What New Year's days you can guess. Fortune telling

New Year and Christmas fortune-telling can be carried out from December 25 to January 17. It is advisable not to guess on Sundays and Mondays. They won't take long, but they will give you good hints.

Adult people with bated breath are waiting for the chiming clock. After all, the first of January is not just a calendar date, but a new page in the life of every person. And, every person wants to know whether his dreams will come true or not and what awaits him in the coming year. But before looking for an answer to this question, it is necessary to prepare for this holiday and take into account all the most effective New Year fortune-telling. Here are the most popular fortune-telling on New Year, which will not only entertain you and your guests, but also predict what lies ahead for you.

A popular prediction for the New Year. Write a wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire, and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. Drink it under the chiming clock, and then your wish will come true.

New Year's divination "Transfusion of water" This method of divination is intended for divination on New Year's Eve. You will need two glasses, one of which will be filled almost to the brim with water. You make a wish and then quickly pour water from one glass to another. This can be done only once - in no case should you train in the transfusion of water. If you start pouring water for the second time, fortune-telling loses its power, and you will no longer be able to determine whether your desire will come true. And you can understand this if you look at the surface over which the water was poured - whether there are drops on it. Your wish will come true in the new year, if, for example, no more than three drops of water appeared on the table. And if you poured a whole puddle, then, alas, the conceived is not given to come true.

New Year's divination by patterns on the mirror. This New Year's divination will help you find out your future for the new year. Take a small mirror, pour water over it and take it out into the cold at exactly midnight. When they appear on the surface different patterns, bring it into the house and start guessing on the frozen surface. If circles are visible on the mirror, then the whole next year you will live in abundance, if you see a spruce branch, you will work hard. Squares portend various life difficulties, and triangles predict great success and luck in any business.

New Year's divination with wax. A little paraffin or wax should be melted on a candle fire and poured into a glass with cold water. The year is judged by the figurine. A dog - you can rely on a friend's devotion, a snake - treason, betrayal, a heart - love, a mountain - support, and so on. What you see will come true, interpret what you see as your intuition and association tells you.

For more convenience, you can use online fortune telling
Candle and water It's much easier and more convenient.

New Year's fortune-telling "Field of Miracles". Wishes are written on small postcards or on a poster:
- Children will delight you in the New Year!
- Replenishment of the family is provided!
- Your projects will be a success!
- Prepare wallets for big money!
- You all will be cute!
- Mutual love will please you!
- In the New Year, two of your cherished desires will come true at once!
- In January, be careful and don't miss your happiness!
- May will give new opportunities!
- In July, a meeting with fate awaits!
In addition, you can add a few more of your predictions.
Now every person who came to visit you or members of your family stand with their backs to the postcards, which should be hung and, focusing on themselves, closing their eyes, answer "this!" or "not it!" to the question of the presenter, who randomly points to divination. Everyone can only guess twice.

New Year's divination under the chiming clock. So, an hour before the start of the New Year's chimes, write your desire on a small piece of paper. With the first blow, set it on fire, and if it has time to burn down by the last blow, consider that the wish has already begun to come true!

You can also use an effective technique to perform new year wish. To make sure your wish comes true.

New Year's divination "Ribbon and bread." A piece of bread and a ribbon are placed in a box or saucepan and without looking they take whatever comes into their hands. Ribbon - for marriage, bread - while being in girls.

New Year's divination "Water in the mirror." Take a mirror, put a decanter filled with water in front of it, burning candles on three sides of it. To find out what the upcoming New Year has in store for you, look through the water in the mirror, it will show something!

New Year's divination "for love." This divination is a whole magical ritual which needs to be properly prepared. For divinatory purposes, you will need an old coin, preferably if you inherited it. In the absence of an old coin, you can use an ordinary one, just charge it with your energy before divination (for this, carry a coin, for example, in your shirt pocket for 3-5 days). If you have the opportunity, then ask your loved one or beloved (whom you are going to guess) to hold a coin in your hands for 1-2 minutes. For this divination, you must buy a round white porcelain dish and black ink. In addition to these items, you will need a small photo of the person you are guessing at. If there is no photo, then use his personal item, for example, a handkerchief, pen, watch, lighter. If there is neither one nor the other, then write on a small piece of paper his name and date of birth. Divination should be done only at midnight. If you remember all this, then you can safely proceed. Lay the dish on a flat surface such as a table or the floor. In the center of the dish, place a photograph (or a personal item, a piece of paper with a name). FROM right side write "I" in black ink. On the left side - "OH". Above - "WE", and below - "SHE". Now you can start the divination itself. Take a coin to right hand, put it in the center, holding the edges with your index and thumb, unwind it and say the magic words:

"From myself to me,

from her to me

from them to me

I am We, You and only We.

