First time in a German bath. Well, yes, they are all nudist

A feature of the bath in Germany is that they do not distinguish between men and women, that is, in public baths visitors of both sexes wash together.

Baths in Germany

It is not known for certain who exactly introduced such rules for the bathing behavior of the Germans. However, the inhabitants of Germany are satisfied with everything, such a state of affairs among the locals does not cause embarrassment and embarrassment. However, this order of things applies to the sauna. The Germans explain that these rules are due to concern for the health of customers, since being in swimsuits made of synthetic material contributes to the release of sweat. And this, in turn, contradicts the elementary hygiene standards and has a significant impact on women's health.

As a rule, in Germany there are public baths and full-fledged spa centers. The latter are whole complexes of several thousand square meters, each centimeter of which is a useful area for recreation. There are swimming pools and saunas for every taste, rest rooms and restaurants. In this regard, a visit to the German bath stretches for several hours.

The cost of services is acceptable for the general population, which increases the popularity of such a pastime. German bath counts special kind cultural leisure.

Rules of conduct for a sauna in Germany

The traditional rules of conduct in German baths and saunas differ from those generally accepted. Before entering the sauna, visitors see a sign, according to which the entrance to the room is possible only naked. german sauna demands full opening for the beneficial effects of steam on the body. This confuses many tourists, so they often immediately leave the idea of ​​visiting a German bath. However, it should be said that one should not rush.

Such a rule does not mean at all that you must leave all your clothes when entering the steam room or sauna. This is true for synthetic clothing, that is, swimwear for women and swimming trunks for men should be left at the entrance to this zone. Of course, covering yourself with a towel is absolutely not forbidden.

There is an unwritten law in the German sauna: sweat from the body must not fall on the boards of the shelf. In order not to cause indignation among other visitors, when approaching wooden shelves You will have to take off your bathing suit and swimming trunks. However, especially shy customers can stay in a towel and sit on something else, and not on the boards. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the women and men present there will begin to look with pity at such a visitor or visitor.

The opinion that German saunas are a hotbed of debauchery is erroneous.

According to the culture of behavior, getting to know the opposite sex, as well as considering each other while taking bath procedures, is the height of rudeness and bad manners, so saunas cannot collect languid longing looks.

In addition, saunas and steam rooms in Germany are predominantly dimly lit. In combination with steam, this creates a natural veil from prying eyes. Thus, it is not so easy to see something. It is worth noting that the shower after the steam room for men and women is still provided separately.

As a general rule, people who enter public baths in Germany are only shy at first. Then, after relaxing in the sauna, comes the desire to plunge into the pool. Forget gender differences.

In fairness, it is worth noting that separate baths still exist. For this, special hours or even days are allocated in public baths, which are not so easy to get into. After all, the Germans are a nation of straightforward people who do not tolerate sentimentality.

For a long time I have already read the story of V. Soloukhin about how, back in Soviet time he visited a German public bath and was impressed.

About the topic of German washing with an erotic bias without complexes and without anything at all, see below

Many Russians visiting Germany face serious cultural barriers that separate our countries. The mentality of the Germans is very different from the Slavic. This is due to both cultural traditions and freer European views. The strongest culture shock among Russians is caused by German saunas and baths ...

Joint baths and saunas

Almost all saunas and baths in Germany are shared. This means that men and women, children and old people - all bathe and wash together. the main problem for the Russians is that it is supposed to be done completely naked. Neither the steam room, nor the washing room, nor the pool will let you in a bathing suit or swimming trunks. Rubber slippers are also prohibited.

The Germans believe that any synthetic in a humid and hot environment evaporates dangerous chemical compounds. This not only harms the person wearing synthetic swimwear, but also those around them. You will simply not be allowed into the German sauna in a bathing suit (or swimming trunks if you are a man).

Even if you embarrassingly cover up "causal places", they will look at you in surprise, as if you were a strange person. The Germans are not at all ashamed of their nakedness. Teenage boys can safely swim next to the naked mothers of their classmates, and no one sees anything indecent in this.

Etiquette in German saunas

men, women, children, elderly people- all bathe naked in the same room. In rare cases, some establishments arrange separate days for swimming, but this can only be once a week. On all other days, please cast aside false shame!

If you enter the washing room in swimming trunks, you will be reprimanded and shown to the door. So those wishing to visit the German sauna should tune in to the nudist mood and, above all, get used to their own nudity. Russian people, who are much more shy by nature, have difficulty accepting such orders. Some, even after living in Germany for many years, simply avoid visiting saunas.

