Interaction with the subtle world. Real contact with the subtle world or messages from the other world

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In the modern occult boom that has broken out in Russia and all over the world, the most significant place is occupied by contacting and contacting literature. Millions of people consider themselves to be contactees communicating with the invisible world, who are "guided" and "helped". These books give a lot of advice, examples and methods to help establish contact with the subtle world and enter into communication with the creatures that inhabit it. It is claimed that this contact will make people happy and help them to be closer to God. There are several points of view regarding the spread of contacting.

One of them is based on a clearly apological attitude towards contacting. Contacting is presented as a light of high truth, as a seal of chosenness, as evidence of spiritual advancement, and the question of whether the interlocutor from the invisible world really belongs to the divine world or is it not quite so is considered simply impossible and indecent.

Another point of view considers contacting as a disgusting devilish principle, a manifestation of spiritual bad taste, a dangerous opening of oneself towards the subtle world, which initially appears as a dark space inhabited by numerous astral creatures that threaten the human soul. The esoteric philosopher Rene Guenon believed that the lower influences and entities leading an “underground” existence in a subtle sphere made a breach in the Great Wall erected by the Higher Forces to protect the earthly world, and are actively looking for ways to establish themselves in the human world. All non-church attempts to search for God, including contacting, world religions and churches are no less harshly perceived. From this point of view, any contact with the subtle world is demonic in nature.

Another view of contacting comes from the fact that the era we are experiencing is a time of rapprochement and connection of planes of existence that had previously separated from each other. Whether we like it or not, whether we like it or not, the worlds will continue to approach each other, and this will have an unusually powerful effect on humanity. The dense world, thrown over the radiant core of the human spirit, like a dark veil, and thereby legitimizing the phenomenon of lies and crimes committed with the help of lies, will become more transparent and open. In the Gospel about this coming planetary process it is said: "Everything hidden will become clear." The convergence of the three worlds: physical, subtle and fiery cannot be easy and painless. It is accompanied by a grandiose battle between the Forces of Light, residing in the higher worlds and in the souls of those people who have chosen light and spiritual evolution, and the forces of darkness, residing in the lower layers of the subtle world and in the hearts of earthly minions of evil. It is natural that the forces of darkness, oppressed by the forces of light in the subtle world, seek to penetrate into the physical world and strengthen their existence there. Therefore, the frequent contacts of forces, beings, energies of the invisible world with humanity are both light and dark. There is no need to praise contacting in itself, in exactly the same way it is not worth denying it or fighting it - after all, one does not fight with objective reality: it is first accepted as a given, and then improved. A person who is not able to feel the subtle world, sooner or later must learn this, but not stop at the intermediate world (in all traditions, the astral is an intermediate sphere), but go further to the Divine plan of being. One who easily establishes contacts with the subtle world must do this with the greatest care and caution, mindful of the changeable dual nature of the astral.


Dual nature is possessed not only by the astral, but also by the contactee itself. He can be, on the one hand, an ordinary medium, a primitive sorcerer, an astral traveler who does not control himself, a black magician who attracts a lower astral for his dark operations, and on the other hand, a spirit-seer, an enlightened master of self-knowledge, a bright seeking student, and even a saint or a prophet. . Who were the seers, yogis, ascetics and spiritual ascetics of all times and peoples who had a mystical experience of direct communication with God, if not contactees of the highest standard?! We know from history and religious traditions that many teachings came into being as a result of the contact of the first teacher with the Higher Beginning, which took place in a state of illumination. Such was the contact with God with Moses, with Mohammed. The Mosaic Tablet of the Covenant and the Koran are considered the fruit of heavenly revelations written down for people in ordinary language. At the same time, there are many contactee texts, data from the level of the middle and even lower astral. Therefore, when determining the deep nature of each specific case of contacting, it is necessary to understand who and with what spiritual baggage comes into contact with the invisible world, and at what level will this contact take place? Is the interlocutor of the contactee at the level of the lower, middle or higher astral plane?

It is very important to understand how the contact will take place? Will it be initiated by the disciple himself or by the spiritual seeker who persistently prays and meditates, or will he be the result of influence from the invisible world? And most importantly, will the impact of this world be of a mild, non-violent nature of spiritual help, support, subtle advice and encouraging energy infusions, or will it be accompanied by violence, pressure, interference with free will?

