Hallway walls. Modern decoration in the hallway: walls, floors, ceilings

The walls in the hallway are the main component of a beautiful and original interior. With the help of various creative and stylish finishes, you can create a special atmosphere in the corridor and reflect the personality of the entire room.

The nuances of wall decoration

  • The walls in a small hallway are best decorated in light and warm colors, they will significantly expand the space.
  • For such a room, it is desirable to choose wear-resistant and non-staining finishing materials.
  • In a corridor with a small amount of lighting, it is not recommended to use too dark finishes.
  • According to Feng Shui, if there is an empty wall in the apartment opposite the front door, it should be decorated with various paintings or photographs.

How to decorate the walls in the hallway?

When choosing, you need to not only rely on taste preferences and ideas about beauty, but also take into account the characteristics of the material.

A rock

Artificial stone or stone imitation are very durable and environmentally friendly. With their help, you can decorate all the walls in the hallway or apply only partial decoration, for example, beat the space around the front door, and thereby create a rather unusual design in the hallway.

mirror wall

Allows you to transform the space, visually expand it and create an original play of light. The refined mirror surface increases the lighting of the room, gives the interior volume, airiness and some coolness.


Porcelain stoneware has anti-vandal properties and has a high operational period. This type of finish or tile is considered a very practical decor for the corridor, as they are easily washed from any kind of pollution.


Brick walls are a bold and bright interior solution. Products imitating small bricks bring a special charm to the interior. Quite often, a white finish is used for the corridor, it makes the room more expressive and unusual.

The photo shows a small entrance hall with a wall decorated with brickwork.

painted walls

The easiest and cheapest way to design. Since the walls in the hallway should be easily washed from dirt, it is better to use moisture-resistant types of paints, such as enamel.


They allow you to make the design of the corridor really interesting. Washable vinyl, non-woven or photo wallpapers will not only create a unique interior, but will also last a long time.

The photo shows a spacious entrance hall and walls decorated with wallpaper with drawings of birds.


A versatile finish that is strong and durable. Wooden products have a very beautiful texture and bring a sense of comfort, warmth and peace of mind to the atmosphere of the corridor.

  • Clapboard. Natural, aesthetically pleasing and practical. The lining retains its original appearance for a long time, such a wall covering is unpretentious in maintenance and installation.
  • MDF wall panels. These composite models can have a different color and texture solution. MDF boards or panels in the interior of the corridor will look very beautiful and will bring a special atmosphere to it.

Decorative plaster (textured)

With the help of textural, imitation and color properties that decorative plaster possesses, amazing effects can be achieved. Embossed surface with various patterns, perfect for decorating any style.


Inexpensive, but at the same time a rather spectacular type of finish, which has many positive qualities. The laminate on the wall in the hallway can be used as inserts or decorate one of the walls.

PVC panels

Lightweight plastic wall panels with a top protective layer will not be subject to mechanical stress and will not lose their presentable appearance for a long time. This lining has a fairly easy care, for example, pollution can be removed with a regular damp sponge.

What wall color to choose?

Color solutions for wall covering for the corridor.


Rich in shades of gray, it is an excellent auxiliary background for bright interior accents. With it, you can soften the situation, make it more calm and at the same time unusual.

The photo shows gray brick walls in the corridor.


Mysterious, mysterious and intriguing blue will be a great solution for hallways with lots of lighting.


Chocolate shades of brown always create a natural and warm atmosphere, give a feeling of comfort and fill the room with peace and tranquility.


It will add expressiveness and uniqueness to the interior of the corridor. The black wall will become the main accent and will look very elegant, chic and original.


It gives the room an expensive and luxurious look, and at the same time, makes its design more thoughtful, detailed and clear.


It will add cleanliness and lightness to the atmosphere and will favorably highlight other elements of the hallway decor. This design of the walls will be an excellent option for small or narrow rooms.

The photo shows a narrow corridor with walls lined with white bricks.


Graceful shades of blue or gray-blue fill the space with tenderness, airiness and give the room a feeling of incredible spaciousness. A room decorated in this color will look especially advantageous if bright yellow, green or other accents are added to it.


Turquoise wall decoration is very fashionable, relevant and modern. With its help, you can bring incredible freshness to the interior.

Wall design options in the corridor

Unusual wall decoration turns the corridor into a unique design project.


Decorative lighting is a rather original technique that allows you to complement the interior and create an aesthetic effect in it. Lighting elements located on the walls significantly transform the space and give it a complete look.

The photo shows a hallway with lighting on an accent wall finished with laminate.


Picturesque painted panels fill the corridor with bright accents and make it sparkle with new colors. Exclusive drawings will undoubtedly become the center of everyone's attention.

Soft wall decoration

It has a high aesthetic appeal, as well as a respectable and expensive appearance. Soft wall decoration envelops the atmosphere with luxury.


A variety of drawings are considered a worthy option for updating the room.

  • Painting. Such a versatile decorative technique is very popular in modern design. With the help of artistic painting, you can set a certain mood for the atmosphere and add aristocracy and sophistication to it.
  • Strip. It is able to set a certain rhythm to space, bring dynamism and liveliness to it. The alternation of contrasting colors and shades will undoubtedly attract the main attention.
  • Trees and flowers. They make the atmosphere more harmonious, calm and peaceful. Such drawings play not only an aesthetic role, but also have a certain impact on spatial perception.

In the photo there is a wall with a pattern in the form of a multi-colored strip in the hallway.


Thanks to moldings, you can discreetly decorate the walls or make an interesting accent on them. This decorating technique allows you to create an authentic environment.


They provide an excellent opportunity to unusually decorate and ennoble the room. Harmonious plots that match the style of the hallway will create a unique and slightly magical atmosphere in it.


The aesthetics of the bas-relief attracts the eye. This type of decor can be created independently and get an unusual and interesting design.


Thanks to various complex compositions, patterns and images, with extraordinary ease it is possible to bring notes of brightness and originality into the corridor.

