The tree from the evil eye has an even number of flowers. Definition of spoilage and how to do it at home

We are accustomed to perceive flowers as something beautiful. Bright inflorescences, a pleasant smell, a festive atmosphere when a bouquet is presented - all this sets you up for something good, kind, positive. But there are people who can cause damage through flowers. Soon you will feel all the "charm" of the evil eye: weakness, incomprehensible illnesses, quarrels and scandals in the family.

Festive bouquet

If the damage was induced professionally, then a person can reach the edge, commit suicide. Sometimes it’s not just damage done on purpose, but something like the evil eye, some kind of negative emotional message. Maybe the person who gave you the bouquet was sick, and along with the flowers gave you all his sores.

How to determine damage to a flower

It is not necessary to see something bad in every gifted flower or presented bouquet. There are many kind and sincere people who wanted to congratulate you wholeheartedly. You could have suffered from their evil eye, but it could have happened by accident. If there was still malicious intent, then you will feel it very quickly. Corruption transmitted through flowers acts immediately. As soon as the bouquet begins to fade, health will deteriorate sharply.

Signs of damage transmitted through a flower

It is quite difficult to distinguish one damage from another, but if changes in your life occurred precisely after you were presented with flowers, this may be precisely the damage transmitted through them. Although there is another option - you suffered from the evil eye. The one who congratulated you praised you too much, or someone envied you when he saw a huge number of flowers.

Signs of damage transmitted through flowers:

  • A person feels constant weakness, fatigue.
  • There is a loss of appetite.
  • It can give you a very bad headache.
  • Sensitive people may experience olfactory hallucinations ( bad smell) or auditory.
  • The person has nightmares all the time.
  • There are diseases that doctors are not able to diagnose.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • You feel cold all the time, the temperature starts to jump (it rises, then it falls), severe chills.
  • I want to lie down, laziness appeared, it’s hard to do something.

A way to determine damage induced through an indoor flower

If you were given not a bouquet, but indoor flower, it can also contain negative program, much stronger than the evil eye. Usually, to induce damage, the plant is planted in cemetery land. There is one way to check if there is a lining. You need to bring holy water and water the flowers only to her. If the donated flower dies, then it was damaged.

How to spoil with flowers

It's pretty easy to get this kind of damage. You already know about a flower planted in the ground from a cemetery. Another way is to go to the same cemetery, find a fresh grave there and take from it a bouquet left by one of the relatives of the deceased. Then this bouquet must be presented to a person who deserves this damage.

If you want to cause serious damage, you can cast a spell. To do this, you also need to go to the churchyard and say the words of the conspiracy 13 times. Then put these flowers on your enemy. On the churchyard you need to leave some alcohol for the owner of the grave.

“Flowers are full of pus, the scabs of the vedimachm are blind, the eyes of the legs don’t go, the hands don’t take the ears, they don’t hear the head is going around the mind, like jelly, the fingers are flowing, the inside is not breathing, the heart is pressing on the back, it’s hooking The demon howls, the rabbit, the name of the man, groans in pain, the ghoul, the rbina, the name of the man, loses his life. Cursed!”

Protection against damage to the flower, its removal

If you feel the effect of damage, the evil eye, you need to sprinkle the house with holy water. Prayers can also help. You must ask God to protect you from black magic. If artificial flowers are planted on you, it is better to burn them immediately. If the damage came from fresh flowers, throw them in the trash.

Those who live in the village should take them away from home and bury them. After that, it would be good to fill the house with other plants. It is desirable that they grow in pots. You just need to go to the store and buy those indoor flowers that you like. They will remove the negative impact of the evil eye and damage. If after this there are no improvements, then the help of a white magician is needed.

You can suffer not only from damage, but also from a strong evil eye. Not necessarily someone decided to spoil you, feeling unwell can be a consequence of the evil eye. To protect yourself from the negative, the evil eye that donated flowers carry, they must be placed in a crystal vase. If there is no crystal at home, then glass will do.

It is necessary to put the flowers in a special slandered water that will protect from the evil eye. Make it easy. It is necessary to fill a vase with water and put flowers there. Then get two wooden spoons. Three times they need to draw water and pour it directly on the flowers, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as water rolls off spoons, does not hold, so lessons from flowers roll, fall off, do not hold on.” To get rid of the evil eye that could come to you along with these flowers, the water from the vase must be poured into the toilet or under dry wood, saying: "Go away, trouble, to where the water has gone."

