Topic: "Development of landforms". Terms (concepts): Endogenous processes Exogenous processes Volcanism Earthquakes Recent tectonic movements Glaciation

Geography lesson

8th grade

Subject : Development of landforms

Lesson Objectives:

    To organize the activities of students to study the development of landforms in Russia and the application of new knowledge in various situations.
    2. Metasubject:
    Create conditions for consolidating the ability to analyze and systematize information, expanding experience creative activity students.
    3. Personal:
    Help students to understand the social and practical significance of information about the development of Russia's landforms through research, information, communication, project activities and reflective culture of students.

    Educational: form an idea of ​​the interaction of internal and external processes as a source of relief development; to acquaint with the features of the formation of relief on the territory of Russia as a whole and Kursk region in particular, to show the impact of the impact of society on changing the surface of the Earth.
    develop meta-subject skills of working with information.
    to educate a careful and rational attitude to mineral, soil resources, and minerals.


Verbal, visual, practical.

Equipment: physical map of Russia, tables, diagrams, geographic atlases contour maps, textbook, samples rocks., reference materials, handouts, multimedia projector, laptop, presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizing time

“There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “The living woman will say - I will kill her, squeezing my hands harder, the dead one will say - I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

And it's true, guys, everything is in your hands! It is up to you how our lesson will go, how attentive and active you will be.

2. Repetition. Updating of basic knowledge.


    From the course of physical geography, remember what relief is?

    What landforms do you know?

    List the types of plains by height.

    List the types of mountains by height.

Test (slide show)

1.B Western Siberia the largest deposits are located:

A) coal

B) non-ferrous metal ores;

B) oil and gas.

2. The Baltic shield is rich:

A) oil and gas

B) ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;

B) coal.

3. The accumulation of minerals is ...

A) platform

B) deposit;

In the pool.

4. A group of closely spaced deposits of the same mineral is ..

A) a swimming pool

B) platform.

5. The Lena basin is a deposit

B) coal;

AT) natural gas;

D) iron ore. (Mutual check - work in pairs)

Answers: 1. AT); 2. B); 3 .B); 4. BUT); 5. B).

We will continue to "discover" knowledge of the relief of Russia. Let's think and answer, what else have we not studied and would like to know about it?

Problem: The relief was formed throughout the entire geological stage (3.5 billion years), but its development continues at the present time.

Problem question:

Why is the surface of the earth constantly changing?

Open the textbook page 49 and find the answer to this question:

What are the modern relief-forming processes?

3. Studying new material

Look at the desk ( terms written on the board): endogenous processes, exogenous processes, volcanism, earthquake, glaciation, moraines, eolian relief, talus, landslides, avalanches, mudflows, erosion - we will consider the terms in the lesson today, and remember some.

The relief is constantly changing under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. Both factors operate simultaneously.

Draw a diagram on the board:

Endogenous Exogenous processes

They appear both in the mountains and on platforms and flow under the influence of flowing waters, permafrost and wind.

Glacial landforms:

    Morena is a geological body composed of glacial deposits. The boulders in the moraines consist mainly of granites and gneisses. It is an unsorted mixture of clastic material of various sizes.

    The terminal moraine ridges are the boundary of the movement of the glacier, it represents the brought clastic material.

    Sheep foreheads - a ledge of igneous and metamorphic rocks with scratches and scars on the surface; the slopes are facing towards the movement of the glacier, - gentle, opposite - steep.

    Oz. (ridge, ridge) is a ridge with rather large slopes (30-45 0), resembling a road embankment. They are usually composed of sand, often with pebbles and gravel. The height can reach several tens of meters. Pine trees grow on the surface. Feature: they do not take into account the relief at all: the esker ridge can stretch along the watershed, then go down the slope, go into the lake, forming a long peninsula, dive and emerge again on the other side.

    Kam. - this is a hill that makes up the material sorted, layered.

    Zander - surfaces on which sands are common, brought by melted glacial waters.

    Lakes in glacial basins - (exaration process) basins are formed as a result of tectonic troughs as a result of glacier movement.

