Compatibility and combination difference. Internal and external alignment

The problem of lack of money is universal. It is hardly possible to find at least one person who is completely satisfied with his income. And where to get additional finance? That's right, if you dismiss all the criminal opportunities, then it remains only to work harder. And the accountant of the company, where such hardworking employees work, has additional questions. What are the job options? What is the difference between them? You will find the answer in this article.
The Labor Code distinguishes between two main types of part-time work:
- additional work performed during the working day;
- a part-time job that the employee does after graduation, that is, in his spare time.

Eight hours for work and part time

Suppose an employee during the working day, in addition to his main duties, also does work in another position or profession. This phenomenon is called combination (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). He has the following symptoms:
- an agreement has been concluded with the employee for the performance of the main work;
- in a relationship additional work a separate employment contract is not drawn up;
- the employee works part-time in the same organization;
- the employee does not stop performing his main duties;
- the employee is engaged in part-time work during his working day.
- additional and main work are related to different professions or positions provided for in the staff list.

If the position is the same ... (Level 2)

A logical question: is it not possible to additionally work in the same position (profession) as the main one? Of course! Only in this case, it will no longer be a combination, but an expansion of service areas or an increase in the volume of work. These concepts, by the way, are regulated by the same article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All the same conditions are present here as in the combination, only the employee performs work in his own profession (position), but in a larger volume.

Let's take an example. If the storekeeper also performs the duties of a loader in the warehouse, this is a combination. But the maintenance by a specialist of the personnel department, to which a certain division of the organization is assigned, also the work books of employees of another department, will already be an expansion of the service area.

Most often, both the combination and the expansion of service areas (increase in the volume of work) are used by employers to fulfill the duties of a temporarily absent employee. Moreover, the increase in the volume of work is practiced more often.

There is no fundamental difference between these concepts. Labor Code both overlapping and expansion of service areas are regulated in the same way. However, if, on behalf of the head, the employee performs work in another position or profession (that is, there is a combination of jobs), it is necessary to first check whether the employee complies with this position, or whether the employee has special knowledge in the desired profession.

How to arrange a combination (Level 2)
The employer does not have the right to "load" the employee with additional duties (not related to his main job) within the working day. This is possible only with the written consent of the employee himself. This requirement is contained in Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The parties must agree on the content of additional work, its scope and timing, as well as on the procedure for paying for such work. All these conditions must be prescribed in an additional agreement to the employment contract. On the basis of this agreement, an order is issued by the head to involve the employee in additional work. But in the work book, no additional entries need to be made.

One of the terms of the agreement on additional work is its duration. However, as stated in the Labor Code, both the employee and the employer can stop part-time work without waiting for the end of the term. And without explanation. It is enough to notify the other party in writing no later than three working days. At the same time, it is necessary to draw up another additional agreement to the employment contract and issue an order to stop additional work.

Combination fee (Tier 2)
You need to pay for extra work! They do this according to the rules of Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the amount of payment for part-time work is determined by agreement of the parties, taking into account the content and (or) volume of additional work. That is, neither the minimum nor maximum dimensions surcharges are not limited.

If additional work involves piecework wages, the amount of additional payment is determined based on the number of products manufactured and the established rates. And if it is time-based, the surcharge can be set in several ways, for example:
- as a percentage of the employee's salary for the main job;
- as a percentage of the salary corresponding to the combined position;
- in a fixed amount.

Extra time work

Additional work performed at the end of the working day is called part-time work (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). You can work part-time not only with the main employer, but also in other organizations. It's just that in the first case we will talk about internal combination, and in the second - about external.

The following signs of compatibility can be distinguished:
- the employee has a main job;
- the employee works additionally in his spare time from the main job;
- part-time work is regular and paid;
- a separate employment contract has been concluded with the employee.

How to get a partner
Part-time employment The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates much more strictly and in more detail than the combination and expansion of service areas. Chapter 44 of the Labor Code is devoted to these issues. Increased attention, perhaps, is due to the fact that when part-time, the employee exceeds the working time limit established by the Labor Code, works in his free time intended for rest.

Therefore, there are a number of restrictions. So, for example, you can not hire part-time:
- persons under the age of 18;
- employees for heavy work or work with harmful (dangerous) working conditions, if their main activity is associated with the same conditions;
- employees to manage vehicles or directing their movement, if their principal work is of the same nature;
- a state or municipal employee for any work, except for pedagogical, scientific or other creative work.

