What does remote work mean. What is remote work on the Internet

Hello, Dear friends! While I was busy filling the blog and clearly following the goals as part of my 100 days, my knee suddenly hurt. For I am actively preparing for the half-marathon distance, and my body, apparently, begins to slowly act up because of this.

I'm not going to give up, but can someone tell me what to do with this? Please write in the comments.

In the meantime, I'll tell you a little about what it is telework on the Internet, how it is performed and “what it is eaten with”. In a word, you will learn everything you need to understand the essence of the phenomenon. I hope that the information you read will help you decide if this type of employment is right for you.

In working on this post, a copywriter girl helped me. Here is what she wrote about herself as her own review:

“I am 20 years old, and I have been working as a copywriter for a year (i.e. writing articles to order). As for me, this is not such a long experience, but it is quite enough to be imbued with deep sympathy for remote work. At the same time, I study at the university, a music school, in general, I do everything that interests me and helps me to realize myself. Working 3-4 hours a day (or about 25 hours a week), I earn 3,000 hryvnias a month, which is a little more than $120. In general, quite modestly, but in proportion to the time and effort spent.

It doesn't seem to be thick. But for a full-time student, this is a very good addition to the scholarship, and without the need to unload the cars or run for days as a promoter with leaflets at the ready.

Remote work (synonyms: telework, remote work)- the form labor activity in which the employee and the employer are at a significant physical and geographical distance from each other. At the same time, everything Required documents, tasks and results are transmitted by the parties to each other using modern means of communication (formerly fax, today Internet).

It is clear that with such an organization of labor, a lot of technical and psychological characteristics which, under certain consideration, can turn out to be both pluses and minuses.

In my consulting practice, I distinguish 2 types of remote work.

Types of remote work

In general, remote work is a very broad concept that combines many different types activities. But the essence is always the same - you are removed from the employer, office, "work" place, i.e. stay at a certain physical distance from them. This means that you can work almost anywhere: at home, on a bed or chair, in a park or cafe, on the beach or even on a hike.

I would like to immediately dispel the stereotype that remote work is. This is not true. It can be different: with a normalized schedule and without, with enrollment in the staff and complete independence, with varying degrees responsibility and workload. Everything, as always, depends on what you do, how and under what conditions.

Workplace in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka

Work for one regular employer

For example, you can be an employee in a certain company and perform your work duties at home or in another place convenient for you: take calls, program, draw or even sew.

Today, many companies are switching to this form of employment, especially from the IT sector. Thus, the employer can save the cost of renting your workplace and give you more space for creativity and self-organization.

More often than not, you won't have a free schedule; work will need to be done at certain hours. But there are times when you need to specific task for a certain time.

When, after my enchanting job, I moved to a new workplace, one of the ways to organize work was just remote cooperation. I, however, used it only in moments when I did not want to go to the office at all.


Freelance worker employed by natural or legal entities to perform occasional tasks. About that, I wrote a separate detailed article, please take a look.

I must say, this is my favorite type of remote control:

  • maximum freedom in choosing activities, customers, volumes of tasks and deadlines for their implementation.
  • the ability to work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet
  • independence from impermanence economic markets(it's impossible to fire you)

For reference, with in English“freelance”, if you break the word into two parts (free and lance), then a free spear comes out or, without scoffing, a free spearman, a hired worker (freelancer). That is, a person with certain skills and abilities, hired for long-term projects or one-time work.

Today this is the most famous type of remote work, especially popular for IT specialists, rewriters, smm and seo specialists.

What is the advantage of freelancing?

In my opinion, it is very important to change the relationship between employer and employee. They are transformed into customer-performer or client-performer relationships. Notice what the point is?

That's right, in the hierarchy, there is much less of it or not at all. Ideally, the client and the performer are equal partners working on a project or task, where each plays a role.

Working from home on the Internet, you choose your own type of activity that matches your interests and skills, choose a customer, project, payment, terms. You are an equal participant in labor relations and all aspects of your work are now agreed with the client directly.

Freelance pros:

  • even more degrees of freedom
  • the ability to choose projects for yourself
  • maximum opportunities for self-realization
  • freedom of movement and mobility
  • lack of bosses, bosses, hierarchies and offices

Favorite photo, reflecting the essence of remote work

Another important detail is communication with customers, which most often occurs through Internet correspondence (less often Skype interviews), which means that your gender, age, appearance and other aspects of your personality that may be grounds for discrimination in admission to real job.