The photo shows a hallway with a wall decorated with a golden mosaic pattern.

accent wall

The surface of the wall, highlighted with an unusual texture, bright color or pattern, is a special interior technique that a priori guarantees an excellent result.

round shape

A round wall is a decorative element that does not need excessive decoration. Neutral and simple textures of finishing materials will not distract attention from the unusual rounded silhouette.


Perfectly emphasize the individuality and style of the interior. A variety of bright stickers will not only create positive visualizations, but also help hide the imperfections that have arisen on the walls.

The photo shows a hallway and a lilac-colored wall, decorated with a sticker in the form of a tree.

What to hang on the wall?

The main types of decorations that can be used to decorate an uneven or empty wall:

  • Mirror. A well-placed mirror, by adding perspective, will give the room spatial depth and spaciousness. This decor improves the visual perception of the room, changes its proportions, increases the level of illumination and makes the stylistic concept of the hallway more expressive.
  • picture. Decoration in the form of paintings or posters will add a special personality to the atmosphere, fill the space with positive energy and form a certain emotional background in it.
  • Photo. Set the atmosphere of liveliness and comfort. With this design, you can create a memorable design.

The photo shows a large mirror on the wall in the interior of the corridor, made in bright colors.

A lot of small or large details on the wall will allow you to place the necessary accents in the interior that will determine the mood of the whole room.

What style is better to decorate the walls?

Popular design options in various styles:

  • Modern style. This style requires balance and suggests a sense of proportion. Decorative plaster, brickwork, wooden, glass panels or models that will imitate marble, granite or other types of stone will be an excellent solution for modern design.
  • High tech. To design a high-tech style, cold or light shades are often used. Uncomplicated and simple types of functional finishes emphasize the fundamental features of this trend.
  • Classic. Expensive finishing materials in calm and noble colors will be appropriate here. Decor in the form of luxurious paintings, mirrors, stucco, sculptural elements, frescoes or panels will be an advantageous addition to the classic style.
  • Eco style. Ecological style implies natural wall coverings, such as wood, stone products or paper wallpapers.

Stylistic design allows not only to create a fashionable interior, but also to reflect taste preferences.

How to decorate the corners of the walls in the corridor?

For decorating corners, brick or stone masonry, slightly protruding above the surface, is suitable. This design has a fairly neat appearance and becomes an organic addition to the entire interior.

Ways to finish a niche in the wall

A niche can be a great alternative for a closet, open wardrobe or hanger. In addition, such a detail allows you to profitably save space and adjust the perception of the area.

Ideas for decorating a small hallway

It is desirable to design a small or narrow corridor space in more restrained colors. Minimal wall decor and neat finishes will create a feeling of complete harmony, sophistication and impeccable taste.

The photo shows a small entrance hall with beige walls.

A competent and moderate approach to the choice of shades is important here, it is not recommended to use too many colors and use contrasting small details.

Photo gallery

The walls in the hallway can completely change the interior and create the desired microclimate in it. Various finishes and accessories give the space an individual and original character.

The entrance hall is the first room that the owner or guest enters when entering the house. Most of these rooms are modest in size, but of considerable importance. It is in the small hall that the first impression of the general interior is formed. When designing it, it is necessary to adhere to important rules, taking into account both the design of the apartment and the external surrounding landscapes.

Features of finishing the hallway

So that a small room does not seem overloaded, you should carefully select finishing materials, furniture, and colors. There is no natural light in the apartment corridors, so it is better to give preference to a light palette, glossy surfaces. Such simple solutions will help to profitably present the room, visually increase its area.

Walls, floor, ceiling and doors must be in harmony. The entrance hall is closest to the front door of all rooms and is more often exposed to various kinds of pollution, cold, and damage. If the house has animals that need to be regularly walked, small children, special attention should be paid to the flooring.

Finishing the hallway is usually done last, when the repair of all living rooms of an apartment or house is completed. This is due to increased traffic, the movement of large-sized furniture and pollution at the time of conversion. Repair of the corridor should be carried out with wear-resistant finishing materials, taking into account their frequent cleaning.

Color spectrum

The most important element of design art is the choice of color. Coziness and comfort will depend on the harmony of shades. The entrance hall is the first room that sets the mood when entering the room, so it is important to follow the rules for combining colors when decorating it.

In a corridor of any size, the ratio of brightnesses must be observed. In dark color make out the lower zone. Middle and upper - in light. It is better not to make brightness contrasts. This may look annoying. Speaking about the nature of shades, it is necessary to understand that it is set by color-bearing materials. For example, expressive orange will look exciting if you introduce it into the interior with materials such as textiles, alkyd paint. Restrained shades will be obtained when using red brick.

For small hallways, it is better to use win-win neutral shades of beige and gray. In spacious rooms, warm shades (yellow, coffee, pink and others) can be used, provided that the color of the walls is at least one tone lighter than the furniture.

An important factor influencing the color of the walls is the illumination. You can compensate for the lack of light with blue, salad walls and a white ceiling. Designers do not recommend finishing with white materials in a darkened corridor. The walls will look dull, get dirty quickly. In the hallway with a window, the dominant color can be blue, green, indigo.

Stylistic design

Even the limited space of the hallway can be used to the maximum if you correctly approach its design. Start with zoning. It is necessary to determine a place for outerwear, shoes, accessories. Part of the area of ​​spacious corridors can be used to store slow-moving things. A large hallway requires competent filling, otherwise it will seem empty. From it you can make two walk-through rooms - in one area for storing street items, in the other to create a cozy atmosphere for relaxation, in harmony with the living room. You can use one of the following styling options:

  • Baroque. The refined interior creates a feeling of prosperity and emphasizes the high status of the owners. Suitable for spacious rooms. Materials must be natural and expensive;
  • Classicism. Delicate and luxurious, does not contain flashy details. A sconce, chandelier, large armchair or sofa upholstered in velvet and silk will fit perfectly here;
  • Empire. Wall decoration - only expensive materials. You can use Venetian plaster, silk plain wallpaper without patterns and patterns. Even a small hallway is filled with furniture as much as possible. Mandatory attributes - chest of drawers, mirrors, mythological accessories;
  • Pop Art. A hallway in this style will create an enchanting first impression. Saturated juicy background, sandblasted designer furniture, colorful paintings will make the room extravagant and festive;
  • Minimalism. When designing a cozy, functional room, no more than three contrasting colors are used. There are only clear lines and regular shapes. Minimum furniture;
  • High tech. For decoration use natural, artificial materials (glass, plastic, metal). All surfaces must be shiny. The floors are laid out with large ceramic tiles, fiberglass wallpapers are used for the walls, and the ceiling is glossy stretched or suspended.