In addition, you need to take into account separate rules for part-time work. established by the Decree Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 41 for pedagogical, medical and pharmaceutical workers and cultural workers.

As we have already noted, a separate employment contract must be concluded with a part-time job (including internal). Moreover, it must necessarily indicate that the person will work on a part-time basis. Information about such additional work, at the request of the employee, can be entered in the work book. Such a record is made at the main place of work.

When concluding an agreement with a part-time worker, it must be borne in mind that the Labor Code limits the duration of his working time. According to the rules of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it should not exceed four hours a day. An employee can be set to another mode of work, but in any case, accounting period(month, quarter, year - depending on the working hours of the organization) the time worked by a part-time worker should not exceed half of the normal working hours for this category of employees.
That is, with a regular eight-hour working day (and a five-day schedule), a part-time worker cannot be obliged to work more than 20 hours a week, and even less with a reduced one. For example, under harmful working conditions - no more than 15 hours a week.

If for some reason the part-time worker works more than expected, such work is considered overtime, and must be paid accordingly. The exception is cases when an employee at his main place has suspended work (part 2 of article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or removed from it (article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As for the termination of the part-time contract, there are general rules. True, in this case, the employer has an additional reason for dismissal. An employment contract with a part-time job may be terminated if a person is hired for whom it will become the main one (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the employer must send a written warning to the part-time worker two weeks before the proposed dismissal. However, if the part-time contract is urgent, such a basis for dismissal does not apply.

Part-time fee
The work of part-time workers is usually paid in proportion to the hours worked. But, as stated in the Labor Code, the contract may provide for other payment options (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, it should be noted that the Ministry of Finance of Russia allows to take into account in tax cost expenses for remuneration of part-time workers only within the amount not exceeding the official salary provided for by the staffing table (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 01, 2007 No. 03-03-06 / 1/50).

All guarantees and compensations established by the Labor Code are provided to part-time workers in full. For example, sick leave, as well as maternity leave, are paid to an employee not only by the main employer, but also by the company where he works part-time (Article 13 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ “On providing benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth ").

The exception is the "northern" guarantees and compensations, as well as those related to the combination of work and education. Such guarantees and compensations can only be obtained at the place of the main work.

A part-time worker is also entitled to annual paid leave. And at the same time with a vacation from the main job. If it seems longer there, then at the “second” job, the employee has the right to take leave for the missing days without pay. And if by the time of going on vacation at the “first” job, the part-time worker has not yet worked for the “second” six months, the “second” employer provides him with paid leave in advance.

Registration of labor relations as a part-time job or a combination is beneficial for both the employee and the employer.

When combining, it is possible to receive a higher salary if you are ready to work more; when combined, you do not recruit new employees, rationally use work time save on wages and taxes.

However, it is first necessary to clarify - what is the difference between part-time work and combination. This will make it possible to labor Relations and pay wages in accordance with the law.

What is correct, combination or combination?

Despite the similar sound, combination and combination are different from each other.

Let's take a look at the differences between combination and combination.

The concept and differences of combination and combination

Let's first understand the terminology.

In practice, confusion often occurs in the concepts of combination and combination, although these are very different forms in terms of the organization of labor.

Defining signs of part-time work:

  • the presence of an employee apart from the main extra bed work;
  • additional employment only in free time from the main work;
  • systematic performance of work duties part-time worker and their payment;
  • registration of part-time employment labor contract.

According to article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time employment can be external and internal.

  • Internal combination– regular performance of compulsory and additional work, which is paid, within the same enterprise.
  • External part-time- the systematic performance by the employee of another paid job at another enterprise.

Defining signs of combination:

  • parallel combination of several positions or performance of functions several specialists by one employee;

For example, a watchman at an enterprise is also a janitor, and an accountant in small firm along with his immediate duties, he performs the functions of a clerk or personnel officer, which allows you to optimize the staffing table.

  • doing all the workonly within main working hours;
  • cooperation with only one employer.

Types of combination:

  • combination of professions or positions when an employee, along with the main one, also works in another position or in a different profession.

The additional workload in this case consists in the performance of duties provided for by another full-time working unit;

  • expansion of the service area, that is, ensuring the work technological equipment enterprises with a smaller number of working personnel than provided for in the staffing table, developed on the basis of industry and inter-sectoral standards;
  • performing the functions of temporarily absent employees in parallel with their official duties.

