Calibration and organization and procedure. Determination of metrological characteristics. the procedure for submitting measuring instruments for calibration to the BoMS

Modern conditions market demand to constantly improve production technologies to ensure more High Quality product. Accordingly, the requirements for metrological support are becoming ever more stringent. It can often seem that metrological assurance is a fairly simple process, but it should not be overlooked that it is an indispensable element in areas such as industry, science or medicine, in which it is extremely important to achieve high accuracy in measurements.

They can - even without unforeseen events at the same time - be checked regularly by a weighty test. Compensation volumes: Geometric errors of coordinate measuring machines can be significantly reduced. The main component is a laser interferometer which automatically controls the reflector and is thus able to detect geometric deviations with maximum accuracy. Compared to traditional gauges, the system provides patented technology with unique torque accuracy to manufacturer specifications.

Modern metrological support has reached high level consumption, compared with the last century, when metrology was used only for scientific purposes, now it is impossible to imagine the production of quality goods and services without its use. In this regard, entrepreneurs have to independently introduce measurements into their production technology, after calibration. Accordingly, for qualitative metrological measurements, a special set of skills and knowledge is required.

Beads with a change in shape at the nanoscale serve as a reference optical interferometer. This fully compensates for the mechanical inaccuracies of rotating and tilting axes. Subsequently automated process The measurement system follows the path of the device throughout the workspace and continuously measures longitudinal changes with nanometer resolution. This allows you to determine if the measuring device specifications or whether service intervention is required.

Simple compensation values ​​for scale factor and squareness can be obtained directly from the measurement results. Patented automatic beam alignment technology, compared to the bead calibration rod, greatly reduces the measurement time; In addition, the device is much more tolerant of displacement than a ball gage pad and does not require a second person to assemble.

If earlier verification and metrological certification of measuring instruments was carried out only by the body of the state metrological service, now calibration has completely changed this. Unlike verification and metrological certification, calibration can be carried out by any metrological service, provided that it has all the necessary conditions for calibration work. In addition, the metrological service is obliged to fulfill certain requirements. The main requirement for metrological services is the need to ensure full compliance of working measuring instruments with state standards. In other words, the calibration is included in the national system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

On average, the accuracy of the device can be increased in this way by 30%, in exceptional cases by more than 50%, said Josef Mutsch, who is of particular importance in terms of the required accuracy. and more accurate than the results of the calibration ball stand.

Mass of the calibration rod with spheres

It also adds a high degree of independence to service providers that previously car manufacturers had to do with correction data. The main direction of our activity is carrying out comprehensive research and examination of materials and calibration of measuring instruments. All our laboratories are accredited by the Polish Accreditation Center.

Distinctive features of calibration:

1. All decisions about the suitability and possibilities of using SI are made by users themselves.

2. The frequency of calibration is set by the owners.

The purpose of calibration is to determine the actual value of the SI metrological characteristic, after which the owner is able to decide on the further application of all the data obtained.

Air flow measurement - where and why

Its headquarters is located in Elbląg on Stocnjanova Street. Its headquarters is also located in Elbląg at ul. Stanislav Sulima 1 in the area of ​​the Elbląg Technology Park. AT last days it really blows. Wind speed is the flow of air due to pressure differences. Measurements of the speed of air and other gases are made using anemometers. Air flow measurements are performed not only for meteorological purposes, but also in air conditioning and ventilation systems. Chimneys use electronic anemometers to carry out mandatory inspections of ventilation ducts and chimneys in buildings.

During the calibration, a specific MI is selected, and with the help of a reference or auxiliary MI, all valid readings are determined at a single point, points, or in a given range. After that, the value and is assigned to this SI. All actual values ​​taken can be set both in real operating conditions and without regard to such conditions.

All measuring instruments, including anemometers, are calibrated in accredited measurement laboratories to confirm their correctness. In addition to the standard laboratory, the laboratory must be able to produce the appropriate measuring medium, in this case airflow.

Construction of a wind tunnel

For this purpose, the so-called. Aerodynamic tunnels that provide the correct air flow. The construction of such a tunnel turned out to be a big deal, because for this. laminar flow rather than turbulent flow, an appropriate flow channel shape should be used.

From the point of view of metrology, calibration differs from verification in that during the calibration, the actual value of the metrological parameters is determined, after which they are assigned to the MI of the calibration object, while during the verification, the metrological parameters are determined to be within acceptable limits.

Premises, environment

The main element that generates the air flow in the anemometer calibration tunnel is controlled by an inverter fan that draws air into the tunnel. At the entrance there are so-called. Honeycomb is built in the form of a honeycomb grid. This is the so-called. airflow rectifier. Another element of the tunnel is confusion. This is a flow channel with decreasing cross section. High-speed air undergoes adiabatic transformation. The decreasing cross section increases the flow rate and pressure drop.

When the channel section is reduced, there is a section in the fixed cross section that forms a measurement space, called the measurement nozzle. A calibrated anemometer will be installed here. The next element of the tunnel is a diffuser. It is a flow channel with increasing cross section. In the diffuser, the air flow slows down, which corresponds to the change in the kinetic energy of the flow into pressure energy.

