The process of making and implementing management decisions. The management decision methodology is a logical organization of activities for the development of a management decision, including the formulation of a management goal, the choice of methods for developing a decision

In the study of decision-making processes, both in theory and in management practice, until recently, the main attention was paid to the stage of developing decision alternatives and issues related to finding the best option. It was even believed that it was the development of a solution that occupied most of the time and funds allocated to solve a problem that had arisen.

Management practice, however, shows otherwise. It is the implementation of decisions, being the most complex, time-consuming and lengthy stage of the PPR, absorbing the bulk of time and resources, which is also the weakest link in the process of managerial activity.

The gap currently observed in management practice between the adoption of a managerial decision and its implementation, which is expressed both in the delay in the implementation time and in the insufficient effectiveness of the implemented decisions, is largely a consequence of the insufficient attention of managers to such an important area of ​​their work as personal management. The fact is that not a single, even the most remarkable solution, is implemented automatically, for its implementation it is necessary to make certain efforts, to organize the implementation. Therefore, one of the main functions of management is leadership (leadership), the essence of which is personal management. The components of leadership are command and control. Power in an organization is expressed in a real opportunity to make final decisions alone, and command - in the organization and control of their implementation, i.e. in the distribution of resources, the selection and placement of performers who are able to independently carry out orders, and the creation of effective incentives for execution.

As already noted, in the conditions of modern management, due to the participation of a large number of specialists in the process of developing and making decisions, they are becoming more and more collegial. This gives grounds to assume that the ratio of the efforts of managers expended on decision-making and on organizing and monitoring their implementation should change. The center of gravity in the activities of the leader is gradually moving from the sphere of making decisions to the sphere of organizing and monitoring their implementation, as well as maintaining the continuity and stability of the entire process of preparing, making and implementing decisions. This, however, does not in the least reduce, but, on the contrary, increases the responsibility of managers, and, consequently, their role in the organization.

So, for the successful implementation of the decisions made, the organization must have a mechanism for their implementation. The complexity of organizing the implementation of decisions lies in the need to coordinate many interconnected, simultaneously executed management decisions that are at different stages of implementation. The stage of implementation of the management decision consists of the following procedures:

development of a solution implementation plan;

implementation management;

decision implementation control;

evaluation of the implementation results.

Considering the content of each of the above procedures, we can determine the following main tasks of the organizational mechanism for the implementation of management decisions.

Development of a solution implementation plan.

Definition of a complex of necessary works.

Determination of the required amount of resources.

Determination of the number of performers.

Distribution of work, resources and performers by objects, tasks and deadlines.

Solution implementation management.

Carrying out instructive and methodological activities with performers.

Personal management in the course of implementation of decisions.

Providing assistance to performers in case of difficulties.

Solution implementation control.

Monitoring compliance with the main characteristics of the implemented solution.

Monitoring compliance with deadlines

Control over the state of the problem situation.

Identification of the causes of deviations during the implementation of the solution.

Making (if necessary) changes to the solution implementation program.

Evaluation of implementation results.

Periodic evaluation of the actual effectiveness of the solution.

Forecasting the end of the term of the effective action of the solution.

Determination of the need to adjust the current or adopt a new decision.

Accumulation, systematization of experience and development of algorithms for the implementation of standard solutions.

The model of the process of implementation of managerial decisions is shown in fig. 10.1.

The implementation of the management decision is divided into a number of stages:

1) Preparation for the development of a management decision - includes such elements as obtaining information about the situation, setting goals, developing an evaluation system, analyzing the management situation, diagnosing the situation and developing a forecast for the development of the situation.

Information about the situation must be reliable, sufficiently complete and, at the same time, not redundant. Analytical material should be prepared by specialists with knowledge and experience in the field of the management problem being solved.

The development of goals of managerial influence is of great importance. The definition of goals should be carried out with the direct participation of the decision maker.

In the process of making managerial decisions, an adequate assessment of the situation and various factors influencing its development plays an important role.

To this end, it is necessary to form an evaluation system, which should include:

  • - criteria characterizing the object of assessment;
  • - a system of indicators and scales by which the object is evaluated according to each of the criteria;
  • - principles for conducting a comparative assessment of management decision options and their choice.

Analysis of the situation involves the identification of factors that determine the dynamics of its development. In this case, methods of factorial and correlation analysis can be used.

The task of diagnosing a situation is to identify its key problems and the nature of their influence. This element is designed to determine the patterns of development of the situation; mechanisms of purposeful influence on its development; the need for various resources required to implement the management decision.

Of great importance is the presentation of the expected results of managerial influence, which is achieved as a result of developing a forecast for the development of the situation.

2) Development of a management decision - consists in generating alternative solutions, selecting the main options for control actions, developing scenarios for the development of the situation and expert evaluation of the main options for control actions.

Such procedures for generating alternative options as the method of analogues, brainstorming, synthesis of managerial decisions, and others are widespread. In recent decades, automated systems for generating solution options have begun to develop.

In the course of selection, obviously unviable or uncompetitive options are screened out. The selection should be guided by the level of comparative evaluation and the requirement of the absence of duplication.

The main task of developing scenarios is to provide an understanding of the situation and the most likely ways of its development by the decision maker. It is advisable to consider various options for the dynamics of changes in the main factors in the development of the situation.

The next stage is an expert assessment of the main options for control actions. Its task is to assess the feasibility of the considered options for managerial influences and the achievement of the goals set. On this basis, the options under consideration are ranked.

3) The decision-making phase consists of three elements: collective peer review, decision-making by the decision maker, development of an action plan.