At the same time, an employee can be involved both in his main profession or position, and in a different one from it.

The main difference between combination and combination:

  • combination- Job in additional from main job time;
  • combination- performance of all labor functions during main business hours- during the established working hours.

To make it easier to understand what is the difference between combination and combination, we suggest you look at the table.

What is the difference between combination and combination: table

difference condition Combination part-time
Definition The work is carried out in their own organization for the main employer. The work is done both in your own company and in another company.
Employer One. There may be several.
Registration Attachment of an additional agreement to the main employment contract. It is also allowed to issue an order. An employment contract is concluded.
Payroll Additional payments are made to the main wages. There are no allowances. Produced on the basis of employment contract, as well as regional coefficients and allowances, bonuses.
Employment history No entry is made. The entry is being made.
Grant of vacation There is only the main vacation. The only thing is that an additional payment for combining is made for vacation pay. Leave is provided in the same way as at the main place of work, at the same time.
Number of hours per day The time is equal to the number of hours of the main work. More than 4 hours per day is not allowed.
sickness benefit Determined by main work with a combination fee. From both jobs.
Shutdown The term of the agreement ends or the employer completed the term of combination before the deadline. They are fired on the same terms as other employees or they are accepted as the main job.

Regulatory framework governing part-time employment and combination

Both types of additional employment are clearly regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

The possibility of entrusting employees with additional work and the peculiarities of payment for it are provided for by the collective enterprise agreement, the regulation on remuneration, as well as other local regulations.

The procedure for admission to additional work is also prescribed in detail in internal documents.

It is important to remember that when applying for a job, both part-time and combining, the written consent of both parties - the employer and the employee - is mandatory.

Before starting work, the personnel service, against signature, acquaints the employee with all the necessary labor activity rules and regulations.

There are no clear restrictions on the number of part-time jobs in the legislation- the employee has the right to independently dispose of time free from the main work for part-time work.

Combination work limited by the employer, as it is difficult to qualitatively perform the functions of several employees within the main working hours.

How to arrange a combination and combination?

When applying for a part-time job:

  • the employer does not have the right to demand confirmation from the applicant the presence of the main work, including the requirement to present the original or a copy work book, but its presentation is welcome;
  • the absence of the main place of work does not serve as an obstacle to the registration of labor relations on a part-time basis at the request of the employee;
  • any document is required, proving the identity of the employee, if necessary, special education or professional qualifications - documents confirming their presence; when applying for a job with harmful or difficult working conditions - a health certificate;
  • regardless of conditions(normal, severe, harmful or other) and character(temporary or permanent) work, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with the applicant for its implementation,
  • the employment contract clearly indicates the fact of part-time employment position held or work performed, functional duties, working hours, form, amount and terms of remuneration;
  • an entry in the work book about additional work is made only at the request of the employee himself by an employee of the personnel department at the main place of work:
  • with external collaboration- after presenting a certified document confirming part-time work - a copy of the employment contract or order of appointment;
  • with internal collaboration- at the request of the employee.

When applying for a combination job:

  • no need for a conclusion separate employment contract;
  • to the employment contract concluded earlier- for the main employment - an additional agreement signed by the employee is attached;
  • no new entries are made in the work book of the employee. If an employee needs confirmation of a combination job, then a standard certificate of the presence of such additional employment for a certain period can be issued to him.

AND when combining, and when combining, labor relations must be formalized by an internal order, agreed with the personnel service of the enterprise and signed by its head.

Registration of part-time and combination in personnel records

When combined:

  • the personnel department gives the employee a personal card standard form T-2;
  • employee is assigned a new Personnel Number;
  • drafted and signed labor contract.

When combined The Human Resources department does not fill out any additional documents.

A copy of the order on appointment to work on a combination basis (indicating its type) and the written consent of the employee are added to the employee's personal file.

Working hours part-time and part-time

When combined, work is performed in parallel with the main one. Its duration depends on the employer, the characteristics of the profession and industry.

When part-time, the duration of work is limited by law.

When planning a work schedule, consider that:

  • per day, which is a worker at the main place of work, a part-time worker can work no more than 4 hours;
  • on a day free from the main employment, full employment is allowed and it is possible to work all hours part-time - with the mutual consent of the employer and employee;
  • total for the accounting period(usually take a month) part-time work should take no more than half of the industry norm of working hours for this type of work.

