Dreamed of women's perfume. Why dream of the smell of perfume

American dream book

If in a dream you really smelled - this means sensuality.

English dream book

To dream that you use perfume or feel its strong aroma is always an auspicious dream for a business person, it promises good luck in friendships, in love.

Eastern dream book

A bottle of perfume - dreams of an unexpected gift.

If you feel a pleasant aroma of perfume, a romantic acquaintance awaits you. Such a dream for a young girl portends an early marriage.

Inhaling the aroma of perfume means that you are destined for some happy events.

If you see how you spray perfume on your clothes, it means that you will solve your problems with the help of rude flattery.

You sprinkle perfume on yourself - try to understand: your desire for a luxurious life is unjustified. Be careful, otherwise you will be left without a ruble in your pocket.

Shedding perfume - to the loss of the most expensive.

If you broke a bottle of perfume - know that your plans are not destined to come true.

Children's dream book

Perfume - something excites your feelings, your soul is in a state of awakening. Your state now is similar to the state of a blossoming spring flower; you are rushing towards the new, hoping for the best. It is possible that you will soon be visited by wonderful memories of those times when happiness smiled at you.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why do Spirits dream?

The perfume bottle is a new fad.

Russian dream book

Perfume - revelry awaits you.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Perfume?

Seeing perfume in a dream portends that soon you will receive an unexpected gift that will be given to you by an almost stranger.

Buying perfume in a dream - in reality you should not amuse yourself with vain illusions.

Inhaling the aroma of perfume in a dream is a prediction of happy events in your life.

If in a dream you smell a pleasant smell of perfume, an amazing romantic acquaintance awaits you. Such a dream portends a young girl an early marriage.

If you dream that you are spraying perfume on your clothes or on another person, in real life you will solve your problems using low flattery.

If you dream that you are spraying yourself with perfume, this means that your desire for a luxurious life is not justified. Be careful, otherwise you will be left without a ruble in your pocket.

Spilling perfume is a sign that you will lose what gives you pleasure.

If you dreamed that you broke a perfume bottle - in reality, despite a promising start. Your deepest desires are not destined to come true.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Perfume dream about in a dream?

Seeing perfume in a dream or giving it as a gift - to trouble, buying - to pleasant troubles, smelling - to changes in life or work, feeling the pleasant aroma of perfume in a dream - means that in reality you will be convicted of treason or deceit, something secret will become apparent .

To receive perfume as a gift in a dream - to good news, gifts or purchases.

Seeing cologne in a dream is a sign that you are waiting for the beginning of a romantic adventure that can turn into something more.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

To buy, give, use perfumes - you will be disappointed in your loved one.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Buying perfume means that someone is trying to throw dust in your eyes.

Pouring perfume is a loss of hope for reciprocity on the part of a man.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Smells have a very strong impact on how we perceive everything around us. And although they act very subtly, sometimes smells can cause much stronger emotional reactions than visual images or sounds. Note your emotional reaction to certain spirits, as well as the memories associated with them.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Perfume is a disappointment.

Buy or give - you will easily forget your friend and find a new love.

To accept perfume as a gift - a person to whom you are indifferent is trying in vain to win.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

To feel the aroma of perfume or cologne in a dream means a premonition of a meeting.

If the aroma is pleasant to you - and the meeting promises to please you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream about how you buy your favorite perfume is a pleasant date with a young man.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Sniffing perfumes in a dream given to your loved ones - enjoy life.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Spirits in a dream?

Feeling the aroma of perfume in a dream - portends exciting adventures in the company of old friends with a trip out of town, barbecue and all that.

If in a dream you use perfumes, going to meet a person dear to you, it means that in reality you know your worth, but you also know how to appreciate other people.

If in a dream you are talking with a lady who smells of spirits that you don’t like a mile away, it means that in reality you exalt your intelligibility in people almost to the best and most important quality.

To drop a bottle of perfume in a dream, which for some reason does not pour out of it, although the cork remains in your hands - you will lose a lot of what you yourself were going to get rid of, but also what you are sorry to lose. If you pour out perfume in anger or throw and break the bottle - in reality you will succumb to causeless fun that will infect everyone around you.

To see how someone buys perfume - your cherished aspirations and dreams will not come true, although everything seems to portend their reality. Buying perfume yourself in a dream - exciting events and experiences await you. To receive perfume as a gift is to confess your love in reality and hear the same confession.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Perfume - buy, give, use - disappointment in a loved one

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Perfume according to the dream book?

Spirits - a trip, a change of plans; romantic adventure.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a bottle of perfume, or you were strangled with perfume, you have to take on a new business.

Smell perfume - to crazy love.

In a dream, you were strangled with spirits beyond measure - be careful, when you try to take a new place, you can lose the old one.

Shed perfume - to vain work.

You saw how someone spilled perfume - empty chores await you.

In a dream, they gave you perfume - one of your friends will offer you a profitable business, which will turn into big, useless chores.

You gave perfume to someone - through your fault, someone close to you will have to do a lot of useless work.

Buying or selling perfume - to endless troubles and expenses.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Sniffing perfume - a new life; to buy - someone loves a sleeper.

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Perfume to see, buy or give - trouble.

Universal dream book

Deodorants - perfectly prevent the smell of sweat, and perfumes allow us to emphasize our image. In a dream, do spirits symbolize the desire to hide their true nature from others? What do you do with spirits in a dream? Do you spray perfume on yourself, someone else sprays it on you, or do you give or receive it as a gift?

Perfume - associated with desire and attractiveness.