    Kars (mountain cirques) - glaciation in the mountains: Kars - bowl-shaped niches with steep slopes upper parts and flatter higher. Formed under the action of frosty weathering, they serve as a place for the accumulation of snow and the formation of glaciers.

Aeolian landforms:

    Dunes are a kind of dunes, relief mobile formations of sand in deserts, blown by the wind and not fixed by plant roots. They reach a height of 0.5-100 m. They resemble a horseshoe or sickle in shape. Being not fixed, they can move at a speed of several cm to sonnets of meters per year.

Thermal landforms:

    Frost heaving - typical for areas of the cold belt. Small hillocks can occur directly due to an increase in the volume of freezing water in the soil.

    Stone rings and polygons - are formed in loose rocks, heterogeneous in composition, containing inclusions of stone fragments (crushed stone, pebbles ...). As a result of repeated freezing and thawing, large clastic material is pushed out of the rock to the surface and moves towards the fracture zones.

    Solifluction is a slow flow along the slopes of loose, highly waterlogged dispersed deposits.

    Kurums are mobile stone placers in the mountains and plateaus.

    Thermokarst - thawing process ground ice, accompanied by subsidence of the earth's surface, the formation of depressions and shallow karst lakes.

4. Practical work No. 2.

Target: reveal the relationship between the relief and tectonic structures on the territory of Russia.

5. Physical minute.

(The teacher reads the poem, the students do physical exercise)

Close your eyes, relax your body

Imagine - you are birds, you suddenly flew!

Now you swim like a dolphin in the ocean,

Now in the garden you pick ripe apples.

Left, right, looked around

Open your eyes and get back to work!

Individual work on instruction cards. (Atlas "Physical map of Russia" pp. 14-15, " Tectonic map» page 16.)

Conclusion on work(Children formulate)

1. The predominance of the flat terrain in Russia is associated with tectonic structure.

2. large plains in tectonic structure correspond platforms.

3. In the relief, folded areas correspond to the mountains and plains.

4. The Caucasus Mountains formed in the areas of new folding. They are in height high mountains.

5. In the areas of ancient folding are located medium and low mountains in height.

6. The diversity of the relief of Russia is associated with the structure earth's crust.

(The discussion of the results independent work, evaluation by criteria)

6. Fixing:

Application on k.k. landforms formed under the influence of external factors. (East European Plain, Caspian Lowland, Central Russian Upland,

Volga Upland, West Siberian Plain, Central Siberian Plateau, Caucasus Mountains, Ural, Altai, Western

and Eastern Sayan Mountains, Stanovoy Ridge, Verkhoyansk Ridge, Chersky Ridge).

7. Reflection.

Take one of the butterflies on your tables that matches your mood at the end of the lesson, think about whether you succeeded in this lesson, do you agree with your assessment, did you like the lesson? And attach to our impromptu clearing with daisies.

Red - I did it and I liked the lesson.

Yellow - I liked the lesson, but I made mistakes.

Blue - it was difficult and boring for me at the lesson.

8. Homework.

Guys, next lesson we will have a general review of the topics covered, so I suggest reviewing the material, and do not forget to bring contour maps to the next lesson.

Great day!

The lesson has come to an end.

Let everyone say to himself:

What a fine fellow I am!

And I thank you very much for the lesson!

