Retro style in the interior: description and photo examples. Stunning ideas for decorating a retro living room - iconic vintage is always in style

is very diverse and multifaceted. In its development, it, in fact, was able to cover several decades, combining, at the same time, in a single whole, completely different "by nature" interior design themes that use various items antiquity.

Therefore, regardless of the period: whether it is the beginning of the 20th century; a diverse, turbulent middle or an even more colorful end - the style of interior design in each of these periods can be safely called retro. However, most often this word defines the period of the 1950-70s. This time was very interesting. designer designs, original textures, lighting and color schemes.

General information about the retro style in the interior

In a similar color, only recently has it become a particularly fashionable and popular trend. interior design premises. However, during the times of socialism, many people tried to simply have standard products in their apartment like Romanian walls, Czech chandeliers or Uzbek carpets. This direction in the design of the premises implies the option of creating such an interior design, once in the environment of which you begin to really feel like in the past, as if, in an instant, some kind of “time machine” took you several decades back.

The term retro is used in cases where they want to focus on the traditions and trends of past times. Usually everything around looks in cheerful, lively colors, pleasant and warm colors. Design requires a certain individuality and courage from the creators. There is simply no place for simplicity and routine. Furniture should be chosen in such a way that it best matches individual items from the past.

But one should always feel the measure between the combination of expensive decorations on equally rich furniture and the refined originality of ideas that help to imitate or create the design of a bygone era. To implement this process, antiques from basements and attics are perfect, which you can beautifully try to combine with modern details interior. In general, this will create an artificial and unusually charming shade of antiquity.

Retro style in the interior: interesting historical nuances

Today, speaking of retro style, very often they try to put into this combination not so much a specific period of history as to combine all the classics in it. Do not be surprised, because modern world many new fashion trends and trends simply blur the lines between different styles.

As for retro, this period covers the beginning of the fifties and the end of the seventies of the last century. This direction is traditionally pretentious, deviant and bright. Frightening simplicity in the "geometry" on the one hand and the quantitative eccentricity of various color schemes - on the other. This coloring, by definition, is chaotic-revolutionary: dense bright tones prevail here everywhere.

Each piece of furniture turns into a central, key component that attracts attention and, as it were, scatters the surrounding space. To create such an atmosphere, you just need to choose desired color: necessarily bright, saturated, one with which all other objects will be in perfect harmony. You can also go back in time for a few decades with different textures, using vertical striped wallpaper combined with large round orange curtains and bright green upholstery on the sofa.

Retro style in the interior - beautifully equip the room

Retro is one of the most interesting and surprising styles that exists on this moment in interior design. It is both complex and diverse at the same time, as a result of which there is a huge number of options for translating fantasies into reality and displaying creativity. Having chosen this direction in interior design, we can safely talk about stylization and flight of thought.

1. Furniture "from the attic"- this is an ideal option when creating the appropriate color in your apartment. It's time to remember the furnishings and furniture from those times, which, undoubtedly, was lying around in everyone's attic, in the basement or is living out in the country last days. Such “decor accessories” of the presented style include old sideboards, chests of drawers, sideboards, secretaries, bedside tables, armchairs, chairs and chiffon wardrobes.

Decorating a room in a similar coloring of the past century, such old furniture can, so to speak, be given a second life - painted, sanded, walked sandpaper to give it some scuffs, and then varnish it. Such updated products will serve you for a long time - this is checked by experts. Of course, there are times when there are simply no old things, but the soul still asks for retro. In such situations, designers use some tricks - you can artificially age your new furniture, giving it a kind of vintage look "some shabby." Such objects are specially painted unevenly, creating, at the same time, the effect of an aged, peeling paint.

2. Coloration - brightness, saturation and ... "oriental cucumber". To give the interior a real retro spirit, you should play a little with the colors that are characteristic of it, namely: avocado, purple, mustard yellow, hot pink. Combinations of red and white also look beautiful, dull - greenish-marsh, white-black, bluish-gray, pale lilac, grayish-pink.

AT distinguishing feature in this direction, designers highlight the color range of colors, which include acidic shades of saturated bright colors. The most characteristic patterns, prints and original features of the presented trend in interior design are spectacular stains, patterns such as "oriental cucumber" and a cage.