But the fact is that German friends or even business partners can easily invite you to a home sauna. And in this case, you will have to strip naked and bathe along with everyone. At the same time, you should behave adequately: do not blush, do not cover your most intimate places and, of course, do not stare at the figures of those around you.

Where can you hide

Sauna in Germany is divided into 2 zones. The first is actually a washing room and a steam room. They are called Textilfrei, which roughly translates to "no clothes zone". In the rest of the rooms there is a lounge area, waterslides and a bar - you can walk modestly wrapped in a towel or swimming trunks. By the way, not all Germans do this. Many continue shamelessly walking around in what their mother gave birth to. Not every Russian is able to accept, let alone understand this.

The most pleasant

The very procedure of bathing in such places is very pleasant and relaxing. In public saunas, you can not speak loudly and in general make any noise in any way. This may allow other guests to enjoy their stay. You can sit or lie on the shelves only on special bath towels which are 2 meters long. You can't touch wood with bare skin. It's not hygienic.

Coming to the beginning of the "aufguss" - pouring stones - should be on time. It is important. During aufguss, a sauna employee pours water with honey, eucalyptus or orange aroma oils on the stones and diligently disperses the steam. At the same time, he entertains visitors: he tells them jokes, jokes. It is impossible to leave the hall at this moment, so as not to release precious steam. You can only leave if you feel bad.

Then you can start swimming. In some saunas, pleasant music is turned on during aufguss, salts, creams or ice cubes for the skin are distributed free of charge. After the procedure, you may be offered a cup of tea, fruit or ice cream. All this is already included in the price of the entrance ticket. Aufguss in saunas are held on schedule, so it is customary to come to them on time so as not to disturb the special beauty of the ceremony.

Many Russians visiting Germany face serious cultural barriers that separate our countries. The mentality of the Germans is very different from the Slavic. This is due to both cultural traditions and freer European views. The strongest culture shock among Russians is caused by German saunas and baths.

Joint baths and saunas

Almost all saunas and baths in Germany are shared. This means that men and women, children and old people - all bathe and wash together. The main problem for Russians is that it is supposed to be done completely naked. Neither the steam room, nor the washing room, nor the pool will let you in a bathing suit or swimming trunks. Rubber slippers are also prohibited.

The Germans believe that any synthetics in a humid and hot environment evaporate dangerous chemical compounds. This not only harms the person wearing synthetic swimwear, but also those around them. You will simply not be allowed into the German sauna in a bathing suit (or swimming trunks if you are a man).

Even if you embarrassingly cover up "causal places", they will look at you in surprise, as if you were a strange person. The Germans are not at all ashamed of their nakedness. Teenage boys can safely swim next to the naked mothers of their classmates, and no one sees anything indecent in this.

Etiquette in German saunas

Men, women, children, the elderly - all bathe naked in the same room. In rare cases, some establishments arrange separate days for swimming, but this can only be once a week. On all other days, please cast aside false shame!

If you enter the washing room in swimming trunks, you will be reprimanded and shown to the door. So those wishing to visit the German sauna should tune in to the nudist mood and, above all, get used to their own nudity. Russian people, who are much more shy by nature, have difficulty accepting such orders. Some, even after living in Germany for many years, simply avoid visiting the sauna.

But the fact is that German friends or even business partners can easily invite you to a home sauna. And in this case, you will have to strip naked and bathe along with everyone. At the same time, you should behave adequately: do not blush, do not cover your most intimate places and, of course, do not stare at the figures of those around you.

Where can you hide

Sauna in Germany is divided into 2 zones. The first is actually a washing room and a steam room. They are called Textilfrei, which roughly translates to "no clothes zone". In the rest of the rooms - a lounge area, water slides and a bar - you can walk modestly wrapped in a towel or swimming trunks. By the way, not all Germans do this. Many continue shamelessly walking around in what their mother gave birth to. Not every Russian is able to accept, let alone understand this.

The most pleasant

The very procedure of bathing in such places is very pleasant and relaxing. In public saunas, you can not speak loudly and in general make any noise in any way. This may allow other guests to enjoy their stay. You can sit or lie on the shelves only on special bath towels, which are 2 meters long. You can't touch wood with bare skin. It's not hygienic.

Coming to the beginning of the "aufguss" - pouring stones - should be on time. It is important. During aufguss, a sauna employee pours water with honey, eucalyptus or orange aroma oils on the stones and diligently disperses the steam. At the same time, he entertains visitors: he tells them jokes, jokes. It is impossible to leave the hall at this moment, so as not to release precious steam. You can only leave if you feel bad.

