Differences between male and female speech. Features of male and female speech in the languages ​​of the world

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Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy

Faculty of Russian Language and Literature

Department of Russian Language and Literature


(About the concept of "Gender Linguistics")

abstract on Theory of language (Introduction to linguistics)

Completed by a 1st year student

Vakhrina Anna Alexandrovna

Professor A.G. Balakai

Novokuznetsk 2013


Before starting a discussion about the peculiarities of the speech of men and women, it is necessary to understand what gender linguistics is and delve a little into the history of this study.

Until recently, linguists were attracted only by the study of differences in language associated with differences between groups of people (psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics). But at the same time, no one paid attention to the difference in speech by gender. Only relatively recently, linguists began to pay attention to the peculiarities of male and female speech. One of the first domestic researchers in this area were such scientists as E.A. Zemskaya, M.V. Kitaygorodskaya and N.N. Rozanov.

So the term gender is used in humanistic science to designate sex as a social concept and phenomenon, in contrast to a purely biological understanding of sex (sex). Gender is given from birth, it is not chosen. Gender is the social organization of sex differences. Gender is a cultural characteristic of behavior that corresponds to gender in a given society at a given time. Another definition of gender: gender is “the socio-cultural manifestation of the fact that a man or woman is a learned characteristic, expectation, and behavior. Gender is the conscious meaning of sex.” (Chikalova I. 2000: 1)

Gender linguistics-- a scientific direction as part of interdisciplinary gender studies that studies gender with the help of a linguistic conceptual apparatus.

“In the science of language, gender studies have taken a strong place, having received the status of an independent linguistic direction - gender linguistics, or linguistic gender studies. The subject of this discipline, which is a new direction of predominantly sociolinguistic research, is to find out how the gender factor affects the use of language by men and women, what means the language has for constructing gender identity, how male and female communicative behavior (both verbal and non-verbal) differ. )” (Popova E.A. 2007:41)

All peoples have representations of male and female speech. Interestingly, not only linguists have these ideas, but also the common people. Various proverbs testify to this: three women - a market, and seven - a fair; the woman is free in the tongue, and the devil is in the woman's Adam's apple; woman's fees - goose age; You can't plug a woman's Adam's apple with either a pie or a mitten; . All these sayings negatively evaluate female speech. Men's speech is considered as the norm, and women's - as a deviation from the norm. The difference in the assessments of male and female speech is due to the fact that the entire human consciousness “regardless of its gender, is thoroughly saturated with the ideas and values ​​of male ideology with its priorities of masculinity, logic, rationality and objectivity of a woman” (Kirilina A.V. 2005: 13)

Thus, it is necessary to consider communicatively the behavior of men and women (verbal and non-verbal).

Features of the communicative behavior of women

gender linguistics communicative

As you can already see, the speech of women, of course, differs from the speech of men. To prove this, we first consider how women behave in a particular speech situation.

Communication at work

The need for communication of many women is so great that if a woman does not manage to “chat” during the working day, this negatively affects their mood, productivity and quality of work. At some "female" enterprises, breaks of 5-10 minutes were introduced for communication. On others, the tables of the workers were rearranged so that they could talk without being distracted from their work. These measures proved to be cost-effective.


For women, the process of communication is important. The beginning of "Let's talk" is suitable for a conversation with friends, but not for a conversation with a man.

A woman seeks to charm or win over the interlocutor.

What are they talking about

The weakness of many women is to gossip about the house, renovations, and even gossip. Women like to talk more about their failures.


A woman thinks aloud, which is perceived by a man as chatter. Women express their feelings easily, without hesitation.

Interruption of the interlocutor

A woman interrupts the interlocutor less often, she sees the interlocutor better and understands his feelings.

After interrupting, the woman then returns to the moment of the conversation, which was then discussed.


The woman listens very carefully. Women's speech is characterized by the use of attention signals (for example, "aha", "uh-huh", "yes"). They perform an important function in women's speech: they activate and stimulate the conversation.

facial expressions

When talking, women smile and make eye contact.

Women stutter very rarely.

From a comparison of the results obtained when evaluating the expression and women's faces, it follows that most emotions (fear, disgust, joy, anger, surprise) are more accurately recognized by facial expressions in women.

For example, surprise - in 96%, fear - in 85% of women.

A woman can cheat

A woman can always deceive a man. Those who arrogantly think otherwise may not be deceived: from the fact that a woman does not catch a lie, it does not follow that she was able to be tricked: she just does not want to drive a man into a corner, fearing a break with him.

