The Moscow driver hit two pedestrians and fled. Hitting a pedestrian is considered one of the heaviest offenses! What threatens the driver who knocked down a pedestrian to death on (outside) a pedestrian crossing

The state is always Special attention devoted to areas human activity posing a danger to the life and health of its citizens. An example is the legislative regulation of the behavior of participants traffic. No wonder they say that its rules are written in blood. Inattention on the roadway can be costly for both the driver and the pedestrian himself.

The collision of a machine and a person always ends not in favor of the latter. No matter how experienced a motorist has, no one is safe from a combination of circumstances and unpleasant situations. Consider the most terrible, when a pedestrian dies as a result of an accident, and explain, if a person is knocked to death, what threatens?

What is the corpus delicti?

When the victim is crushed and he dies under the wheels of a car, the driver's guilt is determined based on the available facts of traffic violations. Provided that the incident did not occur due to malicious intent, but due to the negligence of the person driving vehicle, valid Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It regulates the composition of the crime and the punishment that may be incurred by the perpetrator of the incident.

The court will necessarily take into account all the circumstances of the incident.

Important! If the driver was not able to prevent the collision, then he is recognized as innocent, which at the same time exempts from compensation for material and moral damage to the relatives of the victim.

The death of a person is one of the most serious consequences of criminal activity, and a car is a source of increased danger. For these reasons, the driver will be considered guilty and punished in case of the slightest violation of traffic rules. Most often, non-compliance with paragraph 10.1., which refers to the speed limit on the carriageway, is imputed. A slight excess of speed by 10 kilometers per hour, which in a normal situation can be recognized as an instrumental error, in this case will be the basis for a charge.

The same paragraph of the rules states that bad conditions on the road, the driver himself decides on a safe speed. When the road is not illuminated, the surface is slippery or foggy, maximum care must be taken, up to a complete stop. You should go if you are sure that nothing terrible will happen.

Important! If the result of a traffic accident was the death of a pedestrian, the court will take into account how much the driver tried to prevent a collision. Will it be proven that traffic rules were violated? The guilty will be punished according to the law.

What happens if you hit a person to death?

In this case, the person operating the machine will bear two types of responsibility:


According to Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation guilty of similar crime punishment is imposed depending on the circumstances of its commission. The fact of intoxication of the driver and the number of victims is essential.

When one person died and the driver of the vehicle was sober, the court will assign forced labor for up to four years or imprisonment for up to five years. In both cases, the accused cannot drive a car and hold certain positions for three years.

The same act, but committed by a drunk driver, is condemned much more severely. For him, you can get a prison term of two to five years, lose the right to drive a car and work in some positions for three years.

If the number of victims of a sober motorist is two or more, then he can be sent to perform forced labor for five years or restrict his freedom for up to seven years. He will not hold some positions and drive a car for three years.

A drunk driver in this case will be imprisoned for a longer period - from four to nine years. The rights restrictions are the same as in the previous case.


If the driver knocked down a person to death, and guilt is proven, then article 1085 Civil Code Russian Federation obliges him to compensate for the damage to the relatives or friends of the victim. Its amount includes the cost of the funeral, the maintenance of the dependents of the deceased, compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

Dependents include people who, due to age, health or existing objective circumstances, cannot financially support their own lives. These are the elderly parents of the victim, her minor children, and so on.

The amount of reimbursement for funeral expenses is established on the basis of documents confirming the actual expenses for them. The amount of maintenance of dependents is established by law, but moral damage is determined by the court. In each case, the amount may be different. When appointing her, law enforcement officers take into account the established practice of such cases.

Important! In case of negligence on the road, as a result of which a pedestrian died, the driver bears property and criminal responsibility. Their amount is determined by the court, depending on the circumstances of the case.

What to do if you hit a person to death?

It must be taken into account that any accident, and even more so with a fatal outcome, is a stressful situation. First you need to calm down and not make any rash decisions. Professional lawyers advise in the event of an accident accompanied by the death of a pedestrian, take the following actions:

  1. Stop the car, turn off the engine and turn on the hazard warning lights, put up a sign emergency stop so that the car can be seen better on the roadway.
  2. Find out the condition of the victim. If the perpetrator of the incident is not a doctor, then he is unlikely to be able to correctly determine the condition of the victim. For this reason, it is better not to touch the victim.
  3. summon ambulance and the police without leaving the injured pedestrian alone. If this is not possible, then resort to the help of passengers or bystanders.
  4. In anticipation of traffic police officers, interview existing witnesses and record the testimony, asking to confirm them with a signature.
  5. Take pictures of the scene from different angles, especially paying attention to the braking distance. Save the recording from the DVR.
  6. Carefully read the documents drawn up by the traffic police, sign them and receive copies.
  7. Consult a professional lawyer who specializes in such cases.