Collective expertise provides better validity and efficiency of management decisions. Among the methods of its implementation are: Delphi methods, brainstorming, commissions, Pattern and others.

Based on the results of examinations of alternative options, taking into account additional information, based on personal experience and intuition, the decision maker makes a management decision. At the same time, it may radically differ from all the proposed options.

The transition to the implementation of the adopted decision requires the coordination of actions and resources in time and place. This is achieved by planning the implementation of the adopted management decision. Plans need to be adjusted in the process of implementing management decisions. This is based on the possibility of changing external and internal conditions, legislation, market conditions, enterprise strategy, etc.

4) Implementation of the management decision based on the developed action plan. The solution implementation stage involves bringing the solution to the executors, providing the executors with resources, delegating authority and coordinating the actions of the executors in all areas of the solution implementation.

Bringing the decision to the executors is one of the most important elements of organizing the implementation of the decision. It is carried out by setting tasks by a person making a decision in the form of an order, instruction, instruction, etc. At the same time, the manager must make sure that he understands the essence of the tasks and deadlines set for the performers, their significance for achieving the common goal, to ensure that each performer understands the rights and obligations, the procedure for interacting with other performers.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the adopted decision largely depends on the timely provision of the executors with the resources planned for solving specific tasks.

Each executor must be endowed with certain powers and have some freedom of action in case of an unforeseen change in the conditions for implementing the solution. It is necessary to determine the situations in which the performer has the right to make situational decisions, which are the prerogative of a higher level of management.

The effectiveness of the implementation of a management decision is also determined by the consistency of the actions of all performers. As a rule, in the process of implementing a managerial decision, some tasks are completed ahead of schedule, some behind. The resolution of this can only be achieved through the continuous coordination of the work performed, the redistribution of certain resources (time, financial and material resources, employees, etc.).

5) The stage of monitoring the implementation and analysis of the results of the development of the situation after the managerial impact.

Monitoring the implementation of planned activities and actions ensures the effectiveness of the organization. Depending on the nature of the control object, various types of control are used. The main types of control are continuous and discrete control. If it is impossible to exercise control in the process of execution of managerial decisions, control of the final results of managerial influence is applied. The main task of control is timely recording of deviations from the optimal development of the process, the planned intermediate or final result. Based on the results of control, the plan and control actions are adjusted in order to more fully achieve the set management goal.

Timely coordination of actions is possible only on the basis of continuous monitoring of the implementation of the adopted plans, deviations from the goals set.

The analysis is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of the management decisions made and should include:

  • - assessment of strengths and weaknesses of decisions and plans;
  • - additional opportunities and prospects;
  • - additional risks.

The results of the analysis can serve as an incentive to reassess the capabilities of the organization, incline management to rethink and change its mission and strategy.

Implementation of management decisions and control over their execution

Implementation of management decisions- this is a specific activity of the manager, completing the management cycle and requiring him to know people, their capabilities, forces, means and methods for implementing decisions.

The main problem of this process is that if, at the stage of preparation and decision-making, the manager operates with ideal representations of objects and phenomena, then in the process of implementing managerial decisions, he encounters a real production situation, which most often differs from the ideal one.

A leader without sufficient experience, who mentally operates with things and events, gets used to the ease of handling ideal ideas and unconsciously allows for a simplification of the real production situation. As a result of such management, the adopted management decisions are unbearable and are not implemented in practice. Thus, it should be understood here that the leader organizes not his own activity, but the work of other people.

At the stage of implementation of the management decision, first of all, development of a plan for the implementation of the decision.

Development of a plan for the implementation of the decision- this is the process of developing a system of measures that ensure the achievement of the objectives of the decision at minimal cost, which is reflected in production plan.

Production plan- this is a division of the entire scope of work in spatial and temporal sections, i.e. by objects or groups of objects, by tasks and time intervals. It can be drawn up deployed and in the form brief schedule.

Expanded plan is developed only for the implementation of the most important decisions, designed for a long period of their implementation. Such plans are recommended to be specially drawn up and approved. When the decision is of a private, current nature, it is useful to draw up short schedule, which reflects only the main, key moments of the work.

The next stage in the implementation of management decisions is - selection of performers and bringing the logic of the solution to them.

Selection of performers- this is the process of determining the required number and quality of workers to perform a given volume and quality of work. At the same time, one should take into account the level of their qualifications, experience, organizational skills, authority, as well as the characteristics of the team in which they will work.

Performers need to be provided with the resources they need to implement the part of the work assigned to them. We also need a system of responsibility corresponding to the real importance of this or that link of work.

Bringing the logic of the solution to the performers- this is the process of choosing a way to timely and accurately explain the essence and significance of a management decision and influencing the consciousness and feelings of performers in the process of implementing this method. In this case, a huge role is played by such socio-psychological qualities of the leader as energy, organizational flair, knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of subordinates and the ability to influence them.

Bringing management decisions to performers is closely related to propaganda And clarifications.

Propaganda- this is the dissemination among performers and other employees of the opinion about the importance of the work performed. Propaganda work should be wider, the more the circle of performers will participate in its implementation. It is necessary to familiarize with the decision not only responsible executors, but also other employees to whom this management decision is addressed, because this implies their active attitude towards its implementation.

clarification- this is work to explain to the performers the essence of a management decision, which makes it clear and understandable for them, i.e. what needs to be done and how. It is not uncommon for an assignment to require training of performers in relation to new situations and new methods of work.