Non-verbal cues

The reason for the woman's high sensitivity to hidden subtext is the innate ability to notice and decipher (so-called) non-verbal signals: postures, gestures, body movements performed at the moment of speech. They are produced subconsciously and give out the state of the speaker.


It is customary to compliment women because they are in dire need of it (“women love with their ears”). People who are not spoiled by compliments (both men and women) accept flattery favorably, although women are generally more picky about the quality of a compliment.

Connoisseurs of women argue that such a banal statement of a man in a dispute with a woman, like “you are my dearest treasure,” is the most compelling argument that pacifies a woman.


Women are much more self-critical about their role in society. But they are also more prone to the formation of stereotypes of behavior and with great difficulty admit that it can be improved.

Women are more critical of their appearance.


Women's speech is more intense than men's. There is a lot of uncertainty in women's speech, it simultaneously invisibly contains both “yes”, and “no”, and “maybe”. And this requires more time to present.

Uncertainty is created by conditional moods, which a woman consumes 2 times more than a man. She has 5 times more restrictive expressions (such as "if necessary").

Women are 3 times more likely to ask questions and say “isn't it?”, “Yes?”, “No?”, “Really?”. And they apologize much more often than men.


women attach great importance the tone of the conversation, painfully reacting to the tightening of the tone.


The speech of a woman is usually more emotional than the speech of a man, this is manifested in the greater use of emotionally colored vocabulary, interjections, metaphors, comparisons, epithets. Women use more words that describe feelings, emotions, psychophysiological states. At the same time, a woman in her speech tries to avoid elements of “familiar” treatment: nicknames, nicknames, derogatory addresses.


Interesting facts were found in the use of adjectives denoting the names of flowers by a woman and a man. A woman has a wider vocabulary of color terms. She uses more specific color names, many of which are foreign borrowings: "muav", "pervanche", "mandent", "beige".

Parts of speech

In the speech of a woman there are more complex adjectives, superlatives quality adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions. Women often use specific nouns in their speech.


One of the most characteristic features of a woman's speech is her desire to use "prestigious" (that is, oriented to the model established by society) language rules and norms.

Related to social prestige is the fact that women use literary forms of words and patterns of speech in their speech. A woman is guided by an "open" social prestige, i.e. on generally recognized norms of social and speech behavior.

Lexical Features

A feature of female vocabulary is the use of words with diminutive suffixes (“pretty”, “cute”, “nice handbag”, etc.). The words “excellent” or “hefty” are most likely to be found in the speech of a man, and we will probably hear some words “charming” or “insanely charming” only from women.

Opinions of some researchers about female speech

According to American researchers D. Gage and N. Benford, women begin their story not with the main thing, but with small insignificant details, which often causes irritation in the interlocutor or interlocutor.

Scientists V. I. Zhelvis and A. P. Martynyuk note such qualities of women as: great politeness in addressing the interlocutor and great restraint in the use of rude and abusive vocabulary. For example, V. I. Zhelvis expresses the idea that women consider aggressiveness to be an undesirable phenomenon and seek to avoid the reasons for its occurrence. Therefore, they have less opportunity to show aggressiveness outwardly.

Features of the communicative behavior of men

Communication at work

Men rarely talk at work, as it is difficult for them to deal with serious matters and talk. Also, men do not like to consult, they are more skeptical about learning. This is due to the fact that men do not like to ask for help, because it means for them to admit their incompetence and failure.


In the process of communication for a man, the result is important. Men communicate better when they know the purpose of the conversation.

What are they talking about

Men talk more about work, politics and sports. Men like to talk more about their successes. They tend to brag to their friends and talk about their victories.


A man prefers to think silently, expresses only the final result. Men express their feelings more difficult than women.

Interruption of the interlocutor

A man interrupts a woman 2 times more often than that of him.


A man on average listens to a woman attentively for only 10-15 seconds. A man is inclined, when discussing any issue, to give ready-made tips, not particularly listening to the interlocutor and not asking him additional questions.

facial expressions

Men, when talking, often look away and do not show any emotions on their faces.

Who will deceive whom?

Only a few men manage to deceive a woman. Basically, a woman immediately feels a lie.

Non-verbal cues

Men are not particularly sensitive to hidden context. They do not try to decipher any gestures, facial expressions. Men are focused on the subject of speech.


It is customary to compliment women, but men react to compliments addressed to them no less favorably, only their outward manifestations are meaner.


Men rarely criticize themselves. They are more confident in their appearance. A man perceives advice addressed to him as criticism, a doubt about his competence.


Men's speech is shorter than women's, because a man is more categorical in his judgments. Men also find it harder to apologize than women.


