Maple riverside planting and care. Ginnala maple (riverine, Acer ginnala): description, planting and care, application in landscape design

Feast of the Golden Sun, deepened sky,

On azure - yellow maple, about island of the blue sea.

All shades of yellow the luxury of bright fading,

The thrill of colorful farewells, the mourning of Summer and Spring

Konstantin Balmont

Maple is a tree widespread in our latitudes, it is one of the most popular park trees. Maple Leaf became a symbol of Canada. Maple is sung in poetry and prose. This tree pleases the eye with its magnificent crown, on a hot day it gives a shade in which to hide, and in autumn it makes you admire the carved foliage of all shades of yellow-gold. In addition, maple has long been considered a symbol of strength and has positive energy. Maple is often used for landscape design.

How to choose the right tree, where to place it and how to properly care for it? These questions, of course, are of interest to many homeowners, and we will try to answer them.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

There are about 150 varieties of maple. This diversity ensures its widespread use to create landscape compositions various styles. We will consider the two most popular types of maple: Drummond maple and Ginnal maple, their features, rules for the care and planting of these beautiful and unpretentious trees.

  1. The homeland of the sharp-leaved maple, or Drummond maple, is Eurasia.
  2. This tree grows to a height of 20 meters and has a wide, oval crown.
  3. In young trees, the bark does not have cracks, a reddish gray hue.
  4. The bark of adult plants is more gray with small cracks.
  5. Green leaves with a white border, when they bloom, become color pink, turn yellow in autumn.

Drummond maple comes in two varieties: yellow-bordered, which is rare, and silver-bordered (as pictured).

When planting Drummond maple, pay attention to the soil: it should be fertile and moderately moist.

Drummond maple looks great both in single plantings and when creating group compositions and is great for plant hedges.

Also, Drumond maple fits perfectly into the seating area in the garden, thanks to its spreading crown, which gives a diffused shade.

Best of all, this variety of maple is combined with trees whose crown has a darker shade, since its rather light leaves stand out perfectly against the general background (pictured below).

Using this maple in landscape design, make sure that the tree is in partial shade, or, best of all, in a sunny, bright area. Otherwise, Drummona may darken, lose its attractiveness due to the fact that the leaves may dry out.

River maple (Ginnal maple) in landscape design

The Ginnala variety got its name due to the fact that it is found on the banks of the Far Eastern rivers, it is especially popular in Japan, China and Korea. Also in Japan, this variety of maple is used for making bonsai.

  1. Ginnal maple grows in the form of a huge shrub, up to 6 meters in height.
  2. Bark without pronounced cracks, gray color with reddish or brown stripes.
  3. The leaves are dark green, shiny with an elongated middle lobe, in autumn they can change their color in the range from orange to red (pictured below).
  4. Yellowish, fragrant flowers bloom 3-4 weeks after the leaves unfurl. Although the period is not very long, you will have time to admire the tree of incredible beauty in your garden. The flowering period of the maple variety Ginnala lasts 15-20 days.
  5. The Ginnala maple grows fairly quickly, is frost tolerant and can grow in urban environments.
  6. When using maple of the Ginnala variety, it must be taken into account that this variety is quite photophilous and, if there is not enough sunlight, it can lose its bright color.

It should be noted that this maple in landscape design looks great both as a single object and in composition with other trees.

The river maple looks especially impressive against the background of other trees in autumn, when it stands out with a bright red crown. Ginnala maple is also great for creating hedges. In this case the best option will cut the tree so that it is no more than a meter high, as a result of which, its branches will be updated, which will only benefit.

An interesting fact is that Ginnala maple is honey-bearing. Therefore, do not be surprised if you notice bees in your garden during the flowering period.

Maple Tree Care

When choosing seedlings of maple trees Special attention give the root system: it should look healthy, without unnecessary growths. The tree itself should not be very small and frail. Choose the most visually healthy seedlings, those that you like the most.

When planting maple trees, it must be taken into account that varieties such as Ginnala and Drumonda may lose their color brightness in the shade, therefore the best place will sunny plot or penumbra.