In the course of advocacy and explanatory work, the leader must not lose sight of the various stimulating factors. Performers are interested not only in the amount of payment in money, but also in satisfaction with the results of the work. Many are attracted to tasks that require imagination, creativity, overcoming difficulties, so a certain freedom for action must be allowed. For this reason, in the general organizational plan, it is often not necessary to describe in detail the ways and means of completing the task. It, as a rule, indicates the essence of the task, responsible executors, resources and deadlines.

After all this, the stage organization of operational work on the implementation of management decisions - it is the process of directly completing the task and providing it with all the necessary resources. At this stage, the content and form of management of the performers are very diverse, i.e. from simple observation of the course of planned actions to significant work on issuing orders and applying certain management methods. It all depends on the experience of the leader and the style of his work.

However, along with all this, there are general principles that boil down to the following:

- the clearer the plan and preparation, the less the burden on operational management;

- the more non-standard the process, the more chances to meet unaccounted for factors and the greater the load on the stage of operational management;

- the more active and creative the performers are, the more operational management will be reduced to coordination.

The main purpose of control is the timely detection of possible deviations from the given program for the implementation of the solution, as well as the timely adoption of measures to eliminate them. Thus, the main task of control is to timely identify and predict the expected deviations from the given program for the implementation of management decisions.

According to the results of the control, the initial goals of the mine can be improved, refined and changed, taking into account the additional information received on the implementation of the adopted management decisions. In the most extreme case, a decision can be made to cancel the implementation of a management decision, if it is clear in advance that at the end of its implementation the intended goal will not be achieved.

Summing up the implemented solution- this is a generalization of the experience gained during the implementation of a management decision in order to take into account in advance the mistakes that occurred in the past when implementing subsequent similar decisions.

Intuition is thinking that has already become unconscious, carried out on the basis of highly automated mental skills, generalized as a result of extensive experience in the field of their manifestation.

Every management decision has its own subject, i.e. the person or body that accepts it, an object– the work collective or individual employees who must comply with this decision, and subject, i.e. the content of the decision, which determines what needs to be done, etc.

Thus, a managerial decision is an act of the subject of management that determines the activity and behavior of the object of management. By means of decisions, the goals of the activity, the timing of their achievement, types of work are established, people are placed in positions and jobs, their functions, rights and responsibilities, rules of conduct at work, measures of punishment and encouragement of employees are determined, material resources, funds are distributed, quality is assessed. products, etc.

A managerial decision is a complex act that includes legal, social, psychological and other aspects. In legal terms, a managerial decision is an imperious act of the subject of management, in which he expresses his will, implements the rights granted to him to dispose of the labor of subordinate workers, material and monetary resources in the interests of production. At the same time, the decision is an act of taking responsibility by the subject for its possible adverse consequences and an act of imposing responsibility on the performers for its full and timely implementation. The leader is also responsible for the timeliness of decision-making and for avoiding the adoption of an overdue decision.

A managerial decision is a social act, as it is made by people and affects the interests of people.

Management decision is a psychological act, as it is the result of human mental activity. Therefore, the quality of a decision largely depends on the depth of thinking, which in turn is directly related to the knowledge and experience accumulated by a person and used by him in the decision-making process.

From an informational point of view, a decision is the result of information processing, during which a choice is made among the possible options of the one that is closest to the optimal, i.e., is the best.

The decision is a direct product of managerial labor. These products are intermediate, but necessary. Without it, you cannot get the final product (car, building, ready-made clothes). The decision, as a kind of product, can serve as a subject of sale. This allows you to create special organizations to develop complex management decisions for a fee. The role of such organizations is often performed by research institutions, computer centers and other organizations.

The quality of managerial decisions directly affects the effectiveness of management. Without decision, there is no control.

Management decisions can have a different focus and many appointments.

The classification of managerial decisions can be carried out according to the following criteria: subject, object, subject, time of adoption, importance, formalizability, degree of independence, obligation, form.

By subject, i.e. Decisions can be divided into three groups depending on who is making them. The first group of decisions is related to the type of control subject. Decisions can be made by: the administration of the organization, enterprise; local authorities; labor collective; public organizations. The second grouping is related to the place of the decision subject in the management hierarchy. Decisions are made by grassroots leaders (foreman, foreman, foreman, site manager); managers of the middle level of management (divisions of organizations, associations); leaders of the highest level of management (organizations, associations). The third grouping of decisions is related to the number of people involved in their adoption: sole, made by leaders on the basis of one-man management; collegiate, adopted by specially created collegiums and various commissions; collective, accepted by labor collectives and collectives of public organizations.

Classification of solutions according to object means dividing them according to who is assigned to do them. The object of decisions in construction can be the industry as a whole, its sub-sectors, construction organizations, as well as individuals.

By subject, i.e. in terms of content, solutions can be classified depending on the subsystems of production to which they relate. There are technical, organizational, economic, social solutions.

By time, to which decisions refer, they can be divided into decisions about the future, present and past. Decisions about the future are planned and predictive decisions. Planned decisions (plans) are of a directive nature; predictive decisions (forecasts) are probabilistic predictions of the future state of the control object.

By degree of importance decisions are divided into strategic and tactical. Strategic decisions include such general decisions that have a decisive influence on the object of management as a whole, on the success of the organization, enterprise. Strategic decisions provide not only quantitative but also qualitative changes in the structure of production. Tactical - these are private decisions made to resolve current, private problems.

In terms of possibility formalization of work for the preparation of decisions, they are divided into formalizable and non-formalizable (standard non-standard). Formalizable are those solutions that can be prepared according to a certain template. Therefore, all operations associated with the development of such solutions can be described in the form of an algorithm, programmed and performed using a computer. Non-formalizable solutions include solutions whose preparation process cannot be represented in the form of an algorithm. these are problem solutions that require a creative approach, for example, a solution to improve the quality of construction, labor productivity.

