Why dream that a car was robbed. What is the dream of Robbery? Participate in such a crime

dream robbery - Be accused of robbery- a dream warns you that soon you will have to work hard to achieve at least some minimal result and deserve praise.
Have you been robbed in your sleep? Then you can consider that kindness and responsiveness in real world will play a cruel joke on you. The people around you will begin to use your dependability and will abuse your trust.
If a person was robbed in a dream, then in reality expect an invitation to a wedding, anniversary or other celebration. Since you will be in big company people, behave with dignity.
If you dreamed of a robbery, then this means that in the near future you will face big problems and troubles. that it will be difficult for you to solve them without any material losses or without a threat to your reputation.
If you were caught during a robbery in a dream and are going to be punished, then you should think about how you achieve success. You need to understand that the end does not always justify the means. It is worth remembering that everything in life comes back like a boomerang, and the evil you have done will certainly come back. Therefore, if you have such a dream, then this is a kind of warning so that you think about your behavior in time.
If in a dream you managed to detain a thief who robbed you, then in the real world you can safely rely on your abilities and rely on the words of a loved one.
If in a dream you robbed a person, then in reality you should be more attentive to your own children or parents, try to spend more time with your loved one, otherwise you may lose him.
If you were robbed in a dream, then you should not reckon with other people's opinions regarding your waking behavior, work skills and other talents. Even if someone does not appreciate your abilities, you should not take it seriously. To witness a robbery in your dream means that in the real world you give the impression of a weak, spineless and insecure person. This is the reason for all your problems and failures.
If your house was robbed in a dream, then this is an omen that soon you will have a big quarrel with your partner, which will lead to a cooling of relations and even, possibly, to a divorce. Also, this may mean a change in relations with children for the worse, you may feel disrespectful to yourself, but there is nothing you can do about it.
When in a dream you watch how a robbery takes place, this means that in reality you are considered an experienced person, you are trusted, you are respected.
When you yourself wanted to rob someone, but it didn’t work out, the dream indicates that in real life you envy the wrong people, attach importance to the wrong things, your guidelines in life are far from real values.
Robbing a bank, museum, store or other large object in a dream promises to receive evidence that your suspicions were in vain. You tormented yourself in vain earlier, thinking that your wife is cheating or a friend can betray you, that colleagues are plotting and you are on the verge of a breakdown. You can calm down and relax, you were wrong.
Take part in a robbery in a dream- a sign that you can set someone up in real life, perhaps not on purpose.
To rob a store or a bank in a dream - to a quarrel with management, to the termination of a lease or sale agreement, to an unsuccessful purchase of large property. You should not deal with real estate issues in the near future.

The dream came true

It is no secret that our dreams sometimes present us with not the most rosy stories. For example, it could be a robbery. None of us in reality would like to be either his victim or a participant in such an action. But dreams come to us regardless of our desires. And since they can carry important information for the sleeping person, it would be useful to look into dream book. Robbery in a dream, unfortunately, as a rule, does not carry anything positive.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller explains that people who dream of robberies often depend on the opinions of others. In real life, it is difficult for them to make serious decisions on their own. Here is what a famous psychologist wrote about this:

  • if a man dreamed of a robbery, in reality all decisions regarding family life, accepts his wife;
  • a dream in which a woman was robbed by a loved one suggests that in fact she is very dependent on him;
  • if a girl stole something from her lover, her feelings for him have already faded away and she wants a new relationship.

Miller also advises paying attention to the dreams in which you are in sea ​​voyage. As he says dream book, robbery at sea makes you realize that in life you have chosen the wrong path. Therefore, it would be useful to think about how to change the previously chosen tactics to achieve your goal.

Interpretation of a robbery according to the World Dream Book

According to the worldly dream book, similar dream promises troubles that cannot be avoided.