I also talk about the problems that aged applicants face.

By the way, when looking for a job, be aware that it is illegal to indicate the gender or age of the applicant in the ad.

How to find a dream job?

Sometimes it’s enough to google “freelancing” and in return you will get a lot of links to different ones. Another option is regular job search sites. On most of them, you can select the type of employment in the search filter. I think you already guessed that you need to check the box next to "remote work".

However, everything is not easy! It is impossible for newcomers to break through on the exchanges, and no one answers the sent response letters ... The start is always the hardest. Therefore, we recommend starting not from scratch, but by learning from professionals. To do this, I spend 1 time per month. Sign up!


I told you what remote work is and how it happens. As a result, I would like to separately highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.


  1. The ability to work in any comfortable place, and if you work via the Internet, you can be located almost anywhere in the world.
  2. Saving time and money on travel and quite serious: 1-3 hours every day. Where to put so much free time? You decide!
  3. The ability to independently organize your working day (in most cases), and ideally full control over the workflow.
  4. Lack of control from the authorities, which causes a wonderful feeling of freedom and inspiration.
  5. Save on the dress code, even work in slippers and shorts!


For example, it is not so easy for all people to organize themselves and force themselves to work. For me, this is periodically a real disaster, because of which I delay the work as far as possible. An important nuance for many people is the lack of colleagues with whom you can talk and consult.

It also entails other disadvantages, such as the lack of a sense of belonging to a common cause, a sense of team. According to many experts, professional growth also slows down through remote work, since Feedback from the employer does not always arrive on time.

Weigh, choose, analyze and decide! In addition to free working conditions, remote work will provide you with an excellent opportunity to find your own business and develop professional skills.

Or it can become a real way of life for you, when you build your life not around your working time, but in between your favorite activities.

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What is remote work: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of remote work + 5 main differences between remote work and freelancing + 5 promising professions for working from home.

Telework- This is a phrase that has been on everyone's lips lately. Especially often it can be heard in the conversations of students and pensioners. But not everyone knows what remote work is, and what is the difference between this type of employment and freelancing.

Let's take a closer look at the concept of remote employment, its pros and cons, analyze the differences from freelancing and tell you what specialties will allow you to become successful without leaving your home.

What is remote work: detailed explanation

Remote work is usually called this type of employment, in which the regulation of the work process between the boss and the subordinate is carried out via telephone or the Internet, in other words, remotely.

Features of remote work:

    Organization of the workplace at home.

    Unlike other employees in the state, you work from home and resolve all issues with your superiors and colleagues through available funds connections.

    Official employment.

    Despite the fact that you do not work in the office, you are an officially employed employee of the company.

    Clear work schedule.

    You have fixed working hours, just like office workers. You are given days off and holidays,.

This way of employment has already become an integral part of the workflow of leading companies around the world. In Russia, remote employment is also becoming more and more popular.

Recent statistical studies indicate that by the end of 2020, 20% of all employed Russians will work remotely.

This is largely due to the fact that the range of professions that allow you to work remotely is expanding every day.

But big choice careers suitable for telecommuting is not the only reason why many employees prefer . Some people simply cannot work in the office, as they combine employment with other activities.

That is why remote workers are most often:

  • students who want to earn extra income without interrupting studying proccess. Most often, young people choose the professions of translators, call center operators, programmers.
  • Women on maternity leave who want not to lose their professional skills and earn some money. Very often, young mothers during maternity leave continue to cooperate with their employer, only remotely.
  • pensioners whose pension is insufficient for life. Many managers are happy to provide remote jobs to retirees, as such workers have a lot of experience and can positively influence other subordinates. These include lawyers, accountants, financial analysts.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote work

1. Advantages of remote work.

    Comfortable workplace.

    The first plus of remote employment is a workplace at home. You can organize it the way you want. You no longer have to sit in a noisy, stuffy office full of people.

    Freedom in the organization of working time.

    This statement, unfortunately, is not always true in relation to remote work. After all, if you work as a call center operator, your working hours are strictly regulated. But other professions often do not require working from 8.00 to 18.00. The main thing is to be in touch at the stipulated time.

    Save time and money on travel.

    Since you're working from home, you no longer need to get up early to get to the office. Also, you don’t have to waste time on evening traffic jams on the way home. And yes, you don't have to pay tolls.

    Free form of clothing.

