Yellowing of spruce needles. Spruce Canadian horse care at home

On the picture, decorative spruce horse, she is about 8 years old. This is what she looked like after the winter of 2012. The desiccation of the needles occurred due to the influence of the March sun, when, when heated, moisture evaporates from the needles, and root system the plant is still in a frozen state, and is not ready to compensate for it. From a large family coniferous plants, it is the Konik spruce that often burns in the spring. To avoid this, mandatory shelter for the winter is required. Although we closed the spruce, we apparently hurried up and removed the protection early, the earth had not yet had time to thaw. An unpleasant sight.
Spruce treatment.

During the summer of 2012 we tried to revive our Christmas tree. They watered it regularly, carried out several crown treatments with growth stimulants, fed mineral fertilizers and micronutrients. But all the ongoing treatment, ate did not help. In the spring of 2013, I had to shorten the trunk and cut off all dry branches from the plant. Although our Konika spruce has not died, and continues to live, of course, it has lost its decorative effect. After all, it is precisely for its proportionally folded crown shape, in the form of a regular cone, that this plant is valued by gardeners. Now we are thinking and guessing whether the crown will be fully restored or not.
spruce breeding.

While our spruce will be restored, we decided to propagate it different ways. The first way to propagate spruce is by grafting a cutting with a core on a cambium. You can read a master class on the vaccination technique. In the spring, 2 cuttings of the Konik spruce were grafted onto the rootstock of the common spruce. Konika has very thin branches, so grafting is difficult and not always successful.

Of the two inoculations, only one took root, the second dried up. As can be seen in the photo, the fresh growth on the grafted cutting was 3.5 - 4 cm. next year, on the stock of common spruce, native branches will be removed, which will allow the grafted cutting to develop more intensively. Wait and see

For the second propagation method, we rooted spruce cuttings in sandy soil. Rooting technology is described. All types of spruce, under certain conditions, take root well. In the first year, the cuttings practically do not grow, because. all forces are given to the creation of the root system. In the future, the annual growth of the Konik spruce is 5-6 cm.

The blackening of the needles of spruce in the lower part of the crown is caused by a fungal infection that has taken advantage of more high humidity and caused the needles to subside. At the same time, it becomes dark brown, sometimes almost black, then falls off. First of all, trees weakened by difficult wintering or other factors suffer. To prevent the needles from warming up, it is necessary to ventilate the crown of frost-resistant conifers in early spring and during the thaw, raking off wet snow. And after the snow melts, for prevention purposes, treat the trees with fungicides.

If the needles turned brown ...

If the Canadian spruce turned yellow, then it's okay - we do not have Canada. And this tree requires mandatory shelter for the winter, preferably with two layers of burlap, otherwise every two winters out of three you will admire brown needles in the spring. Or put up with her spring look.

Lawson's cypress suffers even more. It is blown away every year by the level of snow. If you are unlucky with the thuja (burned out in the sun) - cut it in the spring and spray it with stimulants. For example, Epinom.

... turned yellow

A common reason is late boarding. late autumn plants do not have time to take root, and the needles continue to evaporate moisture even in winter. Therefore, the plant is dehydrated, the needles turn yellow and dry.

Perhaps sunburn in winter and early spring is to blame. Why don't plants burn in summer? The fact is that in winter the bright sun's rays are reflected from the snow, which is why the illumination near the plant almost doubles. This is what causes burns. Occasionally, they arise from south side. You can save coniferous plants by tying them with burlap or thick paper.

The fourth reason is fungal diseases. Biological preparations (Alirin, Gamair, Fitosporin-M) will help against them, and in their absence, double treatment with Fundazol (10 g per 10 l of water) with an interval of 10 days. To restore the immunity of plants, spraying with Epin-extra or Zircon preparations is used until recovery.

The fifth reason is pests. For example, thuja aphid or Sitka spruce aphid. This is dangerous pests. Various types of arborvitae, prickly spruce, Serbian spruce, Sitka spruce, suffer from them. Aphids can be detected by holding up a piece of white paper and tapping on a branch. When a pest appears, repeated spraying of trees with potash soap, infusions of garlic, wormwood and other herbs is recommended.