9. Grading students.


The diversity of modern relief is the result of a long geological development and the impact of modern relief-forming factors, including (including) human activity. Geology deals with the study of the structure and history of the development of the Earth. The geological history of the Earth begins with the formation of the earth's crust. The oldest rocks indicate that the age of the lithosphere is more than 3.5 billion years. The period of time corresponding to the largest stage in the development of the earth's crust and the organic world is commonly called the geological era. The entire history of the Earth is divided into 5 eras: the Archean (the oldest), the Proterozoic (the era early life), Paleozoic (era ancient life), Mesozoic (era average life), Cenozoic (era of new life). Eras are subdivided into geological periods, most often named after the areas where the corresponding deposits were first found. Geological reckoning, or geochronology, is a branch of geology that studies the age, duration and sequence of formation of rocks that make up the earth's crust. It is possible to determine the time of their formation by the nature and sequence of the occurrence of rocks. If the occurrence of rocks is not disturbed by crushing, folds, ruptures, then each layer is younger than the one on which it lies, and the most upper layer was formed later than all those lying below. In addition, the relative age of rocks can be determined from the remains of extinct organisms that lived in a particular geological period. It was only in the 20th century that they learned to determine the absolute age of rocks with sufficient accuracy. For these purposes, the process of decay of radioactive elements contained in the rock is used. The geochronological table contains information about the successive change of eras and periods in the development of the Earth and their duration. Sometimes the most important geological events, stages in the development of life, as well as the most typical minerals for a given period, etc. are indicated in the table. The principle of constructing the table is from the most ancient stages of the Earth's development to the modern one, therefore geochronology must be studied from the bottom up. Using the table, you can get information about the duration and geological events in different eras and periods of the Earth's development. Geological maps contain detailed information about what rocks are found in certain areas the globe what minerals lie in their bowels, etc.


Like all other components of nature, the relief is constantly changing. Modern relief-forming processes can be divided into two groups: internal (endogenous), caused by movements of the earth's crust (they are called neotectonic, or recent), and external (exogenous). Newest tectonic movements of the earth's crust can appear both in the mountains and on flat platform areas. The latest uplifts occur in the Caucasus, the amplitude of movements reaches several centimeters per year. Exogenous processes are associated primarily with the activity of flowing waters, primarily rivers and glaciers, as well as with the features climatic conditions. Such, for example, is the relief created by permafrost processes.

Ancient glaciation in Russia. In the Quaternary period, due to changes in climatic conditions, several ice sheets arose in many regions of the Earth. The largest of them was the Dnieper. The centers of glaciation in Eurasia were the mountains of Scandinavia, the Polar Urals, the Putorana Plateau in the north of the Central Siberian Plateau, and the Vyrranga Mountains on the Taimyr Peninsula. From here, the glacier spread to the adjacent territories.

As the glacier moved southward, the Earth's surface changed dramatically. Stones (boulders) and loose deposits (sand, clay, crushed stone) moved along with the ice. The glacier smoothed the rocks, leaving deep scratches on them. In the southern regions with a warmer climate, the glacier melted, depositing the material brought with it. Loose clay-boulder glacial deposits are called moraine. The moraine hilly-ridge relief prevails on the Valdai and Smolensk-Moscow uplands of the Russian Plain. During the melting of the glacier, huge masses of water were formed, which carried and deposited sandy material. The surface gradually leveled off. So along the outskirts of the glacier, water-glacial plains were created. In the northern regions, melted glacial waters filled depressions deepened by the glacier in hard crystalline rocks. Numerous lakes arose, especially in the northwest of the Russian Plain.

Activity of flowing waters. The surface of the land is constantly exposed to flowing waters - rivers, groundwater, temporary streams associated with precipitation. The activity of flowing waters is especially enhanced in areas with significant slopes and large quantity precipitation. Therefore, water-erosion relief prevails in many mountainous regions. Flowing waters not only dissect the surface, creating gorges, ravines, hollows, but also deposit destruction products in river valleys, in foothill areas and on gentle mountain slopes.

wind activity. Where there is a small amount of precipitation, the wind plays a leading role in changing the relief. The relief of the regions of the Caspian lowland is a vivid evidence of this.

Human activity. Even Academician V. I. Vernadsky noted that mining has turned a person into a serious relief-forming factor. Yes, at open method mining, quarries and pits are formed. People build canals, dams, railway tunnels, while moving huge masses of soil. All this leads to an acceleration of relief-forming processes, often accompanied by landslides and landslides, flooding of large areas of fertile land, etc.

Natural natural phenomena that occur in the lithosphere and bring great disasters to people are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as collapses, landslides, avalanches, sat down and mud streams.