3. Must-have accessories and "regular" retro trim. Appropriate accessories will help to beautifully complement the furniture and interior of the bedroom and living room - old crystal, once very fashionable, vases and carafes made of colored thick glass, old telephones, paintings and mirrors in old vintage frames will also work. You can always freshen up the created color with the help of lighting fixtures. Suitable in this situation are floor lamps, lamps with fringe, lampshade, tassels. You can use chandeliers on a string. The floor should be “covered” with a carpet, carpet, path or rug, which were in vogue in those years.

Roughly plastered walls and a whitewashed ceiling are considered quite typical for the interior. Wallpaper - better in a simple stripe, a naive flower or with beautiful and ornate floral ornaments.

Creating such a design, you can choose one of the following options for flooring:

  • natural wood;
  • tile;
  • carpet, which is "equipped" with a coarse pile.

If you decide to use tiles, it is better to choose the most daring and bright colors, and to enhance the effect, it should be laid out in the original, checkerboard pattern.

Examples of interiors made in retro style. Video

The retro-style interior combines the brightest and most recognizable elements from the past decade. Its main task is to remind that everything new is a well-forgotten old.

Retro style in the interior: design features

Retro is a style that incorporates characteristics 50-80s of the twentieth century. When decorating an apartment, you need to choose the most memorable events of that time. This style takes us back to the past, reminds us of the most pleasant moments in life.

Retro is not only antiques and vintage items. When creating a design, you can use things from the past of your parents, grandparents. Old furniture can always be turned into a sophisticated element. modern dwelling. When creating an interior, pay attention to the following points:

  • choose furniture of the appropriate color and shape;
  • decide on color solution premises;
  • choose accessories.


In the 60s, there was no such thing as a furniture “wall” in interior design. And the rooms were furnished with furniture, at first glance, completely incompatible, but very functional and comfortable. Storage furniture was represented by bureaus, cupboards, chests of drawers with legs, and there were no massive wardrobes in the rooms.

When choosing furniture in retro style, give preference to unusual shapes. Pay attention to compact items, not burdened with unnecessary decor: magazine low tables with drop-shaped, rectangular or oval-shaped tabletops. Sideboards and sideboards should be concise, no more than 1.5 meters high, with simple smooth facades. The sofa can be in the shape of a flower bud, and the chair can repeat the shape of a human hand - the more original the setting, the better.

It does not matter at all what material the furniture is made of: plywood or plastic, natural wood or fiberglass. Designers recommend choosing rather bulky furniture, polished items are welcome. A table that imitates a shabby chest made of wood faded from the sun or club-style chairs will perfectly fit into the retro-style interior.

Cabinets with glass shelves and patterns on the doors are appropriate. It looks original in the interior, an old dressing table, long and wide sofas with several bright pillows. Chairs are usually chosen with backs and seats upholstered in bright faux leather and chrome details.


The interior in retro style will be decorated with lamps with beautiful lampshades, various floor lamps, which were very fashionable in the 60s. Owners country houses can afford to use wires wall lamp as a decorative element.


For any style decision, accessories and decor items are of particular importance. Designers advise:

  1. Use with bouquets of fresh flowers, it will give the room grace and sophistication.
  2. You can decorate the walls with paintings, posters, vinyl records.
  3. A clock with a round dial in a strict black frame is suitable for a retro-style living room, and a few clocks that occupy the entire wall of the living room will add originality to the interior and impress the guests.
  4. The room will be decorated with photos in wooden frames, colored decanters made of glass with a pattern, paintings of a bygone era.
  5. Put the old one on a heavy polished table, it will become bright accent interior.

We decorate the kitchen

The retro style in the interior of the kitchen reflects the memorable fragments of the past century. Making it is quite difficult, but extremely interesting. A room filled with objects from past eras evokes a sense of nostalgia. At the same time, the kitchen does not lose practicality and functionality.

The kitchen is perhaps the most suitable place for experimentation and creativity. Simple decor, antique furniture, stylized photos, artificially aged plumbing - all this can immerse the owners into the distant past, turning back the clock.

