How to kill cockroaches in an apartment. Effective folk remedies for cockroaches: recipes, tips for use

The resettlement of insects in the apartment occurs according to the principle: warm, dark, the presence of moisture and food. Cockroaches are cold-blooded insects, so the presence of warm air is important for them. That is why they prefer places behind radiators and in piles of old newspapers and wallpaper (paper is a good heat insulator).

In the shops household chemicals, in supermarkets are presented in huge quantities means for baiting cockroaches in the apartment. When choosing, one should be guided by the fact that insects develop resistance to previously used drugs. In a word - if your neighbors used dichlorvos, then you will have to buy a drug with a different active ingredient.

How to poison cockroaches?

How and what to poison cockroaches with a guarantee of their destruction?

Country of manufacture - Russia. Bottle cost is 225 rubles.

Gels from cockroaches

When solving the problem of how to eradicate cockroaches, one should remember about such means as gels. Unlike aerosols, they do not have a pungent odor, do not require the removal of residents and pets from the apartment. But they do not act so quickly that the insects disappear in one or two days.

Gels are applied from syringe tubes with dotted lines not only in habitats, but also on any surface. The composition of the gels includes a special bait that attracts insects. When poison enters the body, the cockroach does not immediately die, but infects other insects. One insect is able to transmit "poison" to 50-60 individuals.

Rating leader - Globol gel

An effective German remedy for cockroaches. One drop of the drug is enough to kill up to five hundred individuals. Absolutely harmless to humans. It is applied, as well as all gels. The tool is quite expensive, but as a result of its use, the question of how to poison cockroaches in an apartment with frequent insect raids from neighbors is removed from the agenda.

The cost of a tube of 75 gr is 280 rubles, when buying 12 tubes - 20% discount

Important. On the Russian market there were drugs called Global and Global. The difference is only one letter, but the effectiveness of the counterfeit is not supported by anything.

MaxForce ultragel

A novelty in the market of modern insecticides - professional tool for persecution of cockroaches, red and black ants. The drug is recommended for use in public catering facilities, medical and children's institutions. The complete death of cockroaches is achieved already on the 2nd day, ants - on the 3rd day. The action of the drug persists for 2 months.

Manufacturer - France. Convenient packaging in the form of a syringe tube. The cost of one syringe 20 gr - 792 rubles, when buying a package of 10 syringes - the cost of one syringe will be 634 rubles.

Gel Raptor

A favorite among cockroach gels. It is applied with a dotted line on any surface: tables, cabinets, refrigerators. Washes off well with water. has an infecting effect on insects for a month. Therefore, re-application is recommended no earlier than 35 days after the first.

An infected cockroach lives for almost a day. In 5-7 days, it is really possible to get rid of cockroaches almost completely. With large quantities insects will be more difficult to deal with.

gel "Clean House"

The death of an infected cockroach occurs after three days. During this time, he manages to transmit the virus to 60 insects. It is also applied in a dotted line, re-treatment is possible after three weeks.

Aerosols from cockroaches

They belong to the means of combating cockroaches of medium effectiveness. The action of the active substance begins immediately after spraying. To obtain a stable result, the room in which the treatment was carried out should be closed for 3-4 hours. Such a tool is indispensable when the invasion of cockroaches is not massive, but aerosols are absolutely helpless if the apartment is already heavily infested with insects.

Aerosol cans are equipped with special nozzles that allow you to inject poison into narrow crevices and other hard-to-reach places with a guarantee of their hit. Work is recommended to be carried out in rubber gloves and a respirator (cotton-gauze bandage), even though some preparations do not have a pungent odor.

Rating leader - aerosol Raid

belongs to the most effective drugs from cockroaches. Contains several active ingredients different orientation. The most important advantage of the remedy is the fact that not only insects die, but also discarded eggs.

Spraying is carried out indoors, after 3-4 hours the apartment can be put on ventilation. Re-treatment is required no earlier than six months later.

Seat #2 - Aerosol COMBAT

One of the best means from cockroaches. It has an instant killer effect on insects. The only drawback is that the drug does not destroy eggs, so it is recommended to repeat the treatment after five days. When spraying the premises, it is recommended to carefully treat cracks, baseboards and other hard-to-reach places where insects can hide.

