Divination for the New Year. New Year's divination for love, for the future, for desire

New Year is not just a holiday, but a night when we believe that dreams come true. Traditionally, this time is used to find out the near future. Organize New Year fortune-telling for 2017, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about your destiny.

Probably the most famous divination, when a wish is written on a small piece of paper, then it is burned, the ashes are poured into a glass of champagne, after which the drink is drunk. This is all done simultaneously with the chimes. In fact, there are many types of predictions, it all depends on the goals. Let's look at the most interesting and effective.

When is the right time to predict?

There are days when it is believed that divination is the most truthful. There is also a time when, according to some beliefs, guessing is undesirable and even forbidden. Usually they start doing predictions from December 25 and end by January 17. On some days this is not allowed. These days include Sunday, which is associated with religious beliefs, as well as Monday, which is related to the moon and can give deceptive predictions.

It is believed that the most truthful fortune-telling falls on Friday. Well, if it's also the 13th. In addition, predictions should be dealt with on the first day of the coming year, that is, January 1. Another day when the predictions are most correct is your own birthday.

Types of divination depending on the purpose of prediction

If you are going to do predictions, you must first determine the goal and direction, that is, ask a question. Divination is traditionally divided into several types depending on the purpose.

Divination for love

Using these types of fortune-telling, we want to find out if the betrothed will appear in the near future, how relations with him will develop and whether the continuation awaits.

On the hair

Before going to bed, take a clean comb. We slowly comb our hair, saying: "Narrowed-disguised, come to me dressed up." When you finish combing your hair, put the comb under the pillow and go to bed. At night, you should dream of the one who will become your destiny. When doing this fortune-telling, focus on the process and believe that the desired person will definitely dream.

On the bow

This divination begins on the night before Christmas. If you have several contenders for your hand, and it’s difficult for you to choose from them, then onions will help. You take the number of them, how many fans there are. The man's name must be written on each bulb. After that, they are placed in a container of water, whispering: "Onion, tell me who my fiance is." Now it remains to wait until the first bulb sprouts and see the name on it.

On matches

This is a popular method of predictions, familiar to our ancestors. It helps to find out how your partner feels about you, and is considered an effective method of divination. We need a new box, from which we need to remove two matches. Decide which one represents a man and which represents you. Stand them vertically so that they do not fall, at a small distance from each other. Now the matches must be set on fire and see what will happen to them. The prediction is based on which way the heads tilt and how.

  • If the match, symbolizing a man, deviated to the other side from the female side, then this indicates a negative attitude.
  • If the match remained upright, then the attitude of a man to a woman is indifferent.
  • If a male match leans towards the female, then this means sympathy.
  • It is considered a particularly good sign if both matches lean towards each other, this indicates reciprocity and a good relationship in a couple.

tree predictions

We will need a Christmas tree dressed up for the new year 2017, according to which we will do fortune telling. You will also need an assistant who will blindfold you and hang you up to a tree. You make a wish and take toys from the Christmas tree, after which you determine by color what will happen in the near future.

  • Green - next year a new love awaits, but whether it becomes real will not be clear immediately, but towards the end of the year.
  • Black - love is expected to be unhappy, possibly unrequited.
  • Shades of pink and red predict strong passion.
  • White - no significant changes are expected on the love front next year.
  • Purple or blue - feelings in a couple begin to cool, it is likely that the relationship will decline.
  • Gold or silver - there will be a meeting with a wealthy gentleman.

Guessing on desires

We all want our wishes to come true, and even more we want to know in advance if they will come true. In this case, several types of divination are used.

On the paper

In order to find out what wishes will come true next year, we take 12 pieces of paper. On each of them we write a wish, after which we go to bed. As soon as you wake up, take three pieces of paper and read what wishes are written on them - they will certainly come true.

On grain or stones

We put a cup with grains in front of us or pour them into a bag. We make a wish and take a handful of grains, trying not to wake up. After that, you need to count the number of grains that were taken. If the wish comes true, then an even number of grains should be in the hand. By the same principle, they tell fortunes on small pebbles.

A cat will help in divination

Have a pet? Excellent. Make a wish, and then call the cat. Let's see which paw he crosses the threshold first. If it is right, then the wish made will come true.

Fortune telling

Perhaps you want to know not about any specific events and desires, but about your destiny. In this case, different types of predictions are also used.

We look at the water

We take a transparent decanter, pour clean water into it. We put three candles around the decanter, and behind it a mirror. Now you need to concentrate, turn off unnecessary thoughts and carefully look in the mirror through the water. The images that you will see will tell about your fate. It is better to perform in the dark, the best time is midnight.

in frosty patterns

Winter is a good time for such divination. We take a glass or a mirror, pour it with clean water and take it out for the night in the frost. If there is no way to take it outside, then a freezer will do. When patterns appear on the glass, we proceed to the interpretation of the symbols that you will see on the surface.

