Family horoscope of a virgin woman for a year. Horoscope for tomorrow for a Virgo woman

The very beginning of the year will be successful for active and energetic Virgos. They will make useful contacts, get lucrative job offers and earn good money. But some caution should be observed and not overworked, otherwise health problems are possible in the spring. Excessive employment at work can lead to conflicts in the family, even to serious quarrels. But, if you manage to avoid a break before the end of spring, everything will work out.

From the middle of the year, business affairs will again come to the fore, as it will be necessary to establish yourself in a new position. Effort and skill will be appreciated. A calm and prosperous end of the year will be the reward for all the efforts made.

Virgo Man: Horoscope for 2017

The Virgo man will have a lot of official duties, sometimes it will seem that the whole company is based on him alone. But this is not the case, and you should not try to take on too much. This can undermine health and ruin relationships with your beloved, and good advice and help from colleagues will only bring good results.

But hard work will help you forget about financial problems, because work will be adequately rewarded.

It is advisable to control emotions and set life priorities correctly so that you do not lose the idea of ​​​​the main thing behind everyday chores. In this case, all problems will be gradually resolved.

Virgo Woman: Horoscope for 2017

In all matters of this year, intuition will become an assistant, you should listen to it. This will be especially useful for free girls who are waiting to meet their only man. Such a meeting is most likely to happen in the summer, but even before that, there will be a lot of all sorts of romantic adventures. Therefore, intuition is required to distinguish the original from the fake.

At the same time, you should also be more careful in the field of intimate health, otherwise there is a risk of getting into trouble.

Married Virgos will have to decide what to pay more attention to (home or work), otherwise they risk being torn in half. Home care cannot be neglected. It is better to plan ahead for vacation activities and spend it with the whole family.

Born in the Year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Virgo-Rats should be tame white mice at home, and in the service - wild toothy rats. This will bring benefits on all fronts. Home will seek to surround with care and will even allow a little capriciousness. Colleagues will understand that they are dealing with a serious person with whom it is better not to quarrel.

Born in the Year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Although it sounds strange, but in the new year, the undertakings of the Dev-Oxen will meet with understanding and support from civil servants. You can contact any support program - there will be a benefit.

The best area of ​​activity for such Virgos will be a personal business. The companions with whom they will meet will be honest and sensible, so that the business will go well and bring profit, but such that there will be a chance to improve living conditions.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

In the new year, you need to rely not on claws, but on diplomacy and courtesy. Those Virgos who can prove themselves a master of intrigue and compromise will definitely receive a promotion.

There will be peace and quiet in the personal sphere. The exception will be Virgos with teenage children, but nothing can be done about it.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Virgos are, in principle, pedantic, and for Maiden Cats in the new year, this quality can reach the point of absurdity. You can and should be proud that you always come to a business meeting on time, but you don’t need to be angry at a partner who is 10 seconds late. The same applies to personal life - a square centimeter of unwashed dust or a shirt hung on the contrary should not become a reason for a quarrel.

If everything is done in moderation, the reward will surely follow. Monetary - including.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

The year promises to be very successful in everything, and especially in business projects. It doesn't matter what sphere it will be - everything will go like clockwork.

At the same time, active work will help to unite the family, since close and distant relatives will unexpectedly turn out to be profitable companions. They will discover many hitherto unknown talents, and they will learn a lot of interesting things about Dev. As a result, native people will be able to become truly native, imbued with respect for each other.

Born in the Year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

Envious people and competitors will moderate their ardor in the new year, so that business affairs will go smoothly and successfully. Virgos will find many new partners and conclude very promising deals and contracts. All their projects will be worthy of attention.

The house will become a real fortress, and the family will become a reliable defense of the rear. In the new year, Virgos will be pleased to return home, and this is worth a lot.

Born in the Year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

There will be a lot of work, but it will bring recognition, career growth and good money. Especially promising will be creative pursuits that can even lead to real fame.

