Utilities for cleaning your computer torrent. Complete cleaning of the computer from debris: detailed instructions

Hello all friends!

If you care about the fast operation of your computer, then at least once every three months you need to carry out a global cleaning of the system from various types of garbage. If this is not done, the computer will simply slow down.

After a long work of the computer, a lot of garbage accumulates, getting rid of which you can free up gigabytes of free space on your hard drive, we will clear the disk of garbage in three steps. This article is for beginners. Use it and really notice the difference BEFORE and AFTER cleaning your hard drive. The most interesting thing is that we will get rid of the Temp folder more about it:

Step 1) Cleaning Your Computer of Junk - Manually

Cleaning up the system drive "C" in Windows 7 is a fairly simple procedure, but before using the programs, let's prepare our computer. To do this, we use the standard tools of the system. We go to "Start" -->"A computer" and see our disks. Move the mouse to drive C, and press the right mouse button. We go into the property and run disk cleanup.

The cleaning program will start, it will estimate the volume, and prepare the files for deletion.

Attention! If you are cleaning a disk for the first time, it may take a long time, up to several hours. Therefore, for especially "neglected patients" it is necessary to set the cleaning for the night.

We put ticks everywhere before cleaning. Look in the basket, maybe there you still have the files you need.

Do not forget to go to the advanced tab, there you can remove unnecessary programs and restore points. Click "OK"--> "Delete Files" unnecessary junk removed. The preparation of the system is completed, let's move on to the "heavy artillery" - we will use a powerful program to remove residual debris.

Step 2. CCleaner - continue cleaning the disk

We continue cleaning. And a cool program called CCleaner will help us with this. This is the most popular utility among garbage cleaners. Download the portable (portable version does not require installation) program. The download will start automatically. Run the program, click "Analyze"(Analysis), after scanning Run Cleaner(Cleaning). The language of the program changes like this Options --> "Settings" --> "Language" --> Russian.

You can also clean the registry, I think you will understand - the interface is nowhere simpler. Let's move on to the next step.

Step 3. FreeSpacer - complete cleaning of the computer disk from garbage

The program is called FreeSpacer and install it on your computer. I will say a few words about this wonderful program.

I have been using FreeSpacer for a very long time, what I like about it is that there are no complicated settings, it all comes down to two actions, search and delete, it is distributed free of charge and does not remove anything superfluous. I also want to say about its effectiveness, it removed from my friend 20 gigs of garbage and this is not the limit.

Run the program and click "Search." No other programs or background applications should be running on the system.

After the program to clean disk C finish your work click the button "Delete". After work, the program will show how many gigabytes of garbage have been removed.

Do not forget to write in the comments how much free disk space you have freed up. It will be very interesting for both me and the users. Your friends probably also have a lot of garbage, give them a link to this post, they will be grateful to you.

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  • A real-time scanner will notice every threat on your hard drive or internal storage. There are five engines in his "arsenal", each of which has a unique specificity and focus. By combining the strengths of each engine, you get all-round protection.
  • In addition to the standard functions of antivirus programs, 360 Total Security offers to clean your computer of debris. Cleaning the hard disk, registry, startup list. Without "trash" the computer will work like new!
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You don't have to buy expensive software to protect your computer. All that is required of you is to visit the main page of the site and click the "Download for free" button. Follow the instructions of the installer, and in a few seconds you will become the owner of a powerful tool that will not hide any virus.

In the article I will teach you how to clean your computer from garbage. I'm a blogger and I download a lot of stuff on my computer, install programs, test patches and stuff like that. The system accumulates a lot of garbage that interferes with normal operation. I will consider several tricks on how to clean and speed up your computer with your own hands.

It is these four steps that will provide maximum speed and optimization. I asked my friends for advice on the program, it turned out to be one nonsense, I started looking for it myself. Let's start by cleaning the hard drive.

How to clean your computer from garbage: hard drive

I'll tell you how to clean your computer from garbage, follow all the steps in the article. Do not use the standard uninstaller, the Revo Uninstaller program will help. As for the garbage on the hard drive itself, we carry out in two stages.

First stage: standard

Few people know that Windows has a standard utility for cleaning hard drives. To do this, open "my computer", and on each of the local drives, right-click and select "properties".

Find and click "clean".

And we agree with our decision.

The process will pass, after which quite a lot of space will be added to your disk. I am writing this article from a working computer, it is 2 weeks old, and in these two weeks almost 6 GB of rubbish has accumulated.

The second way: program

The standard cleaner is only good for the system itself, so you need to clean the rest of the hard drive as well. For these purposes, I advise the CCleaner program, here it is official site. Downloading for free is not difficult. We open and see the program window in Russian.

  1. Select the "Cleanup" option.
  2. Let's do the analysis first.
  3. The entire list of unnecessary files will come out, click delete.

