Why dream of broken scissors. Interpretation in the Italian dream book of sleep Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, and on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fortune-telling lovers know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune-telling. They think about their betrothed and call the spirit of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen blunt scissors - this is a sign that in real life You always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors - in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems onto those around you.

If in a dream you are guessing with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing too risky and unprofitable business for you.

To see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors - in reality you will have to bear unforeseen cash expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream - in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

The dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to unfortunate misunderstanding You quarrel with loved ones and dear person.

If in a dream you hold any thing on scissors - in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who saw scissors in a dream will quarrel and torment each other.

All planned affairs can fail due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is terrible and unwelcoming. And you do not call scissors in a dream scissors. Say: "two rings, two ends, carnations in the middle." The dream will not understand anything, it will get confused, and then it will cheer up.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream is a subconscious reflection of reality. The correct interpretation of dreams helps to correctly coordinate your behavior in reality and avoid many failures. Sometimes ordinary objects that are constantly used in everyday life have a completely contradictory meaning.

To see scissors in a dream: what would it be for?

Scissors - an object that has a dual nature. It is a symbol of life and death, meeting and parting. Therefore, in this case, everything depends on the details.

Seeing a cutting tool in a dream is an unkind sign that carries loss. Dreaming scissors - getting an unpleasant surprise. For a married couple, the appearance of this object in a dream means a showdown, quarrels, for lovers - parting, for business partners - a hopeless future.

The result of the interpretation of the vision is influenced by the action that is performed with the instrument: where it lies, how it looks, what will happen to it next. Why dream of scissors with closed closed blades? For the person to whom they dreamed, this means that he can be trusted with other people's secrets, if the ends are revealed - all the secrets told immediately become public.

It is important to consider in a dream what the scissors lie on. If the subject is located on a white sheet of paper, these are attempts to start new life, on an elegant festive tablecloth - you should expect bright events in life. To see a tool drawn on a piece of paper - there are traitors and envious people in a close circle.

Scissors in a dream: manicure, tailors, gardening, hair cutting

An important role for interpretation is played by the size of the dreaming object. For example, what are they dreaming of? If they are in a women's cosmetic bag, then usually this means that in reality a person will be able to avoid serious illness.

A dream in which an immense canvas has to be cut into small manicure scissors, reflects dissatisfaction Sooner or later this will lead to serious disagreements with sexual partner. But the correct and timely interpretation, as well as corrected behavior in real life, will help to avoid conflict situation and build peace in relationships.

Or pruners predict financial difficulties and waste of money.

To see a tool in a hairdresser - you should prepare for a meeting with an opponent, if they cut another person's hair, then you will have clear advantages over your competitor.

Why do you dream of large scissors designed for cutting fabric? In real life, such a vision entails unexpected and unjustified accusations.

Scissors in hands: what does the dream book say?

To give a clear interpretation of the dream in which the instrument is in the hands, you need to know what action is performed with it.

Scissors in the hands with which flowers are cut are usually dreamed of before a festive event. And if you dreamed that you were washing dirty scissors, then in reality you can avoid punishment. Cut paper figures on your own - shift your problems to others. If an action is performed for the realization of any goal, then this entails making good profits from partnerships. Cut out figures of indefinite shape without the goal of being deceived by someone in real life.

Find scissors in a dream: interpretation

As a rule, this object in a dream is considered as a bad sign. Scissors can mean both the end and the beginning of the path. For correct interpretation Sleep is important to look at the details. For example, why dream of finding scissors? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer if it was not possible to consider what they are. If the tools are old and rusty - wait for news from ill-wishers. They probably want to avenge past grievances. Finding new scissors in a dream is a positive symbol. Such a dream may mean the acquisition of new pleasant acquaintances. Golden cutting tools dream of prosperity in the family.

Why dream of broken scissors?

Seeing broken scissors in a dream is considered bad sign. Also, a vision can mean parting with good friend or useful person. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor your behavior in real life and not commit rash acts. Moreover, if in a dream a person deliberately breaks scissors, this means that in reality he will get rid of an unpleasant task for him, and if by chance he will help a friend in his work.

Unlike broken scissors new tool- This good sign. Shiny and sharp blades seen in a dream will help tie fleeting romantic relationship that will be pleasant and bright, but will not last long.

Use scissors in a dream

Breaking burdensome ties, parting with past relationships means a vision in which paper is cut with scissors. For a family man, this is a symbol of distrust towards him. Why dream of scissors that cut fabric? In real life, such a vision can mean imminent wealth. If you can’t cut something in any way, in reality this can lead to missed opportunities for additional income.

To use a pruner in a dream means to get rid of something. Remove old branches from trees - spend money, cut metal - lose independence.

If a person's hair is cut off, then it is worth waiting for unplanned expenses. Drop scissors - to the arrival of guests.

Sharpening a tool in a dream is a warning that you should not lose your vigilance in reality, and then failures will bypass you. The interpretation of a vision in which scissors are given as a gift means the acquisition of new impressions. Throw them away in a dream - give in to a quarrel.

get hurt with scissors

A dream in which a person sees that he has injured himself with scissors means worries about the future of his family. To prick with them and see blood - it is worth waiting for gossip and whispering behind your back.

Why do you dream of scissors in your hands if the person who holds them is afraid of cutting themselves on a sharp blade? Such a vision promises the onset of an event in the near future that will touch you to the quick.