How is calibration organized and carried out in the Republic of Belarus

General provisions calibration

Calibration can be carried out for those measuring instruments that are allowed for use on the territory of the entire republic, respectively, with STB 8004 and STB 8001. Including for such measuring instruments:

Special appointments, decisive specific tasks in a specific area;

Flow measurements in a wind tunnel

As mentioned above, the wind tunnel is used to generate reference metrological media in the measuring nozzle, and two methods are used to measure the flow velocity. In addition to basic gauges such as a standard differential pressure gauge and a Prandtl tube, the measurement system is equipped with an inverter for precise fan speed control, a stagnant tube differential pressure gauge, a microclimate meter and a thermometer to measure the air temperature in the tunnel.

Which are used in limited ranges or those in which the functionality is used in full;

Requiring certain metrological characteristics in real conditions of use.

Calibration of measuring instruments is allowed to be carried out by persons who have undergone special training and are certified in the manner prescribed by the State Standard. The frequency or interval of calibration is set by the owner according to the recommendations of the calibration laboratory. All scientific and methodological guidelines for calibration work, as well as registration of a standard calibration procedure, is carried out by BelGIM.

How to calibrate anemometers

The calibrated calibration errors and calibration uncertainty are then calculated from the uncertainty budget. A calibration certificate is issued as proof of anemometer calibration. The main group, which, depending on the version, is equipped with various additional measurement options.

Using the accreditation process, we discover customers who use anemometers in their work, which, according to the relevant regulations, must be calibrated in accredited laboratories. Initially, we equipped our laboratory with special equipment for testing conductors for testing current differential protection, since this was no longer available in Poland. Consistently improving the equipment that we tried to supplement, which official laboratories do not do. We can model voltage and current signals in varying degrees deformations both in the case of stationary and random deformations.

The control of the use of measuring instruments that have already passed the calibration process is carried out by the metrological service of business entities. The work of calibration laboratories is supervised by accreditation bodies for calibration laboratories. The bodies of the State metrological supervision supervise the assignment of measuring instruments to those subject to calibration. In addition, standards and auxiliary measuring instruments that are used during calibration are subject to the State Metrological Supervision.

The procedure for acceptance and registration of measuring instruments for calibration

We have models similar to those of official laboratories. In ten years of activity, we have issued several thousand certificates, whose form and content have changed, and now we look almost optimal. A calibration certificate, also known as a calibration certificate or calibration certificate, is a separate document assigned to one specific item. measuring device, which displays numerical tables or graphs of instrument errors for specific measurement points. This document informs the user about the metrological properties of this replica.

Calibration procedure

Calibration of measuring instruments is carried out by accredited calibration laboratories. And the procedure for accreditation is established by the State Standard.

Measuring instruments must be provided for calibration along with operational documents, and documents with established metrological characteristics may also be additionally required. Such a document may be: a verification certificate, a certificate of metrological certification, a certificate of calibration, or requirements for the metrological characteristics of a measuring instrument, set out in writing by the owner.

Our certificate consists of spreadsheets made using popular program spreadsheets. For each function of the tested meter, a separate sheet is created that contains the data: control meter, samples used, climatic conditions during the test, the parameters of the test signal and, of course, the results of comparative tests with the standard. The information given in the numerical tables is complemented by graphs, which makes it clearer. On the graphs, we see not only that the errors fall within the tolerance range, but also in which storage they fit, and whether this characteristic is more or less linear.

Calibration of measuring instruments should be carried out in accordance with standard procedures calibration, which are registered in BelGIM. It is also allowed to carry out calibration according to the method approved by the head of the calibration laboratory. Each calibration method is developed in accordance with the requirements of STB 8004.

Do tests regularly, you can quickly assess whether any tool is stable or not, which allows you to easily evaluate its quality. In the case of a responsible measurement, the accuracy of the instrument can be improved using corrections taken from the certificate, especially if the meter has been tested more than once and shows time stability. If for the same meter we only have an inspection certificate, or even an authentication certificate, which does not contain the results of a comparison with the standard, but only that the errors fall within the limits set by the manufacturer, then we must accept the limit of these errors.

Calibration takes place in the following order:

An application is being considered to determine all the technical possibilities for such a calibration, taking into account the requirements of the customer's requirements;

Methodology is being developed and, if necessary, it is agreed with the customer;

Carrying out calibration and registration of its results.

According to the study, the vast majority of meters show errors that are significantly less than the manufacturer's declaration. This is because the product specification for marginal errors must account for product scatter and long-term component changes. In addition, manufacturers with an established brand cannot afford any possible competition claims that their product does not meet the BOM specifications and "chills in the cold" that determine the accuracy of their products with a huge margin.

It so often happens that our meter is several tens of times more accurate than the specification, and we can measure it more accurately, of course, if we know - and this is what we can learn from a calibration certificate! Also with a calibration certificate, we can find out that products of unknown and low-cost brands usually do not meet the specifications indicated in the specifications, but nevertheless, subject to amendments, it can be quite measured.

Calibration results are recorded in the protocol, which is established in the methodology for its implementation. All results must be included in the calibration certificate. In the event that the results do not meet the stated requirements of the customer (they are negative), an extract from the protocol or the protocol itself is provided, which indicates the reasons for the discrepancy.