If you are choking in a dream, it means that you are striving to open up. Do you want your reputation to “speak for you”, and also want to “keep the mark”? What fragrance do you use in your sleep?

If you don't use it in real life, maybe you should give it a try.

Good perfumes are expensive liquids that are poured into vessels. Do you feel like you are full of precious creative ideas?

Gypsy dream book

If in a dream you inhale the aroma of perfume or use perfume, you will have a date with a very attractive representative of the opposite sex. You will even think about a romantic relationship with him (her).

Esoteric dream book

Sniffing perfume, smelling - to an infectious disease.

Spirits - good will be good luck. Angry, aggressive trouble. It is better to go to church, put a candle "for the dead."

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Perfume according to the dream book?

Spirits are dreaming - expect some surprise from a stranger in the near future.

Acquiring them in a dream means that in reality you are hoping for something in vain.

To dream about how long you choose perfumes - in real life, you are desperately trying to make the right choice, analyze the actions of the people around you, draw a conclusion, understand who these people really are.

I dreamed that you were sniffing someone's perfume - soon you will be unspeakably lucky in everything. If you just feel their aroma, some exciting love adventure awaits you. The dream interpretation says that if an unmarried girl had this dream, then she may even get married soon.

Spilling perfume in a dream means that you will have to lose something that gives you real pleasure.

If you dream about how you break a bottle of perfume - in reality, despite all the promising future, your secret dreams will never come true.

If someone acquires them - everything that you have dreamed of for so long to come true, although you did not hope for it at all.

To accept perfume as a gift means that some friend will offer you a deal that will first promise you income, but in fact nothing good will come of it.

If a girl sees men's eau de toilette in a dream, buys, inhales fragrance or uses it, it means that in the near future she will have a powerful and influential admirer.

You have a dream in which you sniff perfumes, use perfumes - a new acquaintance with a beautiful man / woman will happen or has already happened in your life. The dream speaks of an imminent meeting with this person and your desire to start a love relationship.

If you dream that you use toilet water with a pleasant aroma, you feel a pleasant smell of perfume - such dreams always speak of success in love relationships, or in friendship.

Buying perfumes with a pleasant aroma in a dream - in real life, in the near future you will have a romantic meeting, a new pleasant acquaintance, leading to a love relationship.

If in a dream you were given perfume, in real life you experience deep sympathy and worry about reciprocity. This dream suggests that you have no reason to underestimate your chances.

Dreamed of spirits - a favorable sign. Expect a pleasant surprise from a stranger. They can become a boyfriend who did not dare to come up and confess his feelings.

What did you do with the spirits in your dream? What do you dream about spirits in your dream? Whose spirits were in your dream? What were the spirits in your dream?

What did you do with the spirits in your dream?

Scented with perfumes Chose perfumes Sniffed perfumes Buyed perfumes

What do you dream about spirits in your dream?

Gave perfume The smell of perfume

Whose spirits were in your dream?

Dreaming of women's perfume

The dream of women's perfume is a warning. You should pay more attention to the state of your health. Take care of yourself and protect yourself from stress. Otherwise, the condition will worsen from mild weakness to blues and illness.

What were the spirits in your dream?

Dreamed of perfume in bottles

Why dream of perfume in bottles? This dream is a pleasant sign. It portends a surprise or a gift that the dreamer will soon receive from a loved one.

You dreamed of Spirits, what is it for - Sniffing perfumes A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will receive news that will calm you down; if this is a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, then to a quiet life; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a joyful event. Pouring perfume from a bottle A dream that occurred on Monday night - to the abandonment of hopes; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he portends quarrels and disputes; dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream portends spiritual emptiness and deep disappointment in life. Break a bottle of perfume For a girl - to the desire to do everything in her own way. For a woman - up to fifty years old - to confusion and fear. For a woman - after fifty years - to fatigue and a desire for peace. For a man - to unjustified outbursts of anger and the desire to annoy someone.

Magical dream book In a dream, why do Perfume dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream What does Perfume mean in a dream - to buy - a desire to be transformed, to smell perfume - the expectation of an important event, to choke - a desire for flattery, to give perfume - love disappointments.

Slavic dream book Dreamed of Spirits - the meaning of sleep:

Perfume what it is - to be sprayed with perfume to sexual desire and dissatisfaction. As a rule, failure in love - buying or giving perfume - you have a false and inflated idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Perfume mean in a dream book?

Why dream What do Perfumes (perfumes) mean in a dream - You dream of a bottle of perfume - a person you hardly know will give you a gift; this person, of course, is counting on your help in some business. You sniff perfume - the wind of change is coming in your life; new things in life are very attractive to you; get ready for a romantic twist in fate. It’s as if you are buying perfume - in a love relationship you can count on reciprocity. You spray perfume on yourself - in fact, you strive for a luxurious life, you want to take a place in the elite, but you are not doing your job well enough. You spilled perfume - you indulge in your favorite business with pleasure, but soon you will be deprived of the opportunity to do it; you will have to do an unloved, routine business, calling for help with patience and endurance. You broke a bottle of perfume .. - in the confrontation with ill-wishers, defeat awaits you; try to accept it with dignity; perhaps dignity is all you have left; dignity is your basis for future acquisitions and victories.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Spirits, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: You dreamed of Perfume for what it is - see also Aroma and Smell. 1. When you dream of a fragrant perfume, then, most likely, they remind us of something. Smells evoke memories and the emotions associated with them. 2. Certain perfumes are reminiscent of specific people. The reaction to this smell can be as good as it all depends on the human qualities that we had to face. 3. Intuitive information can often be recognized by a particular scent or smell.

