Synthesis of the moon and venus in men. The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the male horoscope

Aspects of the Moon Venus in the synastry in astrology are among the most important. The Moon and Venus are two female planets that are responsible in astrology for the manifestation of love, tenderness, affection, i.e. these are the planets of female, Yin energy. Moon and Venus for a woman are shown in her natal chart feminine energy. And for a man, the Moon and Venus, in addition to the subconscious (Moon) and the relationship to love (Venus), determine in the natal chart which female type attractive to this man, what kind of woman he wants to see next to him as his wife and lover.

Moon Venus conjunction in synastry.

When connecting the Moon Venus in the synastry, it is equally good if the Moon is female - Venus is male and vice versa, the Moon is male - Venus is female. In both cases, this woman will already be attractive to this man. The more accurate the orbis, the closer the connection, although even finding the Moon and Venus partners in the same sign will a big plus, because the energy desired by the man will be present in the woman.

But it is necessary to take into account the strength-weakness of the Moon and Venus in the synastric aspect - to analyze whether the planets are equal in strength.

If in conjunction one of the planets is weak and the second is strong, then the weak planet will require more attention, but this will happen on an emotional level. Those. a partner with a weak planet in conjunction Moon, may be more touchy, suspicious, or hysterical, depending on what signs the planets are in. It turns out that a strong planet becomes a donor for a weak one. And a weak planet demands more than it gives to a strong planet, but also a weak planet is more dependent on a strong one.

For example, the conjunction of the Moon Venus in Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is rather dry, a little prudent and, of course, one cannot say that Venus in Capricorn is strong, but she carries a stabilizing energy in herself, she is tuned in to long-term relationships. And a weak Moon in Capricorn will be comfortable next to Venus, which will give the Moon the stability and care she desires, but the Moon will also be demanding of Venus. If a partner with Venus in Capricorn suddenly leaves his Lunar partner, then it will be difficult for a person of the Moon to do without the supporting energy of the Venusian partner.

If both Venus and the Moon are strong in synastric conjunction, then an equal exchange of energies takes place between the partners, i.e. they can really show love, care and tender feelings towards each other (for example, the conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Taurus).

If both the Moon and Venus are weak in synastric conjunction, then both people will demand a lot from each other than really give. For example, when Venus and the Moon are connected in a synastry in Scorpio, both partners will be suspicious of each other, in such a pair there will be many emotional conflicts, a showdown, everyone will demand love for themselves, and not try to take care of their partner. Almost the same can be said about the synastric conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Aries.

Square Venus Moon in the synastry. Opposition Venus Moon in the synastry.

The square and the opposition of the Moon Venus in the synastry are not able to destroy relationships, because. these planets are passive. The man of the Moon will sometimes feel that his emotional impulses are not appreciated, or not understood by a partner with Venus. The moon is a more sensitive planet than Venus, although if in the synastry the Moon is in the fiery or air signs of the zodiac, and Venus is in the water signs (especially Venus in Pisces or Cancer), then it will be more difficult for a person with Venus. Water Venus requires emotions, empathy, tenderness, care, and the air Moon will react to such expressions of feelings either too calmly or will be removed. The Fiery Moon will not respond to such tender manifestations and can "extinguish" the watery Venus, upset her, offend her feelings. Although it is necessary to take into account where both Venus and Moons of partners are located (are Venus-Venus and Moon-Moon compatible in the synastry) in order to draw final conclusions about the internal incompatibility of partners, i.e. about incompatibility at the level of the feminine (tenderness, care, love, warmth, understanding). Opposition Moon Venus is a less intense aspect in the synastry than quadrature, because. the opposition aspect is formed between planets in related elements, and the square is formed between incompatible, alien elements.

Trine (trine) and sextile Venus Moon in the synastry. Harmonious aspects of Venus Moon in the synastry.

Harmonious aspects of the Moon Venus in the synastry, i.e. trine and sextile are very favorable for any relationship. The action of the trine and sextile will be similar to the conjunction, but the trine and sextile are slightly weaker than the conjunction. The orbis is also important, the more accurate it is, the more noticeable the influence of the aspect in the pair. Harmonious aspects between the Moon and Venus bring warmth and tenderness into the relationship (although you need to consider what signs of the zodiac the Moon and Venus are in, and whether each of the partners is capable of tenderness, manifestations of love). A man is attracted to the energy of a woman. The trine and sextile between Venus and the Moon in the synastry can soften other tense aspects.

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The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope tells a person high spirits, love for comfort and the ability to create it. The moon is responsible for the psychological state and well-being of the native, and Venus, being a good planet, fills his life with love, beauty and harmony.

The influence of the aspect on the psychological characteristics of a person and his behavior

People whose natal chart contains a conjunction of the Moon and Venus are distinguished by their good disposition, charm, peacefulness and a deep understanding of the beautiful world. Surrounding people consider them, if not the most charming and attractive, then certainly in all respects sweet and likeable people.