Requirements for finishing materials

Any hallway is subjected to a huge load from external factors. The negative impact is exerted by dust, moisture, dirt, getting from the street into the room. Therefore, finishing materials should be not only outwardly aesthetic, but also practical. For wide corridors, you can apply any type of design. Washable wallpapers, paintable coatings, siding panels, artificial stone and others are suitable. For finishing small hallways, it is better to use materials that do not provide for the installation of a frame in order to avoid losing precious centimeters of area.

The main qualities that finishing materials for the corridor should have are the masking of pollution, resistance to mechanical damage, durability, ease of maintenance. Floors should be covered with durable building mixtures, artificial stone. In country houses, wooden flooring is used.

Varieties of tiles

The floor covering for the area subject to aggressive influence should be as resistant as possible. Choosing a tile, you can forget about repairing floors for a long time. It visually raises the price of the interior, does not lose its original aesthetics for a long time. Facing can be complete, over the entire floor area, or partial, involved in small fragments. The choice of type of flooring depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the house. Use the following types of tiles:

  • Ceramic. The tile retains a presentable appearance, texture and shade for a long time. Details made of baked clay are produced in a large assortment, with imitation of wood, ornamental stone. With proper installation, the risk of damage is minimized;
  • Porcelain tile. High strength product. Low-porous material is made from clay, crushed rocks with the addition of natural dyes. Moisture-resistant type of tile may have a glossy, rough surface;
  • Quartz vinyl. An improved version that does not respond to sudden changes in temperature, mechanical loads, aggressive detergents. The composition of massive fragments includes quartz, plasticizers, vinyl, stabilizers. The product is absolutely safe, does not make extraneous sounds when walking;
  • Glass. Original, elegant material. The raw material for the manufacture is ground glass with the addition of binders. Differs in a high indicator of reflection of light;
  • Metal. Stylish elements are used to decorate individual sections of the hallway. They are made on the basis of porcelain stoneware and covered with a layer of bronze, titanium and other metals. Perfectly fit into the classic style or high-tech.


One of the most popular floor coverings. Cheap, easy to install, interesting in design, the material is available in a huge assortment. For the hallway, both synthetic and natural coatings are suitable. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the degree of patency in the room. For the corridor, it is better to choose high-strength coatings with a high expected load.

A perfectly flat floor can be covered with linoleum without a base, but it is better if there is a foam lining. Multilayer PVC material on a woven basis will last for a long time. Alkyd linoleum with interlayers of resin and fabric has high heat and sound insulation qualities. The elastic and moisture-resistant colloxin coating will illuminate the entrance hall with a beautiful shine. It is not recommended to lay natural linoleum in the corridor because of its fragility and unreasonably high cost.


The first parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a laminate for a corridor is wear resistance. The floor covering for the hallway must withstand a large load pointwise and with a certain frequency. The most stable commercial grade parts are marked with numbers and graphics.

The thickness of the laminate on the market varies from 6 to 12 mm. This parameter is responsible for the strength of the castle, and therefore for resistance to stress. You can lay the laminate yourself by simply snapping the grooves, or put the elements on waterproof glue. It is better to give preference to products of well-known manufacturers that guarantee the service life of such a floor for more than 20 years. The color scheme can be varied. Under artificial lighting, a gray, beige laminate with an imitation of old wood will look good.

A natural stone

Universal finishing material has a long service life, a unique texture and pattern. Stone floors are a great addition to any space. This solution is applicable in antique, Scandinavian style, retro, minimalism. Natural stone on the floor in the hallway can be of any type, but it would not be rational to use too expensive options, given the specifics of the passage room. Granite, sandstone, slate will be appropriate. Natural rocks for laying floors have the following advantages:

  • Ease of care, the possibility of restoration;
  • High wear, longest service life;
  • Resistance to moisture, abrasive, chemicals;
  • Possibility of laying on warm floors;
  • A wide variety of colors and textures;
  • Immunity to the influence of microorganisms.

When choosing stone for the floor, it is necessary to take into account the weight of its elements. In city apartments, it is not recommended to use large and heavy slabs so as not to overload the floors. This finish is best used in the hallways of private houses with a solid base.

self-leveling floor

Thanks to modern 3D technologies, photo printing, such a floor in the hallway design has an impressive look. It can turn into a landscape, a seabed, a sand dune, or imitate any natural material. The decor is placed under a thick protective layer that prevents the image from wiping and fading. Such a surface meets all practical requirements.

An important advantage of self-leveling floors is the absence of the possibility of moisture penetration. The durable surface is not deformed from heavy furniture, thin metal heels, small stones from the street. After hardening, such a floor becomes absolutely safe, does not emit any smell.

Parquet and parquet board

Durable parquet requires careful maintenance during operation, especially if it decorates the hallway floor. Natural wood does not tolerate contact with water, it is erased when using abrasives. The top protective layer in the form of varnish, mastics must be updated frequently. For the floor in the hallway, it is better to choose parquet boards made of wood with a dense structure. It can be oak, ash, birch. Of the advantages of such a coating in the corridor, one can note the unique style, naturalness, ease of replacing damaged elements.