There is another very important advantage of the form of certificates created in our laboratory. Well, usually when researching a meter, we first record the results in a dirty notebook and then make the final certificate on the computer. Prescription errors often occur, many of which would escape the attention of the operator if the data were included only in numerical form in the tables. However, on a graph that is created on a regular basis using a spreadsheet, the error will be immediately visible.

Also, random errors that occur during the study will be shown on the graphs, since usually well-built meters are monotonous, not zigzag. It is also important that a certificate with detailed results impose discipline on the examiner, because if he did it wrong, this fact could always be demonstrated, and then the laboratory would immediately lose credibility. If he has documents without any results, it can be a temptation for people who irresponsibly "make things easier".

Registration of the certificate of calibration, its content and the content of all subsequent pages

The following pages of the certificate must contain:

The method for which the calibration was carried out;

List of measuring instruments and auxiliary measuring instruments that were used in the calibration, while indicating the type, metrological characteristics, serial number and date when the last metrological certification, verification was carried out;

Information about the limited or extended scope of calibration;

The points of the range in which the measurements were taken, the number of measurements taken, and, if necessary, the detailed description the stage of preparation for calibration;

The conditions under which the calibration was carried out: humidity, temperature, supply voltage, atmospheric pressure, etc.;

Algorithm for processing calibration results;

The results of calibration, measurements, which are provided in tabular, graphical or analytical form.

Each subsequent page of the calibration certificate must be issued with the content of the certificate number, date of completion, numbered pages with the signature of the person who performed the calibration.



RD 34.11.412-96


Developed by the Joint Stock Company for Adjustment, Improvement of Technology and Operation of Power Plants and Grids "Uraltechenergo" Performers T. AMINJANOV, V.V. NIKOLAEV Approved by the Department of Science and Technology of RAO "UES of Russia" on March 28, 1996 Head A.P. BERSENEV


RD 34.11.412-96

Introduced for the first time

Coming into effect

from 01.01.97

Real Guidelines establish the basic requirements for the organization and procedure for the calibration of measuring instruments at enterprises and in organizations of energy and electrification (hereinafter referred to as "energy enterprises"). Guidelines developed in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", on the basis of PR 50.2.016-94, the fundamental branches of regulatory documents on metrology and apply to metrological services and independent calibration laboratories of power enterprises. These Guidelines do not apply to metrological services and independent calibration laboratories of power enterprises accredited in the Russian Calibration System (RSC).


The following terms are used in these Guidelines: 1.1. Calibration of measuring instruments (calibration work)- a set of operations performed to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for use of a measuring instrument that is not subject to state metrological control and supervision. 1.2. Calibration tools- standards, settings and other measuring instruments used in the calibration in accordance with established rules. 1.3 . Calibration certificate- a document certifying the fact and results of the calibration of the measuring instrument, which is issued by the organization performing the calibration. 1.4. Calibration stamps- technical devices intended for imprinting a brand on measuring instruments, additional devices or technical documentation in order to: certify that measuring instruments have metrological characteristics that meet the established technical requirements; exclusion, if necessary, of access to the adjusting (adjustment) devices of measuring instruments; sealing unusable measuring instruments; annulment of an existing brand (annulling stamps). 1.5. Quality Manual for the organization and performance of calibration work (hereinafter referred to as the "Quality Manual") - a document that establishes goals, methods and procedures that allow the metrological service or calibration laboratory to solve the tasks determined by the regulation on them. 1.6. The quality of the calibration of measuring instruments- a set of calibration characteristics that determine the compliance of methods, means and conditions with the requirements established in normative documents by calibration. 1.7. Calibration quality system- a set of organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, capabilities and means aimed at ensuring the quality of calibration of measuring instruments.


2.1. The main goal of organizing and conducting calibration of measuring instruments in the electric power industry is to ensure the unity and required accuracy of measurements in the production and distribution of electrical and thermal energy. 2.2. Calibration activities are carried out by metrological services of energy enterprises. The right to calibrate measuring instruments is granted to metrological services accredited in accordance with the procedure established in the electric power industry. 2.3. Accreditation of metrological services of power enterprises for the right to carry out calibration work is carried out by the head and (or) basic organizations of metrological services (BOMS) of the electric power industry in accordance with the industry regulatory document. 2.4. Control over the calibration activities of metrological services of power enterprises is carried out by organizations that have accredited this metrological service for the right to calibrate measuring instruments.