Planting maple trees is best done in autumn or spring.

  1. When planting, it is necessary to use mineral fertilizers for the fastest growth of the tree.
  2. The most favorable distance between maple trees is 2-4 meters. With this planting, mature trees will not interfere with each other's growth.
  3. Though maple trees they calmly tolerate heat and drought, but in order for the crown not to lose its color, it is necessary to water them regularly. It will be enough 15-20 liters per plant.

Maple trees are commonly susceptible to diseases and pests such as: coral blight, maple whitefly, leaf weevil, maple mealybug. In case of maple disease, it is necessary to cut off the affected branches, abundantly process the cut points garden pitch.

Pretty good effect seasonal pruning maple. It is necessary to cut off old and dry branches, after which the tree will grow faster and delight with an updated crown.

It must be remembered that young maple trees can freeze in winter, which is why during the cold season it is necessary to wrap the root system of the tree in order to avoid freezing of the roots. Growing up, the tree will become frost-resistant and there will be no need for such measures.

AT ancient mythology the maple tree was considered a protector, so maple in landscape design will not only please the eye with its chic crown, but also protect your site from dark forces.

As you can see, maple trees are unpretentious in care, which is why they are often used in landscape design. Maple varieties such as Ginnala and Drumonda look great both as a single specimen and in group compositions, and are also an excellent choice for creating hedges. You can't go wrong with maple in your landscaping, as this tree is a great choice to make your yard bright and beautiful.

How to properly care for maple, you will learn from the video.

Maple family, genus maple. Maple riverine - most likely a shrub, sometimes there are trees, but rather small height, up to 5-7 meters. This tree is water, because it almost always grows on the banks of small streams, or large rivers.

Maple riverine description and photo

This maple is called riverine maple, or Ginnala maple, this is its Latin name. It could seem. that he was named after someone, but this is not so, in Latin “Ginnala” just the same means the word “river”.

The name speaks for itself, maple “river”, therefore, it grows along the banks of rivers, it is found mainly in the form of a small shrub, up to 5-6 meters in height.

It grows on the banks of the Amur, in the northeast of China, as well as on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. It has a tent-shaped crown, young shoots are red or red-brown in color. The leaves are usually three-lobed.

The flowers are slightly yellowish, very fragrant, flowers open 3-4 weeks after the leaves. Blooms for about 20 days. The place of origin has long been considered the Far East.

It has the following “characteristics”: it is frost-resistant, but when planted in overly shaded places, its decorative effect is lost, loves light, and also tolerates transplantation and city conditions well. This maple is an excellent option for group or single planting, with the help of this maple hedges are created, as well as the banks of reservoirs, gardens, parks, cities are planted with greenery.

It is very good in autumn, when the surrounding color is predominantly yellow, the river maple stands out with a red, peculiar spot. Used in culture since 1860, also used to build borders, bright colors of this maple, especially in autumn, make it very spectacular. Also used as a valuable honey plant.

Most maples are very demanding on soil, as well as on air moisture, river maple is relatively shade-tolerant, wind-resistant, but prefers bright places, grows quite quickly. If we compare this maple with others similar to it, then it is drought-resistant and unnecessarily photophilous. This maple prefers to grow on fertile soil, that is, on black soil, but it is possible to prepare such soil artificially by mixing humus with peat compost, sand and earth.

Most of the species that grow in middle lane Russia, do not require such careful care, they are all winter-hardy, and do not require additional shelters for the winter. For many species, it is enough that they are planted in places protected from the wind. Unfortunately, in central Russia, where they grow, in the initial years of maple, freezing of young shoots is possible, which is fraught with growth, but with age their winter hardiness increases.

Also river maple, quite often subject to all sorts of diseases. One of them is: coral spotting, with this disease, the branches of the maple die off, and red spots appear on the trunk of the tree. To cure a tree, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected branches, disinfect cutting tool.

Reproduction of almost all types of maples occurs by cuttings, seeds or grafting, but the latter is more suitable for decorative types. , when seeds fall in winter, from maple, natural germination occurs in summer, but when bred in the garden, everything is a little more complicated, maple seeds require long-term stratification, at a temperature of 3-5 degrees.

