In how many days will the lawn grass sprout. The story of one lawn: personal experience of breaking up a bluegrass lawn

The timing of seedlings of lawn grass depends on the variety of the grass itself, as well as on the conditions in which the grass is located. Moreover, climatic influences its development to the same extent as the conditions for caring for lawn grass after sowing, which lies on your shoulders. But how beautiful the ennobled home area looks!

Lawn grass is planted at almost any time and any period is suitable for it, except, of course, winter, when there is no direct access to the soil. Cultivation is practiced only by seed, because lawn grass does not apply to those plants that are planted first in a greenhouse or grow seedlings, and then transplanted into open ground, since it would be more logical to sow immediately large area.

If you plant lawn grass in the fall, then you need to do this at least a month and a half before winter period. Or you will need, as an option, to cover the area where lawn grass grows. It rises, in this case, not quickly, since the temperature is not very suitable for development.

The main thing is that the weather conditions are suitable for germination and development. If the weather is consistently sunny, but with precipitation in the form of rain, so that the seed does not dry out, as well as the constant watering required from you, according to the schedule, and plentiful enough so that the grass feeds on moisture, but does not retain water, there must be a constant cycle, which is based on loose soil. The soil, as you know, plays a crucial role.

From experience, I can see that not everyone succeeds in growing lawn grass, as from the “picture”, because there are many factors, as you can see. Also, there is nowhere to go without a person’s inner desire to get a good result. Indeed, as experience shows, for some, lawn grass grows to the desired size in five days, that you just need to cut it in the future and ennoble it externally, while for others it does not grow normally for even two weeks. Apparently, something is hidden, as in the quintessence, of all the parameters of care. Seeds are also an important element. If the sowing material is of high quality, then the lawn grass develops successfully and well. With poor-quality sowing material, you will get very poor seedlings of lawn grass, and, as you understand, they do not save either effort or money on quality.

Much has been written about how to create a lawn. And the technology of creating a lawn is not a secret for anyone, and many gardeners create it according to the classical technology: buying seeds - preparing a place for a lawn - sowing a lawn - caring for it. The technology is simple and has been used by many who already have a lawn. But here I would like to draw your attention to the end result - appearance lawn in 2-3 months, or a year after its sowing. For some, the lawn sprouted evenly and densely, while for others, the seeds germinated only in places, and such a lawn, of course, has a miserable appearance.

What is the reason for this similarity? You can say that you bought low-quality seeds. I agree, it could be. Someone else will say that the seeds were pecked out by birds, washed out by rain, or watering of a young lawn was not regular. Partly it will be right. But the main reason is somewhat different.

I will tell you a little secret that gardeners all over the world have not yet developed a clear rule for the depth of planting lawn cereals. And there is nothing strange here, because the depth of seed placement depends on many factors, soil composition, for example.

But to what depth do you still need to plant lawn grass seeds in the soil? To begin with, I will say that the seeds of lawn cereals are very small and cannot be buried deep. According to British researchers, meadow grasses sprout from a depth of 1 cm approximately 6-8 days after sowing, but their own nutrients, for growth, they have enough for about 5 days. Based on this, it can be said with certainty that such a placement depth (1 cm) is critical for the germination of lawn cereals.

But despite this, grassland scientists advise not to plant grass seeds deeply, although with deep planting, the likelihood of them being pecked out by birds or washed off during watering is reduced. So, for example, the seeds of bluegrass meadow close up to a depth of 0.5 cm, and the seeds of other lawn grasses 1-2 cm, but not deeper than 3 cm.

The appearance and quality of your lawn in the future will depend on the correct depth of embedding lawn cereals. Personally, I fundamentally adhere to this rule, because, as the result can be seen a week after sowing the seeds, the seedlings of cereal grasses are friendly and germinate evenly.

The second important question that beginner gardeners ask is “When is the best time to sow lawn cereals?”.

The biological properties of lawn grasses are such that they germinate and take root throughout the season. This suggests that the lawn should be created during the warm period from mid-spring to early autumn.

But despite this, there are most suitable timing sowing, they are divided into spring, summer and autumn. All three terms are optimal for creating a lawn, but again, gardeners do not allocate a clear term, and everyone chooses the best one for themselves.

It happens that when sowing in spring period the best herbage is formed, but in other cases a good herbage is also obtained in summer period, but it happens that in the autumn. Regardless of the sowing time, two factors affect seed germination: moisture and heat. In spring, for example, it is not very warm, sometimes there is not enough moisture, and in summer there is only not enough moisture, but there is excess heat (during this period one should not forget about regular watering of the lawn). At the beginning of autumn, there are fewer warm days and their lack sometimes slows down the unanimous germination of lawn cereals until the first frosts.