In general, I am suspicious of cases when a so-called spiritual seeker or candidate for disciple hears astral voices and even more so tries to follow their orders. In the overwhelming majority of cases, they turn out to be the voices of dark astral personifiers of light forces, laughing at their victims. Only in the rarest of cases are these voices or phrases that the seeker hears within themselves are words of encouragement or support coming from above. As a rule, the Higher Forces, wishing to warn a person against a mistake or a rash step, do this in the form of educational circumstances sent to him on the earthly plane, the secret code of which he must independently unravel. If such a hint does not work, they, of course, can send him more subtle signs - dreams, moods, images, visions, but they will never forcibly, against the will of the student, hammer their saving program into his consciousness. More than once I had to feel how, before some decisive and responsible step or deed, my mood suddenly changed, and I either received additional energy for the necessary action, or, on the contrary, sharply lost interest in what I was going to take, and in As a result, he abandoned his undertaking altogether. After some time, I was convinced that they helped me very well. In those cases when I overcame this new mood sent to me from above, mistaking it for laziness or an influx of weakness, further circumstances were not in my favor. True, there were cases of direct sendings to my consciousness, but these were not so much ordering and very dubious voices as a clear, warning thought that sounded firmly and distinctly in my head. Once, when I met and entered into a long-term relationship with one person, in a state of daytime half-asleep, on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, an absolutely clear thought entered my mind, which sounded almost like a voice: “This is a very bad person. He will deceive you." Alas, I was young, inexperienced and did not attach any importance to this hint from above, which was by no means a rigid order programming me for a new behavior, but was just information about possible troubles. They, after all, happened to me as a result of an unfortunate contact.

I repeat once again - if a person’s contact with any light being from the subtle world occurs at the initiative of the latter, then it never has the character of pressure, manipulation, substitution of plans, occult inversion, as happens with contacts with demons. One can recall the Daimon (Genius) Socrates, whose voice the ancient sage periodically heard in his mind, and who, according to the famous Athenian, never insisted that one should act in this way and not otherwise, and only warned how not to do it.

The position of the spiritual seeker himself, the contactee, is very important. He must consciously choose a spiritual teacher for himself, tune in to his name, image, energy channel, teaching, words and texts (if they are preserved), and rely on the historical cultural and spiritual tradition, and not at all be guided only by unsteady astral sensations. Especially unacceptable is such a position of the contactee, which can be defined by the words often heard in the occult environment: "They work with me." To the question: “Who is still working with you?”, You can usually get an answer in the form of eyes raised to the sky or a meaningful pointing with your fingers somewhere up. If a person does not know and, moreover, does not try to find out with whom he is working, where, to what goal he is being led, but simply entrusts his will to unknown astral forces, then it can be said with a very high degree of probability that after some time he will fall under the control of lower and dark forces. It is better if the candidate student does not have a clear vision of the image of his teacher in the astral plane, but chooses as a spiritual mentor a very high figure of a teacher, ascetic or saint, known in religious and historical terms, and tries to remember her every moment, internally connect with her. with the whole being, than he will clearly see the astral image of an unknown being, communicate easily and gullibly carry out his commands. Never follow the blind formula: "They work with me." Even if this is so, try to work yourself with the image and precepts of your chosen Teacher, and then no astral inclinations will be terrible for you.


Contacting is dangerous for a student candidate because of the vagueness of his criteria for the truth of visions and contacts, as well as some kind of fatal predisposition to fantasies. No matter how many contactees I met, 99% of them were people who were prone to fantasizing about the occult and lacking the spirit of sobriety. Fantasies arise much more easily in cases where a person is dealing with vivid images from the astral and, moreover, is interested in impressing others with the help of his activities. A person gets used to trust any images from the invisible world and take them for divine signs and messages. He loses the ability to discern spirits, the value of which was already pointed out by the apostle Paul.

In order not to fall into the network of astral deceptions, a candidate for disciple, especially if he is inclined to easily isolate the subtle body, must know the criteria for the truth of such contacts. His task is to learn to distinguish between dark, neutral, light and divine contacts.
Regardless of the form, contact can be considered dark if the subtle essence with which a person interacts exerts severe pressure on his will, forcing him to do what he clearly does not want;
invades consciousness in the form of voices and an influx of chaotic thoughts that disorganize the intellectual process;
comes into the space of consciousness in the form of an ugly image of a floury and dirty shade, leaving an unpleasant feeling of impurity and foreignness;
envelops the consciousness and soul with sticky temptations, depriving him of aspirations of high intensity;
de-energizes the aura, leaving after contact with it a feeling of impotence, fatigue and decreased activity;
imitates a higher source, calls himself holy names, personifies the Great Teachers and imperceptibly subjugates the will of the candidate for disciples, without giving either energy or bright enlightening experiences.
Contact is neutral when it does not carry any intense feelings, is not accompanied by strong images, and does not seriously influence the will of the person, but only creates a background and a feeling of subtle presence and touch. As a rule, such contact is impersonal in nature, but in some cases contact with the aura of one or another inhabitant of the middle layers of the astral plane is possible, especially if there is a direct karmic connection with him, as, for example, happens when communicating with deceased relatives and close friends.