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There is a great many ornamental plants, trees. Special attention attract coniferous specimens. For example, spruce canadian horse- a dwarf version of the popular gray Canadian spruce. The tree looks great, has nice looking shapes, an unusual attractive color. Konika has a miniature size in adulthood - a maximum of 2 meters.

Under special conditions, it reaches a three-meter growth. It was originally grown in North America. Since the beginning of the last century, spruce has spread to other continents. Gained popularity due to its compact shape and decorative features. Konika is a "non-capricious" plant. Caring for her is quite simple.


The conic grows in a cone. Colors vary: light green, bright green, mint. The branches are fluffy, the needles are soft, the crown is lush. The roots do not go deep into the ground, almost all are located close to the surface of the soil (surface roots). Fits best in climate middle lane. Hot countries are an unsuccessful halo of habitat.

At the age of five, it reaches a height of 20 cm, by 10 years - 80 cm. The diameter of the base of an adult tree is 80 cm. It grows upwards by 3-4 cm per year, a rapid growth rate lasts until the age of 10-15 years. Further, it grows by 2-3 cm per year. At home, it will grow no higher than 30 cm. If the tree is properly cared for, its life span can be 300-500 years.

Canadian spruce Maygold is a type of gray spruce. She has characteristics- yellow growths. Other parameters are similar to Konika.

Home Care

You can grow homemade spruce from seeds or buy ready-made in a pot. There is an option to dig a seedling from the forest. Bought a store seedling - change the earth in a pot.

We lay out the bottom of the pot with a drainage layer 10 cm high. The soil for planting should be mixed in the ratio of 2 parts of turf, earth with 1 part of peat, 1 part of sand.

We decided to grow a horse in a city apartment - get ready for a number of difficulties. The main problem is the overwintering of the plant. Konika is accustomed to wintering at low temperatures Oh. AT room conditions low temperatures cannot be reached.

An option for an apartment is to put the pot on the balcony for the winter. There conditions are as close to natural as possible. Worried that the temperature on the balcony is too cold? Then you should warm the plant. So it will turn out to grow a tree at home. Experts do not advise constantly keeping the plant in a city apartment. It is better to grow spruce at home for subsequent planting in the garden.

At home, watering should be done once a week. Otherwise, the needles will either turn yellow (which means you are watering too infrequently) or acquire a dark red hue (evidence of excessive watering). It is better not to put under direct sunlight - it will burn.

The darkest corner is not best alternative. Choose middle option. It is ideal to periodically rearrange the pot in order to avoid burns. Additional option- to put on sunny window, cover with agrofibre. Additionally, you need to feed the plant with specialized fertilizers for conifers trees.

Tip: In dry weeks, water the crown with water - it will help to avoid overdrying.

spruce planting

Before planting, the roots are grown for three years in a pot, and then the spruce is planted on the site. The land of the site needs to be prepared: mix 1 part of peat, sand with 2 parts of turf, 2 parts garden soil. If the land on the site is replete with sand - add turf and loam.

The best choice of landing site is a shady corner. Elevated or excessively waterlogged areas are not suitable for Canadian spruce. Availability ground water under the landing site is not welcome. Windy places should be avoided.

The procedure is performed in spring, summer or autumn, depending on the root system. Plant a plant with an open root system - choose any of the proposed seasons. The root system is closed - planting should be done in spring or autumn.

Before transplanting, check the weather forecast - cloudy weather is suitable for this procedure. Bad luck, is the weather hot? The tree should be covered from bright sunlight with burlap, agrofibre. The soil after transplantation should be thoroughly moistened, but it is important not to overdo it. The soil should be moist, not lumpy, crumbly.

Spruce care

The Canadian horse is unpretentious. The main thing - proper care at the time of disembarkation. Further, a minimum of effort is required. In hot summer days it needs to be watered, fertilized by special means. On dry days, watering can be done directly through the crown. Tree branches will be saturated with water, moisture will occur faster. After a couple of days, walk with a rake, a chopper under the branches - this technique will help to avoid peeling at the roots of the tree.

Crown mowing is not required - the spruce grows luxuriantly, independently forms a cone-shaped top of the tree.