Russian dream book What does Perfume mean in a dream:

What do spirits mean in a dream - seduction, love affair, can also symbolize insincerity in communication and deceit.

choose perfume

Dream Interpretation Choose perfume dreamed of why in a dream Choose perfume? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about choosing perfumes by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

See also Bath.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Hear the smell of perfume - to coquetry; give someone perfume - to bewilderment; buying perfume is a waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Dream Interpretation - Get Out

You can't get out, unfortunately.

You fall into a latrine and get out back - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Spirit

Dream Interpretation - Holy Spirit

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Spirits of the dead

Dream Interpretation Spirits of the Dead dreamed of why the Spirits of the Dead dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Spirits of the Dead in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - See yourself surrounded by the spirits of the dead

A bad dream that does not bode well. You have blocked the subtle channels of the mind under the influence of tridoshas that have gone out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or the disease can be cured, thereby pulling you out of the clutches of death.

Dreams that occur in the first half of the night do not come true soon and not completely.

Dreams dreaming at dawn come true on the same day and with sufficient accuracy, unless the person fell asleep again (after having a dream) or told it (to a person who does not believe in prophetic dreams).

A bad dream can be neutralized by sacrifice, almsgiving, witchcraft.

Try to have a good and joyful dream after a bad dream, the last good dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dead man seen in a dream portends a completely unexpected ending to your love story.

Seeing a dead child in a dream is a worry and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream portends the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well. If the dead man seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in business for the worse.

A dream in which you see a hanged or hanged person is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones. Seeing a drowned man - you have a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will ruin your plans. Seeing in a dream how the body of a dead person is embalmed predicts imminent changes in your situation for the worse. If you embalm or mummify you, in reality your friendship with a close man will turn out to be unhappy, bringing a lot of trouble at work and at home, and worsening your position in society.

Seeing in a dream a coffin with a dead man in his apartment portends strife in the family on the basis of drunkenness or debauchery.

The talking dead man who dreamed of in a dream - to vile slander and vicious slander at your address. If at the same time he asks you to drink, then you need to pray properly for the repose of his soul and light a candle.

A dead person lying on the floor predicts shame or a serious illness in the near future. To stumble over him and fall - in reality you will receive news of the death of one of your loved ones very close to you.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless business.

If the dead in your dream comes to life - this is the return of the once lost, which you have long ceased to hope for. Dressing a dead man in a suit is a disease.

Seeing a lot of dead people on the battlefield is a headache and a visit to the clinic.

Bury dead people in a dream - for a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches - for a severe hangover.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this is a discord, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun portends great despair due to adultery or the betrayal of a loved one.

A dead shark seen in a dream suggests that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will again find the long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing in a dream a bull slaughtered or killed in a bullfight does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom, nevertheless, you will have to go to the rescue.

Seeing a dead rook - to someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of close losses.

A dead lark in your dream portends injury from an accident.

Dead hare - to the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see a lot of dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the low act of a hypocritical friend.

Step on a dead snake, which at the same time suddenly comes to life and attacks you - to victory over enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey dead from an incomprehensible illness predicts that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of a sad parting.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream - in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, doing something other than your own.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will turn all your plans upside down.

Seeing a dead mule in a dream portends a broken engagement and a deterioration in the position in society, which is to blame for your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly start to run away from you mean that you will damage your reputation by acting stupidly and imprudently.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will fail completely.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead - Unfamiliar - to a change in the weather. Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful. The relative is not in danger. Those who died, but are alive in a dream: mother - good luck; father - to support. Relatives, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life. Acquaintances - a blow to pride awaits you. The dead are calling with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; don't go - be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action. They offer to eat - you have a dangerous disease, you need to be treated. If you ate with the dead - death is on the doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but living in a dream. It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream. The dead comes to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol. The information that we really receive from the dead is accepted by us in the way of clairvoyance through other images. We do not need to appear to the dead in order to guide the true path.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Feeling the aroma of perfume in a dream portends exciting adventures in the company of old friends with a trip out of town, barbecue and all that.

If in a dream you use perfumes, going to meet a person dear to you, it means that in reality you know your worth, but you also know how to appreciate other people.

If in a dream you are talking with a lady who smells of spirits that you don’t like from a mile away, it means that in reality you exalt your intelligibility in people almost to the best and most important quality.

In a dream, if you drop a bottle of perfume that for some reason does not pour out of it, although the cork remains in your hands, you will lose a lot of what you yourself were going to get rid of, but also what you are sorry to lose. If you pour out perfume in anger or throw and break the bottle, in reality you will succumb to causeless fun that will infect everyone around you.

To see how someone buys perfume - your cherished aspirations and dreams will not come true, although everything seems to portend their reality. Buying perfume yourself in a dream - exciting events and experiences await you. To receive perfume as a gift is to confess your love in reality and hear the same confession.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

The scent of perfume is a happy adventure;
use perfume - you will trust a flattering person;
suffocate from a lingering aroma - a mental illness from excessive passion for empty amusements;
spilled perfume is a sad sign, you will lose the source of your joy;
a broken bottle of perfume - your most secret dreams and desires will perish without being realized;
extract the essence - employees and colleagues will be nice people;
for a woman - to take a scented bath - exciting events;
to receive as a gift from a man - pleasures associated with risk.
See also Bath.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sniffing them in a dream - to good news or a warm meeting with a loved one. Buying them in a dream is a hint that someone loves you. Choking them in a dream is a sign of self-respect, a worthy life. For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society. It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head. The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume. Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit. Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones. To feel too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue. See interpretation: smell.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Hear the smell of perfume - to coquetry; give someone perfume - to bewilderment; buying perfume is a waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Modern interpreters of dreams: sniffing perfume - to a new life.

