What is remote work. Remote work - what is it? Where to find remote work (pros and cons)

Most of us are used to working “for our uncle”. We live according to the scheme “home-work-home” or, more precisely, “home-traffic-work-traffic-home”. Sometimes on weekends it is possible to meet with friends or get out into the world with the whole family. Vacation - according to the schedule, getting sick and doing personal business at a convenient, usually working, time is generally not recommended.

Pros and cons of remote work

Not everyone is ready to put up with these shortcomings and limitations. Therefore, recently such a form of work as, or remote work at home.

It should be noted that the concept of remote work was invented by American Jack Nilles back in 1972. Even then, the existing means of communication allowed employers to maintain contact with employees at a distance. After 7 years, the term “flexiplace” was coined - “flexible workplace”.

Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, a huge number of people around the world work and earn money without leaving their homes. These are men and women, pensioners and students, mothers with babies in their arms and professionals who are tired of daily long hours of commuting. There are many types of remote work from home. And everyone, whether a highly qualified specialist or a person with little experience, can choose the right option for themselves.

Modern businessmen willingly take remote employees into their teams. This is very profitable: no need to rent a room, buy furniture and office equipment, hire service staff. All the work is done by people living in different parts of the world. the globe. If, at the same time, the work of remote employees is organized correctly, then the company's customers will not even understand that the staff does not work in a single office, but at home in comfortable conditions and according to an individual schedule.

Advantages of remote work

  • No need to waste time and money traveling to and from work.
  • Free work schedule.
  • You can live wherever you want (and there is the Internet).
  • You are your own boss: you can freely manage working hours, prices for services and work with customers of your choice.
  • No need to be afraid that the employer will refuse because of age, gender, appearance or having small children.
  • Can work with people handicapped and poor health.
  • It is possible to find a job where communication with people will be minimized (for some, this is very important).

Disadvantages of remote work

  • It is necessary to maintain self-discipline and high responsibility.
  • Career prospects are not always clear.
  • Problems with excess weight and health in general due to low mobility, a large load on the eyes, lack of motivation to look good.
  • Some regions may have expensive and/or slow internet.
  • Limitation of “live” communication with colleagues (although the “minus” is doubtful).
  • You need to spend your own money and time on arranging a remote workplace.
  • There is a certain risk of running into scammers.

By the way, since 2013, Russia has provided legal regulation remote work. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, remote work is officially referred to as remote work. And an employment contract for remote work can now be concluded not in paper form, but signed using an electronic signature. This allows you to find official work at home and reduce the risk of fraud by employers.

If you are attracted by the “pluses” of remote work at home via the Internet and are not embarrassed by the “cons”, then you may well find yourself remote work to their liking and in accordance with their abilities, including as a part-time job.

IN next time we will talk about the Internet professions most in demand on the market and about what parameters you can use or a part-time job at home in order to.

Remember the words of Confucius: "Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

To better understand what remote work is, watch a short video about people working successfully through the Internet. They share their feelings about new form works, talk about what has changed in their lives for the better.

Based on the book “24 Internet Professions, or How to Work Without Leaving Home”.

Remote work has been on the rise in recent years. After all, just a few years ago, in response to the remark “I am a freelancer,” one could see the raised eyebrows of the interlocutor in surprise, today freelance work surprise no one.

More and more people are refusing to work in the office - with its absolutely inflexible schedule, strict boss and two-week vacations. Whether freelancers regret their departure from the world of “white collars” is unknown, because everyone has their own opinion on this matter. However, there is simply no way left to ignore the very concept of remote work - it has burst into our lives so sharply and imperiously. everyday life that it is simply impossible not to notice it. It is about what remote employment is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, that we want to talk about.

Definition and essence of remote work

The very concept of "remote work" appeared in the distant seventies of the twentieth century. It was at this time in the United States that one Jack Nilles shared with the public his opinion that it is not at all necessary to go somewhere to work every day. Instead, in order to work and earn money, it is quite possible to complete tasks at home, and send / bring / telegraph the results of your labors to the main place of work. The idea received support and funding, which provoked its development and led to modern look.