    Remote employees don't have to follow a dress code. You can wear comfortable clothes and not spend money on buying another suit.

    Opportunity to combine employment with other activities.

    If you don't have to work strictly on time every day, you can combine your work with study and motherhood. Also, you can take breaks when you feel the need to.

Remote work has enough advantages, which explains its popularity. In addition, as practice shows, remote employees earn at the level of full-time employees, and sometimes even more than them.

But we should not forget about the shortcomings of this type of employment.

2. The main disadvantages of remote work organization.

    Arrangement of the workplace at your own expense.

    If in the process of remote work you need a laptop or other office equipment, then you will have to buy it for your own money.

    Problems with the organization of working time.

    In cases where the employment contract does not strictly regulate your working hours, it will not be easy to force yourself to work. Due to improper organization of work, you can work both on weekends and during holidays. Therefore, you need to seriously think about time management.

    Lack of communication with the boss.

    It happens that due to the lack of live communication with their superiors, it is more difficult for employees to complete their tasks, since there is no way to quickly clarify the working nuances.

    Lack of communication with colleagues.

    If you are a sociable person and like to work in a team, then the lack of communication can be a problem. But if you have enough friends, the problem will solve itself.

In short, remote work, like other types of employment, has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, to work remotely or not depends directly on your capabilities and preferences.

Remote work and freelancing: 5 main differences

When we are talking about what remote work is, many mistakenly believe that remote work is freelancing. But this statement is false. Despite the fact that these two concepts are very close, they have many significant differences.

While remote work is the same job, only at home, freelancing is self-employment. Freelancers themselves look for customers, choose projects they want to work on and organize the workflow.

Here are the 5 most significant differences between freelancers and remote workers:

TOP-5 professions for remote employment

Now that we have figured out what remote work is, let's analyze which professions with remote employment are the most promising, and where to look for vacancies.

Because telecommuting and freelancing are different concepts, which means that the options for searching for job offers will be different. If freelancers are looking for free projects on freelance exchanges, then remote workers use other sites to search. But first things first.

Let's start with promising professions for employment at home.

No. 1. Programmer.

Programmers have been the most sought-after employees in the world for many years. But since there are not very many good programmers, the demand for this profession does not fall.

This is one of the most popular remote specialties, because the main tool of labor for such employees is good computer. In addition, programmers are quite reserved people and working remotely is a big advantage for them.

On average, the salary of a competent programmer is up to 200 thousand rubles.

Where are remote programmers looking for work:

  • https://moikrug.ru is a platform that specializes only in job vacancies in the field of IT technologies. More than 32,000 companies post their vacancies here, 35% of which are offers to work remotely.
  • https://www.superjob.ru- large playground big amount vacancies on a permanent basis. Offers in the field of IT technologies are updated every day, there are many options for remote employment on the site.
  • http://www.job.ru— one of the largest sites, where more than 50,000 current vacancies are published daily. Here you can find work, both remote and office, regardless of profession.

These sites are arranged according to the same principle. You just need to go to the site you are interested in and, using the given search words, find the right vacancy. Let's look at this with an example https://www.superjob.ru:

Sites like these make it easy to find a job quickly. The main advantage of such sites is that all companies posting their vacancies are checked, and there is no risk of cooperation with an unscrupulous organization.

No. 2. Translator.

Translators, as well as programmers, are in-demand specialists. The salary of experienced translators is up to 150 thousand rubles.

Many popular translation agencies are recruiting remote employees to their staff. This is due to the fact that such a profession does not require the mandatory presence of an office space.

Another plus of this profession is that you do not need to have a special education at all. Enough, everything else can be learned in the process.

The most popular translation agencies that allow you to find a job remotely:

  • TransEurope ( http://transeurope.ru) is a translation agency that employs translators in the state on a remote basis. Collaboration is also possible without registration in the state.
  • TransLink ( http://www.t-link.ru) is an organization that deals with all types of translation services. Here they are looking for full-time and freelance employees.
  • Partners ( http://www.multiperevod.ru) is a translation agency in Moscow, where you can find a vacancy for a remote translator with full-time registration.
  • Lingvo Service ( https://www.lingvoservice.ru) - here you can find vacancies of a translator for remote form employment. Employment as a full-time and freelance translator is possible.

The scheme for searching for vacancies on these sites is the same as those discussed above. Each site has requirements for applicants. We advise you to study them in advance in order to have a better chance of getting a job.