Development of landforms


Forces shaping and changing the relief of Russia

Endogenous (internal)

Exogenous (external)

The latest tectonic


  • Weathering;
  • Ancient glaciations;
  • Sea activity;
  • Activity of flowing waters (erosion);
  • wind activity;
  • Processes caused by the action of gravity;
  • human activity



The relief is constantly changing under the influence of external (exogenous) and domestic (endogenous) processes

Recent tectonic movements


Slow vertical



Almost the entire area

Russia is experiencing


Lowered central

areas West Siberian

plains, Caspian,

North Siberian,

Yano-Indigirskaya and

Kolyma lowlands

In the districts






In the regions



faults and

(Altai, Sayans,

Ural, etc.)

Evidence of current ongoing tectonic movements are EARTHQUAKE


cones of volcanoes


lava plateaus

Active volcanoes in Russia are only in Kamchatka and the Kuriles

Ancient glaciations

There were 4 epochs of glaciation in the Quaternary period: Valdai, Moscow, Dnieper, Okskoe.

The centers of glaciation were Scandinavian mountains, Polar Urals, Putorana plateau, Byrranga mountains (Taimyr)

Glacial landforms

  • when the glacier melted, the water carried sand, from which water-glacial plains were formed on the outskirts of the glacier, they were called "outland".
  • when the glacier moved to the south, under its weight, the earth's surface was plowed, the rocks were chafed and destroyed, and when the glacier melted, the recesses were filled with glacial melt water and thousands of lakes were formed in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. The largest of them are Ladoga and Onega.

Ladoga lake

"lamb foreheads"

circuses and trogs


Destruction g rock under the influence of temperature difference



weathering, the destruction and alteration of rocks under the action of plants and living organisms, enhances the action of its other types.


Rocks are destroyed under the influence of chemical processes - dissolution, leaching

Rocks are remnants. Ural

Mountain Altai. Ukkurum tract. Stone mushrooms in the gorge

river valley

Activity of flowing waters

Ravine-beam relief

fluvial relief




Ravine-beam relief


fluvial relief

(from lat. Fluvivs- river)

Delta of the Lena River

Shot from space

Surface flowing water is one of critical factors transformation of the earth's relief.

River erosion - destruction of the bottom and banks of the river by the water flow. The result is a change in the valley, the emergence of sandy islands and sandbars, mountain gorges and canyons.

Trusovskoye Gorge. Caucasus

Valley of Spirits. Altai

Island formation

Sea activities

flat low seaside

plains created by

advancing seas

in the postglacial period

sand bars

Caspian lowland

Pechora lowland

Aeolian relief - wind activity


spring up in the desert


formed along the coast

rivers and seas

curonian spit

Processes caused by the action of a force


collapses and



sat down

Anthropogenic landforms


Waste heaps



foundation pits



foundation pits

waste heaps


Mir kimberlite pipe Yakutia


Endogenous processes are called neotectonic or recent. They can manifest themselves both in the mountains and on the plains Endogenous processes (recent tectonic movements) In folded areas: the revival of mountains, volcano mountains, grabens, horsts, intermountain basins On platforms: secular slow oscillations of the earth's crust

The latest movements In the Neogene-Quaternary, almost the entire territory of our country experienced uplift, except for the northern outskirts of the Asian part, the central regions of the West Siberian Plain and the Caspian lowland. The most active movements of the earth's crust are in the mountains. In the Caucasus, their speed is 5-8 cm per year. In young mountains, where the earth's crust is plastic, folds form.

Exogenous processes are processes that occur under the influence of flowing waters (rivers, glaciers, mudflows), permafrost, and wind. Exogenous factors Glaciation Moraines Outland plains “Sheep foreheads” lakes Flowing waters River valleys Ravines hollows Wind Aeolian landforms (dunes, dunes) Man Quarries Waste heaps tunnels

Ancient (Quaternary) glaciation Centers - the cities of Scandinavia, the Polar Urals, the Putorana Plateau and the city of Byrranga. From here, the ice spread to other territories. The result of the activity of the glacier was rounded rocks - "ram's foreheads", moraines, outwash plains, numerous lakes.

Conclusion Thus, the formation and development of landforms is the result of the joint action of internal and external forces and processes. They act as a unity of opposites. Internal processes are creative - they form large landforms: plains, mountains. External processes are destructive, they form smaller forms: river valleys, ravines, etc.