  • Triangles mean good luck, success in the future, fate will be favorable to you.
  • Squares predict the appearance of difficulties.
  • Circles - prosperity, a comfortable life, the fullness of happiness.
  • Patterns resembling Christmas trees - fate predicts hard work for you.

book predictions

This type of divination has been known for a long time, it is successfully used for various predictions, including fate. You can try this fortune-telling on New Year's Eve 2017. We take a book. The most suitable is classical literature or poetry. Ask a question or make a wish. We name the page and line. We open and read the phrase that is written.

There is another option, when you name only the line above, and open the page arbitrarily. In this case, fate itself tells you where to open the book.

Modern methods of divination

With the development of technology, new methods of predictions have also appeared.

On the phone

In order to organize fortune-telling for 2017, you will need a phone. Make a wish by looking at the dial or screen. It is important to focus and turn off extraneous thoughts. Now it remains to wait a bit for someone to call. If the first call came from a man, then the answer is positive, that is, the desire will certainly come true. Guessing for the New Year is very convenient, since there are a lot of calls, so you won’t have to wait long.

on the windows

Go outside in the evening or at night, go to a multi-storey building. Turn your back on him and make a wish or question. Now you need to turn to the house and count how many windows are lit. An even number of windows indicates a positive answer.

Fortune-telling is not only a convenient way to find out the fate or probability of fulfilling a wish, but also just an opportunity to have fun. Some divination methods are done alone, while others can be done with good friends. The main thing is a positive attitude and confidence that all good things will come true.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone is concerned about the question - what is the coming year fraught with, will the wishes made on New Year's Eve come true. Each person believes in a miracle, that the coming year will definitely be better than the outgoing year. And it is this time, the most favorable moment for various predictions and fortune-telling.

Ancient and more modern, simple and interesting fortune-telling for men, for women, or for the whole family - New Year's fortune-telling and fortune-telling for the old new year will be able to please and entertain you, inspire hope in a wonderful future that awaits us in the coming year.

Divination for the New Year

Write your wish on a piece of paper a few minutes before the new year. At the first strike of the chimes, set fire to this leaflet. If it successfully burns out before the beginning of next year, then you can assume that your desire has already begun to come true, if it goes out - the desire will not come true, at least in the coming year.

Make a wish

Just before the start of the new year, write down your wish on a small piece of paper. Then burn this leaf, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. Next, after waiting for the chiming clock, drink the contents of the glass. It is believed that the wish written by you will come true.

Divination for marriage

This method of fortune-telling is most suitable for a single girl who wants to marry a guy she likes.

Before New Year's Eve, you need to go to the house in which the chosen one lives and break off a small chip from the fence surrounding his house or from the door, if it is an apartment. After that, you should go home and go to bed. If no one meets you on the way home, and at night you dream of exactly the guy you are thinking about, then you can be sure that this year he will ask for your hand.

Bread and scissors

It is believed that girls who put scissors and bread under their pillow on New Year's Eve will certainly dream of a future life partner.

Divination in the mirror

Quite a mystical way of divination. You will need three candles, a mirror and a decanter filled with water.
- Place the carafe of water on a hard surface.
- Place a mirror behind the carafe.
- Place candles on three sides of the decanter and light them.

Your task is to look through the water in the decanter at the mirror, it is believed that your future should be reflected in it.

Water transfusion

For this divination, you will need two glasses, one of which must be filled to the top with water.
On New Year's Eve, you need to make a wish and immediately start pouring water from one glass to another.
Whether your desire will be fulfilled or not is determined as follows: if no more than three drops of water remain on the surface on which these same glasses were placed after transfusion, then your desire has a chance of success. If there are much more drops, then, alas, you can not even hope - your plan will not come true.

Divination by wax

Melt, in any container, a wax candle, lowering the container onto the surface of hot water, and pour the wax into a deep plate filled with cool water. Depending on the shape of the hardened wax, you can try to determine your future. For example, a horseshoe means happiness in the coming new year, a star predicts the receipt of long-awaited news. Use your imagination to interpret the meanings of other solidified wax figures.

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

Late in the evening, before going to bed, fill the glass exactly halfway with water. Then, looking at the reflection of the water, make a wish and go to bed. In the morning, look at the level of water in the glass. If water has increased during the night, then your desire will certainly come true, but if part of the water has evaporated, then the wish is not destined to come true.

New Year's divination on needles

This method of divination can only be used for the new year or your birthday. For divination, you will need 13 needles, 3 of which need to be bent. The best option would be to use needles from a set for divination, since needles in it usually come in all different lengths, which will make it easier for you to distinguish them from each other when divining. Name each needle according to the names of people you know, and name one of the needles with your own name. Bent needles do not need to be given names.