Important! The correct actions of the perpetrator of the accident will subsequently have a positive effect on the court's decision and help to avoid additional problems. Until the arrival of the police, nothing can be touched at the scene and you can not leave it.

Criminal cases involving a collision with a pedestrian or even a child with a fatal outcome (especially at a pedestrian crossing) are extremely complex. You can't do without the help of an experienced lawyer. He will help to correctly assess what happened and suggest a procedure for further actions to protect the perpetrator in court.

ATTENTION! In connection with latest changes in legislation, the information in the article could be outdated! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

Pedestrian accidents are considered one of the worst. For causing harm to life and health of people, criminal liability is provided for the driver of the car. But in some cases, severe punishment can be avoided.

Possible outcome of the collision

Pedestrian collisions occur for many reasons. Almost in equal quantities, the fault of the driver and the person is determined.

So, most often people fall under the wheels of a car through their own negligence, and when a drunk motorist is driving.

Unfortunately, the numerous deaths on the road do not make people more attentive. Every year the number of injured and dead pedestrians increases, among which there are children.

The outcome of a collision with a pedestrian depends on many factors:

  • vehicle speed;
  • the condition of the roadway;
  • visibility on the road;
  • driver reaction;
  • vehicle braking speed;
  • strength and location of impact.

If a person abruptly jumps out onto the road, while it is night or fog, then the likelihood of severe damage increases.

With a good response from the driver, death and serious injury can be avoided. If a drunk person is driving a car, in most cases the collision ends sadly.

Minor injuries

Minor injuries are minor injuries that do not threaten the life of the victim. This includes temporary loss of working capacity for up to 1 month.

Pedestrians should not leave the scene of an accident if they receive minor injuries. Medics should arrive at the scene to assess the state of health of the victim.

Sometimes minor injuries turn into serious health problems, because in a state of shock it is quite difficult to determine your well-being.

The driver can independently transport the victim to the hospital. This will serve as a mitigating circumstance in determining guilt and punishment.

Light injuries can be attributed to the average degree of harm to health.

She is characterized by:

  • prolonged impairment of health, but not life-threatening;
  • the duration of the loss of performance.

Severe health damage

In the course of a forensic medical examination, it can be established that the victim suffered serious bodily harm.

It is characterized by signs:

  • persistent loss of working capacity lasting more than 120 days;
  • penetrating wound of the cervical region;
  • fracture of the larynx;
  • intracranial injury, cerebral hemorrhage;
  • spinal fracture;
  • skull fracture;
  • loss of speech;
  • vision loss;
  • hearing loss;
  • loss of an organ
  • serious mental disorders;
  • abortion.

As a result of severe injuries, the victim may receive a disability or long time lose functionality.


Pedestrian death can occur as a result of injuries or comorbidities. For example, during an operation, the heart failed or a stroke occurred.

The fatal outcome is attributed to the consequences of the incident, even after a long stay of the patient in the hospital.

It happens that the driver is punished under an article that provides for liability for causing grievous bodily harm.

But after a while, the pedestrian dies from the consequences of his injuries. In this case, relatives can file a lawsuit in court for a review of the case.

Investigation and examination of an accident when hitting a pedestrian

Employees of the investigative examination are working at the scene of the incident with the participation of a pedestrian, investigating the circumstances of the accident and determining the guilt of the parties.

To do this, several steps are taken:

  1. Drawing up a protocol accident scene. The document indicates the factors that led to the collision of a car with a person. If necessary, auto experts and criminologists are involved.
  2. Vehicle inspection. At the scene of the accident, the car is inspected, which makes it possible to determine the technical malfunctions of the car that caused the accident.
  3. Interrogation of witnesses. Investigators find out at what speed the car was moving, at what distance it was from the pedestrian. It is required to clarify the distance at which the driver saw the victim, whether he took measures to stop the vehicle and prevent a collision. If possible, filming from video recorders is collected.
  4. Appointment of profile expertise. It is carried out in order to establish the mechanism of an accident, as well as to determine the interaction between a car and a pedestrian.
  5. Conducting a forensic medical examination. It is necessary to determine the degree of harm to the life and health of a pedestrian.
  6. Carrying auto technical expertise. It is necessary to evaluate the actions of drivers from the side of traffic rules and investigate the causal relationship between the actions of the driver and the traffic accident.
  7. Decision-making. Based on the results of the investigation, a procedural decision is made to hold the driver liable or to dismiss the court case.

