How to remove the smell from the refrigerator - folk remedies. How to remove persistent smell of food from the refrigerator

Undoubtedly, bad smell from the refrigerator can upset any hostess, and if a similar problem arose in your kitchen, then, for sure, you began to look for ways to solve it. So, for what reasons does such a nuisance happen and how to get rid of it in the shortest possible time?

Where does the bad smell come from in the fridge?

Everyone knows that thanks to the refrigerator, we can keep food fresh longer, but sooner or later any product begins to deteriorate, and, accordingly, exude unpleasant odors. Simply put, this is due to various bacteria that multiply in food over time. Products expiration date. If the expiration date of sausage, cheese or something else has expired, then it is possible that this will cause appropriate consequences, and the refrigerator will no longer protect expired products from the stench. Electricity problems. Also, unfortunately, sometimes power failures can occur, which by itself starts the process of defrosting meat and various semi-finished products in the freezer - this can also cause unpleasant odors. Water in the refrigerator. By the way, the food in the refrigerator is not always the source of the problem - often it's all about the water that has stagnated in it. You should definitely check the drain of the refrigerator - it is possible that a clog has occurred, and bacteria have begun to multiply in the water. Remains. It is possible that you got rid of some fetid product a long time ago, but it still makes itself felt. This can happen if, for example, there was rotten meat on one of the shelves, you threw it away, but the juice from it managed to drain into one of the boxes, or just a small puddle remained on the shelf itself, hidden from your eyes.

How to quickly get rid of the smell in the refrigerator

Special detergents will help to remove the smell from the refrigerator

One of these tools is Odor Gone - it is produced specifically for units located at meat processing plants. With it, you will remove any persistent and unpleasant odors from the refrigerator in a few hours. Even an ordinary dishwashing detergent can also help you - as a rule, it can cope with not only dirty dishes, but also with unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. In addition, pay attention to special wipes for wiping refrigerators, which are often sold in stores household appliances.

You can remove the smell from the refrigerator with the help of odor absorbers

Use a natural odor absorber - vinegar. This is a very simple tool and yet very effective. So, it is necessary to dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of one to one. Use the resulting solution to wash the refrigerator and its removable elements. When the unit is turned on again, and you place food in it, put an additional glass of vinegar solution there for a couple of hours.

Defrost and ventilate

If you decide to thoroughly get down to business, and exclude the possibility that food became the cause of the unpleasant odor, you have to remove all food from the refrigerator and freezer. Also, do not forget to get shelves, all kinds of drawers. After the refrigerator has defrosted and all the water has drained from it, dissolve some cleaning agent in the water and rinse the unit well inside and out! You should also thoroughly wash all the shelves and drawers that you previously removed. After that, gently wipe the refrigerator with a soft cloth and let it air out for several hours (of course, the doors of the refrigerator itself and the freezer should be open, and the unit itself should be in a non-working state).

How to remove an unpleasant smell from a refrigerator that has not been used for a long time

Sometimes, various stagnant odors may remain in the refrigerator, despite the fact that it has not been used for a long period. It is important to make sure that the special drain hole inside the chamber is clean, as it could become clogged. In general, it is advisable to do this procedure every year. Making sure that drainer in order, take care of the compartments of the refrigerator and its removable parts - they should be thoroughly rinsed. For this, various purchased cleaning solutions, or products prepared from improvised ingredients, are quite suitable for you. Lemon juice Thoroughly wash the refrigerator with water, then apply this solution - 1 tsp. lemon juice to a glass of warm water. Soak a soft cloth in this lemon water and “walk” it along all the walls and shelves of the refrigerator. After completing the procedure, leave the refrigerator turned off to ventilate for several hours.

How to eliminate bad smell in the refrigerator folk remedies

Soda. With the help of ordinary baking soda, you can completely get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. Pour a little soda into a small container and put this container in the refrigerator. However, it is worth noting that this method can only get rid of the smell, but, unfortunately, not from germs. However, you will get rid of this problem if you wash the refrigerator from the inside with such a solution - 1 tbsp. soda diluted in 1 liter of water. Sugar and salt. Salt and sugar are wonderful natural absorbers of various odors, and if some dubious aroma is found in the refrigerator, then put a saucer with fine salt or sugar there for several days.