Gather all the needles together, lift them off the table and pour them onto a clean sheet of paper. Look for a needle that is named after you and represents you. If it is located in the center of the sheet, then you can expect stability and a certain constancy in life. If this needle fell on the top of the sheet - expect a quick change; if on the lower one, changes await you, not necessarily unpleasant, but, alas, you will not be able to influence them.

Next, we determine for each zone of the sheet its value in the interpretation of divination.
The left side of the sheet is all negative
The right side of the sheet - everything is positive, good
Upper right corner of the sheet - spiritual growth
The lower right corner of the sheet - bad luck while maintaining the purity of thoughts
The upper left corner of the sheet - luck in everything, in any of your desires
· The lower left corner of the sheet - failures associated with strong emotional unrest.

Looking at the position of your needle, determine its direction. The eye of the needle indicates what (whom) you will aim for, and the tip indicates what or whom to avoid.

Determine the position of the needle relative to the sheet. If the needle is located along, then changes will occur as early as next year. If the needle lay across, then serious changes, in the near future, do not threaten you.

Now let's determine the value of other needles. Straight needles pointing towards your needle eye will be your allies. Needles pointing towards your needle will be hostile towards you. The needles that intersect with your needle will be in a very intimate relationship with you.

Now consider bent needles, portending trouble. If they are on the left side of the sheet, then this indicates troubles that have happened before or have already remained in the past. Bent needles located on the right side of the sheet predict future troubles.

If your needle points with its eye to a crooked needle, this means that your actions can bring you trouble. If the tip of the curved needle is directed at yours, then this indicates that no matter what you do, troubles will still overtake you.

In all other options, you have the opportunity to avoid trouble, it would only be your desire.

New Year's divination by a needle to determine the sex of the unborn child

With the help of fortune-telling on needles, the sex of the unborn child is determined. To do this, thread a thread into the eye of the needle, the length of which is approximately equal to twenty centimeters, and hold it in weight above the palm of the future woman in labor. If the needle starts to move, making circular movements, then most likely it will be a girl; if the needle swings from side to side - a boy.

The best time for divination is traditionally considered the time of Christmas time, rituals are also performed on New Year's Eve. But in connection with the existence of a new and old chronology, a little confusion has been created. Therefore, now they usually start guessing already on December 25, and end on January 19. Most often, of course, doing this at Christmas - on the night of January 6-7.

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to formulate a question in your head or think about a problem. Then sit down at the table in front of a light, even wall, put a plate turned upside down on the table, put a crumpled paper sheet on it and set it on fire with a wax candle. After that, observe the shadows that appear while the paper is burning. By the form they take, one can get answers and know the future. Your imagination will help interpret the meaning of the figures.

The algorithm of actions is very simple: take a book, think about what worries you, then randomly open the page and poke your finger at the line without looking. This phrase will become a clue, advice or a description of what lies ahead. If you have someone else with you, you can ask this person to pre-name the page and line number at the top or bottom. Fortune telling can become excitingly interesting, the main thing is to choose the right printed edition!

If a fluffy or not very animal lives in your house, then you are lucky - with the help of it you can find out if what you dream about will come true. So, you need to make a wish or ask a question and stay with the cat in different rooms. Then call the animal and wait with which paw it will cross the threshold when it enters: on the left - the answer is “yes”, the desire will be fulfilled, on the right - no. They say that such a ritual works only on New Year's Eve, or during Christmas time.

One of the most common fortune-telling, with the help of which they find out what events to expect next year. The process is not complicated: wax is put into a spoon and melted over a candle, and then poured into a container of cold water and examined the resulting figures. It is the interpretation of the result that usually causes the greatest difficulty. If your intuition and imagination do not suggest anything, you can turn to the Internet, where a huge amount of information is stored on this subject.

This rite is performed by unmarried girls during Christmas time: before going to bed, you need to pour water into a bowl, and put a twig on top - a kind of bridge. Then put it all under the bed, saying "betrothed-mummers, take me across the bridge." On this night, one should dream of the one with whom one is destined to link fate. Similarly, you can put a comb under the pillow, asking the potential groom to "come comb me."

After the betrothed appears in a dream, it would be nice to know his name. And this can be done on Christmas night, leaving the house at exactly midnight and asking the first man who came across how he is called. The future groom will also be called in the same way.

The following ritual will help you make a decision. You need to hold your hand palm down over a jar of rice, while loudly asking your question. Then grab a handful of cereals and count their number: if you have an even number of grains in your fist, the answer is positive, an odd number is negative.