Faithful friends will be a reliable help, who will not be too lazy to provide worthy advertising to all the achievements of the Virgin-Horses.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

A very successful year for a career - all competitors are just busy with something else. So you can safely apply for a managerial or especially monetary position - everything should work out.

The sphere of personal life also promises a lot. There will be stunning romances and true love. One should not completely lose one's head in order to be able to distinguish the first from the second.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Education, qualifications and skills will be of particular importance. In order to advance in the service, it is better for Virgo-Monkeys to show their special skills and dexterity in doing business in all their glory.

Friends will definitely help, and connections with the “right” people will not hurt either, but this will not be the main thing. Dev-Monkeys will finally appreciate exactly what they deserve.

Born in the Year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

A representative appearance will play a significant role in the new year. It is better for Virgo-Roosters to carefully monitor their hairstyle and outfit both when they go to a business meeting and before a romantic date. It so happened that they will really be “greeted by their clothes”, and only then will their personal qualities be appreciated. But it is not too difficult to do so, and recognition will come.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Dev-Dogs will be distinguished by a huge ability to work, and it will bring them money, the desired position, and respect in the team. Their opinion will be listened to.

Personal life also promises pleasant surprises. This is especially true for free Virgins, who have every chance of going down the aisle in the new year.

Born in the Year of the Boar (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

In the business field, Virgo Pig will be at the pinnacle of success. Even those who occupy a higher position will listen to their opinion, so promotion is guaranteed.

For this we must thank our own high qualifications, as well as relatives and friends, whose support helped to achieve success. Do not forget about loved ones, carried away by a career.

Virgo Birth Dates: 24.08 - 23.09

Ruling planet of Virgo: Mercury.

Virgo Element: Earth.

Virgo Symbols: maiden, cub.

Happy Virgo Day: Wednesday.

Metal Maiden: tin, copper, iron, mercury.

Virgo Gem: carnelian.

Virgo Numerology: number 7.

Virgo Plant: Apple tree.

Virgo's most inspiring color: gray and blue.

Virgo opposite sign: Fish

2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster and will force Virgos to choose between achieving their goals or having a comfortable time. In the first half of the year, representatives of the sign will not fully feel this confrontation, there will be no special contradictions between “I want” and “need”. Virgos will be able to show self-discipline, which will allow them to move at a leisurely pace towards their goal.

However, already in the second half of the year, there is a risk that representatives of the sign may rebel. will experience difficulties with discipline and self-organization, and this can go to extremes, expressed in bouts of self-will. Punctuality in the list of priority character traits will be in last place, work and household duties will become unbearable. So that mental throwing does not become an obstacle to achieving your goals, Virgos should not overload themselves too much, taking on a bunch of responsibilities. It will be necessary to find time for rest, during which the representatives of the sign will be able to let off steam and start solving problems again.

To restrain irritability and excessive excitability, to avoid many troubles, Virgos will be helped by deep reflections alone with themselves. It is possible they will come to yoga and meditation. The main aspect in the behavior of the representatives of the sign in 2017 will be the competent distribution of time and effort. Some will have to learn how to plan their day and keep their strength in the modern pace of life.

The stars advise Virgo in 2017 to pay special attention to intuition, because during this period it will be at its best with the representatives of the sign. Listening to yourself is not only possible, it will need to be done. The clues of the subconscious will turn out to be efficient and useful, even if at first glance they seem unacceptable.

The cases started in 2017 promise to give good results. If the representatives of the sign plan to change their occupation, image, improve their body or go on a diet, then the year of the Fire Rooster will be the best time to realize their plans. It will be easy and even pleasant to give up the old and start something new for yourself.

Work for Virgo in 2017

In the professional field, Virgos will be helped by their intuition, so do not underestimate your inner instinct. It is the appeal to the intuitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bits subconsciousness that will help Virgos in their work. Representatives of the sign should listen to themselves, to their body, which will tell you exactly how to distribute working time, when you can relax and unwind, and when to mobilize and work effectively. Such a schedule, built taking into account the needs of your own body, will contribute to an increase in efficiency and labor efficiency.