Today, remote work has changed somewhat, but its essence has remained the same. Thanks to the development of the Internet, communication between the employer and the contractor has become much more accessible and easier. Both a freelance employee of a particular company and a freelance worker - a freelancer can be engaged in remote work. The last caste includes people who are independently looking for customers around the world, agree with them on the timing, nature of the performance and payment for work, receive technical task and transfer the results of their intellectual work to the employer. In turn, customers accept the work and transfer it to the contractor using electronic payment systems payment.

Types of remote work

Remote work is good because anyone can find their calling in this field. If you can boast of some skills and abilities, finding yourself an interesting source of income is not so difficult. To date, there are many exchanges where employers leave their tasks, and interested performers choose what they like. Well, for those who do not want to resort to the help of intermediaries, there is another way - they can look for orders on their own.

Article writing

If you have a good command of the word, you will not be left without orders: today there are enough a large number of offers from employers who would like to receive quality texts, slogans and articles. People who write texts to order are called rewriters, copywriters, or simply authors. The task of the former is to collect the necessary information on the Internet or take it from the source material proposed by the customer, process it and state it in your own words. In fact, the work of a rewriter is a high-quality readable retelling. The copywriter's task is somewhat more complicated - he needs to independently create an absolutely unique text that has its own original style. Often, customers want to get a so-called selling or SEO-optimized text - it should include special combinations of words, key phrases, and have some other features.


Many designers also make a living from freelancing. This layer of free artists includes people involved in a variety of art, landscape design, font development, creation of company logos, vector and raster graphics, polygraphy, animation and many other types of creativity. Interior design and drafting is another quite popular area in the wide field of freelancing.


Are you fluent in foreign languages? Then you have an excellent base to carry out translations to order. This also includes writing texts on various topics on foreign languages. It is all the more good if you are a native speaker of the language in which the customer wants to receive the text. In this case, your chances of getting a job will increase profitably.


For those who are familiar with programming, there is also something to their liking. There are many customers in the network who want to get high-quality websites. Web programming, game and database development, systems programming - if you can really do great work in any of these areas, you will not be worth the price!

How much can you earn working remotely?

Remote work is good because you know in advance how much money you can get after completing each specific order. However, the main disadvantage of freelancing comes from here - earnings in this industry cannot be called stable and constant. Especially since some types of remote work may even require an initial investment.

It's no secret that each type of remote work is valued differently. It also plays an important role where and how exactly you find your customers. If you do this with the help of content exchanges, a certain percentage will have to be paid for cooperation with them. If the customer and the contractor found each other without outside help, their costs (and therefore earnings) will not suffer from third party intervention.

Until you are forced to stay at the beginner level, your income will be appropriate. But as soon as you acquire work experience and regular customers, a well-composed portfolio and positive feedback on the part of satisfied customers, you can count on much higher earnings.

Advantages of remote work

Like any other form of employment, remote work has its advantages and disadvantages. After all, you must agree: there is no perfect job!

  1. The main advantage of creativity outside the office is that the performer is not locally attached to anything. That is, your workplace can be your favorite sofa in your own bedroom, a comfortable hammock on southern islands Or a table in a cafe. You can work wherever your heart desires - the main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable there. This makes it possible to travel a lot and not try to have time to travel all over the countries for a short two-week vacation, which an employer can offer you in a standard office.
  2. Another plus is the absence of the need to go to work every day. Moreover, in order to get from point A to point B, residents big cities sometimes you have to pre-stand in all possible traffic jams. Another plus is saving money, because you no longer have to spend money on travel and gasoline.
  3. Freelancing also attracts performers with a flexible schedule. Most likely, no boss will be happy that you work at a time that is convenient for you, and not for him. But many people note that their performance at night is much higher than in the morning. In addition to the fact that you will get the opportunity to work at any time convenient for you, you can also arrange spontaneous weekends for yourself. The main thing is to meet the deadline and hand over the work to the customer on time.
  4. A free schedule and the absence of a workplace assigned to you in the office makes it possible to devote much more time to family and friends. This helps to create the balance and harmony we all need, which are sometimes unattainable when working in an office. After all, very often you have to be torn between work and home, and not always in favor of the latter.