Such a person always has great taste, sense of tact and good manners. Subjects with the conjunction of the Moon and Venus are able to create an easy, harmonious and attractive image, and thanks to this, those around them are drawn to them. In relations with people, the native shows flexibility, plasticity and diplomacy. He tries to create a friendly atmosphere and seeks to avoid sharp corners in communication.

The owner of this aspect knows how to relax, have a good rest and get joy and pleasure from life. He draws inspiration from creative activities and communication with nature. Often such people have talent in art, they sing beautifully, write music, compose poetry, make sketches. Even if the native is involved in a field of activity not related to art, he can devote his free time to creativity.

If the Moon is in aspect with Venus, then the owner of the horoscope can become a good consultant, work in the field of trade or catering. The latter is especially true if the conjunction of the planets occurred in the signs of Cancer, Taurus or Libra.

The main disadvantage of people with this astrological constellation in the horoscope can be laziness, frivolity and a tendency to an idle lifestyle. The subject may be careless about their health, suffering from obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. The search for pleasure, the expectation of easy success and the unwillingness to change oneself and the world around better side can lead a person to stagnation and spiritual emptiness.

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the male horoscope

The close interaction of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a man indicates the importance of relationships with the opposite sex in the life of the native. The lady of his heart is always feminine and has a gentle character. The native will give preference to a woman who knows how to cook and housekeeping well, loves children and supports family values.

As a rule, the owner of the aspect is popular with the fair sex, knows how to win the attention of women and find with them mutual language. The exception is when the Moon and Venus are in Scorpio and Aries. A man with this astrological combination can often face problems in love and relationships.

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the female horoscope

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in a woman's natal chart will give her an important characteristic and describe her as a spiritually generous, gifted and merciful nature. As a rule, the owner of the aspect seeks to successfully marry and live in her own home. In the family, she tries to create a good atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, and in children she finds the joy of life.

Conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a child

Children, in whose horoscopes there is a conjunction of Venus and the Moon, often become universal favorites and minions. The people around are touched by their funny behavior and cheerful laughter, they are happy to prepare surprises for them and organize holidays.

Children with this aspect should not be given a lot of sweets, flour and fatty foods. AT kindergarten and at school it is necessary to pay much attention to the creative education and development of the child.

The methodology of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy allows you to analyze the compatibility of partners in great detail, even if the exact time of their birth is not known.

But before proceeding to the compatibility analysis, you need to determine the sexual planets - yours and your partner (which greatly affect the 1st marriage). Build your horoscope using the VGoroskope service and determine the position of your sexual planets in the zodiac signs. Sexual planets create a sensual and emotional basis for relationships. Knowing this information will help you understand the "love psychology" of your crush and open the way to winning his or her heart.

How to determine your sexual planet?

  • In men born from sunrise to sunset (day birth, the Sun is in houses from 12 to 7) - the sexual planet Venus.
  • In men born from sunset to sunrise (night birth, the Sun is in houses from 6 to 1) - the sexual planet Moon.
  • In women born from sunrise to sunset (day birth, the Sun is in houses from 12 to 7) - the sexual planet Sun.
  • In women born from sunset to sunrise (night birth, the Sun is in houses from 6 to 1) - the sexual planet Mars.

It is believed that the choice of first wife or first husband psychologically affects the position of the sexual planets in the horoscope and their aspecting by other planets.

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Tags: Sexual planets, day and night birth, Venus man and Moon, determine the sex planet, Mars woman and Sun, astrology and sex

The truth about men from the point of view of a professional astrologer

Nadezhda Brodnikova

Oh, how many vile discoveries the cheerful Internet gives us ...
(paraphrased by me from A. S. Pushkin)