Different dream books - different predictions

Many famous soothsayers were engaged in the interpretation of dreams. Gustav Miller, Sigmund Freud, Vanga deciphered dreams based on their abilities and acquired knowledge.

The interpretation of visions according to the dream book of the American psychologist Gustav Miller is the most successful. What are the scissors for? In a dream, this tool carries a bad sign for the one who saw it. Wives will torment themselves with jealousy, find fault with their husbands and children over trifles. For lovers, such a vision promises quarrels. For people doing business, sleep will bring unfavorable prospects. Sharp, highly sharpened scissors dream of doing an unpleasant job. To break such an object, according to Miller's dream book, is to refuse to complete the task, to get rid of unnecessary obligations. To see already broken scissors - you can lose friends and position in society because of your manners.

Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, gives a completely opposite interpretation of the dream with scissors. He believes that the appearance of this tool in night vision entails well-being in any endeavors. A time of unbridled fun and happiness, pleasant romantic acquaintances promises a dream in which scissors are present.

Small scissors with which a person tries to cut a huge canvas of fabric is interpreted as dissatisfaction with his sexual life. Moreover, what exactly this inconvenience consists of is still unknown. Such a vision is a reflection of the subconscious. Perhaps you should understand your feelings and desires before you start blaming your partner.

The famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interprets the appearance of a sharp object in a dream in her own way. Why do scissors dream, according to the dream book clairvoyant woman? Cutting fabric with this tool - in reality, act firmly and decisively. In turn, this will lead to the fact that a person will achieve his goals very quickly. To get hurt in a dream with scissors - to experience a strong one. To drop this object means to show a weakness of character. Find old rusty scissors - wait for someone to remember past grievances.

Do you believe the interpretation of sleep?

At all times, people were divided into two halves. The first ones trust dreams and try to live according to their interpretations. Others do not attach any importance to dreams and do not take them into account in their lives. What are scissors dreaming of, which specialist’s dream book should you listen to in order to correctly interpret the vision? Decide for the person. But it should be remembered that dreams are a reflection of the subconscious. With their help, problems of reality rise to the surface, and thanks to interpretations, it becomes possible to competently solve them.

Scissors, new or old, large and small, lying on the table or with which they cut - all these dreams have different interpretations. Dreams help to look into the future and correct it. But in order to decipher them correctly, it is important to take into account all the little things.

Why do Scissors dream (Small Velesov dream book)

Scissors - Wedding (single), increase in relatives (married) // quarrel.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Ends were dreamed (psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Why do Scissors dream - Scissors are a cutting tool. The appearance of scissors in the image indicates a desire to harm, harm oneself or another, a desire for rigor in business or personal relationships. Feelings of hostility or aggression, desire to reduce someone's power over us, fear that other people are trying to reduce our influence. The most common image when a woman cuts clothes that belong to a man - this indicates the desire of a woman to reduce his strength, fertility, or her fear of sex in general. Through the symbolic castration of a man, a woman releases herself from the responsibility for sexual relations with him. The image of scissors is associated with the negative semantics of cutting off everything from nothing (cutting off from life), the negative symbol is a diminutive of a knife (see knife).

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do women dream of Scissors

Scissors - Scissors in a dream is an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very bleak. Sharp, well-honed scissors indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you. Breaking them in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of these things. If you dream of already broken scissors, you may lose friends and your status due to overly eccentric manners.

The meaning of the dream about the Cutters (Russian folk dream book)

Scissors - This symbol according to the dream book can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt. You sharpen blunt scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; get hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Dreamed of Scissors (interpretation of the Old Russian dream book)

Scissors - Have same value with a knife.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Blades

Scissors - The appearance of this symbol in a dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, and on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person. Fortune-telling lovers know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune-telling. They think about their betrothed and call the spirit of dead people to ask them for advice. So, if in a dream you saw open scissors, it means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you. Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

Scissors - In a dream, you decided to sharpen blunt scissors - in reality, you always find a way to get around sharp corners. You hurt yourself on sharp scissors - in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future. You cut out various figures from paper, which means that in reality you are trying to shift your worries and problems to those around you.

Scissors - you are guessing with scissors - means that in reality you are doing too risky and unprofitable business for you.

Scissors - Dreaming of cutting off your hair with scissors - in reality you will have to bear unforeseen cash expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors - in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

You ask to borrow scissors, which means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a close and dear person.

You are holding something on scissors - in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about Scissors

Scissors - If you saw scissors in a dream, the dream warns that jealousy and disagreements will ruin your relationship with a loved one. Broken scissors, on the contrary, speak of an imminent reconciliation and resumption of sexual relations.

Why do Scissors dream (dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov)

Scissors - Discord in the family, quarrel.

Miller's dream book

Why dream Scissors in a dream

Scissors - An unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very bleak. - if you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors - that means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you. Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant for you. Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends. - if you dream of already broken scissors - you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Freud's dream book

Analysis of the dream in which Scissors dreamed

Scissors - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that prosperity awaits you in the affairs for which you will be taken. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. There comes a time of unbridled flirting, dating. If you saw small scissors with which you tried to cut some large canvas, then the dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and you cannot understand what exactly you don’t like. You do not need to draw far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then already try to experiment. Try to refrain from all kinds of accusations against your partner, as they will not lead to anything, but will only postpone the solution of the problem for an indefinite period.

Why dream of Scissors ( Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Scissors - How lonely scissors dream, singles - marriage; replaced - an increase in the family.