On New Year's Eve, a few cups should be taken. Fill one of them with water, put in the rest: sugar, salt, ring, coin, onion and bread. After that, each of the fortune-tellers chooses a cup with their eyes closed and looks at what is in it. Water - a calm life, sugar - something very good will happen this year, salt - misfortune will happen, bread - prosperity and well-being in the family, onions - there will be many tears, a coin - to wealth, and the ring, of course, portends an early marriage.

Pour water into the basin, and hang strips of paper with desires or predictions around its edges. Leaves should not reach the water a little. After that, lit floating candles are lowered into the container, their number is equal to the number of those participating in divination. Next, you need to carefully monitor your candle - if she set fire to a piece of paper, then what is written on it will come true.

You can predict what the coming year will be like with the help of ice. On a frosty New Year's night, you need to take a spoonful of water to the street or balcony, and examine it the next morning. If there are bumps on the surface of the frozen water, then luck and prosperity await in the new year, if the pits are bad luck and losses.

This fortune-telling is suitable for a company of unmarried girls. It is necessary to take threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster - she will be the first to marry. But if the fire goes out, but at the same time more than half of the thread remains intact, then marriage will not happen in the near future.

New Year's holidays occupy a special place in the series of red days of the calendar and it is no coincidence that they are endowed with the epithets "magic", "fabulous", we associate with making wishes and expecting a miracle.

This is a mystical time when secrets hidden from a person, including those related to his future, become more accessible - that is why at the turn of the old and new years it was customary for our ancestors to guess.

Due to the change in the system of reckoning, we we celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1, i.e. not at the time when our ancestors saw off one year and met another, and this introduces some confusion into the situation with predicting the future.

The most traditional, "real", mystical and to this day are considered Christmas divination(from Christmas to Epiphany), and New Year's fortune-telling is less sacred, more harmless and, on this basis, is perceived by many as an innocent fun, a fun game. However, this is not entirely correct: divination for the new year have every right to exist and are also able to lift the veil over the future, even if this happens in an atmosphere of a cheerful, carefree, noisy holiday.

You can find out what the coming year is preparing for you using a variety of ways. Choose what interests you the most - luck, love, money, etc. (or all together), prepare the necessary "material base" - and give your New Year's holiday an even more magical atmosphere!

Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish under the chiming clock

It is necessary to prepare not only champagne for the climax of the New Year, but also a tiny piece of paper. It is necessary to write a wish on it, then burn a piece, and pour the remaining ashes into a glass of champagne. Sparkling wine is drunk with ashes to the sound of chimes. The bottom line is that all manipulations - from writing a wish to absorbing the contents of a glass - must be carried out while the clock on the Spasskaya Tower is striking. If you have time, it is believed that this guarantees the fulfillment of desire, if not, you will have to wait.

There is a second version of such fortune-telling, which requires less skill. It provides for a little preparatory work. At exactly 11 pm, take a piece of paper and write your cherished desire on it. An hour later, the first strike of the chimes will be the signal to set fire to the leaf. If by the time the last blow sounds, it will burn out completely, this means that you can count on the fulfillment of desire.

Fortune telling for the new year for the fulfillment of a wish with the help of a transfusion of water

In order to tell fortunes on the New Year in this way, two glasses and sleight of hand are needed. Pour water almost to the brim into one of the vessels. Then the following is done: make a wish and immediately, instantly, quickly pour water from one glass into the second.
After that, look carefully at the surface over which you did all this. If you spilled no more than three drops of water on the table (or somewhere else), this promises you the fulfillment of a wish in the coming year. But if there were much more drops, and even more so if a whole puddle formed, then, unfortunately, you will have to wait with the fulfillment of your desire.
It should be especially noted that no preliminary training to improve hand virtuosity is allowed - as well as repeated transfusions in order to obtain a better result. All these tricks make divination invalid.

Divination for the new year for the future using a mirror, water and candles

The "toolkit" that you need for this divination is a decanter of water and three candles. A full decanter is placed in front of a mirror and surrounded on three sides by lighted candles. To understand what kind of future awaits you in the new year, look in the mirror through the thickness of water poured into a carafe.
Relax, let your imagination run wild - and you can be sure that the magical combination of water, fire and glass will do its job and will definitely give some kind of picture.

Divination for the new year for love with a coin and a saucer

For this type of New Year's divination, you need a coin - not a simple one, but ... no, not gold, but an old one. It will be just wonderful if you inherited it from your ancestors. If no one left you an inheritance of this kind, you can take an ordinary coin from your wallet as an attribute of fortune-telling, but do it in advance: 3-5 days are needed in order to charge it with your energy, wearing a coin closer to your body (for example, in a chest pocket or bag). Ask your loved one to hold a coin in his hands for a couple of minutes before divination (of course, if possible). But an old or charged new coin is not all you need: you need to get more black ink and a round white porcelain saucer. Start this divination strictly at midnight.