The parquet board is also made of natural wood, but of lesser quality species. Lay it like a laminate, on special supporting latches. Some manufacturers of building materials cover parquet boards with a layer of noble durable wood. Lacquer, oil-wax coatings are also used.

What material is better not to use for the floor in the hallway

The interior of a room with a high throughput load must not only have an attractive original look, but also comply with environmental and hygienic requirements. Floor coverings should repel dirt, making cleaning easier, not the other way around. Absolutely unsuitable material for the hallway floor is natural carpet. It absorbs moisture, dries for a long time, accumulates dust. Wet fibers are prone to rot and microbial buildup. Dents from heels and furniture legs are almost impossible to straighten. If the desire to lay carpet in the hallway is stronger than its negative features, it is better to choose similar artificial coatings.

It is also not recommended to use a cork floor in the hallway. Critical disadvantages include low moisture resistance, flammability and rapid wear. The cork is deformed under the weight of the furniture, from any mechanical impact. It is difficult to make such a finish with your own hands.

Finishing materials for walls

A wide variety of materials are used to decorate the walls in the hallway. When sorting through the options, it should be remembered that a creative stylistic idea should look not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practical. If it is difficult to choose one material that meets all the quality characteristics and requirements of the owners, you can use the ideas of combining surfaces, different textures.


Painting the walls is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to update your entryway. This can be done monogamously, using several shades and textures. First you need to decide on the type of coloring material and color. It is necessary to select a shade taking into account the size of the room, the level of darkness.

The boundaries of small hallways must be pushed as far as possible. Designers recommend using several working techniques when painting. Horizontal lines will help make the room spacious. It is necessary to refuse the dark scale, it is better to give preference to beige, olive color. Walls should only be painted with waterproof materials. You can use the following types of enamel:

  • acrylic;
  • Butadiene construction;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • Alkyd.

Decorative plaster

You can fill the hallway with comfort and create a homely atmosphere with the help of decorative plaster. Thanks to the unique structure of the material, unusual compositions and relief drawings can be depicted on the walls. Under a layer of such a mixture, it is easy to hide cracks, irregularities and other surface defects.

With the help of decorative plaster, you can create an interesting design of the corridor. A wide range of shades allows you to use it in any style. In addition to monochromatic mixtures, there are materials with the addition of gold, mother-of-pearl, bronze fibers. They are applied both in the standard way, smoothing over the wall, and make the surfaces embossed. Plaster is distinguished as follows:

  • According to the main filler (Venetian, structural, textured);
  • By composition (silicate, mineral, acrylic);
  • According to the main type (lamb, fur coat, bark beetle);
  • By subspecies (roller, silk, plastic-latex, rain).


A finishing material with high adhesion for the hallway is one of the best options. Polymer plaster made from a mixture of quartz sand and cement stands out for its exceptional strength. It is applied in a thin layer, no more than 3 mm, which is important for small hallways. Any surface can be coated with microcement. The standard color of the plaster is grey. It is suitable for high-tech corridors. If you need to revive the pop art hallway, just add a dry pigment of the desired shade.

The disadvantages of microcement include the complexity of its application. It is important to observe the exact proportions when kneading the material in a liquid polymer solution. Several people should work with the finished mixture at once. It dries quickly, which creates inconvenience when wet docking is required. The plastered surface must be covered with several layers of varnish.


This type of finishing material must be resistant to wear, durable and easy to clean. Based on the basic requirements, simple paper wallpapers will not work. There are several options for canvases with improved characteristics:

  • Vinyl wallpapers. The basis of decorative paper is covered with a plastic film. Due to its multi-layer, it is strong and durable. Keeps on the wall up to 10 years. With systematic wet cleaning does not lose color and freshness;
  • Non-woven wallpaper. The composition includes cellulose fibers and fabrics intertwined. They are held together by chemical composites. Cloths have excellent performance, hide the flaws of the walls;
  • Wallpaper. With the help of the material you can create an original interior. Panoramic scenes will visually enlarge the room. If the hallway is large, they can be used to successfully zone the space;
  • Fiberglass wallpaper. The canvases are characterized by a textured, interwoven pattern. Most of the products for finishing are designed for painting. Dense durable wallpapers have reinforcing properties. Service life - up to 30 years.
  • Natural wallpaper. Made from natural materials (bamboo, jute, leaves, etc.). Plant canvases bring them closer to the natural environment, absorb extraneous noise. They can only be glued with special glue.

Wall panels

A variety of colors, textures, materials allows you to use wall panels not only in offices, but also in cozy apartment corridors. Properly selected inexpensive products will create a comfortable atmosphere in the hallway. They are made from various types of raw materials. They have different characteristics. MDF panels retain heat well, isolate the hallway from extraneous sounds. The disadvantages include intolerance to high temperatures. In heat, they expand and deform.

PVC panels for walls have a high rate of thermal protection. They can be mounted to the ceiling at any angle. The lining freely contacts with paint, building glue, self-adhesive material. Any fittings look good on the wall panels in the hallway, for example, plastic switches. Decorating with metal hangers is appropriate.

Wall panels made of natural wood give the hallway respectability. Multilayer products are made from durable species (walnut, oak and others). They retain heat well, do not absorb moisture. Gypsum 3D panels attract with their original design. The convex relief can be executed in the form of waves, sand embankments.

Artificial or natural stone

To finish the hallway, you can use decorative natural stone or artificial. Real stone has a unique texture, you can choose a variety of colors. It will last exactly as long as the owner of the house wishes.

Artificial stones are made on the basis of gypsum, cement, from crumbs of real rocks. They have an absolute similarity with natural counterparts, but weigh much less. The decoration of the hallway is simplified by the feature of processing decorative elements. Only one side of them is textured, the other three resemble a cut of a tile. Gypsum-based stones are fragile and light. Most often they are used when mounting on drywall. Cement-based artificial parts are heavier and more durable. Quartz, acrylic agglomerates absolutely do not absorb moisture, they are distinguished by very high strength.