Literature Barinova I.I. Nature. Grade 8: Textbook - M .: Bustard, 2002 Zhizina E.A. Lesson developments in geography: Nature of Russia: grade 8. - M .: "VAKO", Electronic textbook: Geography. Russia. nature and population. Grade 8, - M., 2004 Electronic encyclopedia of the Perm region, 2000.

Lesson 9

19.08.2014 9787 0

Tasks: to form an idea of ​​the interaction of internal and external processes as a source of relief development; to acquaint with the features of the formation of the relief on the territory of Russia in general and the Volgograd region in particular; show the impact of society on changing the surface of the Earth.

During the classes

I. Testing knowledge and skills on the topic "Mineral resources of Russia".

Possible verification options:

1. Individual writing Verification work. Students receive cards with glued parts contour maps individual regions and given tasks for them. It is possible to propose the contours of Western Siberia, the Central Siberian Plateau, East European plain, Ural mountains. Tasks - name the tectonic structure, its age, landform, height, mineral deposits, explain their origin.

2. Individual survey:

1) Tell us about minerals and their relationship with the tectonic structure of the territory.

2) Tell us about the minerals associated with platforms and folded areas.

3) Give an assessment of the mineral resource base of Russia.

4) Tell us about the rational use of mineral resources and the protection of subsoil.

5) Describe the environmental problems associated with mining.

3. Frontal conversation is conducted on the main questions of the previous lesson:

1) What are minerals?

2) What is a deposit?

3) What is a swimming pool?

4) What determines the placement of certain mineral deposits?

5) What minerals is Russia rich in?

6) Not far from the Arctic Circle, in Vorkuta and Ukhta, we mine coal and gas. What does their presence in the area mean? How has the nature of this territory changed since the formation of oil and coal?

7) What research methods are currently used by geologists?

8) Name the largest coal and oil and gas fields in Russia.

9) Where is iron ore mined in the East European Plain? What tectonic structure are these deposits associated with?

10) What measures should be taken to conserve minerals?

11) Can dirt be a mineral? Why?

12) What mineral does the teacher use when explaining new material? How was this mineral formed?

13) What is the classification of minerals?

4. Verification of the nomenclature of mineral pools.

Students must fill in the gaps in the table:

Study of new topic involves the development and concretization of knowledge about the action of internal and external relief-forming processes. Therefore, during the introductory conversation, it is necessary to update the information received by schoolchildren in the process of studying geography courses in grades 6 and 7. The teacher organizes a conversation, as a result of which he finds out what the students know about the change in relief. Based on the knowledge of the students, the teacher builds his subsequent lecture.

This stage of the lesson is conducted in the form of a lecture. The teacher accompanies his story with a demonstration of paintings and illustrations of various forms of relief. For better assimilation material must be consolidated during the lecture. Questions and assignments are given in section IV. The result of the lecture is the compilation of a table by students in notebooks, which indicates the relief-forming factors and the relief forms they create. The teacher needs to achieve the assimilation of key words by students, it is also desirable to write them down in a notebook during the lecture.

1. The relief of the earth's surface is formed under the influence of processes that can be divided into two groups:

I. internal or endogenous(from the Greek endon - inside and genes - giving birth, born). Their source is the thermal, chemical, radioactive energy of the Earth's interior. Endogenous processes manifest themselves in the form of mountain-building movements, the intrusion of magma into the earth's crust, its outpouring to the surface, slow fluctuations of the earth's crust, etc. Landforms that are created mainly by endogenous processes are called endogenous.

II. External, or exogenous(from the Greek echo - outside, outside). They flow almost exclusively due to solar energy coming to Earth. Landforms created as a result of these processes are called exogenous. Anthropogenic factors are often referred to as external processes, but they can also be separated into a separate group.

Landforms are created due to the interaction of endogenous and exogenous processes, but in most cases it is possible to single out the leading process belonging to one or another group. The larger the relief form, the greater the role of endogenous processes in its formation. Exogenous processes create details, small forms, to which mountains and plains owe their originality and diversity. Endogenous and exogenous processes operate continuously and simultaneously; at some time, some may be more pronounced, at another period, others, but the action of both groups of processes does not stop.