All seeds are soaked in a mixture of hydrogen for several days. In late April, early May, these seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 centimeters. Usually they germinate within 15-20 days, in their first year of life, they grow up to 80 centimeters, which is quite fast. Caring for maples is quite simple and not whimsical, weeding, loosening, and watering are not often required, maples also love warmth and are not afraid of heat.

Maple riverine is of great interest in the economy. Almost all types are suitable for decorative forms. Maples have won such a great interest, primarily because of the beautiful pattern, and also because bright colors, maples have always stood out against the general background, because of their unusualness.

All species are excellent honey plants, used for landscaping purposes. Almost all maples are used for landscaping, they have been used for this purpose, since the beginning of the development of horticulture. Maples are well combined with dark, coniferous species, used in the construction of hedges.

In Russia, it grows in the middle lane, as well as in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. In general, the world is also found in Korea, Mongolia and northwestern China. Especially appreciated in Japan, and in other Asian countries, as a species suitable for growing bonsai.

The wood of this maple is suitable for small crafts, but unfortunately it is not suitable for more serious purposes, such as: making furniture, this wood is not suitable due to its fragility. Quite successfully grown outside of its natural range, in cities such as: Irkutsk, Omsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many others.

- maple is unique in itself, and the point is not only in its spectacular color in autumn, it brings great benefit people need to take care and protect such trees, and all nature in general!

To create an attractive landscape design, you can use not only flowers and shrubs, but also trees. A properly chosen tree should have high decorative qualities, be unpretentious, easy to care for, not too tall, decorate the site and at the same time serve as protection from the sun for the flowers growing below. The ginnal maple is such a tree - we will talk about planting and growing this plant in the article.

Ginnal maple, or as it is also called - Tatar, riverine - a decorative representative of the maple genus of the Sapindov family.

The plant is not too tall, so it is ideal for small home gardens. On average, maple reaches a height of 3 to 5 meters, but sometimes there are instances of 8 meters.

The tree has a wide, spreading crown with a diameter of 5 to 7 meters. The crown is located like a round cap, a tent, which looks very original. Photo of the plant on our website.

The bark is smooth, brown-gray. When the tree reaches a venerable age, it cracks. The leaves grow on petioles of an original pinkish hue, while the foliage itself has a dark green color at the beginning, and in autumn it turns yellow, orange, even red.

Maple blossoms: flowers appear in the spring after the leaves have blossomed. Flowers are greenish-yellow in color small size panicles, very fragrant.

The use of ginnal maple in landscape design is wide: it is used for spectacular single plantings, the formation of hedges, and combined plantings with coniferous trees.

Ginnal maple grows at a moderate pace, adding an average of 30 cm per year. The tree is a long-liver and, under favorable external circumstances, easily overcomes a hundred-year milestone.

In nature, the Tatar maple ginnala is found in Asia, in the southeast of Siberia. It also grows in the forests of Mongolia, China, Japan, and Korea. In the wild, a tree usually settles near water bodies, streams, and coasts. It is because of its love for water that the maple got the second name "river". In Russia, maple has been grown since the 19th century - the tree is more common in regions with a mild climate.

Growing conditions

We will find out what requirements this tree makes for its habitat.


It is best to grow a tree in a site well lit by the sun. The plant does not like shadows, only sparse, light shading is acceptable. The fact is that a maple tree growing in the shade will not be so decorative - for example, it will definitely not please you with red, bright foliage.

It is also important to plant a tree in an area where there is no close occurrence of groundwater. Although maple grows in nature near water bodies, however, it does not tolerate stagnant phenomena in the ground. If such a place is not found, you will have to take care of high-quality drainage before planting.

The soil

Ordinary gravel can act as drainage, which must be laid on the bottom of the landing pit with a layer of 10-20 cm. If the soil contains a large number of lime, mix peat into it to create more favorable conditions for a plant.