This completes the hard drive cleanup. I offer a list of alternatives for free.

  • Advanced Disk Cleaner
  • Blank And Secure
  • Freespacer
  • HDD Cleaner
  • Moo0 Disk Cleaner

Cleaning your computer from garbage: registry

Cleaning the computer from garbage in the registry, I use the Wise Registry Cleaner program, you can download here, the program is completely free. Download and install. At the first start, they will ask about a backup copy of the registry, we make it. We choose deep cleaning to get rid of all the jambs, which is good, everything is completely in Russian.

Let's go to the optimization section.

  1. The section itself.
  2. We mark the checkboxes, I put everything.
  3. Click to optimize.
  4. After the program has run, the inscriptions “optimized” will appear.

The last section is registry compression, a cool thing. We need to start with an analysis. The computer will not respond for some time, do not be afraid.

Now click on compression. The registry will begin to compress, I advise you not to do anything at this time.

After compression, a reboot will take place, this is a must. The second step was taken, the registry was optimized, the free utility Wise Registry Cleaner helped. For an alternative, I offer more programs, you can download for free and without registration.

Registry application for windows 7,8 and 10

  • Auslogics Registry Cleaner.
  • Vit Registry Fix Free.
  • Reg Organizer - this program for free on Windows 10 works fine, I tested it.
  • Avira RegistryCleaner.

Cleaning the system volume information folder

A month ago, my computer started to boot very slowly for about 35 minutes. I thought that the end of the hard drive, but nothing happened. The thing was that the system volume information folder stores backup copies of recovery points, and I had 253 GB of these points, and I started cleaning it. First you need to enable the visibility of hidden folders. We enter the control panel and find the folder options.

  1. The path to the panel.
  2. We expose large icons.
  3. Click folder options.
  4. View tab.
  5. We uncheck the box.
  6. Change the checkbox.
  7. We press ok.

Now this folder has appeared on the C drive, but it cannot be opened even if administrator rights are set. To clear, you need to go to drive C, and find system volume information, right-click and select properties.

To add an administrator to access, click add.

Enter your account and click ok.

All record created, click ok.

During creation there will be all sorts of warnings, we ignore them.

To clear restore points, go to the control panel, and look at the screenshot.

  1. The path to the program.
  2. In the left section, select "system protection".
  3. Select drive C.
  4. Click to configure.

That was the problem, I had this slider set to 50%, so all the memory was full. I set it to 5 percent, let there be points. To clear the memory, click delete.

That's all the hard drive is clean of debris. Let's move on to the last step.

Hard disk defragmentation: free windows 7, 8, 10

Let's start with the standard method, it works the same on all systems, including windows 8. We go into my computer and select the disk to defragment.

Defragmentation is the transfer and clustering of system files by type.

  1. We press the right button.
  2. Finding properties.
  3. Service tab and perform defragmentation.

In the next window, select the local drive. First, click on the analysis, as it passes, click on defragmentation. There are analogues of the standard program, I will not analyze them, because they all work on the same principle.

List of programs for windows 10 and all others.

  • Auslogics Disk Defrag.
  • Super Ram
  • Advanced Defrag
  • Ashampoo Magical Defrag
  • ScanDefrag
  • Memory Improve Ultimate

Do not use garbage checks using online tools, they will not help, it is better to do it manually.

The article shows cleaning a computer from garbage, namely: a hard drive, registry, restore points and defragmentation. Keep only what you need on your computer. At the end of the video.

Over time, using a PC, it gradually starts to work more and more slowly and the question arises of finding the best programs to clean your computer from garbage. This happens due to the accumulation of a large number of temporary files, registry keys, including possibly already damaged ones, as a result of the action of malicious files or simply their absence. All these, at first glance, insignificant parts and elements of program activities begin to significantly affect performance over time, and as a result, the PC starts to slow down, where it used to work quickly.

Especially for this, there are a large number of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage on the Internet, and some of them deserve more attention than others. The most basic requirements for programs in users of our countries, as practice shows, is not only that they would cope with their tasks, but also be available free of charge, at least for a temporary period.

Faced with the search for the best PC cleaning program for the first time, without knowledge in this area, you will have to spend considerable time downloading, installing and checking its performance and functionality on your own PC. In this case, this article will be very useful for you.

Especially for this, we have prepared some of the best programs for cleaning a computer or laptop from debris, for windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, which have proven themselves among users and are available for free use, as well as links for downloading them

Cleaning your computer from debris with CCleaner (in Russian)

One of the most popular computer cleaning and optimization programs, with many additional tools:

  • The most significant parameter of this program is cleaning the PC with one click.
  • Quick access to turn programs on and off in windows startup.
  • Cleaning the registry of the operating system after a thorough scan, where you can’t figure it out without special programs.