Bread. Regular brown bread will help you eliminate odors from the refrigerator. Cut it into small pieces and place it on the shelves - as a rule, the next day there is no trace of an incomprehensible smell. It is worth noting that the refrigerator must be empty. Lemon. For this method you will need a lemon small size or lime. So, cut the citrus into two halves, select all the pulp. Now it is worth pouring a little soda or activated charcoal into each formed “cup”. After that, put the halves on the shelves for a few days. Magnesium sulfate. To apply this method, you will first need to go to the pharmacy and purchase Magnesium Sulfate, which is also called Epsom salt. You should mix 1 cup of purchased salt with 1 cup of baking soda. After that, add 30 ml of plain water and 5 drops of your favorite to the mixture. essential oil(for these purposes it is good to use lemon, mint or orange). Transfer the mixture to a suitable jar, which should then be transferred to open form into the refrigerator. Cat filler. Of course, this method will seem very doubtful to many, but at the same time it does not cease to be very effective! So, collect loose cat litter from recently open package and pour it into a small container. The vessel should be placed on one of the shelves of the refrigerator, and soon the product will rid the unit of an unpleasant odor.

How to remove the smell from a new refrigerator (the smell of rubber, packaging, new plastic)

To the chagrin of many buyers, items of newly acquired equipment at first exude a very unpleasant odor, and this fate does not bypass most models of refrigerators. Even if you buy a unit that has not been used by anyone before, this does not guarantee that it will not smell of rubber, new plastic or packaging. You probably don't want these flavors to mix with food smells, so we recommend that you take care of the problem. Almost any detergent that is used for dishes can be used for this purpose. Just dilute a teaspoon of the product in two liters of warm water, and wipe the refrigerator with this solution. Subsequently, walk through the same places with an ordinary damp cloth, and then with a dry one. After completing this procedure, leave the refrigerator doors open for two to three hours so that it is well ventilated. After that, as a rule, you can turn on the unit and use it for its intended purpose.
    Throw away spoiled food promptly. If you don't want the bad smell to appear in your refrigerator again and again, then it is important to promptly throw away products that have come to an end of their expiration date. Also try not to stagnate pots and plates with prepared food- it tends to deteriorate rather quickly. By the way, it is important to pay attention to those food products that are located on the door of the unit - often housewives forget about some of them on long time, and then it turns into a problem. Sort different products separately. If you do not want the products to absorb the smell of each other, then try to sort them - store vegetables with vegetables, and meat products with others. meat products. Mixing some flavors can create an unpleasant odor, but this sorting will prevent this problem. Store leftover food in special containers. So that food leftovers do not become weathered and you do not smell them immediately after opening the refrigerator door, try to store them in special containers. By the way, this is very convenient for another reason - when there is not much food left, but at the same time it occupies a very roomy pan, it is better to shift it anyway, in order to free up space on the shelf, among other things. Use cling film. A wonderful alternative to a container can be ordinary cling film, if you wrap some products in it, then you will not only keep them safe for a longer period, but also prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. Clean your refrigerator once a month. Not only to eliminate, but also to prevent such a problem, we recommend that you allocate some time every month to wash the refrigerator. Thus, it is unlikely that any spoiled product will be able to “litter” in it. In addition, being sure of the cleanliness of the refrigerator, in case of an unpleasant smell, you will be able to quickly determine its source. Do a general defrost once a year. You should completely defrost your refrigerator at least once a year. For several months on the ice walls freezer the unit manages to accumulate a lot of different odors, and subsequently it becomes more and more noticeable. Do not leave perishable food for a long time. If you know that some kind of perishable product, do not let him stay there for a long time. By the way, in this way you will not only save the unit from unpleasant odors, but also do a good service to your body, because food that has expired will obviously not benefit from it. Review your products once a week (so you don't miss or forget what to throw away). Of course, it is better not to let the spoiled products themselves “make themselves felt” with an unpleasant smell. You can quite prevent this trouble if you conduct a kind of revision in your refrigerator every week. If you find food that is already close to being thrown into the trash, it is better not to postpone this procedure for later - immediately get rid of foods that are no longer fresh. Wipe shelves. Wipe down refrigerator shelves regularly. Of course, this is not a full-fledged wash, but it is still better to do this procedure at least a couple of times a week. Subsequently, a full-fledged wash will be much easier, and no old puddles and stains will form on the shelves. Use special means to maintain freshness (absorbers, flavors). If you are not a supporter of folk remedies in achieving purity, then we recommend using purchased odor absorbers and flavors. Many hardware stores, as well as supermarkets with household appliances, there are special aerosol air fresheners for refrigerators with various pleasant aromas on sale. We also recommend paying attention to air ionizers, which can destroy various microbes by spreading ozone around them. Note that also the advantage of these devices is their compactness. As a rule, a battery charge can last for a couple of months.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator every self-respecting housewife should know, since unpleasant odors can appear in any cold store. Stale food or impurities that are not visible at first glance - all this can cause an unpleasant odor, which you should definitely get rid of.