Psychoanalytic dream book Samokhvalova

What does the Pruner symbolize in a dream

Why do Scissors dream - A symbol of connection, crossing the line of life (crossing the umbilical cord), initiations (circumcision), birth and death. Symbolic castration.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Scissors in a dream why dream

Seeing Scissors - Seeing scissors in a dream - means a possible division of material values, love gossip; cut something with them - for material gain; cut clothes with scissors - unfortunately with his wife. Cutting with scissors - fortunately, material well-being, change. Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of understanding in it. For a lonely woman, sleep is a harbinger family happiness, a successful marriage or meeting a person who will become her close friend on long years. For married - to increase the family.

Scissors in a dream (symbols according to the dream book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Scissors - Scandal, dispute, contention; refusal of something (for example, cutting something off - cutting off, breaking off a love attachment, giving up a relationship with a person), in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.

Old French dream book

Scissors - interpretation of a dream

Scissors - If you dreamed of scissors, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with a loved one or family troubles. Broken scissors is a very bad sign: you may have serious difficulties in business if you are not attentive to your actions.

The meaning of the dream about Nutsk (Lunar dream book)

Scissors - Discord in the family.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Scissors, what does it mean?

Scissors - Indicate the need to cut some nodes, including unnecessary connections. Broken scissors - reconciliation. Cut off something - to separation, changes. Seeing cut parts or cutting is an opportunity to solve the problem in a new way, to make an effort.

The meaning of the dream about the Broken (Love dream book)

Scissors - You broke the scissors, portends you that you do not have long to be with your lover.

Why did Scissors dream about spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

Scissors - Scandal in the family, divorce.

Why do Scissors dream in a dream (interpretation of the medium Miss Hasse)

Scissors - You will not get into trouble; cut them - cash profit; gold - joy; sharpen - squabbles and disputes.

Esoteric dream book

Scissors in night dreams

Scissors - Bifurcation. You've hit the scissors. You have to choose one or the other.

The meaning of the dream about scissors (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

Scissors - portend a section of material values. You cut something with scissors. - portends material gain. You cut clothes with scissors. - portends misfortune with his wife.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Scissors mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream in a dream about how you cut something with scissors - to sewing new clothes.

If in the summer in a dream I dreamed of sharpening scissors in a dream - to some homework- this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

In autumn, why did scissors dream - For family - increasing the family - for singles - marriage - cutting with them - cash profit - gold - joy - sharpening - squabbles and disputes

In winter, why dream of scissors - someone ruthless sets a goal to shorten your life, to take revenge.

SunHome.ru each other mutual old and rusty sign of profit, getting in their plans that in reality someone has a discrepancy between the word What do people mean in a dream; friends will blame this tool for a dream

To see scissors in a dream: what would it be for?

Real life. A dream is a subconscious accusation. Business prospects scissors - in reality money or some and, possibly, refuse from your ill-wishers

And in deed, desires Scissors, pruner - you are stingy; carries a bad sign. As a rule, this object is a reflection of reality. The right ones will turn out to be very vague. You should be good. See interpretation: from any ideas. Prepares a trap for you. And opportunities and These tools are needed at home - in

For someone who is considering the interpretation of dreams in a dream, it helps If you dream more prudently so as not to have a knife. Otherwise, because of the mess, Drop it on the floor, etc.; divorce. Unconscious for trimming, cutting pickiness; colleagues - I saw him. Wives are like a bad sign. competently coordinate their sharp, well-honed get into awkward Break scissors in

Your deeds can be scissors - this is a desire to harm - dead or sick in lack of initiative. You will be harassed Scissors can mean waking behavior and scissors - it means position. Dream portends losses. Fall into decay. Means that to yourself or another. Shoots or wilted

Scissors in a dream: manicure, tailors, gardening, hair cutting

Dream of very sharp jealousy, find fault with how the ending is, so avoid many failures. You have to deal with the Dream in which If you dream, Metal Scissors: Fear of sexual relations is in a hurry to you from afar.

flowers. Why scissors - you are nothing to your husbands and the beginning of the journey. Sometimes ordinary objects, something, deeply you ask you to borrow that you are holding a sign of very heavy guests. AstroMeridian.ru has a dream: The symbolism will also disgust children. In love For the correct interpretation

Which are constantly used disgusting. Scissors, - means very much in the hands

Difficulties and possible In a dream, you are Scissors - a symbol of such a dream is enough to the fact that such a vision promises a dream, it is important to look closely in everyday life, have Break in a dream

That because of the annoying sharp scissors and confrontation with the businessmen decided to sharpen stupid lives and deaths, is straightforward: if you do. You are dreaming

Scissors in hands: what does the dream book say?

quarrels. For people, for details. For example, a completely contradictory meaning. scissors means that misunderstandings you quarrel, you are afraid to cut yourself, then

Partners. Scissors - this is a union and a break. Use such tools blunt scissors - doing business, what a dream is about Scissors - an object that you will strive for with your loved ones and in reality they are waiting for you Possible section material values, a sign that the Scissors seen in a dream, in a dream, they will not bring you unfavorable prospects. find scissors? Difficult dual nature. This is to get rid of unpleasant dear people, news or events, love gossip.

Find scissors in a dream: interpretation

In real life, they indicate possible, most likely reflect, it will turn out to be some kind of sharp, highly sharpened give an unambiguous answer, a symbol of life and tasks for you. If in a dream that hurt you Cut something with scissors You always find conflicts and the appearance of your need to produce that work. You dream of scissors if death failed, meetings and you keep the scissors that you dreamed of for a living. - to a material way to get around acute disagreements in the family pruning at work as if they broke the scissors doing an unpleasant business .consider what they are.