By degree independence decisions are divided into applied ones: independently; pursuant to decisions of higher authorities; initiated by subordinate departments.

Depending on the degree of obligation decisions are mandatory and recommended.

By form Solution submissions are classified into documented (written, in electronic records) and non-documented (oral).

In order for management decisions to play their leading role in management, they must satisfy a number of requirements, of which the main ones are: feasibility, timeliness, optimality, legality, authority, fairness, consistency and continuity, simplicity, brevity and clarity of presentation. Particular simplicity, clarity and brevity require oral decisions transmitted along the chain of subordination through several instances.

Extremely harmful for the business, and ultimately also for those leaders who make decisions, are such negative traits as bias, substitution of the desired for the real, reinsurance, half-heartedness, egocentrism. Especially dangerous is egocentrism, which manifests itself in the substitution of the general goals of the organization for the goals of an individual or a narrow group character.

In order to make timely effective decisions on the whole range of emerging problems, it is necessary to properly organize the work on preparing decisions. This is the most important condition for the efficiency and effectiveness of management. The organization of the preparation of solutions is determined by their complexity. Some decisions are made directly by the manager within a short time, others are developed by large groups of specialists over many months.

Decision making is the responsibility of the leader. For the preparation of complex decisions, a person responsible for organizing the entire work can be appointed.

The organization of work on decision-making includes: establishing the type of decision to be taken; determination of the scope of work, duration, timing of decision-making and the composition of the specialists required for this; choice of decision-making methods, determination of the procedure for consideration, agreement and approval (signing) of the decision. When preparing the most complex decisions involving a large number of participants, it is advisable to draw up a decision-making plan.

In modern management, a notable problem is the non-implementation of decisions. At the same time, the number of outstanding decisions on the same issue often increases. Production suffers from this, discipline decreases, workers get used to not fulfilling decisions. Therefore, it is necessary that the leaders and the administrative apparatus show maximum perseverance in order to steadily ensure the implementation of the decisions taken.

The organization of the implementation of decisions includes: timely bringing them to the executors, accounting, control, regulation of implementation, analysis and evaluation of the results achieved as a result of the implementation of decisions. The possibility of successful implementation of the decision is already laid down in the decision itself, when it is indicated not only what needs to be done, but also the performers, deadlines, means and methods of activity, as well as those who control the implementation of the decision. Despite this, in the case of complex decisions, an implementation plan is drawn up, detailing and concretizing measures to ensure the implementation of decisions and linking them in time.

Bringing the decision to the executors should be timely and accompanied by its propaganda and explanation. It is important to achieve a correct understanding of the content and meaning of the decision, as well as to arouse in employees the desire to actively participate in its implementation.

It is necessary to organize accounting and control over the implementation of decisions on its individual stages. For this, all existing or organized special types of accounting and control are used. For the purposes of accounting and control, it is advisable to use a file of decisions.

Regulation of the implementation of decisions consists in the timely adoption of measures that eliminate the delays and other shortcomings in the implementation of decisions identified in the process of monitoring the backlog. If necessary, decisions are made to take into account the specific situation.

The analysis and evaluation of the results achieved make it possible to establish the effectiveness of the solution, identify its shortcomings, evaluate the success of the decision executors and implement measures to stimulate them.

Systematic decision-making methods are based on a systematic approach, which is a methodology for studying complex objects. The essence of the system approach lies in the fact that cognizable complex objects are considered as systems, that is, as a complex of elements that are interconnected and represent a holistic formation. A holistic formation is one that has new properties that are absent from its constituent elements. With a systematic approach, attention is focused on the disclosure of a complex object and on the identification of the whole variety of external and internal relationships that affect its functioning and development.

Most systems are characterized by the presence of a goal, which is a system-forming factor. The same set of interrelated elements can represent different systems depending on the goal in question. A system can be composed of elements included in it as a whole or by some of its parts, for example, part of its properties, simultaneously or sequentially. The same elements can be included in different systems. The internal connections of a system are always stronger than its connections with the environment.

Decision-making methods

In the practice of managing complex systems, which include construction, systemic, expert, logical and logical-mathematical decision-making methods have found their application.

The system approach is based on a number of principles: a) integrity, which consists in the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of the system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements and the non-derivation of the properties of the whole from them; b) the dependence of each element, property and relationship of the system on their place and functions within the whole; c) structurality - the possibility of describing the system through the establishment of its structure, i.e. networks of connections and relations of the system; d) the interdependence of the structure and the environment, which is expressed in the fact that the system forms and manifests its properties in the process of interaction with the environment, while being the leading component of the interaction; e) hierarchy, which consists in the possibility of dividing the system into subsystems and elements, which, in turn, have systemic properties. The system under consideration itself is a subsystem of a wider system, i.e. higher level systems (matasystems).

The task of a systematic approach in making decisions on various artificial systems is to ensure such a combination of their elements that would contribute to the maximum manifestation of the properties of the integrity of systems (these properties are also called emergent).

The requirements of the system approach are met by a decision made taking into account all the factors influencing the expected result, and providing the maximum manifestation of the properties of the integrity of the system, i.e. optimal solution.

The most important procedures of the system approach are: identification of the subject of the solution as a system, macro approach, micro approach, system modeling.

Need identification (identification) the subject of the decision as a system is determined by the essence of the system approach, which consists in the representation of cognizable objects in the form of systems. In the process of identification, it is necessary to determine what should be taken as a system in each specific case, what components it includes, establish its type, identify which wider system it belongs to, determine the elements of the external environment and the nature of the relationship between the system and the external environment.