Given the natural dynamics of such factors in different times season (spring, summer, autumn) and average data on their lack and availability, we can safely say that spring, summer, and early autumn are suitable for creating a lawn.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that you can sow the lawn at any time, but this is not so. In each of these three periods, there are optimal times that are considered the best for seeding the lawn.

In the first half of May, for example, when the soil is sufficiently warmed by the sun and the average air temperature is above +10, until about May 10-15, is the optimal time for creating a lawn in the spring. Moreover, I want to note that sowing a lawn after this date no longer guarantees the friendly germination of seeds. Because in a later period, at the beginning of summer, for example, seedlings may be prevented from sprouts summer heat(drought), which begins in the last days of May and can drag on until the end of June, and sometimes July.

But what if you bought the seeds of lawn grasses, but did not have time to prepare the site in a quality manner? There is only one answer - wait for the summer. A favorable period for creating a lawn in the summer is the period when the earth is abundantly saturated with moisture after summer rains. But planting a lawn in the summer should not be delayed, because. then comes the July heat. Experts recommend creating a lawn in the second decade of June. It is also believed that in June the most favorable conditions for its growth and development are created for the creation of a lawn, this is facilitated by air temperature and humidity.

If you again did not have time to sow the lawn at the beginning of summer, then the next optimal period is the end of August - the beginning of September. During the autumn sowing, seedlings of cereal grasses do not have time to gain enough strength, i.e. get stronger, and with insufficient feeding and poor care, they can overwinter poorly.

In July and early August, it is better not to sow the lawn, especially if you come to your site on the weekends and cannot provide it with high-quality and regular watering. During this period, heat sets in and the lawn may not germinate at all, and if it does somehow germinate, it may dry out. Although I overseeded my lawn in some places, but I watered it abundantly almost every day, because I live in the country in the summer.

To be honest, there are no standard recommendations for the periods of creating a lawn. Because, as for each region, its inherent climate zone(air temperature, precipitation rate, etc.). Therefore, each gardener must determine for himself optimal timing lawn creation.

In addition to these three periods, there is also a winter period. In the winter period, not only lawn cereals are sown, but also some vegetable crops.

Podzimny sowing is characterized by sowing seeds at negative temperature, with the expectation that the seeds will no longer germinate in the fall, but in early spring when the soil warms up a little, they will begin to sprout (late March - early April). And when the rest of the gardeners start only sowing the lawn in May, then your lawn will already germinate enough.

Podzimny sowing should be carried out in late October - early November. It all depends on climatic conditions your natural area. But with such sowing, there is a risk of seed germination in November-December. This is due to the fact that in last years autumn is long and warm, and winters are also warm and snowless. But after the frosts come, your lawn can freeze.

That's all! I wish you a successful choice of sowing period and green lawn!

There is a lot of trouble with your lawn: does the grass look not as decorative as on the package with seeds, freezes in places, turns yellow, thins and overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn better fit for you, and which varieties are better to choose, we will tell today.

Lawn seed selection rules

Grass on the lawn should be perennial, hardy to frost and fast growing. This is important conditions ideal lawn, but not the most important. We list the main factors for buying seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are better to choose in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • Good development of the root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • The ability to vegetative reproduction;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

should not be neglected and general rules choice of lawn grass: expiration date of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer's warranties, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

For the lawn, it is best to use cereals. They have good system roots, give uniform green shoots, help control weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after shearing. Most often, such varieties of grasses are sown as meadow bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass belongs to the elite varieties of herbs. It looks very beautiful in any place free from landings. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral dressings.

Herb mixes

  • Universal Blend. The herbs in this mixture have fast germination, resistance to external conditions, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports grades. It is a type of cereal mixtures for playgrounds, stadiums and places for outdoor activities.
  • Blends for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for a lawn not only in appearance, but also in terms of climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant grass varieties.
  • Mixes of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose from ready-made mixes of herbs or mix flowers and grasses that can take turns blooming all summer long. For a neat bright meadow lawn, low-growing greenery is suitable, and you can decorate a plot in a rural style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite lawn compound. Although a mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any places free from planting.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Bluegrass meadow. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this herb slowly take root. Bluegrass is an excellent base for grass mixtures. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds, and grows well with other grasses.

Bluegrass - best base for a mixture of lawn grasses. The variety is unpretentious, gives friendly shoots and can grow on poor soils.

Bluegrass meadow - a fast-growing grass, shoots of which you will see before other crops. It looks bright and very decorative.

2. Polevitsa. The dark rich green of the thin bent grass looks good on any lawn. This grass withstands frequent mowing, cold winters and removes weeds over time.

The thin bent grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze out and has a rich green color.