Fertilizer will bring a positive effect in early summer, in spring. Take 5 kg of rotted organic matter, spread it under the branches. The roots are superficial, and the fertilizer will begin to act quickly. It is necessary to fertilize the plant annually - it is quite enough for spruce.

Diseases and pests

There are few obstacles that will prevent you from growing a dwarf spruce: improper care, various diseases. Here is a list of major diseases, common pests, treatments that can help:

  • soil fungus Tracheomycosis. The fungus attacks the roots of young plants. A sign of the disease is redness of the needles. After changing color, the needles begin to fall off the branches. If you see an alarming sign, then rather dig up and burn the seedling. The tree cannot be saved. By digging up one spruce, you will save the rest of the plants;
  • Schutte's disease. This disease is caused by a coniferous fungus. Needles will be an indicator of the disease. The needles of the needles turn black, then covered with a white bloom - a clear sign of illness. After whitening, the needles will fall off. It is better to notice the disease at an early stage, to try to save the tree. For treatment, treat the tree with a 3% solution blue vitriol, then apply Trichodermin. If the disease affected areas are too large, it is better to burn the tree;

During the winter months, spruce prefers a temperature of -15 to +5 degrees Celsius. Preparing for winter does not take much time. Add a 5 cm layer of peat under the lower branches. Sometimes peat is mixed with compost. The preparation is almost over. In winter, pay attention to the condition of the branches. If turned yellow - the winter sun burns the needles. Wrap damaged areas with burlap, agrofibre.

With the onset of spring, do not rush to remove protection. spring sun dangerous for branches. It would be better to remove the material that wrapped the top, close it with an awning. The awning must be installed on the south side. In spring, the sun is hotter than in winter, and the roots of the tree have not woken up.

They cannot nourish the branches with moisture, and needle burns can occur. Did the branches get burned and turned brown? Do not despair. When the snow melts, the roots will begin to actively supply moisture, the brown shade will disappear, the spruce will return to its normal color.

Application in landscape design

For landscape design Canadian spruce fits just flawlessly. Surrounded by stones, the miniature beauty will attract attention. The combination with similar coniferous plants favorably focuses on spruce. Spruce looks great alone, on the lawn, at the entrance to the house, on the terrace, patio.

Even the roof is decorated with wood. AT decorative purposes the tree is not pruned, only dry, yellowed branches are removed. Konika independently takes a conical shape, a lush crown.

In a city apartment in a pot, it looks great in new year holidays. Decorate the Christmas tree as desired, set on the table, stool. Guests, children on a holiday will not be able to stop admiring the beauty and bright view of the tree. Water the plant abundantly while the spruce is in the apartment.

After the holidays, do not forget to return the pot with the plant to the balcony - it will dry out from the high temperature of the room. With wintering on the balcony, the horse will live in an apartment long life. For the summer, a pot with a plant can be exposed to fresh air.

Coniferous tree in a pot perfectly adapts to external factors, there shouldn't be any problems. The main thing is to transplant the plant in time into a container in size. A small pot size can kill a tree.

It doesn't matter how you decide to grow spruce - on garden plot or at home in a pot. In any of the selected options, the horse will delight you with impeccable appearance, miniature size, nice color. The main thing is to be patient - spruce grows rather slowly. But the result will exceed expectations.

The main reason for the yellowing of spruce needles

By planting an adult spruce in a pot, the plant begins to adapt to new conditions. The tree gives new shoots, and the needles turn yellow on the old ones. This is a natural biological process that will soon stop. The systematic yellowing of the needles should alert.

Problems ate and how to get rid of them

The yellowish color of the needles on young plants in a pot indicates that:

1. Incorrect planting of spruce in a pot. The devereva already has little room for development, so until you have transplanted it into the ground, stop feeding it unnecessarily with various fertilizers. Only after transplanting spruce into the ground should fungicides be used. Buying a seedling in a pot, spruce can get a fungal infection. AT winter period or while the needles are in the pot, the fungus will not manifest itself. But in the spring, the total drying of the tree will begin. In this case, use a biofungicide, which is an excellent prophylaxis against fungal diseases.