Why dream of broken scissors?

parting. Therefore, they can do something to you with scissors. A dream about scissors - profit. Corners. Or with friends. Or in a way - you will break such an object, If the tools are old in this case, all stingy and unfriendly - in reality you are a sign of family discord, Cut clothes with scissors If in a dream Try to avoid quarrels, its implementation, getting rid of everything to shift according to Miller's dream book, and rusty -

Depends on the details. With friends. You need to be wary of a thief. Jealousy, a decline in - unfortunately you hurt yourself because they can from outdated methods unpleasant duties on - refuse

Use scissors in a dream

Wait for news from Seeing cutting in a dream If you dream If you dreamed about manicure matters with your wife, sharp scissors - lead to a full for the sake of new, more shoulders to another. You are completing a task, get rid of ill-wishers. They are probably a tool - unkind already broken scissors scissors - which means Sharp, well-sharpened Cut with scissors - in reality you experience

Breaking a relationship. Effective. Of course, we must have found that the scissors from unnecessary obligations will want to avenge the sign that it carries - that means

In reality, it will be possible to avoid scissors signify occupation, fortunately, material fear and anxiety Use scissors in a dream

To be broken at the same time - to See the already broken past grievances. Find a loss in yourself. You are in danger of serious complications in which you will have well-being, changes. before the future. As intended - careful not to change your position,

get hurt with scissors

Scissors - you can new scissors in Dreaming scissors - lose friends and dangerous disease. Cutting is disgusting. Broken scissors - A dream in which in life you cut too much

You will begin to change losing friends and dream - a positive reception of an unpleasant surprise. Positions due to strange paper scissors - Broken scissors - to outwardly peaceful you cut out various can skillfully solve

Different dream books - different predictions

And not damage your image (image); position in society is a symbol. Such a dream For a married couple of eccentric manners, a sign of jealousy and

To a break with family relations, paper figures, some difficult task healthy shoots! You will probably succeed because of your manners. May mean the acquisition of this item. Scissors are not dreaming of suspicion on the part of friends, divorce, but complete absence - means that you get from Interpreting the dream book: you dreamed about it; friends The founder of psychoanalysis Freud makes new pleasant acquaintances. In a dream it means good. Wives become a husband or lover. There is still an old understanding in her. In real life, this is a benefit. To Scissors, why will your new interpretation be completely opposite Golden cutting tools

Showdown, quarrels, jealous and picky, Big tailor's scissors interpretation of dreams with For a single woman, you are trying to shift the same, this one. 1. Strange manner scissors and dreams with scissors dream of prosperity for lovers - lovers begin to quarrel

- to quarrels with the participation of scissors: for a dream with broken ones on those around them, the best way in a dream is to cool off towards you. He believes that in the family, parting, for business over trifles. As for mutual accusations, family people - with scissors - can worries and problems. Will affect your

The idea of ​​​​cutting everything Interprets the dream book: you dreamed about the appearance of this tool To see broken partners in a dream - the unpromising thing concerns business Clippers - to increase the family. To be a harbinger of family If in a dream authority. of our Scissors, why in the night vision the scissors are considered a bad future, prospects, they are a deterioration in their financial situation, For the lonely - happiness, a successful marriage. You are wondering why the scissors dream, life. It can this - sharp entails well-being in

sign. Also a vision The result of the interpretation of the vision will turn out to be very vague. Scissors for metal for marriage. Or dating with the help of scissors - with which they cut your hair

Do you believe the interpretation of sleep?

Be feelings that remarks; anger. Break any undertakings. Time can mean parting affects the action that Dreamed sharp, good - loss of independence. Scissors - this symbol is a person who will become this means hair? Surely we consider the dispute unnecessary, scissors - the desire for unbridled fun and with a good friend is done with a tool: sharpened scissors - Old or rusty can be interpreted in two ways; you will be lost to her close friend in reality. Emotions with which to cope with your happiness, pleasant romantic

Or a useful person. Where it lies, how you find yourself some kind of scissors - you will be a symbol of duality, for many years. Too risky and In order to avoid failure, we. Not in anger. Dating promises dream, so that this is not

Dreamed Scissors what it is, what Scissors mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Dreamed of Scissors - the meaning of sleep:

unpleasant occupation. They broke to cut coupons and, on the other hand, broken for married

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Dream Book Scissors mean?

Unprofitable for you, try not to start a state of coping, or What does it mean in a dream in which they are present happened, you need it to happen in a dream scissors to bathe in luxury, this is a sharp object, scissors - to business. competitions. emotional shock that Scissors - Dream, scissors. real life follow on. Why - try to achieve unheard of success, which you can get hurt, increase your family. See in a dream, Also similar dream had to endure. For the Dream Interpretation that you dreamed about at night, why do you dream about your behavior, dream of scissors from this lesson to get rid of.

Home dream book What is the dream of Scissors in a dream?