But before you start looking at all sorts of options to eliminate the rotten smell from your refrigerator, you should learn about the initial causes of its occurrence. To prevent it from appearing again in the future.

Why does he appear?

So, let's find out why, nevertheless, these terrible unpleasant odors appear in our refrigerators:

1. Stale food. Food that is sealed in a bag or in a jar may not be fresh. It is possible that you have just purchased fresh products from good term shelf life, but due to improper storage in the supermarket, they are already spoiled. Putting such "fresh" curds in the refrigerator, in a few days you will be able to "enjoy" the new flavor.

Normal egg It can also cause a rotten smell in the refrigerator compartment. Therefore, before putting the purchased eggs in the refrigerator, determine their freshness. To do this, immerse them in salt water and observe their position:

    • the freshest eggs will stay at the bottom;
    • if the blunt part of the egg rises up, then its age is about 10 days;
    • if it floats in solution, then the "fresh" testicle is about two weeks old;
    • well, if it floats on the very surface, and half protruding from the water, feel free to send it to the trash can.

2. Liquid food or dirty packaging. Any liquid that is spilled in the refrigerator can cause musty smells and mold. In supermarkets, it often happens that the packaging is torn and milk, brine or other liquids stain nearby food. At first glance, these impurities are invisible. But by putting such a “clean” package of milk in the refrigerator, you will provide a musty smell. Therefore, periodically wipe the shelves of the refrigerator compartment.

3. Drops of soup or broth. You may have accidentally spilled a few drops fresh borscht or broth and not notice it. A week later, you will puzzle over where the smell in the refrigerator came from. Yes, yes, even these few drops can give rise to a stale aroma, especially if they were under the pans and became completely invisible.

4. Disconnecting the refrigerator from the power supply. If you unplug the refrigerator during a long trip or while moving, it may develop an unpleasant smell due to mold. It is very difficult to get rid of the mold fungus, since it hides inside the chamber in the most hard-to-reach places. How to do it? Later in the article, I will reveal these secrets for you.

by the most effective method Getting rid of stale odor from the refrigerator is cleaning. First of all, the refrigerator compartment should be thoroughly washed. Don't forget to rinse the drain hole well, because that's where all the dirt and mucus collects.

The melt water drain hole is the main source of rotten smell in the refrigerator.

Dear hostesses, wash the refrigerator more often. No need to wait for mold or a musty smell to appear in it!

Before cleaning, be sure to disconnect the unit from the power supply. You can even clean the refrigerator compartment with dishwashing detergent. It is enough to add a little washing liquid to warm water and wipe the surfaces thoroughly, then rinse clean water and dry with a dry kitchen towel.

Before putting food in the refrigerator, inspect it carefully. Throw out bad ones immediately. All products must be stored in containers. Close all containers tightly so that the smells of food do not mix. If you follow this rule, the smell in the refrigerator will not appear soon, and you will forget about defrosting for a long time.

The new refrigerator also has an unpleasant smell of plastic. Therefore, before loading food, wash all shelves and walls with a weak solution of baking soda. After that, rinse all surfaces with clean water with the addition of ammonia or vodka. At the end of this treatment, open the door to ventilate the refrigerator compartment.