Soil nutrition is also important for this tree. If the soil is poor, it must be fertilized with compost or humus (4-8 kg of fertilizer per 1m2 of soil). It is also important that the soil where the maple grows is light, loose. In heavy clay soils, the plant stretches up more slowly, develops worse.


Consider the main points regarding planting ginnal maple.


The plant can be rooted in both autumn and spring. For southern regions autumn is more suitable, but for the north and the middle zone - spring. Planting a plant is necessary during the absence of the last active sap flow. March or November are the best.

Pit preparation

start cooking landing pit follows a couple of weeks before autumn planting and from autumn to spring. The parameters of the pit should be as follows: 0.7x0.5x0.5 (depth-length-width).

The earth removed from the pit must be mixed with the following components:

  • humus (compost, peat) - 3 parts;
  • river sand - 1 part.

The earth itself is taken in relation to the rest of the components, as two parts.

If you plan to plant plants to form a hedge, a long trench is dug instead of a hole.

Seedling selection

  1. Into a hole filled with half prepared nutrient soil, a seedling is placed vertically.
  2. The roots of the plant are straightened.
  3. The seedling is covered with earth (its root neck should fall on the ground level).
  4. Falling asleep, the earth must be lightly tamped.
  5. After planting, the seedling is immediately watered.
  6. The root circle is mulched using straw, peat, sawdust, spruce branches (layer 5-10 cm).


Planting and caring for the ginnal maple are simple procedures. And if we figured out the landing, now we will learn how to carry out proper care behind an ornamental tree growing on the site.


It is necessary to moisten the soil during the active growing season regularly: once a month. If the weather is very dry, the frequency of watering increases to once a week. In one procedure, it is necessary to pour 15-20 liters of water under the roots of the plant.

Important: immediately after planting, the maple is watered once a week for a month, using a double rate of water each time.

top dressing

If, during planting, all necessary fertilizers, the next two years, river maple can not be fed. However, if the supply was not sufficient, next year after planting in the spring, it is necessary to feed the plant using:

  • urea - 40 g per 1 m2;
  • superphosphate - 30-50 gr per 1m2;
  • potassium salt - 15-25 gr per 1 m2.

In summer, maple will respond gratefully to complex feeding. mineral compositions. Kemira-universal is ideal: the composition is prepared at the rate of 100 g per 1 m2.


It is necessary to loosen the soil the next day after watering in order to break the hard crust on the surface. This procedure will open access to the roots of the tree for air, and also get rid of some weeds.

Attention: it is necessary to loosen to a depth of only 5-7 cm, since the roots of the maple lie superficially.


This procedure should be carried out as needed in order to rid the maple of taking away nutrients weeds.


The first cut of the maple is pruned the next spring after planting. The plant tolerates pruning well, recovering almost immediately after it. With formative pruning, maple is most often given the shape of a pyramid, a tent, which is the best match for its natural beauty.

Ginnal maple quite adequately tolerates cold and frost. Mature plants will survive without shelter even in very coldy, but it is better to cover young seedlings for the winter.

Gardeners use spruce branches as shelter. root collar young plant- the most vulnerable place to frost, so the base of the trunk is wrapped in burlap. Such protection will be required for the seedling until three years have passed after its planting.

Disease control

The most vulnerable part of a tree to diseases is its foliage. We will give a description of some diseases of the ginnal maple and find out how to deal with them.

The disease greatly spoils the decorative effect of the tree and manifests itself as an unpleasant white coating on its leaves. Most often, pathology occurs in late spring and early summer. The disease is contagious and can spread to the entire tree and then to nearby plants. Struggling with powdery mildew spraying with systemic fungicides.

white spotting

The disease manifests itself at the end of summer, its main symptom is spots on the leaves - white, small and multiple. In the center of each such spot is a small black dot, which is the focus. Systemic fungicides are also used.

It is also possible that the plant is infected with fungal diseases that affect the trunk and branches. Such diseases include, for example, wilt. This disease can completely destroy a tree, as it directly affects its vessels.

It is important to start fighting this disease as early as possible, so regularly inspect the maple for alarming symptoms: various stains, damage, rot.