Women attach great importance to the tone of the conversation, painfully reacting to the tightening of the tone. Men perceive a categorical tone if it is appropriate, usually without any negative emotions.


Men have less emotional speech than women. Most often they hide their feelings. Also, a man perceives any emotional speech ironically and skeptically, with some caution. The speech of the man is more careless and liberated.


In the speech of a man, the names of the primary colors of saturated tones are more common - red, black, dark blue, while a woman prefers unsaturated ones - pink, dark red, yellow and blue.

Parts of speech

Men often use abstract nouns in their speech. The relative number of nouns per utterance is much higher in a man's speech.

It was noted that men use verbs more active voice. This is explained by the fact that a man in society takes a more active position. In the speech of a man, there are more interrogative, imperative and negative sentences than in the speech of a woman. It should also be emphasized that a woman spends more words to express thoughts of the same content than a man.

Oksana Shcherbataya wrote a poem where she clearly depicted the peculiarity of male speech:


Contains "hidden prestige":

If you swear a lot -

So, "you speak the way"! ...

If you are well-bred

And your speech is like a stream, -

You're not a man, that's for sure!

Rokhlya... Mizun... Bookman...


If we generalize the consideration of male and female speech behavior, it should be noted that any speaking person is influenced by some factors. Of course, the main factor is the gender of the speaker: “Women are more likely to have phatic speech acts; they switch more easily, “change” roles in the act of communication” (Telia 1991:32-33). Men switch harder, showing some "psychological deafness" - being carried away by the topic under discussion, they do not respond to remarks that are not related to it. In male speech, terminology, striving for the accuracy of nominations, a stronger influence of the “profession” factor, a greater, compared to female, tendency to use expressive, especially stylistically reduced means, and deliberate coarsening of speech are also noted. Profanity, according to the authors, is used in same-sex groups by both men and women. However, it is not customary to pronounce it in mixed groups. The authors refer to the typical features of female speech as hyperbolic expressiveness (terribly insulting) and more frequent use of interjections like “oh!”, “ah!”, “ah!”. Associative fields in male and female speech are correlated with different fragments of the picture of the world: sports, hunting, professional, military sphere (for men) and nature, animals, the surrounding everyday world (for women). Women's speech reveals a large concentration of emotionally evaluative vocabulary. Male speech reveals stylistically reduced, abusive vocabulary.

Comparison of the characteristics of the speech of men and women allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1) Women more than men emphasize relationships with the opposite sex.

2) Women are generally more interested in other people than men.

3) Women are more than men interested in the scene, the quality of people, objects.

4) Women are more interested in the present and the future, men are more interested in the past.

5) Women pay more attention than men to the content of what they want to communicate to the interlocutor.

6) Women in negotiations are more successful than men.


1. Teliya V.N. Human factor in language: Language mechanisms of expressiveness - M.: Nauka, 1991. Pp. 32-33

2. Reader on the course "Fundamentals of Gender Studies" by I. Chikalova M.: MCGI, 2000

3. Popova E.A. On the peculiarities of the speech of men and women // Russian speech. - 2007, - No. 3. - From 40 - 49.

4. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people

5. http://ru.wikipedia.org/

6. Kirilina A.V. Gender studies in linguistic disciplines // Gender and language. M., 2005. S. 13.

7. Belyaeva Yu. A. Speech and speech behavior of men and women. M.: Eksmo-Press Publishing House, 2000.

8. Skazhenik E.N. Gender aspect communicative behavior // Business conversation Tutorial. TRTU, 2006.

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Or linguistic genderology- This is a section of linguistics or, accordingly, a section of gender studies that studies the characteristics of the speech of representatives of different sexes. Note that there are two types of gender, or sex: biological and sociocultural. biological sex- this is a complex of anatomical and physiological features that make it possible to determine the belonging of an individual to a particular sex. Sociocultural gender is a complex of social norms, expectations, reactions, values ​​that form individual personality traits. Gender linguistics studies linguistic differences of sociocultural genders, which do not always coincide with biological ones. At the same time, the features of both written and oral speech.

Topic selection

Men tend to dominate the conversation and independently choose the subject of the dialogue. At the same time, they hardly switch to another topic and may not respond to the remarks of the interlocutor interrupting or trying to turn onto a different path, stubbornly continuing to adhere to the chosen line. Women switch from topic to topic much easier and sometimes they themselves contribute to such a switch in their own cue.

Speech coloring

Contrary to the stereotype the fair sex they say less than the strong, while their sentences are shorter. But where the stereotypes are right is that women's speech is much more emotional, expressive and evaluative. Ladies really love various epithets, hyperbole, comparisons, diminutive suffixes. For men, the assessments are less specific, and if they use them, they are more often negative than positive. But a lot of men one way or another gravitate towards obscene vocabulary. However, these will not necessarily be exactly swear words, maybe just stylistically reduced vocabulary.