Disadvantages of remote work

Freelancing also has its downsides.

  1. The first of the main arguments against remote work is the need for constant self-organization. Agree that working at home, in the usual comfortable conditions, often - in a dressing gown and knitted socks - is very relaxing. In order not only to work, but also to earn from remote work, you will have to adhere to the daily routine. From personal experience Many freelancers can be told that household chores often distract from the work process. Therefore, if you cannot set the right rhythm for yourself, your earnings will decrease significantly. Remember: here the main overseer of you is yourself!
  2. Another minus is a completely non-working atmosphere, which, most likely, will reign in your workplace. Whatever one may say, a business suit and a personal desk in the office are still more conducive to work than children running around asking mom / dad to play with them.
  3. If you are going to become a freelancer, you can immediately internally prepare for the fact that some of your acquaintances will not take such work seriously. According to the stereotypes that have developed and are firmly rooted in our minds, it is believed that you can only work somewhere, but certainly not at home. That is why your relatives and acquaintances who work in offices will ask you to help them with something outside the home, referring to the fact that you allegedly do not work.
  4. Another pitfall of remote work lies in the fact that freelancers often get off track. Due to the fact that the muse visits for some reason at night, many “remote workers” complain that they go to bed late and, as a result, get up late.
  5. For extroverts, the lack of communication with colleagues can be a serious obstacle to working from home. Forget the noisy fun corporate parties, joint whispering behind the back of the boss and other petty pranks of employees of large companies. From now on, your entire team is you.
  6. Novice freelancers can also be frightened by the fact that they will have to take overclocking from zero start. If you have at least some developments that can be placed in a portfolio, things are a little easier. However, most beginners cannot boast of such, so they will have to work with clenched teeth at first. Well, if you can boast of at least some skills in the area where you are going to work. But often, in order to spread your wings and work fully, you have to learn a lot of new things - and for this you will need to give the lion's share of your time and effort. In addition, mentally prepare for the fact that at first the income will be far from what you want.
  7. Another disadvantage associated with remote work is that you may well have to register an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes on your own. The problem is that since you are your own boss and subordinate, then paying taxes also falls on your shoulders.

Remote work has so many positive and negative aspects that over the years of its existence it has already managed to acquire both an army of supporters and a camp of opponents. Work at home or in the office - everyone chooses for himself. However, if you still decide, take a risk and do freelancing, new spaces, opportunities and prospects will open before you!

remote work in our country is not as developed as, for example, in the USA or Europe. Entrepreneurs are still frightened by the prospect that they may never meet their employee. In our article, we will figure out exactly how remote work can be organized so that it does not cause concern for the enterprise and questions for the regulatory authorities.

Telecommuting or remote work from home

What do we know about remote work? There are several types of remote work:

  • home;
  • remote;
  • freelance.

Freelancing is work under a civil law contract. With this kind of remote work, everything is clear. The entrepreneur finds an employee (freelancer), gives him specific task, sets deadlines and indicates all this in the GPC agreement. If the employee does the work on time, the employer pays him a one-time remuneration specified in the contract. This type of employment does not imply any social guarantees.

But with the home and remote work things are different. An employee concludes an employment contract (TD), which gives him all social guarantees.

Features of remote work of a homeworker

When working at home, the worker's workplace is his home. Raw materials, tools for performing certain work are provided by the employer or the employee can purchase them on their own. This is specified in the TD. Under such conditions, the contract prescribes compensation for the expenses incurred by the homeworker:

  • for the purchase of materials, raw materials, tools;
  • use of technology (if it belongs to the employee, and is not provided by the organization), the Internet, the telephone;
  • electricity costs and any other costs, the reimbursement of which will be indicated in the TD.