Buy - to a new love (they love the one who buys perfume in a dream).

In old dream books: to see, buy, smell, use perfume - to trouble, disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Spirit

A demon, a spirit, an otherworldly power in a garden or vegetable garden - all anxieties will dissipate.

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

The dog barks at a ghost, at a spirit - they will come to beg.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

If a person sees himself dead in a dream, it’s good, it means that a long life is ahead of him.

If a person sees a dead bull in a dream, it is good, this means seeing the defeat of his enemies.

alien spirits

Dream Interpretation Alien Spirits had a dream about why other people's spirits dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Alien spirits in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Feeling the aroma of perfume in a dream portends exciting adventures in the company of old friends with a trip out of town, barbecue and all that.

If in a dream you use perfumes, going to meet a person dear to you, it means that in reality you know your worth, but you also know how to appreciate other people.

If in a dream you are talking with a lady who smells of spirits that you don’t like from a mile away, it means that in reality you exalt your intelligibility in people almost to the best and most important quality.

In a dream, if you drop a bottle of perfume that for some reason does not pour out of it, although the cork remains in your hands, you will lose a lot of what you yourself were going to get rid of, but also what you are sorry to lose. If you pour out perfume in anger or throw and break the bottle, in reality you will succumb to causeless fun that will infect everyone around you.

To see how someone buys perfume - your cherished aspirations and dreams will not come true, although everything seems to portend their reality. Buying perfume yourself in a dream - exciting events and experiences await you. To receive perfume as a gift is to confess your love in reality and hear the same confession.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

The scent of perfume is a happy adventure;
use perfume - you will trust a flattering person;
suffocate from a lingering aroma - a mental illness from excessive passion for empty amusements;
spilled perfume is a sad sign, you will lose the source of your joy;
a broken bottle of perfume - your most secret dreams and desires will perish without being realized;
extract the essence - employees and colleagues will be nice people;
for a woman - to take a scented bath - exciting events;
to receive as a gift from a man - pleasures associated with risk.
See also Bath.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sniffing them in a dream - to good news or a warm meeting with a loved one. Buying them in a dream is a hint that someone loves you. Choking them in a dream is a sign of self-respect, a worthy life. For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society. It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head. The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume. Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit. Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones. To feel too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue. See interpretation: smell.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Hear the smell of perfume - to coquetry; give someone perfume - to bewilderment; buying perfume is a waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Modern interpreters of dreams: sniffing perfume - to a new life.

Buy - to a new love (they love the one who buys perfume in a dream).

In old dream books: to see, buy, smell, use perfume - to trouble, disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Spirit

A demon, a spirit, an otherworldly power in a garden or vegetable garden - all anxieties will dissipate.

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

The dog barks at a ghost, at a spirit - they will come to beg.

Dream Interpretation - Holy Spirit

Seeing an icon of the Holy Spirit or talking in a dream, according to your ideas, with the Holy Spirit - to the loss of faith.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Giving perfume - to trouble.

Buy to receive perfume as a gift - to good news, gifts or purchases.

Cologne is dreaming - you are waiting for the beginning of a romantic adventure that can turn into something more.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

A romantic date awaits you.

If you inhale the aroma of perfume or use perfume, you will have a date with a very attractive member of the opposite sex.

You will even think about a romantic relationship with him (her).

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Give perfume

Dream Interpretation Give Perfume dreamed of why in a dream to give perfume? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to give perfume in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Feeling the aroma of perfume in a dream portends exciting adventures in the company of old friends with a trip out of town, barbecue and all that.

If in a dream you use perfumes, going to meet a person dear to you, it means that in reality you know your worth, but you also know how to appreciate other people.

If in a dream you are talking with a lady who smells of spirits that you don’t like from a mile away, it means that in reality you exalt your intelligibility in people almost to the best and most important quality.

In a dream, if you drop a bottle of perfume that for some reason does not pour out of it, although the cork remains in your hands, you will lose a lot of what you yourself were going to get rid of, but also what you are sorry to lose. If you pour out perfume in anger or throw and break the bottle, in reality you will succumb to causeless fun that will infect everyone around you.

To see how someone buys perfume - your cherished aspirations and dreams will not come true, although everything seems to portend their reality. Buying perfume yourself in a dream - exciting events and experiences await you. To receive perfume as a gift is to confess your love in reality and hear the same confession.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

The scent of perfume is a happy adventure;
use perfume - you will trust a flattering person;
suffocate from a lingering aroma - a mental illness from excessive passion for empty amusements;
spilled perfume is a sad sign, you will lose the source of your joy;
a broken bottle of perfume - your most secret dreams and desires will perish without being realized;
extract the essence - employees and colleagues will be nice people;
for a woman - to take a scented bath - exciting events;
to receive as a gift from a man - pleasures associated with risk.
See also Bath.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sniffing them in a dream - to good news or a warm meeting with a loved one. Buying them in a dream is a hint that someone loves you. Choking them in a dream is a sign of self-respect, a worthy life. For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society. It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head. The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume. Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit. Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones. To feel too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue. See interpretation: smell.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Hear the smell of perfume - to coquetry; give someone perfume - to bewilderment; buying perfume is a waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Modern interpreters of dreams: sniffing perfume - to a new life.

Buy - to a new love (they love the one who buys perfume in a dream).

In old dream books: to see, buy, smell, use perfume - to trouble, disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Spirit

A demon, a spirit, an otherworldly power in a garden or vegetable garden - all anxieties will dissipate.