Repeat these words 3 times, and starting from the word "I", roll the coin so that it goes in a circle. If the coin stops immediately, without having had time to go through the whole circle, it means that you are very dearly and devotedly loved. If the coin stops in front of the word "She" - you need to think. You have a serious rival, and perhaps your relationship will soon come to an end.

New Year's fortune-telling "Fate". On the night of December 31 or January 1, pour water into a low vase, throw a pinch of ash, salt and sugar into it. Mix and put in 3-4 hairs of your own (not scattered, but in a strand) and three or four hairs of your half. In the morning, look at the position of the strand: they joined together - you will be together, parted - one of you or both will walk.

Divination for the New Year "for the betrothed." In the morning (on any Christmas day) before breakfast, they bite off the bread and go outside without chewing. Ask the first man you meet for his name. So the groom will be called.

New Year's fortune-telling "on ice". In this way, not only you, but also all your guests can tell fortunes. For this in new year's eve give out a tablespoon to everyone who wants to tell fortunes. Let them scoop water into spoons and take them outside (you can put them in the refrigerator). Fortune-tellers must remember where whose spoon lies, because in the morning, by the way the water froze, they will be able to find out the future. So, if the water froze with a deepening, then, unfortunately, this person will have troubles in the coming year, and if it is even or with a tubercle, the year will be successful.

New Year's divination for the narrowed "Bridge". Before going to bed, make a bridge out of twigs from a broom and put it under the pillow with the words:

"My betrothed, mummers, take me across the bridge."

The man who dreams is your betrothed. Also put a comb under the pillow, without combing before going to bed and saying three times:

"Narrowed mummer, comb my head."

You can put a mirror under the pillow with a comb and say the following 3 times:

“Come, come, comb, comb. Look at me and show yourself."

The one you see - be sure to meet in the coming year.

New Year's fortune-telling "Rings and millet". They take a sieve, fill it with any cereal and add a copper ring without a pebble, a silver ring, gold, it is desirable to get more of the same metal, but with pebbles. Mix rings with cereals. Each girl, without looking, at random, without fumbling in a sieve, takes a handful of cereal from it. If there is no ring in the handful, but only cereal, then the year promises to be difficult and marriage will not have to wait. If a gold ring with a stone came across, then non-poor people will offer marriage.

New Year's fortune-telling "Sugar". Take three glasses (who wants to know about marital status - four) and fill them halfway with water. In 1 cup, add a quarter teaspoon of sugar; in 2 cups - salt; in 3 put bread (if you need a 4th, then put a ring in it). The fortuneteller is turned away from the glasses, blindfolded, rotated around its axis one or two times, and the glasses are rearranged. A fortune teller is brought in and let him choose a glass. With sugar - happiness and success await in the New Year. With salt - you will not end up with tears. With bread - money year. With a ring - a family year.

New Year's fortune-telling "for the family." Stand with your back to the window, holding a mirror in your hands. Mirror to catch the moon. How many months you see in the mirror, so many family members will be with the one you marry.

New Year's divination for the betrothed "Glass of Water". One more New Year's way fortune-telling on the betrothed - on a glass of water. Take a carafe of water and a glass. Pour the water slowly into the glass, lovingly, with good wishes saying:

“You get tired from the road,

I have some water, come, betrothed,

I'll give you a drink."

Say the plot 3 times. Then put a decanter and a glass of water by the bed and go to bed: you will definitely dream of a betrothed.

New Year's fortune-telling "Four Aces". Take a regular deck of 36 cards, shuffle them well. Divide the cards face down into four equal piles. From the first, remove cards until an ace is announced. Look at the card that follows it: if it is an ace again, connect it with the first one and open the next card: send the ace to his “colleagues”, and any other card to bat (you will no longer need it). Your task is to find aces in a pile that follow each other. Let's say an ace is hit first, followed by another card, and then another ace. You only need the 1st ace. All other cards and the aces not immediately following him are sent to bat. Just as you sorted out the first pile, process the other three. As a result of the search, you may be left with one ace, two, three or four. A made wish is fulfilled in the new year by the owner of four aces, three aces portend a quick fulfillment of a wish, two aces, on the contrary, are not soon, and one - there are no hopes.

New Year's fortune-telling "by phone". Ask a question that concerns you. Think about it for a bit and say it out loud while looking at your phone. Now expect a call. A man calls - your answer is “yes”, if a woman means “no”.

Divination for the New Year "sheet of paper". Turn off the light, light a candle. Crumple up a sheet of paper, put it on a saucer turned upside down and set fire to the paper. As it goes out, keep it between the candle and the wall. What shadow you see, so interpret. Let your imagination run wild.