When investigating a case of a collision with a pedestrian, a forensic medical examination is mandatory.

It consists of several stages:

  1. Examination of medical documents related to this case: medical records, records of doctors of the ambulance team, photographs and protocol from the scene of an accident.
  2. Inspection and interrogation of the injured pedestrian.
  3. Carrying out a thorough diagnosis of the body for the presence of internal damage.
  4. A medical card from the clinic may be required. It is necessary to clarify the assessment of existing chronic pathologies in a pedestrian.
  5. The study of the collected documents.
  6. Drawing up a decision, which is the result of an examination and an important document in court. According to expert opinion establishes the responsibility of the driver for the offense committed.

Is the schema

The scene map is important documents. It is required to receive an insurance payment for or. But, according to the rules of insurance, if only one car was involved in an accident, the scheme is not required.

For any outcome of events, it will not work, but for it is enough to present the car for inspection. Victims receive payment according to the documents that are issued by the traffic police and the hospital.

But in some cases, the scheme will help prove the innocence of the driver. In particular, the drawn up document allows you to fix the scene of the incident and subsequently present evidence in court.

For example, if the driver took action to prevent a collision or the collision occurred on a section of the road where a pedestrian crossing is not provided.

If the fault of the driver is obvious, then there is no need to draw up a diagram. The scene is set up by law enforcement officers.


Punishment for the driver is provided for by the occurrence of liability:

  • criminal;
  • administrative;
  • civil.

When determining guilt, several factors are taken into account:

  • the amount of material damage;
  • the degree of harm caused to the health of the pedestrian;
  • the presence of alcohol intoxication among the participants in the incident;
  • the presence of aggravating and mitigating factors.

The main part of the costs falls on the shoulders of the insurance company, where the driver purchased the OSAGO policy. The program provides for motor third party liability insurance, which occurs, among other things, when a pedestrian is hit.

But in some cases, the driver will need to pay the victim a certain amount from his personal pocket for moral damage.

This is only possible with a court order. This type of punishment refers to civil liability and is the most loyal.

Administrative liability is provided for drivers who violate the rules of the road. In this case, punishment is provided on the condition that no people were injured in the accident.

Criminal liability is provided for in several cases:

  • serious harm to the health of a pedestrian;
  • the death of a pedestrian.

The severity of the punishment depends on the reasons that led to the collision of a car and a pedestrian. Even if a person crosses the road in unspecified places, the driver is found guilty.

But the defendant has the opportunity to mitigate the punishment, proving that the injury occurred through negligence.

For this, the following factors must be present:

  1. Bad weather conditions, thick fog or heavy precipitation.
  2. The influence of extraneous factors. For example, the driver avoided a collision with another vehicle violating traffic rules.
  3. The pedestrian was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    If the pedestrian was inadequate, deliberately ran out onto the road or interfered with the movement of cars, then the injuries were received through negligence, and the driver is released from punishment.

  4. The pedestrian deliberately harmed his health. This includes suicides and sectarians who throw themselves under the wheels of cars.

The driver will have to prove that the pedestrian began to cross the road in an unspecified place, ignoring the movement of cars.

Whom to sue if the culprit of the accident is not the owner of the car is explained in the article:.

About recourse on OSAGO from the culprit of the accident.

For minor damage

If after the accident the pedestrian received minor injuries, then the driver faces civil liability. The penalty is a fine of from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

Also, the victim can sue for material compensation for moral damage.

The degree of punishment depends on the reasons that led to the collision of a car with a pedestrian.

If a person crosses the road in an unspecified place for this or ran across a prohibitory traffic light, the driver can file a counterclaim.

The pedestrian will be held liable for traffic violation, and will have to compensate for the cost of repairing the car if there is damage.

For severe injuries

Severe injuries received in an accident are classified as moderate and severe injuries. Depending on the condition of the pedestrian after the accident, a punishment is assigned to the driver.