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

The dog barks at a ghost, at a spirit - they will come to beg.

Dream Interpretation - Give

Doing to others portends ruin and disorder of the state.

To receive a gift means profit and profit in the house.

Dream Interpretation - Holy Spirit

Seeing an icon of the Holy Spirit or talking in a dream, according to your ideas, with the Holy Spirit - to the loss of faith.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Giving perfume - to trouble.

Buy to receive perfume as a gift - to good news, gifts or purchases.

Cologne is dreaming - you are waiting for the beginning of a romantic adventure that can turn into something more.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

A romantic date awaits you.

If you inhale the aroma of perfume or use perfume, you will have a date with a very attractive member of the opposite sex.

You will even think about a romantic relationship with him (her).

Spirits of deceased relatives

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

The scent of perfume is a happy adventure;
use perfume - you will trust a flattering person;
suffocate from a lingering aroma - a mental illness from excessive passion for empty amusements;
spilled perfume is a sad sign, you will lose the source of your joy;
a broken bottle of perfume - your most secret dreams and desires will perish without being realized;
extract the essence - employees and colleagues will be nice people;
for a woman - to take a scented bath - exciting events;
to receive as a gift from a man - pleasures associated with risk.
See also Bath.

Dream Interpretation - Relatives, family, mother, father

Relatives are significant figures both in real life and in dreams. For this reason, the interpretation of dreams with the presence of relatives is not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on the dream script or on the laws of classical psychology.

The reason for the prevalence of dreams about the FAMILY lies in the desire of each person to answer the question of what is the "normal" state of affairs in the family, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice. A huge number of clients undergo psychological treatment courses, conditioned their complaints by the desire to "have a normal family" or "normal marriage". This idea comes from our relatives and how well they fit or don't fit our definition of normal.

Dreams about family can reinforce or undermine our "normal" perception of family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of family concepts and traditions. As you mature and critique the notion of "normal" in line with your own views of life, these traditions either take a deeper hold in your mind or conflict with your own ideas. The duties of family members, as well as the procedure and schedule for the execution of certain assignments, depend on the levers of influence that exist in the "extended family". As a result, we create our own family history, which defines our true position within this cell of society and outlines its position in our system of world perception.

At the archetype level, dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as the desire of the sleeper to see how he interacts with a large human community consisting of relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, it is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and also to establish whether they are actually alive: often deceased relatives continue to live in our dreams. Usually there are the following reasons for this: either the action taking place in a dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him remains unclear.

As a rule, dreams about relatives are periodically REPEAT. Such a repetition may have a PROPHETIC or historical significance, especially if the central figures in the dream are relatives with whom you have friction on an emotional level, or there are concerns about their state of health. In the case of friction on an emotional level, a dream can indicate the cause of this friction and indicate the possibility of eliminating it. In the case of the precarious health of some relatives, a dream can warn of the impending DEATH of a family member.

The place and basis for the appearance of relatives in a dream are important for their interpretation. For example, if only women are present in your dream doing things that they traditionally did together, this may mean that you are reuniting with your family in some new capacity. Here are some interpretations of this dream:

1. The unwillingness to join women in their cause is a hint of a conflicting attitude towards family traditions.

2. Joining a group consisting exclusively of persons of the opposite sex - confusion with determining one's place in the family.

3. Joining a group of family members who share a unique trait, such as: all bald, all cancer patients, all widowers, all singles, etc. - indicates identification with such a group or fear of sharing fate with those for whom you feel pity or sadness.

Despite the fact that family members are significant figures, in a dream they can carry a different semantic load. The free associations you often have in this regard are the key to unraveling their influence on your sleep and the meaning of this influence.

Typical figures of family members, such as FATHERS and MOTHERS (or their images), are symbolic in dreams. Regardless of the attitude towards them, they were the first people who influenced the formation of our personality, which includes our reaction to the world around us, as well as self-esteem and internal value system.

Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is the reflection of the positive or negative influence of individual relatives on the formation of your EGO and personality strengths. Your strengths and weaknesses often alternate between different generations. For example, in one generation, the father expresses his ANGRY quite violently. In the next generation, anger falls into the category of TABOO and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams about one parent have a compensatory effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a family member close to you in an unusual environment for him (for example, scuba diving in the company of a grandmother). As a rule, dreams of this kind are replete with many other symbols and images that indicate its true meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

They mean negativity of various types, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person if it was positive during life, or if a rigorous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Nothing good is promised by a dream in which your deceased relatives or friends visit you. If they are sad, a dream means that you are in for mental anguish and heavy thoughts. However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, then everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sniffing them in a dream - to good news or a warm meeting with a loved one. Buying them in a dream is a hint that someone loves you. Choking them in a dream is a sign of self-respect, a worthy life. For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society. It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head. The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume. Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit. Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones. To feel too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue. See interpretation: smell.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dead ancestors examine you or ask you for food - fortunately.

Their dead ancestors, respectable people - a great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

If they do not leave funeral food for the dead, they express their displeasure with night knocks, walking around the house, are their relatives in a dream and reproach them for not observing the custom.

It was customary for the Serbs of Šumadija to go to the cemetery in the summer of Zadushnitsa (on Ascension), hoping to see their dead relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Hear the smell of perfume - to coquetry; give someone perfume - to bewilderment; buying perfume is a waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Relatives

Seeing yourself in a dream as being in a relationship with strangers portends the appearance of a rich uncle, the existence of which you had no idea until now.

Talking in a dream with your actual relatives - beware of a catch from your colleagues.