These are the main recommendations, following which, you will provide your refrigerator with long-term freshness. But, if the smell does appear, there are many ways to get rid of it. This may be the use of special cleaning products, improvised components, or special odor absorbers. But I will tell you about this a little later.

Folk remedies for smell

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator with the help of folk remedies. Sooner or later, "fragrance" appears in the refrigerator of any housewife. Even if you tightly close all containers and pack food in cling film, the smells of food mix, and when you open the door of the refrigerator compartment, you feel a "symphony of aromas".

So, it's your turn to clean the refrigerator. First of all, you need to clean the drain hole. Experts recommend doing this procedure once a year, but I would advise you to do it a little more often.

So, you can get rid of the smell in the refrigerator with the help of the following folk remedies.

Folk remedy

How to apply?

table vinegar

Vinegar will perfectly destroy any musty and rotten smell. In order to deal with this problem perfectly, you need to:

  • mix in equal proportions acetic acid and water;
  • moisten a sponge or cloth in the resulting solution, wringing it out slightly;
  • Thoroughly wipe all walls and shelves of the refrigerator compartment.

After the first application, the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator will disappear.

Baking soda

Ordinary baking soda effectively eliminates any odors. In order to completely get rid of the acquired aromas in the refrigerator, you must do the following procedure:

  • dissolve a few tablespoons of baking soda in warm water;
  • thoroughly wash the entire refrigerator and drain hole;
  • after processing soda solution wipe all surfaces with a clean cloth;
  • Wipe dry all shelves and walls of the refrigerator compartment.

So that the unpleasant smell no longer appears, put a saucer of soda on the top shelf in the refrigerator. It will effectively absorb all odors.


It is ammonia, or ammonium hydroxide, that will help to effectively deal with the problem of smell in the refrigerator if the previous folk remedies didn't help.

Wet a cloth with ammonia liberally and treat absolutely all surfaces of your refrigerator: Every shelf, wall, drawer, but most importantly, the drain hole.

Leave all doors and doors open overnight to allow unpleasant odors to evaporate along with the alcohol.

Activated carbon

Charcoal (activated) charcoal will perfectly cope with the problem of rotten smell. You only need to do the following:

  • grind Activated carbon to a powdery state;
  • pour crushed tablets into several saucers;
  • arrange on the shelves of the refrigerator;
  • let the coal stand in the chamber for several days.

This tool is an excellent absorbent, so the very next day you will feel fresh in the refrigerator, and all unpleasant odors will completely disappear.

Lemon juice

First, wash all the shelves in the refrigerator, then wipe all surfaces with clean water with the addition of the juice of one lemon.

Cut another lemon into slices and arrange on saucers. Arrange them on the shelves in the cell at night.

In the morning, when you open the refrigerator, you will feel an unusually fresh citrus aroma.

How to prevent occurrence?

Well, dear hostesses, we got rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. Now it remains to acquire those improvised means that will help prevent its occurrence.

Food adsorbents will help prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. By placing them in the refrigerator, you can be sure that the smell will not appear again.

It remains only to choose any tool that you like. And let it forever "prescribe" on the shelf of your refrigerator.

Odor preventative

How to apply?

Bread made from rye flour

Usual Rye bread prevent odor in the refrigerator. Necessary:

  • cut half of black bread into pieces;
  • take as many saucers as there are shelves in the refrigerator;
  • Arrange the bread on plates and arrange on the shelves.

I assure you that the unpleasant smell will never settle in your refrigerator again.

grains of rice

You can't believe that small grains of rice can prevent bad smells in your refrigerator? But in vain. After all, they are an excellent adsorbent.

You just need to pour a small handful of rice in a saucer and put it on the shelf of the refrigerator.

These small grains are able to prevent odor even in the largest refrigerator compartment.

An Apple, onion or potatoes

Choose your favorite product:

  • cut it in half;
  • arrange the halves on the shelves of the refrigerator.

These products are excellent at absorbing odors. Only such adsorbents must be replaced with fresh ones every few days.