Important: it is advisable to completely remove and burn the parts of the plant affected by the fungus. This measure will prevent further spread of the disease.

Ginnal maple - wonderful ornamental plant that can decorate any household plot. As you can see, planting and caring for this tree is not difficult, so even a beginner can grow it.

general description
It has about 150 species, growing mainly in the temperate zone of both hemispheres, certain types found in the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Trees or shrubs with deciduous, simple, rarely compound, long petiolate leaves, unusually showy in autumn period, with fruits - two-winged. Almost all species are of interest as very ornamental plants. A beautiful pattern of leaves of various shapes, bright autumn color, original inflorescences and fruits, bark pattern and color of shoots have long attracted the attention of people. Almost all species are good honey plants. For landscaping purposes, they began to be used from the first steps in the development of horticulture.

Winter-hardy in Central Russia. It is quite demanding on soil fertility and moisture, it grows quickly, it is shade-tolerant, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity, it gives abundant shoots from the stump. Well withstands transplantation and urban conditions, wind-resistant. It is within its range one of the main breeds for landscape gardening in Russia. Big sizes, beautiful dense crown, slender trunk, very ornamental foliage - these are the qualities for which it is especially appreciated in ornamental gardening. One of the best breeds for single and alley landings, colorful powerful groups. His exceptionally spectacular autumn outfit stands out in contrast against the background. conifers. In culture since ancient times.

It has many decorative forms, differing in color and shape of foliage, the nature and shape of the crown, and growth characteristics.

Most commonly used:
spherical (f. globosa)- with dense spherical crown and slow growth, it is grafted onto the main view both in the stem and in the root neck, which achieves the original bushy appearance, the stem form is used in alley and single plantings, grafted into the root neck - for decorating large parterres and lawns.
hand notched (f. palmatifida)- spectacular form with dark green, separate leaves to the base.
Drummond (f. Drummondii)- with white-edged leaves, pink when blooming, small groups from this form make a stunning impression with their unusual beauty and lightness.
Schwedler (f. Schwedlerii)- with shiny blood-red leaves when blooming, later - dark green.
Purple King (f. Krimson King)- with dark purple, almost black leaves throughout the growing season. Very effective against a background of light or silvery greens.

River maple, ginnala maple (Acer ginnala)- deciduous large, open shrub or small tree, reaching 3-10 m in height, with a short trunk up to 20-40 cm in diameter and thin straight branches. The bark is thin, dull grey-brown in color, smooth at first, shallowly cracked in older plants.
The leaves are opposite, simple, 4-10 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, deeply cut palmate, with three or five lobes. The leaf lobes are roughly and irregularly serrated, with an elongated middle lobe, dark green, glabrous, shiny, with sparse hairs below. Leaves turn orange to red in autumn. Leaf petioles are straight, 3-5 cm long, often with a pink tint.
Blooms in spring, simultaneously with leafing, yellow-green flowers, 5-8 mm in diameter, fragrant, in dense, many-flowered panicles, bloom 3-4 weeks after the leaves unfold. The duration of flowering is 15-20 days. The fruit is a paired green or bright red lionfish, 8-10 mm long with a 1.5-2 cm wing, ripens from late summer to early autumn.
An excellent ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright, hedges, landscaping the banks of reservoirs, edge plantings. It is especially good in autumn, when it stands out as a fiery red spot against the background of greenery. Ginnala maple borders are very beautiful with regular haircuts no higher than 0.5 m. A dense mosaic of leaves, bright autumn colors make such a border very effective. It looks good in combination with a snowberry, dogwood, sucker, against the background of conifers. Valuable honey plant, blooming in the most critical, flowerless period. In culture since 1860.
Maple Tatar (riverine) is frost-resistant, smoke- and gas-resistant, tolerates heat and urban conditions well, is wind-resistant, tolerates partial shade. It is undemanding to the soil, avoids too calcareous and waterlogged soils.

Growing conditions
All forms of Norway maple are winter-hardy, have good shoot-forming ability and retain the growth form typical of the species. Recommended for single landings on lawns and in contrasting combinations.