3.1. Requirements for the organization of calibration work

3.1.1. The metrological service for organizing and carrying out calibration work must have: means of calibration; calibration documentation; personnel; premises. 3.1.2. The following requirements apply to the means of calibration. The metrological service must have calibration tools that meet the requirements of normative documents on calibration and the corresponding areas of accreditation. The means of calibration must be kept in such a way as to ensure their safety and protection from damage. The need of metrological services (calibration laboratories) for calibration tools is determined according to MI 2314-94. 3.1.3. The requirements for calibration documentation are as follows. The metrological service must have updated documentation, including: regulation on the metrological service (calibration laboratory); certificate of accreditation for the right to carry out calibration work; job descriptions; schedules for verification of calibration means; charts for calibration of measuring instruments; regulatory and technical documents for calibration (verification, methods, instructions, guidelines, etc.); technical description and operating instructions for calibration tools and measuring instruments; passport for measuring instruments and calibration instruments; documents that determine the procedure for recording and storing information and calibration results (protocols, work logs, reports, etc.); documents on education and attestation of specialists performing calibration of measuring instruments (diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates); status reports industrial premises. The metrological service should have a quality assurance system appropriate to its activities in the field of calibration and the scope of work performed. The form of the "Quality Manual" is given in Appendix 3. 3.1.4. The requirements for the personnel of calibration laboratories are as follows. Metrological service specialists must have vocational training and experience in the calibration of measuring instruments in the declared scope of accreditation. For each specialist, functions, duties, rights and responsibilities, requirements for education, technical knowledge and work experience should be established, which should be reflected in the job description. A specialist who calibrates measuring instruments must be certified in accordance with the procedure established in the electric power industry. Training and certification of personnel must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of RD 34.11.112-96. 3.1.5. The following requirements are imposed on the premises of calibration laboratories. The premises must comply with production area, condition and the conditions provided in them to the requirements of the applicable normative and technical documents on calibration, sanitary standards and rules, requirements of labor safety and environmental protection. The need for metrological services (calibration laboratories) in production areas is determined according to MI 670-84. When placing calibration equipment, it is recommended to observe the following standards: passage width - at least 1.5 m; the width of the unoccupied space near individual calibration installations (sets of verification tools) or their stationary elements - at least 1 m; distance from cabinets and tables with measuring or calibration instruments up to heating systems- not less than 0.2 m; the distance between the working tables, if one calibrator works at the table, is at least 0.8 m, and if two - at least 1.5 m. The coefficient of natural light on the surface of the calibrator's table is allowed within 1.00 - 1.50. Illumination at the level of the workplace should not be less than 300 lux. Operations associated with the use of aggressive, toxic or explosive substances or with the preparation of measuring instruments for calibration (re-preservation, cleaning, etc.) and accompanied by air pollution or flammable emissions are recommended to be carried out in separate isolated rooms.

3.2. Types of calibration

3.2.1. Measuring instruments are subject to primary, periodic and extraordinary calibration. 3.2.2. Measuring instruments are subject to primary calibration upon release from repair and upon import by import. 3.2.3. All measuring instruments must undergo periodic calibration through certain calibration intervals, except for measuring instruments that are in long-term storage. 3.2.4. Measuring instruments that are in operation (in storage) may be subjected to extraordinary calibration in case of: damage to the calibration stamp or in case of loss of the calibration certificate; commissioning of measuring instruments after long-term storage(more than one calibration interval); unsatisfactory operation of measuring instruments.

3.3. Calibration procedure

3.3.1. Calibration of measuring instruments is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents governing the conduct of calibration (verification) work. The list of main regulatory and technical documents for the calibration of measuring instruments is given in Appendix 4. 3.3.2. Calibration of measuring instruments is carried out individual, certified for the right to carry out calibration work, in the manner established in the electric power industry. 3.3.3. Measuring instruments should be submitted for calibration within the time limits established by the calibration schedules. The recommended form of the graph is given in Appendix 2. 3.3.4. Measuring instruments submitted for calibration must be free of dirt, dust and external grease. 3.3.5. Positive calibration results of measuring instruments are valid during the calibration interval. 3.3.6. The calibration interval is set by the power company in agreement with the BOMS. Metrological services of power enterprises are required to keep records of calibration results and develop recommendations for adjusting calibration intervals. Calculation of calibration intervals should be carried out in accordance with MI 2187-92 and RD 34.11.403 (MU 34-70-023-82). 3.3.7. Measuring instruments recognized by the calibration results as unsuitable for use should be sent for repair. Note. The criterion for the suitability of measuring instruments for use is the compliance of the technical and metrological characteristics of measuring instruments with those specified in technical description and operating instructions. 3.3.8. When issuing measuring instruments from calibration, it is necessary to check the completeness, the presence of hallmarks, seals, a calibration certificate, an entry in the passport.

3.4. The procedure for submitting measuring instruments for calibration in BOMS

3.4.1. Measuring instruments that are not calibrated at power enterprises should be submitted for calibration to the BOMS or third-party organizations. 3.4.2. For measuring instruments undergoing calibration in the BOMS, the energy company draws up a calibration schedule and submits it for approval to the BOMS. Measuring instruments that are not included in the calibration schedules are submitted within the terms by mutual agreement of the parties. 3.4.3. Measuring instruments must be submitted for calibration to the BOMS and third-party organizations in the package. Preparation of measuring instruments for packaging should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the operational documentation for measuring instruments. 3.4.4. Upon receipt of measuring instruments from energy enterprises, it is necessary to carry out an external inspection, check the completeness, the presence of a calibration certificate, as well as inscriptions on the body (company name and purpose of the measuring instrument), and, if necessary, operating instructions. 3.4.5. Registration of measuring instruments accepted for calibration is carried out in a special journal by persons appointed by the heads of the BOMS. 3.4.6. Measuring instruments received from energy enterprises for calibration, after acceptance, must be stored in rooms that meet the standards and requirements for storage facilities. 3.4.7. When issuing measuring instruments from calibration, it is necessary to check the completeness, the presence of hallmarks, seals, a calibration certificate, an entry in the passport.