Seat #3 - Aerosol Raptor

The Raptor aerosol agent is the most popular of all insecticidal preparations produced under this brand. Contains several insecticides that have a strong toxic effect on cockroaches. Distinctive feature P

reparata - almost complete absence of smell. One can is enough to process a standard two-room apartment.

Important. Housewives give particular preference to Raptor aerosols due to its non-toxicity to children and animals.

place number 4 - aerosol Chisty Dom

Domestic drug of instant action. For complete and final disposal of cockroaches, it is recommended to carry out two or three treatments of the apartment with an interval of a month and a half. The product has a strong pungent odor. It is mandatory to use safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves. After spraying, you must leave the apartment and wash your clothes. The kit includes a tube-nozzle for injecting the drug into the cracks.

The use of aerosols in the fight against domestic insects is quite effective and fast remedy. Of the minuses - the specific smell of insecticides.

How do SES professionals poison cockroaches?

When treating insect-infested premises, experts use Sinuzan. When spraying apartments and buildings with Sinuzan, insects do not have a single chance of survival.

The drug is very strong toxic effect. Microscopic drops penetrate everything, even the most inaccessible places.

Sinuzan is toxic to humans and can cause allergic reactions. If it enters the respiratory tract, a cough begins, intoxication of the body is possible. Spraying must be done protective clothing wearing goggles and a respirator.

Sold in canisters, dilution of the drug with water is required before use according to the instructions. For spraying, you will need a garden or household sprayer.

If the processing is done correctly, after 2-3 hours there will be no live cockroaches in the apartment. After spraying, it will take a few more hours to ventilate the room.

Powders and folk remedies

Powder Feverfew

With this tool, you can poison cockroaches in an apartment without fear of harming children, pets, and indeed any inhabitants of the home. The thing is that the main active element of Feverfew is the extract of chamomile.

Feverfew is absolutely harmless to humans, but will it effective tool in the persecution of cockroaches - a moot point. If you are an adherent of exclusively natural remedies and folk recipes, then it is quite possible to try this method, besides, the price of Feverfew is very affordable - about 400 rubles per 300 g package.

Boric acid

We included this tool in the rating for one reason - according to statistics, boric acid is used to bait cockroaches more often than all other drugs. And the point here is not the effectiveness of this remedy - cockroaches quickly develop immunity to boric acid and it has practically no effect. But "grandmother's recipes" are still the main recommendation for insect control for residents of remote corners and rural areas where it is not possible to purchase a modern insecticide.

At the same time, boric acid is absolutely harmless to humans, you can buy it at any pharmacy, and the price is only 50 rubles per 10 g package.

Who should poison cockroaches?

You just need to answer the question - do you want an immediate effect and for a long time (without being directly involved) or are you ready to spend your time and money on buying various drugs and try to cope on your own. In the first case, it would be wiser to contact the cockroach baiting service. In the second case, be guided by reviews and descriptions of drugs and choose the best one.

Also, if the number of insects in your house suddenly turned out to be critical, it makes sense to immediately call specialists. This will save you time, nerves and money.

Suddenly from the gateway A terrible giant, Red-haired and mustachioed Ta-ra-kan! Cockroach, Cockroach, Cockroach!

How to deal with cockroaches in the apartment? The cockroach has long been known to man, it was introduced from South Asia in the 18th century to Europe and America, where he quickly settled and settled in people's homes. The cockroach dies sub-zero temperature so in northern latitudes can only live in a year-round heated room.

So you, one morning going into the bathroom or into the kitchen, found a cockroach running away from you and the light. How to deal with cockroaches in the apartment? Let's see where he could come from?

Cockroaches live in large and cheerful families that require territory, food and water. Therefore, if you have runners, then perhaps a neighbor poisons his own, and they run to you. Or a neighbor has so many of them that there is not enough food for everyone, and they run to you.

  • From a beloved or not very neighbor (neighbors run to poison you, accidentally wandered through the ventilation, garbage chute or through a crack in the wall). And if your environment suits them, the presence of food and drink, temperature regime, then they will settle with you.
  • With parcels (international communication is the most fast way resettlement).
  • In things (you came from a vacation or a business trip and brought it with you in a suitcase).
  • with shopping ( food warehouse the best place for resettlement, well, then the market, the store and in the package to your home. Appliances and furniture to a lesser extent, but nonetheless).