Spices and aromatic herbs

If you store rosemary, cumin, mint, cloves, coriander, celery and others in the refrigerator spices, then the appearance of an unpleasant odor does not threaten you.

These spices perfectly prevent the formation of any odors.

If you like vanilla flavor, you can wipe the refrigerator shelves with warm water and vanilla essence.

And put a few vanilla sticks in the egg container.

Orange, lime or lemon

An excellent air freshener in the refrigerator is any citrus fruit.

To ensure constant freshness in the refrigerator compartment, do the following:

  • cut one lemon or lime into slices;
  • arrange on several saucers;
  • arrange on shelves in the refrigerator.

An alternative to this remedy can be orange peel, and either fresh or dried peel can be used. It is enough to decompose it into various compartments of the chamber - and an unpleasant smell will visit your refrigerator for a long time.

Sugar or salt

It is enough to pour sugar or plain sugar into several cups. table salt and put on several shelves in the refrigerator.

The very next morning, you won't believe that there was an unpleasant smell in your refrigerator.

You must have been surprised that familiar products food can not only create an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator compartment, but also prevent its occurrence. What is most important is to use chemicals We didn't need to get rid of odors. AND family budget take care and take care of your health.

How to use fresheners and odor absorbers?

To eliminate the rotten and musty smell in the refrigerator, you can use special air fresheners for refrigerators. Relatively recently, special ionizing air fresheners have begun to appear in the home appliance departments, which are designed specifically to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Also in such departments you can buy an odor absorber, which must be placed inside the refrigerator compartment. These adsorbents perfectly absorb even the strongest and most caustic odors. They absorb the aromas of garlic, fish and rotten meat with ease.

To date, the choice of such odor absorbers is quite large. In order to make the right decision when buying, now we will consider all types of such air fresheners.

1. Granules with silica gel.

Often in the package of such a product there are three balls. This money should be enough for you for a whole year. Put one silica gel pellet into the egg storage compartment, seal the rest tightly and hide, because, the less they come into contact with air, the more effectively they will destroy the smell. By the way, this air freshener is the most economical option.

2. Absorber with activated carbon.

This tool perfectly absorbs not only moisture in the refrigerator, but also effectively absorbs the gases that produce vegetables and fruits. Ethylene gas, which contributes to the early ripening of fruits, is actively absorbed by activated carbon, and the products stay fresh longer. Plus, coal perfectly destroys all odors in the refrigerator chamber.

3. Freshener with helium.

This product contains extracts from lemon peel and seaweed. As the helium evaporates, the absorber absorbs odors, thereby freshening the air. This freshener eliminates the rotten smell in the refrigerator several times faster and more efficiently than others.

4. Absorbent with minerals.

The minerals in this product are presented in the form of large salt crystals. From time immemorial, it has been known that the surface of salt perfectly absorbs any odors, since it is an adsorbent. However, in the form of a large crystal, it copes with the problem of excessive moisture and rotten smell much faster and more efficiently. Such an absorber must be washed under running water several times a month to wash away upper layer, which has already worked its way.

5. Ozonator for the refrigerator.

This freshener immediately fills the air in the refrigerator with negative ions and active oxygen. Being in the refrigerator, it performs the following functions:

    • destroys more than 95% of bacteria and 80% of mold fungi;
    • effectively removes unpleasant odors from the air in the chamber;
    • due to the fact that active oxygen quickly destroys any odors, prevents contamination of fresh products with them;
    • toxic pesticides that enter the chamber along with vegetables and fruits are oxidized with the help of active oxygen released by the absorber;
    • all foods stay fresh much longer, as negative ions slow down the process of spoilage;
    • elimination of odors and air disinfection in the refrigerator compartment extends the shelf life of food and food products.

In order for this ozonator to effectively absorb all odors, it must be correctly position in your refrigerator. Put it on the top shelf of the chamber or in the egg storage compartment. Since active oxygen is much heavier than ordinary air, it will slowly descend from the top shelf and spread throughout the chamber. Now you can close the door.