The dream in which you visit a sick relative portends extra expenses.

Seeing a relative on his deathbed - get a rich inheritance. The funeral of relatives - you will forget about something important, because of which you will have to start work anew, which will already be partially done.

If in a dream you are saddened by the loss of relatives, in reality you will soon perform an act that will greatly please your relatives. Hugging relatives is a dream that portends illness and quarrels with loved ones.

To receive letters from relatives means that you hasten to condemn a person who acted completely disinterestedly and in your own interests. Misfortune with relatives is a big win.

see spirits

Dream Interpretation See spirits dreamed of why in a dream See spirits? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see spirits in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Feeling the aroma of perfume in a dream portends exciting adventures in the company of old friends with a trip out of town, barbecue and all that.

If in a dream you use perfumes, going to meet a person dear to you, it means that in reality you know your worth, but you also know how to appreciate other people.

If in a dream you are talking with a lady who smells of spirits that you don’t like from a mile away, it means that in reality you exalt your intelligibility in people almost to the best and most important quality.

In a dream, if you drop a bottle of perfume that for some reason does not pour out of it, although the cork remains in your hands, you will lose a lot of what you yourself were going to get rid of, but also what you are sorry to lose. If you pour out perfume in anger or throw and break the bottle, in reality you will succumb to causeless fun that will infect everyone around you.

To see how someone buys perfume - your cherished aspirations and dreams will not come true, although everything seems to portend their reality. Buying perfume yourself in a dream - exciting events and experiences await you. To receive perfume as a gift is to confess your love in reality and hear the same confession.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

The scent of perfume is a happy adventure;
use perfume - you will trust a flattering person;
suffocate from a lingering aroma - a mental illness from excessive passion for empty amusements;
spilled perfume is a sad sign, you will lose the source of your joy;
a broken bottle of perfume - your most secret dreams and desires will perish without being realized;
extract the essence - employees and colleagues will be nice people;
for a woman - to take a scented bath - exciting events;
to receive as a gift from a man - pleasures associated with risk.
See also Bath.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sniffing them in a dream - to good news or a warm meeting with a loved one. Buying them in a dream is a hint that someone loves you. Choking them in a dream is a sign of self-respect, a worthy life. For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society. It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head. The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume. Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit. Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones. To feel too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue. See interpretation: smell.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Hear the smell of perfume - to coquetry; give someone perfume - to bewilderment; buying perfume is a waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Modern interpreters of dreams: sniffing perfume - to a new life.

Buy - to a new love (they love the one who buys perfume in a dream).

In old dream books: to see, buy, smell, use perfume - to trouble, disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Spirit

A demon, a spirit, an otherworldly power in a garden or vegetable garden - all anxieties will dissipate.

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

The dog barks at a ghost, at a spirit - they will come to beg.

Dream Interpretation - Holy Spirit

Seeing an icon of the Holy Spirit or talking in a dream, according to your ideas, with the Holy Spirit - to the loss of faith.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Giving perfume - to trouble.

Buy to receive perfume as a gift - to good news, gifts or purchases.

Cologne is dreaming - you are waiting for the beginning of a romantic adventure that can turn into something more.

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

A romantic date awaits you.

If you inhale the aroma of perfume or use perfume, you will have a date with a very attractive member of the opposite sex.

You will even think about a romantic relationship with him (her).

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sprayed with perfume to sexual desire and dissatisfaction.

Buy or give perfume - As a rule, failure in love, you have a false and inflated idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba loved one -

Dreams are a very important and mysterious part of life, which brings into reality both the joyful anticipation of changes for the better and the anxious expectation of something bad. Without them, life loses many colors. They can help in making important decisions or simply provide an opportunity to return to happy moments. Therefore, most people at least sometimes try to unravel their dreams and understand what they portend. Why do spirits dream? Is there a difference what they are, who dreams of? How do different dream books interpret this symbol, and what does its interpretation depend on?

Of course, there is no single meaning of dreaming spirits.

Of course, there is no single meaning for dreaming spirits. After all, there are many situations when perfume (or toilet water) is dreamed of:

  • Spirits in a dream can be seen
  • You can smell their smell, both pleasant and repulsive.
  • Perfume can be bought or sold
  • You can receive them as a gift or give them yourself.
  • You can break (accidentally or on purpose) a bottle of perfume, etc.

In most cases, the spirits seen in a dream are associated with gifts or losses in reality, as well as with love experiences. There are dream books (for example, an old English dream book) that consider perfume a good sign: if you dream that you hear a pleasant aroma or acquire perfume, then you will be successful, and relationships with loved ones will delight you. At the same time, the Dream Interpretation of the Future and the Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita interpret this symbol in a negative way: the dreaming spirits in any case indicate that you will be disappointed in the one you love.

As a rule, the interpretation depends, first of all, on the emotional background of the dream (what sensations the smell of perfume gives rise to and the situation itself, sympathy or hostility is caused by the dreaming person). Pleasant sensations in a dream promise good things in real life. Negative experiences experienced at night portend unpleasant events in reality. But individual details of the dream also matter.

Perfume in a dream book (video)

Why dream of perfume in a bottle

The dream in which you saw the original perfume bottle asks to be more attentive: gather more information before making important decisions. He also warns that people's appearances can be deceiving.

The dream in which you saw the original perfume bottle asks to be more attentive

Perhaps, a broken bottle of toilet water is interpreted in the same way in different sources: dreams and hopes will turn out to be in vain. But breaking a bottle of perfume yourself, for example, against a wall, does not mean anything bad. On the contrary, fun will soon await you, and for no reason, and even others will be drawn into it.