The identification of the subject of the solution as a system begins with the identification of the problem and the establishment of goals that must be achieved in the process of solving it. The goal is the main system-forming factor.

Macro walk follows from the systemic principles of hierarchy and interdependence of structure and environment. It consists in considering the object under study, which is the subject of the solution and presented in the form of a system, as an element of a wider system (metasystem) and in the analysis of its connections with elements of the external environment. The metasystem determines the interdependence of all the systems included in it, their properties, relationships, place and functions within the metasystem as a whole, and the external environment influences the formation of the properties of the system. Therefore, this approach will reveal the goals and external parameters of the system under consideration. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the same system can be included in one or several metasystems, each of which makes its own requirements.

When making design decisions, the macro approach is called external design. If a decision is made to build a residential building, then it should be taken as a system. The house will be included in at least two metasystems: the system associated with the customer (developer) and the architecture systems of settlements. The customer (developer), based on the need for veins, the structure of families, the available funds for construction, determines the size of the living space of the house, the structure of the apartments, and the level of their comfort. The chief architect of the settlement determines the place of construction, the number of storeys, and the requirements for architectural design. By studying relations with the external environment, they determine the conditions for supplying the house with electricity, gas, water, thermal energy for heating, the possibility of connecting to external sewerage networks, the conditions for trade and transport services to the population, and much more.

micro approach consists in considering the subject of the decision as an independent system in order to establish its internal structure, the composition of the elements and the relationships between them. If the macro approach is used to identify the goals and external characteristics of the system, then the micro approach is used to make a decision that ensures their achievement. When making design decisions, the micro-approach is called internal design. In the example above with the construction of a house, after establishing at the macro-approach stage the parameters of a residential building as a whole (total and living area, number of storeys) and the requirements that it must meet in terms of architecture and comfort, the issue of the structure of the house itself is resolved, space-planning plans are adopted , constructive and other solutions.

Experienced managers strive to take into account all the factors that may influence a particular decision. However, a random enumeration of such factors leads to the fact that any of them will be missed. Consideration of the object that is the subject of the decision as an element of the metasystem and as an independent system, the study of relations with the external environment guarantees a more complete account of the factors influencing the decision.

To simplify the management, especially of very complex systems, the "black box" method is used. The control object is presented as a “black box”, i.e. its content is unknown, but the patterns of connections between input and output devices are known, or, in other words, it is known what specific results at the output of the system are caused by certain input influences.

For production systems, the “black box” method consists in the fact that the management body (manager) does not delve into the activities of the subordinate unit (employee), but sets it only output results and ensures that the input is what is necessary to obtain them. The work of the unit (employee) is judged on the basis of the output results in comparison with the provision of their input; intervention in the solution of internal issues of the unit (employee) on the part of the subject of management is carried out only in the order of control in the presence of deviations from planned targets.

The most important means of a systematic approach is modeling. Modeling is understood as a method of studying objects on their models. A model is an analogue of the object under study, i.e. a system that allows displaying the properties of the system being studied - the original - that are of interest to researchers. Models are used when the direct study of the object under study is difficult or expensive. The model, as it were, plays the role of a “representative” or “substitute” for the original in the process of studying it. The information obtained as a result of the study of the model extends to the original. In some types of models, certain corrections are introduced, taking into account differences in the operating conditions of the model and the original, their inertia, etc. From a logical point of view, such distribution of information from the model to the original is based on the method of analogies.

Analogy is the similarity, similarity of objects in any properties, relationships or features, moreover, objects that are generally distinguishable. Inference by analogy is a logical conclusion about the properties _ and relations of one object based on the fact that this object is similar to another object, the properties and relations of which are known.

A feature of all conclusions by analogy is that one subject is directly studied, and the conclusion is made about another subject. However, the conclusion by analogy is always probabilistic, no matter how obvious the established similarity of two objects may seem. Therefore, the data of any analogy should be verified by practice. The positive role of analogy often lies in the fact that it leads to conjectures, gives an idea about a particular assumption.

Modeling is a broader concept than analogy. It includes conclusions by analogy as an integral part. The model always acts as a means of studying, explaining, predicting and heuristics, i.e. search for a new one. Modeling covers the processes of building a model, its study, obtaining the necessary information with its help and the practical application of the results.

Depending on the means used to build models, modeling can be physical or abstract. .

Physical modeling carried out with the help of physical objects and phenomena, i.e. with the help of models having a certain material form. Physical modeling, in turn, can be subject and analog.

Object-physical modeling is based on direct analogies between the object under study and its model, which has the same physical nature. Such models include scaled-down models of construction sites, populated areas, models of building structures, operating models of construction machines and mechanisms, and others. So, on the models of buildings, they study the architectural merits of buildings and the quality of their space-planning solutions. When testing models of structures, they make judgments about the strength properties and stability of structures.

A specific type of physical modeling are business (management) games, in which control systems are modeled by creating game teams that perform the modeled functions. Business games are used to develop solutions to improve management.

Analog physical modeling involves the use of models that have a different nature from the original, but allow the same mathematical description as the original. For example, using a hydraulic device consisting of vessels connected by tubes, one can study the movement of material flows in an enterprise. A change in the level of liquid in the vessels will mean a change in the stock of materials (semi-finished products) at various stages of the production process, and the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the tubes and the speed of the liquid will give an idea of ​​the material consumption. On electro-analog installations, it is possible to analyze and calculate network graphs, solve problems related to optimizing cargo transportation, placing orders, and others.

abstract modeling implemented on models represented as symbols. Therefore, it is also called symbolic. A symbol is a conventional sign that denotes any concept, object, phenomenon, action, event, property, connection, relationship between objects, phenomena, etc. By materializing mental images, the symbol makes it possible to accumulate, store and transmit information. Due to their clarity, symbols facilitate logical operations and make the process of thinking more productive.

