Orange tree - tips for growing citrus fruits. Orange tree

Many of us remember well the times when every self-respecting housewife tried to grow a real lemon at home: she took care of the plant, watered and cut it for many years, hoping to pick the cherished fruit. But everything is changing, and sweeter citrus fruits have replaced the traditional lemon - today we'll talk about how to grow an orange tree at home.

If we talk about the irrigation regime, then the indoor orange is not much different from its wild-growing relatives, preferring moderate watering: you can’t flood the plant, but the drying of the earthy coma will not do him any good. In the autumn winter period When most indoor plants are at rest, watering should be significantly reduced by moistening the soil once every 7 days, or even less often - 2 times a month.

The homemade orange tree is a light-loving plant - in order to make the plant bloom, and eventually bear fruit, it must be provided with enough sunlight. Mature plants easily tolerate direct rays, but young, fragile oranges, it is better to protect them from the burning rays of the sun.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that an orange at home is best placed on an insulated, heated loggia facing the southeast or south side.

orange tree care

Caring for an orange tree is largely due to its homeland - this plant came to us from the subtropics, therefore, does not like excessively high temperatures. In the summer, the culture feels great if the temperature range is maintained at 20–24 degrees Celsius, however, a homemade orange is able to withstand short-term increases and up to +30 degrees without loss. With the coming of winter temperature regime must be brought in accordance with the season, and lowered to 14 degrees Celsius.

When growing an orange tree, it is important to provide it with proper care: at home, it should be sprayed daily. It is especially important to adhere to this requirement in the summer, when the air around warms up to a temperature of +25 degrees and above. If the room is cool, spraying an orange at home is carried out much less frequently - about 1-2 times in 7 days. With the advent of winter, this procedure should be completely abandoned - otherwise, rotting of the leaves can be provoked.

How to care for an orange so that the plant can feel comfortable and delight you with fruits? Everything is very simple - it is enough to ensure its existence in accordance with conditions close to its historical homeland:

  • with the arrival of spring, as soon as you notice the first signs of the imminent appearance of buds, raise the temperature to +18 degrees;
  • for the whole summer, a pot with an orange tree can be taken out on Fresh air, providing him with regular watering and spraying, not forgetting to shade from direct sunlight (especially true for those specimens that are not yet 3 years old);
  • the orange tree is extremely sensitive to the slightest changes in conditions - from fluctuations in humidity levels to the position of the plant relative to the light source. Try not to turn the pot more than once every 10 days, and no more than 10 degrees.

Fertilizer and watering

Once every 14 days, you need to feed an orange - at home, a complex remedy for citrus crops will be an ideal option. Caring for the plant, in accordance with the stated rules of dressing, should be during the growing season (from May to September). From the first days of October, any feeding should be stopped - in winter, the orange lives in some semblance of suspended animation, being in a state of complete rest.

It is also important to ensure the optimal level of humidity - if it is insufficient, the tips of the leaves may dry out on the plant. As for root watering, the earthen ball should be kept slightly moist, avoiding excessive moisture stagnation or, conversely, drying out.

Pruning and crown shaping

If not regularly pruned, an orange will usually not bloom. Moreover, the crown of such a plant has an unattractive appearance. A flowering orange must go through all the stages of formation: flowers are formed only on branches of a certain age and order. In other words, if the crown is not formed, and the tree grows unpruned, the plant will not bloom.

Active formation of the crown occurs before the tree reaches 3 years. At young plant you should leave a few of the strongest shoots of the first order, shortening them to 20 cm in length, and cut off all the rest. Branches of the second order are shortened by the same length, and the third and fourth orders involve cutting only 5 cm. That's all, the formation of the crown is almost over. You just have to remove weak shoots at the beginning of each next year, gradually giving the orange crown desired shape and proper look.


During the first 3 years of life, the tree should be transplanted into a larger container annually, then this procedure is carried out once every 3 years.

Try not to transplant a fruiting orange at the time of the formation of the ovaries and the pouring of fruits - it is better to carry out this procedure before the start of the growing season. When relocating your orange to a new pot, do not forget about the organization of a high-quality drainage layer.

Protection against diseases and pests

No matter how old your tree has been growing, it is equally likely to be attacked by pests or disease-causing infections. True, weakened plants, which were not provided with optimal conditions existence. If we talk about diseases, then the greatest danger to oranges is root rot, scab, and soot fungus. All of them are provoked by excessive watering, therefore, in order to prevent the development of ailments, you need to follow the recommendations for care.