Ritual for removing damage

If someone has tried to cause damage, getting rid of it can be difficult. You can seek help from experienced sorcerers or witches, or try to do the cleaning yourself.

This ritual must be performed on the waning moon, it must be repeated 9 times in a row. The ceremony is very simple. You need to take a glass of water and say the words of the conspiracy three times. One sip of water should be drunk, and the rest of the water should be moistened three times with hair and forehead, and also sprinkled with back and chest. You have to wait until the water dries up.

“Dawn-lightning, pure water, in a green oak forest there is a white birch with twelve roots. Just as neither morning dew nor evening dew holds on a birch, so do not hold on to lessons, or prizes, or sorrows, illnesses, fears, commotions, or wind fractures. From fair-haired, from blond, from black, brown, from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from bigamous, from tripartite. Be, my words, strong and sculpting forever and ever. Amen".

A way to get rid of damage with the help of prayers

Can be combined white magic and prayers for a better outcome. Before the start of the ceremony, it is necessary to turn to the Lord and the Mother of God and ask them for help. Be sure to visit the church, where you need not only to pray, but also to take communion, confess. Buy three candles there.

When you return home from church, you must take the image of Christ and Mother of God and put them on the table. Light three candles in front of them. Fill the bowl with water and place it on the table. Cross yourself and read “Our Father” 3 times on the water. Then, too, 3 times to pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, Mother of God, pray for a servant (name) unworthy of Our Lord for my misfortune, for my sadness, for my illness that people sent out of their malice. Pray, bow, I beg, I beg, I ask for protection and healing from the damage that they did to me evil people. My Christ, my Heavenly Father, I pray and ask, heal the unworthy Servant (name) from corruption. My Christ. My Heavenly Father, deliver me from illnesses, from my grief and anger, What is in my heart against those who sent damage to me. Please help the unworthy slave (name). Glory to Thee God, glory to Thee! Please, punish those people, and help me. I beg, I ask and I pray to deliver from damage. Mother of God, I ask you to pray before our Lord for me, an unworthy slave (name), to restore my health, luck, good luck. Lord my God, my Heavenly Father! Help, protect and deliver from the misfortunes that began to fall on my head Through human malice and envy that nests in their black soul. Let everything return to them, and everything that is mine, I return to myself. I ask God and the Mother of God. Save me, an unworthy slave from the pain that my body fettered. Please restore my health. God help me! Mother of God, help! Amen!".

When you are done, extinguish the candles and put them away in a safe place. They might still come in handy. They cannot be used for other purposes. Cross water. Then cross yourself and begin treatment - drink this charmed water as much as you want. This should be done until you feel better. If the water runs out, the ritual must be repeated.

We are all accustomed to perceive flowers presented by someone as a sign of attention, a manifestation of love, care. But suddenly, with the advent of a bouquet or a plant in a pot, life changes for the worse. In this case, damage to flowers can be made, and so strong that a person languishes from black magic in a short time.

Who can do damage

Damage to indoor flowers or a bouquet can be people who experience anger, envy, a desire to get a person out of the way in an effort to achieve career goals or love relationships. The danger of such a magical action is that damage spreads through flowers in a few days. The flowers then begin to wither.

It is easy to bring growing damage to flowers; even beginners can cope with these rituals. For each ceremony you need certain flowers and their number.

The most terrible spells are cast on indoor flowers and plants, from which it is difficult to be completely cleansed.

Signs of spoilage

Signs that damage was caused with the help of flowers are clearly expressed already on the second day after a person has accepted the charmed plants as a gift:

  • loss of appetite and sudden weight loss;
  • apathy, decreased performance;
  • frequent causeless headaches;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • causeless scandals begin in the family, the search for flaws in each other;
  • problems arise at work;
  • personal success is at stake;
  • the financial side of life suffers greatly.

If damage was done with the help of flowers, poor health and poor health are not amenable to medical diagnostics and treatment.

Damage detection methods

If a person was presented with a bouquet of flowers and his life after that went downhill, then the bouquet is immediately burned and the apartment is energetically cleansed. If the problems have taken a sharp turn, then it is better to invite the priest to the house or seek help from a specialist.

It is worse if damage was done to indoor flowers, but even here you can try to determine whether the plants are dangerous - the flowers are watered with holy water. If the flower suddenly withered, then a ritual of black magic was nevertheless performed with it.