Landing Features: put on open places or in partial shade. Plants with decorative coloring leaves when planted in the shade lose color.
Root collar at ground level. In plants that give abundant root shoots, it is slightly deepened - up to 5 cm.
If a ground water are close, drainage is required, consisting of crushed stone with a layer of 10-20 cm.

Soil mix: Humus or peat compost, sod land, sand - 3:2:1. For field and silver maple - leaf ground, peat, sand - 2: 2: 1. It is possible to apply full mineral fertilizer into the planting pit (120-150 g of nitroammophoska)

Optimal acidity- pH 6.0 - 7.5, for red maple - pH 6.0 - 7.5

Top dressing: If fertilizers were not applied during planting, then next spring after planting the year contribute:
urea (40 g/m2),
potassium salts (15-25 g / sq.m.),
superphosphate (30-50g / sq.m.).
In summer, when loosening and watering, kemira is applied (100-120 g / sq.m.).

Watering: After planting - 20 liters per plant. Most maples can tolerate dry soil, but grow best when watered.
The rate of watering in the dry season is 10-20 liters per plant once a week.
With normal rainfall, 10-20 liters per plant once a month.

Loosening: Shallow, regular, during weeding and after watering to avoid soil compaction.

Mulching: After planting, the soil near the plants is mulched with peat or earth with a layer of 3-5 cm.

Pruning: Pruning of dry and diseased branches is necessary.


  • whitefly
  • Mealybug
  • leaf weevil


  • powdery mildew
  • black spot

Preparing for winter: Young plants in severe winters with a lack of snow cover should be covered with spruce branches near the root collar.
In case of frost damage, annual shoots must be cut off. The crown will be restored due to new shoots that have time to become woody before the onset of frost.
Standard plants in the first 2-3 years after planting, to protect against frost holes, must be covered by wrapping the trunk with burlap in 1-2 layers. With age, their winter hardiness increases.

Ginnal maple, or riverine (Acer ginnala Maxim.) - small tree or a large shrub from the maple family with a wide, spreading crown, with gray, smooth bark, reddish or brown shoots, reaches a height of 7 m.
In Moscow, it usually grows up to 3-5 meters. Ginnal maple grows in the Amur Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, reaching the Zeya River. Outside of Russia, it is distributed in northeastern China and Korea. It occurs along the banks of rivers in large thickets and separate groups. Prefers open sunny places and does not grow under the canopy of the forest, as it is quite photophilous. One of the most widely cultivated maple species. It is found in urban plantings from the Komi Republic in the north to Turkmenistan in the south, which is explained by its high resistance to adverse conditions and great decoration.

Small creamy-white or yellowish maple flowers are collected in 20-60 pieces in ovoid fragrant panicles. They bloom 3-4 weeks after the leaves unfold in May-June. They fade rather quickly (blooming time is about 15 days), giving way to bright pink or carmine lionfish seeds up to 3 cm long. The wings of lionfish diverge at a very sharp angle, and sometimes even touch. The seeds ripen in September - October, and then the lionfish turn brown and remain hanging on the plant all winter. Ginnala maple is a valuable honey plant, as it blooms during the most critical period, when bees have little choice for collecting nectar and pollen.
Maple bark contains tannins, and black paint is prepared from leaves in China. Ginnala maple is undemanding to the soil, quite wind-resistant and winter-hardy, characterized by fairly rapid growth, sensitive to soil and air moisture. It grows well in open places, it can also grow in a small shade, but when shading it loses its decorative effect due to sparseness. Satisfactorily tolerates urban conditions. At the time of fruiting enters the 5-6th year, bears fruit annually. Ginnal maple tolerates transplanting well and gives abundant shoots.

maple leaves

Ginnala Maple has graceful, deep-lobed leaves up to 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, dark green above, bare, shiny, light green below with sparse hairs.

Serrated-toothed along the edge. The middle lobe of the leaf is twice as long as the lateral ones and is strongly pointed. The lateral lobes are almost horizontally spread or directed slightly upwards. In autumn, the leaves take on beautiful fiery red, carmine tones.