The length of the working time must be stipulated in the employment contract.

Which of the employees is entitled to perform work on combination or part-time work?

When combined:

  • external part-time worker may take 2 or more different or the same positions;
  • within the enterprise, part-time work involves working in 2 different positions.

The Labor Code does not impose any restrictions here and the coordination of this moment occurs by agreement between the employee and the employer;

  • the employer is not entitled to limit the employee in the number of part-time jobs. With external part-time work, you can not report additional employment at the main place of work.

When combined you can perform labor duties in several professions, but within one of their categories.

Who does not have the right to work part-time and part-time?

According to the general restrictions imposed by labor legislation, it is impossible to perform part-time work:

  • citizens, under the age of majority;
  • persons who, at their main place of work, manage transport or perform functional duties in a place with harmful and / or difficult working conditions, in a similar position (another part-time job is acceptable);
  • employees government, state and municipal services;
  • employees bodies for the protection of law and order, intelligence, security and federal courier communications;
  • any leaders. For them, only external part-time employment is possible with the consent of the owner of the organization or enterprise. In addition, the charter of many LLCs prohibits to CEO manage additionally another enterprise;
  • persons who are members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank;
  • lawyers and judges.

part-time for employees of education, medicine, culture, pharmacists is regulated by separate sectoral laws and regulations.

Combination work is possible:

  • within the same industry, category or profession;
  • in the presence of necessary knowledge, skills, sufficient labor qualifications.


When combined:

  • the work of the employee is paid on time, prescribed in the contract;
  • pay depends on the amount of time worked.

Usually this is not a fixed payment, but piecework or piecework-bonus - in the ratio established by the contract to the volume of work performed or earnings earned.

When combined:

  • the employee is paid a salary for the main job and an additional payment for additional duties, determined by the agreement of the participants in labor relations;
  • surcharge is not included in tariff rate or salary for the main activity.

Most often, it is calculated as a percentage of the main salary or revenue, depending on the complexity and volume of additional work performed. Sometimes the surcharge can be set at a fixed amount.

Leave for part-time or part-time workers

When drawing up a vacation schedule, it is necessary to take into account some features of the provision of annual paid leave to employees working on a part-time or combined basis.

For collaborators:

  • leave is granted for a period that coincides with leave at the main place of employment. If at the same time the mandatory six months have not yet been worked out, leave is still provided - as an advance payment;
  • if the duration of the vacation at the main place of work is longer, then at part-time work, the missing days are added to the vacation provided, but are no longer paid.

Upon dismissal of a part-time worker, even if less than 6 months have been worked, the employee is provided with monetary compensation for unused vacation.

When combining several jobs or positions, vacations naturally also overlap in time.

When calculating vacation pay, wages and other types of payments for all combined positions are taken into account.

Termination of labor relations in combination and combination

Termination of an employment contract with a part-time partner is possible:

  • on the usual grounds determined by labor legislation;
  • at the end of its validity period;
  • when hiring a permanent worker to his place of work. In this case, the part-time worker must be warned - no less than 2 weeks before the dismissal.

When combined an employment contract is not concluded, and an agreement on additional duties is temporary.

Termination of employment relations when combining is possible:

  • at the end of the term agreements;
  • ahead of schedule at the initiative of the employee or employer.

Additional features of the labor relations of a part-time worker

Often a situation arises when one of the employees goes on vacation and his duties are forcibly distributed among colleagues - without registration and additional payments for overtime work.

Management actions in this case are illegal.

In any disputed situations, it should be borne in mind that:

  • unilaterally expand the labor duties of the employee management has no right;
  • for the employee to take on additional duties, it is necessary to obtain his written consent to such work, issue it with an order for the enterprise and make the appropriate payment;
  • the content, volume and term of additional work is determined by the employer, but is obliged to agree in writing all the details with the employee;
  • force the employee to take on additional workload in a larger volume or more long time than it is specified in the written agreement signed by both parties, it is impossible;
  • appoint an employee to temporarily perform the duties of the position, which is vacant, the employer is not eligible.

Even after signing an agreement for additional work, an employee can always terminate it by submitting a waiver three days before the end of such work.

The employer also has the right to decide on the early termination of the additional work entrusted to the employee, in writing warning him of this at least three days in advance.