If we talk about pests, then the most frequent "guest" on oranges is an annoying scale insect. If you notice traces of her presence, immediately spray the tree with the appropriate insecticides.

As you can see, growing an orange at home is not at all difficult, you just need to follow the recommendations of professionals, and your citrus pet will live next to you for many years, delighting you with its fragrant flowers and delicious fruits.

If you think that it is impossible to grow an orange from a stone at home, then you are deeply mistaken. Undoubtedly, it is not enough to lower the seeds into the ground and wait for shoots. It will take a lot of patience and time until it will please you with its fruits.

Orange is the most unpretentious of citrus fruits. For planting, bones obtained from fresh fruit are quite suitable. Most gardeners prefer to grow these trees from seedlings. But for decorating a house or a greenhouse, which with French translates as "winter orange garden”, you can grow a plant from a seed.

Varieties of orange

Oranges are divided into two large groups: sour (bitter) and sweet varieties. There are three types that are most often found on sale in our country. .


Chinese or Portuguese fruit. The most common and popular variety.


Usually these are hybrids of mandarin and pomelo. They have a bitter-sour taste. These fruits are often called oranges.


A hybrid of citron and orange. It has a pronounced bitter-sour taste.

All oranges are equally useful and tasty. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. We will present you the best varieties.

Washington Neville

Sweet and sour fruits with a thick porous skin. Many are mistaken, believing that the birthplace of this variety is the United States. In fact, this variety comes from Brazil. Its fruits are practically seedless.


Variety of Spanish oranges. They are distinguished by a thin skin of a bright orange color with red patches. The flesh is the same color. These oranges have a pleasant sweet taste.

Blondeau Commune

Variety from Sicily. Long time was the most popular at home, but in last years gave the palm to the two previous varieties. It has many seeds and grows well from them.


The name accurately describes the shape of the fruit. The taste of this variety is almost no different from Valencia.


Another early ripe Sicilian variety. The fruit picking season runs from November to January. These oranges have not only a pleasant taste and exquisite aroma. However, fruits are popular not only because of their excellent palatability, but also because of the unusual blood-red color of the pulp. How to grow from a bone, we will tell a little later.

At the end of a short review, I would like to say that Moroccan and Abkhazian oranges today compete with the varieties described above.

Soil preparation

Before planting the seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil for the future tree. It is prepared from:

  • leaf land;
  • sand;
  • humus;
  • turf.

All components in equal parts are thoroughly mixed, and the soil is ready. The soil for an orange should be saturated with trace elements, so you can purchase ready ground with the inscription "Rose" or "Lemon", which is perfect for an orange (tree). The plant needs drainage. To do this, you can use small pebbles or expanded clay. The best time for planting a tree - spring.

Seed selection

For planting, you can use any bone from a freshly eaten fruit, and if you wish, you can buy seeds of a particular variety. It is necessary to choose whole, intact and most attractive seeds. If you decide to use them from a freshly eaten fruit, then they should be washed carefully, being careful not to damage the shell.

After that, they are soaked overnight in warm water. Then the bones are laid out on a damp cloth and covered with it on top. This way you retain the moisture needed for germination. Drying will adversely affect the germination of the plant. After that, place a napkin with seeds in a bag, creating a greenhouse effect for the seeds. Orange is a thermophilic plant, so keep the bag of seeds in a warm room.

seed germination process

For seed germination, a temperature of about +25 ° C is recommended. If necessary, the seeds in the bag must be moistened. They should always be kept moist and not allowed to dry out. Germination takes on average about two weeks, sometimes a little longer. It is important to periodically ventilate the greenhouse.


Now you need to plant the seeds in a pot with sterile soil. To do this, calcine the purchased or prepared soil composition in a pan for several minutes, spreading it thin layer. You will see the first shoots in three weeks. When they grow to two centimeters, the seedlings must be transplanted into pots with a diameter of about nine centimeters.

Lay a little expanded clay on the bottom of the container, creating the necessary drainage. The sprouts are transplanted into a larger flowerpot when the fourth or fifth leaves appear on them. The next pot should be at least 9 cm in diameter. An old clod of earth that tightly envelops the roots should be saved. Do not try to remove it - this may damage the roots.

During this period, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions to strengthen the sprouts and harden them. Each transplant is carried out in a container with a diameter of five centimeters larger than the previous one. Transplants are stopped when they begin to form the crown of the tree. After planting, the bone should immediately be watered with settled, filtered or boiled water.