2. Endogenous landforms are created as a result of movements of the earth's crust. We are used to believing that we ourselves are moving along the motionless surface of the Earth. But for the Earth to move - no, not like a planet around the Sun, but like the soil under our feet ... Well, except in some places and occasionally - during earthquakes, landslides or explosions. But now we will not talk about that. That same unshakable Earth, or rather the earth's crust, oscillates and moves everywhere and always. We only notice it rarely or not at all. Literally every point of the earth's crust moves: rises up or falls down, shifts forward, backward, right or left relative to other points. Their joint movements lead to the fact that somewhere the earth's crust slowly rises, somewhere it sinks. These slow movements remained unnoticed until the end of the 18th century. The well-known Swedish physicist and astronomer Anders Celsius laid the foundation for the study of modern movements of the earth's crust (we still use the 100-degree temperature scale proposed by him). He made notches on the coastal rocks of the Scandinavian Peninsula to study the mutual movements of land and sea. It soon became clear that the serifs were getting higher and higher above mean sea level. The scientist believed that the matter was in the lowering of the sea level. But later it turned out that the reason was the rise of land. Since the Celsius experiment, 250 years have passed, during which time scientists have solved many questions. For example, it was found that Northern Europe (Scandinavian, Kola Peninsula, Finland, Karelia) rises from the surrounding seas at a rate of up to 1 cm per year. But the territory of Denmark and the Netherlands, on the contrary, is lowered. Already, about 1/3 of the Netherlands is below sea level. The Lower Volga region is also experiencing uplifts, because earlier these areas were occupied by the sea. Mountain systems also experience uplifts. Despite the fact that rocks have great strength and hardness, they can be crumpled into folds and torn apart by tectonic faults, as well as broken by cracks. For example, Lake Baikal is located in a graben. The graben is a parallel system of faults that delineate a depression. The greatest depth of the lake reaches 1620 m. Slow movements the earth's crust often flow imperceptibly: stresses slowly build up, rock layers slowly deform, crumpling into folds, displacement along the ruptures slowly occurs, and only sometimes this movement, like an explosion, occurs in seconds. Then the earth shakes. A strong earthquake can produce significant changes in the earth's surface. Along the faults of the earth's crust, its blocks are displaced, and where there used to be a flat place, a cliff appears. Rockfalls and landslides occur in the mountains.

3. Landforms created by exogenous processes.

On the elevated areas the earth's surface is the destruction of rocks. Then the direct action of gravity, water, wind, ice transfer crushed, destroyed rocks to lowered areas of the surface, where they are deposited. The demolition of rock particles from elevated areas is called denudation (from Latin denudation - exposure). The deposition of rock is accumulation (from Latin accumulatio - gathering in a heap, accumulation). The rate of denudation depends on which rocks are destroyed and demolished. Sedimentary rocks are usually destroyed more easily, igneous and metamorphic rocks are more stable. Denudation reduces high areas of the earth's surface, accumulation increases low ones, thus reducing the overall elevation difference.

Exogenous processes begin with the preparation of rocks for transfer, with their destruction. All processes of destruction are called weathering. It occurs under the action of sunlight, water, air, organisms.

1) slope processes. The essence of these processes is that under the action of gravity - with or without water - the rocks that make up the slope are demolished from its upper part to the foot, where they are deposited. At the same time, the slope gradually becomes flatter. The steeper the slope, the stronger the slope processes. Slope processes accompany any type of exogenous processes and many types of endogenous ones and are so closely related to them that they seem to be part of these processes. The falling or rolling of small debris (sand, gravel) is called shedding. If large debris falls or rolls down, it is a rockfall; when a large mass of rock descends along the slope, which is crushed and mixed in the process of movement, this is a collapse. Large landslides can move huge amounts of rock. So, in 1911, in the Pamirs, the famous Usoi collapse occurred as a result of an earthquake, which created a dam in the river valley, above which Sarez Lake was formed. The weight of the collapse amounted to 7 billion tons.