So, suppose that all the conditions are met - you can start the process!
Put the saucer on the table, divide it into 4 parts by axial lines and write its designation in each sector:

  • Top left - OH.
  • Top right - SHE.
  • Bottom right - me.
  • Bottom-bottom - WE.

Now take a coin and, placing it on the edge in the center of the saucer, sharply twist around its axis and slightly to the side. In which sector the coin will end up after stopping, this is the result:

  • HE is the problem.
  • SHE - you have a rival.
  • I mean you are the problem.
  • WE - you will be together.

If the coin stops at the border, then the result is mixed, depending on the share of the coin in some sector. For example: if 1/3 of the coin is in the “I” sector, and 2/3 in the “WE” sector, then you will be together, and everything will be fine, but it doesn’t bother you to work on yourself, because in case of discord, it will be more than you guilt than his.

Divination for marriage with a decanter and a glass of water

To tell fortunes on a betrothed using this method, you need a glass and a carafe of water.
Pour water from a larger vessel into a smaller one, while saying the phrase: “You will get tired from the road, I have water, come, betrothed, I will give you a drink.” They pronounce this phrase three times, and do it with an affectionate intonation, tuning in to positive, wishing well to an unknown person.
Then the decanter and a glass of water should be placed at the head of the bed, after which you can go to sleep and dream with a sense of accomplishment. In one of them, the one who is destined for you by fate will certainly appear.

New Year's divination for love using a Christmas tree

This New Year's fortune-telling becomes possible if the house has a decorated Christmas tree, and the toys on it are of different colors. If the Christmas tree is decorated in a fashionable "one-color" style, you will have to go to the neighbors. In addition, you will need an assistant who will scroll the fortuneteller with a blindfold in a clockwise direction several times, after which he will lead him to the Christmas tree. The task of the fortuneteller is to reach out to her hand and remove the first toy that comes across from there. Next, you need to see what color it is.

  • White color means that personal life will remain the same as last year.
  • Black - unhappy love awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Pink, red or orange is a sign of passionate love feelings.
  • The green color of the toy portends a new love affair in the new year, and what it will result in will become known only in a year.
  • If the toy turned out to be purple, blue, this means that there will be a cooling in the love couple.
  • A silver or golden toy portends a rich gentleman.

New Year's fortune-telling on a wish using paper

Set aside a little time for fortune-telling on New Year's Eve - as much as is enough to write your most cherished desires on small pieces of paper.
After the papers are signed, they need to be rolled up and put under the pillow. On January 1, after waking up, your first action should be to extract one of them from under the pillow. What is written on this piece of paper will most likely come true in the new year, or, in any case, the chances of its implementation will be the highest.

Guessing a question using a phone

If you want to know what the future holds for you in the new year, then instead of clinking glasses of champagne loudly and absorbing yummy from the festive table, you will have to go outside with a mirror that you pre-douse with water. It is necessary to go out into the cold strictly at midnight. You need to wait until the water on the mirror turns into a frozen pattern - after that you can return home and look at what happened.

  • If the ice lay on the surface of the mirror in circles, this indicates that you will not be in financial need.
  • A pattern in the form of squares promises an abundance of all kinds of difficulties.
  • Triangles say that you will be Fortune's favorite in everything you do.
  • Spruce or pine paws portend hard work.
  • Straight, clear lines indicate that your existence in the coming year will be calm and hassle-free.
  • Smooth, curving lines promise that you will be caressed by the warmth, good attitude of people.
  • A surface covered with icy zigzags tells you that loneliness, emotional hunger are not clearly threatening you.
  • The abundance of dots means that all the work started will be successfully completed.
  • If you see the outlines of a face or figure, then thanks to the appearance of a new person in your life, a lot will change in it.
  • Various chaotic divorces have appeared - which means that your fate has not yet been clearly defined, you will create it yourself step by step.

Divination to determine the sex of the unborn child with a needle

With the help of New Year's fortune-telling, you can find out who - a boy or a girl - will be born by a pregnant woman.
Thread a thread 20 centimeters long into the eye of the needle, turn the woman’s palm towards you “in an interesting position” and for some time hold the needle and thread on weight above her. Most likely, the needle will move, and if it moves in a circle, this portends the birth of a girl, and the needle swinging from side to side indicates that the future man will be born.

Guessing a question with luminous windows

Without opening the book, place your left hand on it, palm down, and ask your question out loud. After that, open the book with your left hand on any page, put your palm on it and read the line that was under your thumb.