No. 3. Designer.

Designer is another profession that will allow you to become successful person while working at home. You can work as a regular or as a web designer.

The salary of remote designers reaches 120 thousand rubles. The only nuance of such a specialty on a remote basis is one that will convince a potential employer of your professionalism.

These sites have many offers for full-time employees, but also offer jobs for those who want to work remotely. In addition, here you can find a job, even without experience in the field of design.

No. 4. System Administrator.

A system administrator is a company employee who monitors the stable operation of servers. This profession is ideal for employment at home, since the administrator can solve all problems remotely.

The pay for such a profession is very good - up to 150 thousand rubles. But given some of the nuances of this specialty, not everyone will be able to take the position of a system administrator.

Features of the system administrator profession:

  • Certain knowledge is required to start working in this area.
  • It is important to be in touch all day long, as a server failure can occur at any time.
  • Necessary qualities of an employee: attentiveness, diligence, responsibility.

If you have such qualities and have an idea about this profession, then this specialty is for you. Purposeful professionals in this industry, working remotely, often outperform their office counterparts in terms of wages.

To find a vacancy for the position of a system administrator, you should use the sites considered for the profession of a programmer.

Want to understand what remote work is?

From the video you will learn what it is, who has the opportunity to work remotely and how much you can earn:

No. 5. Sales Manager.

Sales manager is a profession that is rapidly gaining popularity these days. And along with it, a remote way of organizing the work of workers in this area is becoming popular.

First of all, it is very beneficial for the employer himself. He does not need to spend money on office maintenance, especially since it is even more convenient to work as a sales manager at home.

Qualified specialists receive a salary of up to 300 thousand rubles. This figure is not at all inferior wages professionals who work in the office.

The best place to look for vacancies for this position is on online job sites, which post thousands of job offers every day.

We list the largest of them:


    One of the largest job search sites. A huge number of vacancies are published here daily - both for the office and for remote work. There is even a special section for remote employees.


    A very convenient platform for searching for vacancies, which contains offers for specialists in all areas. There are convenient filters that allow you to find the most suitable job.


    A large job site that allows you to search for jobs by city, company and category. Here you can also find training offers for the required position.

The main thing when looking for remote work on these sites is to fill out an advanced search in order to find exactly what you are interested in.

For example, you want to consider offers on the site https://hh.ru. First you need to follow the link and select the search for vacancies in the search box:

Next, select the advanced search, in which you set the parameters you need and be sure to indicate that you are looking for a remote job:

If you did everything right, you will see a list of vacancies with remote employment. Now you can start choosing the offers you are interested in.

We named the 5 most promising professions for remote employees. All of them have one big plus - you can succeed in these specialties, even if you previously worked in another field.

Let's summarize. We defined, what is remote work, analyzed what are its differences and named the main advantages and disadvantages. We also got acquainted with promising professions and popular sites for finding remote vacancies.

Remote employment- a new in Russia, but a very promising way of organizing work. Whether this job option is right for you, decide for yourself. Perhaps you are already ready to give preference to remote work, or maybe you will be ready in a few years.

Define your interests and achieve your goals ...

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What does remote work mean?

Remote work - what is it? In fact, it determines specific legal relations with remote work, the features of which are related to the nature of the work function.

To conclude remote employment contract is possible only with a citizen who performs his work duties outside the location, as well as outside the control (direct or indirect) of the employer. This work function is called remote work.

For the interaction of the parties to labor relations on issues directly related to the performance of work, and for its direct performance, common information and telecommunication networks should be involved. Often remote work is done through data transmission over the Internet. Recently, such relationships have become widespread.

Remote work in a shopping center: how to conclude an employment contract? Sample

As follows from the provision of paragraph 1 of Art. 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract with a remote worker can be concluded by mutual exchange of documents that have electronic form. At the same time, within 3 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the agreement, the employer must send the employee a remote employment contract in paper form, drawn up according to the usual rules. When signing electronic agreements remote workers and their employers use enhanced qualified electronic signatures (paragraph 4 of article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When an employment contract is concluded with remote worker, the employee submits to the employer all the documents specified in the law. They may be sent electronically. If the employer is not satisfied with this, he demands to provide paper copies, then the employee sends him notarized copies of these documents. Sending is made by mail by registered letter with notification (paragraph 3 of article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Remote workers transfer directly to the employer or send by registered mail with notification (paragraph 7 of article 312.2 of the Labor Code).