2) Landforms created by flowing waters.mi. flowing water

The most active factor in the transfer of rock particles. The erosion of rocks by flowing water is called erosion (from Latin erosio

Erosion), and the landforms formed by this process are erosional. These will include ravines, ravines, river valleys. A ravine is a steep rut on a hill, formed by melt and rain water, i.e., a temporary watercourse. The length of the ravine can reach several kilometers, the depth - several tens of meters, the width - tens, sometimes hundreds of meters. The ravines are gradually growing, their upper reaches are moving further and further. They do great harm agriculture, dismembering and destroying fields. The sites are dissected by ravines to such an extent that the slopes of neighboring ravines intersect and become unsuitable for any use. They are called badlands, badlands. The fight against ravines is carried out by securing their slopes with forest plantations. The old, no longer growing ravine turns into a beam; the beam is wider than the ravine, its slopes are more gentle, they are overgrown with grass, sometimes shrubs or forests. Permanent streams - streams and rivers - flow in the valleys developed by flowing water together with slope processes. In terms of relief, the valleys of mountain and lowland rivers differ sharply. The valleys of mountain rivers are narrow, steeply sloping, deeply incised. The valleys of lowland rivers are wide (up to tens of kilometers), their depth is small, and the slopes are gentle. Landforms created by flowing waters are widespread in some areas, such as the Volgograd region.

3) Landforms, created by groundwater. The speed of movement of groundwater is low, so they affect the relief for the most part not mechanically, but by dissolving the rutting rocks. Limestones are dissolving rock salt, gypsum and some other rocks. Dissolving the rock, water forms cavities, caves, dips, etc. This process is called karst, and landforms are called karst. The caves are complex systems passages and halls, the length can reach several kilometers. In Russia, the Kungur cave in the Urals is widely known. Funnels are a frequent form of karst relief - closed depressions of a conical, bowl-shaped shape with a diameter of several meters. They are found in the south of the Volgograd region in the Volga region.

4) Landforms created by glaciers. Most of the work of moving rock fragments is done by glaciers - natural ice accumulations in places where low temperatures prevail. Glaciers move under the force of gravity because ice is plastic and can flow slowly. The rock fragments carried by the glacier and eventually deposited by it are called moraine. Mountain glaciers are located in near-top bowl-shaped niches - kars. When the glacier moves down the mountain valley, it expands and deepens it, forming a trough-shaped valley - a trough. In lower places, where it is warmer, the glacier melts, and the moraine brought by it remains. Cover glaciation captures not only mountainous regions, but also vast areas on the plains. In the Quaternary period, several ice sheets arose. Their centers in Russia were located on the Kola Peninsula, the Polar Urals, the Putorana Plateau, and the Byrranga Mountains. As the climate became warmer, the glaciers became shorter and gradually disappeared altogether. In areas where glaciers deposited material, large areas remained, occupied by hilly moraine relief. This type of relief prevails on the Valdai and Smolensk-Moscow uplands of the Russian Plain. The last glaciation reached the Volgograd region.

5) Landforms in areas with a dry climate. The relief of areas with insufficient moisture - deserts and semi-deserts - is usually primarily associated with the action of the wind. The landforms formed as a result of the action of the wind are called aeolian - after the ancient Greek wind god Aeolus. The simplest eolian forms are blowout basins. These are depressions formed in those places where small particles are carried by the wind from the surface, not protected by vegetation. The bottom of the basin is strewn with pebbles, rubble and boulders. Dunes are common in deserts. This accumulation of free-flowing sand, blown by the wind, is from a meter to 100-150 m high. The dune has the shape of a crescent in plan, with its convex side turned towards the wind.

6) Coastal landforms. Peculiar landforms are created on the shores of the seas and large lakes. Almost all of them are related to geological structure coast, with the activity of sea or lake waves. On fairly steep banks, a cliff is most often formed - a vertical or almost vertical ledge. Beaches are formed near the gently sloping shores - accumulations of marine sediments.