4.1. The results of the calibration of measuring instruments are certified by a calibration stamp, a calibration certificate, a protocol, an entry in the passport. The form of the calibration stamp is established by RD 34.11.411-95. The form of the certificate of calibration is given in Appendix 1. 4.2. If the measuring instrument is found unsuitable for use based on the calibration results, the calibration mark is extinguished, the calibration certificate is canceled, the corresponding entries are made in the passport and the measuring instrument is sent for repair. In case of unsuitability of measuring instruments for repair, a certificate for write-off is issued indicating the specific reasons for unsuitability. Note . It is allowed to set a different accuracy class or limit of the basic error for measuring instruments, if the metrological characteristics of the calibrated measuring instrument do not meet the established technical requirements. The scope of such measuring instruments is determined by the power company itself. 4.3. Protocols with calibration results are stored for at least the period of calibration frequency established for this measuring instrument.

Appendix 1


(name of joint-stock company)


(name of the metrological service of the power enterprise)



Valid until ______________________________

(day month Year)

__________________________________________ No. ______________________________ (name of the measuring instrument) Type _________________________________________________________________________ Limit of measurements ________________________________________________________________ Belongs to ______________________________________________________________ Year of manufacture _______________________________________________________________ Actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics _______________________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Based on the calibration results, it was recognized as fit and approved for use within the limits of the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics. Place Chief metrologist of the calibration mark or specialist who performed the calibration mark _________ _____________________ (signature) (initials, surname)

"____" _________________________ 199____

Appendix 2


Chief engineer of the power enterprise _____________________________________ "_____" ____________________ 199__



(name of power company)

Place of calibration __________________________________________________________

Type of measurement _____________________________________________________________

Name of measuring instrument

Measurement limits upper - lower

Serial number (or quantity)

Date of previous calibration

Calibration frequency

Installation location

Calibration timing


Chief metrologist of the power enterprise


Note. AT in case of calibration in third-party organizations or BOMS, on the title page of the schedule, provide an approval stamp.

Annex 3


(name of power company)


Head of the power company ______________________________ "____" ________________ 199__


Head of the metrological service ______________________________ "____" ________________ 199__ This document establishes methods and procedures that allow the metrological service to fulfill the tasks in the field of quality of calibration of measuring instruments and ensure confidence in the results of their work. The Quality Manual has been developed based on ISO/IEC-49 and ISO/IEC-25 documents.


Calibration of measuring instruments- a set of operations performed to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for use of a measuring instrument that is not subject to state metrological control and supervision. Quality calibration of measuring instruments - a set of calibration characteristics that determine the compliance of methods, means and conditions with the requirements established in the regulatory documents for calibration. Calibration quality system - a set of organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, capabilities and means aimed at ensuring the quality of calibration of measuring instruments. Calibration quality policy - the main directions, goals and objectives of the metrological service (hereinafter MS) in the field of calibration quality of measuring instruments.


2.1. Target. The main goal of the policy in the field of calibration quality is to ensure the requirements for the calibration of measuring instruments specified in the regulatory and methodological documentation. 2.2. Resources used. To achieve this goal, the following resources are used: verified working standards and calibration facilities equipped with modern measuring equipment; qualified personnel; premises that meet calibration methods, sanitary standards, labor safety and environmental protection requirements. 2.3. Responsibility for the development of the quality assurance system rests with the head (name of the MS subdivision). 2.4. Metrological supervision over the state and use of measuring instruments, certified measurement methods, measurement standards, compliance with metrological rules and norms is carried out by the head organization of the metrological service of energy and electrification JSC "ORGRES Firm" and the basic organization of the metrological service __________________________________________________ (name of AO-energo)


3.1. Requisites. Metrological service of the enterprise. Address: 000000, ________________________, st. _____________________, house _______ Head of the enterprise ____________________________, tel. ____________________ Head of MC ____________________________, tel. slave. ____________________ 3.2. Area of ​​activity. The metrological service calibrates measuring instruments for linear, thermal, electrical and other quantities in accordance with the scope of accreditation. The characteristics of the calibrated measuring instruments (type, accuracy class, measurement limits, etc.) are given in the MS passport.


4.1. The personnel composition of the MS is presented in the passport of the MS. 4.2. Organizational structure MS is given in the regulation on the metrological service. 4.3. Personnel responsibility for ensuring the quality of the calibration is set out in job descriptions. 4.4. MS employees undergo certification in the manner prescribed in RD 34.11.112-96. 4.5. The head of the MS organizes the study and use by the MS staff of foreign and domestic experience in ensuring the quality of calibration, establishes the terms and procedures for internal control of the effectiveness of the functioning of the calibration quality system.