Familiarization of an employee who has concluded a remote employment contract with the rules of procedure, as well as local regulations directly related to its function is allowed through the interchange of electronic documents. A similar procedure is provided for familiarization with the adopted local acts, orders (orders) of the employer, requirements, notifications and other documents of this kind. In turn, the employer must issue an order for remote work.

In other words, the employment contract for remote work fully complies with the requirements Labor Code, and, therefore, the remote worker receives all state guarantees provided by law.

Remote work: terms of the employment agreement

Very important provisions to be included in a distance employment contract are the conditions governing:

  • the nature of the labor function (remote work);
  • the time period for which each party to the legal relationship undertakes to send confirmation of receipt of the document in electronic format from the second party;
  • the obligation of an employee who has concluded a remote labor contract to use the equipment provided (recommended) by the employer, information security tools, software and hardware or other means. In this case, remote workers become familiar with the provisions of labor protection for working with such means (equipment) at the initiative of the employer. Instead, the employer may allow the use of equipment, software and hardware and other means (personal or rented) at the discretion of the employee (paragraph 8 of article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the terms and procedure for providing the employee who signed the distance employment contract with the necessary funds or the conditions for paying compensation for the use of personal (leased) funds by him;
  • the timing and procedure for submitting reports on the work done to the employer who has concluded an employment contract with a remote worker (paragraph 1 of article 312.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • work schedule and rest schedule. When there are no such conditions, remote workers are entitled to independently establish their own regime (

Hello friends!

I recently ran into a friend who hasn’t been able to find a job for several months and was surprised that she still doesn’t work remotely. The fact is that many people, including young people, come up with many barriers for themselves, and as a result, they never start looking for a job on the Internet. Therefore, today I decided to talk in more detail about remote work, tell how it differs from standard freelancing and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.

Ability to work anywhere in the world

What does remote work mean? Imagine that you are sitting in a comfortable home environment, or in a cafe, or even better - in a beach house in the Maldives, doing your favorite job and getting decent money for it, do you think it's hard to achieve this? - Actually, no, it's all well-constructed remote work. If you love what you do and are ready to improve every day, then getting this kind of job is very simple. Also one of the most important factors in this work is self-discipline .

If you, dear reader, know how to independently organize your working day and think that the standard work schedule is not for you, then this type of activity will be to your liking! How often does it happen that during a trip to work you think: “Now I could have a cup of coffee in peace, spend more time with my family, and not just see them in the evening for several hours”? This is especially true for people who live in big cities, they are on the road a day for 3-4 hours. Count how many days a year you waste, just on the road ... I'll tell you - an average of 30-40 days. But there are such poor fellows that they are forced to spend up to six hours of their precious time on the road, then it turns out to be two whole months that they can delete from their lives.

Remote work and freelancing - what's the difference?

Now about a more specific one - how is freelancing different? Remote work implies official employment in a company for a remote worker vacancy. Sign all required documents now you can without problems e-mail.

But if this organization is located in your city, then I advise you to visit there at least once and see what this organization is like. And freelance work is a kind of private business. On the Internet, you can find many vacancies and projects, even for beginner freelancers. Depending on the level and experience of the employee, the salary depends on his work.

Who initiated remote work?

I recently came across some interesting information. Did you know that Jack Nilles was a pioneer in the development of telecommuting in 1972? Of course, there was no Internet at that time, and telephones were used to communicate with remote workers. After a number of studies, it has been proven that telecommuting has many benefits for both entrepreneurs and workers. Managers save on rent, electricity and a host of related costs.

Remote control of the process is carried out in the same way as in office work, since no one canceled reports on the work done. And for a disciplined worker, this type of activity will bring even more advantages. After all, everyone would like to succeed in work time do a few personal things. It would seem that there are not many of them, but if they pile on a large snowball for a short evening after an 8-hour working day, it becomes difficult at such a pace to find time for an elementary rest.

There is work for everyone

Anyone can work from home , regardless of age, nationality, religious beliefs, etc. The main desire is to have at least basic computer skills. Think about it, maybe you have a hobby that you would like to turn into a paid job, but, for example, there are some problems with the sale of products?

Take care, in this case, to find organizations or individuals who could pay for your work. As a result, doing what you love, you can earn no less than doing office work, which does not bring you such pleasure. There is work on the Internet, as they say, "for every taste and color."