Combination and combination- common forms of labor relations, in which employees enter for the purpose of additional earnings, and employers - for the purpose of saving.

Effectively combining several types of work is quite difficult, therefore all the subtleties of such an organization of work are spelled out in the law, knowledge of which helps in the competent protection of the rights of both parties.

Combination or combination: which is better?

The presence of one job does not always allow you to meet the needs of the level of pay. Therefore, citizens often earn extra money.

And here a logical question arises, how to properly arrange such part-time jobs, what is better combination or part-time work, what is the fundamental difference between these methods of generating income. It is advisable to initially understand how such labor relations are formalized, what restrictions and prohibitions are present.

If an employee, along with his usual work, begins to additionally perform the same or similar work for another employee, this is called a combination of positions. Usually this becomes possible in such cases:

  • the main employee for whom the work is performed fell ill for a long period;
  • a vacancy has arisen after the dismissal of an employee;
  • for the period, business trips of the main employee.

Remember, the main condition when you can apply a combination of positions is the availability of an appropriate free (for a certain time) position in the staffing table.
The duration and volume of such work is pre-negotiated between the employee and the employer.

At the same time, the employer does not have the right to single-handedly impose duties on the employee that are not provided for by his job description. Here the written consent of the employee is required.
The combination is applied to engineering and technical employees.

With regard to ordinary workers performing physical labor, it is appropriate to talk about expanding the service area when a larger amount of work of the same functionality is performed. As an example, if a cleaner cleaned one workshop, and she was assigned the duty to additionally clean another workshop. In this case, the term "expansion of the service area" will be applied.

When, in addition to his work, an engineer in the design department begins to perform the duties of a colleague who has gone on vacation, a combination of positions is drawn up here.

How is collaboratively different from collaborative

What is the difference between combination and combination

- a somewhat different form of labor relations, different from the combination. Here, the employee performs labor functions not together with his main job, but before or after it. It is also possible that registration in different positions is not carried out at the full rate (for example, 0.25; 0.5; 0.75 rates).

A distinctive feature of part-time are such moments:

  • at each position, an employment relationship is formalized with the employee;
  • the employee is obliged to comply with the internal rules organizations in terms of the development of working time;
  • the type of activity in combination can be very different;
  • the number of part-time jobs is not limited by law (the main thing is that the employee is physically able to fulfill all the obligations assumed), with the exception of certain cases (in particular, driving vehicles).

Remember, the main difference between a part-time job and a combination job is the ability to work in various positions in your free time, both inside and outside the enterprise. At the same time, such labor relations are formalized by a separate labor contract.

It is important to indicate that when part-time, the employee actually has an additional full-fledged job, and not a temporary increase in the scope of duties for the main job. He is obliged to fully fulfill the obligations assigned by the job descriptions for each place of work.

External and internal combination

Unlike a combination, which cannot be outside the main place of work, a part-time job can be issued both within the enterprise and outside it. It must be understood that due to the employee's performance of various functional duties, varying degrees Responsibility for this type of activity will be formalized with particularities.

This may include:

  1. The presence of separate orders for employment for each position. For example, if an engineer at an enterprise, working on a daily five-day work schedule, also got a job as a watchman for 0.5 rates at the same enterprise and will perform his duties on weekends, this different types works, respectively, their design should be different.
  2. In order to synchronize holiday companies, the employee must inform his employers about the availability of other work. The right to simultaneous leave in the presence of part-time employment is provided for by the Labor Code. Therefore, the employer does not have the right to refuse such an employee, provided that he is officially notified of this.
  3. If the employee is subject to disciplinary action on one job, it shouldn't show up in pay and relation on another. In practice, this is possible if there is an external combination.
  4. An employee can have several personal files at the same time at one enterprise (with internal part-time work). At the same time, accounting of working time and payroll is carried out according to different personal accounts, which are maintained by the accounting department of the enterprise.
  5. Accordingly, salary certificates should be required separately for each position (for example, to collect alimony).

Remember, part-time work is a full-fledged, albeit actually additional, work that must be formalized in accordance with all legal requirements.

How is the combination and part-time

Combination and part-time work: how to apply?

One of the main issues that citizens turn to for advice from professional lawyers is the correctness of this type of work in order to be able to fully receive payment for their work in the future. Of course, there is much in common in the design of part-time and combination, but there are also certain differences.

Therefore, we suggest step by step to get acquainted with the actions of how the registration of labor relations is carried out in the case of the use of such forms of labor.