Let's get started!
It's no secret that the most visited sites and the most read mailing lists are those that write about men. Naturally, women read all this - the poor things go to the sites, look for information for themselves. If they go and seek out, it means that something did not work out for them in life? It's amazing how many there are!
Hey! Welcome!
Isn't it time for you darlings to get some real information?
Of course, I apologize in advance that my article is designed for those who are more or less versed in astrology. If you are not one of those, then it is better for you not to read this, or at least master Astrology for Beginners.
What I am most often asked by ladies seeking to "acquire" a man, I have already written about this in the mailing lists and in my other articles. But that's what ladies who have already acquired a man ask me, I have not written about this yet.
Ladies who have acquired a man have only two questions:
What should I do to keep him as long as possible with me?
What should I do and how should I behave if he cheats on me?
Here the answer suggests itself that the buyer, when purchasing a product, usually knows how he will dispose of it. But since I am an astrologer, and not a seller of salvage, then we will consider these issues from the point of view of astrology.
It seems to me that these two questions, in principle, can be combined into one topic - how much can you count on your man?
First, forget what you read about the qualities of men you are interested in on websites and in newspapers, and take care to find out his horoscope and study it carefully.
Why forget? Yes, because all the information that you read there is written only based on the position of the Sun in the horoscope.
But there are 10 planets! All 10 planets in the horoscope somehow interact with each other. These interactions in astrology are called aspects. The number of aspects for each planet can reach up to 9!
We multiply 10 × 9 = 90. This means that, focusing on information in newspapers and popular websites, you risk making a mistake by 90 times!
If you are looking for information, then focus on normal sources!
How a man will treat you is not necessarily described by the characteristics of his Sun. The sun shows how the "ego" of a man manifests itself in society.
But you are not a society! With you, a man will behave in a completely different way, not like he behaves at work. Didn't you notice?
And here is the most main secret, which you will not recognize anywhere: the behavior of a man in intimate relationships is described by the position of the Moon in his horoscope!
Therefore, to find out how the man you have acquired will behave towards you, look at the Moon in his horoscope. Better yet, his entire horoscope.
Here I will describe the moon in different signs male horoscopes, and we will analyze what the popular and your favorite articles are deceiving you about.

Moon in Aries

It is not at all necessary that this man will behave like an Aries, but some Aries qualities still correspond to him. Moreover, these qualities will be manifested in relations with you. For example, if he is a Virgo according to the Sun, then at work he will behave like a Virgo, and in relations with you he will show the qualities of an Aries.
A man with the Moon in Aries will haunt you until he achieves his goal. The goal can be absolutely anything - from simply acquiring an interesting interlocutor in your face, ending with dragging you into bed. This goal will be indicated by the position of the Moon in the house of the horoscope. So, when you feel that this man is showing interest in you, do not flatter yourself too soon: maybe he just needs to find out where you bought your hat, because he wants to give the same one to another woman.
But suppose it was you, and not your hat, that became the object of his interest. How then to behave with him?
A man with the Moon in Aries wants all his requirements to be fulfilled quickly. He can easily break off relations with you if you think for a long time: agree - disagree, go - do not go, etc. love relationships he needs to constantly “run” somewhere, constantly experience new sensations. And if you can't keep giving him new sensations - goodbye, lady. For a change, he may throw a scandal at you, on the topic that you do not show interest in him, because you do not respect him.
Popular sources write that obstacles only inspire such men. Well, yes, they inspire, while he has not yet overcome this obstacle, that is, you. And after he feels that he has nothing more to overcome, he will run to look for new obstacles. And how can you keep it? And here you are already looking at the position of Saturn in his and in your horoscope.

Moon in Taurus

Men with the Moon in Taurus are not as emotional and quick-tempered as men with the Moon in Aries. They will not follow you out of interest in your hat. And they won't be pursued at all. They are just at every convenient occasion will appear in front of you, as if waiting for something. Such men are patient, do not like quarrels, troubles. family life can suffer in silence for a long time.
Popular sources write that if the patience of a man with Taurus qualities runs out, then he will leave irrevocably and will not change his decision. This is also not true - it will change if Saturn in his horoscope forms an aspect of the quincunx to Venus or to the Moon. This aspect can be popularly called "back and forth." The man you have acquired will leave and return, leave and return ... And I don’t know what will be better for you.
But, if you can create a sense of stability and confidence in him tomorrow, you will be able to let him know that you are not a spender, but an economical hostess, then there will be no problems. And you will also have to learn how to cook well, because the hungry Lunar Taurus becomes very angry.

Moon in Gemini

For these comrades, the main thing is intellectual conversation. Often they hide their sexual coldness behind intellectual reasoning. Therefore, there is reason to think about marrying him, in order to be an interesting conversationalist for him and constantly talk about something, or? ..
If you have nothing to talk about with him, a man with the Moon in Gemini will first begin to ignore you, and then begin to argue that family life has become impossible at all. And he will immediately leave you as soon as he has an interlocutor who is more interesting than you.
What you need to do so that the acquired man does not disappear, in my opinion, is already clear. Only now - what to talk about with him? Look at Mercury in his horoscope.

Moon in Cancer

A man with such a Moon appreciates tenderness, care and devotion. He wants you to sympathize and empathize with everything that happens to him. And if he does not find this in your relationship, then there is nothing to talk about.
He loves to have something tasty cooked for him all the time. It cannot be said that food is the meaning of life for him, but if you cook poorly, he will never be able to respect you.
A man with the Moon in Cancer loves a quiet, cozy atmosphere in the house. Loud music annoys him, he becomes nervous.
Well, and most importantly: if you want to keep him, make friends with his mom, or at least pretend that you are friends with her.