Benefits of Internet Workers

Internet business is moving forward with great strides, so using this resource, you keep up with the times. Abroad, already every fifth resident works remotely. This is beneficial, because you do not need to spend time and money to get to the workplace, you can delete from the expense column, buying clothes to comply with the dress code, and this type of activity is also different in that you can start working without financial investments , which will also positively affect your wallet.

Do you think these are all advantages? - There aren't many of them yet.. But in my opinion, the main advantage is that there is an opportunity to devote more time to your family and yourself. To feel that you are living and not existing, you need to constantly develop. And if you sit in the office every day and do the same routine work, then development, unfortunately, remains somewhere in the background. Working at home, you can do one type of activity for some time, and if something doesn’t suit you in the future, you can always retrain, and you will have the opportunity to try yourself in a new role.

Some of the most active workers at home are students, women on maternity leave, and IT professionals. IT companies are the most common firms that make the most of remote work. Specialists in this organization can be scattered throughout the globe, and this not only does not interfere with them, but, on the contrary, makes it possible to get a wider client base.

Perhaps you know grammar well, like to read and write? Then you can try yourself as a journalist and engage in filling various sites. Perhaps in the future you will be able to write for some well-known glossy magazine and many readers will admire your articles. Or do you know perfectly foreign language, then the payment for your work will increase by at least three, or even more. After all, European and American companies will pay for quality work in foreign currency, which in the current economic situation will only increase your earnings.

A guide for beginner freelancers

: there is a large selection of sites where you can find a decent paying job, but you should always choose proven sites. If you have friends who are already working remotely, then perhaps at first they will help you to correctly orient yourself in " world wide web". Or do you want to try your hand at a new field on your own? Then I can advise you to go to the freelance exchanges weblancer.net and work-zilla.ru.

On these sites you will find responsible employers, who clearly set tasks and help new freelancers not only learn how to properly perform the required tasks, but also pay your work on time. Vacancies and projects on these sites are divided into categories, so it is very easy and convenient to search for the information you need. Even older people can figure it out and find a job they like.

Do not wait, try yourself in new areas, change your life for the better. After all, the world is so wide and multifaceted. There is so much to try and do, and the Internet is the most easy way access to the unknown. Take advantage of the benefits that today's technology gives us. Subscribe to my blog updates, as I always have up-to-date and interesting information. Share it with your friends. I am sure that after reading the blog, you can always show off your erudition.

Bye everyone, see you in the next article.

I am convinced that remote work is the future of our planet. Not in isolated manifestations, as is happening now, but on a scale of the entire population of the Earth. Today, technology is developing at a frantic pace, and sometimes it seems to all of us that we are the heroes of some futuristic book.

Technological progress is stunning, amazing, inspiring and scary at the same time. But one thing can be said with absolute certainty: never before has a person had so many opportunities in any area of ​​life. This is especially true of work - the main component of human life. In this article, I want to take a closer look the consciousness-changing phenomenon of the 21st century is the possibility of remote work.

What is remote work

It would seem that everyone understands that remote work is when an employee is not tied to his workplace, and performs his professional function “remotely”. The opportunity to work remotely appeared with the development of the Internet, when participants in the intellectual labor market realized that it was possible to transfer the results of work and receive new tasks using a computer and the global network, without the need to sit at a specific table in a specific office.

The concept of remote work was developed by American Jack Nilles. In 1972, he proposed the idea that it was not necessary to keep employees in the office, since modern facilities connections allow you to maintain contact between employees at a distance. The authorities showed interest in developing the idea of ​​remote work, seeing it as a solution to transport problems that were acute in cities. New organization labor could allow to solve these issues, and at the same time provide jobs for the population of remote rural areas.

However, in many cases people who work remotely are still looked at with a squint, identifying them with anything but unfair work. Most people do not understand the phrase “remote work” at all, despite the fact that this same majority daily uses all the benefits of the Internet.

Believe me, I know this firsthand. Every other day they ask us: “How do you work remotely? Do you have your own business? What do you do? How exactly do you earn? People seem to be under the impression that remote work is for a select few. This is not true! Remote work is not a business, it’s not a hack, it’s not a scam. It’s just that people are divided into two types: those for whom the Internet is entertainment, and sometimes a time killer, and those for whom the Internet is a sea of ​​​​opportunities and a tool for making money.