Cover the pot plastic wrap, creating the effect of a mini-greenhouse. Place it on a windowsill and keep it out of direct sunlight. You can cover it with paper. At night, the film is removed so that the seedling is ventilated.

Interested in how to grow a fruiting tree from an orange seed, you need to know that this plant needs moist soils, so it should be sprayed daily. Water the soil as needed, but do not fill it with water.

How to grow an orange from a stone: plant care

The main requirements that this plant makes are watering and pruning. Even a beginner can grow an orange. Caring for a plant requires only accuracy, patience and following simple rules.

Watering, as we have said, should be periodic. In this case, there should be neither waterlogging nor drying out of the soil. Pruning is done annually. An orange from a stone at home for the second year is cut off the crown, leaving no more than twenty centimeters. After that, the tree will throw out healthy side shoots, however, and they will have to be removed.

Thus, skeletal branches are formed. When your tree begins to bear fruit, fruit branches are pruned as needed. It must be borne in mind that too many fruits on the branches most often leads to the depletion of the plant.

Indoor orange: top dressing

Feeding the seedling begins six months after planting. Organic and mineral fertilizers are used, which today are offered in a huge assortment by specialized stores.

How to form a crown?

This heat-loving plant needs crown formation. This work should be started from the moment the tree grows to thirty centimeters. It is necessary to cut from two to four leaves from the top of the plant. This will give a powerful push, and it will launch side branches, which are second order branches.

Subsequent pruning of these branches stimulates the growth of shoots of the third and subsequent generations. The branches are cut when they reach a length of thirty centimeters. This is how all shoots are shortened. As a result, the trunk of the formed plant is fifteen centimeters, and the crown is made up of three or four branches, which are covered with small shoots.

The goal of the grower is the branches of the fifth order, since they are the ones that bear fruit. But usually it happens for 5-7 years. This largely depends on the characteristics of the variety and the conditions of detention.

First flowers and fruits

How to grow an orange from a stone, so as not only to admire beautiful plant but also to get fruits from it? Surely the answer to this question is of interest to all flower growers. The tree begins to bloom in the fifth year after planting. But the first buds should be removed, since the plant at this age is not yet strong enough to bear fruit.

The plant will give real fruits for 8 years. There are several secrets that allow you to get a crop ahead of time. We present you some of them:

  1. Grafting (graft a sprig from a fruit-bearing tree to a tree).
  2. Transplant the plant often (2-3 transplants in the summer will enhance the development of the root system).
  3. Banding - wire the branches or remove the bark in the form of a ring. As soon as the plant begins to bloom, the wire is removed.
  4. Cold winters. Take the tree to a room with a temperature of +5 ° C for three months. Cold wintering is very effective. They are recommended for the first two or three years. At this time, the plant is not fertilized, you can only water it, but not abundantly.

After these procedures, the orange will begin to bear fruit in the fourth year.


How to grow an orange from a seed and propagate it later? At home, this can be done in two ways: seeds and cuttings. In the middle latitudes, it is not so easy to get a cutting. You can ask for it from friends who are engaged in the cultivation of these citrus fruits, or buy it in specialized greenhouses.

For propagation, cuttings 15 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter are suitable. The cut is made under the kidney and above it, above and below. There must be at least four buds and three leaves on the stem. The cutting is treated with a root growth stimulator. After that, it is placed in water for several days, and then planted in the ground.

Rooting can take from one to one and a half months. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into pots by transshipment. You already know how to grow an orange from a seed. The process is more complex, but very exciting. A tree grown in this way has strong genetics and different characteristics from its parent.

The cuttings completely inherit the donor's genetic code. At the same time, cuttings significantly reduce the time for the onset of fruiting.

Diseases and pests

Many pests can attack an orange. The tree may be affected by some diseases. Its main enemies in indoor floriculture are spider mite and shields. In addition, an orange seedling can be affected by viruses and fungi.

You can fight diseases and pests with the help of fungicides and insecticides. The affected areas are excised and lubricated garden pitch. In advanced cases, the diseased seedling is recommended to be burned.

oranges are very healthy fruits. They reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure. It is not at all surprising that many flower growers and gardeners dream of growing this plant. It is unlikely that anyone will call this culture unpretentious, however, it will not cause great difficulties in caring. Permanent care, painstaking work and a great desire to grow exotic plant sure to give a positive result.

Fragrant and tasty citruses can not only be bought in the store, but also grown independently. The orange tree has many varieties and some of them are suitable for home cultivation in pots. It is important to know the rules of cultivation and care in order for the plant to be accepted and developed.

What does an orange tree look like?