The Year of Fiery will be the period when they will be able to effectively implement their innovative ideas in the professional field. All the innovations proposed by them will be approved by the management, recognized and understood by colleagues. It will be possible to discover something new and promising even in old, well-studied and familiar areas. Virgos must analyze their career experience, draw the right conclusions in order to strengthen their authority in the team, and move up the career ladder. For many representatives of the sign, 2017 will be a period of significant positive changes, important and key in their careers.

Virgos have to make more than one important decision, the choice will have a serious impact on the process of their implementation in the professional field. You may have to take risks and do it big. But do not worry and be nervous about this, the stars promise support to the representatives of the sign, luck will be on their side.

The efficiency and perseverance of the representatives of the sign at the beginning of the year are able to advance Virgo up the career ladder, in the second half of the year the representatives of the sign will have to overcome their reluctance to obey the established order. In order not to doom yourself to failure and achieve your goals, you will have to act according to the rules.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Virgo

2017 will not please the representatives of this zodiac constellation with large financial receipts. However, there is no need to talk about serious expenses or major financial failures either. The year will be good for those Virgos who have been planning to open their own business for a long time. Those representatives of the sign who have been considering such an opportunity for more than a year can receive a certain sign at the beginning of the year. At this time, something may happen that will help them take the first step towards realizing their goal. For those who already have their own business, the period is characterized positively, in 2017 they can count not only on making a profit, but also on the absence of any risks for their business.

The second half of the year will be the most successful in the field of finance, if at the beginning of the year you can’t count on making big profits, at this time it’s worth building the foundation for your future prosperity and well-being. Virgos will need to carefully consider their strategy, draw up a competent business plan. If this is necessary, then it would be appropriate to borrow money or take out a loan.

Those representatives of the sign who have been thinking about changing their field of activity for a long time, the stars give the green light, most likely all undertakings will be successful, the right choice will allow you to receive a good income in the future.

Professionalism and zeal at work will allow Virgos to get a good reward in the first half of the year, as well as in mid-October. At this time, the authorities may become generous with bonuses or raise salaries. Gambling representatives of the sign will decide to try their luck and risk playing the lottery; in early February, fate can pamper the representatives of the sign with a pleasant gift.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Virgo

As a rule, the thirst for love adventures and romance intensifies with the advent of spring, but for representatives of the Virgo sign, this period will come at the very beginning of the year. Romance and love will overwhelm Dev from the beginning of January and will not let go until the end of February. At this time, single Virgos can meet their soul mate, get seriously carried away and make romantic acquaintances. Couples in love can formalize their relationship already officially, but family Virgos will have to go through a new round of relationships, experience new bright and strong emotions.

With the advent of spring, all this love fever will subside somewhat, you will have to clear the rubble at work, distract from amorous affairs and minor domestic problems. However, the summer months will again be filled with romance and heartfelt affairs, this will be especially pronounced in early July. This time, romantic hobbies will not interfere with professional activities, on the contrary, they will contribute to high activity at work.

The next wave of love and passion will cover the representatives of the sign in the fall, this will happen at the end of September. At this time, there is a high probability of love interests. Such high activity on the love front is explained by the fact that Virgo will know exactly what she wants. Such knowledge will allow her not only to sit and wait for magical feelings and emotions, the representatives of the sign will be confident in their abilities, they will have a desire to act. Virgo can boldly start implementing romantic intentions and plans, the most favorable period for their implementation is from January to July.

The sociability of the representatives of the sign will allow them to make a lot of acquaintances in the second half of the year, there will be plenty of applicants for a romantic relationship. The confidence and independence of Virgos will make them irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex, but you should not be conceited so as not to lose all the charm.

In pursuit of good luck and success in 2017, the stars recommend Virgos to accurately calculate their strengths, not to take on too many obligations, but also to be shy in the face of difficulties that will somehow arise in different areas of life.