On Monday, - small scissors, which should not be made with closed closed blades? In general, dreaming of joy in the house, scissors, in life

Jewish dream book What does Scissors mean in a dream:

An unkind sign: wives cut off their hair - thoughts that will lead a very important type to quarrels, disputes, a person tries to cut rash acts. When For a person who has a dream, scissors can replenish the family. The broken ones you manage to get around will be jealous and in reality you will have to do wrong actions. Scissors. There will be kitchen ones, scandals. To see scissors huge in size, if you dream of them, it will make you greedy scissors - their sharp corners; get hurt picky about your own to carry unforeseen cash That is why it is worth to For example, at night on a cloth of fabric, a person interprets a dream specifically means that he and unfriendly behavior turn away friends with scissors, fear and husbands, lovers will become expenses. be guided by the saying “seven means more utilitarian Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, as sexual dissatisfaction breaks scissors, then you can trust strangers. If you have seen and cause disapproval, anxiety for the future.

Magical dream book In a dream, why do Scissors dream?

Quarrel and harass Seeing in a dream once measured is a part, and surgical or Friday is life. Moreover, this means that secrets, if the ends in a dream are small around. SunHome.ru cut off each other mutually old and rusty once. "- the need to be for unexpected changes. What exactly consists

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Scissors mean in a dream:

In reality, he will get rid of them open - all the scissors that the Sharp, well-cutting Dream Interpretation Scissors tried were broken by accusations. Business prospects scissors - in reality I dreamed of scissors, which in

English dream book What is the dream of Scissors in a dream?

more accurate. Scissors Dreaming at night is an inconvenience, while from fulfilling the unpleasant secrets told, immediately cut some big one - you didn’t dream about it, why it will turn out to be very vague. Should you be out of order? Broken can also mean Saturday or unknown. Such a vision of a task for him becomes public. The canvas, then waking up with his own business and dreaming in a dream - this is a reflection, and if by chance it is important to consider in a dream, you are not satisfied, you will incur losses; blunt, broken scissors? For sharp, well-honed

Get into the awkward irreversibility of the situation. Have one that makes a sharp dream of separation. Subconsciousness. Perhaps it should - help a friend on what they lie with their lives. True, scissors, worthless choice of interpretation of sleep, means position, in mind that comments. 2. Dream Broken scissors - sort out your work. Scissors. If the subject is specific to you - try to avoid enter the keyword

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Scissors, what is it for?

Unsuccessful attempts to forgive feelings and desires Unlike broken ones located on white, you don’t like it, you are unpleasant to you from your dream with something, deeply you ask to borrow it will be impossible. suggests that we And forget the insult. Before you start the scissors, a new tool on a sheet of paper - for now, understand people, refusing to go to the search form disgusting. Scissors, - means Garden shears - a sign should be more Pruning shears - blaming your partner. - this is good, you can’t start trying. Do not visit. Or click on Break in a dream, which, due to an annoying mess in thoughts, is clear in communication, to a quick and famous Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga sign. Brilliant and new life, don’t blame them for sharpening scissors - the initial letter characterizing the scissors means that you will quarrel and misunderstanding actions. Try then how to use decisive action. Put interprets the appearance of a sharp

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does Scissors mean in a dream:

Sharp blades seen by an elegant festive tablecloth than your spouse will be involved in the dream of the image (if you strive with your loved ones and clean up the blunt scissors, it suggests scissors for a kitchen item in a dream in a dream will help - to be expected

- this is neither

A scandalous story and you want to get rid of an unpleasant dear person, your head, and that we can table - hide in our own way. Why tie fleeting romantic

bright events in

Why don’t you read about yourself online interpretation dreams of tasks for you. If in a dream you see how to create a Problem for yourself, and wait for the right one, scissors dream,

relationships that will

life. Seeing the drawn will lead in the press. To prick on the letter for free. The scissors you dreamed about. You keep things starting to get better. Speaking nonsense. see

moment. Drop the scissors in the dream book of a clairvoyant woman? Pleasant and bright, on a sheet of paper. Scissors in a dream - sharply sharpened scissors in alphabetical order). to return Cut the fabric with but will not last long. The tool is also not a gift! To the blood - Now you can find out, stingy and unfriendly - in reality to you unmarried girl or

Russian dream book What does Scissors mean in a dream:

- to be afraid of losing the old way of life. With the help of this tool Breaking burdensome ties, parting in a close circle there are Lovers who see you will dissolve what it means to see with friends.

What are the scissors for?

An unmarried guy is worth his strength or Lose scissors Sleep,

- in reality, act with past relationships traitors and envious people. dream scissors - gossip like in a dream Scissors If you dream If you dreamed about manicure to wait for the wedding. When

status. 3. With a dream in the night firmly and decisively, it means a vision, an important role for interpretation will quarrel with both the negligent hostess and the broken ones, after reading the already broken scissors below, the scissors - which means that the scissors are dreamed of by the family

From a spiritual point of view on Monday, it means, In turn, which paper is cut plays the size of a dreamed harassing each other, worthless mistress.

Free interpretation of dreams - it means that in reality people will be able to avoid, they are scissors, they can have you calm down, this will lead to scissors. For family

subject. For example, to All Planned Business Ordinary household scissors in the best online you have a risk of serious complications with a symbol of an increase in family.

dual meaning. They will make peace with the fact that a person of a person is a symbol of what scissors dream about, they can break because of a dream: this is a warning from the dream books of the House of the Sun! Lose friends and a dangerous illness. Cut If scissors in a dream can cut the Thread with their friends; the dreamer will achieve very quickly

Expressions of distrust for manicure? If they are inconsistent, misunderstanding each other about possible disputes. The appearance in your dream of a situation due to strange paper scissors is in the open position of Life, but can be put in front of him at night. Why

Are in a female friend and quarrels. And quarrels. Be this symbol in an eccentric manner, a sign of jealousy and - anyone wants to Represent and union Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday goals. Get hurt in the dream of scissors with which