Moon in Leo

Get ready to become a spectator of theatrical performances that he will play in front of you. The theme of the presentation will depend on the sign and house of the horoscope in which the Moon or the Sun is located.
If you do not admire his performances, he will go looking for a more sympathetic audience. But he will first explain in detail why the current viewer - that is, you - does not suit him.
Here, in my opinion, everything is also simple: know how to clap your hands in time and shout: “Encore!”.
Yes, here's another thing: a man with the Moon in Leo does not like it when a woman looks bad. Not in the sense that when she is sick, and her facial skin is not very ... but she does not like it if a woman is ugly dressed, does not wear jewelry, does not use decorative cosmetics. Here he seems to be projecting onto himself: he himself loves theatrical effects, and wants to see the same in a woman. Even intimate relationship he can turn into performances for two.

Moon in Virgo

This man is very great importance gives honesty and decency. However, there are some limitations here too. You need to look at what sign his Sun is in. Because if it is in Scorpio, then honesty and decency can be just a mask for which he hides in a relationship with you.
If you have acquired a man with the Moon in Virgo as a lover, and he has a family, do not even think that he will leave that family for you. Because for such men, divorce is very problematic. Divorce, as it were, does not allow them to show themselves in a favorable light of decency. All this, of course, happens to him at the subconscious level, and in fact he could and would be happy to get a divorce, but, here, come on ...
Is there a way to make it your own? Maybe there is, but for this you need to look at your joint horoscope. It will show you where to look for points of common ground between you.
But most importantly: men with the Moon in Virgo love slender, neat and well-groomed women. On decorative cosmetics - whether you are made up or not - men with the Moon in Virgo do not pay attention, for them it is more important to clean and healthy skin faces. Pimples and blackheads make them feel disgusted. So you have to take care of your own appearance. Well, just like men with the Moon in Taurus, men with the Moon in Virgo do not like it when a woman squanders money.

Moon in Libra

This man is very obsessed with the external manifestations of relationships. In this he is a bit like men with the Moon in Leo. In women, he, first of all, is looking for a beautiful appearance.
If he suddenly feels that you are no longer attractive to him, he will immediately go to look for attraction on the side.
A man with the Moon in Libra is practically not adapted to household duties in the family - he considers this below his dignity.
Therefore, you will have to put up with standing at the stove in a ball gown. He will discuss your ball gown, how beautiful it is, but will not make an effort to help you peel potatoes. And then he suddenly remembers that such and such an acquaintance of his had a ball gown much better than yours.

Moon in Scorpio

If you have acquired such a man, please accept my condolences.
Because this is one of the worst positions of the Moon in the horoscope.
If you have any disagreements with this man, he will not “dump” all his problems on you, but will, like a secret spy, remain silent and accumulate anger at you.
He will never admit his guilt in any situation, but will blame you for everything. But he will not tell you about this either, and you will only have to guess what happened.
It is very difficult to do anything in such situations, because you will always stumble upon his silence, hints and omissions.
Popular sources write that men with the Moon in Scorpio are very passionate in love. But this is also not true. They very often accumulate so many toxic emotions in themselves that they simply have nothing left for sex.
There are, of course, exceptions, but in any case, you need to look at how Mars is located in his horoscope. Mars shows where and how he spends his energy.
People with the Moon in Scorpio, both men and women, are more interested in all sorts of unpleasant events, and they are even able to create them for themselves in some strange way.
In addition, Scorpios, both lunar and solar, are incredibly jealous. Again, they may not express their suspicions to you, but they will not miss the opportunity to bombard you with their poisonous allusions to something incomprehensible.
They can destroy everything that you created in one moment.
What to do if you have acquired such a man?
Probably get rid of this product as soon as possible.

Moon in Sagittarius

This man looks like a man with the Moon in Gemini. He also loves intellectually developed women. The only difference is that he has a very strong respect for moral standards. If he realizes that you are not too intellectual, then he will not run, like a man with the Moon in Gemini, to seek interest on the side, but will try to develop your intellect, will carefully contribute to your development. He will be sincerely glad if you share his hobbies, but will not forgive if you speak badly of him in the presence of strangers.
Also, a man with the Moon in Sagittarius does not like it when his freedom is restricted. Well, that's how he is...
But even if you get divorced, he will still perceive you as a friend. You can't just force him to come back.

Moon in Capricorn

A man with the Moon in Capricorn is a continuous difficulty in expressing emotions and feelings. But relationships with them are not as difficult and tense as with men with the Moon in Scorpio. The difference is that men with the Moon in Capricorn are very shy, it is difficult for them to express their feelings. And men with the Moon in Scorpio everywhere and in everything suspect something and accumulate hatred.
Lunar Capricorn very quickly becomes soft and caring, if he feels that the relationship with you is reliable, that you do not pose any danger to him, you will not laugh at him.
Very often, men with the Moon in Capricorn do not agree to a divorce, although they no longer receive any pleasure from marriage. This is due to the fact that they have a highly developed sense of duty, and they also strive to save the marriage out of a sense of duty. But, if he nevertheless divorces you, then at random meetings he will pretend that he does not know you.
Lunar Capricorns do not forget grievances, and they do not know how to ask for forgiveness.