Divination for the New Year. From December 31st to January 1st. Pour water into a small plate and place it outside (on the balcony) in the evening on a red cloth or piece of paper. In the morning, look at what you have done: the ice has frozen evenly - the whole year will pass easily, calmly and naturally; ice in the form of a slide - the year will be plentiful and kind; ice formed waves - both joy and sadness await you in equal shares; a deep depression is a sign of trouble; in order to overcome them, it is necessary to weigh and think through each step.

Divination for the New Year "on desire." You can tell fortunes for the old new year. Late in the evening, take a glass and pour water into it, exactly half. Looking at her, make a wish. Now you need to leave this water overnight and go to bed, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, see if the water level has changed. If its amount has increased overnight, then you can be sure that the desire will come true without any difficulty. And if there is less water than it was the day before, it means that what you envisioned is not destined to come true in the near future.

Divination for the New Year "on a nutshell." Fill a wide container with water and dip the nutshells into it, each of which will contain a small symbol. For example, a red heart - you will meet love, a dollar sign - will stable income, asterisk - luck will accompany everything, etc. Ask someone to help you. And together start blowing on the nutshells. Which one will moor to your "shore" is waiting for you.

Divination with a mirror Another way of divination for the betrothed will require a mirror. On the night of January 13-14, head outside with a pocket mirror. Every girl has it in her bag. Go to an unfamiliar place or where you rarely go. In this place, find the intersection of two or more roads, it is believed that in such places you can see the amazing.

Say to yourself: "in the narrowed one, come to me along the road, but through the snow." Then look in the mirror, pointing it at the center of the intersection. If you are lucky, you will see the face of your future lover. But there are times when visions are of a completely different nature, and it is not always easy to establish a connection between the future lover and what he saw.

Fortune telling with a ring and a needle on the floor of the unborn child Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is lowered into a glass of water, a woolen cloth is pierced with a needle), then, suspended on a hair or thread, they are slowly lowered near the hand of the one they are guessing at. If an object (ring, needle) starts to make circular motions- a girl will be born (less often - a boy), if pendulum - a boy (less often - a girl), if the object does not move - there will be no children.

Fortune telling in the evening they write on pieces of paper different names and put under the pillow. In the morning, without looking, they pull out one - that's the name of the betrothed.

Divination by chain for the Old New Year Left alone in the room, sit down at the table, rub the chain between your palms. When you feel warm, take the chain in your right hand, shake it and throw it sharply on the table. By what figure turned out, you can find out what awaits you in the coming year:

"Fortune telling on coffee grounds"
you can read

From time immemorial, it has been customary in Russia to guess on the January holidays - in the interval between Christmas Epiphany. From January 7 to 19, there comes a time in which, as our ancestors believed, higher power can predict the future most accurately.

Probably, on Christmas night, we all feel the magic around us. It is believed that various ghosts, spirits and devilry who are trying to contact us. Knowing this, it was on Christmas Eve that our ancestors tried to look into the future, see secret signs and change their lives.

What days are better to guess in January 2018

January 5–13 – Holy Evenings. It was believed that fortune-telling is most reliable on these January days.

January 7 is the Day of St. Catherine the Marriage Lady, who is the patroness of girlish destinies. Since ancient times, unmarried people put candles on this day in front of the image of St. Catherine in the temple, so that she would send them a good life partner. Young unmarried men On this day, they fasted, hoping for a successful marriage.

January 13 is the feast of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who is also called St. Andrew's Evening. The girls guessed at the future groom - both from the 12th to the 13th, and from the 13th to the 14th of January.

From January 16 to January 17 - Barbara's Day, an ancient folk holiday. The day before, his girls cut a cherry branch and put it in the water. The one whose twig bloomed by spring was supposed to get married soon. Also on this day, girls of marriageable age sculpted dumplings and offered food to the guys. It was believed: if he ate a dumpling prepared by one of the girls, then he would soon marry her.

Divination for Christmas 2018: for the future on wax

Brownie is a spirit that guards living quarters, he warns the owner against misfortunes and troubles, and on Christmas night he is able to lift a dark veil that hides the future of his wards.

For divination on wax we need a saucer of milk and a church wax candle. Melt the candle and pour it into milk, while whispering the text:


The saucer is placed near the threshold of an apartment or house. Look closely and try to understand what hardened wax looks like.

1) An egg is a sign that you are ready for a new stage in life.
2) Star - career growth awaits you.
3) Flower - a meeting with a loved one or a wedding.
4) The cross is a harbinger of health troubles, streaks of trouble. The clearer the shape of the cross, the bigger problems.
5) Wax dripped in stripes - you are expected to move or long road.
6) Beast - a person will appear in your environment who will interfere with you in everything.
7) Tree leaf - wait financial well-being.
8) Human outlines - fate will prepare an acquaintance for you, which will eventually develop into friendship.