The use of parts of speech

Speaking about the use of certain parts of speech, scientists have not yet come to a consensus on who uses more verbs - men or women. Someone says that women - to make their speech more lively, because liveliness and emotionality go hand in hand.
Someone says that they are men, because it is easier to use verbs to make speech clear and dynamic, and also to show the sequence of events.

However, almost all experts agree that women they use more adjectives, as they can convey colors, details, shades that ladies love very much. As for nouns, many scientists are also similar: masculine nouns abstract, while women are more “mundane”, while men love specifics, and women sometimes they resort to ornate phrases, various figurative synonyms. Ladies prefer personal pronouns - I, you, we, he, etc. Men prefer to differentiate objects or phenomena, so they often use possessive pronouns - mine, yours, yours, his - and possessive adjectives.

Connection of sentences in speech

Men predominantly use a subordinating syntactic connection, as well as subordinate tenses, goals and places. They often build logical chains, hierarchies, establish a causal relationship, and this feature of thinking is visible in this feature of their speech. Women's speech contains comparative clauses and concessive clauses. The stronger sex uses orders more often, and women use indirect requests. When answering a question, men often want to get a clear answer, so the question is built quite clearly. Many women answer floridly, and they also build questions - more open than many men.

Features of written speech of men and women

In the text of men many introductory words, especially stating and introducing logical relations: undoubtedly, obviously, therefore. Also, representatives of the stronger sex like to put everything on the shelves: “firstly - secondly”, “on the one hand
- on the other side". As in oral speech, men use a lot abstract nouns, while they are usually stingy with assessments and do not resort to a variety of assessment tools. exclamation marks men are not very willing to put emoticons, if they use emoticons, they are mostly simple and, as a rule, not too often.

The speech of the fair sex more emotional, filled with definitions, additions, circumstances and other bright minor members. Some ladies are characterized by multiple exclamation and question marks and a huge number of emoticons. Women, unlike many men, do not like clear answers, and therefore use various elements of uncertainty or speculation, such as “maybe”, “probably”, in my opinion, “maybe”. Unlike gentlemen, ladies can call things not by their proper names, but use various evaluative, figurative synonyms, euphemisms, etc.

4.1. Stylistic featureswritten speech of women and men

The task of the first order was to identify the specifics of written speech gender behavior.

When choosing research parameters, we were based on those data from previous studies on the expression of the gender factor in speech, in which the gender gap was recorded (E.M. Bakusheva; A.A. Veilert, N.F. Verkholantseva; E.I. Goroshko; T B. Kryuchkova, A.P. Martynyuk).

The analysis of written texts demonstrated the specifics of written gender behavior, which was reflected in the following observations:

1. Women's letters are characterized by an introduction, an introduction to the topic, while men begin letters with a statement of the essence of the matter.

2. The subject of women's problems covers the "near" circle of a person's life (home, family, children, husband, girlfriends, friendship, loneliness, betrayal, etc.). Only 3% of women speak in letters about politics, economics and their social status.

The subjects of men's letters generally affect the so-called "far" environment of a person (work, sports, technology, economics, politics).

3. Women's written speech, compared to men's, is more emotional and axiological, which is manifested in the following:

1) In the lexicon of women there are more words that describe feelings, emotions, psychophysiological states. The lexicon of men mainly consists of neutrally colored words, as well as professionalisms. Obviously, the difference in the topics of written speech gender behavior affects the knowledge and use of vocabulary by women and men of different groups. Women, according to the observations of sociopsychologists, are more focused on their inner world. Hence more words expressing the emotional and psychological state of a person: A randomly thrown phrase ruined my whole life. How amazing it is to wake up in the morning with a feeling of happiness and smile at everyone all day long. Compare male text: A participant in the Great Patriotic War did not die on the battlefield from a bullet, but in his own house, the fire interrupted the life of an elderly person.

2) Women's written speech is much more emotional than men's, which is expressed in more frequent use of interjections ( oh ho ho), diminutives ( little blue handkerchief), units of affected vocabulary ( scary beautiful). In the speech of women, the frequency of using tropes (metaphors, comparisons, epithets) is higher: What pampered impatiens our men have become!

3) Women react more vividly to the social situation and evaluate events most often from a social point of view. The increased emotionality of women is also reflected in more ratings. Men's speech is dominated by rationalistic assessments. One of the characteristic features of female written speech is the use of evaluative adjectives (see also). Men, if they use evaluative adjectives, then first of all those that define quantitative and parametric relationships.