  • Particular attention should be paid to such visions to people involved in business. At any moment they can expect some meanness from competitors.
  • Sometimes the sleeper dreams that the robbers entered his house. How does the interpreter interpret such dream house robbery most often leads to family quarrels, which can lead not only to misunderstanding between spouses, but even to divorce.
  • In your dream, you yourself may well be a participant in the robbery. This means that in reality you can embarrass a work colleague with your rash actions or words.
  • If in a dream you were put on trial for a robbery, it is possible that in real life you undeservedly accused someone and now you will have to answer for it.

Interpretation of robbery according to Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud, as a psychoanalyst, considers such dreams exclusively in a psychological aspect:

  • To see a man in a dream that his car was robbed - in life he is content with frivolous relationships, but he has no serious intentions towards a woman. Freud believes that such a plot in a dream does not expose a man in some unsightly light, but says that he has some kind of prejudices about family life, perhaps someone's negative example. He needs to understand himself and maybe seek help from a psychologist.
  • If a girl had a dream in which she was robbed, in reality she is afraid that she will be deceived. Moreover, she is afraid of deceit not only from her lover, but also from other people who surround her. In this case, the girl should analyze which of her actions could turn people against her.

Interpretation of robbery according to other dream books

  • Tsvetkov assures that it can lead to disagreements between loved ones. Moreover, for a woman, there is a high probability of the appearance of a rival, because of which she and her lover constantly have conflict situations.
  • According to Hasse's dream book, if a robbery was seen in a dream by a person who had a lot of failures in his life, the dreamer in reality can receive unexpected support and improve his affairs.
  • Vasilyeva, in her dream book, interprets such night dreams as the need for the dreamer to understand his obligations towards friends and loved ones. For example, he has not visited his relatives for a long time, perhaps he owed someone, did not pay his bills. If he does not correct the situation himself, he may be in serious trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation of Adaskina explains the vision in which you are accused of committing a robbery as the existence of some minor obstacle in your life that prevents you from achieving your goals.
  • But Pushkin's dream book says that the dream in which your house, the house of your relatives or acquaintances was robbed, is a warning that you must be firm in upholding your beliefs.

The nuances of dreams about robberies: what you should pay attention to

Waking up, you need to try to remember the smallest details from your dream, since many of them allow you to interpret it in one direction or another. What exactly are the nuances that can affect the nature of the interpretation of a dream?

  • Where the robbery was committed - on the street or indoors.
  • Where exactly was the theft committed - in a residential area or office (for example,).
  • Who committed such a crime - strangers or you yourself.
  • Whether the thief was caught or whether he managed to get away.
  • The dreamer's emotions that he experienced during the robbery. If, for example, you cried loudly, then in the morning you will feel very light. It’s just that accumulated negative emotions splashed out in a dream.

Consider several options for dreams:

  • For example, if a businessman had a dream and at the same time he robs him, in reality he will make a successful deal that will bring him considerable profit.
  • If the house of a young girl was subjected to such an attack, this is a harbinger of the appearance of a rich fiancé.
  • If you caught a criminal, that's good dream. Catch the robber means that for your competitors and envious people you will be inaccessible.

Why dream about robbing an apartment

In such dreams, it is important to pay attention to whether your apartment was attacked or whether you yourself became a participant in such a crime.

  • If the robbers rob your apartment and at the same time turn and scatter everything in search of valuables, this means that you are an insecure person, but at the same time you have achieved a certain position in your team. However, envious people are waiting for an opportune moment to take advantage of your gentle nature to expose you to your superiors in the most unfavorable light and nullify all your achievements.
  • I had a dream, in which you organized the robbery of an apartment yourself - in fact, you are a secretive, but self-confident person, going ahead to the goal, despite any obstacles.
  • If you dreamed that your neighbors apartment was robbed, you may be asked for help.
  • The girl dreamed that her apartment was robbed - perhaps she would soon be hired.

Why dream of robbing a store

The interpreter of Felomen can explain why such a dream is dream. Store robbery She looks at it from two perspectives:

  • If in your night vision you are watching a robbery, in real life you will find an improvement in your financial situation. Perhaps it will be a salary increase or a bonus, or maybe you will sell real estate with great profit for yourself.
  • However, if in a dream you yourself organized such an attack, in reality try to be economical and prudent. Do not scatter money, otherwise your extravagance will be fraught with many troubles for you.