What does it mean to see male or female perfume in a dream

For a woman to see a men's perfume in a dream is a good dream, which means that next to her is a strong and reliable man. Or he will soon appear someone who will really care about her.

According to Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer cologne in a dream promises new plans, a trip or a new romantic acquaintance.

But women's perfumes speak of the need to pay attention to their health.

But there is another interpretation. According to her, perfume reflects the attitude of a woman towards a man:

  1. If the main thing for a lady is the price of perfume, then in a man she first of all appreciates material security.
  2. If in a dream she first pays attention to the packaging, it means that it is the appearance of a man that is especially important for her.
  3. If the main thing for a woman is the aroma of perfume, then she is especially concerned about the attitude towards a man from others.

Sniffing perfume in a dream - what to expect in reality?

According to dream books, smelling perfumes in a dream that you like is a good omen:

  • Ahead of you are pleasant changes, happy events, new opportunities will open up. Especially if in a dream you dreamed that you were smelling the perfume donated by your loved one, you will enjoy your life.
  • For women, such a dream promises a possible declaration of love, even an early marriage (for young girls). Miller's dream book predicts a meeting with a loved one.

Ahead of you are pleasant changes, happy events, new opportunities will open up

If the smell turned out to be unpleasant, then the changes, most likely, will not please, and the beloved may disappoint.

Feel in a dream the smell, the aroma of perfume

According to dream book of the XXI century if in a dream you felt the aroma of perfume, get ready for some secret of yours to be revealed (you may be convicted of treason, for example). dream interpretation Miller calls to pay attention to the smell of perfume: a sharp one prophesies sadness and anxiety, and a pleasant one - joyful events.

According to the 21st century dream book, if in a dream you felt the aroma of perfume, get ready for some secret of yours to be revealed.

Aromas are different, and its interpretation depends on what smell you heard in your dream:

  • Sweet smells indicate that the sleeper is in love (but if the smell is too cloying and sweet, then think about it: do you spend a lot of time on entertainment?)
  • Did the dream perfume have a fruity scent? It means that you are active, you always have a positive attitude, you do not dwell on the negative.
  • Woody and floral scents tell you that you place too much importance on how you look and how others perceive you.
  • The perfume smelled strange (the smell of paint, some kind of food, etc.) - you do not want to accept reality, preferring to see everything the way you want.

If the sharp, repulsive smell of perfume comes from another person, then in reality you are too harsh in relations with others.

It happens that the perfume bottle is open, but you do not feel the aroma. Such a dream should make you reconsider the rhythm of your real life - your fatigue is so strong that you can no longer rejoice and have fun, you just need rest.

Suffocate with perfume in a dream

Now about the meaning of dreams, in which the sleeper not only smells perfume, but also strangles them. Many dream books agree that choking while in the realm of dreams means pleasant events in life, the fulfillment of what is desired. If you use a fragrant liquid when you are going to a meeting in your night vision, then you know your worth, and treat others well.

But if the dreamer is not just choking himself, but downright pouring perfume on himself, then such a dream is a warning: limit yourself. You are too wasteful and this can lead to bad consequences.

Yes, and splashing perfume on clothes is not a very pleasant symbol, which speaks of rather rude flattery, which will soon have to be resorted to.

Choose, buy perfume in the store

A fairly common situation is when the dreamer is going to buy perfume in a store or sees another person buying them. In the first case, pleasant news and events await you, but you should analyze your attitude to some points. Perhaps you are mistaken about something. If someone else acquires the perfume, then the sleeper is waiting in vain for something that is not destined to come true.

Often dreams that you have to choose perfume

Often dreams that you have to choose perfume. This means that in reality you are faced with a choice that depends only on you. Such a vision will not give an answer what to choose, it is only a reflection of your thoughts.

If perfume was presented in a dream: meaning

But the fact that you were given a perfume in a dream is a good omen. So, in reality, gifts and good news await you. According to another interpretation, this dream portends a new person in your life (friend, admirer). Pay attention to the emotions that you experienced when receiving a gift. They will tell you what this person will be like.

Rethinking past events, an attempt to find something good in the past bad, reflects a dream where one dreams that a dead person gives perfume.

When a sleeper makes a gift, the dream brings useless chores to his loved ones.

What does a fragrance or a bottle of perfume mean in a dream (video)

Deciphering dreams is quite a fascinating thing. But you should not build your life according to the predictions of dreams. Sometimes the interpretations are so contradictory that it is easy to get confused when trying to explain the meaning of the symbols. If you dreamed of perfume, remember if you spent half an hour the day before in a perfume store, choosing a new fragrance for yourself or a friend? Perhaps this explains your night vision? On the other hand, the subconscious is always trying to help. And who is warned - he is armed. If you sometimes listen to clues from dreams, you can avoid possible troubles. And therefore - good luck in solving your dream!

Attention, only TODAY!

Our life is full of aromas: the smell of morning coffee, a loved one, pastries, the fragrance of flowers and perfumes - all this is absorbed by the subconscious, taking it out of memory during a dream. Why dream of smelling perfume? The dream interpretation connects the interpretation of the aroma felt in a dream with new, pleasant moments in life.

What does Miller predict?

The psychologist compares the dream action with the desire of a sleeping person to feel new emotions, feelings. Seeing a lover choose a perfume in a store means the character's subconscious desire to diversify his personal life.

To be or not to be?

For people facing a difficult choice in reality, the picture they see will help them choose the right solution. To do this, it is important to remember what emotions the aroma evoked in you in a dream.