To express a positive assessment of women, expressive synonyms of the adjective are widely used. good (marvelous, marvelous, marvelous, marvelous, wondrous, marvelous). The same observations were recorded by E.A. Zemskaya in the oral speech behavior of women, which suggests that some words, lexical-semantic groups are fixed in the Russian language mainly for one of the sexes (in this case, for women).

4) The greater emotionality of women in written speech is expressed in the more frequent use of exclamatory and interrogative sentences: What earrings! What kind of men surround us? In women's speech prevail incomplete sentences and elliptical designs. For example: I have many friends and I don't need family. Life should be built not by choice, but by fate. This fact was also noted by researchers of the verbal gender behavior of carriers. in English.

4. In the course of studying the frequency of the use of certain parts of speech (see Appendix 4), it was found that in the written speech of women there are more comparative and superlative forms of adjectives (frequency 0.026), as well as pronouns (frequency 0.178), particles (0.059) and unions (0.1). For example: Not happier women than me.

In male speech, compared to female speech, qualitative adjectives predominate (frequency 0.044), possessive adjectives (frequency 0.015), participles (0.013): I forbade my wife to accept this girlfriend in our house, sticking her nose into other people's business.

At the same time, the share of nouns and verbs is approximately the same in women's and men's texts, but men use active verbs more often (frequency 0.22) than women (frequency 0.09). Compare the male text about happiness: Happiness doesn't come by chance, you have to earn it. and female text: Only natural successes and good luck are created by happiness.

5. Men are more likely to use in texts imperative mood (Learn how to make money!) (frequency in men is 0.01, in women - 0.002), and in women - the subjunctive ( I would like to see more smiling women on the streets) (frequency in women 0.012, in men - 0.001). This fact obviously confirms the opinion of V.I. Zhelvis and E.I. Goroshko about the more polite nature of female speech.

6. When analyzing the syntactic structure of women's and men's texts, it was found that simple detailed sentences prevail in women's syntax (the ratio of frequencies is 6.8 to 3.2), and in men's - complex (frequency 6.8 versus the frequency in women 4, 09). Example of female text: Who today will help a child understand himself, the world of people, help him become internally free. Wed with male text: A hundred everyday situations in which we intervene to protect a particular child.

When using a syntactic connection, women are more likely to use writing connection(frequency 2.9), and men - submissive (frequency 3.09): Some kind of willpower awakens in a woman, and she helps to cross the line of the New Year(female text). Do you know how delighted women are when a man invites them to a homemade dinner?(male text) R. Lakoff came to the same result on the material of the English language and E.I. Goroshko on the material of the Russian language.

7. In the written speech of men, there are often “appeals to someone else’s opinion” (as defined by sociopsychologists), that is, footnotes and quotes: Albert Einstein once said, "Science is a drama of ideas." Agree, this is much better than the drama of fate.

8. The number of words in a sentence in women is much greater than in men (frequency ratio: 13 for women, 5 for men). Wed: The fruit of your love will be the miraculous birth of the desired baby(female text); I played love. It's love's turn(male texts).

O. Jespersen noticed that women and men form their sentences differently, for example, in a man’s speech one can often find complex, confusing or, as O. Jespersen calls it, “ragged syntax”, that is, a man introduces one sentence into another, puts them into each other. The female syntax, according to Jespersen, is like a “string of pearls”, where pearls are tightly strung one on top of the other. Obviously, this happens due to the fact that men often go through the stage of analysis, classification, categorization before the statement, which is manifested in the scheme of the syntactic structure given by Jespersen. In turn, the mental warehouse of a woman, as researchers have proven, prefers all kinds of “jumps” and omissions, jumps from one thought to another, which leads to the fusion of syntactic structures, as well as to ellipsis and inversion.

The analysis of the gender gap in the implementation of language units in written texts was carried out by measuring the parameters of the general regularity of constructing the structure of the text: coefficients of objectivity, quality, dynamism, activity and coherence of the text.