If average harm to health is caused, then administrative responsibility and punishment are provided:

If a pedestrian was caused serious bodily harm through negligence or the driver was in drunkenness, which is subject to criminal liability.

In this case, the punishment is:

In case of death

If a a road accident caused the death of a pedestrian, then the punishment is more severe:

In addition, the relatives of the deceased may apply to the court to recover moral damages. The amount is indicated independently.

If the perpetrator fled

After a collision with a pedestrian, you must not hide from the scene. This is a criminal offense for which additional punishment is provided.

Even in the absence of serious injuries in the victim, the driver can be deprived of a driver's license for up to 1.5 years or arrested for 15 days.

It happens that an accident has occurred: a collision with a pedestrian outside pedestrian crossing, while the person was not injured, there are no bodily injuries.

The driver and pedestrian agree not to call the police, it is possible to transfer money as moral compensation.

But after a while the victim turns to medical institution because of the deterioration of health, and relatives turn to the police, accusing the driver of causing harm to health.

As a result, the driver is charged with hitting a pedestrian and leaving the scene of an accident.

To avoid incidents, with an oral agreement with a pedestrian, you should take a receipt from him. It indicates the absence of a claim against the driver and the receipt of material compensation (if money was transferred).

Example from jurisprudence

To understand the principle of determining punishment, one should consider examples from judicial practice.

Example #1

The driver, moving at the prescribed speed, lost control of the car and crashed into a bus stop. As a result, a woman suffered, she received moderate injuries.

After examining the case file, the court imposed a punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 12 months.

Example #2

Moving at low speed in the dark, the driver did not notice a pedestrian on the side of the road.

Due to thick fog and bad weather conditions, visibility on the road was significantly reduced. The pedestrian started moving towards the road and was hit by a car.

As a result of the incident, a person received moderate injuries. The driver took the victim to the hospital and returned to the scene of the accident to file an accident.

The court took into account all the evidence provided and refused to initiate proceedings. The driver was not punished, material compensation was paid by the insurance company.

Example #3

The driver, ignored the sign of the pedestrian crossing, went to overtake and knocked down a pedestrian. As a result of his injuries, the man died in the hospital.

Relatives filed a lawsuit, demanding a sentence of 10 years in prison and moral damages in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Considering positive characteristics driver, the absence of offenses while driving and active assistance in the investigation, the court ruled the punishment: 2 years in prison, 3 years of forced labor and deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 3 years.

The accused was also ordered to pay moral damages in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Hitting a pedestrian is considered one of the most serious traffic violations. If the driver’s guilt is recognized, then it will not be possible to avoid criminal liability and punishment in the form of imprisonment.

Hitting a pedestrian is a serious offense, the responsibility for which is provided not only by the administrative and civil, but also by the criminal code. The motorist who committed such an act endangered a person on the road, and for this he is obliged to compensate him for the damage caused - lost profit during the treatment, the cost of the treatment itself, as well as moral compensation.

The administrative responsibility of the driver comes in accordance with Art. 12.24 Administrative Code:

  • For causing minor bodily harm - a fine of 2.5 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, or deprivation of a driver's license;
  • For causing moderate damage - a fine of 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, or deprivation of a driver's license.

To compensate for moral and material damage, the victim may apply to the court with a statement of claim.

Hitting a pedestrian outside a pedestrian crossing - punishment

If a motorist knocked down a person outside the pedestrian crossing zone, administrative liability arises, but only if the victim’s health is out of danger, or the injuries received are classified as minor bodily injuries. Even if the driver has taken all necessary measures to prevent a collision with a negligent pedestrian, he will have to pay a fine.

Very often, the victim himself asks not to call the traffic police, and invites the driver to resolve the issue of monetary compensation on the spot. It is not recommended to act in this way, since no one will give an absolute guarantee that the victim will not later go to court and will not demand repeated monetary compensation for the damage caused to him. The first thing every driver should do in the event of an accident is to call an ambulance to the victim and wait for the representatives of the traffic police. You can not leave a person on the road, this will aggravate the punishment. The fact that the person was hit outside the crosswalk will mitigate liability.

Hitting a pedestrian article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, responsibility for hitting a pedestrian can be presented in two versions.

In the first case, if the victim suffered serious bodily harm as a result of an accident - forced labor, restriction or imprisonment, arrest (the maximum term of imprisonment is 3 years).