Contact refers to the light variety of subtle communication if it:
causes a feeling of a surge of strength, energy and vigor;
accompanied by feelings of joy and delight;
contributes to the emergence of new creative thoughts, ideas, discoveries;
accompanied by flashes of light and the appearance of pure colors, color shades and tones before the mind's eye;
gives rise to beautiful, inspiring images;
helps the emergence of high desires associated with the ideas of improvement, spiritual evolution, helping other people.
Contact should be considered fiery, highly spiritual and even divine if it:
accompanied by the highest powerful emotional experiences that cause upheavals in the entire spiritual being of a person;
leads to a temporary shutdown of the earthly perception of a person, introduces him into an altered trance state of consciousness and at the same time fills him with bright light, a feeling of inexpressible harmony, completeness and completeness;
manifests itself in the form of high images of Spiritual Teachers and beautiful visions, which are filled from the inside with transforming light and spiritual fire;
changes the personal nature of a person, improving and enlightening it;
frees from fears, psychological blocks and a sense of separateness, which kept a person in a state of internal slavery;
reveals in a person the gift of spiritual creativity and various abilities.

Any serious student candidate must learn how to properly build a strategy for their relationship with the invisible world. First of all, he needs to consciously tune in to a high level of contacts with Spiritual Teachers residing in the Fiery World. A true disciple striving for Higher Communication cannot be vague and indefinite in his striving. This means that if he wants to be successful in his spiritual advancement, he should choose not just some abstract teachers - celestials, about whom he knows nothing, but a specific teacher with an individual destiny, name, teaching, and, finally, a form or the way in which he should present it. Communicating with this teacher, the student must constantly or at least periodically recheck himself: is he really communicating with this particular teacher? Has there been an astral substitution of the image, as a result of which a person no longer communicates with a teacher, but with who knows?

In addition, it is important that subtle contacts take place in a clear waking state of the student's consciousness, with his full volitional control. A true disciple should not allow the astral fog to lull himself to sleep and weaken his will. It would be more correct if he struggles with his mediumship, which implies the uncontrolled separation of the subtle body from the physical with falling into the astral. If a person contacts the invisible world in a state in which the subtle body is isolated, it can be assumed with a high degree of certainty that such communication will be very unsafe for proper spiritual development. It is best to contact the invisible world without the release of the astral, while being in a clear waking state of consciousness.

If you notice that an uncontrolled release of the subtle body has begun in you, stop this process with all your strength, including will, prayer, and even physical actions. You can mentally surround yourself with an energy shield. Avoid all destructive forms of contacting - only under this condition will someday true high communication with the light beings of the invisible world become possible in your life.


Take a straight posture, calm your breath, close your eyes, enter the space of the inner world and begin to meditate on the complex phenomenon of contacting. On the one hand, this is the natural interaction of a person with God (if we are really talking about the student’s contacts with the Divine reality, the Invisible Hierarchy), and on the other hand, it is a manifestation of a person’s erroneous illusory approach to the Subtle World. Learn to look for true contacts and avoid false ones as much as possible. Look for a specific spiritual teacher with a specific name and form, and avoid obscure nameless beings, especially if they invade your consciousness and vision without asking. In the case of “unauthorized contact on your part with some subtle being or plane of existence, remember the criteria for recognizing light and dark subtle entities, maintain clarity of inner vision, wakefulness and call on the name and image of the Teacher you trust. If, after repeated pronunciation of the name of the Teacher, the astral image remains and continues to radiate light and bring joy, then it is from the light hierarchy, but if it changes its structure and completely disappears, then most likely it is from darkness.

For centuries, humanity has been concerned about the afterlife. A part of all religions and cultures of the world is the belief in the transition to another world, different from the Earth.

And it would not be bad to support this belief with scientific evidence, using appropriate instruments from the real, physical world.

What is considered mystical in one century becomes scientific knowledge in another century.


Around the middle of the nineteenth century, it was discovered the phenomenon of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC). Technical connection with the other world.

This discovery made it possible for scientists and ordinary people to learn more about him. People who were famous in their time were engaged in its study: members of the Royal Academy of Sciences, academicians William Crooks and Oliver Lodge.

