Regulations on the production control system for the production of metal structures


What is a system production control and what is the evaluation procedure? For organizations and lawyers, the production control system is difficult to understand and raises many questions. This is due to such issues as regulation by a multitude of TNLA, rather than regulatory legal acts, difficulty in accessing TNLA, special vocabulary, a special procedure that is different from many other administrative procedures, etc. The technical regulation establishes the obligation to assess the production control system of the contractor, designer, manufacturer in accordance with the current TNLA. Such TNLA can be divided into two groups: - TNLA that establish requirements for a particular type construction works(services, goods) - for example, SNB 1.03.07-04 “Filling window and doorways. Production of works” and STB 1484-2004 “Construction. Filling window and door openings. Nomenclature of controlled indicators of the quality of work”; - TNLA that determine the procedure for assessing the production control system. By order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus No. 476 dated 07.12.2010. approved and put into effect on 01.05.2011. Technical Code of Established Practice “Construction. Evaluation of the production control system. Basic Provisions and Procedure" (TKP 45-1.01-221-2010 (02250) (hereinafter - "TKP"). For the convenience of further presentation of the material, we introduce the following terms: - products in construction - Construction Materials, products, structures, buildings and structures, works and services in construction (clause 3.2. TCH); - construction organization - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) applying for work on the assessment of the production control system; - inspection organization - an organization that evaluates the production control system and is authorized by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture to carry out these works. The production control system is a complex concept and includes: - organizational structure; - personnel conducting product quality control; - means of control; - production conditions (premises, transport, communications, etc.); - TNLA for product quality control methods and product requirements; - Documents of the quality management system. All of the above components must be interconnected and aim to ensure quality control and guarantee the safety of products in construction in accordance with the requirements of TNLA. It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that in the presence of construction organization certified quality management system in accordance with the requirements of international standards of the ISO 9000 series, the production control system may not be developed separately at the enterprise (provided that the production control system is described and regulated by the quality management system documents). Organizational structure. The functions of maintaining the production control system are assigned to the structural divisions of the organization (testing laboratory, technical control department, quality department, quality control service, etc.). In practice, most construction organizations initially do not have such a structural unit, therefore, in order to assess the production control system, it is recommended to create a quality control service. The structural unit must act on the basis of the regulation on the structural unit, which will spell out the functions of this unit to maintain the production control system at the enterprise (for example, the regulation on the quality control service). The structural unit should include specialists (it is recommended that such a structural unit include the chief engineer, foremen, foremen of the construction organization), job descriptions which, in turn, should contain the obligation to carry out quality control at certain levels (input, operational, acceptance control). All types of structural divisions of organizations, with the exception of accredited ones, are subject to assessment of the production control system. testing laboratories, whose scope of accreditation includes all types of quality control in construction. Personnel in charge of product quality control. To pass the assessment of the production control system, the staff of the construction organization must have managers (specialists) in the field of construction activities. The TCH does not establish a requirement that specialists in a construction organization should be located at their main place of work. At the same time, in practice, inspection organizations require the presence of specialists in the construction organization precisely at the main place of work. Required amount and types of managers (specialists) in the field of construction activities are determined based on the number and types construction products declared by the construction organization for the assessment of the production control system. TCH establishes the following requirements for managers (specialists) in the field of construction activities who control product quality: - vocational education; - experience in the field of construction, testing and quality control of products in construction and metrological support of production; - availability of a certificate of competence in construction or a certificate of a specialist. According to the EKSD, managers (specialists) must have a certain professional education and work experience in their specialty in order to occupy their position. So, the chief engineer can be a person who has the appropriate higher education(for example, civil and industrial construction) and work experience in the specialty for leadership positions at least 5 years, or relevant secondary specialized education and at least 10 years of work experience in the specialty in managerial positions. A document confirming the existence vocational education, is a diploma. The main document confirming work experience is a work book (insert to work book). A certificate of competence is a document certifying professional competence personnel in the performance of certain works (provision of certain services) (Article 1 of the law on conformity assessment). Certification of the competence of personnel in construction is carried out on the basis of the Technical Code of Established Practice “National system of conformity assessment in the Republic of Belarus. Certification of personnel competence in construction. Procedure” (TKP 5.1.19-2009 (03220)). Certification of personnel in construction can be