Children's kitchen from boxes. How to make a real kitchen for a girl out of wood: we take into account the desire of the child

The kitchen is functional and necessary premises in home. Children love to copy the behavior of adults and play imaginary scenes from adult life. A reduced copy of the kitchen will give a lot of emotions to children. The wooden children's kitchen is designed for games and for introducing girls to the basics of housekeeping and housekeeping. In addition, children like to play with dishes and toy equipment, regardless of gender.

Play kitchen forms useful skills and teaches to cleanliness.

A wooden kitchen will bring slavery to absolutely all children

Do-it-yourself kitchen set for a child

Children are offered by specialized stores and furniture shops, but the price of such designs is too high. If the purchase of such products does not allow family budget, then do-it-yourself children's kitchen is done. This will require special tools and materials.

The children's kitchen consists of a stove, oven, sink and a variety of shelves.

Structural design

A do-it-yourself kitchen involves the creation of a project. In this case, each structural element is placed on the plan.

The parameters vary depending on the height of the child and the size of the room.

When designing a kitchen, you can replace expensive items with cheaper ones.

Light sources may be present in the children's design. Light bulbs with low power are used.

Children's furniture is made in the same style as the room in which it is installed.

The kitchen set is made of wood. The following options apply:

  1. The product is made of plywood. Using a jigsaw, rectangular parts are cut out and fastened with special rails. In addition, cabinets are mounted, a faucet and a sink are installed. The surface is painted with special paint.
  2. You can redo the kitchen from the old sideboard. The product is altered according to the growth of the child. The surface is cleaned and painted. Hooks are attached to the structure. A water tank and flashlights are installed for lighting.
  3. Constructions are made of cardboard.

Making your own furniture is easy.

The kitchen toy is also made of wood. This will require special materials.

Material selection

When creating a children's kitchen, it is not necessary to choose expensive components. But at the same time, the material must be safe for the child.

For the manufacture of furniture, wood, MDF or chipboard panels are selected. Wood is represented by soft and hard woods.

When choosing raw materials, it is worth stopping at high-quality material. Shields made of wood are of the following types:

  • solid, which are made from one piece of wood, which is pre-processed;
  • the pressed parts are assembled from thinner panels, which are pressed and glued to achieve the desired thickness.

Special fittings are selected. equipped with handles and hinges standard size, which are used in furniture products for adults.

To create a water pipe you will need a bottle, a bowl, a faucet small size and a plastic tube.

A hole is made in the design where the bowl is inserted. A composition of a bottle and a hose is attached to the bowl. A faucet is installed, and a cabinet is built above the sink, where the water tank is stored.

To illuminate the headset, you will need battery-powered flashlights that are mounted on the top of the headset.

For decoration, wallpaper or spray paint is used.

There are a lot of mini headset options, it all depends on your imagination

The main stages of installation

The children's play kitchen is assembled in the same way as the adult one. In this case, the same fasteners are used as in adult models.

Fastening is carried out using special screws, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, a hammer and metal corners.

The toy kitchen for girls is assembled taking into account the following features:

  1. For fastening the upper shelves, it is recommended to use special dowels that have the shape of a hook.
  2. Laths are used with which the boxes can move along the rails.
  3. For fastenings, standard hinges are used, which are attached to the wall.

Children's cuisine for girls is not much different from adult counterparts. When designing, standard fasteners and shelf devices are used.

A toy stove for any girl to enjoy

Installation of the structure consists of the following steps:

  1. Material is selected or parts are cut from an old cabinet or sideboard.
  2. Cut lines are marked and cut with a jigsaw.
  3. A table top is attached, which is a chipboard plate.
  4. An additional wall is installed between the refrigerator and the kitchen.
  5. For washing, an iron container is selected. A circle with a smaller diameter is drawn and cut out. This object is inserted into it.
  6. The door on the toy refrigerator is mounted with hinges. A magnet is attached so that the door does not swing open.
  7. Instead of burners, old discs or jar lids are used.
  8. Rails are installed in the oven, on which the baking sheet will move.
  9. The oven door is cut out and mounted on hinges.
  10. Via plastic bottles or empty cream tubes, handles are created for adjusting the burners. Inserted into the hole on one side top part tube or bottle, and on the other a cap is put on. At the same time, the handles turn.
  11. An inexpensive crane is bought at construction market. It is attached to a special rack. Holes are made for the tap, which is mounted with self-tapping screws.