Remote work is the usual work with employment contract, schedule, weekends, paid vacation, bosses and subordinates, workdays, stress and deadlines. Everything is like in a classic office job, only outside the office.

How is remote work different from freelancing?

I noticed that many people confuse remote work and freelancing. Nikita is often referred to as a freelancer, although he is not. In fact, remote work and freelancing have only one thing in common - the Internet as a means of communication. Everything.

The word "freelancer" literally translates from English freelancer as a free worker. This means that the freelancer is not associated with any company, he works for different companies, different clients, and searches for them on its own. Perhaps the freelancer is registered as individual entrepreneur, he has his own website, where he describes his services, or the fame of him circulates on the Internet, and clients find him themselves. Perhaps he is an active participant in such specialized sites as fl.ru or freelance.com where customers and performers of any service find each other.

Freelancer is in free flight, he has no schedule, no boss, no team, and most often no permanent job. There is different projects- one-five-twenty a month - which bring him income. It already depends on the specialization and credibility of the specialist. The remote worker has a permanent contract with one company, a fixed working day and a fixed monthly salary. He is not free to choose projects and tasks, he does what his supervisor tells him to do. Maybe he's in charge himself. Indeed, today there are entire "distributed" teams, where all employees work from different cities and even countries.

Why remote work and earnings on the Internet are different things

There is another big confusion in terms. And I really want to dot all the "i". What is remote work, you already understood. Now let's understand what is earnings on the Internet.

Working on the Internet is the performance of certain actions that bring profit, but the process of work and the results of labor do not go beyond virtuality. I won't consider everything possible ways earning money on the Internet, I will give only examples. There are special sites where any Internet user can complete tasks and receive money for them: put likes, leave comments, subscribe to publics; in addition, there are sensational binary options and other financial transactions, understanding which you can get money; there are all kinds of information products - courses, lectures, eBooks whose authors also earn.

What is the difference between remote work and freelancing? The Internet in such work is not just a communication tool, but directly a material for earning. Roughly speaking, remote work and freelancing are possible without the Internet.- specialists perform the task at home (for example, make cadastral calculations or accounting reports) and personally bring them to the office on a flash drive or send documents by mail. Internet is not needed. Namely, "earnings on the Internet" without the Internet is not possible.

Myths about remote work

Myth 1. Remote work is very difficult to find.

Reality: Finding a remote job is just as difficult as finding a regular job. It all depends on your knowledge, experience, personal qualities, goals, etc. For remote positions, you also need to pass interviews, tests, show a portfolio.

Myth 2. Remote work is not for everyone.

Reality: The remote labor market is developing every day. I'm sure that in a couple of years, even typically "applied" professions like doctors, teachers and even cleaners will find themselves in remote work. The spectrum of remote vacancies is much wider than we used to think.

Myth 3. Remote workers earn less than office workers.

Reality: Perhaps at the dawn of remote work as a phenomenon, such discrimination took place. Now this is not so.

Myth 4. A remote worker cannot build a career.

Reality: If you understand the main thesis of this article, then this myth is no longer relevant for you. A remote worker is a regular worker, and if he is worthy of a promotion, he will be promoted.

Pros and cons of remote work for an employee

pros Minuses
Freedom of movement: a remote employee can work at home, in the park, in a cafe, on the beach, travel around the world.Constant search good internet: any fabulous place to work can be hell for a remote worker if the internet is bad.
A comfortable workplace: a warm bed with hot cocoa, a hammock between palm trees, the sound of the surf - anything for your inspiration. You can work naked, in pajamas, without makeup and hair.water expenses, toilet paper, electricity and the Internet is your concern, the company does not pay for this. You also provide yourself with the necessary equipment for work.
Save time on the road and fees: no need to get to the office with traffic jams or the subway. Plus, no morning stress. The saved time can be spent on family, self-education and recreation.There will be no more fun drunk corporate parties with colleagues. Although, for some, this is a plus.
There are no unnecessary distractions from the workflow: a colleague at the next table will not get anecdotes, and the lunch break can no longer be devoted to discussion new year gift boss.You will not have New Year's and any other gifts. But in a noisy cafe, they can also interfere with your productive work.
If you are an introvert, then it is impossible to imagine a more ideal job for you.If you're an extrovert, you'll miss tea time, social gags, and the opportunity to make new friends. Although you can also make friends remotely.