There are times when the person who gave the flowers did not want to wish bad, but inadvertently jinxed it. This happens when a person is envious by nature and, congratulating on the holiday and giving flowers, said too many flattering words. If you give flowers during a period of deep mental turmoil or ill health, the energy of the plant will be unfavorable.

To find out if an evil eye was made on a flower, red threads will be required. From the bouquet, you should choose any flower and wrap it around it. If during this process the thread starts to burn the hand, the energy of the flower is negative.

How to remove damage

If a person is convinced that damage to flowers has been done, then urgent action must be taken. This type of black magic is the most dangerous - most often the human psyche suffers.

If the ritual is performed over a bouquet, then it should be burned or buried in an abandoned area. The same is done if damage is done to indoor flowers.

After deliverance, new houseplants purchased at a garden store are brought into the house. They will help remove the negative energy in the room.

Ritual to remove negativity

It is quite possible to remove negative energy on your own:

  • the ritual is performed on a waning moon;
  • the procedure is carried out for 9 days;
  • take a glass of water and speak a plot over it 3 times;
  • drink a sip of water from this glass;
  • moisten the forehead, crown of the head with the remaining water, sprinkle the chest and back 3 times;
  • You can’t wipe the water, it’s better to wait until it dries itself.

The words of the conspiracy: “Dawn-lightning, pure water, in a green oak forest there is a white birch with twelve roots. Just as neither morning dew nor evening dew holds on a birch, so do not hold on to lessons, or prizes, or sorrows, illnesses, fears, commotions, or wind fractures. From fair-haired, from blond, from black, brown, from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from bigamous, from tripartite. Be, my words, strong and sculpting forever and ever. Amen".

Evil eye protection

If the evil eye is suspected through flowers, they are placed in any glass container. Water for such flowers needs to be spoken, then take two wooden spoons, scoop up the charmed water with them and pour it into the flowers.

As water rolls off spoons, does not hold, so lessons from flowers roll down, fall off, do not hold on.

To get rid of the evil eye that could come to you along with these flowers, pour the water from the vase into the toilet or under a dry tree, saying: “Go away, trouble, to where the water has gone.”

How to make damage to flowers

The indoor flower, which was damaged, was most likely planted in the ground brought from the cemetery. Certain conspiracies are read over the plant.

One way to induce damage is to take flowers to the cemetery. They are given to your enemy - necrotic energy will do its job.

If more serious damage is required, then they carry a bouquet of flowers to the cemetery and read the spell 13 times there.

Flowers are graveyards, scabies are pus, deeds are blind. Eyes, legs do not go, hands do not take, ears do not hear, the head is spinning, the mind, like jelly, flows, the fingers do not bend, the inside does not breathe, the heart presses, the back hooks. Cursed!

Today we will talk about plants in the rituals of magic. Since ancient times, flowers and herbs have been widely used in witchcraft. Magicians, using their properties, do both rites aimed at protection and positive, and rituals of a destructive purpose. What kind of corruption can be through plants, and how can corruption be done with the help of flowers? There is a powerful ritual called Growing Corruption. It is not for beginners, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will introduce you to it. In addition, let's talk about herbs that remove damage. And in particular, about the beneficial magical properties of such a seemingly simple herb as wormwood.

Grass wormwood from the evil eye and energy negativity

The ordinary-looking herb has been used, and certainly is still used today, for a variety of sorcery purposes. It is used to summon and hold Dark spirits, to protect against curses and black sorcery. This herb can be found in the compositions of amulets to protect against the evil eye, damage and negative ones that are hostile to you.

Wormwood grass serves as a talisman for children, mothers and fathers. More about the magical properties of wormwood, as a talisman against the evil eye and damage, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom will tell a little later. And now about magical effect through the flower, about what it is in general - growing damage.

How they can make damage on flowers and herbs - growing damage

Growing corruption is old rite based on natural laws. Any influences associated with the dark energy of demons are fleeting. The black corruption made by the power of the world of the dead lasts longer, but also once the power of the given program weakens. But, in the growing damage, the algorithm of natural reproduction is taken as the basis - natural, powerful and irreversible. This principle works like strongdamage to flowersand herbs, and protection. These rituals have been developed over the centuries.

Growing is one of the most dangerous types of damage to human health.