Hang light curtains on the windows with a floral or geometric pattern made from natural fabrics: chintz, cotton. Use bright beautiful dishes, bedspreads and tablecloths with a pattern in a cage or polka dots, carpets with geometric patterns.

Kitchen furniture

To furnish the kitchen, you can purchase antique-style furniture or use vintage designs. If you want to furnish a retro kitchen with antiques, you have to work hard. It’s good if your grandmother in the country has kept things from the same era you loved, and if not, you will have to look for it at auctions in online communities and even at flea markets. Such a situation, including its restoration, will cost a lot.

Modern furniture made in retro style is much easier to acquire, although not very cheap. The advantage of this choice is practicality: modern kitchen sets are made of light and durable materials that are easy to care for. For example, massive wood, typical for kitchens late XIX century, today it can replace MDF with a durable PVC coating. Outwardly, such a headset is practically no different from the old one, but it is much lighter and much cheaper.


Kitchen interior in retro style does not oblige you to give up the benefits of civilization. Here there is a place for a refrigerator, and microwave oven, and dishwasher. To save stylistic decision, which can be broken by modern appliances, purchase special bezels: they securely cover household appliances. There is another option - to find models stylized in retro style, but it is quite difficult to purchase such goods, since not all manufacturers offer them.

Important little things

In the kitchen, various knick-knacks that have been stored in pantries for a long time can be used. You can please yourself with antique dishes, original textiles, and other cute knick-knacks. In such a room are appropriate:

  • yellowed old photographs;
  • rotary telephone;
  • beautiful porcelain dishes;
  • posters of past years;
  • stylish lampshades and lamps;
  • interesting textiles on the windows.

As you can see, it is not easy to create the interior of rooms in retro style and this is not due to physical activity, but with the need to find and select the necessary interior items. But believe me, this is a very exciting activity, and the result of the work done will bring satisfaction.

Based on this definition, the recreation of interiors that belonged to an old era or a style that was fashionable in the old days can be considered retro. AT modern design this concept is concretized, limiting the retro time frame to the range from the fifties to the seventies of the last century.

Retro interior as a means to reproduce the past


Retro style is a return to the rationalization that was fashionable in design in the middle of the twentieth century. After the Second World War, designers were able to use non-traditional materials in this area, such as glass, metals and multi-colored plastics, for the manufacture of furniture, which added brightness and diversity to the palette of the furniture industry.

Style Combination

Today's retro-style interior is not limited to the time frame of one decade. It is quite acceptable to use elements from different stages of the retro era in one interior. It is much more important to pay closer attention to matching colors, textures and patterns. Adding a few carefully selected elements of retro style in a specific modern interior will only emphasize the charm of antique items.

1. Retro interior - details, signs and differences over the years

Perky 50s

Appliances. The design of many stoves and ovens borrowed style elements from popular cars. Knobs and gauges resembled dashboards with additional chrome accents. The fronts of the refrigerators were decorated with chrome-plated chevrons with model names and the same chrome-plated handles, reminiscent of car handles of the 50s.

Situation: Sofas and chairs were square, not too soft, with minimalist upholstery without frills. Kitchen tables and chairs in the 50s were made of chrome metal pipes with an additional chrome finish on the edges of the laminated worktops. The chairs were tightly upholstered in plastic laminated fabric, reminiscent of the shiny patent leather that was fashionable in those days.

Colors: red, black, pink, yellow, turquoise and aqua.

Pop Culture: Music and films of the 50s had a strong influence on young people, so you can safely use posters and other things in the interior. printing products with images of heroes of the 50s.

Calm 60s

Appliances: technique has become more geometric, with square design with sharp corners and chrome strips. Refrigerators now have large, spacious freezer compartments moved to the bottom. The doors of stoves and ovens were often made of glass, sometimes frosted or colored. Dashboards were dials with rotary knobs and switches.

Situation: sofas and armchairs continued to be square with minimal softness and modest upholstery, in which geometric and asymmetrical ornaments were used in the fabric pattern.

Colors: All the main colors of the spectrum were used, but somewhat muted for a more natural look.

Pop Culture: The hippie movement with the slogan “flower power” had a strong influence on pop culture, so floral graphics and a symbol of peace broke into the design. Beaded curtains came into fashion in doorways, which were also used as partitions.