One of the safest hallway finishing materials with a zero indicator of harmful substances. It is made from crushed oak bark. The pile of sawdust is spread over the sheets and pressed. The output is a rolled natural material. For wall decoration, cork bobbins of increased elasticity and aesthetics are taken. Decorate them with an additional veneer layer, a special varnish. Thanks to modern manufacturing technologies, additional processing, cork wallpapers are endowed with the following positive qualities:

  • High moisture resistance;
  • Possibility of contact with organic solvents;
  • fire safety;
  • Soundproofing;
  • Absolute non-conductivity of electric current;
  • No condensation between wall and floor.

The secret of expensive interiors is the limitation in the choice of materials for decoration. It is better not to use more than three. Hallways with a small area can be pasted over with plain wallpaper to the middle of the wall. Highlight the lower part with wall panels located horizontally. Also, wallpaper in the jamb area can be decorated with artificial stone elements, small bricks, moldings.

The material of the floor covering should be combined with the design of the walls. Laminate, linoleum, parquet will be in harmony with decorative plastic-latex type plaster. The stone floor is combined with microcement walls. Bulk bright coating will fit into the overall style of pop art.

A creative approach to a fascinating but serious repair procedure is welcome. But for this you need to arm yourself with the appropriate knowledge and experience. As wise people say: only a fool learns from his mistakes.

x, and the smart one uses someone else's experience. The advice and recommendations of experienced craftsmen are always useful, especially if the conversation is about the walls in the hallway, finishes, photos. By listening to wise advice, you can reduce costs and competently organize the process.

3d panels in the design of the walls of the hallway

The nuances of working with surfaces in the hallway

In terms of traffic, the entrance hall is not inferior to either the kitchen or the toilet. Keep this in mind when preparing for repairs. The material for the walls in the hallway must meet the following requirements:

In the building materials market, the range of finishing products is huge. It is difficult to stop your choice on anything specific. Do not be upset about this, there is always a way out. So, for example, a successful combination of textures looks quite interesting and provides rich food for design minds.

Clue! The possibility of improvement is the main selection criterion. The walls in the hallway are regularly exposed from the outside. Therefore, in case of serious damage to the plane, it is better and cheaper to repair it than to replace it.

A lot of alternative variations are offered, wall decoration in the hallway. In order for the finish to be of high quality and look beautiful, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the photographs and choose your own, original way. Before choosing one or another coating, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the room, the microclimate, financial capabilities, and the general style of the interior. It is not advisable to use delicate types of coatings, as the surface will quickly lose its presentable appearance.

Before choosing one or another coating, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the room, the microclimate, financial capabilities, and the general style of the interior.

What will be the decoration of the walls in the hallway - a matter of personal preference. But in order not to be mistaken, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with each type of finish separately.

Clue! Before starting finishing work, the surface of the walls must be carefully prepared, responsibly approaching the implementation of each stage.

Decorative plaster - practicality and convenience

A popular finish option allows you to get a certain relief, color or pattern. A variety of texture fillers makes it possible to favorably present a color scheme, for example, marbled, or an unusual embossed pattern. The advantages of the material are obvious:

The possibilities of this type of coverage are truly endless. Thanks to the graininess of the plaster, you can achieve a beautiful effect for any design idea. But the material should be applied only on a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, the wall will not look beautiful, every defect of the previous repair stage will be revealed.

Clue! Decorative plaster is not as easy to work with as it might seem. Only an experienced professional can complete the finish with high quality and without errors.

Thanks to the graininess of the plaster, you can achieve a beautiful effect for any design idea.

Paint - simplicity and affordability

Even an inexperienced person can paint a room with paint. For this type of work, special decorative compounds are sold that are easy to apply and hold well. They are divided into categories:

The budget option of finishing, in addition to obvious advantages, has some disadvantages.

Clue! Ventilate the room frequently while working and protect the freshly painted object from damage.

Even an inexperienced person can paint a room with paint

Wallpaper - classic

Adherents of the classics like wallpapers the most. This is understandable, because no other type of finish has such a variety of patterns, textures, colors. Moreover, different types of wallpapers are perfectly combined with each other. This makes it possible to embody the most daring ideas, decorating not only the walls, but also the ceiling.
Wallpaper hides surface defects well, is resistant to wear and is easy to clean. The modern assortment is amazing. Wallpapers are:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • liquid;
  • cork;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • paper;
  • glass wall papers.

The latter view, according to experts, is unsuitable for the walls of the hallway.

Clue! If cats or dogs live in the apartment, then it is better not to use wallpaper. Animals can tear them apart and bring all the work to naught, it will not be possible to restore the spoiled.

Wallpaper hides surface defects well, is resistant to wear and is easy to clean

Wall panels - strength and durability

The composite is ideal for wall decoration in the hallway and in the corridor. The benefits of coverage are hard to underestimate:

The price for this type of finish depends on the materials that went into production:

Wall panels are produced in the form of rails, plates and sheets. On sale, products are accompanied by a molding, with which they hide the seams and joints of parts.

Clue! The panels are not afraid of moisture, resistant to mechanical damage and very durable, because the warranty period of use is 15 years. You can place panels on the wall in different ways: vertically, horizontally, at an angle.

Wall panels are produced in the form of rails, plates and sheets

Laminate - simplicity and reliability

An analogue of the previous option is a laminate. In terms of performance, it is not inferior to competing finishing materials. Main advantages:

It is also not necessary to prepare the walls for the laminate.

Clue! In rooms where high humidity, laminate can not be used. In damp rooms, the material is deformed, defects cannot be eliminated.

Decorative stone - environmental friendliness and luxury

Wall decoration with stone is an expensive pleasure. Decor is used in combination with other types of finishing materials. Artificial stone is quite durable, not much different from natural. One can talk endlessly about its aesthetic merits. The entrance hall, decorated with stone, looks amazing. The production is based on gypsum, so the stone is considered an environmentally friendly material.

