dimensions of the figure itself. But, in any case, count on the fact that the pegs should go deep into the ground by at least 50 cm.

We invite you to remember the forgotten type of creativity - sawing with a jigsaw, making an unusual decoration for the garden with your own hands

You can decorate any corner of the garden with a plywood figurine by hanging it on a rope, fixing it to a support with nails and placing it on stands

A stencil for making a figure can be made independently. To do this, you need to draw the drawing you like on a piece of paper, drawing it up in the form of a drawing or silhouette, and then simply cut it out.

Master class # 1 - a curious snail

This cute plywood figurine is so easy to make that anyone can make it. Little helpers will gladly respond to the offer of adults to participate in an exciting process.

The charming snail will surely appeal not only to little fidgets, but to adult guests of the site, becoming an elegant decoration for the playground and a favorite character in exciting games

On a sheet of paper we make a sketch of the future figure, the image of which is subsequently transferred to the base of plywood

If you are confident in your abilities, you can do without a paper template by drawing a snail directly on a sheet of plywood. For safety reasons, you will have to do it yourself for cutting out a figure with a jigsaw. But drawing the contours and decorating the snail can be safely entrusted to impatient little helpers.

With the help of a felt-tip pen or a burner, we draw the contours of the snail so that even after coating with paint they remain bright and expressive

We paint the workpiece with acrylic paints, choosing spectacular contrasting combinations. To obtain saturated colors, acrylic paints are best applied in 2 layers

The snail is ready. Let the paints dry a little, and you can safely plant a cute character in any place you like in the garden.

It will also be useful material on how to make garden figures to give their own hands:

Workshop #2 - charming Scarecrow

Having allocated only a couple of hours of free time to make the Scarecrow, you can make a funny figurine with your own hands, which will bring a touch of soulfulness and warmth to the site.

He's so incredibly cute and charming fairy tale character Scarecrow from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", can also settle on your site

The figurine will be made in several stages. First, we take a sheet of plywood, on which, using a stencil, we draw the outline of the future character. The finished drawing can be transferred to plywood using ordinary tracing paper.

If we make a figure that will rely on pegs, we immediately attach them. To do this, we drill paired holes in the body of the figure, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the pegs.

Using a jigsaw, cut out the figure along the outlined contour. We carefully sand its edges with sandpaper, giving them smoothness.

We make out the figure: on the workpiece with a simple pencil we draw the elements of the character and paint them with acrylic paints

Having painted the frontal part of the workpiece, we decorate the end faces. When the paints are dry, cover the figure with varnish.

To decorate the figure, we used dried grass, which we used to decorate the scarecrow's hair, a button and a satin ribbon, from which we laid out the character's collar

Our cute fairy-tale character is ready. It remains only to stretch the wire through the holes in the hat and fix it on a tree branch or fence.

A little secret: if in the process of sawing with a jigsaw a plywood sheet begins to delaminate, it is necessary to impregnate it with a solution prepared from PVA glue and water, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Plywood is impregnated 2-3 times, applying each subsequent layer after the previous one has completely dried.

Since such crafts are quite easy, finished goods should be securely fixed, partially buried in the ground, covered with sand or glued to the base.

By the same principle, you can make themed plywood structures, for example: a miniature fairy forest with bizarre trees lost in a flower garden or a pretty clearing near a pond filled with funny figures of animals. Do-it-yourself plywood structures will decorate your site, making it attractive and unique.

What is the best way to cut plywood? What is its optimal thickness for furniture or flooring? Are there any subtleties in cutting out models or children's toys from it?

We will try to answer these and some other questions in the framework of the article.



How to cut plywood? The answer to this question depends on the complexity of the shape you want to cut out of it.

More precisely, from the radii of bends.

  • With a radius of about a centimeter (various scale models, toys, embossed letters for wall newspapers), the ideal tool is an ordinary manual jigsaw. With a canvas width of about a millimeter, it is possible to create arbitrarily complex and detailed figures.
    There are also electric versions of such a tool; however, a factory-made plywood saw is a rather expensive tool.

The tool in the photo is a HEGNER Multicut sawing machine. Its price for Russian market- about 70,000 rubles.

Nuance: round cuts are made much faster with a drill or a ballerina.
If necessary, a round hole can be easily turned into an oval cutter.

  • An electric jigsaw is useful when cutting out shapes with bending radii of three or more centimeters.. The smaller the web width, the smaller the possible radius.
    The main problem with an electric jigsaw is the chips raised on the top side of the sheet.
    Damage to the top layer of veneer will be the less smaller size saw teeth; that is why metal blades are often used for figured cutting.
    Another little trick is to apply the outline of the image not on the front, but on the back surface of the plywood sheet: in this case, if the wood chips rise, then on the side that will not be visible to the viewer.

  • When in straight lines, the most even and clean cut is obtained when using a circular saw. Note: a makeshift circular saw from a grinder is not only quite dangerous to use; with its help it is also extremely difficult to get a straight cut line.
    When cutting a plywood sheet while holding the tool in place, slight distortions are inevitable; in this case, a skew in the horizontal plane means that the saw blade begins to lead to the side, and with quite a lot of effort.
    If you use a full-fledged manual circular saw, the entire weight of the tool is on the surface of the sheet. Controlling his movement is immeasurably easier.


In all cases, processing of the edges of the received parts is required.

What is more convenient to do it?

  • When figured cutting out small parts, a set of figured needle files is needed. They will allow you to round the edges or, conversely, turn a round hole into an angular one. As a rule, the set includes flat, round and triangular files.
  • For rougher products, where jewelry work is not required, flat and round files are quite sufficient.
  • When processing plywood sheets before laying the floor or rough wall sheathing, all that is required is to clean the edges of the chips. The work is done with a flat rasp.