You need to be very careful with your dreams. Often it is they who help a person get out of difficult situation or warn of possible changes in his life. Sometimes these can be positive events, and sometimes dreams, on the contrary, promise trouble. In each of them there may be some message that the dreamer must definitely listen to. Here the thieves attacked you. What can the dream book tell? A robbery is most often a warning about the troubles awaiting you in real life. However, regardless of the interpretation, it is worth taking a closer look at whether a person lives correctly, perhaps he is too selfish, because of which he may be tormented by remorse. In such a dream, one must definitely try to find meaning. And especially if you remember where the dreamed robbery took place, whether you recognized the thief in a dream, then in life you will be able to avoid many mistakes and failures.

No one is safe from robbery in real life. Just looking at the reports for the last 24 hours will be enough to find out how often this actually happens. The dream book will help to find out why the robbery is dreaming, but for this you need to take into account all the nuances of sleep.

To find out why a robbery is dreaming, a dream book will help

Dreams in which a person becomes a victim of a robbery do not carry anything good. Most often, such visions in dream books are interpreted as theft of energy in real life. Sleep is a warning, as at this stage it is still possible to change.

In order to understand where the source of all problems is, you should pay attention to the following points in the dream:

  • where the crime took place;
  • what emotions did the dreamer experience;
  • who acted as a criminal.

For a young girl, such dreams do not promise trouble. On the contrary, she will become incredibly popular among guys. It is possible that soon she will marry a worthy and wealthy man.

Among the positive interpretations, there is one in which a businessman robs a bank. In real life in business, a huge profit awaits him from a successfully completed transaction. It is possible that his business will expand and open another branch abroad.

Watching a store robbed - at least auspicious sign. The dreamer will be a wealthy person. But to participate in such acts does not bode well. In reality, the sleeping person experiences a feeling of envy, which adversely affects his life. He should be more careful and control the flow of emotions.

The robbery of an apartment in a dream indicates that a person is notorious and considers himself unattractive. He needs to seriously take up his self-esteem, turn his face to life and not be afraid of change.

Theft in a dream book (video)

Why dream of robbing your apartment, house

The dream in which the sleeper's home was robbed simply cannot symbolize something good. If a person dreamed that robbers broke into his house, looking for money everywhere and scattering things at the same time, then this vision is explained as follows. Most likely, the owner of this vision is a person who is not confident in himself, but nevertheless occupies a fairly high position. At the same time, to the detriment of his own interests, he succumbs to pressure from higher authorities. In addition, envious people are still waiting for the slightest mistake of him in order to challenge all the results of his labors.

The dream in which the sleeper's home was robbed simply cannot symbolize something good.

Additional details will help give a more accurate interpretation of sleep:

  • feel fright at the sight of criminals heading to rob - soon you will need to make a serious decision, which is painful for the sleeper;
  • they threaten to deal with the sleeping person if he himself does not give up all the jewelry and money - there is pressure from authoritative relatives;
  • for a girl, such a dream can be dreamed up on the eve of a job interview;
  • the victim is bound or immobilized in any other way - the person is in a deadlock, for the solution of which it is necessary to wait for time.

Seeing a bank robbery in a dream

In the event that a robbery occurs in a bank, the dream can be interpreted as follows:

  • experience strong fear - you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. The achievement of success will be created by envious people, and perhaps these are the intrigues of competitors. It is possible that this person is in a close environment;
  • during the delivery of money, criminals break into the bank - a desire to change their lives. It will be possible to implement it;
  • commit illegal acts yourself - you cannot rely on luck in business, you must rely on your own strength;
  • for a woman, such a vision means that she decided to do the wrong thing, only negative consequences can be expected from him;
  • to see how bandits take my salary - serious expenses are expected. There comes a favorable period for buying a home or starting repairs.

For a woman, such a vision means that she decided to do the wrong thing.