5.1. Equipped with calibration equipment is indicated in the MS passport. The head of the MS takes measures to ensure that the calibration equipment complies with modern requirements, regulated in regulatory and methodological documents; establishes the procedure for the acquisition, acceptance and commissioning of equipment. 5.2. The operation of the equipment is carried out in accordance with the regulatory and methodological documentation for the methods and means of calibration and operational documentation for the equipment in compliance with safety regulations and other rules established by the enterprise. 5.3. Responsible for the condition of the calibration equipment are appointed by order of the head of the MS. 5.4. Responsible for the condition of the calibration equipment: draw up and monitor the implementation of schedules for routine inspection, maintenance and repair of calibration equipment; maintain equipment logs; store and issue instructions for the operation and maintenance of equipment to the personnel of the MS; draw up and control the implementation of schedules for verification of measuring instruments and standards included in the calibration equipment; submit for verification to the bodies of the State Metrological Service the measuring instruments and standards that are part of the calibration equipment; give instructions to MS personnel in cases where the equipment is operating in overload mode or is being misused.


6.1. Regulatory and methodological documents regulating the methods and means of calibration of measuring instruments are given in the MS passport. 6.2. Responsible for the storage, timely replenishment and updating of the documentation fund for methods and means of calibration of measuring instruments is appointed by order of the head of the MS.


7. one . The premises in which the calibration of measuring instruments is carried out must meet sanitary standards, labor safety and environmental protection requirements. 7.2. The environment and the condition of the premises ensure operation under normal conditions in accordance with the general requirements of GOST 8.395-80 and the specific requirements for calibration conditions regulated in the regulatory and methodological documentation for methods and means of calibrating measuring instruments.


8.1. Measuring instruments are accepted by the MS from the divisions of the enterprise for calibration within the time limits established by the calibration schedules. 8.2. Registration of measuring instruments accepted for calibration is carried out in a special journal by persons appointed by order of the head of the MS. 8.3. Submission of measuring instruments for verification to the bodies of the State Metrological Service is carried out in accordance with the requirements of PR 50.2.006-94.


9.1. Calibration methods and presentation of calibration results must comply with the instructions of regulatory and methodological documents for methods and means of calibration. 9.2. In accordance with changes in the operating conditions of measuring instruments and the use of measurement results in production, the methods for calibrating measuring instruments should be improved to ensure the readiness of measuring instruments to function in new conditions with specified characteristics. . 9.3. The head of the MS establishes the terms and procedures for systematic internal control of compliance with the rules for performing the calibration of measuring instruments.


10.1. Protocols with calibration results are stored for at least the period of calibration frequency established for this measuring instrument. 10.2. (This item is included in the Guide if there is an MS personal computer or an enterprise computer center). Lists of calibrated measuring instruments, calibration equipment, regulatory and methodological documentation for methods and means of calibration, calibration schedules and the results of their implementation, calibration protocols are entered and stored in the appropriate computer data banks.

Appendix 4



one . Fundamental regulatory and technical documents

one . Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements". 2. PR 50.2.002-94 GSI. The procedure for exercising state metrological supervision over the production, condition and use of measuring instruments, standards and compliance with metrological rules and norms. 3 . PR 50.2.005-94 GSI. The procedure for licensing activities for the manufacture, repair, sale and rental of measuring instruments. 4 . PR 50.2.006-94 GSI. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure. 5 . PR 50.2.016-94. Requirements for performing calibration work. 6. GOST 8.009-84 GSI. Normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments. 7. GOST 8.010-90 GSI. Measurement techniques. eight . GOST 8.050-73 GSI. Normal conditions for performing linear and angular measurements. nine . GOST 8.051-81 GSI. Measurement errors linear dimensions from 1 to 500 mm. ten . GOST 8.207-76 GSI. Direct measurements with multiple observations. Methods for processing the results of observations. Basic provisions. eleven . GOST 8.372-80 GSI. Unit standards physical quantities. The order of development, approval, registration, storage and application. 12 . GOST 8.395-80 GSI. Normal measurement conditions during verification. General requirements. thirteen . GOST 8.401-80 GSI. Accuracy classes of measuring instruments. General requirements. fourteen . GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities. fifteen . GOST 8.437-81 GSI. Information-measuring systems. Metrological support. Basic provisions. sixteen . MI 179-79. IIS. Organization and procedure for metrological examination technical documentation. 17 . MI 185-79. Guidelines for calculating the number of divisions of departmental metrological services. eighteen . MI 190-79. Methodology. Analysis of the state of metrological support of IMS and APCS in industries National economy . nineteen . MI 222-80. Methodology for calculating the metrological characteristics of measuring channels of information-measuring systems according to the metrological characteristics of components. 20 . MI 670-84. Methodical instructions. Determining the needs of verification departments in production resources. 21 . MI 2187-92 GSI. Verification and calibration intervals of measuring instruments. Method of determination. 22. MI 2222-92 GSI. Types of measurements, classification. 23. MI 2247-93 GSI. Metrology. Basic terms and definitions. 24. MI 2314-94. Measuring instrument groups codifier. 25 . OKO 15-94. All-Russian classifier of units of measurement. 26 . Regulations on the metrological service of RAO "UES of Russia": Appendix to the Order of RAO "UES of Russia" dated 08.04.94 No. 78. 27. RD 34.11.103-95. Recommendations for compiling a list of working measuring instruments used at power enterprises to monitor technological parameters, the measurement accuracy of which is not standardized. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. 28. RD 34.11.106-95. Regulations on the procedure for accreditation of metrological services of energy enterprises for the right to carry out calibration work. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. 29. RD 34.11.112-96. Methodical instructions. The procedure for certification of personnel of metrological services (calibration laboratories) of electric power enterprises for the right to perform calibration work. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. 30 . RD 34.11.113-95. Methodical instructions. Metrological control and supervision carried out by the head and basic organizations of metrological services at power enterprises of the electric power industry. Organization and procedure. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1998. 31 . Method for determining the generalized metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of IMS and APCS according to the metrological characteristics of aggregate measuring instruments: МТ 34-70-038-87. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987. 32 . Methodical instructions. Information-measuring systems. Analysis of the state of metrological support in the system of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR. Organization and procedure: MU 34-70-179-87. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987. 33. RD 34.11.204-88. Method of acceptance from commissioning to operation of measuring channels of information-measuring systems. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988. 34. RD 34.11.207-89. Methodology for calculating the metrological characteristics of telemetry channels. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1989. 35 . RD 34.11.321-88. Accuracy standards for measuring technological parameters of thermal power plants. - M.: Rotaprint VTI, 1988. 36 . Guidelines for determining the need for verification and repair subdivisions of the metrological services of the system of the USSR Ministry of Energy in means of verification, premises and personnel. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1980. 37. Guidelines for determining the optimal frequency of verification of measuring instruments in operation at power plants and in electrical networks: MU 34-70-023-82. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1982. 38. RD 34.11.410-95. Guidelines for establishing the nomenclature of measuring instruments operated at power enterprises of the electric power industry, subject to verification. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. 39 . RD 34.11.411-95. Regulations on calibration stamps used at power enterprises of the electric power industry. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. 40 . RD 34.11.502-95. Methodical instructions. Organization and procedure for carrying out metrological examination of documentation at the stage of development and design. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997.