In principle, study is the same work, and is practically in the same area of ​​​​interest, so we do not share these concepts in our horoscopes on the website

So for those who are still learning enough for themselves, instead of the word work, insert the word study into our horoscopes.

Virgo horoscope for 2017 work, career, business and study.

In the professional field, Virgos need to brush their teeth next year!!! After all, how to properly brush your teeth - brush until you get bored, and then another minute and a half! This is approximately how Virgos need to work in 2017 - until they get bored, and then another 1.5 hours!

As the 2017 career horoscope for Virgo shows, there will be frequent changes in your professional field next year. Moreover, the changes are not only external, but also internal. Quite often you will lose not only inspiration, but also any desire to work. And since Virgos, in principle, rarely work with inspiration and with great desire, this is where our advice will come in handy for you - work until you get bored, and then another 1.5 hours! Only conscientious performance by the Virgos of their official duties in 2017 will lead to an improvement in the overall situation in the professional sphere.

As the horoscope for the next year shows, Virgos can be influenced by false promises, or negative acquaintances. The danger of “falling into trouble” with Virgo next year lurks in almost every dark corner. Therefore, avoid dark personalities, incomprehensible offers, and sometimes friends who will push you into some kind of scam. Listen to your intuition, it looks like she will be the only one next year who will not try to deceive or use you. So do not be afraid next year to add to the "black list" (at least temporarily) even the people closest to you. As in the situation when the girl Masha asks: “Mom, why did you put me on the black list ?! - spam came from you - what more spam, ma-am !! - well, even like .. "throw it on the balance sheet", "I need a new jacket-a", "will you give money for the cinema tomorrow?"

After all, only if you are careful and vigilant next year, you can improve your financial situation.

This is especially true for Virgo businessmen and leaders. Use your natural analytical skills when it comes to investing or saving. Next year, it is the correct analysis of accounting and finance that can help Virgos achieve financial success. Even if your company sells shovels, and all your accounting is a notebook on the market.

In business correspondence (and even more so in business correspondence on the Internet), try to keep a business tone. And sometimes Dev brings. And after using the words "in this way" you begin to feel like Shakespeare, and you may well end the business letter "something is rotten in the Danish kingdom."

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will pass easily and productively!”

Almost all of January 2017, the Virgos will enjoy the company of the cheerful Fire Monkey, but on January 28, the wings of the Red Fire Rooster will flash through the window, the Chinese New Year will come, and then the most interesting will begin.

The rooster will begin its reign with surprises - the original owner of the year has already packed gifts in beautiful boxes, and is waiting for the Virgin to open them.

In February, Virgos are waiting for surprises in the professional sphere - the boss will change his anger to mercy and become extremely kind, so it is advisable for Virgos to seize the moment and boldly demand a salary increase.

Business trips and various deals will be almost daily, nothing depends on the Devs, just have time to agree and sign lucrative contracts.

The naughty Monkey, running away, whispered to the owner of 2017 that the Virgins are dreaming of something. So in his personal life, the Rooster will also not let you get bored - a lot of good news awaits the family wards of Mercury, some will learn about the imminent replenishment in the family.

Free Virgos should not relax either - your charisma and extreme attractiveness will drive more than one fan crazy.

Spring will be positive - Virgos will win a lucky ticket. Fortune will be favorable to the representatives of the earth element, and the Rooster, despite the fact that he bears the title of Fiery, will monitor your progress and help in every possible way.

In April and May, Virgos can safely apply for participation in various competitions - you will definitely win. It doesn't hurt to buy a couple of lottery tickets too.

It is advisable to dedicate summer to rest, of course, the stars do not urge Virgos to forget about work and their favorite dacha, but hunchback in the garden or in the service around the clock is useless.

All the famous resorts in the world are already placing bets on you - where will you go and whom will you make happy with your visit?

And you yourself enjoy the company of charming mulattos, of course, not forgetting about your soul mate - make eyes to the staff until the chosen one sees.

In the fall of 2017, it will be time for serious action - the owner of the year gave the Virgos time to relax, so go ahead and go to work with a song!