If you dreamed of a robbery of a store, then soon you can expect substantial profits. But to get it, you need to act honestly and not resort to breaking the law.

Depending on which store was robbed, the interpretation may vary:

  • clothing store in this moment it's time to change the image or update your wardrobe;
  • big - the perfect time to meet your own needs;
  • empty - the planned plans will suddenly collapse;
  • a lot of different goods - the dreamer expects success in all endeavors;
  • shoe - significant changes are expected on the personal front;
  • grocery - problems will be solved soon;
  • jewelry - symbolizes changes in personal life;
  • furniture - in family life everything will be measured and stable;
  • book - new, promising ideas will appear;
  • groceries - undertakings will be successful.

Why dream of robbing my car

To interpret a dream in which you had to watch a car robbery, you must first of all start from the one who dreamed of such an unpleasant vision:

  • for a girl, it promises changes on the personal front, the cause of which will be a certain event;
  • for a man - will arise serious problems in the work area.

For a girl, such a dream promises changes on the personal front.

In the same case, if you had to watch the robbery of someone else's car, then in real life you will have to become an eyewitness to something that will later require serious moral costs.

Seeing someone being robbed in the street

Watching a robbery on the street in dreams is for those who will soon be promoted at work. In the same case, if the robber tore the bag out of his hands, an increase will be assigned as soon as possible. But if a person at the same time shows obvious resistance, then in order to obtain the desired result, it will be necessary to wait a little more.

Watching a robbery on the street in dreams is for those who will soon be promoted at work

A quiet, stealthy criminal in dreams promises the fastest possible promotion, and new duties will be incredibly simple and it will not be difficult to cope with them. If you managed to hide from the robber at all, then in real life problems can be avoided, despite the fact that such a threat exists.

Attempted robbery in a dream

Visions are positively interpreted in which only an attempted robbery was made, which was unsuccessful. The owner of such dreams is a strong personality, he is able to stand up for himself and defend his interests. The near future is most favorable for him, an increase in the career ladder is expected.

For a woman, such dreams may mean that it is not worth starting a relationship on the side, as they may not end in the best way. For a young girl who recognizes her lover in a thief, the vision is considered a warning. She should take a closer look at him, it is quite possible that he is deceiving her or even cheating on her.

Why dream of money (video)

There is absolutely nothing pleasant in dreams in which a robbery takes place. But nevertheless, quite often such dreams have a positive interpretation. It may happen that material well-being and positive changes on the personal front will soon appear. Therefore, having seen such an unusual dream, you should not be afraid: you just need to figure out why he still had a dream.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dreams in which you encounter bandits, robbers or robbers- openly talk about your fears for your physical and material well-being and distrust of the people who surround you.

If in a dream you try to resist or run away, and you succeed- the supply of your vitality has not yet been exhausted and big shocks in reality do not threaten you.

But if such dreams are repeated too often- this means that your fears have reached a critical level. In this state, you can unwittingly attract real robbers with your behavior. Try to trust fate more and not be afraid of losses, especially since most of the losses in this life are either recoverable or inevitable anyway.

Women, especially young ones, have such dreams- may portend a stormy love affair that will jeopardize their well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Robber- the missing.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Robber- you will find that a loved one is treating you dishonestly, and you will demand an explanation.

Modern combined dream book

Robber- find the thief.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Face in a dream face to face with a robber- you will be robbed.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

You dreamed that you were robbed- you will soon receive a large sum of money.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

To understand why the robbery is dreaming, you need to remember all the details of your dream. It is important to take into account not only the nuances of what is happening, but also your own feelings. This may change the interpretation.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Robbery is not always a pleasant sign.

Here is how various dream books respond to this:

  • The modern interpretation indicates the softness of the sleeper, which will lead to misfortune.
  • If in a dream you caught robbers, then according to Miller's dream book, things will soon go uphill, and ill-wishers will leave you alone. A dream in which the police are chasing you for a crime you have committed indicates an aggravation of relations with others.
  • To prevent robbery according to Vanga's dream book - to receive an inheritance. If you have robbed a stranger, carefully monitor your health, you may feel worse. To see a thief in your house and do nothing - you will be disappointed.
  • According to Freud, if a woman was attacked by a robber, and he was alone, this indicates her desire to find a partner. For a man, a dream in which criminals attack him symbolizes a craving for pleasure. And also the robbers can personify the parents, and the robbery - unresolved conflicts with them.