The entrance hall, decorated with stone, looks amazing

The lower part of the wall in the hallway is trimmed with stone. This place is most prone to wear and tear: household members touch their shoes, large items, such as a bicycle or a stroller, leave scratches everywhere. A stone wall will serve you for a long time and faithfully. In addition, if desired, it can be painted, the relief surface will retain an attractive appearance. Repairing or replacing the damaged area is also not difficult.

Clue! To finish the wall with stone, a flat and smooth surface is required, otherwise it is extremely difficult to join the elements. The wall will turn out uneven, with steps on the surface.

Tiles - moisture resistance and savings

An old and time-tested way of finishing. Ceramic tiles have the following advantages:

High performance will allow you not to think about repairs in the hallway for many years. In rooms where there is regularly high humidity and sudden changes in temperature, tiles are indispensable. The tile washes well, the pattern is not overwritten, plus: the glossy surface visually enlarges the space.

Clue! Tiles are difficult to combine with other types of finishing materials. Refers to the material as a decorative wall covering, it should be very delicate.

An old and time-tested way of finishing.

Frescoes - grace and originality

Those who prefer unique finishes will love the frescoed entryway. In truth, the architectural painting on the wall looks rich and original. Such a hallway will become the subject of secret envy of friends and acquaintances. Walls with frescoes clearly emphasize the originality of thinking and the refined taste of the owner of the house. Elegance, the transition from stereotypes to creativity, quality - these are just some of the aesthetic advantages.
The disadvantages of this finishing material:

  • high price;
  • complexity of execution.

Frescoes have several types of bases:

  • non-woven;
  • synthetic;
  • interspersed with plaster or marble chips.

The effect of antiquity is achieved due to the cracked pattern and texture chips. The desire to decorate the walls with frescoes is an expression of a romantic mood, a creative nature.

Clue! Making frescoes on your own is quite difficult, this is a special technology. And, even an inexperienced home master can decorate the walls with ready-made frescoes.


Choosing a wall covering in the hallway is not difficult. It's a matter of taste. And, taking into account the nuances: the microclimate of housing, indicators of humidity, the quality of finishing materials, it is possible to profitably reduce the time and financial costs. The ability to combine, design and fantasize is useful in any situation. Dare and experiment!

Wall decoration options in the hallway

Walls in the hallway 47 photos of finishing options:

Modern apartments differ from the old Soviet "designer" delights, like earth and sky. And not even because of the increased ceilings or square meters of rooms and ancillary facilities. In the vast majority of cases, the entrance hall in the new design and layout of the apartment has really turned into a room at the entrance, and the corridor connected all the rooms in the apartment into one space.

How to choose the design style of the corridor in the apartment

Finishing the corridor in an apartment requires a certain patience and imagination, often there are not enough resources for a deep and careful consideration of the design of the wall decoration, and sometimes there is simply no time. But creating a style and choosing a way to design a corridor space cannot be called easy.

In addition, you need to take into account the features inherent only in the corridor:

  • The tunnel form of the room, in rare cases, the corridor can be made in the form of a broken curve or have branches or endings of a square shape;
  • Lack of windows and natural light sources;
  • A minimum of space for installing furniture, the absence of objects and attributes in the interior that enhance the overall perception of the finish of an elongated room;
  • It is necessary to gently combine all the premises of the apartment so that the corridor is a place for an organic connection between the style and decoration of neighboring rooms.

Important! Often, wall decoration is carried out for reasons of maximum practicality, especially since this room is the most visited in the apartment and requires the most care.

Corridor finishing options

The most significant drawback of the corridor space, which makes it difficult to use all the available possibilities of modern decoration, is the relatively small width. On average, the corridor can be 100-140 cm wide.

If you try to finish the existing walls with hanging decor, for example, sew up with wall slabs or trim with thick-walled wood carved panels or mosaic sets, the width of the room will lose at least 10-15 cm more.

Therefore, the following approach in solving the issue of finishing the corridor will be more correct and practical:

  1. The inner walls of the apartment, which form the space of the corridor, must be replaced at the stage of repair with a frame wall made of steel profile or wooden lath. Such a wall can be easily filled with soundproofing and sewn up with decorative panels;
  2. Leave the corridor walls in their original form, but use only thin-walled decor options for decorating the walls of the corridor - wallpaper or decorative plaster, textile coating with good sound-proofing properties;
  3. Use in the decoration more progressive methods of attaching decorative elements to the walls of the corridor, for example, glue, liquid nails or double-sided tape.

Wall decoration in the corridor with decorative panels

If the problem of fastening decorative elements is solved, or the corridor is wide enough to install wall panels, the best choice would be to finish the corridor in an apartment with imitation of a bar or any other form of wood with a pronounced texture and pattern. At the same time, it is desirable to use dull wood tones in the interior, and it is imperative to install small lamps on the walls with an upward sector of illumination.

In this case, the walls at the ends of the corridor are decorated with lighter colors, thus, the more shaded corridor space visually only enhances the size of other rooms.

A very interesting solution in the use of decorative panels is the installation of sliding wardrobes with wood-like door trim in the corridor. The second wall and ceiling can be made with liquid wallpaper or water-based paint light, to match the wood finish of the cabinet.

The division of the corridor space into light and dark parts can be called a classic technique in decorating an apartment. For example, one of the walls can be lined with wall panels under a plastushka stone. But the main part of the light in this case should be directed to the darker part of the decor.

Ideally, to illuminate the shaded side, it is better to use natural light or a lamp that gives light that is as close to the daylight spectrum as possible.

Continuing the theme of using natural colors in the decoration and design of the corridor, it is necessary to recall a very beautiful way of decorating paper and wooden mats, framed doors in the style of Japanese materials and the obligatory use of an oriental plant to enhance the perception of decor.

Doors in such an interior are sheathed with a thin tinted rail without polishing or varnishing. Decorative panels with a characteristic texture of bleached bamboo weaving are pasted on the walls. The design is very stylish and strict.