Useful: in order not to cause additional damage to the edge of the part, look at the direction of the veneer fibers when sanding.
The file should not move perpendicular to them.

  • Grinding the surface of small parts (of course, if it is required) is carried out with ordinary sandpaper. A simple trick will help to avoid the appearance of irregularities: you should not press the sandpaper to the part with your hand. Wrap a bar with even edges in it.

Material selection

Doing any work with your own hands begins with the purchase of material. Which plywood is worth buying in which case?


For cutting models and products decorative purpose Usually plywood is bought with a thickness of 3-4 millimeters.

For the manufacture of frame furniture, 6 millimeters is enough; but for frameless cabinets and cabinets, 15 mm sheets are purchased. You can connect them end-to-end, without corners, but with the obligatory drilling of holes in the end of the sheet. To make the connection more durable will help applied to the end silicone sealant.

10mm plywood is used as decking concrete screed. A layer of waterproofing between it and concrete is required.

The choice of sheet thickness for flooring along the logs depends on the step between them:

  • With a step of 40 centimeters, the strength of a 15 mm sheet is sufficient;
  • If the pitch increases to 60 cm, then the thickness should be at least 22 mm.

An important point: the bending strength of 2 sheets of 8 mm will not be inferior to a 16 mm sheet only if they are glued over the entire surface.
Sewing them with self-tapping screws is not enough.


If we cut out plywood or are going to make lacquered furniture from it, there are no options - only and exclusively 1st grade birch plywood is bought. It is distinguished by the complete absence of knots in the outer layers of veneer and a surface polished on one side.

The second grade can be used for the manufacture of shelves or cabinets in the least critical places. The surface will have to be sanded and painted.

Sheets of the third and fourth grades are recommended to be used only as a subfloor. However, in practice, a situation often arises when plywood best quality just can't be found. Well, on bezrybe and cancer - fish; however, puttying and grinding the surface will have to be given a lot of time. Of course, leaving the texture in sight in this case is not worth it: the surface is painted or pasted over with a decorative film.

For any work in the house, the use of FC plywood is optimal. PSF has better water resistance; however, quite toxic phenol-formaldehyde resins are used in its production.

Subtleties of work

How to cut plywood?

Row simple tips help you avoid the problems associated with doing this work.

  • A pair of clamps will greatly simplify the process of sawing the sheet with a circular saw or jigsaw. When the sheet is firmly pressed against the saw table, you have much more precise control over the relative position of the tool and plywood. In addition, reliable fixation will protect the table itself from accidental damage.
  • Stencils for cutting plywood can be found in many old magazines; It is easy to find them on the Internet.
  • When cutting out, an ordinary carbon paper will help to transfer the outline of the image to the sheet. It is enough to lay it between plywood and a magazine or book; then the outline is traced with a pencil or ballpoint pen with the end of the paste.

Why with the end? Because in this case you will not spoil the original image with anything other than a slight dent along the contour. Alternative option- first transfer the image to tracing paper, and then copy it onto a plywood sheet.

However: if you have a copier or digital camera and a printer at your disposal, the task will be greatly simplified.
Working skills in a graphic editor will help you correct the original image; in addition, any copier allows you to scale the picture.

  • The main problem when working with a manual jigsaw is to constantly control its perpendicularity with respect to the surface of the part. The thicker the plywood sheet, the more problems any deviation can create.
    You will also have the same problem when cutting a sheet with an impromptu circular saw from a grinder.

When using a jigsaw, pay attention to the angle of the platform: for most models it is adjustable. In the process of work, the screw fastening often becomes loose, and again you get an inclined cut.

  • When your goal is to cut figures out of plywood, when using a jigsaw, you should monitor the position of its blade. The incision must be made with outer side figure outline. But when sawing in a straight line, it is better to focus on the pointer on the platform.
    If he is absent or his position is in force design features jigsaw causes a shift in the cut line relative to the contour of the part - just draw a line with a pencil. Trying to cut in a straight line while controlling the position of the blade itself will only cause the cut line to become uneven.
  • To cut a hole with a jigsaw complex shape, drill through the plywood at any point inside its outline. The diameter of the drill must be greater than the width of the blade. From a single hole, a narrow blade will allow you to cut out a line of arbitrarily complex shapes.
  • For manual jigsaw the instruction is a little more complicated: pierce the future part with an awl, thread the canvas through the hole and fix it in the frame again.
  • When working with an electric jigsaw, turn the tool while cutting complex shapes. But if the same work is done with a manual jigsaw, turn the plywood.
  • If you have to cut a product of complex shape with cutouts from plywood, the cutouts are the first to be made. Turning and holding a whole sheet is much easier than a small part, and the risk of breaking an unfinished product in this case will decrease.
  • Regardless of which tool is used - manual or electric - you should not allow the cutting edge to overheat. Having heated up to the appearance of discoloration, any blade becomes much softer, and its teeth quickly lose sharpening. The thin blade of a manual jigsaw can even break.
    To avoid overheating, take short breaks or wipe cutting edge damp cloth.

An important point: before cooling with a rag and, moreover, changing the blade or disc, any cutting tool definitely de-energizes.
Believe me - this is just the case when safety precautions should not be neglected.
In addition, place the tool on any surface only after it has come to a complete stop: due to neglect of this simple rule the author of the article almost lost his fingers.
Having touched the surface with a rotating disk, the saw, as it turned out, is able to move very quickly and in an unpredictable direction.

  • The canvas of a manual jigsaw is stretched literally until it rings. Insufficient tension is guaranteed to lead to its breakage.


Plywood - versatile material combining ease of processing with high strength. Sawing out of it has now largely lost popularity, which can only be regretted.

As usual, in the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Success in creative work!

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