After divination a saucer with milk and wax, promised to the brownie, should stand at the threshold all night.


Divination for kings

On the night of January 6-7, before going to bed, the girls need to put under the pillow playing cards with pictures of kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is a military man, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Divination for a love dream

Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs to eat something salty and in no case drink water. Going to bed, you need to say: “Narrowed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!” According to legend, whoever comes to get you drunk is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling on a betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune-telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl should say: "Narrowed, mummers, come take off my shoes." A man who in a dream takes off a stocking from a fortune-telling girl will become her husband.

Divination on mirrors

This fortune-telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. In the people it is considered one of the most dangerous.

For divination, two mirrors are taken (sufficiently large and, if possible, equal in size), placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to keep one mirror in front of the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get long corridor, illuminated by fires. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room. If it is very scary, you can leave a couple of modest persons, however, they should not make a sound, do not look in the mirror and do not approach the fortuneteller.

At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, the narrowed one should appear. True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only the betrothed, but also all evil spirits ...


One of the most traditional divination On Christmas.

The hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and in some she puts stuffing in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune-telling lies in the fact that no one knows what he will come across, and it is by filling the dumpling that they determine what awaits a person next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bill - big money awaits you;
  • Thread - to a long road or journey;
  • Dragee-type sweets - replenishment of the family;
  • A pea of ​​black pepper - means life with peppercorns;
  • Button - a lot of interesting new things.


Divination in the name of the betrothed

In order to find out the name of the future husband, it is enough for a girl to go out into the street and ask the first man she meets to name his name.

Divination by the book

It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line above or below. Then they open the book on the desired page and read the necessary lines. Depending on what the fortune-telling girl cares about most, they interpret the selected paragraph.

New Year holidays 2018 is an excellent occasion to look into your future, to find out what the coming year promises - joy, wealth, parting, and maybe a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate. New Year's fortune-telling is held from December 25 to January 17 (except January 6 and 7). Here are some ways.

1. A dream that occurred on New Year's Eve will predict your future for the entire coming year.

2. Melt some wax or paraffin and quickly pour into a cup of cold water. The resulting figurine is a sign of what awaits you in the new year: - the devotion of a friend, the snake - treason, betrayal, - love, etc.

3. On New Year's Eve, pour water into a bowl and throw in a pinch of sugar and the same amount of ash and salt. Stir and place 3 of your hair and 3 of the guy you like in a strand (not scatter) on the surface. In the morning, look at how the strands are located - if they are connected, then you will be together this year, if they parted, one of you will find it on the side.

4. New Year's divination on the rings. Take a sieve, pour any cereal into it and throw 3 rings - copper, silver and gold. Mix decorations with cereals. Each participant in fortune-telling should put her hand into the sieve and scoop up a handful without fumbling with the grits. If the ring is not there, then the year will be difficult, marriage will not be seen. If she catches a copper ring, then she will be married to a poor man, if silver - to a hard-working person, if gold - to be the wife of a rich man.

5. Go outside on New Year's Eve and mentally think of a question that interests you (so that it assumes only “yes” and “no” answers), turning your back to your house. Turn around and count the number of windows where the light is on. Even number- the answer is "yes", the odd answer is "no".

6. In a room without light, light a candle. Crumple up a piece of paper and put it on a saucer turned upside down. Light the paper on fire and wait until it goes out. Then hold the saucer between the wall and the candle and look at the shadow. What you see in it will become a sign of the coming year for you. This fortune-telling for the new year is very subjective, however, only you can correctly decipher it.

7. At 23:00 on December 31, write your cherished desire on a piece. When the first blow of the chimes is heard, set fire to the leaf. If he manages to burn out before the last blow, then the wish will come true.

8. Pour water into a saucer and put it on the porch (balcony). In the morning, see how the ice turned out. If reared, then the year will be good. If the ice is even, then the year will be calm. If ice waves are on a saucer, there will be both happiness and sorrow. If the water is frozen with a hole, the year will not be very successful for you.

8. Prepare three opaque glasses and fill each one halfway with water. In the first glass, add a pinch of sugar, in the second - the same amount of salt, in the third - crumble some bread. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and the glasses are moved. If a person chooses a glass of sugar, the New Year will bring him happiness. If salt, many tears await him. If bread - the year will be prosperous in terms of finances. For those who want to tell fortunes about their betrothed, you can add 4 glasses of water and put them there. If this glass is chosen, then the person will create a family in the new year.

9. Sprinkle rice on a flat surface. Make a wish. Lightly moisten the palm of your hand with water and place on the rice. Then count how many grains stick to your hand - an even number will mean the fulfillment of a wish.