Another variation of this fortune-telling is that at the very beginning it is necessary to name an arbitrary line number (count from above), after which the book is opened on the first page that comes across, the hidden line is counted and what is written in it. Of course, in both versions, what you read cannot be considered a direct answer to the question posed, it must be comprehended and projected onto your situation.

Fortune telling on the occupation of the future husband with the help of various objects

Every girl wants to know who her future husband will be by profession. To find out with the help of divination, you need to arm yourself with a variety of items.
In the original version of divination, bread (peasant), keys (merchant), book (priest), coal (worker) were used, but this list clearly does not correspond to today's realities.
Here you need to show imagination: for example, an organizer will symbolize a business person, a mouse or a flash card - a programmer or system administrator, a collection of laws - a lawyer, a comb - a stylist, etc. etc. Accordingly, the more imagination and diligence in the search for relevant items will be shown, the more interesting, firstly, fortune-telling, and secondly, the more its results will meet the girls' expectations.

Fortune telling on the groom "Bridge" with the help of twigs of a broom or comb

In order to see the appearance of the future life partner, you need a broom. Break out several twigs from it and, going to bed, build a miniature bridge out of them, which must be placed under the pillow, while saying: “My betrothed, mummers, take me across the bridge.”
Then it remains to go to bed and see the desired image. For the same purpose, you can put it under the pillow and comb, but you don’t need to comb your hair before going to bed. Putting the comb under the pillow is accompanied by the threefold pronunciation of the phrase: "Narrowed-mummer, comb my head." You can also send a mirror to the comb under the pillow. In this case, the following words are pronounced: "Come, comb my hair, look and show yourself." Try to remember the appearance of the person you dreamed about: in the new year you will meet with him.

Fortune telling with frozen water

In the evening, take a saucer, pour water into it and put it somewhere on the street (you can take it out to the balcony) - let it stand until the morning. Take a close look at the ice the next day.

  • If peculiar waves have formed on its surface, this means that the year will be “motley”, that there will be both failures and victories in it.
  • Frozen water has formed a smooth surface - this indicates that nothing will disturb your peace of mind, violent upheavals are not expected.
  • The heaving ice portends a year filled with accomplishments and joys.
  • If a hole has formed in the surface of the ice, then the coming year is unlikely to be happy, trouble is coming.

Divination for the future with a chain

As you might guess, for such fortune-telling you need a chain. Retire in a place where no one will disturb you, sit in such a way that there is a countertop or any other flat surface in front of you. Take the chain in your hand and lightly rub it between your palms for a few minutes. When the feeling of warmth begins, shift the chain to your right hand, shake it several times in a clenched fist and throw it on the surface of the table (or something replacing it) with a sharp movement. Your fate in the new year will be predicted by the figurine in the form of which the chain lay down.

  • If the chain lay down in a straight line, this indicates a good time, that the fortuneteller will be lucky.
  • Snake - be careful: somewhere nearby is a person who will betray you.
  • Triangle - in business, in love will be lucky.
  • Circle - the coming year is preparing a difficult situation for you, the way out of which will be found only with great difficulty.
  • Oval - more than once you will find yourself in the center of universal benevolent attention.
  • Heart - someone loves you.
  • A knot is a sign of material loss or health problems.
  • Bow - to marriage.
  • Cloud - you will have a wonderful dream, to which you rush with all your heart.
  • Loop - in the new year there will be everything: losses and gains, achievements and defeats.
  • Zigzag - the new year will turn out to be very stormy, you will experience a lot of emotions.
  • Flower - there will be many pleasures and joys.

New Year's fortune-telling - every person wants to believe in a miracle, that the coming year will definitely be better than the outgoing year. On the eve of the New Year, everyone is concerned about the question - what is the coming year fraught with, will the wishes made on New Year's Eve come true. And it is this time, the most favorable moment not only for feasts and congratulations, but also for various predictions and fortune-telling, for special magical rituals.

Many common and ancient methods of divination on New Year's Eve have survived to this day, with which we will share with you. By the way, almost all New Year's fortune-telling will quite rightly be carried out on the Old New Year, someone will even say that it will be more correct this way.

Divination for marriage

This method of fortune-telling is most suitable for a single girl who wants to marry a guy she likes.

Before New Year's Eve, you need to go to the house in which the chosen one lives and break off a small chip from the fence surrounding his house or from the door, if it is an apartment. After that, you should go home and go to bed. If no one meets you on the way home, and at night you dream of exactly the guy you are thinking about, then you can be sure that this year he will ask for your hand.

New Year's fortune-telling "Eavesdropping" (for next year). Street divination at Christmas time

Stand under your neighbors window and listen. If they quarrel, you can expect a "fun" year. If the house is quiet, life will be calm and serene.