Maple - decorative tree

Maple Ginnala in landscaping is used in single and group plantings, for hedges. It is suitable for both high and low hedges, gives dense branching after shearing. However, maple tends to expose the bottom of the bush. It is observed especially in non-shearing plants, but it also happens with regular pruning. Therefore, Ginnala maple hedges should be created no higher than 1.5-1.8 m, using a trapezoidal or triangular haircut. The Ginnala maple border is attractive with a regular low haircut no higher than 0.5 m. A dense mosaic of leaves, bright autumn colors make such a border very attractive. Good standard specimens of maple.

Ginnal maple varieties

'Albovariegatum' has white leaf segments.
"Durand Dwarf" - dwarf form with small leaves. Plant height up to 60 cm. Branches strongly.
"Pulverulentum" is a cultivar with white spots on the leaves.

Maple propagation

Ginnal maple can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, and decorative forms- grafting (budding or copulation). In nature, fallen maple seeds undergo natural stratification in winter and germinate in summer. When breeding in the garden, they require long-term stratification at a temperature of 3-5 ° C. To stimulate germination, all seeds are soaked before sowing for 24-72 hours in hydrogen peroxide. soil mixture for gannal maple requiring fertile soils, prepared from humus or peat compost, sod land, sand (3:2:1). In late April - early May, the seeds that have hatched are sown in beds and planted to a depth of 3-4 cm. In maples of most species, they germinate within 15-20 days, and in the first year of life the shoots reach a height of 40-80 cm. in weeding, loosening and watering, in the heat it is better to shade from the sun. Transfer to permanent place carried out at the age of one to three years. For cuttings, 20-25 cm cuttings are cut in autumn, they are added dropwise for the winter, and in the spring they are planted one at a time. flower pots with light substrate. Maples of decorative forms are usually propagated by grafting onto maples of the same species: budding (grafting by a kidney) or copulation (grafting by cuttings). The height of the stem is from 0.5 to 3 m. The best time for vaccinations - early spring, before the start of sap flow.

maple planting

Landing is done in autumn or spring. At single landing the distance between plants is 2-4 m, and in a hedge - 1.5-2 m. The bottom of the planting pits should be well loosened, for which forks are repeatedly stuck into it and swinging them back and forth with force. If the site is swampy and groundwater is close, then the drainage includes construction waste, sand with a layer of 10-20 cm.

Maple Care

If, during planting, a full mineral fertilizer, then in the spring of the next year after planting, 40 g of urea, 15-25 g of potassium salts, 30-50 g of superphosphate are given per 1 m2.
In summer, when loosening and watering, Kemira-universal is applied at the rate of 100 g per 1 m2. Most maples are drought tolerant, can tolerate dry soil, but grow best when watered. The watering rate during the dry season is 15 liters per plant. After landing - double rate. Usually watered once a month, in dry time - once a week. Loosen irregularly, more often during weeding or after watering, to avoid soil compaction. After planting, the trunk circles are mulched with peat or earth with a layer of 3-5 cm. Dry and diseased branches are systematically removed.

Most types and forms of maples grown in Russia are winter-hardy and do not require additional shelter for the winter. For many cultivars, it is enough that they are planted in places protected from the wind. root collar young maple seedlings in severe winters should be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves. In central Russia, freezing of young shoots is possible in some forms of maple. However, with age, their winter hardiness increases.

Diseases and pests

Most often, maples are affected by coral spotting, in which individual branches die off, small red convex spots-pustules appear on the bark. The affected branches must be removed immediately, the cuts should be carefully covered with garden pitch, and the cutting tool should be disinfected. An eradication treatment for dormant buds is also recommended. blue vitriol (5%).
Maple whitefly - spraying on feeding larvae with 0.1% actellik or amophos, treated with chlorophos (0.15%) in June, dry leaves are collected and burned. Maple mealybug - spraying before bud break with nitrafen (3%) is recommended, in summer period, in late June - early July, during the mass release of vagrants, they are treated with karbofos (0.1%).