When combined:

  1. Within the available staffing a vacancy is formed for a while (the position may be occupied, but no one will actually perform the work due to the absence of an employee for good reasons).
  2. The employer agrees with the employee who is invited to perform the duties of an absent colleague along with his main job, conditions, period, level of monetary compensation. The form of approval can be a statement of the employee, his signature with consent on the memorandum of the immediate supervisor.
  3. An order is issued for the enterprise (division), on the basis of which the employee is charged with additional duties. Immediately describe the amount or percentage of his compensation payments.
    The work is performed within the norm of the hours allotted for the implementation of labor functions in the main specialty.

When combined:

  1. A potential employee finds a vacancy with a job that interests him.
  2. Coordinates with his future (existing) employer the registration for this vacancy in a certain period of time. Here you need to understand that he will be able to fulfill his duties only during the period of time that is free for his main job.
  3. He is registered as a newly hired employee (regardless of whether he is employed at this or another enterprise). Requires a passport, military ID, insurance certificate. An order is issued for personnel, the employee is approved (acquainted with the existing) job description, and the workplace is determined.
  4. Here, the rate of hours is calculated separately for each type of action performed.

Remember, no matter what type of additional work you choose, the execution of an order for the enterprise is mandatory. Without it, no one will calculate and pay additional wages to you.

When combination and combination are possible at the same time

Combination and combination at the same time?

Considering that combination and combination are performed in different time and under different employment contracts, the legislator does not prohibit (except for a separate list of persons) to perform such functions simultaneously. At the same time, it is important to take into account that in this case, the employee is assigned almost a triple load, which can affect attentiveness, physical fatigue, lead to psychological exhaustion and other negative consequences prolonged work overload.

Therefore, in practice, if this is initiated within the same enterprise, employers usually offer the employee to choose one of options additional income. An exception may be cases where this is a temporary measure in continuously operating enterprises. If such registration is carried out at different enterprises, this is quite possible.

It is worth considering:

  • in the presence of a registered part-time job, if the employee, by his consent, is assigned additional labor functions, the presence of an order is mandatory;
  • it is advisable to issue an additional combination with an existing part-time job for a short period of unforeseen circumstances (for example, vacation or illness of the main employee);
  • all labor obligations assigned to you will have to be fulfilled in full, otherwise disciplinary sanctions are possible.

Remember, although the legislator does not restrict citizens (with the exception of certain categories) in exercising the right to work, it is advisable to adequately calculate their own forces in the process of performing additional work functions.

Duration of work in case of combination and part-time work

An important question is how much you will have to work with part-time jobs and combining positions. The answer to the question lies in the very nature of such relationships. If the combination of positions is work performed simultaneously with their main job, then the maximum amount that an employee must perform should be limited to the same norm of hours.

An exception may be the work of employees with an irregular work schedule. But even here there are certain limitations and compensations.

As for part-time work, this is actually a different job. Therefore, it should be performed during periods of time free from the main work. Its duration should be sufficient for a person to have the opportunity to rest and prepare for his main work.

Usually such work is limited by the norm of time established by law. When an incomplete rate is issued, its duration (respectively, the terms of payment) are proportionally reduced.

Remember, when you combine, you work one norm of hours, as in your main job, while when you combine, you will have to work more than one monthly norm of hours.

How are they paid

Payment for combination and part-time work

The question that worries every worker is how much additional money he will receive for part-time work and during the combination of positions. Considering various forms registration of relations, the calculation of the level of additional income here will be different.

When combined:

  1. The employee is invited to perform the functions of an absentee for a certain period, who is also compensated for the period of absence. Accordingly, in order to avoid losses, the enterprise will not pay the full rate to the temporary deputy.
  2. Usually, a percentage of the official absent employee is paid for the time actually worked (this can be from 20 to 70%, a 100% surcharge is allowed if the position is temporarily completely vacant).
  3. The minimum guaranteed payments when combining positions are established in the collective agreement of the organization.
  4. Such additional payments do not include bonuses, additional and compensation payments due to the employee (all this can only be paid at the main place of work).

When combined:

  1. The employee is registered as a new employee, therefore, all remuneration conditions established for this position apply to him.
  2. The basic, additional salary and other compensation payments guaranteed to all employees of the enterprise are paid in proportion to the norm of hours worked. The fact that the employee is arranged as a part-time job is in no way reflected in the level of his payment.