Some girls do this: when everyone goes to bed, they sit by the window and think: “betrothed, mummers, go past the window.” If after a while screams and songs are heard, joy and entertainment await the girl. If everything is quiet, it means poverty and boredom.

Peasant women go to the granary at night and listen at the door. If you hear the overflow of bread or the noise of work, this portends a good and rich life in marriage.

New Year's fortune-telling by a wedding ring (for fate)

They throw their hair into a glass of water and lower their wedding ring there. If you don't have your own ring, you can borrow it from someone. Put a glass on a saucer with ashes. They light a candle and, holding it in their hand, say:

“I will ask you, my shadow, what is my fate. Come from where there is Judas, what I want to know, then I can see in the ring. Amen".

The wick of the candle is lowered into the glass and the candle is extinguished. With a knitting needle or a new needle, mix the water in a glass. Through the ring look into the glass. What you see must be kept secret.

New Year's divination for the future

Divination by shadows

This type of Christmas divination, due to its simplicity, is very common in the modern maiden environment. The girl sets fire to the crumpled paper sheet, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper, trying to unravel the future.

Be sure not to forget to tell fortunes for your future and the future of your loved ones. It often happens that non-people do not even imagine that good things can happen to them or their family.

Divination in the mirror

New Year's divination by bread (for loved ones)

This Christmas divination helps determine whether everyone will survive the coming year.

They take as many slices of bread as there are people in the family, each chooses one piece for himself. Then they take them to the hallway, put them on a shelf, and in the morning they look: if some piece is missing, then this person will die within a year.

New Year's divination for the groom

Divination in the bath

Having opened the bath door, the girl should expose some parts of the body and ask her betrothed to touch her with his hand. If she feels a hairy hand, then it is assumed that there will be a rich groom, a bare hand - a poor one, a rough one - with a tough character.

Bread and scissors

It is believed that girls who put scissors and bread under their pillow on New Year's Eve will certainly dream of a future life partner.

New Year's fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish

- Write 12 wishes on pieces of paper and put them under your pillow at night. Those three of them that you get first in the morning will come true.

- Write on a small piece of paper and all your innermost desires and, sitting down at the New Year's table, put this piece of paper next to you. When your glasses are filled with champagne, and the chimes start to beat 12 times, burn this leaf, and carefully pour the remaining ashes into your glass and drink quickly. You must have time to do all this before the last strike of the clock, and if you are late even for a minute, then your wishes this year will not come true.

- With the first strike of the New Year's clock, throw a ring into the bowl of water and count the circles on the water. If their number is even, the wish will come true.

Take two pieces of paper and mark one of them. With the first strike of the clock on the new year, throw the leaves out the window. If the marked leaf falls first, the wish will come true.

Make lots and lots of paper snowflakes. Together with the guests, write your most cherished desires on them, and after midnight, go out onto the balcony with the whole company and throw snowflakes with desires down so that they spin in a magical dance of desires.

- On a small piece of colored paper, write your cherished desire, using the origami technique, make any toy out of it. Put the toy on the very top of the Christmas tree - and your wish will come true.

- Take a jar filled with rice (you can take a glass), put your left hand on the neck with your palm down and concentrate. Make a wish out loud or ask a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. After that, take out a handful of rice from the jar, pour the cereal onto the table or napkin and count whether you pulled out an even or odd number of rice grains. If it is even, the wish will come true, and the answer to the question is yes. If not, then vice versa.

- Hang a small box on the Christmas tree, in which you should put a piece of paper with your desire written. 5 minutes before the chiming clock, go to the Christmas tree, take the box in your left hand and say the following words: "Box, you keep my secret and this is no coincidence, let my wish become a reality." After that, remove the box from the Christmas tree and hold it in your hand until midnight. Then hang the box back on the Christmas tree, and throw the paper out of the window with desire.

- If you have a cat at home, then you can tell fortunes while preparing for the New Year (applying makeup and other things). Ask a simple question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”, then call your cat (of course, she should be in another room at this moment). If the cat crosses the threshold of the room with its left paw, then the answer is positive, if it is with its right paw, it is negative. If the cat does not go to you, then everything in this matter depends entirely on your actions.

Late in the evening, before going to bed, fill the glass exactly halfway with water. Then, looking at the reflection of the water, make a wish and go to bed. In the morning, look at the level of water in the glass. If water has increased during the night, then your desire will certainly come true, but if part of the water has evaporated, then the wish is not destined to come true.

- For this divination, you will need two glasses, one of which must be filled to the top with water. On New Year's Eve, you need to make a wish and immediately start pouring water from one glass to another.
Whether your desire will be fulfilled or not is determined as follows: if no more than three drops of water remain on the surface on which these same glasses were placed after transfusion, then your desire has a chance of success. If there are much more drops, then, alas, you can not even hope - your plan will not come true.