Any decorative surface accumulates an insane amount of dust, and even more so, there is a lot of it in the corridor. You can simplify the task of cleaning and maintenance if you choose light gray decorative panels as the decoration of the walls of the corridor. The overall tone of the corridor room will be quite even and calm, the surface of the decor can be easily cleaned of any dirt.

This is especially important if the corridor is a favorite place for games for the younger generation. In critical cases, the finish can be easily restored with a water-based emulsion or liquid wallpaper.

For such a finish, it is important to choose the right places for installing lamps, most often several sconces are used with a stream of light directed to a light ceiling.

As a classic solution to the problem of arranging and decorating the corridor space, you can see it in the photo below.

The partition separating the corridor space from the room premises is made on a frame with a gypsum-vinyl board lining. Such gypsum-based materials, through the use of fluff pulp fibers as filler and porous sound-proofing layers, give excellent noise suppression and at the same time have high strength.

Advice! If you have a desire to increase the width of the corridor by 15-20 cm without significant costs, it makes sense to replace the brick in the walls with a frame structure.

Instead of brickwork, 15 cm thick, due to the installation of GVK plates, a full-fledged wall with a very beautiful finish was obtained. In addition to a well-chosen color scheme, dual-zone lighting is used. The upper zone - with the help of daylight fixtures in a false ceiling made of plasterboard, the lower part - in the form of LED spotlights. At the same time, in a relatively narrow room, there is enough space to install a small table or flowerpots.

Combined finish using panels and decorative plaster

If there are free financial resources and a desire to achieve maximum expressiveness of the corridor finish, you can use a combination of decorative panels, stretch ceilings and a properly selected wallpaper pattern. In some cases, instead of wallpaper, decorative plaster in the corridor has more expressiveness.

Stretch ceilings, parquet and precisely matched shape of wall lamps give a complete imitation of the 19th century style.

Often, decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper can shape the style of an apartment using a couple of overhead decorations and panels, wall paintings, or the right color scheme for the space.

Often, a lot of problems are created by corners at the transition points from the corridor to the hallway or hall. This corner most often suffers from impacts and mechanical damage, making the transition in the form of a rounded surface expensive and not always effective. Therefore, they try to decorate the corner, close it with decoration or objects.

One of the most effective is the use of overhead elements in the form of imitation of natural stone or old masonry walls.

Secrets of the design and decoration of the corridor

Few people consider the size of the corridor space in their apartment to be huge, most often they complain about the opposite. There are several basic finishing techniques with which you can easily increase the visual perception of space. A good way would be to use contrasting wallpapers with vertical stripes.

Mirror surfaces have the maximum "expanding" effect. But only on the walls. Trying to install a mirrored ceiling will have the opposite effect - the height of the ceilings will appear higher, and the space between the walls will be tighter and narrower.

Often there is a wall in the corridor that you don’t want to cover with paneling or litter with additional interior items. In this case, on the basis of decorative plaster, you can simply draw a very cheerful and full of positive energy drawing. Most likely, it will please you longer than other items of decoration in the apartment.

A very good way to enliven the interior and decoration of the space is to use fresh flowers and plants. There will never be many of them in any room. But for the premises, truly jewelry accuracy will be required in choosing a place for their installation so that they do not interfere with movement and at the same time be in sight.


The decoration of the corridor does not differ in anything special and unusual from similar methods of interior design in other rooms. Moreover, in this case, the goals and objectives are always clear - to make the decorative elements unobtrusive and not interfere with the use of the corridor.

In principle, it is not difficult to choose a design and artistic performance, you need imagination and means for experimentation.

The corridor of the apartment is the very first room where people enter after entering, and it can create an impression of the whole house, including its owner. But how to decorate the walls in the corridor besides wallpaper? For decorative finishes, there are many options for raw materials, among which they choose the one that best suits a particular situation.

Facing with natural wood products is a fairly environmentally friendly solution for decorating walls, for which there are different finishes. Wood fibers circulate air well, create a cozy atmosphere, and with proper treatment will last for many years.

Natural lining

The most budgetary, but at the same time quite neat material is a lining made of wood. Due to various methods of wood processing, a wide selection of products is obtained in terms of shape, cut thickness, which allows you to find products for different styles of decoration.

One-piece lining reduces the level of incoming noise, perfectly retains heat inside the space.

Within one large group of raw materials, four models are distinguished, which are respectively labeled "A", "B", "C", and a separate place is reserved for the concept of "extra".

It is the latter option that is used to mark products of the highest quality, without any violations during production.

Category "A" also includes products of the best class, but at the same time, one knot is possible on finished products for no more than 1.5 m of the web. It is also allowed if there are some small cracks that do not pass through.

Products “B” are considered to be of lower quality, and when they are created, it is possible to leave about four knots per one and a half linear meters, but with a diameter of up to 2 cm, as well as several cracks that do not pass through, spots.

Lining "c" class is the least quality, as it allows the presence of knot sections, up to 2.5 cm in size, cracked areas, occupying up to 5% of the entire length of the product, as well as streaks, uneven colors.

👷‍♂️ No less important information on the topic:

natural wood panels

More expensive in cost, but more spectacular in appearance, natural woodland cladding is obtained in an apartment or a private house. During the processing of the trunks, the natural pattern of the wood is preserved, which makes the final product even more attractive.

Massive products cover the entire surface of the wall or only its lower parts.

Products are made from various tree species, which allows you to find an option that is optimally correlated with the existing construction budget.

Partial wall cladding

It is possible to reduce the unit cost if the main surface is made of less valuable wood, and on top, by means of the hot pressing method, veneer from a more noble forest variety is attached.

The front surface of the panels is coated with a special varnish, wax, to protect the material from natural changes, insect damage, and gives a decorative overall look.

Pros and cons of wood for decoration

Like any other raw material option, wood is not without advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the material are resistance to wear, and with good density - to mechanical stress.

With a good coating, the wood has an unusually long service life, which does not interfere with further wall cladding: the wood goes well with various types of cladding.