Moon in Aquarius

If you have acquired a man with the Moon in Aquarius, then it is better to immediately set yourself up for the idea that, perhaps, very soon he will disappear from you. Because he treats any relationship, including sexual ones, as an experiment. If he feels that the experiment has already been completed, he will immediately disappear. The decision to break up may come to him suddenly, and he will not even be able to explain why he ran away from you. You will not be able to bind such a man to yourself with sex or pregnancy, because, as you read above, it was an experiment for him.

Moon in Pisces

A man with the Moon in Pisces sees only the best in his woman. He often idealizes her or falls in love with an unattainable ideal. This does not mean that if he fell in love with you, then there are no good qualities in you.
It’s just that one fine day he suddenly realizes that he married the wrong one, and that “wrong” one turned out to be you.
A man with the Moon in Pisces is very malleable and easy to influence. Some people like it, but on the other hand, it can be a serious disadvantage, because you suddenly realize that he does not have his own opinion, and he is constantly waiting for guidance from you.
If such a man has problems, he, not knowing how to solve them, slides into drunkenness or drug addiction.
What woman can take it?
A man with the Moon in Pisces loves rest and peace. What else does he love?
Even I, an astrologer, do not know this ...

How does HE choose HER? Venus and the Moon in a man's chart

According to your numerous applications and democratic price!
Astro coaching "Finding a partner and building relationships" 22, 30.01 and 01.02

1 . Men with Venus fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) attract athletic, energetic, bright, confident, self-sufficient girls who are able to take the first step. The clothes are bright, bold, emphasizing female sexuality (the style of an athlete girl is possible).

Male Venus in Aries(visiting Mars), especially, girls are attracted - Amazons, who demonstrate YAN-sky, masculine temperament, pressure, are ready to act and are able to conquer men, and even if such Venus is aspected by male planets (for example, Jupiter or Mars) and tensely, even more so, an active and aggressive message from a woman is perceived with pleasure

Male Venus in Sagittarius(visiting Jupiter) also attracts a fiery temperament, but more flexible, less assertive. Emphasis on education and spiritual development women. Significant and social status(if at the first meeting a man has such information). What if she owns foreign languages or a foreigner, so very well (or in appearance a clear belonging to another culture is visible)

Male Venus in Leo(visiting the sun). As the song says: "... girls like stars ..." - means bright, inaccessible and popular, at least in the circle of his 3 friends. I like girls "in character" - overflowing with self-esteem, proud, with a straight posture and a high head, walking with the feeling that every second the eyes of television cameras and fans are directed at them.

Synthesis. Fiery Venus:

Moon in fire signs

Moon in Gemini. In a relationship, she would prefer that the companion demonstrate leadership and pressure only in communication and maintaining a constant interest in herself, and in everyday life she would be easier, changeable and flexible

Moon in Libra. A difficult situation, in the case of Venus in Aries, because the signs of Aries-Libra are in opposition and such a man often does not know what he wants. Anyway, girl fit, which demonstrates temperament and energy in behavior, can take the first step, and at home turns into a gentle and very balanced cat

Moon in Aquarius. Of course, you will like a bright girl, self-sufficient, unusual. Oddities in appearance and behavior are unlikely to scare, but at home, men with such a Moon do not need a rich emotional life. A female friend and like-minded person comes to the fore

Moon in Taurus. Such a man is unlikely to be knocked down by something. Perseverance or stubbornness will not frighten him, he himself can be stubborn, but restlessness, indefatigable temperament and the noise of broken, in anger, dishes will simply kill him ... or he will kill you. In relationships, he expects more stability, tenderness, thriftiness and Olympic calm from a woman.

Moon in Virgo. He is often afraid to allow himself a "fiery" girl, although he likes it, because he himself is a low-emotional bore (in extreme cases). Finding a girl who is full of energy and enthusiasm, and at home turns into a caring nurse and maid, is hard, but, nevertheless, if your chosen one has such a set, you will have to try

Moon in Capricorn. A successful, bright girl with leadership qualities is quite suitable, he just wants more peace of mind at home, if initiative, then constructive and attention to economic and monetary issues

Moon in Cancer. Difficult combination. The fiery, noisy girl who attracted him at the beginning, in fact, should be a homely, caring, sensitive and attentive mother of the family, although emotionality is welcomed both in behavior and in relationships, but for relationships, such a man needs deeper and more subtle feelings. He is touchy, and fiery arrogance can hurt at any moment.