Complex 70s

Appliances: In technology, the fashion for square angular shapes has been preserved. Freezers located in almost any part of the refrigerator to choose from: in the upper sector, at the bottom and even in the center. The stoves in the kitchen have been replaced. hobs installed in a countertop with a double stove built into the wall or with an oven.

Situation: Sofas and chairs were mostly in the minimalist style of the 60s. However, some rounded, more streamlined pieces of furniture have appeared, which have become softer and have taken on some shades of rustic style.

Colors: The color scheme of the 70s was characterized by a warm natural palette using gold, brown and warm green hues.

Pop Culture: The pop culture of the 70s was dominated by disco, with all the manifestations of fun and unbridled disco parties that flowed from this style. Spacious ottomans came into use, which made it possible to double the number of seats for guests. Came into fashion coffee tables, bar cabinets and sideboards that show guests the available dishes and drinks.

2. Examples of retro in the interior

There are no strict rules in retro style, it can even be eclectic within a certain period of time. It is possible to mix and match items that are characteristic of different decades - the main thing is that the style matches your ideas about comfort. It is also possible to stick to one specific period, recreating the specific atmosphere of that time. Retro style means a look into the past ... but if you listen to the advice of designers, study the characteristic elements of the retro era and be patient, you can combine the seemingly incompatible: the past and the present with a perspective on the future.

To get an idea of ​​what they look like various interiors in retro style and replenish the piggy bank of your ideas applicable to various premises, you can see our selection of photos.

By the way, we had a separate one about retro-style kitchens.

Retro style in the interior is a recreation of the design of the 50-70s. Many at the word "retro" imagine a very boring and dull environment filled with antiques. But this opinion is completely wrong. The 50s, 60s, 70s were incredibly bright, stylish and even daring, remember at least the sensational film "Dandies", which perfectly reflects the colorful life of those times. Of course, old grandmother's things in the interior will be very useful to you, but it is important to breathe into them. new life and how to update.

Character traits

Despite the fact that the retro style in the interior can be quite diverse, all its subspecies are united by the presence of the same characteristic nuances that make this style recognizable:

  1. All pieces of furniture in the interior should be quite unusual. Their lines can be both smooth and sharp, but polished surfaces are preferred.
  2. In addition, furniture can be both stationary and mobile.
  3. Graphic and geometric designs, prints, patterns are present in everything, whether it is wall decoration, textiles, carpets or furniture.
  4. The materials that are most widely used in design are chrome, plastic, glass and wood.
  5. The color palette is quite bold. Neutral colors are successfully combined with bright and contrasting ones.

Style subspecies

Reproducing the retro style in your apartment, you can only follow general characteristics, or you can go a little further and delve into a specific era. The second option looks the most colorful, as it reflects a certain decade - the 50s, 60s or 70s of the last century:

Retro style kitchen

Creating a retro style kitchen is a very interesting and creative process. Surely most have preserved many pieces of furniture or accessories from that era. All of them can be given a new life by successfully introducing them into the interior. Typical retro style kitchen furniture is semi-circular and with convex elements. Its surfaces (especially glass ones) are sure to be decorated with patterns.

However, if you do not have old furniture, you can go two ways. The first way is to buy such furniture in antique shops or in modern stores, because they now produce a wide range of furniture in this style. This is a simple but very expensive option. The second way out of the situation is the aging of ordinary furniture on your own. The aging process is quite simple. It does not require special skills and expensive materials. But the furniture created in this way will be 100% exclusive and unique.

What is the most important element of the kitchen? Of course the refrigerator. Retro-style refrigerators are very massive, impressive, as convex as all objects. kitchen furniture. You will be very lucky if you find real refrigerator released in the last century. To do this, you need to carefully "wander" through the Internet flea markets. Such an old refrigerator can be restored and reused. It will give your kitchen a unique zest.

Probably, every apartment owner wants his home to be original, and at the same time cozy and comfortable. Choosing a retro style in the interior, you can not only transform your apartment, but also make it according to your taste and preferences. Interesting, but at the same time complex and diverse, this direction in design art opens up unlimited space for creative imagination. It doesn't matter what years you refer to when styling your home. The main thing is to select all the details of the interior with taste.