Dear friends, I want to say that any of the above absorbers are effective and do an excellent job of destroying unpleasant odors. However, the result will be only if this device is used correctly:

    • Any of the proposed fresheners is necessary arrange so that there is enough free space around it. It is better to put an ozonator or granules on the door or top shelf of the refrigerator. They will not only absorb the aromas of nearby products, but will also quickly rid the refrigerator of the smell.
    • If you have a large refrigerator with many shelves, then it is better to use several absorbers for it. Place several products throughout the chamber, for example, one on the top shelf, the second on the bottom.
    • When buying absorbers Special attention respect the expiration date. If they were made more than six months ago, it is better not to take such a tool. I do not argue, they are valid for several years. But, the longer they lie, the more their active surface loses its absorption properties. Accordingly, they will be much worse to rid the refrigerator of the smell.

Now, dear hostesses, you know how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator. Choose the most suitable tool for you. Similar odor absorbers and ozonizers do an excellent job with this problem. After acquiring such a little helper, you will no longer be embarrassed to open the refrigerator if there are guests in your kitchen.

How to get rid of mildew smell?

Before you remove the smell of mold in the refrigerator, you need to find out the causes of its occurrence. Mold can appear due to condensation in the chamber, or if moldy product has been lying in the lower drawer for a long time.

So, hostesses, let's find out with what means you can remove the smell of mold in the refrigerator:

1. Table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. In order for a mixture of these components to quickly eliminate the smell of mold in the refrigerator, they must be mixed in equal proportions. Carefully treat black spots with the resulting solution, then wipe all surfaces and shelves. Wipe pots and containers with a mild vinegar solution before putting them in the refrigerator.

2. Laundry soap. Since any fungus dies in an alkaline environment, laundry soap great for mold. It is enough to grate a small bar of soap on a fine grater and thoroughly dissolve in warm water. Wash the entire surface of the refrigerator compartment with soapy water. Let the lye work, so it is better to do a similar procedure in the evening and leave until the morning. In the morning, thoroughly rinse all shelves and walls in the refrigerator and wipe dry. Trust that laundry soap will do a great job of removing moldy smells.

3. Good ventilation. Just leave the refrigerator open overnight to dry out all the parts and evaporate excess moisture. This is the easiest method to get rid of moldy and damp smells in the refrigerator.

We got rid of the smell of mold with a bang! But this is not enough to overcome the fungus. After all, in a week the corners of the refrigerator will again be covered with black spots, and the smell of mold will return again. Therefore, now we will eliminate the "root" of our problem.

So what can kill mold fungus in the refrigerator? But what:

1. Any chlorine-containing agent. The composition of such products contains chlorine or sodium hypochlorite, which will quickly and effectively destroy the spores of the fungus, and the smell of mold will no longer return to your refrigerator. Treat damaged areas thoroughly with a mild solution of water and bleach for several days. Before returning foodstuffs to the refrigerator, wash the entire surface of the compartment with clean water and dry thoroughly.

2. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar essence. This mixture will help you not only quickly get rid of the smell of mold, but also effectively destroy the fungus in the refrigerator. It is enough to treat mold-affected areas with this solution once a week for a month.

3. Ammonia. Ammonia will do an excellent job with the fungus on glass and plastic surfaces. Therefore, it will quickly destroy the mold in your refrigerator. Once a month, wipe with alcohol those areas where mold usually appears. After processing, ventilate the refrigerator and room well, so as not to harm the health of you and your family members. After a month, you will see the result, and the problem of the unpleasant smell of mold in the refrigerator will no longer bother you.

4. Odor absorber. Any absorber perfectly absorbs not only odors, but also excessive dampness. That's why, dear friends, I advise you to purchase such a tool. I guarantee you that with such an assistant you will forever forget about unpleasant odors and dampness in the refrigerator.

Now you will become a real expert in everything related to getting rid of odors in the refrigerator. From now on, when opening the door of the "main owner of the kitchen", you will not feel extraneous aromas. Enjoy the appetizing notes of your fine dining in the kitchen, and forget about unpleasant odors forever!