7) Landforms in areas of permafrost distribution. Permafrost affects the relief, since water and ice have different densities, as a result of which freezing and thawing rocks undergo deformation. The most common type of frozen soil deformation is heaving associated with an increase in the volume of water during freezing. The relief forms that arise in this case are called heaving mounds; their height is usually no more than 2 m. In the course of layer-by-layer freezing, ground and river icings are formed. Giant icings up to 20 km2 are known. Ice thickness varies from a few to 500 m.

8) Landforms created by living organisms. On land, such forms are usually small. These are marsh hummocks, marmots, in tropical countries - termite mounds. Marmots and ground squirrels can often be found in the steppes of the Volga region. In the temperate zone large areas occupy swamps with peat ridges; the height of the ridges is small - usually 0.5 m, sometimes a little more, the ridges can be extended for hundreds of meters and for kilometers. The role of living organisms on the shores of the seas is incomparably greater. Reef-building organisms actively manifest themselves in the tropical zone, the result of which are coral reefs.

9) Landforms created by man. A person can transform the relief of the earth's surface directly (making an embankment, digging a foundation pit) or by influencing the natural processes of relief formation - accelerating or slowing them down. Landforms created by man are called anthropogenic (from the Greek anthropos - man and genes - giving birth, born). The direct impact of man on the relief is most pronounced in the areas of mining. Underground mining is accompanied by the removal to the surface of a large amount of waste rock and the formation of dumps having a conical shape - waste heaps. Numerous waste heaps create a characteristic landscape of coal-mining areas. Open pit mining creates quarries - extensive depressions formed by digging. Significant changes in the relief are made during transport, industrial and civil construction. Sites are leveled for structures, embankments and excavations are created for roads. The indirect influence of man on the relief was first felt in agricultural areas. felling forests and plowing of slopes create conditions for the rapid growth of ravines. The construction of buildings and engineering structures contributes to the occurrence or intensification of landslides.

relief-forming factor

Created landforms

I. Endogenous:

1.Mountain building movements.

2.The intrusion of magma into the earth's crust.

3.outpouring of magma to the surface.


5.Tears and deformations

1. Large landforms

II. Exogenous:

1. Direct action of gravity




2. Activity of flowing waters

1. Ravines.

2. Beams.

3. Bad lands.

4.River valleys

3. Activity of glaciers



3.Hilly-morainic relief

4. Groundwater activity

1. Caves.

2. Funnels

5. Activity of sea and lake waves

1.Cliff (cliff).


6. Wind activity

1.Blowing pits.

2. Dunes, dunes.

3. Aeolian cities

7. Impact of permafrost

1. Bumps of heaving.

2.Thermokarst depressions

8. Activity of living organisms

1. Swamp bumps.


3. Peat ridges.

4.Termite mounds.

5. Coral reefs

9. Human activities


2. Dumps.

3. Waste heaps.

4. Mounds.

5. Notches.

6. Foundation pits.

7.Terraced slopes

IV. Fixing the material.

To increase the effectiveness of students' learning activities in the classroom, questions and tasks to consolidate the material must be used during the lecture.

1. According to figure 17, determine in which regions of Russia the uplifts of the earth's crust in the Neogene-Quaternary time were the most intense. Which tectonic structures are these areas confined? On a physical map, determine what relief has formed in these areas and what are its heights. Why Ural mountains below Altai?

2. In what regions of Russia do slow subsidence occur? How will this affect the appearance of the earth's surface?

3. On the map "Earthquake distribution areas" trace in which areas the strongest earthquakes are observed. What is it connected with? Within which tectonic structures are earthquakes extremely rare? Why?

4. On the map "Ancient glaciation" determine the southern boundary of the spread of ice sheets. What areas of our country have experienced the greatest impact of the glacier? What forms of relief prevail in the center of the glaciation, and which - in the more southern regions where the ice melted?

5. Consider whether mountainous or flat areas are most characterized by erosional relief. Which rocks are most susceptible to erosion?

6. In what regions of Russia does the activity of flowing waters especially affect the relief, in which - the activity of the wind?

V. Summing up.

Homework:§ 8 to s. 52, learn keywords.