Retro is an art direction gravitating toward bright and bold colors. Appeared in the late 50s-60s, it became a backlash to the military events of the 40s of the XX century.

Retro style features

He embodied the most bright features 50-80s. When decorating a room, an apartment, you need to choose the most memorable events of this period. At the same time, it is necessary to add some zest to the design of the room.

Retro is not only vintage items and antiques. You can use any things from the past of your parents, grandparents, their parents. Take old furniture and turn it into a sophisticated piece of modern living.

Retro style is a romanticization of the past. Things do not have to look old, they are a simple reminder that everything new is well forgotten old.

When registering an apartment in this style you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • selection of furniture of the appropriate shape and color;
  • color scheme of the room;
  • selection of accessories and interior details.

Retro style furniture

The main thing in furniture is its unusual shape. A sofa in the shape of a large flower bud or in the shape of painted female lips, an armchair in the shape of a human hand - the furniture can be the most original.

The material from which the furniture is made does not play such an important role. It can be plastic, plywood, fiberglass, natural wood.

Give a second life to items left over from your ancestors. Ennoble them: sand, paint or varnish.

Advice: treat the painted or varnished surface with sandpaper, so you will achieve the effect of wear, age it.

You can apply antique patterns manually or using a stencil. The ideal option is flowers, geometric shapes (squares, large and small circles), stripes, fruits, vegetables, imitation of children's drawings and other simple abstractions. So, in the 60s, the theme of space was fashionable, so images of circles and hemispheres were used in the design of rooms.

Choose bulky polished furniture. Rough and simple tables, a table in the shape of a worn chest of sun-bleached wood, club-style armchairs, cabinets with glass shelves and patterned doors, an old dressing table, long wide sofas with bright cushions, chairs with backs upholstered in bright faux leather and chrome trim, lined with cracked tiles from time to time fireplace.

Retro colors

At the end of the 50s, life seemed to people not so scary anymore, the future was seen in the most iridescent colors, so the furniture and, in general, the interior, were rich and colorful.

The main colors of that time are acid colors. Most often in such an interior, red, hot pink, juicy green, blue, orange, black prevail. Do not use blurry tones. The color must be saturated. In a modern interpretation, mustard, olive, purple colors can be used in the design.

Advice: use incompatible colors (orange and blue, green and pink), but do not mix them.

Ceilings can be whitewashed or painted with light paint, and rough plaster can also be used.

For walls, wallpaper with a primitive pattern (small flowers, geometric patterns, etc.) is suitable. It should overlap with the furniture ornament.

The floors are covered with linoleum and natural wood. You can paint them with plain paint or tile them in a checkerboard pattern. Carpets with high pile, bright carpets fit perfectly into the retro interior.

Choice of accessories

Decor items and various accessories can emphasize any style decision. Start decorating your apartment in retro style with an entryway. This will set the tone for the entire home. The interior of this room should be elegant. Do not clutter it with standard cabinets and bedside tables. Add to entryway decor. Decorate the walls with romantic wallpaper in light colors, use elements of cast iron forging.

Advice: use porcelain vases with fresh flowers, this will add sophistication and grace to the room.

Or, on the contrary, go back to the 60s and 70s and decorate the walls with posters, bright paintings, vinyl records.

Use a clock with a round dial in a simple black frame for a retro living room.

Advice: a few hours occupying the entire wall of the living room will make this room original and impress your guests.

Also, crystal vases, colored glass decanters with a pattern, photos in wooden frame, services of past years, paintings of a bygone era.

A wonderful reflection of the past era are old floor lamps, lamps with lampshades decorated with tassels and fringe.

Put an old phone with a disk on a heavy polished table, this exquisite attribute will add originality to the room.

When designing a kitchen, colors and details are competently beaten. You can play with contrast. Checkerboarded black-and-white tiles, red chairs and a table, a streamlined refrigerator, and all this is complemented by assorted cups, potholders and saucepans that the owners have been collecting for years.

Retro style is a well-forgotten old style from the 50s-70s of the last century. Look through old magazines, visit flea markets, exhibitions. They will help you decide colors apartments, form of furniture, accessories.

Everything you choose can be mixed, combined with various elements in accordance with your own taste. This will reflect your identity with the past.
