Chain divination. Traditional fortune-telling - Fortune-telling on beads and chains Fortune-telling on a gold chain, the meaning of the figures

For many of us, the chain is just an ornament. But according to psychics and experts in the field of esotericism, the chain has a number of magical properties that everyone who wears this jewelry should know about.

The chain is a strong amulet. The spectrum of protection may vary depending on how you wear it. The chain on the hand protects a person from manipulation by the surrounding people and saves from ailments.

If you put it on your right wrist, the person will not be subject to other people's influence. He will always remain in his opinion and follow only his plan. Wearing a chain on the right hand is recommended for those who are indecisive and easily influenced.

The chain on the left hand will help protect against diseases. In addition, if it is made of a noble metal, it will be able to restore energy and charge with positive energy.

The chain around the neck has a wider range of magical effects. It protects from damage, the evil eye and other negative influences. This jewelry-amulet will help to cope with the pressure from the energy vampire. Rude words and offensive phrases will cause less energetic harm to the one who wears a chain around his neck.

In addition, this amulet protects its owner from troubles and troubles. Waving around the neck, the chain seems to outline a magic circle around the person, through which dark forces cannot pass.

Can any chain become such a powerful magical talisman? It turns out that not every decoration has magical powers. A chain can become a talisman only if it was given to a person as a gift from a close relative, husband or wife. Also, an ornament with a long history, which was inherited, is considered a strong amulet. It is strictly forbidden to wear someone else's chain. Not only will she not be able to protect, but she will also attract the problems of her former master.

Exist a few signs related to the chain. All of them are aimed at warning a person of danger or giving him a sign.

If the decoration has darkened or changed color, this is a very unfavorable sign. Metal feels all the changes in the human body. And if the chain dims, this may mean either the occurrence of a serious illness, or.

If the chain breaks, this is a harbinger of imminent misfortune. In this case, she could not cope with the negative, and therefore broke down. If the chain breaks, then the person loses the protection that she gave him, and becomes more vulnerable.

To lose the chain means to lose the favor of Fortune. It may also indicate that a person has been behaving incorrectly lately, he needs to change.

In ancient times, the chain was used not only as a means of protection from dark forces, but also as a magical attribute for divination. With the help of this decoration, one could find out the answers to any exciting questions.

They guessed on a chain like this: they tied a ring or a pebble to its end, lit candles and, holding a pendulum resulting from the chain, asked any question. If the pendulum oscillated from top to bottom, then this meant “yes”, but if it moved left and right, the answer to the question was considered negative. This divination is still popular among those who are fond of magic and esoteric sciences.

The power of the chain as a talisman is great. It can not only protect against diseases, troubles and spoilage, but also warn of danger. But do not forget that not everything depends on talismans and amulets. They only guide and help, and everything else a person must do himself. If this material seemed useful to you, click on the buttons and

20.11.2013 14:37

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Chain divination.

They tell fortunes for the future in many ways: they use cards, coffee grounds, a palm, and much more.

But few people know the method of divination by ... a chain. But the chain can give very reasonable advice on how to continue to live. So...

Take a thin silver or gold chain, squeeze it into a ball in your fist. Mentally or aloud ask the question: "Chain, chain, tell me what will happen ..." (then say what you want to know). Then shake between closed palms, holding it over the fortune-telling scheme, and open your palms from below. The chain can fall in different ways: on one cell in a bunch, bend like a snake along several of them at once, lie down in a ring, etc.

On which cells it will fall, under those numbers, one must read the answers of fate. However, do not expect a mandatory answer - the chain may draw your attention to completely different problems. This means that fate tells you: this is what you need to think about first of all, these problems are the most important. And those questions that interested you will wait.

You can throw the chain up to three times in one fortune-telling, then fate will reveal to you the three main problems that you have already encountered or will face in the near future.

1. You have to go through a short but difficult period when life becomes like a maze, gradually confusing you more and more. Having shown endurance and prudence, you will go through this labyrinth and get out of it without harm to yourself and your loved ones. The discipline of thought and unconditional faith in your intuition is your main weapon and guide.

2. You have to work hard and save money for tomorrow, because serious trials await you: it is possible that you will lose money, your usual job or friends. Danger awaits you at every turn. To avoid them, you have to pay. At the same time, do not grab your wallet right away, do not be cowardly and cowardly - pay off wisely.

3. A storm will suddenly hit the ship of your life. If you manage to survive and go the same course, you will safely survive all the troubles. But if you start rushing about, running away from the storm, and not fighting it, expect trouble. Fate will help you by revealing some important secrets. Avoid haste and do not make hasty decisions - they will not only slow down your business, but also become a serious obstacle in obtaining money (income, profits, etc.).