2. Methods for verification (calibration) of pressure and vacuum measuring instruments

41. GOST 8.053-73 GSI. Pressure gauges, pressure and vacuum gauges, vacuum gauges, pressure gauges, thrust gauges and draft gauges with pneumatic output signals. verification method. 42. GOST 8.092-73 GSI. Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, pressure and vacuum gauges, draft gauges, pressure gauges and thrust gauges with unified electrical (current) output signals. Methods and means of verification. 43. GOST 8.146-75 GSI. Differential indicating and self-recording pressure gauges with GSP integrators. verification method. 44 . GOST 8.240-77 GSI. Pressure difference measuring transducers GSP with unified current output signals. Methods and means of verification. 45 . GOST 8.243-77 GSI. Pressure difference measuring transducers GSP with unified output parameters of mutual inductance. Methods and means of verification. 46 . RD 50-213-80. Rules for measuring the flow of gas and liquids with standard orifice devices. 47 . RD 50-411-83. Methodical instructions. Consumption of liquids and gases. The technique of performing measurements with the help of special narrowing devices. 48. MI 333-83. Measuring transducers "Sapphire-22". Methodical instructions for verification. 49 . MI 1348-86 GSI. Deformation indicating pressure gauges and measuring pressure transducers GSP. verification method. fifty . MI 1997-89 GSI. Measuring pressure transducers. verification method. 51 . MI 2102-90 GSI. Exemplary strain gauges and vacuum gauges with conditional scales. Graduation technique. 52 . MI 2145-91 GSI. Exemplary strain gauges and vacuum gauges with conditional scales. verification method. 53 . MI 2124-90 GSI. Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, pressure and vacuum gauges, pressure gauges, draft gauges, pressure gauges showing and self-recording. verification method. 54 . MI 2189-92 GSI. Pressure difference transducers. verification method. 55 . MI 2203-92 GSI. Methods for verification of pressure measuring instruments. 56 MI 2204-92 GSI. Consumption, mass and volume of natural gas. Measurement technique with narrowing devices. 57 . Instruction 7-63. Instructions for verification of draft gauges, micromanometers and differential pressure gauges.

3 . Methods for verification (calibration) of physical and chemical measuring instruments

58 . MI 614-84. Methodical instructions. Gas analyzer series TP5501-1. verification method. 59 . MI 1259-86 GSI. MN5130M oxygen gas analyzer. verification method. 60 . MI 1260-86 GSI. MN5106-2 oxygen gas analyzer. verification method. 61 . MI 1262-86 GSI. Hydrogen gas analyzer TP1116U4. verification method. 62 . MI 1922-88 GSI. Conductometer AK-310. verification method.

4 . Methods for verification (calibration) of temperature measuring instruments

63 . GOST 8.012-72. GSI. Methods and means of verification of pyrometric millivoltmeters. 64 . GOST 8.209-76 GSI. Magnetoelectric logometers. Methods and means of verification. 65 . GOST 8.279-78 GSI. Thermometers glass liquid working. Methods and means of verification. 66 . GOST 8.280-78 GSI. Potentiometers and balanced bridges are automatic. Methods and means of verification. 67 . GOST 8.305-78 GSI. Manometric thermometers. Methods and means of verification. 68 . GOST 8.338-78 GSI. Thermal converters of technical thermoelectric thermometers. Methods and means of verification. 69 . GOST 7164-78. Devices automatic follow-up balancing GSP. General specifications. 70 . GOST 9736-91. Electric direct conversion devices for measuring non-electric quantities. General technical requirements and test methods. 71 . GOST R 50342-92. Thermoelectric converters. General specifications. 72 . GOST R 50431-92. Thermocouples. Part 1. Nominal static conversion characteristics.