In addition to their main occupation, both studied the phenomenon of spiritualism. It is customary to call spiritualists people who, in a certain state of consciousness, receive tangible evidence of the existence of the other world.

They confirm the classical notion that death does not exist. This is just a transition to another space where there is no need to have a dense body.

The multitrack method of instrumental transcommunication makes it possible to technically set up a permanent connection between the worlds.

Relatively recently, a method of communication with the dead has become widespread - instrumental transcommunication (ITC) or the phenomenon of electronic voices (EPG).

Its essence lies in the fact that almost every person is able to contact the afterlife and communicate with the soul of a deceased loved one. To do this, you do not need to have any psychic abilities or perform magical rituals with the invocation of otherworldly forces. Everything is quite simple ... and at the same time difficult to understand, since this phenomenon has not yet been studied ...

To communicate with the subtle world, it is enough to have a little patience, to own a computer at the level of an average user, to have a microphone and headphones.

There are many developed methods of transcommunication, but they are all based on the same basic principles - the recording and processing of audio signals. The source material can be white noise of radio waves or an overlay of several audio broadcasts of radio stations online (from 4 to 8), for example, in English, or phonemic audio blanks.

I want to focus on the experience of using only multitrack method, which, in my opinion, is the most accessible, understandable and best in terms of quality of perception. This technique, based on the Audacity audio editor, with all the settings, is described in detail on the Svitnev family website ( - article dated 08.10.2011), so there is no point in reprinting it here. But first, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my practice of ITK.

How it works in 2 words: set up the appropriate software, connect a microphone and turn on the phonemic preset (I used a recording of 8 English-language radio stations, mixed into one). Next, bring the microphone to the speaker at the maximum distance BEFORE the background appears in the speakers. Mentally or aloud ask questions and start recording. After that, you process the received recorded sound with any audio editor (in our case, free Audacity) and listen through headphones.

Important nuances and personal observations:

1. When listening, you must use in-ear headphones that are inserted into the ear (vacuum).

2. It is advisable to use a desktop computer with a separate plug-in microphone.

3. Be sober, rested and emotionally calm.

4. Communication is carried out unilaterally, that is, first you ask a question, then you process and listen to a 20-30 second recording, and this takes 5-10 minutes.

5. It is advisable to personally know the interlocutor during his lifetime and ask him to get in touch. Otherwise, you may simply be frightened or offended by individuals from the lower layers of the subtle world.

6. This is a connection for one person. It happens that you clearly heard a phrase and let a friend or relative listen to the recording, but he does not hear it or hears something completely different. Nobody really knows why this happens. Probably, this is somehow still connected with telepathy, as well as individual characteristics of perception. But it is already known for certain that it is the interlocutors of the subtle world who form the channel of communication with us, it is they who adapt as much as possible to the peculiarities of our mind and specific equipment.

7. In recordings made by the multitrack method, voices are almost always heard, duplicating or clarifying information from the main interlocutor. They can go as if in the background or foreground of the main voice.

8. On the other side there are so-called "stations" - groups of entities with whom you can also communicate. Through them, you can ask to get in touch with a deceased loved one. In Russia and the countries of the former CIS, the most popular station is Sanchita. They communicate in Russian with voice-over voices. Of the Russian-speaking ones, there are also Energetika, Cosmos, Time Stream, etc.

Examples of communication with the dead (communication with Sanchita from 01/09/2014)

Records were processed in the same way. For better perception in each file I duplicated the phrase 4 times.

1. The question was asked about what kind of world they have - wave or material.
Answer: You will be surprised at our world, our world as usual (better), only differently. (male and female voices speaking)

2. I asked if the theory of corpuscular-wave dualism is correct?
Answer: This is nonsense, you understand?

3. Sanchita, this is Sanchita. (Several voices sound at once in the foreground and background)

4. End of communication.

5. Shared uncut audio track. There are many interesting things in it. At the end, part of the phrase is even in English: “After all | let "s meet late at night | better." Translation: let's meet late at night.

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

These are fragments from a video recording of communication with another world from 1994. How it was. A group of researchers conducted experiments with hypnosis and they came out "from there" themselves.

The contact was through a person immersed in a hypnotic state, and the "spirits" spoke in the voice of this young man. The session lasted over an hour. The contactee was lying, his arms were raised and on contact one arm swayed.

At first they were told that they (ours) were violating the "safety regulations" of such contacts. What are we doing wrong? ours asked. They were told a lot of things, for example, that before the contact we had to wash (!) Remove the watch and that there were no mirrors in the place of contact.

They say that we are children before them. They say that they give the contactee pictures, and he explains what he saw in his own words and can only explain what is in our words and concepts.