A homeworker can involve members of his family in the work (Chapter 49, Article 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What is work at home, we found out. Let's figure out how to build labor Relations with these workers?

Ch. 49 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates labor relations between an employer and a homeworker. From Art. 311 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it can be seen that the main conditions under which a homeworker can be entrusted with work are his state of health and compliance with labor protection requirements (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For the most part, manufacturers of handicraft goods, seamstresses, and assemblers work at home.

All relations between the enterprise and home workers are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Trade House. Consider the main points of the contract.

After the conclusion of the TD, the enterprise issues an order to hire an employee. In the column "Nature of work" you need to write: "Work at home." The employee must familiarize himself with the order and put his signature in the appropriate place.

The work book is filled out without any indication of home work.

IMPORTANT! Even though the homeworker manages his/her own working time, the employer needs to fill out a time sheet. The rules on overtime pay do not apply to him.

How to fill out the time sheet, read in statye .

Regulations on the working conditions of homeworkers

Until recently, there was a provision on the working conditions of homeworkers, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 29, 1981 No. 275 / 17-99, but it has become invalid and is not valid on the basis of the order of the Russian Ministry of Labor of December 29, 2016 No. 848.

To avoid misunderstanding with the employee, it will be correct to draw up job description or provision for home work. There you can describe in detail the security requirements, responsibility for their non-compliance and other rules of work. You can also provide for the provision of compensation and additional guarantees. In the TD, the employee must put a mark that he is familiar with the rules.

Remote work according to the Labor Code

Remote work on Labor Code of the Russian Federation it can be considered the performance of certain functions specified in the TD, which takes place outside the stationary workplace provided by the employer. To work and communicate with the employer, the employee must use information and telecommunication networks (ITS) common use(Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A remote worker is a person who has concluded a TD on remote work.

One of the differences between a remote worker and the rest is communication with the employer through the exchange of electronic documents and the use of enhanced electronic signatures (Law "On Electronic Signature" dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ). Each of the parties, after receiving the electronic document, is obliged to send confirmation to in electronic format.

What is an electronic signature?atye .

The question arises: how remote work conclude a TD with a remote employee?

The contract is concluded, as well as the document flow as a whole, using public ITS, incl. Email. After that, the employer sends a paper copy of the contract by mail to the remote worker within 3 days.

How to register an employee, working from abroad, read inarticle .

Since at remote work the employee has all the same rights as those who perform their duties in the office of the enterprise, he must submit to the employer in electronic form the documents listed in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If necessary, the employer has the right to require the employee to send him notarized copies of documents.

If the employee did not previously have SNILS, he must obtain it on his own and send a copy to the employer.

With mutual consent, the work book is not filled out. The document confirming labor activity and length of service is TD. In the absence of such an agreement, the employee sends by mail (registered mail) work book employer (Article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Let's take a closer look at some points.

Reflection of the place of work of a remote worker in an employment contract

Because remote work cannot be associated with the address of the employer, the home address of the employee is indicated as the place of work in the contract. But this does not mean that he should only work at home.

An employee may, for example, appear at the employer's office to hand over finished work or receive an assignment. It is possible for the employee to be present in the office for a limited (specified in the contract) time. But if in fact the bulk of the work is done outside the office, it is still considered remote.

Remote employment: mode of work and rest

According to Art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a remote worker independently establishes the regime of his employment and rest, if in employment contract not otherwise stated. So the order remote work must be determined at the time of signing the contract. These working conditions are typical for specialists in creative professions.

If the contract stipulates a free work schedule, that is, regardless of the time of day and weekends, the employer is relieved of the obligation to keep track of working time.

But if work time the contract states (for example, from Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00 or any other time), the employer must keep track of working hours and make additional payments for overtime, if any. Such conditions are typical for the work of dispatchers.


Most of the requirements for the organization of labor protection and safety regarding remote work the employer is not required to comply.