Abstract models are divided into two groups - mathematical and logical.

Varieties of mathematical modeling are economic-mathematical and simulation modeling. Economics-mathematical modeling- one of the main methods of studying the processes occurring in production systems. An economic and mathematical model is a formalized description of the essential relationships and patterns of the process of functioning and development of a production system in the form of formulas, systems of equations, etc. Among the methods of economic and mathematical modeling, the most famous are linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, correlation methods, queuing theory , matrix calculus, statistical methods. These methods allow obtaining optimal solutions and solving many other problems. A distinctive feature of economic and mathematical models is the possibility of obtaining specific solutions in numerical form.

Simulation allows you to simulate the production process, i.e., to conduct experiments on models in order to study the behavior of the system, evaluate various strategies for its functioning and development, and develop management decisions. Simulation modeling is most often carried out under the influence of uncertain factors. It also includes the use of stochastic models, the use of the statistical test method (Monte Carlo). When modeling complex systems, as well as for the implementation of models in an interactive mode, computers are used.

Logistics modeling implemented on models in the form of text, matrices, graphic diagrams, networks. In formal logic, models have been used for a long time. Unlike mathematical models that allow you to calculate solutions, logical models indicate only logical operations that must be performed in a certain sequence in order to obtain a solution. Text models are verbal descriptions constructed in a certain way that are of interest to researchers of the properties of the system being modeled. They are used, for example, in forecasting (scenario method). Logical models that allow mathematical processing are called logical-mathematical. These include models of symbolic (mathematical) logic and models created on the basis of graph theory (tree, network).

The methodology of researching any objects by presenting them as systems and analyzing these systems is called system analysis. The basis of system analysis used to prepare and justify decisions on complex problems of production management is a systematic approach. However, systems analysis borrows common initial ideas and premises. System analysis is essentially a method of implementing a systematic approach to production management. Each managerial problem, its connections with many other problems and various aspects of management are systematically considered.

The decision-making process is divided into enlarged stages and includes many procedures, the number of which is determined by the complexity of the problems. Decision-making on the most difficult problems is divided into four stages.

First stage consists in clarifying the current situation, identifying existing problems, choosing one that requires a solution in this particular situation in the formulation of the goal.

Usually, a problem is understood as a complex practical and theoretical issue (obstacle, difficulty) that requires study and resolution. In system analysis, the problem arises when there are differences between the actual and necessary (desired) state of the production system, which is not able to ensure that the actual results of its activities (outputs) correspond to the necessary one. For example, the actual growth rate of labor productivity in a construction organization is lower than the planned target, therefore, there is a problem of increasing labor productivity. The problem may lie not only in the need to increase, but also in preventing a decrease in output. Finding a solution to a problem means determining what changes need to be made to the existing system (or what new system to replace) in order for it to provide the desired outputs.

In order to highlight the main problem that requires a priority solution, it is necessary to identify a complete list of problems. If at the beginning of the analysis it is not possible to clearly identify the main problem, it is advisable to solve a number of simple problems, and then move on to identifying and formulating the main one and establishing how ripe it is for solution at the moment. It is important to fully take into account all the factors that create the problem, to check their correctness and significance for its solution. Problems can arise from the tasks set by a higher management body, they can be detected on the basis of an analysis of activities over the past period, the results of the next control, claims from the customer and organizations operating the constructed facilities, proposals from specialists, and critical speeches at meetings of public organizations. Many problems can be detected directly by the manager, who knows well and constantly analyzes the state of affairs in his area. It is recommended to have a constantly updated list of the most important problems of the construction organization.

Goal setting is essential for correct problem solving. If the decision is conditioned by the task set by the higher management body, then it is necessary to clarify this task, to establish the place and role of your unit in achieving the goals of the higher organization. Experience shows that a deep study of the problem makes it possible to significantly refine and even radically change the formulation of goals, the national economy, the construction industry and the higher construction organization. After clarifying the formulation of the main goal of this solution, it is necessary to establish subordinate goals, restrictions, and also formulate a criterion for choosing the best solution.

Second stage decision-making consists in a structural analysis of the object in respect of which the decision is made. In detail, all factors, their signs, parameters are revealed in dynamics, the interrelations between them are determined.

The analysis is carried out from the standpoint of the whole, i.e. in terms of the influence of factors on the achievement of the goal. At this stage, it is important to identify the weakest links in the system.

At the third stage using various methods, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the behavior of the system is performed, taking into account the interaction of various factors. In the process of analysis, solutions are put forward and explored, their possible consequences are assessed, the possible degree of achievement of goals is assessed, additional factors that have been identified are studied. The analysis is carried out on all aspects of governance - political, economic, social, technical, psychological, etc.

At the fourth stage decision-making, a synthesis of the system under study is carried out: working options are combined and compared, the results for each option are studied and compared with the goals set. If there are discrepancies, the possibilities of achieving the goals are analyzed or the need to revise them is justified.

System analysis is iterative in nature, i.e. at each stage, it is possible to return to the previous stages for making clarifications and additional processing of the options. Such appeals can be made more than once.

Consideration of the stages of the system analysis process gives only the most general idea of ​​it. Detailing this process is possible only when a specific decision is made.

In the system analysis of management problems, methods are used: decomposition, diagnostics, sensitivity analysis of decisions, aggregation of variables, heuristic and other methods.