Here is a transcript of the most important fragments of this conversation.
I have accumulated a lot of videos.
This time it was about life after death and other topics.

The question is why does a person have an instinctive fear?
The answer is what do you call fear? Fear of losing what you have. Here is your fear.
Fear is the basis of selfishness. You are afraid to lose what you have and do not want to acquire a new one.
We told you that there are no purely positive and purely negative qualities.

The question is where does a person get a premonition of immortality?
Answer. - thirst for life. We will never tell you exactly, because then you will not be able to find yourself. You will be happy with the ready answer and that's it. And we come to you not with cheat sheets.
We will not tell you anything in particular and we will sow doubt in you because it will make you think.

Question. - where do people get the idea of ​​the finiteness of being?
The answer is materialism is your science. Here also think.
You are so careless that even God is made careless.

Question - tell me: why does Christianity rather stubbornly reject the idea of ​​reincarnation?
Answer: We just answered you. So that you are slaves of faith, although you immediately make excuses "do not create an idol"

The question is what feelings prevail in people at the moment of death.
The answer is pain. From the fact that you did not have time and you lose. The pain that you are lost and no one needs.
It all depends on what you believed.

Question - what is the function of good spirits?
The answer is also concepts: there are both good and evil spirits. And we told you - it's you. You have both good and evil. Apply it to yourself. You are a spirit. Can you be called good or evil? And what are you living for? Do you know your purpose? No, but you want to know others. You do not know yourself, but you want to know something else. Who do you look like?

Question - tell me, how naive is the idea of ​​people that in heavenly life people only do what they sing in the choir?
Answer - No, we once told you that it is more difficult in paradise, much more difficult. And we told you that for someone your world is a paradise, but there are worlds where your world is hell.
Do you really think that you will rest, maybe this is just the beginning, the beginning of the battle ...
So you will work harder and be more responsible. Remember the pendulum. The higher the more power, but the lower you can go.

Question - tell me, if a person is used to being lazy during his lifetime, will he be there as well, or is something forcing him there?
The answer is that you will go to one of the levels from your concepts, where everyone does not want to work.
We spoke to you about the worlds. Your world is just one of the worlds. Everything below you is hell, everything above you is heaven.

The question is - why is the desire of people for material independence and prosperity generally condemned, does this come from religion?
The answer is - and you think: how much will you have time if you fill the bag and at what cost will you do it? Further, it was said: poverty does not mean that you will be in paradise ...
We told you: you will punish yourself, you are according to your faith according to your actions, if you want your conscience, conscience, but open.

Think, we told you: there is no truly bad or truly good.
Now maybe you need fear, then something else and your brain will choose itself.
Here he is not mistaken. The very first thought is correct. for she is the truth. Everything else is yours.

The question is the current troubles and troubles, are they always a punishment for current and past mistakes?
The answer is yes. But this does not mean that God is punishing you. Mathematics. Investigation and nothing more. You, in order to justify yourself, say "God's punishment" "God is to blame or the devil, but not me."
Think. You lie to yourself all the time. Justify yourself.

Question - There are karmic punishments.
The answer is Karma? What does karma mean? Consequence.
Your upbringing, your unwillingness to know. It's easier for you to live in the dark.

Question - tell me what happens to a person who does not do evil, but also does not bring good?
The answer is, how can you live without doing anything? More often than not, you do evil by calling it good. And vice versa.

Question - tell me how this contact can be considered: as evil or as good?
The answer is that it all depends on you. If you take us for enemies, then you will call us enemies. If you accept any enemy as a friend, will he raise a weapon against you?

Question - tell me the information during sleep does it come from another world and or is it
The answer is both yes and no. Most of the time it's your job. For you know a lot and see a lot, but you cannot process it, because you are busy with other things.

The question is - when people have unusual abilities, is it the work of another world?
The answer is your merit. People like you come to you. How can you talk to the high if you are low? No, for you will not hear or understand. And if you got something extraordinary, then you deserve it, you deserve it.

The question is – “intermediate peace”, how long is it calculated?
The answer is that your time is not there.

Question - do psychics get energy from outer space?
The answer is that you are all sent from space the same in your concept of "portion".
Psychics they can take more. Who gives skill to you? You. In your concept of past lives. Or a temptation or a gift. If temptation, then in your concept of black power. If the gift is light forces. But be afraid, be afraid to denigrate her. Because it's so easy to do.

Question - you said that "God's gift" can be denigrated by acquisitiveness of money..
The answer is not only.