These parameters were determined by the method proposed by E.I. Peas:

objectivity(Pr) was measured by the ratio of the number of nouns and pronouns to the number of adjectives and verbs:

Pr = nouns + pronouns

Adjectives + verbs

quality(Qu) was determined by the ratio of the number of adjectives and adverbs to the number of nouns and verbs:

Qu = adjectives + adverbs

Nouns + verbs

Activity(Ac) of the text was derived as the ratio of verbs and verb forms with the total number of words in the text (N):

Ac= verbs + verb forms

Dynamism(Din) was defined as the ratio of the number of verbs and verb forms with nouns, adjectives and pronouns:

Din = verbs + verb forms

Nouns + adjectives + pronouns

Coefficient connectivity text (Con) is measured as the ratio of the number of prepositions and conjunctions to the number of independent clauses (PN):

Con = prepositions + conjunctions

Based on the analysis of these coefficients (see Appendix 4) and comparison of the results obtained from the standpoint of gender, it was revealed that women's speech is less active (frequency 0.22), less objective (frequency 1.31) and of lower quality (frequency 0.73). ) than men's (respectively, frequency indicators: 0.415; 2.09 and 0.34), that is, men depict the world, reality actively, more diversely, using qualitative characteristics. Men's texts are more connected than women's, which is confirmed by the indicators of the corresponding indices: 0.715 for men and 0.374 for women.

Thus, the analyzed material gives us reason to believe that gender affects written speech behavior, the choice language tools to construct a statement.

The conditional name of lexical preferences and some other features of the use of the language, depending on the gender of the speaker. Sexual differentiation of speech has become known since the 17th century, when new native tribes were discovered, in which quite significant differences in speech were observed depending on the gender of the speaker. First of all, this concerned women, since their speech behavior was regulated more than men's, so initially the so-called " female tongues". Differences most often appear in vocabulary, but can also extend to other phenomena, such as, for example, in Japanese. Sets of modal-expressive particles, forms of politeness, etc. differ. In European languages, there are also some differences in the use of the language, however, they are not universal, but appear in the form of trends.Initially, speech differences were explained by the nature of women and men, that is, they were considered constant factors.In the 60s of the twentieth century, with the development of sociolinguistics, the probabilistic nature of differences was established.

During the period of active feminist criticism of the language (70s - early 80s of the XX century), linguists insisted on the existence of intentionalism, i.e. conscious maintenance by men of their superiority through speech behavior - the length of speech segments, the frequency of interruptions, speaking simultaneously with the interlocutor , control over the topics of communication, etc. This did not take into account the high importance of social structures (schools, churches, armies, etc.), which assume the maintenance of male superiority and free the individual from the need to constantly reproduce it in all situations. Along with intentionalism, at this stage of research, the factor of sex was given excessive importance. West and Zimmerman argue that the construction by an individual of their gender identity (doing gender) is a permanent process that permeates all the actions of individuals. Further study of communication showed that situations and contexts in which gender does not play a significant role are very common, therefore it is necessary to take into account the factor of "gender neutrality" (Hirschauer), since there is no reason to attach more importance to gender than to the factor of age, ethnicity and social affiliation, the level of education, profession, etc. Along with the term doing gender for the analysis of speech behavior, the term undoing gender has also been proposed for situations where the gender of the communicants is not significant. Modern research shows that in most cases these parameters interact, so it is very difficult to determine where the influence of one ends and the influence of the other begins. During this period, quantitative methods of research also prevailed, the most popular of which were the calculation of the duration of speech segments, the frequency of interrupting the interlocutor and changing the topics of the dialogue. However, apart from the context and situation of communication, these characteristics cannot be considered indicative and acquire significance only in interaction with other phenomena that depend on the cultural traditions of a given society. The question today is not how men or women speak, but how, by what means. speech means, tactics and strategies they create certain contexts. Next, you need to explore the parameters of these contexts and their impact on the success of communication.

In the late 80s and early 90s, the hypothesis of "gender subcultures" arose, dating back to the work of Gumperz on the study of intercultural communication, as well as to earlier works on ethnology, ethnography, cultural history (Borneman, Mead). In the works of Maltz and Borker (Maltz, Borker) and Tannen (Tannen) the principle of intercultural communication is extended to gender relations.

In this case, the focus was on the processes of socialization. The socialization of the individual was seen as the assignment to him of a certain subculture, which is characterized by special speech practices that are different in the male and female environment. in the nursery and adolescence people rotate mainly in same-sex groups, forming subcultures and assimilating their speech etiquette, which, in the opinion of the supporters of the hypothesis, leads to misunderstanding and speech conflicts in adulthood, which are equated with intercultural ones.