10. On New Year's Eve, lie back on the snow, then get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, look at the footprint left in the snow. If the footprint is smooth, then the husband will be kind and gentle. If the trail is streaked with dashes, the husband will be a rude man. A deep hole from your fall means more than one marriage awaits you in life. If the imprint is covered with snow, then it will not wait for you soon. And if the hillock swept over the night, then expect danger in the coming year.

11. Put four card kings under the pillow and say: "Who is mine, he will come to me in a dream." The king of spades will come in a dream - he will be older than you and very jealous, red - young and rich, diamonds - the one you love, clubs - a businessman or military man.

12. Think of a question and focus on it. Say it out loud while looking at your phone. If the first caller is a man, then the answer to the question is positive, if a woman is negative.

13. Group divination for the New Year. Place the key in a thick book so that the key ring sticks out. Tie the book tightly and hang it by the ring on the hook. When the book hangs motionless, each of the fortune-tellers in turn calls his name. The person on whom the book wraps will have a wedding next year.

14. If you want to know whether your wish will come true next year or not, write it down on a small piece of paper before the New Year. When the chimes are hammered, set fire to a piece of paper from a candle. When it burns out completely, throw it into a glass with and drink it in one gulp. If you manage to do all this before the last strike of the chimes, the wish will come true.

Even if you did not have time to tell fortunes for the new year, do not be discouraged, because during the year you will still have the opportunity to tell fortunes for Shrovetide or.

Not without reason a series new year holidays called magical and fabulous. Everyone who makes a wish on New Year's Eve is sure to wait and count on a miracle. Once a year, everything that is inaccessible to a person during the year suddenly opens and makes it possible to use miraculous remedies.

Our ancestors did not waste time in vain, they knew for sure that it was difficult to come up with a better time than the New Year for fortune-telling, so in order not to wait another whole year, they set to work.

Unfortunately, we missed our ancestors a little, because for them the New Year came at a different time. After the change of chronology, we received the main holiday of the year from December 31 to January 1. But nevertheless, even in the new time, all fortune-telling works, apparently with modern man, on the new way rebuilt and surrounding us thin world, which tells us the future with the help of divination.

Unlike Christmas, serious fortune-telling, New Year's are perceived as something comic, childish and completely harmless. But this is far from true. Some directly declare that, apart from New Year's fortune-telling, they no longer recognize any other. And let everyone around stand on their ears, have fun and drink champagne, we firmly believe that the current New Year fortune-telling 2019 will certainly bring us happiness.

There are a great many ways to look into the future, however, as well as events that people guess at. So let's go.

Divination for the New Year: Chimes

The most important thing in this New Year's fortune-telling is not to talk and not to miss the moment when the main clock starts counting the final seconds of the outgoing year. This is perhaps one of the most famous New Year's divination. All you need is a piece of paper, a glass of champagne and, of course, the desire itself. It should not be bulky and should easily fit on a piece of paper. During the chimes, set fire to paper, pour the ashes into champagne and drink quickly. Do not delay, the whole procedure should fit in a minute, while the clock, so to speak, strikes twelve. And what is fortune telling, you ask? Everything is simple - they managed to eat - the wish will come true, they didn’t have time, be in next time- in the coming 2019 - more agile.

Chiming clock. Method 2

For those who do not like to rush and do everything at the last minute, there is a second way of fortune telling on the chimes. Generous new year traditions instead of one minute they give you a whole hour. At 23.00 write your desire on a piece of paper. You have an hour of free time, what to do? Practice on empty papers and drink them with water, otherwise training with real champagne may not allow you to live until the New Year. And then, you do the whole operation again, but this time you don’t need to eat anything. Your desire must be completely burned along with the piece of paper.

Water divination for the New Year

New Year's divination on the water - fortune telling for owners of dexterous hands. In addition to your limbs, we also need two glasses of water. Fill one of the glasses with water to the very brim, make a wish and instantly, almost without thinking, pour water into another glass with one movement of your hand.

And now we look at the table over which you performed manipulations. If no more than three small drops are spilled, then say thank you to nature for excellent coordination, your wish will come true.

If you made a small flood on the table, then you will have to practice, or be more picky in your desires. And yet, even if you become the world champion in pouring water from glasses, this will not bring you one centimeter closer to your cherished dream. On the contrary, with your sports anger you will scare away all the magic.

Divination for the New Year: Water, a mirror and candles

The most mysterious and mystical set for a fortune teller for the New Year. Fill the decanter to the top, place three candles around it at equal distances. Now carefully peer into the decanter and through the water column try to see something in the mirror. Look closely, very soon the mysterious trinity of water, fire and reflection will begin to give a picture. Just do not be afraid, what you see will not harm you.