The most effective New Year fortune-telling - video

New Year's divination on needles

This method of divination can only be used for the new year or your birthday. For divination, you will need 13 needles, 3 of which need to be bent. The best option would be to use needles from a set for divination, since needles in it usually come in all different lengths, which will make it easier for you to distinguish them from each other when divining. Name each needle according to the names of people you know, and name one of the needles with your own name. Bent needles do not need to be given names.

Gather all the needles together, lift them off the table and pour them onto a clean sheet of paper. Look for a needle that is named after you and represents you. If it is located in the center of the sheet, then you can expect stability and a certain constancy in life. If this needle fell on the top of the sheet - expect a quick change; if on the lower one, changes await you, not necessarily unpleasant, but, alas, you will not be able to influence them.

Next, we determine for each zone of the sheet its value in the interpretation of divination.
The left side of the sheet is all negative
The right side of the sheet - everything is positive, good
Upper right corner of the sheet - spiritual growth
The lower right corner of the sheet - bad luck while maintaining the purity of thoughts
The upper left corner of the sheet - luck in everything, in any of your desires
· The lower left corner of the sheet - failures associated with strong emotional unrest.

Looking at the position of your needle, determine its direction. The eye of the needle indicates what (whom) you will aim for, and the tip indicates what or whom to avoid.

Determine the position of the needle relative to the sheet. If the needle is located along, then changes will occur as early as next year. If the needle lay across, then serious changes, in the near future, do not threaten you.

Now let's determine the value of other needles. Straight needles pointing towards your needle eye will be your allies. Needles pointing towards your needle will be hostile towards you. The needles that intersect with your needle will be in a very intimate relationship with you.

Now consider bent needles, portending trouble. If they are on the left side of the sheet, then this indicates troubles that have happened before or have already remained in the past. Bent needles located on the right side of the sheet predict future troubles.

If your needle points with its eye to a crooked needle, this means that your actions can bring you trouble. If the tip of the curved needle is directed at yours, then this indicates that no matter what you do, troubles will still overtake you.

In all other options, you have the opportunity to avoid trouble, it would only be your desire.

New Year's divination by a needle to determine the sex of the unborn child

With the help of fortune-telling on needles, the sex of the unborn child is determined. To do this, thread a thread into the eye of the needle, the length of which is approximately equal to twenty centimeters, and hold it in weight above the palm of the future woman in labor. If the needle starts to move, making circular movements, then most likely it will be a girl; if the needle swings from side to side - a boy.

For men, for women, or for the whole family - New Year fortune-telling and fortune-telling for the old new year will be able to please and entertain you, inspire hope in a wonderful future that awaits us in the coming year.

ADVICE FROM THE ESOTERIC: Two mantras for the development of the channel of clairvoyance

AT Renewed First stage of the Kailash School I give more than 10 methods that help a person to open his clairvoyant channel very quickly. If you perform them consistently for some time, then a person will be able to very quickly learn to capture information, to see the events of the future. This is not difficult for the students of my School.

And today I want to give you two mantras that will help you work with the clairvoyant channel, as well as a clairvoyant method that will turn on your internal “GPS navigator” and help you easily find lost things or the right geographical coordinates.

Let's start with mantras. The first mantra is a mantra that includes the appearance of a white screen - the Broadcast Center, on which an image is formed at the time of information capture. This mantra is recited in long syllables:


When you practice it, your eyes should be directed down to the tip of your nose.

The next mantra is responsible for the appearance of images on this screen, gives the image movement. The mantra goes like this:


While reciting this mantra, look up.

How to execute this method sequentially

  1. Sit down and look forward, while expanding your eyes. Consider everything to the left and right of you. In this case, you can also include an element of admiration. Say to yourself: “Oh, how beautiful everything is!”
  2. Look at the tip of your nose and say: HA RI OM TAT SAT, - three times.
  3. Again, look forward with wide eyes, considering everything that is on the left, on the right and around you. In this practice, it is very important to be in the “here and now” state, which I talk about in the First Step.
  4. Focus on the mid-eyebrow and say the mantra: GEIKA OM OM SRI DELA OM, - three times.
  5. Again, look ahead with wide eyes, considering the world around here.

You must understand that every time you look up, you are immersed in a state of illusion, in the movement of the picture. When looking down, to the state of the appearance of the screen.

Do not forget to always get out of these states and be Here and now . Because if you do not learn to be here and now, then there is no point in filming information at all.

Is it possible to use clairvoyance asGPS-navigator? Can!

Imagine a compass needle above you. Tell the arrow: "Where should I go?" Wait a moment and you will see that the arrow will start to spin, showing you the right direction. Come where you need to go!