It is difficult to clean, and, moreover, it tends to recover. Sometimes it is called "weed". They independently make damage through grass seeds. Such an effect justifies its name. The only time the sorcerer's hand on the waning moon will take the seed, the only time during full moon will plant weeds with a conspiracy, with witchcraft words, and it will be made corruption with the help of flowers and witchcraft herbs.

The object of influence will begin to change life. If the damned was rich, he will become poor. If he had a sharp mind, he would become feeble-minded. If he had good health, he would know what the painful ones are. If he was lucky and successful, he will become an outsider. By blood, this black corruption passes to other generations. As grass grows in the field from year to year, so the descendants of the one who was originally its victim suffer from black corruption.

The sorcerer, in order to make damage through a flower and grass, does not just throw seeds, and not just any. Seeds are taken depending on the task. They are soaked with the bindings of the victim, planted in the ground, watered, cared for. Then grown, strengthened, strong seedlings, charged with black energy of damage, are planted closer to the enemy. If, thus, personal witchcraft protection is made, then the magician plants grass from the evil eye and damage near his house. But, there are other conspiracies.

In the same way, you can damage indoor flowers and give a flower in a pot to your offender. You need to know what seeds to take into work. Because the grass is different from the grass. If health is cursed, seeds will do poisonous plants such as hogweed, hemlock.

To ruin the enemy and bring disaster, it would be good to take quinoa seeds. Suitable fescue, as well as the seeds of ambrosia wormwood. This grass is incredibly tenacious, it is not afraid of either drought or frost, it is a ubiquitous, indestructible weed. Thus, damage itself resumes, and after removal it grows and manifests itself again and again.

Seeds for spoilage are taken on a waning moon or on a full moon. Soaking the seeds of flowers, they are spoken. Conspiracies independently read different, in accordance with the meaning and task of damage. And read into the water. Water stores information and will transfer it to grass sprouts. In order to induce powerful damage to flowers and herbs, the bindings of the victim are placed in the water. On the day that the magician chooses, he plants the sprouts in the ground. And at this stage, when transplanting plants, land taken from special places is added.
So, if they cause damage to diseases, they conspire to take land from a hospital, for example, from an oncology clinic. If the magician sets a goal to make damage to flowers, and induce such damage to disasters, madness or death, then they add land from the cemetery intersection, or from the place of massacres. They pay for the land taken from such places - they give a blood sacrifice. And part of the sacrificial blood, together with the earth, into the same soil, along with the plant, which brings terror, disease, and destruction to the enemy.

Thus, the spirits of an extreme, dangerous place, a place of Power, are bound through the earth. And in the same soil, together with the weed - the binding of the object. According to this algorithm and principle of operation, it is possible to induce a growing damage to indoor flowers as a gift to the enemy. Such things are not for beginners, that's what you need to understand! A beginner will not cope with such a thing, definitely, he will harm himself and that's it. If we are talking about the protective resources of the "growing" method described by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, then we should take such herbs as St. John's wort, basil, elderberry, verbena, elecampane.

What flowers help from the evil eye - plants of protection from negative energies

Each plant has a unique energy. If the energy of some plants is good for inducing disease and devastation, then other plants come to the defense of man.

About home flowers protecting from the evil eye and energy negativity.

  • Cactus. Standing at the front door, the cactus guards the house from damage, gossip, envious slander. This plant protects the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye, blocking the negative, preventing it from penetrating and spreading into the home.
  • Tradescantia. it unpretentious plant it will also drive away imaginary friends, protect you from evil tongues and malicious intent of enemies. In addition, tradescantia cleans and renews the energy of the house. This one is best flower from the evil eye keep in the kitchen or living room.
  • Geranium. One of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and ritual damage. Neutralizes negative impacts aimed at home and family. In general, any indoor flower blooming with red flowers can save you from the evil eye.
  • Roses. They create an atmosphere of well-being and love. The rose has a strong energy, it is a very useful functional flower from the evil eye and damage. But, at beautiful rose there are also thorns - a formidable weapon against evil words and harmful actions of ill-wishers.
  • Ficus. It is recommended to have at home - this is a plant from the evil eye. It neutralizes adverse radiation, cleanses the aura of the house.

All plants are sensitive to energies - negative and positive. Can a houseplant protect a person from the evil eye and damage? Of course, maybe, otherwise, what would be the basis of plant magic, which has existed for so many centuries?