Moon in Scorpio. Hurricane mixture. This man is interested in passions and sex, he gives in to his instincts and is looking for the same partner, but the main problem that he would like to dominate. The partner must completely dissolve in it, but often chooses fiery, self-confident girls who are hardly able to obey, and even like to command themselves. If there are tense aspects with Mars, maybe in anger, and reach hand-to-hand combat, but this extreme case.

Moon in Pisces. His girlfriend is characterized by idealism and romance, but for serious relationship all this should be seasoned with a solid dose of sympathy, understanding, intuitive adjustment to his frequent mood swings

2 . Men with Venus in air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) attract light (including physically light), sociable, charming, laughing, able to support any conversation, optimistic girls. In appearance, there should not be anything aggressive and flashy. Clothing should show liveliness and lightness (unless Venus in Aquarius might like something avant-garde, out of the ordinary)

Venus in Gemini(visiting Mercury). The main thing is diversity. A woman must change (or he will change you for another, you won’t even have time to look back), adapt to any circumstances, as they say, “soared and rolled” at any moment, and, of course, be sociable. It is unlikely that a man with such Venus will be attracted to a girl who modestly stands in a corner at a party and cannot connect two words in a conversation with a stranger. No, his girlfriend has something to say to the world! She should constantly smile, radiate optimism and twitter easily on any topic.

Venus in Libra(in our home, but let's not forget about the exalted Saturn in the sign of Libra). The main thing is not worse than others. The girl must comply with the social standards adopted in his environment, so that neither her behavior nor her appearance violates the universal harmony that is so valuable to him. If he is wealthy, educated, expensively dressed, just like his friends and relatives, then the lady should be at least no worse, because in matters of choice, including women, she is guided by the opinions of others. Be sure to be able to behave in society, while being feminine, light, sophisticated and beautiful.

Venus in Aquarius visiting Uranus, which means expect surprises both in appearance and behavior. A man may be attracted to girls "with oddities" or unusual hobbies; coldish, independent, as if “on their own wave”. Often, they do not like bright sexuality in a woman. Sometimes they like the "boyishness" in appearance. He can make a choice that is not clear to anyone but him. Dream only about this girl and no other, even if she does not show interest in him, or maybe this circumstance will spur him on even more (Venus in Aquarius is unusually stubborn in her assessments and addictions)

Synthesis. Venus aerial:

Moon in air signs. The planets are in the same element, the qualities are similar. You can do the synthesis yourself, there is no point in a detailed description.

Moon in Aries. His girlfriend is cheerful, mobile, sociable. In a permanent relationship, such a man will need more initiative, determination and ... masculinity from a woman than a typical “airy” girl can give.

Moon in Sagittarius. With such a man, you need to maintain his keen interest in his own person all the time. He himself can be restless (if Venus is in Gemini) and have versatile hobbies (at worst, he tries to keep abreast of events in social and political life). A girl should be optimistic, independent, ready to travel, (“airy” girls are not difficult), but at the same time constantly improve their intellectual and spiritual level development. Just "air" communication is not enough here, you will have to read a couple of dozen more books to broaden your horizons. Can attract young, unintelligent girls, for whom they will become teachers and guides to "adult" life

Moon in Leo. Good combination. A man needs a socialite - a girl who looks good in society and knows how to support any conversation, but at home such a man wants her to always be on top: organize life in the kingdom, raise children, receive guests in the best way, work and manage to look like queen. Women of the "air type" often do not have enough energy for this.

Moon in Taurus. A man loves sensual pleasures, especially if Venus is in Libra (the ruler of Libra and Taurus is Venus, that is, the Venusian principle X 2). When he comes home, in addition to the cute chirping and jokes of his girlfriend, he will want to delicious dinner, comfort, beautiful environment, and that all bills for public utilities were paid. He will also be annoyed if his many friends often visit his "air lady" home.

Moon in Virgo. It is difficult for a man to relax even at home. All the time, some little thing catches your eye that needs to be completed, removed, etc. He can be irritable over little things, especially if Venus is in Gemini. Just as with the Moon in Taurus, rationality and practicality are welcome in everything. As the saying goes: "we chatted, had fun, it's time and honor to know." They came home and began to “work” - to wash, clean, repair .... more precisely, you will do all this.

Moon in Capricorn. In principle, for such a man, sensuality and emotionality are not of great value. He is rational, dryish, conservative and expects from a woman in family life, first of all, practicality, frugality, self-control, therefore, the lightness and smilingness that attracted him in a girl at the beginning can be very annoying when she squanders with the same ease family budget it is not clear what. Here the lunar Capricorn will definitely have enough blow

Moon in Cancer. Such a man would like an air butterfly to flutter, but only at home and, for the most part, in the kitchen, because he appreciates a cozy home environment, delicious food, honors family traditions and mother. Here's who you shouldn't mess with. He himself is vulnerable, so the air talker must carefully “filter”, which says

Moon in Scorpio. In such a situation, just talking and smiling will not get off. Superficial lightness must be transformed into passion and magnetism, especially in intimate life, otherwise, in search of life-giving emotional moisture, he will very quickly begin to scoop along the bottom of the well

Moon in Pisces. Not a bad combination. Flexibility and lightness are welcomed both in behavior and in relationships (“airy” girls have these qualities), but airy conflictlessness and the ability to adapt to the interlocutor can be easily confused with the true gentleness and sympathy that he is waiting for, and these are things different order. There is no need to talk about the depth of feelings. If a woman has a lot of personal planets in the air in the chart, she is hardly capable of deep emotional attachment.