This type of citrus is cultivated plant, and got it by crossing tangerine and pomelo. The tree is evergreen with a compact dense crown. The description of the orange tree includes the following information:

  1. Dimensions are directly related to the variety, so tall varieties reach a height of 12 m, and dwarf ones - 4-6 m. There are also indoor plant, which can be from 60 cm to 2.5 m.
  2. The root system is superficial, and it does not have hairs through which other plants receive moisture and useful material. Instead, at the tips of the roots there are special cases in which there are fungi that exist in symbiosis with the plant. They transfer moisture and nutrients.
  3. The orange tree has dark green leaves that have a pointed oval shape. Inside them are glands filled with aromatic oil, which is identical to the flowers of this plant.

How does an orange tree bloom?

This plant has large bisexual flowers, which reach 5 cm in diameter. The color of the five petals is often white, but a reddish tint may also be present. In the center is a long single pistil, which is surrounded by stamens. yellow color. Flowers are collected in a brush of about 6 pieces, single options are rare. The flowering of the orange tree occurs only under certain conditions, and flower buds, laid in March-April, will open only at a temperature of 16-18°C. The blossoming bud falls off in 2-3 days.

How to grow an orange tree?

There are several varieties that can be used for indoor cultivation, and the following three options are most popular:

  1. Pavlovsky. In height, this variety reaches a maximum of 1 m. It can be propagated using cuttings. fruits ripen long time during which it is important to provide special care.
  2. Gamlin. If you are interested in how to grow an orange tree at home, then you can choose this variety, whose height reaches 1.5 m. The crop can be harvested in the fall, and the fruits are juicy and sweet-sour.
  3. Washington Navel. The most popular variety that is suitable for home use. The height of an orange tree can reach up to 2 m. It is worth noting an interesting advantage - a pleasant aroma is released during flowering. The fruits can be harvested from the age of three. The fruits are large.

How to plant an orange tree?

In order to grow citruses on your windowsill, you need to prepare the seeds, which should only be fresh, that is, not dried.

  1. Having collected planting material, be sure to rinse it, and then leave it for 8-12 hours in water so that they swell.
  2. To get an orange tree from a stone, planting must be carried out in loose soil or peat. You need to deepen the seeds by 1 cm. Be sure to cover the container with a film or cover with glass to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. Place the container in a shaded, warm place. Periodically water the ground and ventilate the plantings. Sprouts should appear after a month and a half.
  4. After that, it is recommended to expose the container to the light (direct rays of the sun are dangerous). It is important to provide seedlings with a long daylight hours. To do this, you can use special lamps.

soil for orange tree

For successful cultivation this plant great importance has soil quality. To do right choice Please consider these recommendations:

  1. If you are interested in where the orange tree grows when it is still young, then it is better to choose this composition: 2 parts of turf and 1 part of leafy soil, humus and sand. Experts advise collecting sod land in gardens.
  2. For an older tree, it is better to use such a soil composition: 3 parts of turf, 1 part of leafy soil, humus and sand. You can add some oily clay.
  3. It is recommended to ensure that the selected soil has a pH of 6.5-7.
  4. Be sure to remove all unnecessary impurities from the prepared soil, such as pebbles or roots of other plants.
  5. Ready soil mixture must be left for a minimum of 14 days.

How to graft an orange tree?

When the plant begins to develop well, it will be possible to prune to form a beautiful crown. After 6-8 years, flowers may appear, and the fruits are likely to be small and bitter, so it is important to vaccinate. In the instructions - how to grow an orange tree at home, there is compulsory procedure, implying the grafting of a bud or branch of a cultural garden plant. It is better to carry out the procedure when the plant is already 1-3 years old.

How long does an orange tree grow at home?

The duration of plant growth depends on proper planting and care. If you focus on natural conditions, then in the subtropics, 4 years should pass from planting seeds to the appearance of fruits. In order for an orange tree in a pot to begin to bear fruit, they are grafted and then after 3 years it will be possible to harvest. Life cycle this culture is approximately 75 years old.

How to care for an orange tree?

  1. Lighting. The pot is best placed in a place with diffused lighting. In cold weather, it is recommended to use artificial lighting up to 12 hours.
  2. Temperature. Suitable for summer time room temperature, and in winter it is necessary to maintain indicators at the level of 10-18 ° С. It is important to regularly ventilate, but exclude drafts.
  3. Humidity. For an orange tree, home care in hot weather includes daily spraying using soft, settled water. In winter, the air is dry, so increase the humidity by all means.

How to water an orange tree at home?