Then you can start swimming. In some saunas, pleasant music is turned on during aufguss, salts, creams or ice cubes for the skin are distributed free of charge. After the procedure, you may be offered a cup of tea, fruit or ice cream. All this is already included in the price of the entrance ticket. Aufguss in saunas are held on schedule, so it is customary to come to them on time so as not to disturb the special beauty of the ceremony.

German common baths designed for joint trips with family, work colleagues or friends. Many of them are located on the banks of the Oder and Main rivers, as well as near thermal springs. Their steam rooms are very different from our baths, so Russian tourists should first familiarize themselves with their rules. Different mentality and culture can cause a strong shock caused by the traditions of German common baths.

Many bath complexes in Germany resemble a water park. They are divided into sectors different purpose. In one of them there are large pools with slides and tubes, cold and hot water, shallow and deep, with a fast flow and hydromassage. And in the other - a variety of thermal procedures: Russian, Finnish, Mongolian and Japanese bath, hammam, bio-sauna and ice cave. And between them there is a jacuzzi, winter gardens and massage rooms.

The most popular are the complexes located near the thermal springs. There are large German public baths in Lower Saxony and Bavaria. Also among the leaders in terms of the number of visitors are:

  • "Caracalla Terme", erected directly above an underground source of healing water;
  • "Liquidrom" in Berlin with free treatments, sea water in the pool and interior in space style.

Differences of the German bath

German men and women visit bath complexes together. There are no men's and women's quarters or visiting days. Only in a few complexes there are separate days for visiting men and women. This tradition shocks many foreigners, although it came from ancient times. It is believed that in the past, in order not to waste firewood on heating the bath separately for men, women and children, everyone washed together. Since then it has become a tradition.
One more distinctive feature German public baths are a prerequisite for being completely naked. The natives of Germany are not inclined to be ashamed of their nudity, so it is considered normal for them to bathe naked next to members of the opposite sex. There, even young men calmly bathe next to the parents of their friends. But the Germans look at the hiding people in surprise.

However, this does not mean that you will have to walk around naked throughout the bath complex, since this rule applies only to steam rooms and saunas. The Germans explain this by the fact that most swimming trunks and swimsuits are made of synthetic fabric, which causes discomfort and harm to the body at high temperatures. Also in German steam rooms, for the same reason, rubber slippers and slates are prohibited.

You can sit on the shelves in public baths in Germany only on special two-meter towels. It also spreads under the feet, as sweat flows from the heated bodies, which negatively affects the tree. Particularly shy visitors can wrap themselves in a cotton towel.

Subdued lighting is installed in the steam rooms to create a friendly atmosphere. There are a few unwritten rules:

  • You can not shoot on photo and video equipment;
  • You can not stare at other visitors;
  • You can not comment on the appearance of other people;
  • Silence must be observed and other visitors must not be disturbed.

Additional procedures

An important procedure in German public baths is aufguss, i.e. pouring thermal water on hot stones essential oils, as a result of which fragrant steam spreads through the steam room with special fans or towels. Most often, orange, honey or eucalyptus oils are used. This procedure is performed by special masters, who even annually compete with each other in Austria.

The duration of the aufguss is on average 20 minutes. In most steam rooms, the schedule for this procedure is weighed so that each visitor can navigate in time and not miss this ceremony. Its cost is already included in the entrance fee.

During the exercise, it is forbidden to leave the steam room, only in case of dizziness or a sharp deterioration in well-being. The attendant performing the procedure may also entertain the assembled people with anecdotes and jokes. In some complexes, pleasant relaxing music is turned on, and creams, cubes of people or salt are distributed free of charge. After the procedure, visitors are offered a choice of a soft drink, hot tea, ice cream or fruit.

One day in a German bath.

I am a native Muscovite. By profession an engineer. Having lived most of my life in crazy, but infinitely beloved by me Moscow, in last years I live in a tiny, according to our Russian, clean and neat, calm German city in the very center of Germany. I invite the public to get acquainted with my one day. There are 63 pictures under the cut.

Today June 25, 2015 I had a free day and, according to tradition, I decided to devote it to my favorite pastime - a bathhouse.
I have been addicted to this procedure since I was very young. Been there
Often in the famous Moscow Sanduny, Armory and Krasnopresnensky

In recent years, living mainly in Germany, I try to visit the local water park once a week with a solid complex of various baths.