I dreamed that the smell was sharp, repulsive, which means that the decision you are leaning towards will require tough actions from you. Pleasant, gentle perfumes in a dream mean that in reality, you need to show flexibility and sociability.

Feel free to move forward!

The English dream book prophesies incredible success in business, interpreting why you dream of sniffing perfume. Especially good when you liked the smell of toilet water. This means that all the things you have planned will come true.

Will we get to know each other?

The general dream book connects the plot seen with the upcoming acquaintance or pastime. It is important to remember the characteristics of cologne:

  • sweet - to meet a cheerful friend;
  • sugary - promises flattering speeches;
  • bitter - disappointment;
  • tart - to communicate with a confident person.

Changes are coming!

For those who happen to smell their favorite perfume in a dream, Bitch's dream book prophesies incredible luck in their careers. Had a dream that your favorite eau de parfum smells completely different or has a different bottle? Expect major changes.

A beautiful lady who was presented with women's toilet water can safely expect declarations of love. What a man dreams of such a picture predicts the beginning of a large enterprise, associated with numerous troubles.

What do you want?

Girls who happened to choose men's eau de toilette in a store in a dream should learn to appreciate their chosen one. This is how Medea's dream book explains what this action is dreaming of.

I dreamed that you opted for the male perfume of your lover - your relationship with him is close to ideal. Sniffing perfume in the store, without being able to decide, means that in reality you are still busy looking for your prince.

A young man, choosing women's eau de parfum in a dream, but in the end buying a men's cologne for himself, should think about life priorities. Most likely, in reality, you are too sorry for yourself, preferring to sit on the sidelines.

About confusion...

A young lady, seeing a lot of bottles of women's perfumes on store windows, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, should think about serious things. Perhaps your idle attitude to life repels applicants for a hand and a heart.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is the day of strictly Saturn, the planet of fate, fate, trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams on Saturday will tell about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful, pleasant, then no serious restrictions are foreseen, much of what was planned is easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come true only as a result of hard work, that is, in the near future nothing will come easy. On Saturday night, you can find out about your fate or the fate of other people.

found: 3

PERFUME - Miller's Dream Book

The aroma of perfume in a dream serves as a prediction of a happy adventure. If in a dream you use perfume, this means that you will be greedy for flattery.

If in a dream you are suffocating from the lingering aroma of perfume, this means that an excess of entertainment will damage your mental abilities.

PERFUME - Modern Dream Interpretation

You dream of a bottle of perfume - a person you hardly know will give you a gift. This person is counting on your help in some business.

You sniff perfume - the wind of change is coming in your life. New things in life are very attractive to you. Get ready for a romantic twist in fate. For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society. It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head.

The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume.

Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit. Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones.

Feeling too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue.

It’s as if you are buying perfume - in a love relationship you can count on reciprocity.

You spray perfume on yourself - in fact, you strive for a luxurious life, you want to take a place in the elite, but you are not doing your job well enough.

You spilled perfume - you indulge in your favorite business with pleasure, but soon you will be deprived of the opportunity to do it. You will have to do something unloved, routine, calling for help patience and endurance.

You broke a bottle of perfume - in the fight against ill-wishers, defeat awaits you. Try to accept it with dignity. Perhaps dignity is all you have left. Dignity is your basis for future acquisitions and victories.

PERFUME - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Sniff - a new life; to buy - someone loves a sleeper.

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Seeing all kinds of perfumes in a dream means that in reality you will be charming and inaccessible to men. Feel perfume aromas - to a love story with a happy ending. Seeing yourself in a dream as a saleswoman in a perfume store - you will incur completely useless expenses.

Sniffing perfumes with a delicate smell in a dream portends exciting adventures in the company of old friends. Use perfume - you know the value of yourself and your friends. Dealing with women who use perfumes that are unpleasant to you - in reality you exalt your intelligibility in people almost to your best quality.

To buy perfumes - exciting events and experiences await you, to receive them as a gift - to confess your love in reality and find out that you are reciprocated.

To give cologne in a dream - rise in the eyes of your loved one thanks to your unique and vibrant personality. To smell a good cologne from your lover - you will be appreciated by him for his enduring care and attention, courtesy and affection.

Buying cologne - your cherished dreams and aspirations will not come true, no matter how much you want it. To refuse the cologne offered to you by the saleswoman and leave the store, in which there is no decent choice, empty-handed - such a dream will turn away from you an obsessive personality that you did not know how to get rid of. Spill cologne - to complications in love.

Using cosmetic creams in a dream means that a streak of luck and success is coming for you in literally everything. Wearing lipstick portends intimacy with a man who will disappoint you in his masculine abilities, but can contribute to the growth of your career and, accordingly, well-being, as well as living conditions.

Using powder in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a position where you are confused and will not know what to say so as not to look in a bad or funny light. If you use blush in a dream, in reality you will get the opportunity to get rich quite quickly and without any risk.

Mascara is a sign of illness and household chores.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Perfume

Sniffing them in a dream - to good news or a warm meeting with a loved one.

Buying them in a dream is a hint that someone loves you.

Choking them in a dream is a sign of self-respect, a worthy life.

For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will occupy a prominent position in society.

It is especially good to see in a dream how you are strangling your hair or head.

The dream in which you saw that you were given perfume means that you will soon receive good news about good changes, income or acquisitions that correspond to the aroma of perfume.

Making perfume and giving it in a dream is a sign that you will soon learn something useful that you will later use in your business that will bring success and profit.

Such a dream is also favorable for your loved ones.

To feel too strong a smell of perfume in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of intrigue.

See interpretation: smell.

Interpretation of dreams from