3. ryegrass. This grass can be found in lawn grass mixtures. It has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form, it can only be sown in southern regions our country, or use as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has medium width leaves. This variety sprouts very amicably, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. More often you can find ryegrass in the composition of elite grass mixtures.

4. Fescue. Fescue is an ideal lawn grass that does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of herbs. Within a month, the fescue gives thick shoots and is ready for a haircut.

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of forbs. Its juicy seedlings appear quickly and fill the lawn with dense greenery.

The most common lawn grass questions

Our experts will answer the most frequently asked questions of beginner gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?

Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, have small roots and look much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly, and improve its decorative appearance after each new cut.

2. How many years does lawn grass grow?

Lawn grasses are perennials. decorative look seedlings will be accepted within 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for the green lawn, cut it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for more than one year.

Green shoots of ryegrass will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn of pure ryegrass can only be annual

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single seed variety?

You can choose a monoculture (one variety of grass) or a mixture of several types. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, sites and decorative lawns. Such grass, although it gives a rich decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb blends are more stable, produce uniform greens, and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform seedlings?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. A manual seeder will help to sow the seeds of cereals on the lawn evenly. If you do not have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may produce bald spots that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care, tolerates sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters

Ready-made grass in a roll is a very convenient option for a quick lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price.

A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your yard profitably. The green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now it remains only to decide which lawn grass will grow on your site.

Unfortunately, in our country there is no developed breeding base for lawn grass seeds. All proposed mixtures of domestic production contain fodder grasses. Such grass mixtures are not initially suitable for creating a beautiful high-quality lawn, since they were selected to produce the maximum big green masses in a short time. The main goal for the agronomist was to provide feed for large and small cattle. That is why a lawn grown with the use of forage grasses does not differ in longevity, hummocks often form on it, grasses quickly degenerate.

Is it necessary to apply starter fertilizer when sowing?

If your soil is not fertile enough, starter fertilizers are applied without fail. At the stages of germination and development, grasses consume minerals in significant quantities. If there is enough food, the shoots will be strong, and root system powerful. As a starter, you can use almost any fertilizer that has potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus in its composition. On the lungs sandy soils it is recommended to add a little magnesium. Nitrogen promotes the rapid formation of grass shoots, gives them bright color. Phosphorus is an indispensable component in the formation of the root system, especially in the germination phase. Potassium increases the drought resistance of plants, their resistance to diseases, and normalizes metabolic processes. The most balanced fertilizer is OMU Universal "Lawn". In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it contains additional trace elements that favorably affect the growth and development of lawn grasses. This fertilizer is available in a convenient fine granular form. The size of one granule is about one and a half millimeters, which is comparable to the size of a lawn grass seed. Thus, it is possible to apply fertilizer at the sowing stage using an automatic seeder.

What factors influence the choice of mixture?

Experts recommend creating a lawn from various kinds herbs (bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue, etc.). When sowing a grass mixture, you will not completely lose the lawn in case of adverse soil or climatic factors. A quality mixture should include at least three complementary herb varieties. Only in this case, your lawn is guaranteed durability. When choosing grass varieties, make sure that they match the soil and climatic characteristics of your site and are able to withstand the planned load. It must be remembered that for different types lawns (parterre, sports, decorative) their own varieties of grasses are selected. For more information, please contact our specialists.

Tell us about the seeding rate of lawn grass seeds

The number of seeds sown directly depends on the type of soil, the type of grass mixture, and the characteristics of the site. The standard norm is from 35 to 45 grams per square meter. On light soils, consisting of sandy loam and sand, the rate decreases to 30-35 grams per square meter. On heavier ones, including mainly clay and loam, the number of seeds increases to 45-50 per square meter. If the rate is significantly reduced, the seedlings will be rare, the lawn will turn out to be heterogeneous, the grass will be easily replaced by weeds. With an excessively increased sowing rate, the plants will not receive the necessary nutrients, the grass will be faded and painful.

On what day after sowing do grass seedlings appear?

Usually shoots appear in the period from seven to twenty-five days. The speed depends on the following factors: weather, soil fertility on the site, the availability of starter fertilizers, the timeliness of watering and the variety of grasses included in the grass mixture.

The most favorable conditions for seedlings are the following:

  • Well warm soil.
  • No frost of any kind. The temperature even at night should not fall below +5 degrees.
  • No heat during the day. Daytime temperature does not rise above +25 degrees.
  • Sufficiently moist soil. Drying of the soil during the day or night is unacceptable.
  • Maximum area contact of seeds with the ground. After sowing, the seeds should be sprinkled with a small layer (about 1.5 cm) of soil and rolled with a roller.
  • Sufficient content of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil.

How often is the lawn mowed?