I usually go to a standard 4 hour session, which at a cost
15€ provides disproportionately greater opportunities than the usual
a Moscow public bath for the same price - about 600 rubles for 2 hours of a steam room with plastic bowls.
small digression
I hope, dear reader, will show indulgence to some not very high-quality pictures. they were made, for obvious reasons, in extreme conditions ...

So, waking up


and sweetly yawning


spanking in the bath for the bare essentials water procedures- why rub your face in front of the bath


Now a quick bite than God sent


My beech and tablet turn on simultaneously with the opening of my eyes ... and sometimes a little earlier - by touch ...
I usually start any day by checking mail and news on a couple of duty sites.
But the other day there was a very interesting debate on the Dozhd, which the media are talking about, but I have not seen them yet.
A bath is not a bath, but the gap must be filled.


Time however! "Zigel-zigel, ah lu-lu!" Hop in my favorite shorts, lightly cover my belly with an alcoholic T-shirt
I grab my bright red bath bag with all the belongings, which certainly includes: a bathrobe, two large sauna towels, a couple of smaller ones, mittens, slippers, shower gel, etc.

Now quickly into the elevator and dive into the underground garage, where my "184 horses" are in the stall.


The road is calculated by the minute.


And if any nerdy blonde
or a couple of cyclists in love do not arrange a traffic jam, then I, almost without breaking the rules, will rush to the goal in 15 minutes.


Another 5 min. will go to buy a card in a special machine
and an instant striptease in the men's locker room, in addition to which, of course, there is also a women's one, as well as "for couples".
On the way, I fasten the key with the chip on my wrist



and already running I cross a picturesque courtyard with lawns and various reservoirs

And exactly at 11.59 I fly into the "sauna-arena"! Phew, did it!
Little explanation 1 . In German public baths, men and women take treatments together and ... completely naked! For the unprepared and highly spiritual horror, right?
But, as you know, it is not recommended to climb into a strange monastery with your charter ... so as not to get hit on your bare ass ... Therefore, once a week you have to shove spirituality away for 4 hours.
True, for especially shy ladies, several steam rooms are allocated twice a week for half a day, but, as a rule, these ladies prefer equality and do not enjoy such a privilege.
By the way, for some reason, such concessions are not granted to us men. Disorder, discrimination. Let's barozzo.
Little explanation 2 .
I raced headlong. I know by heart the schedule for giving steam to the attendant.
And since each time he uses different gadgets, this is important.

Having flown into a large, 50-person steam room resembling a circus arena, already filled at that time with 10-12 naked "spectators", I climb to the very top and make myself comfortable. According to strict rules ("Ordnung ist Ordnung"), a visitor to the steam room is obliged to sit on his own towel, which must be underlain, incl. and under your feet. Hygiene is above all.

Exactly at 12.00, the attendant (or bath attendant) dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with a tub filled with water with various flavors solemnly enters the arena with the appearance of a bullfighter. After the obligatory briefing and explanations, he begins to gently pour from the ladle onto the stones of a huge round furnace installed in the center of the arena.


After that, the attendant goes around the circle twice, fanning the bathers with a towel. Then the procedure is repeated again, after which, having recommended that visitors enjoy a couple more minutes, the attendant leaves.
Not everyone can endure these "couple of minutes". Even I, with my many years of hardening, somehow lost consciousness twice after such a procedure.
Leaving the steam room, I rinse under the shower and thump in artificial pond. Today the water temperature is +22. Charm!


With a little splashing, I quickly move into a 120-degree Finnish sauna stylized in a kind of dugout


With a wood-burning fireplace in which crackle behind the glass
dry logs.


Here I spend another 15 minutes.


Then I jump into a round ice font.


Now it's time to catch my breath ... which I do, having moved to the pool with hydromassage and sea water heated to 36 ° C.


But there is no time to sit especially - the attendant will not wait. Exactly at 11.30 he will go into a relatively small steam room, about 15 people, and this time he will treat visitors with menthol crystals, thanks to which the steam will immediately disinfect the respiratory tract. This procedure is especially beneficial in the snotty season.


Well, that's all ... Half of the personal program is completed. Usually I make at least 6 visits, for which
to visit all 10 different steam rooms anyway, of course, is not possible.
Now for 15 minutes you can lift yourself up in a deck chair in the sun, and at exactly 11.59 ... Get up !!! Fanfares are calling to the arena!


The next entry, unlike the first one, is interrupted by the bathhouse attendant by handing out a pinch of salt, which we rub into the body. In winter, salt alternates with honey.