voluntary and mandatory. Voluntary certification personnel is carried out at the initiative of the applicant. The list of personnel in construction subject to mandatory certification for professional competence, is approved by the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus at the suggestion of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. To date, the decision State Committee on standardization of the Republic of Belarus No. 60 dated 12/16/2008. "On approval of the list of products, services, personnel and other objects of conformity assessment subject to mandatory confirmation compliance in the Republic of Belarus” does not stipulate the obligation to certify personnel in construction. Attestation is a procedure used to confirm the conformity of the qualifications of managers and specialists employed in the field of construction, established requirements with the subsequent issuance of a qualification certificate (clause 3 of the Instruction on the professional certification of specialists in the field of construction, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus No. 11 of April 22, 2003). The requirement for the availability of certified specialists employed in the field of construction was contained earlier in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1386 of October 20, 2003, which regulated the procedure for obtaining licenses for the design and construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility. After the abolition of licensing in the field of construction activities, the requirement for certification of competence or attestation of specialists was included as one of the grounds for passing the assessment of the production control system. Further, the obligation to have certified specialists with a contractor concluding a construction contract was fixed by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 875 dated 06/30/2011, which approved a new version of the Rules for Concluding and Executing Construction Contracts. Thus, a construction organization wishing to undergo an assessment of the production control system is obliged to provide either certification of the competence of its specialists or their certification. However, taking into account new edition of the Rules for Concluding and Executing Construction Contracts, it is recommended to ensure the certification of specialists employed in the field of construction. Means of control. The list of controls to be held by the construction organization is determined based on the type of construction product claimed for evaluation, as well as the relevant TNLA regulating this type of product. For example, for the implementation of plastering and facing works in accordance with STB 1473-2004 “Construction. Plastering and facing works. Quality control of work ”the following means of control are required: a thermometer, a psychrometer, a moisture meter, a measuring ruler, a plumb line for construction, a construction level, a control rail, a control tape, a theodolite, a level, etc. When evaluating the production control system, the following requirements are imposed on the means of control: - they must be available; - they must be in the required composition, in accordance with the requirements of TNLA; - they must be trusted. The presence of control means is understood as their actual presence (it is necessary to present the control means in kind to the inspection organization) and documentary (it is necessary to present documents confirming the ownership / lease of the existing control means: TTN, sales contract, lease). In practice, the inspection bodies require the construction organization to have all the controls only on the right of ownership and allow only one control on the right of lease (it is recommended to rent the most expensive - a moisture meter). Controls must be verified. Verification is a type of metrological control, the essence of which is to confirm metrological characteristics means of measurement (control), in other words, in confirming that the given measuring (control) means correctly measures (controls) (the law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”). Verification results are certified by a certificate of verification of measuring instruments (control). Each measuring instrument (control) has its own verification period, as a rule, it is a year. Specialized accredited organizations, for example, RUE "BelGIM", carry out verification of control means. Production conditions (premises, transport, communications, etc.). In practice, inspection bodies do not set strict requirements for working conditions. The main requirement is their availability, which is confirmed by the submission of relevant documents to the inspection bodies, for example, an office lease agreement. TNLA for product quality control methods and product requirements. The fund of TNLA and technological documentation for products in construction is determined based on the type of construction product for which the construction organization is applying for evaluation. TNLA in construction activities include technical regulations, technical codes of established practice, standards, specifications(Article 15 of the law "On technical regulation and standardization"). Technological maps are referred to technological documentation in construction. A technological map is a text and graphic document that defines technological process performance of a separate type of construction and installation works, including special ones (Technological Code of Established Practice “Construction. Technological documentation in the course of construction and installation works. Composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval technological maps» TKP 45-1.01-159-2009 (02250)). TNLA and technological documentation must be held by the construction organization on the right of ownership (the inspection organization will need to provide documents confirming the ownership - TTN, sale and purchase agreement). ROV can be on paper media, or maybe in the form of a database of the IPS "Stroydocument". Documents of the quality management system. These documents include: the regulation on the production control system, the regulation on the structural unit that controls the quality of construction products (for example, the regulation on the quality control service), orders on the appointment of those responsible for metrological control, for maintaining the TNLA fund, for the input, operational, acceptance control, passport of the production control system, list of control means, list of TNLA, list of specialists, other documents.