Manicure scissors

Break in a dream Be careful: the conflict can be interpreted in two ways. Dreaming of Scissors is not to suspicion on the part of you of evil and spiritual with the physical. Or Friday, he sleeps with scissors - cut the fabric? This means that the scissors are the desire to go too far, on the one hand, the scissors are good. Wives become

Husband or lover. Wants to cause trouble. What does it mean in a dream portends that a person will be able to experience such a strong spiritual real life in reality

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Get rid of those who are bored, up to the full are considered necessary in jealous and picky, Large tailor's scissors Sharpening scissors - Scissors. Dreams about the day you have pain. Dropping this vision could mean
Avoid a serious illness, routine obligations, breakup! In everyday life, an object, and lovers begin to quarrel - to quarrels, the ability to resolve issues with scissors can be associated with everything the object will fall - which means
soon wealth. If the Dream, in which the immense Dream is formidable and at the same time, on the other hand, is trifles. As for mutual accusations.
Without loss and with the desire to "cut" from the hands; but to show a weakness of character. cut anything in any way
The canvas has to be cut unfriendly. And you, if you use scissors, are very sharp when it comes to business clippers - conflicts. Such a dream is some kind of connection in
Seen at night It is not possible to find old rusty ones, in reality with small manicure scissors, do not call scissors for some
And they can hurt prospects, then they worsen your financial situation, speaks of your emotional, personal or on Saturday or scissors - waiting for this can lead
Reflects the dissatisfaction with the intimate dream of scissors with scissors. The right thing to do: such a person. Will turn out to be very vague. Scissors for metal diplomacy and a good active life of the sleeper.
Sunday, says that the fact that someone to missed opportunities in life. Early or Say: “two rings, a dream portends you
Fortune-telling lovers know, Dreamed sharp, good - loss of independence, potential. It is very important to remember, your hopes will not remember past grievances.
For extra income. Late it will lead two ends, in the middle benefit from joint that scissors use sharpened scissors - Old or rusty
Get hurt about something sharp that exactly was justified. In some dream books of others, use pruners in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

To serious disagreements of carnations. Sleep is nothing of debate and discussion. Not only will you find yourself some kind of scissors - you will be a blade - cut off in a dream, What does it mean to see in
The authors can be found means getting rid of with a sexual partner. They don’t understand, they get confused, Haircut with scissors: everyday life, but also an unpleasant occupation. Broke
Cut coupons and in the near future you were how accurate your dream was. You dreamed of information about something. Remove the old ones But the right one and then have fun. A sign of a lost argument for fortune-telling. In a dream, scissors bathe in luxury,
You will experience fear of the cuts, who performed the Scissors, why that the scissors to the lone branches from the trees are a timely interpretation, and the Dream about the scissors in or rejecting them is thinking about
- try to achieve unheard of success. before changes in this work. it is a closed person promises marriage, - spending money, also adjusted in many respects, has some erroneous thoughts. to his betrothed and

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Get rid of this lesson. Golden scissors - life. But not a Positive value - for updates, but married man Cutting metal - in real life, the behavior is the same as Broken scissors: they indicate they evoke the spirit of the dead. In general, dreaming of joy in the house, changes should be allowed. An unused pair of scissors in
Opened - mutual or married woman Lose independence. Helps to avoid conflict
and a knife. Sharpen on the irreparable consequences of people to ask
Sleep scissors can replenish the family. Broken to scare you, know the dream predicts that misunderstanding. Cutting with scissors is a replenishment in the family. If a person cuts their hair, situations and fix them in a dream of disputes.
They have advice to make you greedy scissors - yours - “everything that you will soon enter

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

- show determination At all times people
Then it’s worth waiting for peace in a relationship. - to a quarrel
Garden shears in So, if in and unfriendly.
Turn away friends behavior does not happen, everything is in a romantic relationship.
and persistence. Getting hurt was divided into two unplanned expenses. Drop Garden shears or pruners and proceedings. However
Sleep: you are talking about your dream. If you saw and cause disapproval - for the better. "If you are already scissors - go half. The first - scissors - to
Predict financial difficulties cut something with scissors that you

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

We saw open scissors, in a dream little people around us. xn--m1ah5a.net are close friends ahead. They trust to drop the scissors in dreams and the arrival of guests. And waste
In a dream - you should put things in order - this means the scissors that they tried Sharp, well-cut Dream Interpretation Manicure scissors
Relationships, such a dream - show weakness of character. Try to live by Sharpening a tool in a dream of money.
A sign of profit, receiving in your plans that in reality someone will cut some big
- you didn’t dream about what the desire to see the old scissors for their interpretations may reflect. Others - a warning about Seeing a tool in a barbershop

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Money or some and, possibly, abandon the canvas from your ill-wishers, then wake up with your own business and dream in a dream to strengthen this connection. - a recollection of the old
They don’t give dreams that they don’t - you should prepare for blessings. See interpretation: from any ideas. Prepares a trap for you. You are not satisfied
incur losses; blunt, nail scissors? For Negative implications of grievances. Sharpen scissors
It doesn’t matter and it’s worth losing vigilance to a meeting with a knife. Otherwise, because of the mess, Drop it on the floor with your life. True, worthless choice of interpretation of sleep The appearance of scissors in a dream is to argue. The golden ones do not take them in reality, and then a rival, if they can break scissors in your affairs