New Year's divination for love: Money on a saucer

Rummage in your pockets to see if you have a couple of coins lying around, and not ordinary ones, but some old ones. If the currency of the times of Peter the Great or Ivan the Terrible is a little tight, then the old Soviet heels will do. This goodness should be full in every home, visit your grandmother, after all, she has a couple of three-liter cans of this goodness.

If it’s a bit tight with grandmother’s wealth, then an ordinary coin will do for New Year’s divination for love, only you first need to recharge it with your powerful energy. Wear it for a week somewhere close to your body. No need to sew into shorts, of course, but in the breast pocket it will be the very place.

If you have a loved one, ask him to hold the money in his hand for a couple of minutes. And now let's check the clock: your divination will begin exactly at midnight.

The exact time is 23 hours 55 minutes. Everything is ready for New Year's divination. Oh yes. You need a white saucer and black ink. Well, is everything ready now?

Then rather put the saucer on the table and conditionally divide it into four equal zones. On each side write: he, we, I, she.

How much ticked? Two minutes to twelve.

It's time to start. Take a coin in your hand, put it on the edge in the center of your saucer and spin it at exactly midnight, but harder! And now look into which of the sectors your old coin has rolled. If it is HE - you have big problems in relationships, if HER - a rival will visit you soon, the WE sector - everything will be fine with you, and, finally, I - delve into yourself, somewhere deep the problem is buried in you.

There are also borderline states, for example, when a coin falls on two sectors at once. Everything is here, according to the laws of geometry, if most of the coin lies in one of the sectors, then fortune-telling will be true for this particular result.

A carafe of water predicts marriage

There is a glass on the table, next to it is a full carafe of water. Start pouring water from a decanter into a glass and at the same time say: if you are a good fellow, you got very tired along the way, come to visit me, I will give you water to drink. Speak in a calm, flirtatious voice, as if you were really almond-smoking not with a decanter, but with a real young man.

Three times will be enough. Put a decanter with a glass by the bed and go to bed. A good fellow will definitely come to you in a dream, do not miss it.

New Year's Christmas divination for love

If you haven’t dressed up the Christmas tree yet, then you shouldn’t start guessing. New Year's beauty should already be fully armed, and the more toys on it, the better. For this divination you will need an assistant.

Let him blindfold your eyes with a thick cloth and spin you well clockwise. Then you confidently, but staggering a little, approach the Christmas tree and remove the toy from it. Just do not choose what the hand rested on, then shoot.

Look at the color of the Christmas decoration. If the toy is white, then you will not see changes in your personal life. If this is a black toy, unhappy love lies ahead. Red - soon you will meet your love, and green promises you stormy feelings not once there in 2019, but right on New Year's Eve itself. A purple toy will come across - it means there has been a cold in the relationship. Silver or gold speaks of a meeting with an enviable groom. The main thing is not to hang only gold and silver decorations on the Christmas tree, you can break off a lot.

Paper divination for the New Year

Write on different pieces of paper some of your most secret desires. If there are a lot of them, then write until the ink runs out, all the paper is exhausted and your hand gets tired. After all the desires are painted, put them under the pillow. Starting early in the morning on January 1, the first thing to do is not go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, but put your hand under the pillow. The first piece of paper that comes across and will be the wish that will come true in the New Year.

telephone divination

Here we will do without desires and simply look for answers to the most simple questions. Those that can be answered unequivocally either yes or no. For divination, any phone is suitable - push-button, disk and mobile. So, mentally ask your question, think about it, keep it in your head, and then ask the question out loud and look carefully at the phone. And now the minutes of waiting have come. If a man calls first, then your answer to the question will be yes, but if it is a call from your mother, grandmother, girlfriend or any other woman, alas, no.

New Year fortune-telling for wealth: a coin on a plate

And now let's see which of you will have untold riches next year. Of course, everyone, but someone will get more, someone obviously less.

For fortune-telling, you will need one coin and as many as three plates, and the evening of December 31st. Yes, and be sure to make sure that there is an assistant nearby. Leave the room where you will guess, but ask your assistant to place a coin under one of the plates. When you return to the room, try to guess where exactly the coin is.

If everything worked out, then you don’t have to worry, just as clearly and confidently you will find in the New Year 2019 not one coin, but a whole bag. And best of all, a suitcase and not coins, but paper money.

If you find a coin only on the second attempt, then here you should not lose heart, be there not so much money, but it will be enough for a decent existence.

But if you correctly determined the location of the coin only the third time, you will not have to be very sweet. Of course, there will be money, but very little. By the way, they say, there were cases when during this fortune-telling a person could not find a coin at all even the third time. But here it's a prankster assistant who forgot to put a coin under one of the plates, so choose a decent, serious assistant for yourself.