Fox Lily,

State Enterprise "StroyMediaProekt" is an authorized organization of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for the implementation of a set of works to assess the production control system in the production of building materials and products and the performance of works and services in construction and the issuance of a certificate of technical competence, in accordance with TKP 45-1.01-221-2010 “Construction. Evaluation of the production control system. Basic provisions and procedure”, and authorized body for the implementation of the administrative procedure, in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.02.2012. No. 156 (clause 3.26).

All organizations in the Republic of Belarus operating in the field of construction must have a production control system that has passed the procedure for its assessment and thereby confirms its ability to conduct quality control and guarantee the safety of products in construction in accordance with the requirements of TNLA and TR 2009/013/BY " Buildings and structures, building materials and products. Security".

The main provisions and procedure for assessing the production control system, as well as issuing a certificate of technical competence of an enterprise, are defined in TKP 45-1.01-221-2010.

The organization for assessing the production control system within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application (registration) considers the received documents and makes a decision on the possibility of carrying out the work.

To maintain and operate the production control system, the organization must have structural units or separate officials(at least two people working on a permanent basis), authorized by the management of the organization to conduct product quality control in construction.

The evaluation of the production control system includes the following procedures:

  • consideration of applications for the assessment of the production control system and examination of the documents attached to them;
  • making a decision on carrying out work on the assessment of the production control system and drawing up a contract for work;
  • verification of the production control system, after payment for the work under the contract;
  • registration and issuance of certificates and areas of activity;
  • inspection control, at least 1 time during the period of validity of the certificate and when extending the period of validity of the certificate or making additions (extensions) to the field of activity.

With a positive decision, the organization for assessing the production control system draws up and issues a certificate of technical competence within 15 days, for a period of validity - 5 years.

When applying for an additional field of activity, during the period of validity of the certificate, an assessment of the production control system is carried out on a general basis. Based on the results of the assessment of the production control system, an addition to the area of ​​​​technical competence is drawn up. In this case, the applicant must submit an application to the organization for the assessment of the production control system that issued the certificate.

Production control system (SPK), which has been assessed in the prescribed manner, needed construction organization (developer, general contractor, contractor, subcontractor) for:

- implementation of construction activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus (technical regulation Republic of Belarus “Buildings and structures, building materials and products. Security”, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1748 of December 31, 2009, TKP 45-1.01-221-2010 (02250) “Construction. Evaluation of the production control system. Basic Provisions and Procedure” (hereinafter referred to as TCP No. 221));

- conclusion of a construction contract(Rules for the conclusion and execution of construction contracts, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 15, 1998 No. 1450);

- receiving(TCP 5.3.13-2007 "Certification of works (services) in construction. Procedure");

- receiving(Resolution of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated 02.05.2014 No. 25 “On some issues of certification legal entities and individual entrepreneurs implementing certain types architectural, urban planning, construction activities (their components), the performance of works on the inspection of buildings and structures").

Production control system is a complex concept and includes:

organizational structure;

Personnel (specialists) conducting product quality control;

Means of quality control of the work performed (testing, control and measuring equipment with the current period of its certification and verification);

Production conditions (premises, transport, communications, etc.);

TNLA on methods of quality control of works;

Documents of the quality management system.

All of the above components should be interconnected and aim to ensure quality control and guarantee the safety of products in construction in accordance with the requirements of TNLA.

Organizational structure.

The functions of maintaining the SEC are assigned to the structural divisions of the construction organization (testing laboratory, technical control department, quality department, quality control service, etc.). In practice, most construction organizations initially do not have such a structural unit, therefore, in order to pass the SPC assessment, it is recommended to create a quality control service. The structural unit must act on the basis of the regulation on the structural unit, which will spell out the functions of this unit to maintain the SEC at the enterprise (for example, the regulation on the quality control service). The structural unit should include specialists (it is recommended that such a structural unit include the chief engineer, foremen, foremen of the construction organization), whose job descriptions, in turn, should contain the obligation to carry out quality control at certain levels (input, operational, acceptance control).

All types of structural subdivisions of organizations are subject to SPC assessment, with the exception of accredited testing laboratories, the scope of accreditation of which includes all types of quality control in construction.

Personnel in charge of product quality control.

To pass the assessment of the SEC, the staff of the construction organization must be managers (specialists) in the field of construction activities. TCP No. 221 does not establish a requirement that specialists in a construction organization should be located at their main place of work. At the same time, in practice, inspection organizations require the presence of specialists in the construction organization precisely at the main place of work. The required number and types of managers (specialists) in the field of construction activities are determined based on the number and types of construction work declared by the construction organization for evaluation of the SEC.