Many are familiar with the unpleasant smell that is felt when opening the refrigerator door. Before you figure out how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, you need to understand why it occurs. After all, even if you constantly control the products lying in it, to prevent their spoilage, a specific aroma still arises. Eliminating the cause of the problem will be the main step to solve it.

There are many different cleaning products on the shelves of stores that help clean up and restore freshness to the refrigerator. But you can use home cleaning methods, they are no less effective. How to wash the refrigerator inside - each housewife decides for herself, it is important to get the expected result so as not to wrinkle her nose every time the door is opened.

How to quickly get rid of the smell

The simplest and most effective method of getting rid of an unpleasant odor is “general” cleaning. It assumes that it is necessary to get all the contents, hold complete cleaning and load back good, undamaged products. The sequence of actions is simple:

  1. Disconnect the appliance from the network or press the button that stops freezing.
  2. Get absolutely all the products from the compartments and the door of the unit.
  3. Pull out the shelves and internal parts, they must be washed separately.
  4. Clean the interior surfaces using suitable cleaning agents.
  5. Dry all collapsible parts and shelves, wipe the internal surfaces with a dry cloth. Leave the door open for a couple of hours, ventilate the interior.
  6. Load everything back, throwing away spoiled products. Put inside the deodorant in the refrigerator. Such measures will help to quickly eliminate any unpleasant odors, after a couple of hours it will be pleasant to open it. It is important to understand how to prevent the occurrence of this trouble in the future.

What to put in the refrigerator to remove an unpleasant smell is not difficult to decide, since there are quite a few options. These can be special absorbers purchased at the store. Or you can use homemade sorbents that do the job just as well. Folk remedies for absorbing unpleasant odors include: ground coffee, soda, black bread. By placing a small container with one of these products in the depths, and periodically changing it, you can significantly increase the time interval until the next general cleaning.

The unpleasant smell that forms in the refrigerator can completely spoil the product, making it unpleasant to eat.

The smell may appear when the refrigerator is rarely used, for example, when leaving for a long time, or some food is spoiled or has already deteriorated.

First of all, to fix the problem, you should take a rag and wash the device from the inside. Regular soap, water and a rag will do.

After disconnecting from the mains, it is necessary to process the shelves, walls, grates, glass with a rag and soap, then with a rag rinsed in clean water, after already dry and leave open door for the night. During this time, the smell will go away, and in the morning it will be possible to put the products back.

In a new refrigerator, there is a smell for some time after purchase and this spoils the impression of a new thing. To get rid of it, you need to thoroughly wash the inside, and all the accessories too.

To do this, you need to make a solution of baking soda, and wipe all surfaces with it. Then rinse everything with clean water. Wipe inside and out with a dry cloth, leave to air for two hours and only then put the food.

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator if it is old? Many advise washing it with acetic acid. The advice is generally good, but it does not take into account the specifics of modern materials.

Yes, if the refrigerator is domestic and quite old, this recommendation is appropriate and nothing will happen. But if the thing is modern and also imported, then you can simultaneously get rid of not only the smell, but also the refrigerator. In this case, only neutral detergents are suitable for washing.

If the refrigerator is old and during a power outage, ichor from thawed meat got into the space between the cabinets, then a putrid smell in the kitchen cannot be avoided, since all the drains fall on the fiberglass and begin to rot there.

It is necessary to clean the drain channel, disassemble the device and change the insulation, because the smell cannot be removed by simply washing. Doing all this yourself is very troublesome. Worth contacting service center where they do it well.

It often comes from undereaten foods that are not packaged, or from foods that start to spoil. Most often these are meat and dairy dishes or semi-finished products. There are many ways to deal with the smell, the main one is washing the cabinet with detergents and removing all food debris.

Eliminating the smell in the refrigerator can take a long time, but if you constantly put it inside absorbent, the smell may never appear.

Brew coffee, put a cup with it to cool inside the refrigerator. Repeat the action several times. Before starting this procedure, disconnect the device from electricity!

It will act as an odor absorber for the refrigerator. If this method is not suitable, you can simply roast coarsely ground coffee in a pan and then place it on the refrigerator shelf.

Also, baking soda is suitable for removing odor from the refrigerator. It can be placed inside on some bowl all the time. She herself does not absorb the smell, but a few spoons dissolved in water, standing on a shelf, will allow you not to smell.