There are a few soil moisture tips to keep in mind:

  1. They judge whether it is necessary to water according to the condition of the soil. It is important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out completely. To determine the moisture, squeeze a lump of soil, and if it crumbles, then water it.
  2. To water a small orange tree, it is not recommended to use tap water because it contains a lot of alkali metal and chlorine. It should be boiled or you can take hot water from the tap.
  3. The liquid must be settled for at least a day in open ground, which will remove chlorine. If possible, water is recommended to be taken from a well, lake or stream.
  4. In winter, the orange tree is at rest, so the intervals between watering should be increased.

What to feed an orange tree?

For good growth, flowering and fruiting, it is necessary to fertilize in spring and summer, and this should be done once every two weeks. It is important to fertilize the day after watering. Fertilizers for the orange tree are poured in until it starts to flow out of the drainage holes of the pot. You can use special additives designed for citrus fruits or take options for indoor plants.

Many will be surprised by the fact that adult plants whose height is not less than a meter, once a month you can feed fish broth. It is believed that this can enhance fruiting. Take 200 g of fish waste or small fish (not salted), pour 2 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes. After that, the solution should be filtered and diluted with cold water.

Pruning an orange tree

When the height of the plant reaches 20 cm, it is recommended to pinch off 2-3 leaves from the top. Thanks to this, side branches will begin to develop, forming a beautiful crown. They are considered branches of the first order, and if you cut them off (4-5 branches of 20-25 cm each should remain), then branches of the second order will begin to form (their length is not more than 25 cm) and so on. Using this scheme, you can form an orange tree in the apartment to your liking. It is important that many branches of the fifth order form on the bush in a few years, since fruits will form on them.

How to transplant an orange tree?

It is better to carry out such a procedure in spring or autumn, when root system will not be subject to temperature shock. You can transplant the plant into a pot or directly into the ground. It is important to do everything carefully so as not to damage the root system.

  1. Dig a hole right size. Adding soil improvers and compost is not recommended unless the soil is very sandy or clayey. Remove the homemade orange tree, along with the clod, by turning the flowerpot over and pre-moistening the ground. Install it in a hole, fill it with earth and tamp it down. Please note that top part The root ball should be 2.5-3 cm below the surrounding soil.
  2. When choosing a pot, keep in mind that its size should be twice as large as the root ball. The process is similar to the previous one, that is, the orange tree should be transferred to a new container. It is impossible to carry out the procedure more than once every 2-3 years.

Diseases of the orange tree

This culture is influenced a large number fungal diseases, but it should be noted that weak plants that do not receive proper care. There are tips on how to save an orange tree:

  1. Root rot appears due to excessive watering and stagnation of liquid in the pot. The disease develops imperceptibly until the moment when the leaves begin to fall intensively. In this case, the plant only needs to be transplanted, removing rotten roots.
  2. Soot fungus appears on leaves and branches in the form of a black coating. It is removed and be sure to ventilate the room. It is recommended to reduce the intensity of watering.
  3. Scab on an orange tree appears on the leaves in the form of dark bulges. As a result, they fall off, and the bark cracks. To remove the problem, you must use or other fungicides. Spraying is carried out in the spring or after flowering. It is important to remove diseased leaves and branches and burn them.
  4. Wart provokes the formation of growths on the shoots, and on the leaves - gray warts. For the fight, you can use Bordeaux spray for spraying after wintering, flowering and in the middle of summer.
  5. It is worth noting that a tree can be affected by almost all pests and appear more often than others. To fight you need to carry out spraying.

  • Kind: citrus
  • Flowering period: December, January, February, March
  • Height: 50-1200cm
  • Colour: orange, yellow, white
  • perennial
  • hibernates
  • sun-loving
  • moisture-loving

Bright lemon, orange and tangerine trees with their huge flowers and mouth-watering fruits are always the main accents of any garden. But, unfortunately, in the Russian climate under open sky they do not grow - only in greenhouses and at home. But then where in Russian gardens Do trees like this appear in the summer? Simply at home in a country house or in an apartment, it is quite possible to grow a beautiful citrus tree up to at least one and a half meters high! And in the summer, put it in the garden and enjoy the incredibly fragrant large flowers, for which modern landscape designers are ready to give a lot. Agree, any garden for 90% consists of plants, each of which has its own time. Yes, in the Russian climate, a citrus tree is a seasonal decoration of the garden, but what a thing!