See a bank robbery

When a robbery occurs in a bank, you can evaluate what you see by the following details:

  • The criminals broke into the institution at the time of the delivery / receipt of money - you have desire make changes in your life. The idea will work.
  • To see how bandits take away wages - to lose money in reality due to unplanned expenses.
  • I dreamed of a bank robbery, and you were afraid - which means that in order to achieve success, you will need to pretty much "sweat". Obstacles constantly arise in front of you, which hinder the development and progress towards the goal. Perhaps these are the intrigues of competitors, but most often the envious people who are part of a trusted circle of people are to blame.
  • To be a participant in a robbery - in business you should rely only on competent planning and miscalculation. Intuition can fail, and luck can turn away at the most inopportune moment.
  • For a woman, this portends a failure in business. We need to change the vector of activity.

Why dream of participating in a robbery

If the sleeper takes part in the robbery or is the coordinator of the actions of the robbers, it is likely that he himself borrowed other people's ideas and is now tormented by remorse. An alternative prediction claims that the dreamer will soon participate in a dubious or adventurous event.

Did you dream of a robbery of a store where you became the instigator? The dream interpretation says that it is too dangerous to go to your goals in a dishonest way, crushing the rest under you. You may pay for this.

By the way, which store was chosen for the robbery also matters:

  • empty - your plans will suddenly collapse;
  • shoe - expect changes in your personal life;
  • book - it will be possible to avoid trouble thanks to connections with influential people;
  • clothes - you are tired of everyday life and want to change something;
  • grocery - troubles will soon be resolved without your participation.

Meaning for a young girl

If a young girl was robbed in a dream or she became an unwitting witness to a crime, this does not bode well for her. On the contrary, in the near future she will gain popularity among guys. It is likely that after some time she will be able to marry an influential and wealthy man.

When a girl sees how thieves get into an apartment, this indicates her self-doubt, excessive shyness and complexes. You need to stop comparing yourself to others and pay more attention to your own merits.

If a working girl from the side watches a robbery of a store or a bank, this indicates her subconscious envy of rich people. Such a dream can be interpreted as a desire to enter the highest circles of society. And this is possible if the young lady will work hard and boldly declare her ambitions for promotion.

Become a victim of thieves and bandits

If you dream of robbing an apartment, it’s not pleasant enough. The dwelling symbolizes the strength of the body and spirit. When a person dreamed that robbers broke into an apartment (house) and were looking for money, breaking and scattering things, then such a vision can be interpreted in two ways. Most likely, the dreamer by nature is a gentle and kind person, while holding a responsible post. Sleep can mean emotional discharge and subconscious disclaimer of responsibility for what is happening.

Another interpretation is also related to work, but here the authorities press with their authority, and the dreamer does not want to obey the imposed rules and ideas. If such a dream appears one day, special attention it is not worth looking at it. When the plot repeats, you need to learn how to defend your own positions, work on increasing self-esteem, and become independent from other people. Otherwise, the position may be lost.

For more accurate interpretation it is worth paying attention to the details of sleep:

  • If during a robbery the victim is immobilized (tied up), it means that in real life a person is looking for a way out of an impasse, but cannot find it. You need to wait a while and try again.
  • The robbers threaten with reprisals - take a closer look at your relatives. Some of them are clearly imposing their will.
  • If you feel frightened when thieves are heading towards you, then you will soon have to make a difficult decision that is painful for you. It may be necessary to abandon habitual beliefs or change the established way of life.

Remember that the interpretation of dreams is an approximate guideline. Don't take every word for granted. According to many analysts, the meaning of dreams is individual for each person. Therefore, dangers not always seen in a dream will bring real problems in reality.