Interesting fact: Cockroaches are one of the hardiest insects: they live a month without food and a week without water. They can not breathe for up to 45 minutes, so as not to evaporate the water in the body if it is not there. They can live without a head for several weeks, after which they die of hunger.

What to do if cockroaches settled

We begin to block all the ways of reproduction and fixing the family in your home:

  • We block access to food, cockroaches are not whimsical and eat everything from fresh food, rotten food, also not disdaining paper, leather. Therefore, we direct perfect order in the kitchen (no crumbs or food leftovers on the kitchen table). Especially the cleanliness at night.
  • Blocking access to water. We wipe sinks, stove, condensate in the bathroom, puddles. We turn off the taps, excluding drops and leaks.
  • Temperature and dark corners. Why not live with us? After all, we ourselves give them ideal conditions. We feed, drink places where to hide during the day in our apartment, live and multiply a lot. They can move freely between apartments through pipes and ventilation.
  • The emergence of a new population can begin from one female that brought an egg or from two individuals of different sexes.

Bought on kitchen table very slippery oilcloth. All night, the sounds of falling and muffled swearing were heard from the kitchen. A week later I met the first cockroach on skates.

What to do if you already have them? As soon as you notice one cockroach know: It's time to act! First of all, we carry out general cleaning and wash everything.

  • We remove sweets and flour products from the table, if possible, hide them in plastic sealed containers. Or tightly closed glassware. Plastic bags are best not to use as they gnaw through over time.
  • Place the trash bag in a plastic bucket with a tightly closed lid. Prussians love to eat out of trash cans.
  • Prussian cockroaches need water, we eliminate tap leaks, dry sinks, bathroom stalls. Condensation from tiles and pipes.

Now we are fully equipped to begin destruction.

Folk methods of dealing with cockroaches

Recipe 1.Egg yolk and Boric acid.

We buy boric acid in a pharmacy. Usually sachets of 10g 2 - 3 sachets. Hard boil 2 eggs (we only need the yolks). Mix the yolks with boric acid and add no a large number water or sunflower oil. From the resulting mass we roll balls with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm. We place the balls in places where cockroaches can accumulate.

You can prepare other mixtures with boric acid. As a basis, you can take semolina and mashed potatoes. Boric acid is not dangerous to humans or animals. There will be no quick result as with chemical treatment, but after 2 weeks they will leave accurately and reliably. The balls, in turn, can not be removed if they do not interfere.

“We decided to get rid of cockroaches in a complex way: they laid them out in cabinets orange peels, smeared the baseboards with gel, and sprayed the Raid aerosol behind the cabinets, where they were often seen. Soon all the insects were gone!”

Anton Kharkov

Recipe 2.Tetraborate NA (Bura).

Mix 3 parts borax with 1 part starch and 1 part sugar. With the resulting mixture we sprinkle all the corners, baseboards, crevices, near the sink and radiators.

Modern methods of dealing with cockroaches

In our time of advanced technology, a lot of struggle has been invented. Starting from ultrasonic and magnetic resonance, ending with all kinds of houses, gels, sprays, crayons and. But first things first.

Ultrasonic and magnetic resonance repellers- (Typhoon LS - 500 domestic, Ixus KY - 6182, Zenet XJ - 90, Pest Reject).

Natalia Omsk

Places of processing from cockroaches

  • We process skirting boards, cracks, voids in door frames.
  • Kitchen furniture, sliding cabinets and headset, shelves.
  • Bathroom and bathroom furniture. node.
  • Ventilation chambers, hoods.
  • Panels of heating systems and places under window sills.

Prevention from cockroaches

To prevent the return of cockroaches, keep the kitchen clean. Do not leave on tables and washbasin dirty dishes wipe the crumbs off the table. Cockroaches usually settle where there is something to profit from. Treat places in the kitchen, and with crayons for prevention.

If you have experience with cockroaches, please leave a comment below. Perhaps it will help someone make the right choice.

Good luck to you and your home.

All prices listed on the site are final, without additional markups and surcharges.