The question is - are such cases when an alien soul lives in a person?
The answer is - of course, this is also possible if your guest is stronger. You don't feel like a master in your body. You don't know your bodies. You don't know what hurts in it until you're told or until it screams at you. You do not know your soul, you do not even know your character and look for it in horoscopes. What kind of owner are you? When a guest comes to you, in your understanding there is another soul and you take him for the owner and give him your home and obey him. And then who are you?
The question is - is it possible to expel such alien souls?
The answer is - be stronger, feel like a master.

Question - You talked about redemption, so you need to realize where you were wrong
Answer. - whoever tells you what redemption is, you will not understand until the time comes. If they tell you what love is, but you have never seen or felt it, will you understand? You will only fantasize and distort everything. You won't believe until you experience it, so there's no point in telling you. The time will come and you will understand.
the end.

About contacts with the Subtle World

It has already been noted earlier that the vast majority of contacts (99.9%) are carried out with entities, with thought forms of the Noosphere. The reason lies in the fact that having 2-5% control over oneself and one's energy, without the help of one's True Essences, it is extremely difficult for a person to break through the Earth's Noosphere and enter the pure layers of the Energy-Informational Field.

The noosphere is one of the levels of the Universe (Egregors of Humanity), but by no means the brain of the Earth. There is nothing wrong with this, if we do not take into account the fact that the Thought Forms of the Noosphere, this is the notorious Devil. That's what religion called them. In fact, this is our foster father, since about 5000 years ago, Humanity went deep into the material world so much that it lost contact with its own father - God, which is by no means blamed on us. This is not our sin, but our misfortune, and this dislocation will have to be corrected by our generations.

Each of us will have to do this, personally and in practice. Only here with practice - a trouble. People think that everything can be corrected by faith in God, love, repentance, good deeds and work with energies. All this is wonderful, but without awakening his Consciousness, without expanding its range from 2-5% to 65%, a person remains at the mercy of the thought forms of the Noosphere. They are the teachers of Humanity. And the best teachers are cruel teachers. It is a common misconception that man evolves by working with information. Information in its purest form, not confirmed by practice, is emotions, a sense of belonging to something, and the appearance of intellectual work, without awakening the neocortex. In this case, the content part is an empty sound, because all the steam has gone into the whistle.

Thought forms of the Noosphere take contactees to the past, tell people who they were in past lives, but there is nothing to look for there. After all, it is not for nothing that we come to Earth without having the memory of our past incarnations. All this memory in the form of negative thought forms, after death, is carried away by a person, together with the physical body and three shells of the energy body, to the grave. Negative thought forms are not recorded in the memory of the Soul and the Higher Self, because in the next reincarnation they are useless for a person and even dangerous for his Evolution. These include: education, intellect, erudition, morality, morality, love and all his deeds, both good and evil. All thoughts and aspirations of a person about the meaning of life, about its eternity, about the infinity of the Universe, about one's destiny, about God, turning to Him, and of course prayers fall into the category of positive thought forms. Only these thought forms can help the Soul evolve in the next reincarnation. By Evolution is meant only the attainment of physical immortality on Earth. Then the whole experience of a person, all his achievements will be in demand, especially negative experience. Remember who went with Christ to the World of God after the crucifixion? That's the same, not a righteous person or a clergyman, but a criminal, a person for whom the prerequisites for Evolution were created on Earth. The Japanese are absolutely right when they say:“If you have not met obstacles on your way, buy them for a lot of money”.

The Moment of Truth will be finding the criterion for determining one's place in this World. Man initially strives for the light, happiness on Earth. And since we have touched your nerves, you probably have a desire to know in what world you live: in the World of Causes or in the world of effects? You need a clear explanation of the correctness of choosing your path. The criterion is very simple. The World of Causes is the Subtle World, the World of God, the World where there is no death. There is no other way to the World of Causes except the evolutionary one, through connection to the channel of God, through reunion with one's Higher Self and gaining immortality. In that World, a person is busy with self-realization; there is neither place nor time for any emotions in the form of self-aggrandizement and narcissism. He is constantly at the alpha level, where there are no stresses and emotions, where there is not the slightest desire to erect or find a pedestal for his own person. As soon as something like this happens, it will be hell for a person.

In the World of Consequences, a person moves in the opposite direction, he is busy with self-expression, searching for confirmation of his significance and greatness. The world of consequences is a sensory world located within the Noosphere of the Earth. Thought forms of the Noosphere (Devil) use emotions as a stick and a carrot. In youth, when a person is full of strength, energy and ambitious plans, in order to initiate him to release psychic energy into the external environment (to feed the thought forms of the Noosphere), it is enough to beckon him with mirages of career growth, material well-being and love. A person needs a whip at a mature age, when the fire in his eyes has already died down, the fountain of energy has dried up, but he still does not want to hear about Evolution. Then the remnants of psychic energy are extracted from it by force. With the help of negative emotions, stress or depression, it is opened like a tin can.