When hiring a remote worker, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements for labor protection when working with equipment provided or recommended by the enterprise (Article 312.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, the enterprise is obliged to conduct a special assessment of jobs, but in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 3 of the Law "On the special assessment of working conditions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ, a special assessment of jobs is not carried out in relation to the working conditions of homeworkers and remote workers.

How often should safety training be given?, read the articles:

If an employee is injured or falls ill during the performance of work duties, the enterprise is obliged to organize an investigation, during which it will be clarified whether this is an accident at work or not (Article 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 3 of the Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Accidents cases at work and occupational diseases” dated July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ). Only the commission has the right to conduct an investigation (Article 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


At runtime remote work the worker himself organizes his labor process. If an employee uses his own or rented equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means, the TD must specify the procedure and terms for paying compensation for its use. It is also necessary to provide and specify the procedure for reimbursement of other possible costs associated with the implementation remote work(Article 312.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

We conclude that the employee and the employer can agree on and fix in the TD the procedure for compensating the employee's expenses. But in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 11, 2013 No. 03-04-06 / 11996, documentary evidence of the depreciation of property and other expenses required by the employee is required. It should also be noted that in the event that the property was used not only for official needs, it is required to separate the degree of depreciation in accordance with the purposes of its use.

Payroll for remote workers

So that the employer can fearlessly take into account the payment remote work in your expenses, you need to fix in the TD methods of accounting for hours worked. The fact that an employee can independently determine his own working time does not cancel the obligation of the employer to take into account the time actually worked (Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If this is not possible, other evidence may be presented. For example, a register of completed works.

The remuneration itself, as a rule, occurs by bank transfer according to the details specified in the contract. If the employee wants to change the bank details for the transfer, it is necessary to draw up additional agreement and enter new card details.

In addition to the transfer to the account (card) of the employee, payment options are applied by postal order, as well as from the cash desk of the enterprise in cash, if the employee periodically appears at the employer's under the terms of the contract.

Termination of an agreement

Features of the termination of TD are specified in Art. 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The grounds for its termination must be specified in the contract. The grounds may be the same as for office workers. For example, termination by agreement of the parties or at the initiative of the employee (Articles 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You can also give specific grounds that will be characteristic of a particular remote work. This may be due to the amount of marriage or violation of the deadlines for submitting reports on the work performed. By specifying all this in the contract, the employer will be able to protect himself from unscrupulous employees.

After the issuance of the dismissal order, it is sent to the employee on the day of dismissal via electronic communication channels, and its paper copy is sent by registered mail. The employee has the right to request copies of all documents related to his labor activity(Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Despite concerns, more and more modern employers are beginning to resort to the services of remote workers. This is largely due to the desire of the enterprise to save on the costs of organizing an employee’s workplace, compensation for travel to and from work, etc. Also, one should not forget that remote employees, as a rule, are paid less than their office colleagues, and this is saving on payroll and insurance premiums. Most importantly, taking an employee on remote work, draw up an employment contract with him correctly.

At the moment, for more than 5 years, I have been working as a full-time employee on a remote basis. In this article I will talk about how I came to such a job, what are the pros and cons, and what I plan to do with it all.

I started my career in IT with a job in a 1C franchisee, where I received average money for my small town, then I was drawn to something more “tough”, I began to learn Python / Java. This allowed me to create several projects that to this day bring me an average salary for my city, but it didn’t turn out to be a cool shot. I didn’t have any eggs or money to open something more serious and risky, so I started looking for another job. As it turned out, there was nothing in the city (and now there is), so I began to consider options for moving to another city, at the same time reading different books. So in the famous book “Remote. An office is not required”, I found out about the possibility of working remotely, after which I started looking. After 2 months, sending 30 applications every day to different companies, I found a job as a remote tester, then I grew up to QA-Automation, and then moved to the development department, where I am at the moment.