The surface lends itself perfectly to painting, perfectly holds the resulting color, staining in several layers is allowed.

Cosmetic repairs from this type of coating are carried out quite easily, which allows even a beginner to perform it with high quality.

A wide range of wood species makes it possible to choose products of different colors, different patterns on the cut.

The disadvantages include only the need for processing with a special coating and sometimes high cost.


Wallpaper in the hallway perfectly complements the partial finish of another material. For example, pasting the upper half with wallpaper while sheathing the lower wood or stone will look very harmonious, modern. It is important to be able to find the optimal type of material.

non-woven fabric

Products based on interlining is a two-layer coating, the lower part of which is a non-woven fabric made of cellulose.

A durable panel will help hide minor flaws in the walls, partially level the surface. After drying, the coating does not shrink, does not interfere with the normal circulation of air inside the room.

There are plain models, with a pattern, a thematic pattern and for painting. But the final lining will not be able to resist the claws of the animal, therefore, in such a situation it is better to combine the finish.

Vinyl rolls

Wallpaper with the addition of vinyl is a paper or non-woven base with a vinyl surface. Polyvinyl chloride can create products of various thicknesses and reliefs.

Durable products have a high wear resistance, colors do not fade from sunlight, which helps to preserve the original shade for many years.

Vinyl wallpaper on paper

Vinyl-covered walls can be wiped down regularly with a damp cloth, and a wide range of finishes are available to suit almost any interior.

Vinyl sheets on interlining

You should not paste over the room with the cheapest rolls, as there is a high risk of release of harmful toxins.

It is best if the vinyl wallpaper is based on non-woven fabric, as such models are classified as "breathable".

Fiberglass on the walls

Products based on fiberglass have increased strength characteristics, wear resistance due to the presence of strong fibers.

The material is environmentally friendly, so it is safe to use indoors. And after applying to the walls, the coating can be painted in any color with a substance based on water or latex.

Wear-resistant raw materials have a long service life: it is possible to repaint canvases up to 15 times, but they can sag without peeling for about 30 years.

The final lining does not shrink, does not get wet, is resistant to fire, burning, wet cleaning, high humidity in the room.

Wall mural

Canvases with photographs are created from various materials. Therefore, you can choose wallpaper of any composition, with a special relief. For example, it is possible to glue photo wallpapers with such a relief that the finish looks voluminous.

It is not necessary to take a specific pattern, there are many calm, background images of wildlife or gardens that help to visually expand the corridor.

Panoramic models differ in that the main theme is city streets, buildings, which also creates the effect of additional space.

Realistic photos of flowers, grassy meadows, jungles or forests with three-dimensional display are otherwise called 3-D, and HD options have increased clarity.

Proper wallpapering is shown in the following video:

cork finish

Cork wood is an antistatic raw material that does not conduct or accumulate electricity and collects less dust. Also, this type of substance is resistant to fire, external influences, direct sunlight.

Due to the high level of surface durability, it is an excellent option for pets: even the dense claws of a dog will not damage the finish.

They are an ecological option with a light weight finishing material, which facilitates the installation process on their own.

A solid canvas of wood is one of the highest quality and most expensive options.

If you do not plan to sheathe the walls with dense raw materials, then you should pay attention to cork rolls or wallpaper.

Bamboo cladding

Bamboo walls are a great idea, a very durable finishing option for hallway walls. Walls covered with bamboo are not afraid of mechanical damage, ultraviolet radiation and have various shapes.

Panels from this type of raw material are made from solid or sawn in half trees. There is also an option with an assembly of thin rails that are attached to a single base. The hot pressing technique expands the range of products in terms of shape, size, sheet density.

Wallpaper from such a material is created from many of the thinnest slats in such a way that the final product in thickness reaches only 3-5 mm. The entire fabric is stitched with a thickened strong thread. As another option, a cloth is made from a gauze or rice base, to which the slats are attached.

The variety of rolls consists in various colors, as well as thematic drawings, small prints or specific images.

plastic panels

PVC coating on the walls in the hallway is in great demand due to the vastness of the model range.

Quite a budget option that exists in different shades, patterns, there is an imitation of brick, wood, natural stone.

Aesthetic coating can last for many years without loss of decorative and functional qualities. Fastening products does not require glue, cement or other raw materials.

With proper installation, using plastic panels, you can correct the unevenness of the base, hide the passage of wires or cables.

MDF or fiberboard?

Fiberboard and MDF panels differ in the degree of strength of the raw material, the density of one sheet.

Medium density fibreboard, otherwise called MDF, is produced by dry pressing, and carbamide resins are additives. This option looks more presentable, and the usage time is longer. It also has an industrial waterproof coating.

Fiberboard acts as a finishing material of low density, but it can be used to level the work surface for further finishing.

Fake diamond

It is not so easy to make a beautiful coating of natural stone, in addition to being very costly in terms of money, time and effort. To facilitate the task, but to achieve the desired result is possible with the use of artificial imitation.

Based on gypsum or cement

A cement or gypsum additive suggests the presence of plasticizing substances, which contributes to the creation of various relief patterns that form the maximum possible repetition of natural materials, which will help decorate the hallway.

If you have skills in laying tiles, then the work will take less time and effort, since laying artificial stone is no more difficult than ceramics.

Cement, gypsum stone imitations

But the surface is gradually worn out, the damage must be covered as quickly as possible with a fixing agent (varnish, paint) in order to prevent subsequent destruction.

This finish is not cheap, so you should prepare for such expenses.


Acrylic products are 75% harmless minerals. Distinguished from white clay. The addition of crumbs of marble, granite or other natural source gives a special decorative effect to the stone.

The main component for the bonding of all constituent elements is acrylic resin, which is otherwise referred to as polymethyl methacryl.

Acrylic fake stones

Due to eco-friendly colors, it is possible to achieve any desired color, without harm.

The coating is resistant to wear, has a long service life, and can also be used for laying ledges, niches or countertops inside the corridor.