Usually the lawn is mowed once or twice a week as new shoots grow. The cutting height depends on weather conditions: with favorable - 3-4 centimeters, during a drought - not less than five centimeters. Regular trimming enhances nutrient intake. minerals and moisture, tillering improves, the grass becomes dense, acquires a bright color, resists diseases and weeds well.

What is the optimal lawn mowing height?

Lawn mowing is carried out throughout the season: from May to October. The following factors influence the cutting height: lawn type, grass variety, soil type, weather, plant condition, season. Experts recommend focusing on the height of regrown grass. If it is one and a half centimeters higher than recommended, it's time to start cutting.

Here are some basic lawn mowing rules:

  • In the summer, during the period of active growth of plants, a haircut is carried out every three to four days.
  • In spring, autumn, summer, during the dry period, it is necessary to cut the grass no more than once a week.
  • The last mowing of the lawn is carried out in the fall when the temperature reaches +10 degrees. In Moscow and the Moscow region, this period corresponds to the beginning of October.

The optimal grass height on the parterre lawn should be from 3 to 3.5 centimeters, decorative - 4 - 4.5 centimeters, sports - 5 - 5.5 centimeters.

How often should you water your lawn grass?

The frequency of irrigation depends on climatic conditions, weather, grass variety, the development of the root system of plants and the ability of the topsoil to retain moisture. At proper watering upper layer soil should be moist to a depth of ten centimeters. Avoid light splashing. Such watering promotes the growth of roots on the surface of the soil. Do not water your lawn until the soil is 3-5 centimeters dry. best method watering - sprinkling. When adjusting the settings, be sure to take into account the absorption of the soil. You can determine how uniform watering is in the following way. Arrange several cans on the lawn at different distances from irrigation system. Then compare the volume of liquid in each container and determine if all the grass on the lawn receives the same amount of water. Optimal time for irrigation - early morning, evening or night.

What to do if the sown lawn does not rise?

There are several reasons for this unfortunate situation. Perhaps you need to wait a bit. Seedlings of some varieties of grasses, even with favorable conditions, appear no earlier than a month later. Sowing depth also affects seed germination. If you sow them too deeply, the time for the first shoots to appear will increase significantly. Keep in mind that it is also not recommended to sow the lawn too close to the surface. Seeds can be pecked by birds or blown by the wind. No less important are climatic factors. Analyze whether there have been frosts recently, whether your site has dried up. If the site has infertile soil, whether starter fertilizers have been applied. For a more detailed analysis of the situation, we suggest you contact our specialists. They will determine the cause and offer solutions to the problem.

How to get rid of moles?

Try to prevent the appearance of moles on your lawn. The main food source for animals is earthworms. Try to reduce their number. To do this, you need to mulch the lawn surface with peat in time, do not use lime too often, fertilize the plants with ammonium sulfate. If the moles have already settled on the lawn, it is very difficult to fight them. The choice of means depends on your capabilities and the specifics of the site. Traditional means are burning paper, naphthalene, smoke bombs, more modern ones are special ultrasonic repellers.

What to do if the lawn turns yellow?

Yellowing occurs in two ways: general or local, in the form of separate spots. The brown or yellowish color of the entire field of grass, accompanied by wilting of plants and drying out of the soil, is caused by insufficient irrigation during the hot period. Another reason may be a lack of nutrients, mainly iron and nitrogen. In this case, the soil is fertilized with urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, iron vitriol. To prevent yellowing of plants, it is recommended to fertilize regularly at least three or four times per season. If brown spots appear on the lawn, possible reasons– lawn fungal infection, uneven fertilization, herbicide overdose, lawn dog walking, larvae harmful insects, excessive soil compaction, oil pollution or construction waste. In any case, the decision on control and prevention measures is made individually.

How to deal with bald spots on the lawn?

Ugly bald spots on the lawn can appear due to the frequent alternation of thaws and frosts. During a short-term warming, the snow cover thaws, and it no longer protects plants so effectively during a decrease in temperature. Another reason for the appearance of bald spots can be stagnant water, leading to the formation of an ice crust, and unnecessary loads on the lawn in winter. You can avoid such problems by installing a drainage system and carrying out snow retention work. It is not recommended to arrange rollers on the lawn.

How to get rid of weeds effectively?

Weed control begins at the stage of preparing the soil for sowing. All the earth will need to be carefully sifted and the roots removed. weeds. Weeding work should be carried out a few more weeks after the emergence of the first seeds. Then when lawn plants strong enough, they themselves will suppress the growth of weeds.

In order to prevent the spread of weeds, the following measures should be taken:

  • Regularly apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.
  • Avoid cutting plants too low.
  • Mowing and combing the lawn on time.
  • Once every six months, pierce the soil with a verticutter.

If weeds are too strong, it is recommended to use chemicals.

For more information on the above issues and advice on other issues that concern you, please contact our specialists.