The hypothesis of gender subcultures led to the emergence of the concept of genderlect - a permanent set of features of male and female speech. However, the works of recent years show more and more clearly that it is wrong to talk about genderlect (Samel, Kotthoff). The role of the subcultural factor in this case is greatly exaggerated. Differences in male and female speech are not so significant, do not manifest themselves in any speech act and do not indicate that gender is a determining factor in communication, as it was supposed to be. initial stage development of feminist linguistics. It has also been established that the same person in different communicative situations also exhibits different speech behavior, which is called code switching. The study of the communication of people of the same sex, but of different social and professional status, also revealed a number of differences. So, the speech behavior of any person at home and at work, in a familiar and new environment, is different. At the same time, today science does not deny the existence of some stylistic features that are predominantly male or predominantly female within a clearly defined situation of communication. At the same time, it is believed that they arise under the influence of both sociocultural (for example, the use of swearing by women is more condemned than male abuse), as well as biological and hormonal factors (see Hypothesis of Functional Asymmetry of the Brain). The expansion of gender studies beyond the framework of influential European languages ​​and the development of linguoculturology made it possible to obtain data that also testify to the cultural conditioning of male and female speech. The most promising and reasonable direction in the study of male and female speech is currently considered to be the study of the strategies and tactics of the speech behavior of men and women in various communicative situations, with the obligatory consideration of the cultural tradition of a given society. There is also a widespread point of view that women use more diminutive suffixes and polite forms, more often call a communication partner by name, and generally use more contact-establishing speech actions. Works on the study of male and female associations also give reason to assume some differences in the male and female associative picture of the world (see Images of a man and a woman in linguistic consciousness). The reasons for the differences currently remain a debatable issue, in the discussion of which bio- and socio-deterministic points of view collide.

Men's and women's languages ​​(English)


Zemskaya E. A., Kitaygorodskaya M. A., Rozanova N. N. Features of male and female speech // Russian language in its functioning. Edited by E. A. Zemskaya and D. N. Shmelev. M.: Nauka, 1993. S. 90-136.

Kirilina A. V. Gender: linguistic aspects. Moscow: Institute of Sociology RAS, 1999. 189 p.

West K., Zimmerman D. Creating gender (doing gender) // Gender notebooks. Issue. 1. St. Petersburg, 1997. S. 94-124.

Borneman Ernst. Das Patriarchy. Ursprung und Zukunft unseres Gesellschaftssystems. Frankfurt a. Main, 1991 (zuerst 1971).

Gal S. Between speech and silence: The problematics of research on language and gender // Papers in Pragmatics. 1989. No. 3. V.1. P. 1-38.

Gluck Helmut. Der Mythos von den Frauensprachen. In: OBST (Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheotie). 1979. Beiheft 3, pp. 60-95.

Gumperz John J. Discours Strategies. Cambridge, 1982.

Hirschauer St. Dekonstruktion und rekonstruktion. Pladöyer für die Erforschung des Bekannten // Feministische Studien. 1993. No. 2. S. 55-68.

Kotthoff H. Die Geschlechter in der Gesprächsforschung. Hierarchien, Teorien, Ideologien // Der Deutschunterricht, 1996. N 1. S. 9-15.

Maltz D. N., Borker R. A. Mißverständnisse zwischen Männern und Frauen - kulturell betrachtet // Günthner, Kotthoff (Hrsg) Von fremden Sttimmen. Weibliches und männliches Sprechen im Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main, 1991. S. 52-74.

Male and female: a study of sexes in a changing world. New York: Morrow, 1949.

Samel Ingrid. Einführung in die feministische Sprachwissenschaft. Berlin, 1995.

Tannen Debora. Du cannst mich einfach nicht verstehen. Warum Männer und Frauen aneinender vorbeireden. Hamburg, 1991.

"Male and feminine speech" in books


From the book Japan: Language and Culture author Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich


Women's and men's painting

From the book Art of the East. Lecture course author Zubko Galina Vasilievna

Women's and men's painting During the Heian period, there was a sharp difference between the manifestations associated with public life and private emotions. Public life was associated with the masculine (otoko) principle, and its external manifestations were sinicized architecture and

37. Male and female psychology

From the book Metaphysics of Sex by Evola Julius

Male/Female polarity

From the book Osho Therapy. 21 Tales From Famous Healers About How An Enlightened Mystic Inspired Their Work author Liebermeister Swagito R.

Male/Female Polarity Naturally, I didn't always lead Urja's group, but for at least the next ten years I stuck to similar themes: relaxation and energy. Then came change. It happened because of the awakening of my male part. And as soon as

Male and female models

From the book Consumer Society author Baudrillard Jean

Male and female models Functional femininity corresponds to the male model or functional masculinity. Quite naturally, models are offered for both. They grow not from the different nature of the sexes, but from the differential logic of the system.

Men's and women's clothing

From the book of Kumyka. History, culture, traditions author Atabaev Magomed Sultanmuradovich

Men's and women's clothing Light underwear men's clothing of the Kumyks was a long shirt - goylek and trousers - ishtan. They were sewn from simple cotton fabrics. Over the shirt - beshmet - kaptal. Beshmet was sewn from dark matter - cotton, woolen or silk.