New Year's divination on mirror patterns

I wonder if you will trade your future for a table, champagne and congratulations from the president? If yes, then this fortune-telling is especially for you.

Exactly at midnight, you need to forget about the chimes and the table, go outside with a small mirror, which you need to douse with water before that. We are waiting for the water on the mirror to freeze and turn into a beautiful pattern. As soon as this happened, run home and carefully look in the mirror. What do we see - the patterns form circles, which means that you can only be happy for you - prosperity in 2019 will be good.

If you get patterns with right angles that form rectangles, you will most likely have to tighten the belts a little.

If the ice is frozen in the form of triangles, great luck awaits you in all your endeavors.

It happens that the patterns become like spruce branches, which means that the year will be calm, without nerves.

The clearer the lines, the less cause for concern, and if the patterns flow smoothly, constantly bend, then everything will also be fine, you will be surrounded by communication and recognition awaits you.

If the patterns on the mirror zigzag, you may be lonely. Seeing the dots will mean that all undertakings will be completed in 2019 and quite successfully.

In addition to lines, dots and figures, more often appear on the mirror. interesting patterns, for example, the outlines of people, some objects and even faces. If you saw a person or even his face, then know that changes will soon take place in life and you will surely meet your love.

Is the surface of the mirror streaked? It means that not everything is so smooth, and not on a mirror surface, but in your life. Be careful, the future development of events depends on each further step.

Fortune telling on the gender of the unborn child: Needle

Young girls who dream of having a baby, as a rule, really want to know - who will they have - a boy or a girl? With the help of this divination, you can try to shed light on this mystery.

You will need a regular needle and thread, approximately 25 cm long. Pass the thread through the eye, take the hand of the girl who is expecting a baby, and hold the needle over her palm. If the needle begins to make circular movements, then you will have a girl, and if it starts to swing like a pendulum, then this is for a boy.

Fortune telling on the windows: Light in the window

You need to guess in this way when it is already getting dark and people in the houses turn on the light. Probably in your city multi-storey building. Go up to him and turn your back, say to yourself the question you want to get an answer to. Then turn around and carefully count the number bright windows. An even number gives a positive answer, an odd number a negative one.

New Year's divination in the name of her husband: Street divination

Girls, do you want to know the name of your future husband? Still would! Then, after the chimes announce the New Year, go outside and approach the first man you meet and ask him to introduce himself. Most likely, this will be the name of your future husband, and in some, especially rare cases, this man will be your fiancé. If it’s scary to walk alone and pester men, you can take your friends to help and guess on New Year’s Eve in turn.

Fortune telling on rice

Surprisingly, ordinary rice can tell a lot about our future. To do this, you again need to say the question you are interested in to yourself, then enter left palm over a container of rice, hold it over it for a while, and then take a small pinch and pour the rice onto a piece of paper or a napkin. Count the number of grains. An even number gives a positive answer, an odd number gives a negative answer.

Divination by the book

Take the most ordinary book, touch it with your left palm and again say the question to yourself. With the same hand, open any page, move your palm to the text and the lines under your thumb should answer your question.

You can also try another way of divination with a book. It's even easier. It is enough just to name the page aloud, and then open the book and read what was written. Just do not assume that in this line, which will be under your finger, there will be an exact answer, say: you ask how old I will be when I get married, and in the book the answer is: it was a sunny day, not foreshadowing a single cloud on sky. This answer should be interpreted as positive, you will definitely get married soon, but you won’t be able to name the term.

Fortune telling on the husband's profession

All girls want to know who their betrothed will be. It is a pity that there is no such profession - an oligarch, otherwise, one could tell fortunes on him.

So, for this divination we need bread, keys, a book and coal. These objects symbolize the occupation of the husband, respectively, a peasant, a merchant, a priest and a worker. If workers can still be found, then peasants with merchants and priests will be problematic to find. Let's dream up, take items suitable for modern life. A flash drive is an IT specialist, a book is a scientist, a ball is an athlete, a tie is a politician, and so on. What matters here is exactly what you put into each item.

Fortune telling on the betrothed: A rod, a broom and a comb

It looks more like the name of a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, but this fortune-telling will help the girls find out about their betrothed.

We take a broom and pull out a few twigs from it. Before going to bed, make a small semblance of a bridge out of them and put them under the pillow, while saying: my betrothed, mummers, take me across the bridge. And then calmly fall asleep and carefully watch your dreams.

He will definitely take you across the bridge. A comb is needed in order to also find out the name of the betrothed. You also need to put it under the pillow and at the same time say: betrothed, comb my hair. There is also a mirror under the pillow. Only at the same time you need to say other words: my betrothed, come to me, but show yourself. Watch your color dreams carefully and remember the image of your future husband.