System decomposition- this is the division of the system under study into its constituent subsystems and elements, up to the primary elements, the further division of which, from the point of view of this problem, is inexpedient. This method is used at the second stage of system analysis to identify the relationship of its elements. When decomposing a system, it is necessary to take into account the property of integrity in order to avoid distorting the characteristics of a system whose parameters are not the sum of the parameters of its parts.

System Diagnostics is to identify its weak links in order to focus attention on them and prevent a decrease in the effectiveness of the system as a whole.

Solution sensitivity analysis to various factors is carried out in order to establish the degree of admissibility of changes in the system, under which the decision remains optimal. In this case, special techniques are used.

Variable aggregation in complex factors is used to synthesize the results of the analysis performed in different ways. In this case, factors that are insignificant in terms of the magnitude of influence are excluded, and factors of a homogeneous direction are combined into complex ones, which makes it possible to reduce the amount of data and simplify the justification of the decision.

Heuristic methods are used to search for solutions to new problems, options for goals and criteria. Heuristics is a science that studies productive creative thinking. Heuristic methods are used when neither past experience nor conditions suggest a way to solve a problem and new approaches are required. The basis of these methods is heuristic reasoning, which must be plausible but not necessarily rigorous. At the preliminary stage, heuristic reasoning only allows one to outline options for solving the problem, which are subsequently analyzed by more rigorous methods.

Heuristic methods make it possible to find solutions with a minimum enumeration of the set of their possible options, thereby reducing the time to develop solutions compared to methods of blind enumeration of options and others.

The analysis systems also use the method of modeling expert, statistical and other methods.

The essence of expert methods is that for decision-making (evaluation of phenomena) highly qualified specialists are involved - experts with the necessary professional education, experience and professional intuition.

The most important task of the examination is to identify objective opinions of experts, not distorted by conformism and other influences.

To identify problems and develop management decisions, the survey method is often used in written and oral form (Fig. 3.1)

Rice. 3.1 Types of survey

During a written survey, participants receive questionnaires, which they must fill out and send to the destination.

Face-to-face examinations in the form of oral interviews provide for direct communication between the experts and the persons carrying out the examination. A typical example here is an interview, i.e. a conversation between the interviewer and the expert, during which the expert answers the questions put to him.

If the survey follows a strictly defined pattern, then they speak of a standardized interview. The standardized form is widely used in mass surveys. With a free survey, there is only one topic and goal, and there is no specific scheme. In practice, free interviews are used, as a rule, in the course of a preliminary study of the problem.

The face-to-face interview is the most versatile method of conducting a survey. It is of two types - individual and group.

To develop solutions that do not require quantitative justification, in conditions where there are controversial issues or different points of view on solving the problem, it is recommended to hold discussions. The discussion consists in the free expression by experts of their opinions, accompanied by evidence in favor of their point of view and refutation of other opinions.

The development of discussion forms led to the emergence of a method of collective generation of ideas - also called the brainstorming method. It is used in a situation where it is necessary to find new ways to solve any industrial or scientific problem, to identify new ideas, etc. The method is implemented in the form of a meeting of experts, which is held according to certain rules that ensure their joint creativity. As a rule, the method is implemented in two stages. At the first stage, ideas are developed, at the second stage, ideas are selected for implementation. Any, the most absurd (at first glance) ideas can be expressed. Any criticism of ideas is not allowed at the meetings. On the contrary, they try to collect as many ideas as possible.

The final step in the application of expert methods is the processing of expert surveys in order to obtain generalized data and identify new information contained in them, on the basis of which decisions are made.


Decision making is a specific, vital process of human activity aimed at choosing the best course of action.

Management decision - can be determined:

  • firstly, as a logical, emotional-psychological, organizational-legal and social process carried out by the subject of management (manager or collegiate body), the result of which is a project of any changes in the organization;
  • secondly, as the main “product” (result) of the work of managers and specialists, which implements interrelated management functions and contains the setting of goals (tasks), justification of the means, methods and timing of their achievement;
  • thirdly, as the most important function of the manager and, at the same time, an integral part of the activity for the implementation of all other management functions (organization and implementation of managerial decisions). Hence, the process of making and implementing decisions should be considered as a "cross-cutting" and one of the most important connecting processes in the management of the organization.
  • fourthly, as a process of establishing a connection between the existing and desired state of the system (organization), determined by the goals of management.

The quality of decisions, first of all, is determined by the effectiveness of management. Signs of high quality of management decisions can be: timeliness, reliability, validity, quantitative certainty, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness. In a broader social context, socio-psychological (for example, moral and psychological consequences, etc.) are included in the criteria for the quality of decisions.


The process of preparing and making a decision includes the following stages:

  • The first stage - setting the problem - consists in analyzing the situation, identifying the need for a solution and includes: knowledge and formulation of the problem; goal setting, definition of criteria for a successful solution. Knowledge of the problem is a necessary condition for its solution: if the problem does not exist for the one who makes the decision, then the decision will not take place.
  • Decision stage: once the criteria and factors limiting the decision are identified, the manager can begin to work on finding alternatives or possible courses of action to solve the problem.
  • The decision-making stage is carried out by the subject of management - the decision maker (DM), that is, the head or collegial body that makes management decisions. The pinnacle of the decision-making process is the evaluation and selection of alternatives. At the same stage, the execution of the decision is carried out, incl. if necessary, its approval or approval.
  • The decision execution stage consists of organizing the implementation of the decision, monitoring and correction, which requires the coordination of the efforts of many people. The manager should strive to make the performers interested and motivated to implement the solution in order to make the best use of their abilities.