Remote organization

1) I am fully registered as a staff member. In fact, my workplace is listed as the city of Moscow. I send documents by mail, and once a year at a general meeting in Moscow I sign all secondary papers.
  • The only disadvantage of such a scheme is the fear of banks. Like, why do you want to take a loan here if you work in Moscow. Where you worked, there you get it. But as my colleagues say, my case is an exception.
2) Workplace, all equipment, IDEA and other - at my expense. I guarantee the employer that I independently ensure the operability of the equipment. The maximum period of absence for technical reasons is 2 hours. In general, everyone slaughters this, but when the construction of a neighboring house was going on and it often fell, I had to keep the cables of two providers at once at home.

3) There is no "handjob" with screenshots, webcams and stuff. I just have to write off 7 hours a day for tasks. Once a week, the team leader checks the adequacy of your write-offs. There were no special conflicts about this for 5 years.

4) Standard rallies, calls via zoom, slack for corporate communication, Jira delivery tools and others. According to the general feeling, this turns out to be many times easier than walking around the office and looking for the person you need. I wrote, called - he answered, fumbled the screen, showed the code, and everything is fine.

5) Zp falls on the card, insurance is sent by mail, vacation certificates, etc. - through accountants and managers. A couple of times a year going on a corporate trip (actually paid vacation for a week).

6) Bonuses, goodies, corporate English and so on - everything is like people have, reporting on checks in the accounting department.

As a conclusion: in terms of productivity and organization of work, there is no difference at all whether you are sitting at home or going to the office.

Plus remote for the company

Practice shows that developers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk are quite expensive, which at the same time is quite mobile. Those. if you hire a person today for an adequate salary, in 6-12 months, a person can leave for quite adequate reasons:
  • Above salary
  • Closer to home
  • More comfortable office
  • Having friends in this company
  • And so on
All this adds to the turnover, which has a rather negative effect on the development time. Plus, you have to spend a lot on everything related to Hr.

Moreover, if we take cities by type: Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Crimea, Krasnodar, Saratov, Belgorod and so on, you can find enough big number competent developers who will be happy to work for Moscow minus 10-20%. This will be many times more than they receive on the spot, and a little cheaper for the company.

Plus the mentality of people. If the developer is enough high level did not leave "to conquer Moscow or the Valley", it is likely that he does not particularly like change, he is satisfied with the calm, measured life. Therefore, offering a good salary and the absence of crap, such a person stays with us. So, almost 2/3 of the teams have been working for us for more than 5 years, and all the duties of Hr are done by one girl.

Income level question

At my current position, I receive about 3 salaries that I would be offered in the regional center. Add to this the income from my own projects, and it turns out that I live well by local standards.

Given that this is not freelancing, I have no problems with taxes, medical care, and so on. This is enough good condition, if you have a mobile psyche and are very worried when there are no orders, the customer throws money and so on.

By working from home, I save about 20% of my salary, which I would spend on the road to work, a canteen at work, some spontaneous purchases on the way home, clothes, gasoline, and more. Those. for example, my jeans and sneakers are 4 years old, and they feel quite good. They just don't wear out. True, sometimes a situation arises that you need to go somewhere in a more or less businesslike manner, but I don’t have this.

What has become worse is that utility bills have increased, plus I am changing computer chair+ mouse, keyboard once a year.

The question of professional growth

As far as personal growth is concerned, modern technologies allow you to organize a “council of experienced colleagues” remotely. There are no problems here, as long as it was own wish to ask questions.

As for career growth, it is more difficult. Growth in one company has a limit, and remote work right with real cool projects - a rarity. Most often, cool team-leading positions are located in Moscow, and people are already recruiting for the office there. Those. while remote work is longer, for ordinary developers.

The question of the emotional component

1) Relationships and girls. It is advisable to go remote when you already have a companion, or a good option. Firstly, to sit at home alone - you can go crazy. Secondly, when you go to the office, you are always ready to go somewhere, go out for a walk, tell some stories and so on, and when you work from home, then the desire disappears, there are no decent clothes at the ready, and in general you become more closed.