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Removing damage with the help of magical herbs

In witchcraft rituals, there are many effective cleansing rites that are widely used by magicians. Plants from the evil eye and spoilage have long been used in rural witchcraft. And, I must say, with great efficiency. But all cleansing is so individual that each practicing magician has to choose his own methods.

It is necessary to take into account the nature of the negative, the character traits and energy of the client from whom the negative is being removed. And many more nuances. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, in my practice use different rituals to cleanse a person from the evil eye and black negativity. They are effective, but for every special occasion. In one case, I, Sergey Artgrom, use spoilage herbs, in another I remove black energy with wax, in other cases I use knives, water, I do annealing with fire.

In witchcraft, everything is very individual. There is real magicians, which for many years have only been poured with wax. And with this material they have such a close and strong connection that they even cast. But, after all, wax is not a panacea, although the method itself is very good. Each practicing magician has his own experience and preferences. And if you use herbs for spoilage, and get the desired result, then such techniques are well suited to you.

Grass Wormwood will protect from damage - a magical crown for the king

Wormwood is the herb from the evil eye number one. To take off yourself negative energy that came from people, you need to wash yourself with a decoction of wormwood. You can add it to your bath. Well, this method of flushing is suitable for children. In the people, wormwood is called the crown for the king. Main magical properties Wormwood plants - foresight, protection of a person from evil forces. This herb is used in incense that promotes clairvoyance, as well as in mixtures for cleansing and protection from Dark spirits.

Wormwood grass helps against spoilage, but it can be used with success in order to restore personal energy, vitality and physical health. So, a warm bath with wormwood relieves fatigue from the body, restores lost strength. Perfectly washes away the negative accumulated during the day. However, in water this spoilage herb, loses some of its magical power, and therefore magicians often use it in the form of incense.

Great way to get back healthy sleep, completely getting rid of insomnia - stuff a pillow with dry Wormwood, and sleep on it. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will notice that, in this way, you can not only normalize sleep, but also get rid of nightmares. And with proper practice, you can see prophetic dreams.

Grass Wormwood is one of the best means for protection from the evil eye, energy negativity of envy and evil of people aimed at the destruction of the family nest, on illness and loneliness. Its smell drives out evil spirits from the house, keeps a person from accidents and other serious and not very serious troubles. Small twigs and dry flowers of wormwood in a bag, worn at the level of the solar plexus, will be your shield against any negative energies.

Quite often, flowers are given to girls as a gift and a sign of love. Beautiful plants are considered a symbol of beauty and peace. Beautiful appearance, sweet fragrance, and the feeling of a holiday when receiving flowers, programs for happiness and joy. That's just often sent damage to flowers. Over a short period of time, a person begins to feel all the negativity from this magical effect.

How to spoil flowers

Signs of flower damage

Damage to a flower may have certain signs that the victim feels on himself or on his loved ones - we will consider them below in more detail.

  1. If you have been cursed, you will feel weak. The feeling of fatigue and drowsiness do not leave the victim during the whole day. All plans are constantly collapsing, because it becomes very difficult to accomplish what was planned. Dreams become nightmares.
  2. A sharp deterioration in health. In the life of the victim, diseases begin to appear that have no explanation. Medical workers cannot determine the cause of the disease, because by all indications a person is considered healthy. Appetite decreases, and the victim loses body weight very quickly. Constant temperature fluctuations, and headaches may indicate the presence of a magical effect.
  3. Relationships in the family deteriorate. Family life becomes a nightmare. Constant scandals and quarrels simply destroy the family idyll. A wife or husband can cling to every little thing so that a reason for a quarrel is ripe.

If the damage was induced by a professional, then this can greatly affect the victim. Often there are situations when a person decides to commit suicide. He simply does not have enough nerves to withstand all the problems. In some situations, there is no damage, and the usual evil eye. That is, the person did not want intentional harm. It is likely that the presented bouquet came from a sick person. And with his gift, he transferred all his negative energy to you.

Definition of spoilage and how to do it at home

It is not immediately possible to find out whether the bouquet is cursed or not. Several experiments need to be done. Don't get hung up on the fact that every accepted bouquet of flowers has magic in it. It is unlikely that people close to you will want to harm you. Most people really congratulate acquaintances out of feelings of respect and love. You can get the evil eye out of ignorance. Not everyone can know that he is capable of causing harm. Evil intentions manifest very quickly, and you will immediately begin to notice them behind you. With the deterioration of the state of flowers, your state of health deteriorates.