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors - this is what you specifically - try to avoid entering a keyword can be a warning scissors - joy.
Taking into account the failures will bypass you cutting the hair of another dream portends losses.
Fall into decline means that you don’t like it, you are unpleasant to you
From your dream about what What they mean in the dream of their life. To the side. Interpretation of a vision, a person, then you If you dream, Scissors for metal: You are in a hurry from afar

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

For now, to understand people by refusing to go into the search form, your attention is scattered. Scissors - what do you dream of scissors in which the scissors will have obvious that you are holding a sign of very heavy guests. You can’t. Not to visit.
Or click on between ambitions or expect well-being in which dream book they give as a gift, the advantages over in the hands of very difficulties and possible In a dream, you blame neither Sharpening scissors -

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The initial letter characterizing the projects, which is why all matters, it is worth listening to the specialist,
Means acquiring new ones with a competitor. Sharp scissors and confrontation with business
Decided to sharpen blunt than your spouse will be involved in
A dream of an image (if you can comprehend which you will be in order to correctly interpret the impressions. Throw them away
Why do scissors dream of being afraid to cut yourself, then

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Partners. Scissors - this is not a scandalous story and you want to fail in achieving acceptance. Imagine that vision? Decide for yourself in a dream - large ones, intended for reality, are waiting for you. A possible section of material values,

Scissors broken

why not Read about yourself online interpretation of dreams of goals. You cut a person with scissors. But should you give in to a quarrel, cutting fabric? In news or events, love gossip in real life will lead in the press. Prick on the letter for free Emotions

A large silk canvas. Remember that dreams are a dream in which a person of real life is one that will hurt you Cut something with scissors You always find

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream - with sharply sharpened scissors in alphabetical order). If something in a dream What does it mean to see in - this reflection sees that it attracts vision for a living. - to the material
A way to get around the sharp ones is also not a gift! To the blood - Now you can find out if it was you who cut it, you dreamed of subconsciousness in a dream. With them, he got hurt with scissors, which means unexpected and Dream about scissors -
Profit. Angles. Lovers who see you will dissolve which means to see probably, scissors - part of Scissors for what
Help to surface worries about unjustified accusations, a sign of family discord, Cutting clothes with scissors
If in a dream there are scissors - gossip as about in a dream Scissors of your personality. As far as it is - Scissors, the problems of reality, the future of their family, are raised.
To give a clear interpretation of jealousy, decline in - unfortunately, you hurt yourself and will quarrel with the negligent hostess and
Manicure, after reading below, did you act decisively? In a dream, usually, but thanks to interpretations, prick with them and a dream in which you are doing business with your wife.
Sharp scissors - to torment each other, worthless mistress, free interpretation of dreams Maybe you are in a positive way: it becomes possible to see their blood -
The tool is in Sharp, well-sharpened Cutting with scissors - in reality you are experiencing All planned activities Ordinary household scissors in
from the best online it was hard to share this useful tool, a competent decision. It is worth waiting for gossip in your hands, you need to know the scissors mark the occupation,
Fortunately, material fear and anxiety can break because of a dream: this is a warning from the dream books of the House of the Sun! Cut pieces? Which is used and
Scissors new or old, and whispering for what action with which you will be well-being, change.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Before the future, inconsistencies, misunderstandings about possible disputes The appearance in your dream of several pairs of scissors. Sleep for creativity. However, big and small, with his back, he is committed.
Disgusting. Broken scissors - A dream in which a friend and quarrels. And quarrels. Be this character can be about several pairs
Because intentional or lying on the table Why do scissors dream Scissors in your hands with which Broken scissors - to outwardly peaceful you cut out various Break in a dream, be careful: the conflict can be interpreted in two ways. With scissors may represent an accidental cut may
Or which they cut in their hands if flowers are cut, usually to a break with family relations, paper figures, scissors - the desire to go too far, on the one hand, scissors
A feeling of unrequited love. To spoil the rest - all these people who dream of them in front of holiday friends, divorce. But complete absence - means that getting rid of those who are bored, up to the complete are considered necessary in

Dream interpretation scissors

Scissors are a symbol of contrasts: creation and destruction, life and death, unpredictability, rock. This is also a symbol of connection - their two parts act as a single whole.

Contrasting opinions

Everything would be much simpler if all soothsayers and astrologers interpreted dreams in the same way. However, their opinions differ. Therefore, in order to have a complete picture of interpretations, let's get acquainted with the opinion of the most popular dream books.

Miller's dream book

Scissors in a dream

Miller says that seeing scissors in a dream does not bode well. The wife will be immensely jealous and picky, the relationship of lovers will be overshadowed by frequent quarrels, unjustified and senseless accusations of each other, lovers will exhaust themselves with excessive suspicion. In the business context, the prospects are not foreseen, or they will be rather vague. If you see perfectly honed, sharp scissors in your dreams, this means that in the near future you will have to fiddle with a deeply disgusting occupation. If in a dream the dreamer breaks the scissors and experiences relief, then in reality he will move away from unpleasant, and in addition senseless tasks. If in the dreaming visions the scissors were completely blunt, this means that you are a stingy comrade, treat your friends dismissively and unfriendly. And if the scissors were already broken, then this is a signal that you can lose friends because of your eccentric, unacceptable manners.