In its development, the tangerine tree will not be particularly whimsical. The main thing is to provide him with an abundance of sunlight, and all 12 hours a day. all year round. So if you want to grow natural beautiful tree, you will need additional intense lighting on winter evenings. There will also be some professional secrets to help.

Choosing a tangerine variety

Now let's look at the varieties a little:

  • Unshiu is frost-resistant and very productive variety. You will get a low tree, with a spreading crown of flexible thin branches, and with corrugated leaves. This mandarin grows fast and produces good fruit. And if you add artificial lighting, things will go even better.
  • Shiva Mikan is a compact tangerine tree with large dark green foliage. Blooms and grows fast.
  • The honey variety is the rarest variety, with very sweet tangerines.
  • And the tangerine Covane-vasse is the tallest, as for home conditions. For the garden - that's it!

Look how wonderful citrus trees grow with the right choice of variety:

Proper seed preparation

So, the first step is to get the bones for the future tangerine tree. For this purpose, ripe fruits from the store are ideal: take at least 10 of these seeds. The more the better: you probably know that any planting material does not germinate 100%.

Second step: let the bones hatch. To do this, they need moisture. Wrap the bones in damp gauze and leave it like that for a few days. Gauze, in turn, will not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, and at the same time, the bones will “breathe”.

Now let's prepare the soil. The easiest way to buy it is flower shop, it is called "special for citrus", or roll up your sleeves and make a nutritional base yourself. Just combine leafy soddy soil with compost or rotted humus in equal parts. The main thing is that there is no peat in your land.

In details:

Now you can plant hatched bones in this land. But be patient: the first sprouts will appear from 3 weeks to a whole month, because the mandarin grows slowly and from time to time also stops its growth according to some biological laws unknown to us.

Abundance of moisture

The tangerine tree loves moisture, and in the summer it must be watered (but not flooded). And in winter, you should reduce the amount of moisture, while making sure that the soil does not dry out. After all, future fruits need to “pour”, as they say among the people.

To compensate for the dryness of home air, it is advisable to spray tangerine leaves every day with clean boiled water (or filtered).

Neat transplant

When the tangerine tree has grown, move it to a larger pot. The ideal time is February-March. Such a plant should be transplanted using the transshipment method in order to preserve the earthen ball as much as possible and not damage the delicate root system.

A few weeks after the transplant, when the tree can get used to the new place and the so-called "housewarming syndrome" has passed, the root system will begin to actively grow. Moreover, for the entire spring-summer period, the mandarin will have several points of active growth, in which it will need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers once every 1-2 weeks. The tree will especially like the used tea leaves - just dig it into the soil.

As a result, thanks to your efforts, you will grow a good tree up to one and a half meters tall. Miniature, cute and especially bright during the fruiting period. And during the flowering period, the tangerine tree is strewn with flowers so that it is not impossible not to pay attention to it!

How to grow an early ripe lemon tree?

Lemon is a perennial evergreen tree, with thorns on the branches and beautiful dark green leaves. Of particular value to landscape design represent just lemon leaves, with their juicy colors and excellent decorative qualities. A real decoration for any garden!

When transplanted into open ground, lemon quickly reaches a height of up to 5 meters. But, if you grow it only at home, and only leave it in the garden in the sun for the summer, then it will reach “only” 2 meters.

Another value of the lemon tree for landscaping is that it can bloom several times throughout the year - in spring, summer and winter. Its flowers are especially beautiful: snow-white, with a waxy color and with a delicate aroma. And it is also surprising that fragrant flowers, green ovaries, and even ripe fruits can be on the same tree at the same time. Moreover, lemons can safely hang on parental branches for up to 2 years, periodically becoming either green or yellow again.

And growing this miracle of nature is easy:

Choosing the right variety

The first step in growing a lemon tree for your garden is to choose a variety—and there are about 900 of them! Among the species of this evergreen citrus plant there are those that grow exclusively in the tropics and subtropics, and there are those that feel great indoors. winter garden. And it's important to guess!

  • Pavlovsky lemon grows up to 2 meters in height. And all you need to do is root the cuttings under glass jars and then transplant into pots. Moreover, this lemon is most adapted to life at home or in a winter greenhouse, and it blooms in the second or third year and then begins to bear fruit.
  • Meyer lemon will bloom all year round, although it will remain dwarfed. But its beautiful round crown lends itself remarkably to formation. True, there are many thorns on the branches of this lemon.
  • Novogruzinsky lemon is obtained with a stronger tall crown and an impressive number of thorns. It will bloom a little later than the Pavlovsk lemon, but it will be distinguished by a stable harvest.
  • But the Lisbon lemon is different in that it tolerates high air temperatures without problems.