In the second case, if a pedestrian dies as a result of a collision - mandatory confiscation of a driver's license, as well as forced labor, or imprisonment (the maximum term of imprisonment is 7 years).

Hit a pedestrian and fled - responsibility

A motorist who hit a man on a zebra and fled the scene of an accident must understand that he faces serious responsibility for such an action. In this case, not only the degree of damage to health will be taken into account, but also the fact that the culprit of the accident is trying to avoid punishment. If the victim received minor injuries, the driver will have to pay a fine. Arrest up to 15 days and deprivation of a driver's license up to one year is possible.

All three of these points can also be applied in combination. The decision to withdraw rights is made exclusively by the court. If a pedestrian dies as a result of an accident, criminal liability arises, and given that the perpetrator of the accident has fled, the maximum sanction can be applied by the court - that is, 7 years in prison.

Hitting a pedestrian without causing harm to health

If the driver knocked down a person on the road and did not harm his health, the above articles of the administrative and criminal code of the Russian Federation will not apply to him. In this case, the victim can bring the person who knocked him down in a car to civil, that is, material, liability by filing an appropriate statement of claim with the court. The victim has the right to expect monetary compensation for the moral damage caused to him.

In addition, the driver may also pay a fine, or be subject to another administrative penalty if the collision with a person occurred as a result of his violation of other points of the traffic rules.

Shot down a man to death - what threatens

The death of a person as a result of a collision will entail the most serious punishment for the person responsible for the accident. Before sentencing, the court will take into account all the circumstances of the incident: in what exact place did the collision occur (on the road, on a zebra, on the side of the road, on the sidewalk, etc.). A person who hit a pedestrian will have to prove his innocence. He must prove that he did not violate traffic rules, was completely sober at the time of the accident, tried to stop the car, the collision did not occur on a zebra, but on the carriageway, the collision occurred through the fault of the pedestrian himself, etc. All these facts will be required taken into account by the court. If the driver's guilt is obvious and beyond doubt, he may face a 5-year sentence. In order to mitigate the punishment as much as possible, it is recommended to negotiate with the relatives of the deceased, whose testimony and petitions will also be taken into account in court.

In one of the districts of Moscow, a road incident occurred, as a result of which people were injured, RIA Novosti reports with reference to law enforcement officers. As it became known, the incident occurred late in the evening in the area of ​​​​Turistskaya Street in the north-west of Moscow, where the driver, who was driving a foreign car Toyota, knocked down two pedestrians and fled the scene. Emergency turned around in the evening on Touristskaya Street. Law enforcement officers are searching for a driver of a foreign car who knocked down two people in the north-west of Moscow. ... - At 20:51, information was received that an accident had unfolded on Touristskaya Street, - RIA Novosti quotes information from representatives of the State traffic inspectorate.

In the north-west of Moscow on Thursday evening, the driver passenger car Toyota hit two pedestrians and fled, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Moscow traffic police department. ... After the collision, the driver fled the scene of the accident, ”the department said. In the north-west of Moscow, the driver of a Toyota car knocked down two pedestrians and fled the scene of an accident, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of the Moscow traffic police department. ... After the collision, the driver fled the scene of the accident, measures are being taken to search for him, ”the press service said. - Police are looking for a foreign car that hit two pedestrians in the north-west of Moscow. ... Information about the collision of a Toyota car with two pedestrians on Touristskaya Street was received on the evening of July 13th. "Toyota" knocked down two pedestrians on Turistskaya Street in the north-west of Moscow and fled the scene of an accident, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the capital's traffic police department. ... The condition of the victims is not reported.

In the north-west of Moscow, a foreign car hit two pedestrians, after which the driver fled. This was reported to the correspondent of "RG" in the press service of the traffic police of the capital. The incident happened on the evening of July 13th. The driver fled the scene of the accident, writes RIA Novosti with reference to the metropolitan traffic police department. This was reported on Thursday evening by RIA Novosti, with reference to the press service of the Main Directorate of the traffic police in the capital. In particular, it is reported that an accident during which a foreign car hit two passengers occurred on Touristskaya Street.

In the north-west of the capital, a Toyota car hit two pedestrians and fled the scene, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the Moscow traffic police department. ...According to the interlocutor of the agency, measures are now being taken to search for the missing driver accident. Moscow police are looking for a driver in a foreign car who hit two pedestrians and fled the scene. ... In the north-west of Moscow on July 13, an unknown driver in a Toyota hit two pedestrians and fled the scene of an accident, RIA Novosti reports.