5 . Methods for verification (calibration) of electrical, time and frequency measuring instruments

73 . GOST 8.117-82 GSI. Diode compensating voltmeters. Methods and means of verification. 74 . GOST 8.118-85 GSI. Voltmeters electronic analog alternating current. verification method. 75 . GOST 8.119-85 GSI. Voltmeters electronic selective. Methods and means of verification. 76 . GOST 8.206-76 GSI. Measuring pulse generators. Methods and means of verification. 77 . GOST 8.216-88 GSI. Voltage transformers. verification method. 78 . GOST 8.217-87 GSI. Current transformers. verification method. 79 . GOST 8.259-77 GSI. Induction electric active and reactive energy meters. Methods and means of verification. 80 . GOST 8.278-78 GSI. Voltage dividers direct current measuring. Methods and means of verification. 81 . GOST 8.294-85 GSI. AC bridges are balanced. Verification methods. 82 . GOST 8.311-78 GSI. Universal electron-beam oscilloscopes. Methods and means of verification. 83 . GOST 8.314-77 GSI. Low-frequency measuring generators. Methods and means of verification. 84 . GOST 8.366-79 GSI. Ohmmeters are digital. Methods and means of verification. 85 . GOST 8.409-81 GSI. Ohmmeters. Methods and means of verification. 86 . GOST 8.499-81 GSI. Measuring DC bridges. Methods and means of verification. 87 . GOST 8.478-82 GSI. DC measuring potentiometers. Methods and means of verification. 88 . GOST 8.497-83 GSI. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters. verification method. 89 . MI 1202-86. Methodical instructions. GSI. Devices and converters measuring voltage, current, digital resistance. General requirements for the verification procedure. 90 . MI 1695-87 GSI. Measures of electrical resistance are multi-valued, used in DC circuits. verification method. 91 . MI 1835-88 GSI. Electronic counting frequency meters. verification method. 92 . MI 2009-89 GSI. Power factor meters (phase meters). verification method. 93 . Instruction 184-62. For verification of ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and varmeters. 94 . Instruction 188-60. According to faradmeters.

6. Methods for verification (calibration) of IMS

95 . GOST 8.438-81 GSI. Information-measuring systems. Verification. General provisions. 96 . MI 2002-89 GSI. Information-measuring systems. Organization and procedure for metrological certification. 97 . RD 34.11.202 -87. Methodical instructions. Information-measuring systems. Metrological certification. Organization and procedure. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988. 98 . RD 34.11.205-88. Methodology. Measuring channels of information-measuring systems. Organization and procedure for verification. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988. 99 . RD 34.11.206 -95. Methodical instructions. Information-measuring systems. Methodology for processing experimental data of metrological certification. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1995. 100 . RD 34.11.408-91. Sample program metrological certification of telemetry channels of the operational information complex automated system dispatch control. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1993. 101 . RD 34.11.409-92. Typical algorithms for automated processing of experimental data of metrological certification and verification of IMS measuring channels. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1993. Notese. The specified list of regulatory and technical documents is subject to adjustment depending on the scope of accreditation of metrological services of energy enterprises for the right to calibrate measuring instruments.
  • RD 07-35-93 Guidelines for the organization and implementation of control over the mining and technical reclamation of lands disturbed by mining
  • 1. Terminology. 1 2. General provisions. 2 3. Organization and procedure for calibration. 2 3.1. Requirements for the organization of calibration work. 2 3.2. Types of calibration. 4 3.3. Calibration procedure. 4 3.4. The procedure for submitting measuring instruments for calibration in the BoMS. 4 4. Registration of calibration results. 5 Annex 1. Certificate of calibration of the measuring instrument. 5 Appendix 2. Graph of calibration of measuring instruments. 6 Annex 3. Guidelines for the quality of a metrological service accredited for the right to calibrate measuring instruments. 6 1. Terminology. 7 2. Calibration quality policy. 7 3. Description of the metrological service. 7 4. Personnel. 8 5. Equipment. 8 6. Documentation for calibration. 8 7. Premises, Environment. 8 8. Procedure for acceptance and registration of measuring instruments for calibration. 9 9. Calibration procedure. 9 10. Archives.. 9 Appendix 4. List of the main regulatory and technical documents on the organization and calibration of measuring instruments. 9 1. Fundamental regulatory and technical documents. 9 2. Methods for verification (calibration) of pressure and vacuum measuring instruments. 11 3. Methods of verification (calibration) of physical and chemical measuring instruments. 12 4. Methods for verification (calibration) of temperature measuring instruments. 12 5. Methods for verification (calibration) of electrical, time and frequency measuring instruments .. 12 6. Methods for verification (calibration) of IMS .. 13