Business partners are waiting, they can’t wait for your brilliant ideas - after all, without Dev, all things have stopped, and nothing interesting happens in the business world.

Surprise your companions, but do not open all the cards at once - save the trump ace for the right moment.

In October, an old acquaintance may appear in the life of the Devs, who will throw you a couple of interesting and very tempting offers.

If you trust this person, then it’s better not to hesitate, even if your plans did not include risky events, but it is better to refrain from investing large funds, even if your capital is with you - and when the right moment comes, the Rooster will surely crow to you.

November 2017 is suitable for improving the quality of personal relationships - if you still doubt whether to put a stamp in your passport or not, it's time to decide.

The chosen one is already tired, and can simply simply evaporate from your life, so if you value your loved one, make an offer, and call the Rooster toastmaster for your wedding.

If Mendelssohn's waltz has sounded in your life for a long time, think about the second honeymoon. Start today - buy gifts for your half, arrange an evening of romance and passion.

In December 2017, Virgos may not expect any special changes, but the Fire Rooster will still throw a few surprises at parting.

Pleasant meetings await you with old friends, and relations with colleagues will noticeably improve - to the point that you want to invite all your colleagues to your place for the new year.

Take a chance, you won't regret it: you will have a great time seeing off the wonderful owner of 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster.

Advice for the year for the zodiac sign Virgo

“During the year, representatives of the Virgo sign will work hard, which will lead to stress on the body, a health horoscope will help prevent serious illnesses”

Horoscope for Virgo for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

What has the year of the Red Fire Rooster prepared for the most hardworking zodiac sign? Virgos this year will be able to improve their standard of living by switching to increased comfort. After all, it is on them that all the blessings of life will fall, as if from a cornucopia. The year will surely bring you the discovery of new horizons: many Virgos will be able to understand themselves and their desires, determine priorities for development for the coming years.

Even for your own success, you can often turn to your half. Partners will play an important role in your life this year: they will help you look at things abstractly, not only noticing small details, but also seeing the big picture of the situation.

Monthly horoscope for Virgo for 2017

In early January, many Virgos who are not prone to adventurism will be drawn to adventure. If you receive offers for quick earnings - please reject them. This month, there is an opportunity to lose a small amount of money due to risky and ill-considered actions.

In February, you will mainly focus on the field of work. This month will not bring bright events, but there will be many interesting ideas that can be instantly tested in your field of work. March will give you the opportunity to analyze all your fears and failures over the past period in order to understand your mistakes and continue to act and achieve success. April and May will be favorable for those who need to study a lot and remember a huge amount of information - given your innate qualities and the influence of time, this will be the easiest month to do this.

June will be completely devoted to work, and July can bring conflicts with friends. You may understand at some point that your values ​​differ greatly from those close to you, so some distance is inevitable. But it will help you even more appreciate those who have kept in touch and friendship with you.

In September, you will feel that your own understanding of yourself, your attitude towards yourself has changed. You will begin to value your time, your actions more, and therefore the attitude of others will change for the better. October will be one of the most active months of the year - you will be full of strength and determination, so for this month you can plan everything that requires active and decisive action.

In November, it is better to plan a trip or a short vacation - this will help you relax after difficult months of work and give you new impressions. In December, most of all you should give your strength to your family - this is the best time to establish a connection with them.

Virgo Man: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Virgo men are very attentive. This is a quality that was born with them, because Virgo is ruled by Mercury - a planet that likes to systematize everything. It is not always easy to live with a Virgo man, because he can drive you crazy with his love of order. According to him, everything should be in its place, and sometimes even a trifle can unbalance him and ruin his mood.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, Virgo men will be able to boast of success. This is one of the signs that are always ready to stay at work at night and who faithfully serve their company. You won’t have to prove your loyalty twice: your successes will be noticed and this will definitely affect the material sphere, for the better.