Beware of scam companies!!!

rooms (turnkey apartment)


cold mist

Warranty 1 year


Pump sprayer + cold mist

Warranty 2 years

Pump sprayer + cold mist + hot mist

Warranty 3 years

Barrier protection against possible penetration of insects from adjacent rooms

1 room apartment 1500 r 2000 r 3000 r from 500 rub.
2 room apartment 1800 r 2300 r 3500 r
3 room apartment 2000 r 2500 r 4000 r

*All preparations used in the work of our service belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances (the least dangerous). After drying, they are absolutely safe for people and pets. Don't leave visible traces streaks and stains.

Disinsection (destruction of insects)

prices for legal entities

Interested in where they perform the most effective extermination of cockroaches in Moscow? Processing from cockroaches, implemented by the Moscow City Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, ensures the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment forever!

The destruction of cockroaches in an apartment today is perceived by Moscow as something long forgotten and superfluous. Of course, in megacities, pest control from cockroaches is a rarer phenomenon than 20 years ago. Then cockroaches led round dances in all high-rise buildings and more than one service in the city of Moscow had to poison them. There is an opinion that modern companies cockroach control is not popular, because the environment has deteriorated greatly, food is filled with chemicals, and all housing is permeated with radiation from numerous household appliances, cell phones and, of course, Wi-Fi internet. The pests simply changed the territory to a more favorable one, respectively, and the service is not needed against cockroaches. We want to refute the existing opinion that disinfestation of premises from cockroaches is still needed, and uninvited guests They might wander into the first house they come across. If they are exotic, then with the active and timely extermination of their conditions for reproduction, they will not be left, but when it is “ours”, domestic, the cockroach control service is the only chance to eliminate it.

Typology of cockroaches

Most clearly, at the mention of cockroaches, residents of high-rise buildings imagine red pests running around the kitchen. It is these representatives that are considered to be apartment representatives. But these are not the only representatives of these insects common in homes. Which cockroaches in Moscow are most often gotten rid of by cockroach extermination companies?

    Indeed, you will have to call the cockroach extermination service more often when you meet the Prussians - those very red pests. Then it is better to treat the premises from cockroaches immediately, because the Prussians can instantly breed. Their hordes cannot be killed with a slipper. And the cockroach control service in the city of Moscow will in any case be useful to residents of old buildings with worn out, rusted communications, and pests just prefer to mess around in mud and dampness.

    The extermination of cockroaches, no matter what the price, urgently needs to be carried out when black cockroaches have bred, which live in basements, trash cans and sewer pipes, and there teem with germs and viruses. Insects carry them to people. A service focused on such work can easily remove cockroaches before harmful microbes migrate to your home.

    The cockroach removal service highlights another additional branch - white cockroaches. Is not separate view. Pests take on this color due to molting or when they feed on poisons that the cockroach extermination service uses.

    Processing to and from american cockroaches characteristic of the city of Moscow. These settlers arrived in Russia on ships carrying provisions. In their homeland, sanitization from such cockroaches is not common, since their habitat is in natural environment, but we feel great in high-rise buildings. These pests are remarkably active and very aggressive. But the destruction of American cockroaches can be done effectively only at sub-zero temperatures.

    Without the service, the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches in Moscow is indispensable in libraries, warehouses, archives and other territories where a lot of printed matter is located. Just furniture cockroaches feed on starch. Previously, a cockroach pickling service often came in handy on objects pasted over with wallpaper, where glue with starch was used for the sticker.

Why the best extermination of cockroaches in an apartment is an exclusively professional solution, the price of which, by the way, is low.

Effective destruction different kind insects and cockroaches, including products available in conventional stores possibly in rare situations. Professional extermination of cockroaches involves the use of solutions that only trained people are allowed to work with. In addition, amateur pest control from cockroaches often entails reviews of cases of poisoning. And at this time effective destruction cockroaches, possibly not harmful to the health of people and animals. To poison cockroaches only with substances of this kind is taken by a specialized service. We are talking about low-hazard class 4 insecticides, to work with which employees of our cockroach treatment company have access, including those permitted by Rospotrebnadzor. Only the service of professionals will help get rid of cockroaches forever.

Most effective disposal from cockroaches - destruction of cockroaches by fog through fumigation of two types with a different time interval of work of poisonous preparations.

cold mist method

Cold fog is more suitable for simpler cases, in a house or apartment.