The kitchen for the girl is almost ready. It remains to putty the cracks and go through the sealant. The surface is then sanded and painted. Jar lids are painted with paint and screwed into the surface of the table. Additionally, light bulbs are screwed inside the refrigerator and on the kitchen surface in the upper part.

Inside the refrigerator are shelves made of plexiglass. Curtains, towel hooks and shelves are hung.


The kitchen set for girls consists of a countertop, a refrigerator, a sink and a stove. These elements are independent.


I myself still can’t believe that I FINALLY completed my BIGGEST long-term construction! I was inspired by a chest of drawers from Lena Nikitina back in the fall, I nurtured my ideas for a long time and thought about where to get the material, and how to turn the whole thing around so that my husband would not kick me out into the street with such a large-sized project. And so, somehow I was dragging myself from the store loaded with shopping bags with products, past the garbage heap, and there the cardboard was exactly the way I needed it - HUGE and not very wrinkled. Her husband was not at home, she threw the shopping bags back, for cardboard. The cardboard, although large, was quite thin. I glued a 70x70 square blank out of it and put it off until better times, when I still got hold of cardboard boxes. A month later, somewhere with Kristina in the store, they asked for several boxes, my husband stamped his feet, threw my cardboard boxes from one corner of the room to another, so it was necessary to put this stuff into action quickly. Here's what came out of those stocks:

In this form, my cardboard something stood until the new year, because 1. The cardboard boxes ran out. 2. I was terribly unhappy with the curvature that turned out - there are no right angles in it! And I'm a builder, but I'm ashamed!

So I wouldn’t have finished anything if it wasn’t for my husband, who again began to stomp his feet - “What kind of cabinet-yumba is this, it only takes up space! Or finish it, or throw it out!” In short, I stocked up again with material, and firmly decided to finish my something for my youngest birthday. And I got hooked! I changed the technology a little and the upper part turned out better.

Here is the result:

The faucet - Christina, while bathing, took down the shower at the right time, the fittings were cheap - for 100r, self-adhesive, the cabinets inside were painted with a water-based emulsion, the sink - a stainless steel bowl, the burners - metal lids from cans painted with a marker. The oven door is magnetized from above with magnets from the plant to the coins. I painted the valves on the stove made of corks from agusha (on bolts - you can twist it) with acrylic paint to match, but the paint peels off ... Another disappointment - the hinges on the stove and drawer are screwed to the kitchen itself with self-tapping screws smeared with glue and hold tolerably, but to the doors you can’t fasten the loops, and I just sewed them on, it’s somehow unreliable, but I can’t think of something better, can someone tell me how to attach them?

And we, too, overtook the passion for dishes. Yes. Now five-year-old Yegor prefers pots and spatulas to any cars and robots. And God forbid he sees some pink blender in a toy store: everything, write, is gone.
Not buying girls' toys is threefold difficult for me: firstly, a young man can be desperately inspired in his requests. The cat from "Shrek" nervously pulls the tip of the tail, silent on the sidelines. Secondly, I have a younger daughter, that is, in principle, I can do this quite legally, without inventing cunning pretexts. But. It is for her that I will have to come up with gifts for birthdays and new years for the next twenty years - and it would be better to leave myself not only a place for fantasy maneuver, but also some physically free place in the house. And thirdly: any mother knows that it is dozens, no, hundreds of times easier to resist buying any transformer cyborg than from a single fuchsia iron or a set of tiny cups. We are girls too!
In general, we decided to rob the neighboring supermarket again for clean cardboard and concoct no more, no less - a full-fledged kitchen for mom's helpers.
We will need (I quote the actual prices, i.e. what we personally spent in fact):

Cardboard boxes (free of charge, “hello, can we help you to partially get rid of cardboard garbage?”), 4 cd-blanks (also free, but if suddenly there weren’t old scratched ones lying around in the house, well ... 8 rubles?), a lot of traffic jams from plastic bottles and one bottle itself, ropes, plastic household hooks (10 rubles each), a stationery knife, scissors, glue gun(I highly recommend having it at home, because such glue does not stink, and if safety precautions are observed, it will not work to get burned. But if not, then take any serious glue that does not dissolve plastic), paint-colored paper-stickers for decoration (everything that was in the house ), colored reinforced tape (80 rubles), a plastic spoon from bulk products ( baby food, washing powder- anything), a simple pencil, a small metal bowl (camping or dog, for example, 38 rubles). A pair of nails - thick and thin, pliers, a gypsy needle. An enthusiastic eared five-year plan is one thing.
Time spent - about two hours.
Let's get started!