2) Cats and other pets. I have a cat and cats at home that help me cope with stress. From time to time I play with them, and secondly, when programming, I often explain to them how my code works. Surprisingly, it helps to quickly delve into the essence of the problem. My remote colleagues also have pets.

3) The comfort of working from home. Some of my colleagues make a “nest” for themselves on the balcony so that their wife and children do not pull them hard. Someone rents some kind of space. Someone goes to work with neighbors, someone works from their parents. There are many options, all have their drawbacks. One thing is for sure, 100% get rid of interference will not work. You need to be ready for this.

4) The feeling of "eternal work". When you work from home, there is a feeling that your home is work. It can be stressful. In my case, it wasn’t me who started freaking out, but my wife, who began to complain that the computer in our house was buzzing all the time. I solved the issue by moving the workplace to the kitchen, plus buying a quiet computer. But still, from time to time there are small quarrels, especially if you have to work at night.

5) Not for lively people. Were in a team of people who like to chat on various themes, "joking in the smoking room", flirting with girls from other departments and so on. They couldn’t work remotely, just at some point their productivity dropped, some kind of depression appeared and people left.

6) Additional stabilizer. When communicating with colleagues, it became clear that many cannot work all the time, so someone walks around New York using Google maps, someone plays at promotions, someone watches game streams or TV shows. This does not interfere with productivity, but it relaxes.

As a conclusion

Remote work is good way get a good salary if you do not want to go to conquer Moscow or the valley. It has a lot of disadvantages, most of all in an emotional sense, but it turns out enough comfortable conditions work.

From the many questions I receive on social media, I conclude that many people do not understand what telework. Although, in fact, there is nothing complicated in this, it's just that we are not used to this type of work, and in Russia this phenomenon is relatively new! However, if you are determined to leave the office and work remotely, you just need to understand what remote work means, what it is, and how it differs from freelancing!

So what is remote work from home?

Let's move on to the meaning of the remote:

Telework- this is work performed NOT on the territory of the employer (for example, in the office), but on any other of your choice (home, cafe, park, beach :-)), in which all interactions between the employee and the employer take place remotely via the Internet.

As you can see, there is nothing terrible or difficult about working remotely. In 2013, even Labor Code introduced a chapter regulating relations between employers and remote employees. So everything is official!

Note! At remote work, you have a boss with whom you most often have a contractual relationship, a list of agreed responsibilities, a salary, maybe even a work schedule like in an office from 9 to 18 (remote work at home does not always involve).

Main essence remote work - no need to visit the employer's office. Work can be done from anywhere!

Is remote work and freelancing the same thing?

Now let's get back to the question we already raised: can freelancing be classified as remote work or not? And what's the difference?

Often these concepts are replaced, however, this is not entirely true. Of course, the concepts of “remote work” and “freelance” intersect, and now you will understand why.

essence freelance in the fact that you yourself are looking for customers for yourself, doing some work for them, and your earnings directly depend on the output. And if you do it via the Internet, it will be remote work, because. interaction takes place remotely! It can be anything: information search / photo processing / video editing / logo creation, etc. You can work with at least 10 customers at the same time, you do not have a salary and a strict schedule (there are only deadlines assigned by a specific customer).

But, as you already understood, interaction with a customer via the Internet is not a mandatory attribute of freelancing. Let's say you're good at computers, software, and so on. You can offer repair, computer setup services to users in your city, come to their home, repair a laptop or computer on their territory. And you will be a freelancer too! But, of course, this will no longer be a remote job, because. you actually work on the territory of the employer (even if you found it via the Internet).

Again, What does remote work on the Internet mean? This is a way of working in which interaction with the employer takes place remotely over the network, and you work not on its territory.

Freelance is work for yourself. You yourself are looking for customers and work (often one-time).

Well, here, perhaps, is the whole theory regarding what remote work and freelance means. If you have any questions or just have something to say, leave a comment!

Sincerely, Kazakova Ekaterina