4. You will experience unexpected successes and equally unexpected disappointments. But thanks to your wisdom, you will be able, quickly orienting yourself in circumstances, to find for yourself the only path that will help you achieve what you want without harm and implement what you have planned. To do this, you will need not strength, but cold reason and peace of mind. If you fulfill this plan of fate, then as a reward it will give you happiness and love.

5. You will be able to complete previously started cases and plan new ones. Go with a firm step through life, evenly distributing forces so that they last for a long time, avoid violent emotions. Premonitions and prophetic dreams will help you on your way, which will save you from troubles and losses. Beware of the machinations of envious people, so as not to suffer from their slander and not to jinx success, which is already very close.

6. Fate will give you a prosperous streak of life: you can carry out everything planned earlier not only quickly, but also with great success. Fortune favors you, so do not be surprised by unexpected luck. Those who are looking for a romantic adventure will find it, those who dream of love will meet it.

7. Due to circumstances, you will be forced to perform contradictory actions, using foreboding and ingenuity, as well as alternate quick decisions with extreme sluggishness, perform heavy physical work and simultaneously carry out creative ideas. In this whirlpool of events, control your emotions and aggressiveness so as not to reduce profitable business to zero. Reasonably distribute desires and opportunities.

8. To ensure your well-being and financial situation, you have to work hard. If you cannot keep up with the pace set by life, you will lose what you have accumulated earlier or you will not be able to start implementing new plans. But although your path lies through great works, still save your strength and health.

9. You will be forced to engage in risky work in difficult conditions. A good help will be the opinion of reliable friends, as well as your own intuition - a premonition of a favorable moment. Remember that the wrong path will lead you to hardship and disappointment.

10. Success, prosperity and comfort you have to create with your own hands. Precisely because fate will not spoil you, but will measure everything fairly, you will gain peace of mind and learn patience. In the end, a sudden insight in time will tell you a successful path to the future, where wealth and pleasure will be quite real. An obstacle on this path can be mental trauma, stress and circumstances imposed on you contrary to your desires.

11. Do not change your life principles and do not rush to agree to various proposals, as among them there are risky adventures from which you will not get out. When making decisions, think it over carefully and only start when you are sure that you will not lose it. Reckless steps will bring nothing but losses and mental trauma. The same advice remains valid on the love front: beware of insidious persons pursuing their hidden goals.

12. More attention to people: do not neglect the help that a true friend will offer - this is the only way you will avoid long red tape in business and successfully overcome what seemed insurmountable. Do not overestimate your strength, alone you will get bumps and go through a lot of trouble before you achieve anything. Fate gives you the same advice in love.

Divination by chain

For fortune-telling along a chain, you need a thin chain of gold or silver.

You should hold the chain in your fist and say: "Chain, chain, tell me what will happen ..." asking a question that interests you. After that, the chain must be shaken in closed palms, holding them over the table, and thrown onto it.

By the way and on which cell the chain fell, one can judge the answer to the question asked. For one divination, you can throw the chain 3 times.

Answers to the question:

1. A difficult period awaits you, but, fortunately, it will not last long. At this time, you must exercise restraint and endurance, then you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations and losses. Trust your intuition - it will tell you the right solution to many issues.

3. During this period, do not expect favors from fate - you have to solve many complicated issues and steadfastly defend your rights. Try your best to overcome failures, otherwise you will wallow in unresolved problems. In no case do not make hasty and rash decisions that can become an obstacle to achieving your goal.

4. In your life, success will alternate with disappointments. Try to learn how to quickly navigate in the prevailing circumstances - this will help you find a way out of difficult situations in a timely manner and implement your plans. Maintain peace of mind - it is thanks to him that happiness and love will appear in your life.

5. Fate allows you to solve all problems, fulfill your plans and make new plans. You should correctly calculate your strength, avoid the manifestation of your own feelings and emotions, and also firmly go towards the intended goal. Pay attention to dreams and intuition - they can suggest a way out of any situation and save you from losses. Responsibly approach the choice of your inner circle - some people out of envy may weave intrigues against you.

6. A prosperous period in your life is coming for you. Everything you undertake is doomed to success. Also, a romantic attraction or great love awaits you.

7. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will be forced to use ingenuity and intuition. Try to calculate your strengths and capabilities so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. Physical work will alternate with creative, the need for a quick reaction - with periods of calm. Do not show aggression, otherwise you can destroy everything that you managed to create.

8. In the near future you will have to work very hard to ensure your material well-being. If you lose your pace at least once, you will lose everything that you have accumulated over the years. However, while working, you should not forget about your health.