Cleaning out the box right size factory adhesive tape and labels, on the upper side with strong and bright reinforced adhesive tape we glue the “slab lattice”, at the same time strengthening and covering the joints and corners.

Glue the cd burner in place with a glue gun.

From colored paper or “foam”, we cut out circles with a diameter slightly larger than bottle caps and glue them in place of future pens:

Any irregularities and ugliness are also glued and covered.

Now it's mom's job. With a thick nail, we pierce holes in each circle:

We clamp a thin nail with pliers, heat it up on the stove (if you don’t have gas, the candle will completely cope with heating).

Two hands are needed here, so it was not possible to photograph the moment of the puncture. Physical strength and super-serious temperature is not needed, everything is quick and easy. You should get these cork "buttons":

Which we, with the help of a gypsy needle and rope, “sew” into place:

We pass the ends of the rope into one hole pierced with a thick nail beforehand:

We stick our hands inside the box and tie a lot of knots at the ends (we don’t care about beauty, the main thing is that it doesn’t come loose and pop out during the game):

Having made all five handles (4 burners and an oven), we tie the ends together - this is even more reliable.

We circle the outline of A4 sheet to mark the future oven door:

Cut along the drawn line, with the letter P: left, top and right side. Bottom - do not touch:

The lower edge of the door will often bend and unbend (the door!), so you need to strengthen this fold with a strip of reinforced tape:

AT upper corners with a thick nail already tested in such cases, we pierce holes for the future handle and pass a thick rope through them:

From the remnants of cardboard, we haphazardly stick a shelf inside the oven. To be honest, we didn’t manage to do it exactly - but no one will suffer because of this.

We also glue the edges of the door and oven with adhesive tape, in all places where the cardboard can “cloud”.

We adjust the second box in height to our freshly baked stove (any housewife knows that working and hob, as well as the sink, must be at the same height!). We clean it from the labels, glue all the corners and joints, apply a metal bowl to the upper surface and trace with a pencil:

Retreat - INSIDE! - from the edge of about 5 mm (or more / less, depending on the shape and width of the side of your bowl), cut out a circle of a smaller diameter with a clerical knife:

Glue our sink in place with a glue gun:

We make a tap from a bottle neck, caps and a spoon. Due to the rotating cork, to which the spoon is glued, it turns back and forth. In principle, this version of the mixer is quite optional, depending on ethnic composition broken toys and your imagination, you can come up with any other design that is more like the truth.

We make a kitchen “apron” from scraps of cardboard and glue hooks to it:

We put the kitchenette “on the back”, and in the front part we mark the doors, circling two sheets of A4. This time we cut through the top, bottom and center lines, the side lines will turn into folds, so do not forget to glue them with adhesive tape according to the same principle as the oven.

We pierce holes for the handles, pass the ropes through them, glue the shelves inside:

We glue the edges of the doors, paint and decorate the kitchenette to the best of our depravity, arrange all the utensils - and PLAY!!!

Remember Jonathan Swift's book about Gulliver's travels? One of the parts tells about how a tireless navigator finds himself on the island of the Giants. An adult, educated person turns out to be a toy in his hands huge people, lives in dollhouse and amuses them with his manners and skill with a sword. From now on, they decide where to go, what to eat and how to spend their free time. Reading about the hero's confusion, you begin to think about what it's like to find yourself in a world where you look at everything from the bottom up. Dishes, clothes, furniture - everything is much larger than you, everything is not tall, and this makes you feel helpless and lonely.

But children live in our world of adults just like that. Everything around them seems huge and alien. "Don't take it, you'll ruin it, then don't touch it - you'll break it." "Grow up and you'll know." And when it comes to "grow up"! In the meantime, listen to what they say and do what you're told. And how you want to manage yourself and decide what you can do and what not.

To the credit of adults, it must be said that they (that is, we) understand this and are trying to correct the situation by creating a world for the child with small dishes, toys and, above all, furniture. For example, a children's kitchen is a great way to let a child play cook, cook something, tinker with dishes and "food".

In stores, you can most often find plastic game modules in the form of a kitchen with a sink or stove, or both at the same time. They look good, but they are expensive and “do not pull” on a real kitchen.

A completely different thing is a kitchen for a child, made by the hands of loving parents. Firstly, no plastic - wood, plywood, cardboard, in general, exclusively natural materials. Second, the ability to take into account individual characteristics and tastes of the child: height, favorite color, degree of preparation for running their own household.