Love male and female

From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms author

Love male and female In love, women are professionals, and men are lovers. François Truffaut Women are grateful for love, men demand gratitude. Henrik Kaden Most men ask for proof of love, which, in their opinion, dispels all doubts; for


From the book Love is a hole in the heart. Aphorisms author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Love male and female

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Love male and female In love, women are professionals, and men are lovers. François Truffaut* Women are grateful for love, men demand gratitude. Henrik Kaden* Most men ask for evidence of love that they think will dispel all doubts;

Jealousy male and female

author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Jealousy, male and female In women, love is equally often the daughter and mother of jealousy.? Ludwig Berne, German publicist (XIX century) Alas, I know too well what jealousy is at first sight.? Sylvia Cheese, Belgian journalist*Jealousy is the rage of a husband, and he will not spare a day

Love male and female

From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms about Love author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Love male and female It is more natural for a man to imagine love in the image of a woman; for a woman - in the form of a man.? Iris Murdoch, English writer *Men in love pray to the Sun, and women to the Moon.? Pindar, ancient Greek poet(V century BC) A man loves

Beauty male and female

From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms about Love author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Male and female beauty A man is a man, but handsome man– this is a completely different conversation.? Louise de Vilmorin, French writer * Beauty gives a man a gain in two weeks.? Françoise Sagan, French writer * A beautiful woman is a profession, and

Male and female power

From the book Healthy and Happy Child. Let the duckling become a swan! author Afonin Igor Nikolaevich

Masculine and feminine strength And a few words about masculine and feminine spirit. We have already said that a man is polygamous, and a woman is monogamous. But why exactly is he interested in starting a family? Imagine a society with a hundred women and one man. How many children can

3.2. Male and female psychology

From the book Psychosomatics author Meneghetti Antonio

3.2. Male and female psychology In the history of mankind it is difficult to find examples of women's refusal from female psychology for the sake of personal self-realization in egoistic psychology. If a woman gives all her strength to crush the penis - a symbol of strength, then her fate awaits

Male and female sexuality

From the book Conflict Management author Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Male and female sexuality The difference between male and female sexuality is programmed by nature - to ensure the continuation of the family. Men can, without difficulty and moral torment, have sexual contacts with many women and not become attached to any of them.

These two creatures are fundamentally different from each other. And it's not just about visual physical or psychological differences. We speak different languages ​​in a literal sense. Scientists have proven that vocabulary there are several times more women than men, while women use it almost at a subconscious level. In order not to offend the male half of the readers, let us dwell on the assertion of the vocabulary superiority of women in more detail.

How are you? Most men will answer this question with a laconic and rather dry “normal”. Women will add at least a couple of phrases about their family, children and work. From this it turns out that on average a man uses about 3,000 words a day, and a woman - about 7,000. Because of this vocabulary, women seem to men to talk.

The stronger sex uses symbols twice as rarely in their speech. Women, on the contrary, use all sorts of “maybe”, “we'll see”, etc. more than men. And women are more likely to ask questions without intending to get an answer to them, that is, questions come as a kind of bundle.

Male speech is more specific and narrowed. But this is not a defect, but simply a difference in thinking. The stronger sex, speaking about color, will simply say “red”, and a woman can mention all shades of this color.

Abstract speech is also inherent in women. For example, when describing a smile, they will compare it with a ray of the morning sun, or come up with another equally subtle comparison. But what about Pushkin and Lermontov? No one argues about the talent of these great men (as well as many other famous poets and prose writers), but they became famous for centuries because they used the most beautiful turns of abstract speech in their works, which is not typical of men.

But not only colloquial speech separates men and women. Looking at writing style, many people are able to accurately determine the gender of the author of the article. Male written language has more nouns and verbs. BUT feminine style letters are inherent adjectives and adverbs. On the same Internet, men's blogs are distinguished by specifics, as well as harsh turns of speech. You will rarely see "smearing" text all over the page here, unless the blog is a real brainchild of the author, and not a way of fleeting earnings. Most often, obscene or slang expressions are allowed on men's blogs.

Women, on the other hand, try to monitor their oral and written speech more. The rudeness of the lady will not find understanding among most people, because, first of all, in the minds of society, she is the mother and keeper of the hearth.

Each of us has our own characteristics. There are men and women who go beyond the generally accepted, however, we all live in society, obeying its rules. Excessively talkative men, like women who use short and rude phrases in their speech, can seem very strange representatives of their sex.