2. Unsuitable conditions for a favorable habitat. Spruce is very demanding on the quality of the soil, even if it temporarily lives in a pot. It does not tolerate excessive dryness and excess moisture as well. Due to the lack of phosphorus and iron, coniferous leaves become dull reddish. Before transplanting a tree into the ground, provide it with comfortable conditions for development: do not overdry the soil and do not feed during the dormant period.

3. If, nevertheless, a fungal infection has occurred, it is necessary to use the services of a forest pathologist who will determine the type of pest and rid your spruce of a stem fungus or beetle. Funds from such pests do not go on free sale.

How to determine with your own eyes the disease of spruce:

  • The bark has an unhealthy bright red color
  • Resin streaks form on the bark
  • The tree throws off young shoots

4. Damage to spruce soil-dwelling fungi. Spruce is resistant to infections. But with improper care or maintenance, the immunity of the tree is reduced. Infection with soil fungi entails the death of the roots of young spruce trees. Affected roots change color. Feed access is closed nutrients, the needles of the needles turn yellow, fall off and the tree dries out. You can stop this disease only in the early stages, when the tree is still in a pot. Preventive spraying of the tree with biological products, as well as the introduction of immunostimulants will correct the situation.

5. Coniferous trees are most negatively affected dog urine, so if you have pets, make sure that the spruce pot does not become their favorite place.

A healthy spruce will give you the feeling of an eternal holiday, will delight you with its fresh and attractive look.

Plants are very popular with gardeners. In nature, there are many various kinds coniferous plants, but almost all trees large sizes. Because of this, not all species are possible to grow in amateur gardens. Of course, you can limit the growth of large coniferous plants and form a compact crown artificially, but they will look much better and more natural on small area dwarf coniferous trees.

Breeders have bred many attractive forms of low-growing conifers, and landscape designers and amateur gardeners are increasingly preferring them.One of the most beloved dwarf varieties of Canadian spruce is the "Conica" spruce. This attractive low herringbone grows very slowly.

Spruce height. In adulthood(at 60 years old) its height reaches 4 meters, and its diameter is 2 meters. The height of the dwarf Canadian Christmas trees "Conica" depends not only on the characteristics of the variety, but also on the conditions of the plants. Herringbone "Conica" is unusually beautiful, it has a very strict pyramidal shape of the crown, it is thick and fluffy in the literal sense of the word - when touched, it does not prick your hands at all with its delicate light green needles. Not a tree, but a picture!

Place to land you need to choose a slightly shaded, protected from the wind. AT spring time it should not be flooded with floods, this can lead to the death of spruce. Planting can be carried out at any time of the year, in warm regions - even in winter, when the plant is at a complete rest stage. The best time for planting in spring and autumn. If the transplant is carried out in the summer, then it is important to choose a cloudy, cool day. Shade next week from sunlight and water twice a week at 8-10 liters per plant.

For proper growth, the soil must be light and rich in organic matter. For Canadian firs"Conica" suitable loam, as well as any soil with a deep humus layer; too dry, dense, infertile, calcareous soils are undesirable. AT landing pit bring a bucket of rotted manure and 60-80 g complex fertilizer long-acting for conifers. If the soil is sandy or clay, then add earth and compost. After planting, the soil must be mulched with peat with a layer of 5-7 cm.

Caring for your Conica spruce

Caring for this Christmas tree is minimal, it requires almost no attention. But still there are subtleties in care. Spruce "Conica" gratefully responds to the spraying of needles and fertilization. Its root system is superficial with a weak tap root. Shallow loosening of the soil and mulching will provide access to oxygen and constant moderate moisture. In the absence of rain, it is necessary to carry out frequent watering their Canadian Christmas trees.

Necessary shelter for the winter. This is done not only to protect against frost, the "Conica" spruce is a frost-resistant tree, it will protect against sunburn, which she can receive starting in February. It is at the end of winter - the beginning of spring that solar activity increases, but the root system of the tree still “does not work”.

Cover the crown with burlap, cardboard or other improvised materials. The lower part of the plant is left open to avoid rotting. If the Christmas tree was nevertheless damaged by the sun's rays, then it can be restored without cutting out bare branches. Since April, the damaged tree sprayed everyday from a hose. Such a “shower” leads to the growth of fresh needles on seemingly dead branches.