Virgo Woman: Astrological Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Women born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by constancy and the ability to see even the slightest flaws. There are jokes that it is difficult for such women to arrange a personal life, although this is not entirely true. It’s just that Virgos are so arranged that they love order in everything, and it’s difficult for them to endure a partner next to them who causes chaos. Virgos strive to turn any chaos into a system, hence the contradictions with some men who are not close to such a position.

The horoscope for 2017 promises you new successes in work, finances and self-knowledge. You will begin to appreciate yourself more, seeing what enormous amounts of information you can process in a short time. And the praise of the authorities and the approval of colleagues will also be another step towards recognition of their merits.

Love horoscope for Virgo for 2017

The love life of Virgos in 2017 can be complicated by conflicts with the second half. Each of the couple wants to pull the blanket over themselves to some extent, and is not ready to compromise with the partner. Only your innate delicacy and the ability not to be nervous in difficult situations will save you.

If you are married, then pay special attention to May: it promises to be romantic, but quarrels with your loved one can spoil the best mood. Try to avoid excessive jealousy, attempts to control a man, even if such quarrels end in violent reconciliation and deep down you really like it.

One of the most romantic months of the year is October. At this time, you seem to become brighter and more attractive dozens of times! This time is well suited to sort out your wardrobe, restore friendships, and actively engage in your beauty and appearance. A good period for new acquaintances, the implementation of creative ideas - everything will work out for you.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

For finance, money decisions and good earnings, the year is very successful. It is those who were born under the sign of Virgo who will be able to increase their wealth in the coming year, because luck itself will float into your hands, and the most important thing for you is to take advantage of the opportunities.

The horoscope for 2017 promises you that you can earn money only by your own work, through your own efforts and efforts. Therefore, you do not need to buy a lottery ticket with hope, because earnings will depend on how hard you are willing to try and succeed.

Professional life will develop calmly. The busiest months are January and June. In July, there is a high probability of conflicts with bosses, because of this you may lose your mood to work for a long time and your reputation may be shaken. Do not allow difficulties in work matters at this time. And it would be even better if you go on vacation this month - then you will definitely be able to avoid problems.

Forecast for Virgo according to the Chinese horoscope

Virgo Tiger: The year will be much calmer than the previous one. Be prepared for the fact that you will have many assistants in the field of finance. A good year to turn to a financial advisor.

Virgo Rabbit: This year will be auspicious if you are ready for change. The main difficulties may be noticeable in the first half of the year, then they will decline. Be careful, avoid impulsive actions.

Maiden Dragon: An auspicious year, especially for those who would like to travel a lot and are eager to see other countries and cultures. The best period for trips is autumn, at this time you can have a great rest.

Virgo Snake: Favorable year, but you need to be more careful with financial flows: spend less. If not, think about ways you can earn more.

Virgo Horse: This year you will want to spend more time and money on your appearance, and you can only be congratulated - after all, having good taste, you choose only those things that emphasize your beauty.

Virgo-Goat: This year, all doors will be open for you, especially in the field of creativity and entertainment. It is recommended to meet friends more often and not be afraid to try your hand at something new.

Virgo Monkey: A favorable year for cooperation and seeking help among your colleagues. You can contact them this year in any situation. With a little openness, you can find new friends who share your values.

Virgo Rooster: Avoid competition this year. You should not tell new acquaintances about your secrets and desires until your friendship has been tested by difficult situations. A competitor may appear at work who will have qualities similar to you.

Virgo-Dog: The best time for you will be summer. But not for the reason of rest: it is at this time that you will be most productive, maximum energy will appear. Therefore, it is recommended to plan all important things for this period.

Virgo Pig: Get ready for an active pastime - in the coming year you will be drawn to try something new and challenge yourself. You should be careful in the month of May.

Virgo Rat: This year will help you get in touch with yourself. Think more about yourself - your health, beauty, try not to strain and come to balance. Be sure to try diets - not necessarily for weight loss, but rather to cleanse the body.

Virgo Ox: An auspicious year that will bring changes to your stable life. How good these changes will be depends on you, so try not to miss the chances that fate gives you.

See the general horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs.