Step-by-step instructions: children's kitchen from an old cabinet

The possibilities of selecting the source material for creating a children's kitchen with your own hands are limited solely by your imagination and capabilities. In order to make such a toy from an old cabinet or bedside table, you don’t need to be an outstanding craftsman, but you need to have basic woodworking skills.

  1. We find a suitable locker or bedside table, strong enough to be safe for the child, and not fall apart at one touch.
  2. We sand the surface first with a large sandpaper, then with a fine one.
  3. Together with the child, we choose the color of the future kitchen, so that it pleases him and does not annoy you.
  4. We paint the bedside table with the paint of the selected color. We choose for this purpose acrylic paint without a strong smell, then wait until it dries.
  5. We determine the places where the stove, sink will be located, and if the possibilities of the cabinet allow, then also the oven and refrigerator.
  6. The role of the sink is proposed to be performed by a white or metal bowl. We measure the diameter of the bowl on the countertop and cut out a circle, retreating inward 1 cm from the edge of the drawn circle. We insert the bowl into the resulting hole - the sink is ready.
  7. On the other part of the countertop, we “equip” the stove. For burners, you can use black mats for computer mouse round shape, CDs, black and red pieces of felt, in general, everything that will ultimately resemble hob. History knows cases when light was supplied to the burners, and water was supplied to the tap. But this is already a peak to which one must strive, but it is not necessary to reach it.
  8. Switches can be put real, or replaced with door handles, plastic bottle caps, in general, something similar.
  9. You can also screw a real faucet, or you can use a curved piece of pipe instead, a dispenser from liquid soap etc.
  10. To make the toy oven look like a real one, you will have to hang the door so that it folds down (the hinges must be attached to the bottom).
  11. The rest of the design is subject only to your imagination. You can hang holders for towels and kitchen utensils (ladles, slotted spoons, brushes for washing vegetables, etc.).
  12. If there are shelves, you can place children's dishes on them and close them with a door or curtain.

The kitchen is ready, it's time to fill it with toy utensils, food and enjoy with your child new game. By the way, if something doesn’t work out for you, don’t worry, it’s still a toy, it can’t, and shouldn’t exactly copy the prototype. Give impetus to children's imagination, and she herself will make a horse, a gun, an oar or a teacher's pointer out of a stick.

Old cabinet can be converted into a kitchen for a child DIY children's kitchen from old furniture We added a few details, and the bedside tables became a children's kitchen This children's stove was recently a nightstand

Do-it-yourself plywood kitchen, video

If with old furniture tension, you can buy a sheet of plywood and “put together” a kitchen for a child from it. How to do this, you can see in the following video:

How to make a toy kitchen corner out of cardboard boxes

Cardboard box from under household appliances harbors an abyss of possibilities. You can make a lot of interesting things out of it, including a toy kitchen for your beloved child. The advantage of this option is that such work does not require special skills and physical effort, and therefore can be done by the mother without involving busy male power.

  1. First of all, we think over the size and composition of the future kitchen. Here you need to focus primarily on the place where it will stand.
  2. Based on the idea, we select construction material - carton boxes. For large kitchen, like the picture, need a lot of boxes from large household electrical appliances.
  3. We glue the boxes with tape so that they do not open and fall apart, first each individually, then all together.
  4. With a sharp paper knife, we cut out the doors in the places where they are planned, not forgetting that the oven door usually leans down from top to bottom.
  5. We cut a round hole at the sink site slightly smaller than the circumference of the future sink, the current bowl.
  6. The top panel can be reinforced with another glued cardboard sheet.
  7. We attach a tap (in the picture there is a dispenser from a can of liquid soap).
  8. Pasting the future kitchen self-adhesive film or wallpaper, so that it is not only functional, but also beautiful.

Related videos

How to make a smaller children's kitchen out of boxes can be seen in the video:

Children's stove from a chair, photo

Another "mother's" option for arranging a playful kitchen corner for a baby. For this purpose, you can adapt a chair or stool. You can paint the stool, hang hooks and switches, and now the stylized stove is ready.

A little paint, accessories and fantasy, and in front of us is not a stool, but a stove Sink, stove, kitchen shelf and cupboard fit on one chair Kitchen stove from an old wide stool

The second option is a cover for a chair or stool. Codename:

"Kitchen that is always with you": furniture set for the little ones

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows: we sew a cover, put it on a chair (stool). You can take it rolled up with you to your grandmother, to visit with an overnight stay, on a trip. I put it on any chair - and the kitchen is ready. The child is happy and calm, because a familiar home toy instills in him confidence and a sense of security. How to make it?