Here's how wonderfully a varietal lemon tree grows:

Preparing for landing

As soon as you pull the seeds out of the lemon, immediately start planting, otherwise the similarity will be lost every hour. Then do everything according to the following instructions:

  • Step 1. First rinse the seeds well under running water and dry on a windowsill on a sheet of paper.
  • Step 2. Next, spread them on a layer of damp cotton wool so that the seeds swell. Moreover, cotton wool will need to be periodically moistened.
  • Step 3. Take plastic bottle and cut off the neck. Make a couple of holes in the bottom.
  • Step 4. Fill out plastic bottle soil, pour a little and plant the seeds to a depth of 2 to 4 centimeters.
  • Step 5. Now water every two days with fresh water.
  • Step 6. When lemon Tree reaches a height of 10-15 centimeters, transplant it into a pot with the same soil. It is important that the root system is not cramped in it.

You will see the process in more detail at the master class:

But, unfortunately, the lemon that you have grown from the seed will bear fruit only for 12-15 years of life. That is why it makes sense to purchase a cutting or buds already from a fruit-bearing tree, and graft them onto your plant. And your lemon will be ready for grafting when the thickness of its trunk reaches 80 millimeters.

All this is perfectly shown in the video:

The Importance of Proper Soil

Unfortunately, the situation is not uncommon when seedlings are bought even in a well-known company store, and after a week the lemon dies. That's why it's so important to get the right soil first.

The soil for the lemon tree you will need is balanced in structure and rich in nutrients. The recipe is the same as for the tangerine tree. But take care of the temperature: at -5-6° the lemon leaves die off, at minus -7-8° the crown is damaged, and at minus -8-9° the tree is already dying. Therefore, to overwinter your lemon tree, you need a temperature in the range of + 15-18 ° C.

When taking your citrus fruit into the garden in the summer, place it under the crown of a larger fellow: apple or sea buckthorn, and relative to the same cardinal points. After all, open sunny place you can’t put a lemon tree - the leaves will burn.

Here is a good illustration of proper care for a growing lemon tree:

Correct watering temperature

You can also easily grow a lemon tree from a cutting that begins to bloom in the third year after planting:

  • Step 1. In early spring take cuttings with four to five leaves.
  • Step 2. Hold such a cutting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and cover the cut with crushed coal.
  • Step 3. Remove the bottom leaves, leaving only the top three.
  • Step 4. Next, plant the cutting in wet river sand.
  • Step 5. Cover with a jar or bag and place in a dark place.

Like here:

The key is to keep the soil moist. If droplets of water appear on the walls of the jar, it means that the roots are releasing the stalk. And as soon as the plant is rooted (check this by lightly tugging on the stalk), bring it to the light and remove the jar.

In winter, you need to water the lemon tree only once or twice a week, and in summer - every day, but just a little. Moreover, with warm water, 2-3 degrees higher than the air temperature. If you water it colder or warmer, the plant will not like it. Indeed, this is the capriciousness of the lemon tree, which does not like both the lack of moisture and its excess. Experienced gardeners know one tricky secret: tap the pot with a wooden object. If the beats are sonorous, the ground is already dry, and if they are deaf, there is still moisture.

You still need to turn the lemon tree on the windowsill, no matter what the sellers tell you there. All this in order to get a beautiful crown, otherwise there will be light and shadow leaves that will no longer fit into the landscape design of your summer garden.

The color of the leaves of the lemon tree is also affected by top dressing. So, from March to September, once every 1-2 weeks, feed your plant with manure or droppings. During the fruiting period, do this every 10 days, and this time give preference to a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Formation of a beautiful crown

The next interesting secret: it is easy to form the future crown of a lemon along its roots. After all, the root system is mirror reflection crowns. Therefore, plant a lemon in a pot of the shape you want to see its crown.

In the spring, a young plant 20 centimeters tall should be cut off the top, and 5-6 packs should be left so that they give side shoots. And in March-April, prune this tree, removing old dry and diseased shoots, as well as those that are trying to grow into the crown, and not from it.

And one more important point. From time to time, the lemon tree becomes crowded: usually once every 2-3 years. At this time, it gives its little signal, rising above the soil level and bringing the roots into the drainage hole. So, it's time to transplant the tree into a larger pot. It is advisable to do this before mid-February, while new shoots have not yet begun to grow. And keep in mind that an adult lemon tree already feels better not in light soil, but in heavy loose soil. You can get it yourself by mixing one part leafy earth, one part sand and one part humus, adding a little clay to such soil.