3. Men with Venus in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Sensual, caring, gentle, sweet girls are attracted (sexuality and sensuality are hidden, there is only a hint, even if it is very transparent, as is the case with Venus in Scorpio). Appearance cute-feminine, not embarrassed by fullness (again, in the case of Scorpio, aggressively sexual girls can be attracted, especially if the aspects are appropriate)

Venus in Cancer(visiting the moon). Such men perceive a woman as a potential wife and mother. Make emotional choices. They themselves are vulnerable, a little infantile and touchy and, accordingly, choose a girl who would less hurt their feelings (often focuses on the image of the mother or, conversely, the opposite, depending on the relationship that has developed with her), demonstrating tenderness, femininity in behavior, delicacy, caring, but at the same time sensuality and sexuality

Venus in Scorpio(visiting Pluto and Mars). The man loves sex and money. He wants to possess his partner completely and completely. Here, the number of partners is not so much important as the quality, that is, the intensity of feelings and erotic impressions. Often he himself makes a magnetic impression, despite his ordinary appearance, and a woman wants an attractive one, not necessarily corresponding to some standards of female sexuality, but radiating a similar magical, powerful energy. Such men see through clothes and therefore smell these vibes from a kilometer away. There are greedy and aggressive-sexual image.

Venus in Pisces(exalted, visiting Neptune). The image of the girl is romantic, idealized. Such men dream of pure, sublime love ... like in the movies, but they themselves are ready to surrender to feelings with all their might. And often, they simply have no idea what they want, because the ideas about a woman are very vague and uncertain. Most likely, you will like a girl who is feminine, soft, able to deeply empathize, and in the worst case, to be that very “jacket”. Can pay attention to a girl who showed sympathy for him or picked up a homeless kitten in front of his eyes. By the way, they themselves are loyal to excessive female sensitivity and tears. They absolutely do not accept rudeness and pressure in a woman, they immediately slip out of their hands.

Synthesis. Venus aquatic:

Moon in water signs. The planets are in the same element, the qualities are similar. You can do the synthesis yourself, there is no point in a detailed description.

Moon in Gemini. With all the attractive, at first, sensuality and emotionality, in family life she expects more rationality, lightness and contact from a woman. At home, he can hardly tolerate overheated emotions and frequent tears. In family life, a “fast-moving” girl will suit him

Moon in Libra. He especially needs a permanent partner, but scenes of jealousy, especially in public, will make such a man quickly run away. He values ​​his reputation in society. In the house, he needs a very calm, harmonious atmosphere, and it is not difficult to bring him out of balance. Screams, tears, showdowns will bring him to a nervous breakdown.

Moon in Aquarius. As soon as a woman allows herself to limit his freedom too much (a “water” girl will definitely want to do this), problems will begin. For a permanent relationship, in addition to a mistress, he needs a female friend who understands his "strangeness" and is ready to put up with his freedom within the framework of marriage

Moon in Taurus. Love is love, and you always want to eat. Sensuality is welcome, but excessive sensitivity is not. Such a man needs a girl who is hardworking, strong both mentally and physically.

Moon in Virgo. Despite the attractive emotionality, extra emotions are not needed at all in family life. Able to kill any sensitive "water" girl with his rationalism and pickiness. On the other hand, the house is in order and everything is according to plan.

Moon in Capricorn. This is not the man who rushes headlong into the pool of love. More precisely, at the stage of falling in love, he can rush, but he will always emerge and come to his senses, especially when it comes to marriage. Like any earthly moon, lunar Capricorn needs stability and security. This does not mean that marriage should be without love, but some calculation on his part will always be present. Relying on the “right” woman who, in addition to sensual experiences, will provide a strong home rear.