Remember, when part-time work is paid in full, when combining positions, the employee is only entitled to a compensatory surcharge for additional work.

Benefits for the employee and employer

To understand who wins with each of the proposed forms of fulfillment of labor obligations, it is worth identifying the benefits of the parties.

When combined:

  • for the employer, an uninterrupted work process is ensured in the temporary absence of an employee;
  • the employer does not overpay employees for the increased amount of work of one of them;
  • norms of social guarantees do not apply to an additional position;
  • the employee does not spend more time while in the working environment;
  • for the increased amount of work, the employee receives cash in the form of an additional payment to the official salary.

When combined:

  • the employer is interested in the fact that the performance of work is not limited to the norm of hours for one workplace;
  • it is also positive for the employer that the employee cannot refuse to fulfill the obligations assigned to him;
  • the employee has full social protection for all positions;
  • the employee's remuneration for all positions fully covers all working conditions.

Termination of employment

Combination and part-time employment: how labor relations are terminated

The employee has the right to refuse to perform additional duties when combining positions at any time. To do this, he just needs to notify the employer about this 3 days in advance.

Here you will need to make the appropriate changes to the order. At the same time, if the conditions that became the basis for part-time employment cease to apply (the employee has returned from vacation or has recovered), the payment of the additional payment automatically stops. There is no need to change the order.

As for the termination of part-time work, general legislation applies here. employee in this case is necessary with strict observance of the terms of the Labor Code, with all payments due to him under the law and the collective agreement.

For a choice between part-time and combination, see the following video:

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An individual operating in the status of an employee of a business entity under the main employment contract has the right to express a desire to earn extra money in his spare time. Such work acquires the status of a part-time job. The part-time worker is characterized by the regularity of the tasks performed, which are paid in the manner adopted for the main job, taking into account the time spent on their implementation.

As alternative wages by the employer are considered the volume of products or services rendered. To ensure competence in maintaining documentation, each head of a business entity must have an idea of ​​​​how the internal combination and external combination of professions and positions differ, and what are the nuances and features of each type of labor relationship.

Combination vs Combination - What's the difference?

Part-time employment as a kind of labor relations

The work performed has the status of a part-time employment relationship if the work contract is concluded with an employee who is already in an employment relationship on the basis of which the main activity is carried out on a regular and paid basis.

Production tasks solved in combination are always performed by an employee in his spare time from his main activity. Distinguish between internal and external combination.

What is internal compatibility

Features of labor relations in combination and in combination

Individuals have the right to enter into agreements for the performance of work in their spare time. It does not matter whether the positions and professions of the main and additional work coincide. To formalize labor relations, the employer draws up an additional agreement to the main contract with a previously registered employee. At the same time, it is important to obtain his permission to impute duties that are not provided for by contractual terms.

What is an external combination of professions

When combined, an employee with whom the employer has concluded an employment contract of a basic nature performs additional duties at another enterprise. Legislation limit by their requirements the working time of an employee in such labor status to four hours. The employee is covered by all social guarantees in the form of sick leave, vacation and record of seniority. Also, the concept of regulating its size is applied to the employee's wages in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, taking into account the criterion of proportionality of hours worked.

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In order to understand the concepts relating to issues of what internal combination and combination are, what is the difference between them, the employer will have to deal with the legislative theory that regulates the relationship between the participants in the employment agreement.

The differences lie in the fact that when part-time work is performed at a time that is free from the main job, and when combined, the employee will have to find time to solve additional tasks during the time period regulated by the working day. The personnel inspector is obliged to fill out the time sheet on a monthly basis separately for part-time workers, even in situations where they operate at the same enterprise. When combining positions, as well as when replacing an employee who is temporarily absent, only one line is filled in the time sheet for one combined employee.

The main differences between part-time and combination

Both types of activities imply that there is no need to fill out a work book on the performance of additional work, however, if the part-time worker wishes, a corresponding entry can be made a. The employer with a part-time partner is obliged to formalize the relationship with a separate employment contract, and when combined, the document is not drawn up, but the presence additional agreement necessary.

To terminate relations with a part-time job, the employment contract should be terminated, and when combining professions, an order from the head of the business entity, drawn up on the basis of the employee’s statement about the refusal to perform an additional task or when performing work in in full. A part-time worker of any type is paid in accordance with the hours worked or the amount of work performed, and for employees who combine several professions, an additional payment is made, the amount of which is determined administrative documentation or by mutual agreement of the parties.