The person who knocked down pedestrians in Moscow, according to preliminary data, was driving a foreign car was 22-year-old Khamzat M. Earlier it became known who was killed by a Mercedes in Moscow. The footage of the video shows that an elite foreign car goes into a skid at high speed. It flies into the oncoming lane and, like a skittle, knocks down a pedestrian; from the impact of a foreign car, the man was thrown several meters forward. Killed a pedestrian and went to the store, metropolitan investigators are looking for a bmw x5 driver.

counts one of the heaviest offenses while driving.

This can happen to anyone, because even the most attentive the driver is not insured against a person running in front of the car or who knows where the pedestrian came from.

The traffic rules are periodically amended, but regardless of any changes, a pedestrian always priority traffic participant. Assaults can be of different severity and the punishment for such incidents is also different.

In contact with

A collision is considered to be any road traffic accident (RTA), when the driver of the car collides with a person walking. The case when the pedestrian himself collides with a moving vehicle, also considered a collision.

Hitting considered to be not only the direct impact of man and machine, but also impact of a pedestrian on a load carried by the driver.A walking person may not notice an oversized load(boards, iron, Construction Materials etc.) and bump into him.

Such an event is also considered full-fledged run over. Therefore, it is necessary to transport the goods in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods.

At a pedestrian crossing, a motorist must in advance make sure there are no pedestrians and traffic is safe. Only then can he continue moving. In cases where The accident occurs within the pedestrian crossing, the driver is always considered the culprit car hitting a person.

Pedestrian fault can only be recognized in one case - when a person deliberately goes into a collision with a car(throws under the car / runs out in front of it) in order to further sue the driver, blackmail him, extort cash.

Even in such a case the driver will be protected only if there is evidence(fixation of violation).

Pedestrian collision divided into certain categories according to characteristics(type of classification). This is necessary to facilitate the conduct of automotive technical expertise in the process of judicial proceedings.

How does a person walk:
  • To the right or left of the machine (side impact);
  • Towards or away from the vehicle (strike in front or behind the car);
  • A person walks without changing speed and direction.

Characteristics of human movements:

  • A person changes the speed of his movement;
  • The man stands still.


  • The vehicle drives in compliance with a certain speed mode until the moment when braking begins;
  • The car slows down;
  • The vehicle is in an uncontrolled skid.

What part of the car was hit?:

  • The front of the car;
  • All other parts (side, back).

Impact characteristic:

  • Strong blocker;
  • Surface, sliding;
  • The transport wheels drove over the human body;
  • Pressing down the human body by a machine and / or together with other things, buildings, structures.

By overview and degree of visibility:

  • Unlimited view (visibility);
  • Restriction of the view by a stationary object;
  • Limitation of visibility by a moving object (living / inanimate);
  • Conditions of limited visibility and visibility.

Depending on a certain type of collision, are assigned different kinds and methods for studying the mechanism of a traffic accident.

To a blind pedestrian, which gives a signal (raises to the level of the abdomen, chest, and swings from side to side) with a WHITE cane, All vehicles must give way, no matter where such a person goes carriageway(Article 14.5 of the traffic rules).

The driver of the vehicle operates a potentially life-threatening vehicle (increased danger). Whatever happens The driver is always at fault in an accident..

For this reason, the traffic police warn that on the road you need to be collected and attentive, do not violate the rules of the road (traffic rules), choose a speed mode that suits the weather and traffic conditions.

Collision outside the crossing

What to do if you knocked down a person not at a pedestrian crossing? Driver actions:

  1. car stop, turn off the engine. Move from the scene of an accident (move, leave, including to park) IT IS FORBIDDEN;
  2. Get out of the car see what kind of damage the downed pedestrian received. Give him first aid, if necessary. If the blow was strong enough, the person should not be moved from his place, he must be laid down, putting some clothes under his head as a pillow;
  3. Ask for witnesses call an ambulance and traffic police or do it yourself;
  4. All witnesses to the incident need to ask and write down all contact details(name, contact phone number). This must be done even if the driver has violated traffic rules;
  5. Put up an emergency stop sign in front of the vehicle. If the stopping distance is visible on the pavement, put a sign at its beginning. So the traffic police will be able to correctly calculate the speed of the car. It will also show that the driver has applied emergency braking;
  6. Look around the scene, capture everything on a photo or video camera;
  7. During the preparation of the protocol and measurements carefully check all records that they do. This will help identify inconsistencies. If the driver disagrees with the inspector in some way, he must declare this and ask them to be included in the protocol of the inspection of the scene.