After that, I, slightly catching my breath on the lawn in a sun lounger


I wander into the next steam room. This is a round plastic box.
to which wet steam because of which visitors sit as if in a dense fog.


After surviving in this box for 10 minutes, I douse myself from a wooden tub with ice water


and head under the huge palm trees to the relaxation zone,


where, in addition to comfortable, relaxing chairs, there is a bed with a water mattress


I've been a bit wary of this build lately. Once, having barely plopped down on him, I instantly passed out, and when I woke up I saw the discouraged and condemning looks of vacationers ... The fact is that my wife is sure that the turbines of a jet Boeing are just the chirping of birds, compared to my snoring. Probably lying - after all, I have never heard my snoring.

Next I will have a sauna in which drops of water are supplied to special evaporators. Multi-colored lamps are mounted in its ceiling that change the illumination of the steam room.


Having faithfully served the legal 15 minutes in it, I dive into another font


Well, now that the mandatory program has been completed, it's time to make a control weighing


Well, not bad -2.90 kg in 2.5 hours!
So I still have 1.5 hours left ... to rest from rest ...
It wasn't here! Time to run for relaxation-meditation. Action happens here


It's not hot here at all. From somewhere, pleasant relaxing music is pouring from the speakers, and the attendant at this time, in an insinuating voice with German categoricalness, mumbles some spells ...
Hm ... here I also somehow meditated in earnest and with my snoring
slightly corrected the relaxation program for others ...
In our country, they would probably immediately push me in the neck, but tolerance flourishes here.
Well, sir ... however, there is time for business, and an hour of fun - it's time to refresh yourself ...


I think healthy "diet" food from a well-grilled sausage with french fries will not hurt me now ... And, of course, a glass of cold beer by the fireplace ...
Relax in the jacuzzi after lunch


Now you can walk around the complex






And go to a small ancient dam on a small river.


However, lunch grams pretty spoiled the result and it's time to evaporate the beer. For this, a small sauna with flavors supplied to a special container installed above the shadows is suitable, where in 15 minutes. I completely eliminate the consequences of my libation


Well, everything is great now. There is still time to finally sunbathe in a sun lounger


In winter, you can sunbathe in this terrible contraption


pancake-like. True, this thing bakes "pancakes" for a fee.
To finish, I myself do not know why, I climb into an infrared sauna with an ionizer.


Nafig it is necessary, I still have not figured it out, but if it's worth it, I have to try it.
Well, now, like everything, it's time to take a shower and get out.
The machine at the exit meticulously counted the time 4:05,


groaned grumblingly, like, well, what to take from them - from foreigners, and opened the turnstile for the exit in front of me - so be it, get out of here.
If I had been late, he would have demanded another 2€ from me. Those. for 17€ I could hang around here all day from 10 am to 10 pm. Sometimes I get stuck like that. At the same time, the ticket to the sauna includes other parts of the water park: various pools, an artificial river, slides, paddling pools, etc.
In addition, night parties are periodically held in the sauna complex: bonfires are lit, sausages and steaks are grilled, beer flows like water until late at night. In general, people walk purely in German.

Now I'm back in the car


On the way home, you need to drop in for a while in the old part of the city

There is always a problem with parking. I know of only one place where you can leave your car for free for half an hour, but there are only three parking lots and today they are all busy. So I leave the car in the parking lot.

and then legs...




Well, now it's time to head home.


Therefore, I choose a bypass road, otherwise you can drag yourself for 25 minutes.
On the right is one of the city's "boardeles".


And this is a car dump, where you can throw away an old car for free ... or an unnecessary fighter jet


Well, the industrial zone is over. This is also a city


Another minute and I enter my area


Well here is the house.


I recently learned that our house is a little younger than the Moscow "Khrushchev".


They're just following him.



By the way, this three-entrance house with a garage and lawns is served by one person.
And this is the famous German garbage dump with colorful containers


Any German baby who barely yelled "mom" will answer without hesitation that blue is for paper and cardboard, green is for biowaste, a yellow bag is for packaging, and black is for everything else.
Bashfully turning away, I pass by my bike, which I have been promising to pay attention to for half a year, but for some reason I sneak into the garage every time


Well here it is at home


We've been lucky with the weather this summer though.


However, it's good to be distracted by the surrounding landscapes, I'm waiting for LJ (by the way, add me as a friend), FB and other time wasters.
In addition, you need to think about where to rush on Saturday or Sunday. Lately I have taken it into my head to go around the surrounding castles.
ABOUT! Bravo! Inet safely ate the rest of the day.
It's time for the bainka


I hope I didn't get too tired.