  • The drug is sprayed with a fumigator. It splits the substance up to 50-90 microns, which allows it to penetrate into the most inaccessible places, cracks and small cracks.
  • Due to the strong splitting of the insecticide, the floor does not flood, there are no traces of the product on furniture and wallpaper. In addition, the permissible dose of the drug in the air does not exceed the norm, which significantly reduces harm to humans or animals.
  • After being sanitized with a cold mist, the cockroaches die, and those who manage to survive the procedure infect the entire colony of insects.

Servicespecialized baiting of cockroaches works by the following methods.

Destruction of cockroaches with cold fog

Such insect control is relevant when the destruction of cockroaches in a house with a small halo of infection. The cockroach extermination service sprays the poisonous substance with the help of a fumigator, which forms drops of 50-90 microns, capable of filling small cracks and cracks.

Such breeding of cockroaches in Moscow is popular, because furniture and equipment are not harmed during the processing, and most importantly, professionals use the safe destruction of cockroaches due to a clear calculation of the dosage of the drug. That allows you to avoid bad consequences for the owners and their pets.

Cold mist killing of cockroaches is receiving feedback that the insects are slowly disappearing. Some of them die during processing, the rest are poisoned and infect the entire tribe after the sanitation of the premises from cockroaches is completed. At the same time, odorless cockroaches are destroyed.

Destruction of cockroaches with hot fog

This method is used by the cockroach treatment service in cases of severe infection of the object or if vast areas are subject to pest control. With this method, the drug works 2 times longer than with the cold mist method after the cockroach mist treatment is completed.

As they say about getting rid of cockroaches with hot fog reviews, most insects die even during the work of specialists. Physical properties hot fog is similar to the properties of gas that captures even impassable places when the cockroach pest control service carries out pest control in the premises of the city of Moscow. A qualified service applies measures against cockroaches, involving the killing of both full-fledged individuals and larvae.

How is the destruction of cockroaches and the whole process called pest control?

When the cockroach service has completed work in an office or apartment in Moscow, you should not open the windows for about 2 hours, when you ventilate, you need to wash everything.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


Cockroaches are the most undesirable neighbors for us, who break into our apartments or houses without permission and disgust even the most persistent people. These unbearable and nasty insects overshadow our rest and leisure. But fortunately, modern man has an impressive arsenal against cockroaches. This article helps the owners of houses and apartments to find the perfect "weapon" that will help expel these reptiles.

A few words about the "life" of a cockroach

We have specially collected the most effective advice for the fight and extermination of cockroaches in an apartment or house:

The question arises - How can you still drive cockroaches out of an apartment or house, taking into account the above features?

Folk ways to deal with cockroaches

First, let's use the "folk" methods. But we would like to warn you that these methods require about 3-4 weeks of time , but note that these methods very effective .

Industrial remedies for cockroaches

But these were folk ways now let's talk about ready purchased funds . We want to say right away that with chemical poisons need to be careful and extremely careful . The main disadvantage of these substances is smell which remains after their frequent use, especially it's about sprayers. . Secondly, chemistry can be dangerous to your pets . Also, these substances, for sure will not benefit your health . Therefore, be judicious in the choice of chemicals, and most importantly, carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations . And so we have specially prepared a list of chemicals that will help destroy cockroaches.

Cockroaches are the most disgusting and disgusting insects that can live in a house or apartment, their residence greatly threatens human health. Removal of these insects is difficult and long time, but at the present time, there are many effective ways for the complete destruction of cockroaches.

The appearance of cockroaches in the house is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous event for human health.

Reasons for the appearance

Before you poison cockroaches in an apartment or a private house on your own, you should understand the reasons for their appearance.

Cockroaches can come because of not keeping the house clean or running across the ventilation from the neighbors.

The most common are the following:

  1. The penetration of arthropods from a neighboring apartment, where intensive pest control is being carried out.
  2. Hand-bought furniture can also be infested with insects.
  3. Untimely washing dishes after several hours in the sink. Cockroaches will visit the sink in search of leftover food.
  4. Crumbs and leftover food on the table after a meal, left all night, will also be good food for cockroaches. An abundance of food will allow them to multiply quickly.
  5. Unsanitary conditions in a house or apartment.

You can bring a cockroach from work, for example in a bag - they live in warehouses, large industries with large premises.