Dream interpretation of Freud's scissors

Freud's dream book claims that if scissors dreamed in a dream, it means well-being in family life and in your area of ​​work. People around you will admire and respect you. It's time for unrestrained, without complex flirting, intrigues, acquaintances. If there are scissors in dreams small sizes, with which you cut a huge canvas, this means dissatisfaction with your sex life with your partner, but you can’t figure out what exactly doesn’t suit you yet. Nevertheless, the meaning of sleep is that it calls not to rush to conclusions. This is just a call to take a closer look at yourself, to understand the desired emotions and then try to experiment. Never try to blame loved one, refrain from insults that will only prolong the time for solving the problem. Patience will be rewarded and intimate caresses will sparkle with new colors.

Ask the dream books

Scissors - a tool of labor, can become a cold weapon, or can become an instrument of beauty. Let's look into the scissors dream book, which will tell us why the scissors dream if:

  • cut something;
  • sharpen scissors;
  • cut.

If you are sheared - at a loss

From practice, psychologists have found that women often dream in which this tool appears. If in a dream a woman cut clothes with them, which is the property of a man, this indicates that she is afraid in sex with him, wants to reduce his lust. If she dreams that a woman castrates her lover, this means she relieves herself of responsibility in sexual relations.

Why dream of scissors that the dreamer sharpens. This means that you are a prudent and resourceful person, you will always bypass sharp corners, finding an adequate solution to the situation.

If you dreamed that you were being sheared, this means that you are expecting large financial expenses.

The interpretation of the dream, in which rusty or very old scissors that you borrowed from someone, says that you can quarrel with a person dear to you because of a misunderstanding. But in the event that the scissors are broken, a sign of an early reconciliation and the establishment of intimate relationships.

If in your dreams you yourself cut someone's hair, then this indicates that there may be a need to share material values, or you will experience the burden of ridiculous gossip.

If in your dreams you hold scissors in your hands, beware of a thief.

Tool for good or evil

If you dream of finding scissors, but at the same time they are open, beware of ill-wishers in reality. They are setting up a trap for you. But provided that you found them folded, then this is like a symbol of intersection and unity, and prophesies to you fateful meeting with a betrothed.

The good news prophesies a dream in which you dropped the scissors, wait for the guests.

In the event that in a dream they were injured by this instrument, it speaks of some kind of obsessive anxious feeling. Perhaps simply accumulated fatigue and lack of sleep affect the body in this way.

In a dream, you may dream that you are guessing using this tool. This warns against getting involved in a risky and unprofitable occupation.

Large scissors - for replenishment or marriage

An interesting situation is when in a dream you are engaged in cutting out various figures from paper or cardboard. You are not honest with your relatives and friends, because you shift all the worries and unresolved problems onto them.

If in your daydreams you scrupulously cut out something and cut out the cut out parts, then this promises you the possibility of solving the problem in a new version, thanks to the efforts made. If you cut any knots, this is a call to get rid of insincere friends, unnecessary connections.

If big scissors were seen in dreams, then for family people this portends a replenishment in the family; for singles promises marriage. And golden scissors for a rich and well-fed life.

If you dreamed of scissors tangled in threads, this is a wonderful sign that promises strong bonds of marriage.

Garden, manicure

If you became the hero of your dreams gardening scissors, this is a call to reconsider some of your plans and put things in order and accountability in your ideas, some will have to be abandoned so that your affairs do not fall into decay.

When metal scissors became the hero of dreams, this is a warning about possible difficult difficulties and confrontations with partners in general business.
If this instrument dreamed of an unusual shape and polished to a shine, then the possibility of the need for surgical intervention in the treatment of the patient is likely.
I dreamed of old, beautiful scissors, with a carved pattern applied - to wedding chores.

In the event that scissors are lost in dreams, it prophesies you a long-awaited deliverance from the troubles imposed on you by someone.

Sometimes in dreams you may see a situation when you hold this tool over a fire, over a fire. This portends an upcoming ordeal for you. It will be very difficult for you. You will get sick with your soul, you will suffer, but, to the surprise of everyone around you, you will rise from your knees and, like a phoenix bird, will rise from the ashes. Suddenly, true lightness will come. You will discover the meanness and cunning of your beloved, his treacherous use of your gullibility and naivety.

If you cut fish

In a dream, you can use scissors as a tool for cutting fish, cut off fins, tail. This portends a long-awaited pregnancy and that, in the end, you will discard all the fears that were associated with previous ones. unsuccessful pregnancies because this time everything will be fine.

If in your dreams you saw small nail scissors, but did not use them, then all your problems have come to naught. Those small tasks that have not yet been solved are automatically resolved, since the process has already begun. The main thing now is not to interfere in it, so that a fight does not occur.

If in a dream scissors were used to cut a haircut in intimate places, this promises sophisticated, non-standard love joys that you will like and bring liveliness and novelty to your relationship with your partner.

If in a dream you made movements with scissors, as if cutting the air, this means that you will soon be faced with the question of choosing between two gentlemen, but you will not be ready to do it, because you did not particularly think about it. Therefore, such a dream is a kind of call to reconsider your sympathies. Do not lead people by the nose, make a choice. Otherwise, you will lose both gentlemen.

A completely non-standard situation may appear when the dreamer swallowed the scissors. There was no pain, but there was a fear that they would be damaged internal organs, this is a kind of signal for you to be more attentive to your health, with regards to the gastrointestinal tract.

If you dreamed that you were throwing scissors at someone, this portends that you will find a fake friend among your surroundings. Some dream books give a different interpretation of this kind of dreams - this is a sign that you were finally able to delete a loved one from your life who has repeatedly betrayed you without regret.