The factors influencing the process of preparing and making a decision include:

  • the environment (external and internal environment) in which the decision is made,
  • characteristic of the social group, the team to which the decision is directed,
  • features of the person making the decision (DM).

As can be seen from the above description, the need for the study and practical application of various methods for the development and adoption of managerial decisions arises at the stage of forming alternatives. Here, most of them are used, but they can be present at other stages. For example, scenario planning or brainstorming can be used to develop alternatives. Having received possible alternatives, we proceed to a comprehensive assessment of options using statistical and financial methods. Rejecting all alternatives that do not fit the relevant criteria, we can get two alternatives, between which it is extremely difficult to make a preference (due to the multicriteria of the problem). To select the final decision, we will use one of the expert methods, and if the decision-making time limits us, then we turn to our intuition.

In management practice, the decision-making process is largely unified, which allows you to make decisions quickly and without much cost. Examples of such general rules are found throughout the organization. When communicating with clients, we are guided by prescriptive instructions for working with a client; in working with documents, decisions are based on office work instructions, i.e. we are everywhere surrounded by ready-made and verified solutions. Unified management rules are the result of management thought based on decision-making methods. Being significant, but secondary in relation to the method, the unification itself deserves special attention and consideration.

Organization of implementation of decisions

The implementation of a management decision is the most important function of management. Making a decision and not implementing it is the same as not making a decision at all.

The solution implementation block includes the following sub-stages:

  1. Development of a solution implementation plan.
  2. Selection of performers
  3. Bringing the decision to the performers
  4. Motivation.

Let us consider in more detail these types of activities of the manager in the implementation of the management decision.

  1. Solution Implementation Management is a planning process that allows you to solve problems associated with achieving the goals of the project at each stage.
    The development of a solution implementation plan includes the following actions:
    • The distribution of the implementation of the solution by executors in principle, i.e. by profession, skill level, The basis for the successful solution of many tasks related to planning is the team working on this project. The term “team” reflects the concept that the people working on the project achieve the common goals formulated during the task setting and planning.
    • For the team to work, you need:

      Set project tasks. With proper leadership, the team is an inexhaustible source of information and brainstorming in the decision-making process.

    • Distribution of the implementation of the solution by terms / time limits.
    • Combination of people and dates.
    • Administrative support. If the decision fits within the established powers, then there are conditions for the implementation of the decision, if there are no such powers, there are not enough, then additional powers are issued to fulfill the zeal of this employee / subdivisions /.
    • Resource, financial, material support.
  2. Resource needs. What resources are needed to implement the decision? What specific types of resources will be needed (eg man-hours, time, financial costs, etc.)? Which team member will be most skilled in using each of the required resources?

  3. The selection of performers requires knowledge of people. Sometimes a not very high-quality solution with the right, successful selection by the performer leads to a positive outcome, and, conversely, a good solution with poor performers can fail.
    Team Leader Choice:
    • Studying the work of members of the labor collective and determining their potential.
      For this you need:
      1. learn everything you can about the abilities and character of each of the subordinates;
      2. establish the technical competence of the subordinate;
      3. determine the ability of subordinates to perform work and manage it;
      4. determine and use the character traits of subordinates as a certain style of behavior that has developed under the influence of life influences and upbringing, which expresses a person’s attitude to the world around him, to other people, to himself and to his work;
      5. to find out the possibility of performance by subordinates of the task;
      6. find out the potential opportunities for promotion of subordinates through the ranks.
    • Determining the expediency and conditions for the transfer of authority to subordinates. For this you need:
      1. examine the positive risk outcomes from the transfer of part of the power, i.e. it is necessary to determine what the manager will gain and lose from the transfer of part of his powers;
      2. to determine the point of view of a higher manager on these issues;
      3. determine the consequences of not transferring part of their powers to their subordinates;
      4. study the effect of delegation of authority on subordinates
  4. Bringing the decision to the performer.
    There are several ways to bring the decision to the performers:
    • in the prescribed manner: to his deputy, he to the head of the department, then to the head of the sector, etc. according to the management hierarchy;
    • the decision is transferred directly to the executor, bypassing the immediate supervisors;
    • by involving performers in the preparation of the decision, so that the performer can tune in advance to understand the importance of this decision.
  5. Motivation

Control is one of the most important functions of management.

Control - checking something - is the process of ensuring that the organization actually achieves the goal. The main task of control is to create conditions for the stability of a particular system.

Control is a function of management, and, therefore, manifests itself as a continuous management process. In this regard, any leader must arrange the matter in such a way that employees perceive the control procedure as a matter of course, which, in fact, has neither beginning nor end.

In all cases, three things are usually controlled:

  1. decision deadlines,
  2. the scope of the solution,
  3. essence - the content of the implementation of the decision. It happens that the deadlines are met, but the content of the work is not completed, or, conversely, the deadlines are violated for the sake of content, etc.

The methodological premises of control are that it is checked how the decision is carried out; how subordinates react to the decision; what is the essence of the deviation that is allowed by employees. In no case should one proceed from such a situation that absolutely everyone should be controlled. The leader must identify the reasons for the deviation, choose the method and method of correcting behavior and evaluate the actions of subordinates in a certain way.

Theoretically, there are three types of control:

  1. preventive (preliminary) - here human, material, financial resources are checked, their availability, their quality is assessed, etc.;
  2. current - carried out in the course of work on the implementation of the decision, the criminal record of adjusting the decision itself or the implementation process is specified;
  3. finishing (final) - carried out in the course of maintaining a slave after completion of work. Information based on the results of the implementation of the decision serves as the basis for future decisions and assessment of the reality of planned targets.