More desirable before the arrival of the inspectors, consult with a lawyer, a lawyer or invite him to come to the scene of an accident.

If the pedestrian is about to leave the scene of the accident and does not succumb to the persuasion of the driver, he must sign.

In her it must be written that there was a traffic accident with the car certain make and number, pedestrian has no claims, refuses medical assistance. It is also necessary for the victim to write down their contact details.

What threatens the driver if he knocked down a person at a pedestrian crossing?

Each situation is individual, but there is a certain punishment for hitting a pedestrian outside the pedestrian crossing in the form fine.

Depending on the severity of the damage that was caused to the pedestrian during the collision and the degree of fault, the driver may incur administrative or criminal liability.

Serious harm to health - criminal liability (Article 264, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

For such an offence, the following sanctions:

Pedestrians are fined for crossing the road in the wrong place(12.29 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) in the amount 500 rubles or per creation traffic obstruction at the rate of 1,000 - 1,500 rubles(12.30 Administrative Code).

Average harm to health(the victim has been in the hospital for more than 21 days) – strict administrative responsibility (12.24 part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

What does it entail:

  • Fine 10,000 - 25,000 rubles;
  • deprivation driving license for 1.5 - 2 years;
  • Funds for the treatment of a pedestrian and loss of earnings 160 000 rubles By the tribunal's decision;
  • Moral damage by court order.

A pedestrian is entitled to the same fines under 12.29.1 and 12.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses at the rate of 500 or 1,000 - 1,500 rubles.

Minimum punishment assumed for the driver, caused pedestrian minor health hazard. Moreover, all are considered such harm. bruises, bruises, abrasions and small scratches- any traces of the incident, even the most insignificant.

The examination is carried out by a forensic expert, therefore, having received a blow that day in any other setting, the victim can pass it off as the consequences of an accident.

Slight harm to health - administrative liability (12.24 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

What does it entail:

  • Administrative penalty 2,500 - 5,000 rubles;
  • Deprivation of rights to 1 - 1.5 years;
  • Moral damage by agreement of the parties or by a court decision.

Pedestrian must pay fine if found guilty in an accident from 500 before 1,500 rubles (12.29.1 and 12.30 Administrative Code).

Pedestrian death

Knocked down a man to death, what threatens? What responsibility and what punishment will be if you knocked down a person to death not at a pedestrian crossing? When the victim receives injuries incompatible with life and dies at the scene of an accident or in a hospital, the driver is automatically start a criminal case.

The driver is threatened with:

  • Up to 4 years of corrective labor and deprivation of a driver's license up to 3 years t;
  • Imprisonment for 5 years and deprivation of rights 3 years;
  • If a due to collision (accident) more than two people died, the period increases up to 7 years.

Each situation is individual and depends on many reasons. In case of imminent collision when the driver has done everything to avoid him or, with the consent of the parties, the court imposes a suspended sentence.

In case of a fatal outcome, the driver is always at fault., outside depending on circumstances.

Sidewalk collision

Like at a crosswalk, on the sidewalk the pedestrian is a priority participant.The driver is always at fault, because it controls a means of increased danger.

Even in cases where the collision was made by a car that lost control or the car was in an uncontrolled skid. Punishment and responsibility, which are provided for in this case, do not change.

Man in a state of intoxication

What will happen if I knocked down a drunk person (pedestrian) outside the pedestrian crossing, is there any responsibility? Absolutely no matter what age, degree of health and condition the injured person was. Driver operates a means of increased danger, so it is a priori should be responsible.

On the other hand, a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol may behave inappropriately on the roadway and obstruct the normal movement of vehicles.

He will be held accountable for such actions. and the state by imposing fines.

If the hit was made driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs, in addition to punishment for hitting a pedestrian, he loses the right to drive for a period of from 1.5 to 2 years. It is imposed on him a fine of 30,000 rubles.

Left the scene of an accident

If the driver, after running into a pedestrian, fleeing the scene, he is threatened with deprivation valid driver's license from 1 to 1.5 years or arrest up to 15 days.