To sew a cover "Stove" you need to take:

A (height to seat) - 46 cm;

B (width of the outer edge of the seat) - 48 cm;

C (depth) - 46 cm;

D (width from the back) - 46 cm;

E (back height) - 50–60 cm.

  1. We cut out 6 parts from the fabric (1pc - AxB, 2 pcs - CxA, 1 pc - CxExD, 1 pc ExD, 1 pc ExD + AxD - solid).
  2. We cut out even circles from cardboard or thick paper - templates for future burners. We pin it to the wrong side of the dark fabric with pins, circle it, cut it out - the burners are ready. We attach them to the part СхЕхD.
  3. In the same way, we prepare circles of smaller diameter for the handles of the stove. We attach them at the top of the “front of the oven” (AxB) in the center of each circle we sew on a button or button to enhance the resemblance to stove switches.
  4. We make the "door" of the oven. We frame a square piece from the main fabric, sew a smaller dark square in the center.
  5. We apply the "door" to the "front panel" with switches. We circle with a pencil, we outline the place of attachment of the Velcro.
  6. We sew one part of the Velcro to the door, the other to the panel with switches. We attach the lower edge of the door to the panel with switches.
  7. For beauty and greater resemblance to a real kitchen, we sew a window from a pre-prepared fabric to the ExD part. "Frame" is best made from white braid. You can also "hang" curtains on the windows.
  8. To two identical parts of CxA we sew colorful pockets of such a size that they fit kitchen appliances.

    Sew the window to the cover on the chair "Stove" "Hanging" curtains on the window Sew colorful pockets for kitchen utensils

  9. We sew everything together, along the edge, if desired, we make a border.
  10. We tie the back long part to the panel with a window. To do this, we sew on each of them a piece of braid of such length that we can freely tie a bow.
  11. If desired, you can prepare several dishes in the oven (in the photo - a pie), for example, from felt and also attach with Velcro to the "oven".
  12. An elegant and mobile stove for a baby is ready.

Kitchen corner for the street and giving

Summer in the country is something special, as they say in Odessa. But if adults always find something to do there, then children find themselves weaned from their favorite toys, and the joys of village life may not always be an adequate substitute for play. In order for the child not to be bored and not to pour his favorite roses from a hose because of nothing to do, make him a kitchen corner right on the street. It will not require large expenditures of money and time, and it will bring a lot of pleasure.

Such a play item as a children's kitchen has already become a full-fledged part of the nursery's interior. What child would not be happy to see a small copy of an adult kitchen in their room. This is not just a set of furniture and various kitchen utensils, it is, first of all, an opportunity to captivate your child with a game.

The play kitchen is interesting place, which opens up a lot of opportunities for the development of creative abilities little man. Here you can cook lunches and dinners, invite family members to a tea party, but if adult relatives are fully employed, they can always be replaced with dolls. And everything will be completely real!

A toy kitchen can be a great way to introduce a child, regardless of gender, to food, functions kitchen appliances and furniture, as well as instilling important social skills such as table manners.

However, if you have already been to children's stores in search of a play kitchen for your child, you have probably already seen these prices? Even these kits are quite expensive. We offer you to get acquainted with several ideas for creating a game on your own. kitchen furniture. By the way, for this purpose, it is quite possible to use items from IKEA.

Shelves, chairs, bookcases, bedside tables and many other things can serve as the basis for your creativity. You can even find pieces of furniture that don't have to be repainted, because this chain offers furniture and miscellaneous items in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

So, to make a children's play kitchen, you can take an inexpensive bedside table, or a bedside table from kitchen set(sometimes in the discount department you can find individual pieces of furniture from various sets at a bargain price). From above it is necessary to make a sink with a tap and a stove, and at the bottom of the shelf under kitchen utensils and an oven.

For washing, you need to find a small sink and drill a hole in the tabletop of the bedside table and sand the edges, insert it into the prepared nest.

You can screw on a real, already used faucet, or be more creative and screw on instead of a faucet English letter"J" made of plywood (you can cut it yourself with a jigsaw), put it on wood glue for strength.

After that, we paint all this beauty in the chosen color, draw comforters with silver or black paint. We fasten the handles, they can be bought at any furniture fittings store. And most importantly, do not forget about kitchen accessories- crockery, towels, oven mitts, etc. Your play kitchen is ready!


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