This video talks about the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the house:

Etching preparation

If there are at least 10 insects in the field of view, then there are about 10 times more of them. If individuals appear in different places and during the day, you need to urgently get down to business. Delay will lead to an increase in the population, and then even professionals will poison cockroaches for a long time.

Keeping your home clean can significantly reduce the chance of cockroaches.

It is important to identify ways for insects to enter the apartment. If this is not done, etching is useless. New individuals will enter the dwelling in the same way, and the process of destruction will become permanent.

The next stage of preparation will be cleaning the premises. It is better do a general cleaning and wash everything from floor to ceiling. It is also recommended to clean the drains and, if possible, remove crumbs and debris from under the baseboards. These areas are especially favored by insects as they provide a source of food and shelter.

It is necessary to process not only floors, but also furniture, as insects prefer to leave feces on it. After cleaning, you should decide on the method, and you can poison cockroaches.


There are a number chemicals to fight cockroaches, both dangerous and moderately toxic

The following are considered the most effective:

  1. Fas powder. The tool does not have bad smell, but is considered detrimental to humans. If it enters the stomach, it provokes severe poisoning, requiring immediate medical attention. The disadvantage is that it does not work on insect eggs. That is why the solution is used several times with an interval of 7-10 days in order to completely exclude the appearance of a new brood. As a rule, such a tool is used by professionals who specialize in the destruction of cockroaches. People without experience should not use the powder.
  2. Aerosol Raptor is very popular, as its cost is low, and the application is easy. It quickly destroys insects and prevents them reappearance. Since the spray can not penetrate into all hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to carry out the treatment 2-3 times with an interval of 3-7 days. If the tool did not help achieve the desired result, it is recommended to choose a stronger one.

    Aerosol "Raptor" from cockroaches is very popular because of its price-quality ratio

    Chalk "Mashenka" allows you to provide long-term protection against cockroaches, apply
    stands in places where insects are often found

  3. Gel Dohloks is also considered a good and effective remedy for eliminating pests. Its cost is low, and it does not pose a danger to humans and pets. Processing is carried out using a special syringe that contains the gel. As a rule, after the first procedure, cockroaches leave the home. When re-treated, individuals that survived begin to get used to the remedy and do not die. Because of this, it is recommended to alternate the gel with other effective means.
  4. Gel-paste Kapkan-Sturm acts similarly to the previous tool and is used in the same way. Processing is carried out once in all rooms. A prerequisite will be the absence of children in the room, since the risk of poisoning by toxic fumes is high. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 10-14 days, but usually one procedure is enough.

    Gel-paste "Kapkan-storm" acts as a poisonous bait

    Each substance has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is better to choose based on the advice of a specialist who deals with distribution. In most cases it is recommended to use different types chemicals, which will significantly speed up the process.

    Folk methods

    Despite the abundance of chemicals for insect control, folk recipes are very popular. This is due to the fact that they are the safest for humans and pets.

    Boric acid has long been used to exterminate cockroaches and shows good results.

    Smell ammonia strongly repels cockroaches

    This recipe is not suitable for everyone, since the smell is quite specific and can provoke negative reactions in households. As a rule, after 2-3 treatments, insects leave the home.

    This tool has a big drawback - it does not kill cockroaches, but only forces them to leave the premises. They can move to the neighbors, who will also begin an intensified fight. As a result, after a while, insects will reappear in the home. To avoid this, it is better to use means that destroy insects.

    In order to simply drive unpleasant tenants out of the house, you can use special electrical appliances . As a rule, such devices emit an electromagnetic field of high frequency or emit ultrasound. According to scientists, such remedies are effective, as they cause rather unpleasant sensations in arthropods, forcing them to look for another home.

    Prevention measures

    To prevent the appearance of arthropods in an apartment or house will help simple rules. Cleanliness will be key. It has been proven that cockroaches appear in a dwelling where there is unsanitary conditions, 10 times more often. If the house is clean, but pests have appeared, it is possible that the cleaning is of poor quality, and dirt and food remain in the corners, which attracts cockroaches.

    Cleanliness will be a guarantee that insects will not choose an apartment as their haven. Do not leave food on the table overnight or do poor cleaning. It is recommended to check the condition weekly kitchen cabinet, remove the remnants of cereals that have woken up, and make sure that everything is dry food was inaccessible to pests. In a place where there is nothing to eat, they will not stay long.