There are often situations where incident with a small collision with a pedestrian. Having understood and agreeing that everything is in order, there are no injuries, the pedestrian and the driver disperse without leaving contact information to each other.

Then, after a while the driver is called to the traffic police or stopped on the road and charged with leaving the scene of an accident (Article 12.27 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). It happens, if the victim felt unwell and applied for medical care or, when having told relatives, the victim decides to recover moral damages from the driver.

Punishment and liability for hitting a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing

He knocked down a man at a pedestrian crossing, what kind of responsibility threatens? If the driver allows a collision with pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing, all the same actions should be done:

When an accident occurs at a crosswalk, the perpetrator 99% cases, the driver is recognized because he drives a means of increased danger and is obliged to give way to pedestrians in this zone.

Punishment for hitting a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing e also depends on the severity of the injury. Pedestrians are not fined because they are priority traffic participants on the territory of the pedestrian crossing.

Registration of an accident

  1. Inspection protocol. At slight harm to health and moderate severity, the document is compiled by a traffic police inspector. If a the victim died or was seriously injured, to the scene a special team leaves (automobile technician, forensic specialist, investigator). All traces are examined, physical evidence is confiscated;
  2. The technician inspects the car, the results of this inspection are also recorded in the protocol;
  3. A survey of eyewitnesses of the incident is conducted, all data is recorded;
  4. Specialized automotive expertise is carried out(trasological, autotechnical). They are necessary for the correct determination of the mechanism of an accident;
  5. Forensic-medical examination. It is necessary to identify the degree of harm caused to the health and / or cause of death of the victim;
  6. Based on the results of all actions, a procedural decision is made.

If a Serious road accident with severe bodily injury, injuries incompatible with life, the case is sent to the prosecutor's office. Investigator excites criminal case.

Pedestrian rights

The victim can sue the driver who hit him. It can be done for the recognition of moral damage and material damage.

Under moral damage understood emotional suffering and human condition caught in such a situation as a whole. Material damagemoney spent on treatment, lost profit, lost wage etc.

The claim is filed for any severity of the collision at the request of the victim. The court decides for itself whether statement of claim. It may order the defendant to pay half, 1/3 or 1/100 share from the said amount.

Collision incident not at a pedestrian crossing

A man knocked down a pedestrian on the highway at night. Weather were bad - rain, fog, along the edges of the road there were trucks that stopped for the night.

Walked on the road repair work. Moving behind the truck, the woman driver chose the correct speed.

The truck was rebuilt several times, the woman was rebuilt after her. Then the truck turned sharply to the left, and the woman saw a pedestrian walking along the edge of the road 10 meters from the car. The woman pressed the brakes, the car skidded several times, almost pulled onto a truck standing on the side of the road.

Applying emergency braking, the driver was unable to cope with the situation and hit a pedestrian. He had moderate injuries. After reviewing all the facts of the case, prosecutor's office refused to open a case.

The victim filed a lawsuit and offered the woman driver to pay 300,000 rubles, instead of the 500,000 rubles declared to the court. The driver refused. The victim was denied the initiation of a case, the court did not satisfy the claim for moral damage.

Accident at a pedestrian crossing

The driver was moving at low speed along the city street. Having passed more than half of the pedestrian crossing, he felt a blow to the rear of the car. After getting out of the car, the driver saw a man on the road who was sitting on the road and holding his chest. Without waiting for an ambulance, the men went to the hospital. The victim was diagnosed with a displaced fracture of the tibia.

After exchanging contacts and giving money for treatment, the driver went about his business. The men agreed to pay for treatment and moral damage at a certain amount and date. Having collected the necessary funds, the driver wanted to take it to the victim, but he received a phone call from a relative of the downed man.

The relative said that the application had already been submitted, they would receive all the money through the court. The driver was found guilty not only in the accident, but also leaving the scene.

All actions resulted in payment of a fine, deprivation of a driver's license for 3 years, moral damage, which amounted to 2 times less than the amount requested by the plaintiff (less than the funds promised by the driver to be paid to the victim).

Pedestrian collision is severe violation. The driver is driving a high-risk vehicle, so In the vast majority, it is he who remains the culprit of the traffic accident.

Punishment for hitting can be up to real imprisonment, therefore need to be collected and attentive while driving, fully concentrate on the process and road users.