Help with pollination

Another secret to getting a really beautiful lemon tree is that you have to pollinate it! Yes, it is a self-pollinating plant, but male flowers with pollen alone, he still has it. Collect such pollen with a cotton swab and bring it to the pestle, which is large and noticeable.

In the summer, be sure to take the lemon out into the garden, and it will become a wonderful attribute of landscape design. And in winter, organize additional lighting: fluorescent lamp or Reflux lamps, at a distance of 10 centimeters from the upper leaves of the tree.

How to grow an orange tree with a beautiful crown?

An orange tree is a real find for the landscape design of any garden. It is neat, with glossy leaf skin and beautiful fruits.

Proper planting of seeds

You can grow this tree from an ordinary bone:

  • rinse the removed seeds in warm water;
  • soak for 12 hours;
  • deepen the hatched seeds into the ground, to a depth of 1 centimeter under the film.

You can do this in late winter or early spring:

When caring for a growing plant, do not forget that orange trees are residents of the subtropical zone. They do not like drafts, but they love an abundance of indirect sunlight and are capricious of air and soil moisture.

And about the selection of soil for an orange, we suggest you watch the video:

Abundance of light and warmth

Orange should receive a lot of light and heat - this is the main requirement. If you properly care for an orange tree, it grows quickly and pleases beautiful crown. But, if you want your beautiful tree to also bear fruit over time, pay attention to the green thorns on the trunk: if they are solid already at the age of one, you have come across wild plant, the fruits of which are no good. Then it is worth carrying out the usual vaccination.

At home, a cultivated orange tree will begin to bear fruit 6 years after seed germination. What can be accelerated if you winter the orange at a temperature of +2 to +5 degrees, limiting watering and feeding.

Proper feeding and watering

For seedlings, a pot with a diameter of about 10 centimeters is well suited. The main thing is not to allow the humidity in the room to be below 40% - otherwise the plant will shed its leaves. And you can not water the orange tree with running water with chlorine - only distilled water, heated to 25-30 degrees Celsius.

Feed an orange tree diluted in 10 liters of water with 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 25 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium salts. Four times a year, it will also need to be introduced into its top dressing. inkstone, and once a month water the orange tree with a solution of potassium permanganate - so that the leaves have a rich color.

It is necessary to replant a grown plant by the method of transshipment, with a solid earthen clod. With the beginning of a warm summer, take your tree to the garden, while protecting it well from the scorching sun.

More oxygen!

All citrus trees are a bit tricky to care for, and everyone loves to have their root system oxygenated. Therefore, to grow an orange tree, we recommend that you use large wooden blocks or pottery pots. And so that mold does not appear in any case, be sure to treat them inner surface blowtorch.

Also, all citrus trees need good drainage, so always put small pebbles on the bottom of your tree, but without sharp edges. After all, citrus fruits have very tender roots.

As you can see, all citrus trees are propagated by seed and then grafted or cut. Can't you handle it? Yes, easily! And on quiet summer evenings, real exotic citrus trees will delight your garden!

The orange tree is. It can be propagated by cuttings, grafting or seeds. If you want to grow this yourself, then it is better to choose the seed method, since it is the easiest of all.

This article will discuss how to grow an orange from a stone in a pot at home.

general information

The tree has a dense compact crown. The leaves are bright green and dense. The branches are covered with light bark. It blooms with white, light flowers. indoor orange bears fruit after 7 years of life. The fruits can be eaten as they are very tasty.

Did you know? There are about 600 varieties of oranges in the world.

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can reach 1-2.5 m. Before you grow an orange at home, you need to decide on the variety.

The most popular are:

Growing an orange from a seed at home is quite realistic. Consider how to do it so that it is fruitful.

Growing from seed

In order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to plant them correctly, observing the conditions.

Planting seeds

Growing an orange from a seed is not difficult. Consider how to plant seeds at home. Seeds must be obtained from a ripe orange. They should be correct form, not empty and dry. They need to be cleaned of pulp, washed and soaked for 8-12 hours in water. The soil can be made by yourself from, sand, soddy land (1:1:2). Or you can buy a special one for .

Seeds can be sown in separate small containers, the volume of which is about 100 ml. Or it is allowed to plant all the seeds in one box. It is recommended to keep the distance between seeds 5 cm. Planting depth should be 1 cm.


Orange trees should be transplanted in the spring, until they begin to bloom and bear fruit. It is recommended to do this every 2-3 years. Pot choose a little bigger size than the previous one.