In order to clean the system or laptop from debris using CCleaner, you need to:

  • Download CCleaner and run the setup file.
  • In the window that opens, in the cleaning section, you will be offered recommended areas for cleaning and further actions to free up disk space, you can simply click “ cleaning” or select areas of your choice.
  • Its advantages include a very convenient and understandable interface, which even a novice user will understand, the absence of an advertising policy, and the small size of the installation file.
  • There is also a simplified version of CCleaner portable that does not require installation.

This utility can really be given the leading place in the ranking of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage (2015-2016).

Cleaning up garbage with Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free (in Russian)

Another good utility, which can be attributed to the best of the rating of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage (2015-2016). It also does an excellent job of cleaning, removing traces of previously running applications that interfere with the fast operation of windows, cleaning the registry, browsers, as well as other elements and entries, improving PC performance.

She, like the previous one, is able to make an independent decision about what can be disabled or deleted, which is indispensable for users who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge about the PC.

  • Download Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free from the official website (free) and install.
  • The program menu is very logical, in Russian, follow the suggested sequential steps, choosing areas for cleaning.
  • After that, follow the suggested sequence of actions.

Clean up your computer from debris and strengthen security measures with WinUtilities Free (in Russian)

A program with very great features and wide functionality, especially useful for experienced users. In addition to working with cleaning the registry, disks, restoring the activity of shortcuts, removing selective programs and disabling unnecessary ones from startup, there is also a special direction in the field of security. This applies to situations where several people use a computer and you need to protect not only your history of visiting pages on the Internet, by regular cleaning without the possibility of recovery, but also to protect selected programs from unauthorized use, for some cases.

  • Download WinUtilities Free and install on windows, a window will open asking you to buy a paid version or enter a license key, just close it.
  • There are several basic modes of operation:
  • Perform analysis and recommended cleaning actions in one click in the tab “ Service" Pressing " Perform maintenance and follow the suggested steps.
  • Independent choice of area of ​​action, including work in the security section.
  • As well as setting schedules for cleaning up and reducing disk space using defragmentation in the “ Tasks“.
  • Then follow the suggested actions or, if necessary, select the desired options.

Cleaning with SlimCleaner Free

A very serious utility for cleaning and optimizing windows. The main advantage of this program is its intellectual base for self-determination of the necessary and, accordingly, undesirable parts and elements of programs that can affect performance.

With this utility, you can clean the windows registry, clear the browser of temporary files, and other garbage that has accumulated during use.

  • To do this, download SlimCleaner Free (from the official website) and run the file.
  • Cleaning can be done either in automatic mode or by first performing the analysis, and then clearing the selected areas.

It also provides the ability to obtain useful information about installed programs, browser extensions, certain windows services and their role in the system. Also, when you click on the “More Info” button, a window will open with reviews from other users about the program or specific process of interest, which can be quite useful in making a decision.

We hope that we were able to offer the best programs for cleaning your computer from debris on windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and you have chosen the most suitable one. Good luck!

Over time, using a PC, it gradually starts to work more and more slowly and the question arises of finding the best programs to clean your computer from garbage. This happens due to the accumulation of a large number of temporary files, registry keys, including possibly already damaged ones, as a result of the action of malicious files or simply their absence. All these, at first glance, insignificant parts and elements of program activities begin to significantly affect performance over time, and as a result, the PC starts to slow down, where it used to work quickly.

Especially for this, there are a large number of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage on the Internet, and some of them deserve more attention than others. The most basic requirements for programs in users of our countries, as practice shows, are not only that they would cope with their tasks, but also be available free of charge, at least for a temporary period.

Faced with the search for the best PC cleaning program for the first time, without knowledge in this area, you will have to spend considerable time downloading, installing and checking its performance and functionality on your own PC. In this case, this article will be very useful for you.

Especially for this, we have prepared some of the best programs for cleaning a computer or laptop from debris, for windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, which have proven themselves among users and are available for free use, as well as links for downloading them

Cleaning your computer from debris with CCleaner (in Russian)

One of the most popular computer cleaning and optimization programs, with many additional tools:

  • Elimination of incorrect opening of sites.
  • The most significant parameter of this program is cleaning the PC with one click.
  • Quick access to turn programs on and off in windows startup.
  • Cleaning the registry of the operating system after a thorough scan, where you can’t figure it out without special programs.

In order to clean the system or laptop from debris using CCleaner, you need to:

You can also scan the Computer Registry for errors and fix them - the presence of such problems can cause Internet browsers to work incorrectly.

  • To do this, open the section " Registry", press " Troubleshooting' and after that the button ' To correct«.

After cleaning and fixing registry errors, perform restarting the computer.

  • Its advantages include a very convenient and understandable interface, which even a novice user will understand, the absence of an advertising policy, and the small size of the installation file.
  • There is also a simplified version that does not require installation.