Moon in Aries. Impulsive, emotional, but outgoing. Easily loses his temper and is not inclined to choose words in this state. More gentle and sensitive creatures (except for Venus in Scorpio) may like it, and in relationships it expects efficiency, determination, endurance and cheerfulness from a woman, despite any offense

Moon in Leo. Perhaps more than any other fiery Moon, it is able to endure the emotional dependence of a woman on herself, because deep down she is “white, fluffy” and cordial, but she wants to be the main one in the house and will not tolerate emotional manipulation for a long time. In any case, if you indulge his power complex in the mornings and evenings, he can forgive a lot

Moon in Sagittarius. Energy and optimism are also important. Like any fiery moon, it can be rude and offend in passing, so it can hardly endure the “water” blues, touchiness and vindictiveness

4. Men with Venus in earth signs(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Girls like hard-working, serious, modest, practical, radiating calmness and readiness for permanent relationships (with Venus in Capricorn, girls higher in status or financial situation can be attracted). Appearance not so important - calm, maybe even strict, reminiscent of an erotic fantasy about a secretary hiding an ardent nature under an office black and white look

Venus in Taurus(in his home). They love sensual pleasures no less than the Venusian Scorpios, but not only sex is important here, but the appropriate environment, the accompanying foreplay and a little romance. Such men love with their eyes and “hands”, aesthetics and tactile sensations are very important for them. The girl should be tastefully dressed, smell good, have delicate skin, pleasant voice, a feeling of coziness, comfort, grooming should come from her, so rudeness, harshness, loudness and any excess, including in relation to money, will annoy such a man

Venus in Virgo(in the fall, visiting Mercury). To the question: "Why do you love me?" can literally say - why and roll out a list of your actions, opposite which there will be pros and cons, because he is attentive to details and notices everything. If you have pantyhose, he will definitely notice and snipe, but this, of course, is an extreme case. It's just that he evaluates a woman, as well as everything else, rationally, takes everything literally and judges your attitude towards him by real actions. This does not mean that he is not capable of passionate feelings. Capable, and how. Precisely because in love he can completely lose control over himself, he is restrained and afraid to show the fullness of his feelings. And the girl will prefer a reasonable and restrained.

Venus in Capricorn(visiting Saturn). He loves status, success and money, so a business woman, a daughter of respected parents, or, at worst, just a girl with a good job is a very attractive image. This does not mean that they are gigolos, they themselves can have a good bank account, but, as they say, money is money. Of fundamental importance is the reliability and fidelity of a woman, because he is suspicious and distrustful. Your "dark past" is better left there. Dry and restrained in the manifestation of feelings, but in return they do not expect African passions. In any case, his girls are hard-working, practical, respectful of material values, strong-willed and energetic.

Synthesis. Venus on Earth:

Earth moon. The planets are in the same element, the qualities are similar. You can do the synthesis yourself, there is no point in a detailed description.

Moon in Aries. In a permanent relationship, such a man will want more dynamics, initiative and passion from a woman. Practicality and stability - great, but with a twinkle.

Moon in Sagittarius. It will take more mobility, versatility, social activity and willingness to talk long and hard on philosophical themes. Typical "earthly" girls do not really like it, especially the "Taurus" type

Moon in Leo. To maintain a relationship with such a man, you will have to change your cozy dressing gown and slippers for a dress, shoes and make-up, in order to always be ready to receive numerous friends and impress them not only with a delicious dinner, but also with a radiant smile, cordiality, regardless of your mood.

Moon in Gemini. For a serious relationship, such a man needs several women in one bottle to match his changing moods, but certainly not to annoy him with tediousness and everyday problems. This is the path to separation. More ease, ease and communication

Moon in Libra. Particularly favorable with Venus in Taurus. In any case, such a man is hard to endure conflicts, he avoids them in every possible way. Definitely does not want to sort things out and bother with economic issues. That's not why it blooms! But going out into the world, the brilliance of your sophisticated beauty and the ability to find a common language with those around him will always please him.

Moon in Aquarius. Do not try to press on such a man and immediately involve him in a serious relationship and solving everyday issues. Despite the love for earthly constancy, the feeling of freedom should always be present. He walks on a long leash.

Moon in Cancer. Basically, harmonious combination for a serious relationship, and even more so the creation of a family. Such a man is set up for this, but he needs more sensuality, softness and delicacy, because deep down he is easily vulnerable and sentimental

Moon in Scorpio. Not an ordinary young man. Outwardly restrained and calm girl in a relationship should be revealed as an emotional and passionate nature. Such a man always needs intense feelings. Often, he himself inflames the atmosphere in order to maintain the degree of emotions at the level he needs. Typical "earthly" girls may simply not give such a range of sensations.

Moon in Pisces. Relationships require a lot of empathy, intuitive understanding, and gentleness. It is difficult to tolerate straightforwardness, dryness and tediousness, which are sometimes characteristic of "earthly" women, because it is woven out of love. It adapts well to almost any female character and expects the same ability to "change shoes on the go" from a woman

Compatibility astrology or synastry- an interesting and voluminous topic. It is not limited to considering two planets in a horoscope. I have only considered first level synastry. Further, you can consider in detail the relationship between a man and a woman and compatibility natal charts, generally. The site is not enough to write everything that is possible. We invite you to