Specific nuances

When answering the question of internal part-time work and part-time work, what is the difference, one should not forget about such nuances of production relations as:

  • violation of discipline;
  • failure to fulfill their obligations;
  • achievements in the field of industrial activity.

Types of combination , the concept and legal regulation of each of them, differences from other forms of obtaining additional income - the subject of this article. It is important for the HR specialist and the manager to know all the issues identified, to clearly understand the difference between the types of part-time jobs, so as not to violate anyone's rights, to comply with the registration procedure, working conditions and other important points.

Collaboration is…

The concept of combination is contained in Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, its features are also enshrined in Art. 60.1. A part-time job is a paid labor activity outside the time of performing the main labor function. For a job to qualify as a part-time job, it must meet the following criteria:

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  • the activity is paid;
  • its implementation is carried out on the basis of an independent labor contract;
  • it is carried out after the end or before the start of labor activity at the main place of work or on days free from such work (and not in any way during breaks or in the process of performing the main work function).

At the same time, Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates the limitation of hours of monthly part-time work by half the norm established by law for a specific category of workers. But the number of employers and employment contracts in the performance of such work, on the contrary, is not limited in any way, which is mentioned in Part 2 of Art. 282 TK.

An indication in the employment contract that the labor activity is performed by a part-time specialist is mandatory. This is due to the specific legal regulation of labor activity carried out in this way, from going to work and granting holidays to remuneration and termination of the employment contract.

The TC distinguishes the following types of combination ...

Art. 60.1 and 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation distinguish only 2 types of part-time jobs:

  • internal (with the same employer, at the place of the main job);
  • external (outside the organization where the main labor function is performed).

At the same time, in fact, the law does not prohibit resorting to both types at the same time (subject to restrictions in terms of working hours).

Internal part-time work is understood as the performance of duties in accordance with a separate job description under a separate employment contract with one's own main employer, but outside the time allotted for performing the main job in accordance, inter alia, with the internal labor regulations.

This form of part-time employment is more convenient for the employee, since it usually provides for the performance of duties in the same place where the main job is located. An example is the work of a specialist in an organization as technical worker at the end of the main working day. In the case under consideration, in addition, there are no difficulties in accounting for working time and a number of other significant points.

External part-time employment with other employers provides for compliance with all the same conditions, with the only difference being that the employment contract is concluded with another business entity. As a result, it becomes more difficult to control compliance with work time limits.

Important is the obligation of the employer, in the external form of part-time employment, to provide additional (unpaid) days for vacation at the request of the employee if his leave at the main place of work has longer duration(part 2 of article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Wherein given fact must be documented (for example, a copy of the employment contract or a relevant certificate from the main employer).

A common condition for both types of part-time work is remuneration in proportion to the time worked (i.e., for the time actually worked). All established wage coefficients and various allowances should also be taken into account when remunerating part-time employees (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to distinguish internal part-time work from this type of additional work, like combining

It is not uncommon for the concept of “part-time employment” (especially if it is internal) to actually replace another legal phenomenon called the combination of professions or positions. However, these types of additional work have significant differences. So, combining from part-time work is distinguished by the following features (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • lack of a separate employment contract;
  • performance of additional duties exclusively for the main employer;
  • performance of other work is carried out within the duration of the working day established by the legislation and internal acts;
  • additional responsibilities are being assigned legal act employer only with the written consent of the employee;
  • the lack of clear rules for establishing the amount of additional payment for the performance of additional work, so the final figure should be determined by mutual agreement of both parties;
  • temporary nature of execution - either party may, on its own initiative, terminate the combination, for which it needs only 3 days to warn the other party in writing.

Thus, with some external similarity between internal combination and combination of positions, their legal regulation is completely different. The differences relate to all fundamental issues: registration of relations, payment procedure, terms, termination procedure, etc.

Final theses:

  • concept and types of combination enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 60.1 and 282;
  • the law provides for external and internal combination of jobs;
  • the external form involves entering into an employment relationship with a third-party employer;
  • internal part-time employment is carried out with the same employer (in the same place where the main labor function is performed), to some extent resembling a combination of positions;
  • combination and internal combination have only a slight external similarity, having cardinal differences legal regulation in all matters (from registration to termination of relations).