Fortune telling for the New Year on ice

On New Year's Eve, you need to leave a saucer of water on the balcony or on the street. When you wake up, take a saucer and look at the resulting patterns. If the water is fixed in the form of waves and irregularities, then next year will develop in two ways - there will be both good luck and defeat. If everything is going smoothly with the ice, then it will be exactly the same in your life, no worries, turmoil and force majeure. If the ice in the saucer stood on end, then only ahead good news. Holes in the ice will indicate that some bad event is ahead.

Fortune telling on a chain in the New Year

Just before the New Year (15 minutes), sit down at a flat table and take a chain. Rub the chain in your hands for 10 minutes, as soon as you feel that heat begins to be released, put the chain in your right fist and shake it sharply five times, and then throw the chain on the table with one sharp movement.

The chain will spread out on the table in the form of an interesting figure, which in the future will tell you future events.

If it stretches out in a straight line, then fortune will not offend you in 2019. The chain stretched out in the form of a snake, be careful, someone among your closest friends betrays you.

The round chain will symbolize difficult situation, from which you will look for a way out during the year, an oval will say that someone has feelings for you, a triangle will promise difficulties in business, but good luck in love, a bow means a quick marriage, and a loop predicts big financial losses.

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year begins. This time is considered mystical and ideal for divination.

And although the Old New Year is not an official holiday, many of us love this day. Throughout the history of the celebration, the Old New Year has acquired many interesting traditions customs, ceremonies and rituals.

An integral part of the celebration is fortune-telling for the Old New Year. Traditionally, this winter period our ancestors guessed at the harvest or fate. On the eve of the holiday HB STYLE talks about popular superstitions and features of divination at Christmas time.

When can you guess?

Winter Christmas time is celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, that is, from January 6 to January 19. People believed that it was at this time that evil spirits come out for a walk, and fate can lift the veil of its secrets and mysteries. These days, our ancestors performed numerous ceremonies and rituals, including fortune telling. Among young girls who had not yet met their beloved, there was a rumor that fortune-telling for the Old New Year was the most faithful.

During the winter holidays, in particular, on the night of January 13-14, with the help of fortune-telling, you can find out the name, character, hair color of your betrothed, whether the wedding will be soon, whether the marriage will be happy and much more.

How to prepare for divination for the Old New Year

If you are going to guess for the Old New Year, this should be taken seriously. People believe that if a person doubts the veracity of fortune-telling, then it will not come true. Before divination, girls need to let their hair down, untie all the knots on their clothes (belts, belts), remove bracelets, rings and other jewelry.

If a girl is going to tell fortunes about her future husband, this should not be done in family home. In the house where such a ritual is performed, men should not be present.

When starting fortune-telling, it is important to clearly formulate your question and mentally abstract from everything that can distract.


Simple fortune-telling for the Old New Year

1. Divination for the future with cups. How many people will guess, so many cups are needed. It is necessary to spread the ring, bread, coin, sugar, salt, onion into cups, and pour water into one. FROM eyes closed each of the fortune-tellers chooses a cup for himself. What was in the vessel, so will be the near future. The ring means a quick wedding, bread - prosperity, a coin - wealth, sugar - fun, salt - failure, onions - tears. A cup of water portends life without much change.

2. Fortune telling on grains. Take a jar of any cereal and ask a question that interests you. Then take out a handful of grains with your left hand and count them. Even number means a positive answer to your question, while odd means a negative answer.

3. Divination on dumplings. This is one of the most traditional divination for the Old New Year. The mistress of the house prepares dumplings with potatoes or cabbage, and puts an unexpected filling in some of them. According to who gets what, they determine the fate of a person in the new year. For example, lollipop means sweet life, a paper bill or a coin - enrichment, dragee candies - replenishment in the family, a thread - a long road, a trip, a button - beautiful new clothes, peppercorns - a bright life "with peppercorns".

4. Divination for the betrothed. Before going to bed, on the night of January 13-14 unmarried girls four cards with images of kings of different suits should be placed under the pillow. In the morning, without looking, you need to pull out one card. What suit the king will be, so will it be future husband. The king of spades is an old and jealous husband, the king of clubs is a military husband, the king of hearts is a young and rich betrothed, and the king of diamonds means that the husband will be desired.

5. Girl's divination for the Old New Year. Before going to bed, a young girl should eat something salty and not drink water with food. Going to bed, you need to say these words: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!". According to legend, whoever a girl dreams about, she will marry.

6. Divination in the name of the betrothed. Finding out the name of the future husband for the Old New Year is very simple. It is enough just to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to call his name.

7. Divination by the book. You can find out the answer to your question for the Old New Year with the help of a book. Mentally voice your question and, in a randomly selected book, name the page number and line number. The phrase written in this place will serve as the answer to your question.

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