9. Fate will force you to do very hard and risky work in adverse conditions. Do not grumble at her, it is better to enlist the support of friends and colleagues. Listen to your intuition - it is she who will tell you the best way out of this situation.

10. In the near future you will create coziness and comfortable conditions. Your merits are appreciated. This state of affairs will help you find peace of mind. Subsequently, you can find the path to happiness and material well-being. Obstacles to achieving these goals can be the circumstances in which strangers put you, as well as stress and disappointment.

11. Risky business and adventures may appear in your life, which should not be agreed to. In no case do not deviate from your principles, otherwise you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Think carefully about all decisions and do not take risks without being sure of your own victory. In love, listen carefully to your intuition and do not allow insidious people to penetrate your feelings and thoughts.

12. Now you should not refuse any help. So you can avoid a lot of problems and troubles. Do not try to succeed alone, enlist the support of loved ones and like-minded people.

This text is an introductory piece. FORTUNE ON A CHAIN

this unusual divination method will require a thin gold or
a silver chain that you carried around your neck for at least a few days.
Metal is a magical substance, it is deeply imbued with vibrations
only the physical, but also the more subtle beginnings of the being with which
Draw on a sheet of paper a table with numbers measuring 10x7.5 cm.

chain in your hand and talk to her about what you would like to know (how
can you be more specific about your question). Hold your hand over a table with numbers
back of the hand up.
Shake the chain and open your hand.
falls in different ways: in a bunch on one cell, in a snake on several cells
straightaway. If she ended up in one cell, everything is clear - the number of this cell in
interpretation and see, this is the answer to your question.
But if the chain
“lay down”, then this means a hint of fate: pay attention to
other aspects of life - they deserve no less attention than that about
What are you asking. It is likely that it will depend on them and
fulfillment of your desire.

Interpretation of table answers

You have to go through a short but difficult period when life will be
it is like a maze in which you get more and more entangled.
Show endurance and prudence, then you will get out of the trap
without prejudice to yourself and your loved ones. Unconditional faith in your intuition is your
compass in the tangled labyrinth of life.

2. You have to work hard
work and save money for the future, because there are serious
trials: you may lose your livelihood, your job, your friends...
Danger lurks almost everywhere. To avoid them, you have to
to pay. But do not immediately grab your wallet, do not be cowardly and
cowardly, pay off wisely.

3. To the ship of your life suddenly
the storm will hit. If you can stand it and keep moving forward
course, then you will safely endure all adversity. But if you get lost
start rushing about, expect trouble. Fate will help you by revealing some
important secrets. The main thing is to avoid haste and emotional decisions.
They will not only slow down your affairs, but also raise serious
barriers to getting money.

4. You have to go through a lot
various events: unexpected successes and equally unexpected
disappointments. But with your sanity, you can find the one
the only path that will help you reach without interference and loss
desired. You will need not strength, but cold calculation. If you
cope with the lesson of fate, you will receive happiness and peace as a reward.

You will be able to complete the work you have begun and plan for the future. Walk along
life firmly, distribute forces evenly so that they are enough for a long
time, avoid violent emotions. Beware of slander - ill-wishers
can jinx your success, which is already very close.

6. Fate
will give you a prosperous streak of life: you can
be done quickly and with great success. Fortune favors you, therefore
don't be surprised by unexpected successes.

7. You will be forced
take contradictory actions. You will need ingenuity and intuition,
the ability to alternate quick decisions with patient waiting. In that
in the whirlpool of events, control your emotions so as not to miss important
affairs and not reduce their results to zero. Allocate yours wisely
desires, taking into account the possibilities.

8. You have to work hard. If you do not maintain the given rhythm of life - you will lose what you have accumulated earlier
or you will not be able to start implementing new plans and tasks. your way
lies through great labors, save your strength and health.

9. You will have to engage in risky business in difficult conditions. Great help
will have the advice of reliable friends, as well as your own skill
anticipate the right moment. Remember that the wrong path can
lead to deprivation and disappointment.

10. You have to create well-being with your own hands. Fate does not spoil you, but measures everything
by justice. This will give you peace of mind.
Mental trauma and stress can become a hindrance on this path. try
pay less attention to them, learn composure.

11. Don't
change your life principles and do not rush to agree to
different offers, as you can get into risky adventures, from
which you won't get out. Irresponsible steps will only bring losses and
mental trauma. The same advice applies to love life: beware
insidious people pursuing their secret goals.

12. More
pay attention to people; do not neglect the help that can
offer a friend - this is the only way you will avoid red tape in business and overcome
what seemed insurmountable. Don't overestimate your strengths
alone, you will hit a lot of bumps and go through a lot of trouble before
before you achieve anything.