Folk remedies for smell

  • An apple cut into four slices and laid out on the shelves is also a remedy for the smell in the refrigerator. It is enough to hold them inside for a couple of days, then throw them away. Apples will become inedible, but they will remove the smell.
  • How to remove the smell from the refrigerator, or rather, the stench, if other methods did not help? Put fresh parsley for a few days. There will be no smell, only the aroma of fresh herbs.
  • Another odor eliminator in the refrigerator is activated charcoal. Containers with it are sold in stores, if not found, you can take 20-40 tablets of pharmacy coal and crush them by placing them in the refrigerator on a saucer. The smell will be 100% gone. After two weeks, this coal can be ignited for 10 minutes in an oven at 180 degrees and it is ready for use again.
  • You can take and char black bread, this will also solve the problem of how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. Bread can not be charred, but simply laid out on each shelf piece by piece.
  • A glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice and any citrus peel on the shelf is also good. And it also helps to separate products by type and type, adherence to shelf life, timely wiping inner surface. You can also wipe it with a cloth soaked in ammonia, proportion with water 1:100.
  • Ozonizers will help get rid of the smell, they will not only destroy the smell itself, they will also kill its cause.

Many people think that the smell comes from a refrigerant leak, in other words, they smell freon in the refrigerator. But this is not so, since in modern units the refrigerants have neither color nor smell.

And food is the main cause of the smell. Let them be of poor quality, let them be of high quality, but they should not spread the smell around the refrigerator, they must be hermetically packed. Since it is quite difficult to deal with odors, it is better to prevent them from appearing.

Everyone has faced the problem of an unpleasant aroma from the refrigerator at least once. You may be surprised, but not only old appliances with completely filled shelves smell, but also completely new units that store no more than 10 types of products. What to do if the aroma appeared? How do experienced housewives remove odors from the refrigerator at home?

Determining the source of the aroma

If suddenly appeared in the refrigerator, it's time to carefully sort out its contents. It is likely that in one of the far corners you will find a packet of kefir left open a week ago or a stick of sausage aged for several months. We all know that the best treatment- this is prevention, therefore, the first rule is to regularly throw away and check everything according to the terms of use. Some dishes even fresh have a strong specific aroma that will only harm other foods. It's about about fish, smoked meats, seasonings with a strong refrigerator from fresh food that smells strong? The easiest way is to keep each dish or product in a hermetically sealed container, but if the aroma has already settled in the refrigerator, it is worth using one of the odor absorbers. You can use both a store-bought and a home remedy, but we will discuss this in more detail below.

old or new?

While old refrigerators smell either of a specific “stale food” or of a particular dish, new appliances often emit no more pleasant smells of plastic or fresh rubber. Remember that before using new household appliances designed to store food inside, rinse thoroughly. If after treatment with a regular cleanser the aroma does not disappear, try washing it with a solution of water with vinegar or lemon, diluted in a ratio of 1: 1. You can also use baking soda, which not only removes odors, but also kills bacteria.

How to kill the smell in the refrigerator: an absorber from the store or home remedies?

In household appliances and household goods stores, you can easily find ionizers or it is enough to buy this accessory and periodically clean or replace it - and in your household appliance freshness will always reign. There are also home alternative options. Enough to put in different places refrigerator a few pieces of black bread - and the problem of an unpleasant smell will never again be relevant for you. Charcoal is also suitable, it can be charcoal or activated. We grind it into powder and also lay it on the shelves. How to remove odors from the refrigerator with baking soda? This substance can be used both in dry and dissolved form. You can put small containers with a solution or dry powder in the unit. Removing the smell from the refrigerator will not cause you serious trouble if you thoroughly rinse the appliance every three months. To do this, it should be thawed and completely unloaded, and then washed inside, after pulling out all the shelves, drawers and food stands. All these elements are washed each separately, then dried and distributed in their places. It is especially worth washing the rubber bands on the doors, as food residues often accumulate in them. Before turning on the refrigerator after washing, it must be ventilated - just leave it for several hours with the door open.