This operation does not contradict everything that was said earlier. The man stopped the Pendulum of Life in himself, did not want to work in the capacitor mode (charge - discharge). That is, he does not want to multiply his charge received at birth, the limit of God's energy (talent), but he does not want to give it back either. As a result, all arrears are withdrawn from him along with his life. It does not matter that the arrears seize the thought forms of the Noosphere, this is one of the levels of the Universe, the service of God. The soul is then returned to the True Essences. If the incarnation on Earth was the last, it goes into the category of the restless. Yes, while the Soul will remain eternal, undying, but not in a person, but in a corpuscle.

By himself, by his own will, a person will never begin to evolve. There are only a few such abnormal, capable of breaking themselves, on Earth, provided that they are given the appropriate technology. A person for this decisive step must create the prerequisites: Karma, in the form of “help” from the people around him, and the so-called “dark forces”. As you already know, these include: the darkness of ignorance, the thought forms of the Noosphere (until a person gets out of their dependence), and finally the souls of the restless. All these teachers must create appropriate conditions for human evolution (unbearable for life on Earth). As you can see, a lot goes against the generally accepted ideas, but this is an objective reality. Therefore, from the point of view of the Subtle World and God, a person's dream of happiness and prosperity on Earth, in isolation from Evolution, is the quiet joy of downfall or prosperity in the understanding of patients in a psychiatric hospital.

But this does not mean that a person on Earth is doomed to poverty and stagnation. As he obeys Evolution and the Law of Unity, misfortunes and lack of money gradually lag behind him.

Tamara and I have contact with living people, and practical, thinking, as they call it. That is, with people who have passed the path to real immortality and are ready to lead us there. Thought forms of the Noosphere are only interested in their own survival, since they feed on the psychic energy of a person (human being), their slogan is divide and conquer (for the sake of withdrawing arrears). They do not even think about any Evolution of man, for them our Evolution will mean death. On this, the mission of the thought forms of the Noosphere, as the level of the Universe, will end, and the need for their services will disappear.

As for contacts in general, the connection to the channel of God itself, during the course of a year, turns into a person’s contact with their True Essences, and this is the highest form of contact and self-realization. Tamara, for example, has contact with God himself, I do not have it, but I am not saddened by this. In the last six months, I have opened an intuitive channel with my True Essences. At the same time, I don’t hear any voices, but as soon as I think deeply about something, detailed information begins to flow, I sit down at the computer and write entire articles and treatises. The difference is that the information received through any contact, a person must digest, pass through himself, adapting to his Virtual Universe, worldview, erudition, morality, intelligence. And this is all with 2-5% of Consciousness. In most cases, with such a “translation” from one language to another, a damaged phone is obtained. It doesn't matter who you're in contact with.

To this should be added the circumstance that people from the Subtle World who are in contact with a person are placed by him in a very rigid framework of their sleeping two percent Consciousness. A person on Earth longs for Truth, but he understands it in the form of awareness, a set of information. At the same time, everything that does not fit in with his worldview, entirely consisting of stereotypes, he will reject and perceive as a personal insult, up to a break in contact.

For representatives of the Subtle World, our wise Parents, the Truth lies in how to lead a person, trying to gradually wake up his Consciousness. Information is given to him in a dosed manner and only the information for which his Consciousness is ready to perceive. That alone is its value to them. So far, this is not a contact yet, in the form of a report to a person of Truth, but only an interview. If he wants to call himself a living incarnation of Jesus Christ, they agree with him, sing songs about his greatness, with only one goal: a person may one day wake up and grow wiser in order to laugh at his former “greatness”. Through all this, except for megalomania, Tamara and I successfully passed in our contact with God. We passed the interview, came to the understanding that we did not know anything, found the courage to admit it and asked to teach us. Only after that did the study begin from simple to complex. The study is practical, and not in the form of reporting to us a certain set of information. During its course, the most elementary things, about which a person on Earth has no idea, were a discovery and Truth for us. Our entire book consists of these little Truths. Other contactees who had and have contact were cut off at the interview.