Pros and cons of remote work for the employer

pros Minuses
A remote employee is more motivated: he does not have to sit in the office for eight hours. He completes his tasks, the faster he completes them, the more personal time he will have. As practice shows, more often remote employees work even more than eight hours, because. they are passionate about the task and want to complete it.Tune competent work"distributed" team is not so easy. It is necessary to carefully consider the system of reports, communications, online meetings, and so on.
The choice of an applicant is not limited to one city: you can choose the most talented specialist in the industry to join your team, even if he lives in another country.The personnel department should be ready for the procedure for formalizing remote employees. This entails additional operations, for example, sending a contract, issuing money transfers etc.
Saving costs on renting a workplace and equipment wear and tear, as well as other accompanying expenses: a remote employee bears expenses, for example, for a computer breakdown.If the employer does not provide the employee necessary equipment he has no right to demand certain things. For example, in case of force majeure: a computer breakdown, a power outage or an earthquake in the place where the employee works, work will be temporarily suspended, and this should always be kept in mind.

Rating of demand for remote professions

I studied several major Russian and international sites that regularly publish new remote vacancies, and also analyzed popular pages with current offers about work in in social networks. Based on this study, I have compiled a ranking of the most in-demand remote professions today.

  1. Information Technology: programmers, all kinds of developers, HTML layout designers, SEO specialists and others.
  2. Financial sector: bank specialists, accountants, estimators, financial project managers and others.
  3. Sales: sales managers, call center operators and others.
  4. Education: all kinds of tutors, coaches, authors of student papers and others.
  5. Administrative area: assistants, application collection administrators, transcribers, database operators, and others.
  6. Media, marketing, advertising: PR-specialists, SMM-specialists, copywriters, journalists, Internet marketers, website editors and others.
  7. HR: recruiters, HR managers and others.
  8. Design, photo, video: graphic designers, web designers, illustrators, photo and video shooting, video editing, video clips creation and so on.
  9. Consulting: project managers, consultants and others.
  10. Other: translators, tourism managers, insurance agents and others.

Ways to find remote work

For most people, finding a remote job is an unknown mystical ritual, seasoned with wild dances and joining a sect of the elite. Many told me that remote work is available only to residents of megacities, although the idea of ​​​​remote work just breaks any connection to geolocation. Let's look at three main ways to find a remote job.

  1. Talk to your boss. He may want to transfer you to a remote position with a visit to the office once a week, and then without participating in the weekly meetings at all. Personally, we had such an experience, it works in practice. Even if your company does not yet have a single remote employee, you can become a pioneer.
  2. Browse numerous job search websites. Even on the same HH.ru, more than 12 thousand remote vacancies are currently available. There are specialized sites for finding exactly remote work. I will write about them in a separate article, because. I have accumulated a good base of cool resources.
  3. Contact specialized specialists, which professionally prepare people for remote work, help to retrain, if necessary, consult, train and help with employment. Today, there are many free remote work consultants, as well as webinars, books, articles in which experts share the secrets of finding remote work.
If you are really interested in remote work, but do not know where to start, I advise you to pay attention to . RD2 is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the field of online training for remote work. The company was founded in 2012, and today it is international organization, which teaches Russian-speaking people from more than 30 countries on five continents to work remotely. The company's team consists of 65 people, and all employees work remotely from different parts of the world.

The company conducts unique trainings that help people find them strengths and apply to earn money in a new area for themselves. Company motto: “Remote work is for everyone” which I fully agree with.


Remote work allows you to manage your life, gives you more freedom, more opportunities, and this is exactly what the average middle manager in any country dreams of. Large international corporations have long been practicing a partially remote schedule for employees, and young effective startups rarely consider standard offices as a workflow space.

In Russia, remote work as a phenomenon is just beginning its journey. In big cities, more and more companies are opening remote positions, and people are increasingly striving for just such a job. But in our mentality, such a strange approach to work still does not fit yet. As evidenced by numerous misunderstandings, myths and stereotypes regarding remote work.

Unfortunately, I did not find any surveys or specific statistics on this matter. Only by personal experience I can say that among the youth of the whole world, remote work is not just fashion trend, but the most acceptable way of life, in which work, family, travel, leisure and hobbies are combined in a balanced way.

I have been collecting information and my thoughts on this for a long time, so the article turned out to be large. I hope you take it as a basis for reflection and your own conclusions, and not as the ultimate truth. Share in the comments what you think about remote work? Do you have similar experience? What would you add to my thesis?

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