This utility can really be given the leading place in the ranking of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage (2015-2016).

Cleaning up garbage with Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free (in Russian)

Another good utility, which can be attributed to the best of the rating of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage (2015-2016). It also does an excellent job of cleaning, removing traces of previously running applications that interfere with the fast operation of windows, cleaning the registry, browsers, as well as other elements and entries, improving PC performance.

She, like the previous one, is able to make an independent decision about what can be disabled or deleted, which is indispensable for users who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge about the PC.

  • Download Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free from the official website (free) and install.
  • The program menu is very logical, in Russian, follow the suggested sequential steps, choosing areas for cleaning.

There is also a set of additional tools to improve performance by optimizing services, windows components and disabling unnecessary processes in one click.

Cleaning and optimization with Glary Utilities (in Russian)

A rather serious program not only for cleaning up computer debris, but also has many other functions: optimizing the system, freeing up free disk space, restoring the system after damage, working with shortcuts (returning ownership), working with windows services, etc. A very versatile utility, about which you can talk a lot more.

It should be noted its understandable interface in Russian, taking into account the degree of user knowledge in the field of the operating system and, in connection with this, the ability to perform the necessary operations in one click, without understanding all the intricacies. It's really very convenient.

  • and install it.
  • Open the " 1-click» at the top center, use the recommended parameters for analysis and cleaning areas, or choose your own, then click « Find problems«.

  • After that, follow the suggested sequence of actions.

Clean up your computer from debris and strengthen security measures with WinUtilities Free (in Russian)

A program with very great features and wide functionality, especially useful for experienced users. In addition to working with cleaning the registry, disks, restoring the activity of shortcuts, removing selective programs and disabling unnecessary ones from startup, there is also a special direction in the field of security. This applies to situations where several people use a computer and you need to protect not only your history of visiting pages on the Internet, by regular cleaning without the possibility of recovery, but also to protect selected programs from unauthorized use, for some cases.

  • and install on windows, a window will open asking you to buy a paid version or enter a license key, just close it.
  • There are several basic modes of operation:
  • Perform analysis and recommended cleaning actions in one click in the " Service" Pressing " Perform maintenance and follow the suggested steps.

  • Independent choice of area of ​​action, including work in the security section.

  • As well as setting schedules for cleaning up and reducing disk space using defragmentation in the " Tasks«.

It also provides direction for protect folders and files by setting passwords, a rare feature, in programs, as an additional functionality.

Utility to clean the system and protect personal information Comodo System Utilites (Russian interface)

A convenient and easy-to-manage utility for cleaning your computer from garbage, freeing up free disk space, deleting programs and files, if necessary, irrevocably, which cannot be restored.

There is also a function to automatically perform cleaning at a certain frequency, which can be very useful. As in previous utilities, you can edit windows startup components.

  • and run on pc.
  • After it is installed, select the desired areas for cleaning or other or complete system analysis with the button « Scan my computer” and perform the actions you need by following the instructions.

Also, with the help of it, you can improve PC performance by following the suggested recommendations, protect personal and confidential information, with the possibility of regular scheduled deletion, etc. It has a large number of positive reviews from users who installed it.

Cleaning and optimization with the Wise Disk Cleaner utility (with Russian language support)

Another useful program that can extend the life of your computer by cleaning up accumulated temporary or simply unnecessary application elements. Its capabilities include both quick cleaning of important objects, and thorough cleaning, with an in-depth analysis of installed components.

Free up disk space by defragmenting and deleting temporary files of games and other installed applications. Thanks to this, the PC will work much faster and the number of unreasonable freezes will decrease.

  • , unzip and run the file WiseDiskCleaner.exe, the program works without installation.
  • Then find the settings tab at the top right. settings" and change language" default language» into Russian and press « OK«

  • Select the quick or deep cleaning type tab and click " Search".

  • Then follow the suggested actions or, if necessary, select the desired options.

Cleaning with SlimCleaner Free

A very serious utility for cleaning and optimizing windows. The main advantage of this program is its intellectual base for self-determination of the necessary and, accordingly, undesirable parts and elements of programs that can affect performance.

With this utility, you can clean the windows registry, clear the browser of temporary files, and other garbage that has accumulated during use.

  • To do this, download SlimCleaner Free (from the official website) and run the file.
  • Cleaning can be done either in automatic mode or by first performing the analysis, and then clearing the selected areas.

It also provides the ability to obtain useful information about installed programs, browser extensions, certain windows services and their role in the system. Also, when you click on the “More Info” button, a window will open with reviews from other users about the program or specific process of interest, which can be quite useful in making a decision.

We hope that we were able to offer the best programs for cleaning your computer from debris on windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and you have chosen the most suitable one. Good luck!