If you have been presented with an indoor flower, then you should be wary. Such types of plants contain much more negative energy than a bouquet. If you need to cause damage, then the flower is planted in the cemetery ground. It is best to determine the evil eye or damage with holy water. She needs to water the flower, and see if changes are observed. If the flower dies, it means that the damage was contained in it.

Damage method

It is not difficult to make damage to flowers on your own at home. One option, which is done on cemetery land, has already been considered. The next ritual is also carried out in the cemetery. You need to find a grave with a new dead. Take from the grave flower bouquet, and present to your enemy. If you want to enhance the result, then you can read the plot.

Near the grave, read the following slander:

;Let my enemy go blind, deaf, and not be able to walk. I wish that the servant of God (name of the victim) loses his legs, the mind degrades, and the heart stops functioning normally. Let the dead man help me and take the life force from my enemy. two strands different shades, the dead man must direct to my enemy, and take him to himself. The red color will symbolize not love, but my ardent dislike. Black color will become a symbol of impending death and failure. Words are true and unchangeable. They represent a lock that cannot be broken into.

Flowers must be taken to the sworn enemy.

Removal of spoilage

If you are concerned about the question of how to remove damage to a flower, then you need to use the following methods. First of all, the house is sanctified with holy water. You can read prayers every day. They are able to minimize the damage, or completely get rid of the negative. If you find artificial flowers at home, then immediately burn them. The smoke must not fall on you. Be careful. If you understand that damage has been sent to fresh flowers, then you need to get rid of them. You can throw it in the trash.

If you live in a village, you can bury it in an area where no human has gone before. Wasteland is considered an excellent option. It is important to think things through so that no one can find them. Otherwise, this person will take on all the negativity. In the end, you will still be at fault. You can replace them with indoor flowers, from regular store. They will remove all contained negativity. It would be better if you planted the flowers yourself in a pot. They would be saturated with your energy, and constantly put protection on you. If progress does not occur, then seek help from a sorcerer.

Summing up

Damage must be done consciously. You must weigh all the pros and cons. It is best, of course, to solve the problem in a natural way, without the use of magic, because in this way you not only harm the enemy, but also incur Negative consequences. It is better to solve all problems with the help of conversations. If found mutual language if it doesn’t work, then it’s better to delete the person from your life altogether. Application magical rituals should only be in the most extreme cases when there is simply no other way to solve the problem.

Do you want to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, but are lost in in large numbers current amulets and talismans? Then you should make a choice in favor of natural, natural protective amulets- plants. There are several houseplants and herbs that have strong anti-magic properties that can withstand any negative influence.

Indoor plants from damage and the evil eye

Cactus. About it houseplant often spoken in a negative way. It is believed that he brings bad luck in his personal life and contributes to frequent quarrels in the house. However, if the cactus is placed in the hallway, closer to the front door, then it will become a good protector from damage and the evil eye.

Tradescantia. This plant will protect against unwanted guests, gossip and malicious intent of ill-wishers. In addition, this flower is able to renew and clean the energy in the house. Tradescantia is best kept in the kitchen or living room.

Geranium. This plant is considered the most strong amulet from evil eye and damage. With its aroma, it neutralizes all negative influences directed at the house.

Roses. They bring an atmosphere of kindness and love into the house. This flower will direct its thorns against all negative words and actions directed at you.

Protective plants from the evil eye and damage

If you want to strengthen the protection of your home, then you can use the power of field plants and herbs. In order for them to protect from damage and the evil eye, it is recommended to dry them and hang them over front door. You can also stuff pillows with dry plants.

Protective plants include: wormwood, St. John's wort, lemon balm, thistle, fern, garlic, nettle and periwinkle. They will protect the house from theft, unkind people, damage, evil eye, illness and trouble. In addition, these amulets are able to sow an atmosphere of joy and prosperity around them.

In order for the plants in your home to perform the function that in question, it is necessary to believe in its strength and from time to time pronounce a conspiracy from damage and the evil eye: "Good in the house, evil out of the house." Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.07.2014 09:20

Salt has always been considered a magical, cleansing and protective product. Previously, it was used as a talisman. They say bad people...

Everyone wants to protect themselves and their loved ones from life's failures and negative impact other people - the evil eye and damage. ...