TCP No. 221 establishes the following requirements for managers (specialists) in the field of construction activities who conduct product quality control:

Professional education;

Experience in the field of construction, testing and quality control of products in construction and metrological support of production;

Possession of a certificate of competence in construction or a certificate of a specialist.

Means of control.

The list of controls to be kept by the construction organization is determined on the basis of the types of construction works (services) declared for assessment.

When evaluating the SPC, the following requirements are imposed on the controls:

They must be available;

They must be in the required composition in accordance with the requirements of TNLA;

They must be trusted.

The presence of control means is understood as their actual presence at the construction organization (the inspection organization must present control devices in kind) and documentary evidence (the inspection organization must also present documents confirming the ownership / lease of the existing control means: commodity (commodity-transport) waybills, contracts of sale, lease). In practice, inspection organizations require the construction organization to have all the controls only on the right of ownership and only in exceptional cases allow the presence of expensive controls on the right of lease.

Controls must be verified. Verification is a type of metrological control, the essence of which is to confirm the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments (control), in other words, to confirm that this measuring instrument (control) correctly measures (controls). Verification results are certified by a certificate of verification of measuring instruments (control). Each measuring instrument (control) has its own verification period, as a rule, it is a year. Specialized accredited organizations, for example RUE "BelGIM", carry out verification of control means.

Production conditions (premises, transport, communications, etc.).

In practice, inspection organizations do not set strict requirements for production conditions. The main requirement is that a construction organization has an office (in kind and documented).

TNLA on methods of quality control of construction works (services) and requirements for construction works (services).

The fund of TNLA and technological documentation for the performance of construction works (rendering of services) is determined based on the type of construction work (services) for which the construction organization is applying for an assessment.

TNLA and technological documentation must be held by the construction organization on the right of ownership (the inspection organization will need to submit documents confirming the ownership, namely commodity (commodity-transport) waybills, sales contracts). TNLA can be on paper, or it can be in the form of a database of the IPS "Stroydocument".

Documents of the quality management system.

Such documents include: the regulation on the SEC, the regulation on the structural unit that controls the quality of construction works (services) (for example, the regulation on the quality control service), orders on the appointment of those responsible for metrological control, responsible for maintaining the TNLA fund, responsible for the input, operational, acceptance control, SPK passport, list of control means, list of TNLA, list of specialists, other documents.

The procedure for assessing the SPC.

The assessment of the SEC is carried out by duly accredited and appointed by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus organizations for the assessment of the SEC, for example, RUE "Stroytekhnorm", RUE "Belstroycenter", RUE "Sertis".

A positive assessment of the SEC is confirmed by a certificate of technical competence (certificate). The certificate is valid for 5 years.

Inspection control.

The activities of a construction organization that has been assessed by the CPC and received a certificate of technical competence are subject to inspection control by an inspection organization during the entire period of validity of the certificate. Inspection control is carried out in the form of scheduled and unscheduled inspections. Scheduled inspection control is carried out at least 1 time during the period of validity of the certificate of technical competence and during the extension (addition) of this certificate.

Unscheduled inspection control is carried out in the following cases:

Negative results of checks carried out by state supervision bodies;

Changes in control methods.

Inspection control is carried out similarly to the initial procedure for assessing the SPC. If, according to the results of the inspection control, violations in the SEC are revealed, then the construction organization is given 6 months to eliminate the violations identified. If violations are not eliminated within the specified period, the auditing organization may decide to suspend the validity period or cancel the certificate.

Extension of the validity of the certificate.

To extend the validity of the certificate, the construction organization, 3 months before the expiration of the certificate, sends an application to the inspection organization that issued this certificate, an application with all necessary documents confirming the presence of SPC. The procedure for renewal of the certificate is similar to the initial procedure for assessing the CPC. In case of positive results of the check, a new certificate is issued for a new period with the same serial number.

Supplementation of the certificate (estimation of the SPC for an additional area of ​​activity).

To supplement the certificate of technical competence, the construction organization submits an application to the inspection organization that issued the certificate to it. The auditing organization checks the construction organization for an additional area of ​​activity in a procedure similar to the initial procedure for assessing the SPC.

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