I also receive information from God, because each person is connected with Him through their True Essences, but I do not need translators and interpreters. This work is done for me by my True Essences, who own 95-98% of my “I”. The difference in qualifications is incommensurable, they exceed the capabilities of the Consciousness (before its awakening) by almost 33 times. If we add to this that the potential of my Consciousness has increased from 2-5% to 65% over 6 years, then our overall capabilities have increased by about 20 times more. In total, according to the most conservative estimates, it turns out to be superior to its original intellectual potential six years ago, 100 times. The account goes precisely in times, and not in percentage, the figure, as you can see, is fantastic. What to do, with whom you will lead, with that you will type! There is one “but” here. In order to receive true information, you need to know the subject thoroughly from earthly sources, have an idea of ​​the overall picture and why you need all this.

In addition, the True Essences, like no one else, are vitally interested that I receive from them the True information (necessary and timely only for me) and make the only right choice in any business based on it. That is, this is the elusive Moment of Truth, when “What” and “How” come to my head at the same time. They do not appear on a whim or a rare insight, like occasional rare guests, but at my first request, as if to work. Like Sivka-Burka, the prophetic kaurka, just one at a time: "Stand before me like a leaf before grass."

Thus, the True Essences, together with me, are aimed at our common positive result with them, at our immortality with them. This is the criterion of our skill with them. It is our common. Therefore, I cannot find better, more faithful and reliable assistants in the Universe. That is why the Truth for any person is information from his Higher Self in the form of a sixth mental sense. Everyone who wants to survive will have to learn how to receive it. So far, there is only one way for this - to master the System of Personality and Health Harmonization. Any other information really needs to be deciphered, and for each individual person it is far from the Truth. Because it goes in static mode, gives him only “What”, not giving “How”. This concerns contacts with people from the Subtle World.

The pendulum of mental processes, having started its movement from my childish subjective sensations of physiological processes, over 50 years of my life moved to the opposite dead center - to the understanding of the objective, to the study of the real World, the Universe. Over the past two years, he has returned to the starting point, to the comprehension of all the same, my subjective, but not in the form of comprehension of physiological processes, sensations of the physical body, but a sense of his full “I” in combination with the True Essences located on all seven levels Universe. This is the expansion of the Virtual Universe to the size of the True Universe, their connection. This manifests itself in the form of the appearance of a sixth mental sense in a person. Further, the pendulum will swing with an amplitude calculated in days and hours, the mechanism of continuous logical thinking has turned on.

If we take contacts with the Noosphere, then it is generally difficult to fish out anything practical there. A person is taken into the world of emotions, past lives are shown to him, they are taken on excursions to other worlds, allegedly enlightening them into innermost secrets. However, at the same time, he is led within the Noosphere, like a bull on a string, until he becomes wiser, that's why they are teachers.

A request to contactees not to take my words as an insult, because this is also an objective reality. You will fight for years, and you will not get one thousandth of what people who connect to the channel of God through our System receive in half a year. The secret is very simple, a person connects to the Dynamics of Life, to the True Life, disconnecting from the Statics. In addition to this, parents, grandparents, by the mere fact of their connection, initiate the discovery of superpowers and superpowers in children and grandchildren. That is, only one that is inherited can be called a true contact. As well as all other human values: knowledge, titles, real estate, fortunes, etc.

We have come to comprehend and understand one more facet of the Truth. Only that wealth will be true for future generations, which we will be able to convey to them and pass on to them. And the stories about what we owned, but failed to convey to our descendants, will cause on their part, at best, misunderstanding and discontent. This is where the roots of the problem of fathers and children at a subconscious level. Since the Old Testament times, all previous generations, having received a gift in the form of “Talent”, with perseverance worthy of a better use, buried it in the ground and scattered it to the wind. As a result, our generation inherited not a full-fledged loaf, but moldy bits, in the form of memories of the Golden Age of Mankind, of the former power and immortality of man.

Our task is to stop this vicious practice, earn "Talent" again, pass it on to children and grandchildren, restoring the Golden Age and immortality to ourselves and to them. By making sure that they also duplicate us, multiplying our gift.

Perhaps you have some abilities, in this case, do not get carried away with healing. Not knowing how to defend yourself and clean yourself, you put on all sorts of things. One of the postulates of the Apocalypse: “Healing is punishable. Everyone should become a healer for themselves!”. Of course, you will object that you are defending yourself and cleaning yourself, and in general you know and can do a lot of things. We assure you that at first many of those who came to us think and say so, word for word. Then they admit that everything they have learned in their life was preparation for mastering the System. Such a statement may seem immodest to you, but it is true.

In the event that the mentioned teachers have created the appropriate prerequisites for you, Tamara and I know where to go, let's go together. If not, mature.

© Copyright Tamara and Alexander Bely 2002

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