The working program of the circle is literary creativity. The program of the circle "in the world of literature"

Explanatory note

"Post scriptum" is a literary circle that brought together 7th grade students of the GBOU secondary school No. 292 with an in-depth study of mathematics in the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. The main goal of the association is to identify, study and develop creativity children.
Poetry is of great importance in the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality. Unfortunately, the young reader is often repelled by complex poetry that requires thought, tension of feelings. And in order for a reader to leave the school, who will certainly try to understand and understand this complex poetic world, a circle is needed. "Post scriptum" provides an opportunity to practice in such a difficult matter as creative work in literature.

Acquiring practical skills (composing poems, literary works), children learn to convey their thoughts, feelings, experiences, show their personal qualities. Classes of the circle "Post scriptum" are focused on students in grades 7 in the amount of 5-15 people, are held once a week. A total of 34 hours per year is planned.

In the classroom, students should learn to show their author's position, expressively read poems, observing the norms of literary pronunciation. Members of the circle should become active participants in school-wide events, promote creative activity, participate in school and city reading competitions, and submit creative works to city competitions.

The purpose of a literary circle, as well as literary education in general, is to develop the spiritual world of a person, to create conditions for the formation of the inner need of a person for continuous improvement, for the realization and development of their creative abilities. At the same time, the student masters the skill of the reader, free and vivid own speech.

The study of literature as the art of the word involves the systematic reading of works of art. The need to communicate with the book can develop only with a wide and skillfully directed acquaintance with literature and other types of art of the native country, region and world, in constant attention to the emotional perception of the text by students, to their reflection on the problems posed by the author.

The reality of the modern world is such that we have to state the ever-decreasing interest in poetry throughout the world. In order to understand and love poetry, a person must think about the meaning of everything that exists, listen to the music of words that expresses the feelings of another person.

Work with poetic texts is not limited to reading, analysis, search for visual and expressive means. The practical orientation of the activity will undoubtedly interest not only the traditional connoisseurs of poetry - girls, but will also allow boys to show their talents. It is no secret that it is boys who are more prone to independent artistic creativity, while girls prefer to act according to finished sample.

In the process of activity, members of the circle will have to select poems of their own composition for the release of a literary and artistic collection, arguing their choice, illustrating them, learning to read poems expressively, and speaking to the public.

Program Goals

    Through acquaintance with the aspects of poetic skill, learn to create your own works of a given topic: poetry, short prose, based on knowledge of the theory of literature.

    Analyze lyrical works of your own composition and other authors, learn how to interpret them.

    Learn the principles of communication, becoming sociable people, competent in the field of versification, creative individuals.

    To teach students the techniques and skills of working with a poetic text, the ability to analyze elementary texts, and to see the means of expressiveness of a poetic language.

    To develop in children a sense of beauty; the ability to see pictures of nature drawn by masters of the poetic word and to illustrate these pictures orally and on paper.

    To teach students the expressive reading of poems that draw pictures of their native nature; introduce students to the art of writing.

    To instill a feeling of love for the native nature through the comprehension of a poetic line.

    Highlight in the text the main figurative and expressive means of the language provided for studying by the literature program for grade 7 (epithet, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole, litote, personification, etc.)

    Illustrate poetic works, feeling the mood conveyed by the poet.

Program objectives

Within the framework of the school poetic circle, I would like to solve two interrelated problems: the moral education of students and their literary development.
The defining direction in the forthcoming work is to teach students to think creatively. This can help a lot:

holistic analysis of a poetic work

The ability to read the work and see the word in context

comprehension of poetic idea

Acquaintance with various aspects of poetic skill

In general, what we came up with today should be obligatory element fine organized work schools, because in addition to the lessons, students develop an interest in the subject, expand and deepen their knowledge of the subject:

better assimilation of program material

Improving text analysis skills

expanding linguistic horizons

Developing linguistic flair

Developing creative abilities

the language culture is increasing, etc.

To achieve the educational goal, the following tasks are defined:
development of children's creative abilities, their literary gift
help in self-expression for each member of the circle
stimulation of interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia, the Urals, world culture
development of the emotional sphere of the child as the basis for the formation of a "culture of feelings"
introduction to the world of art
education of aesthetic taste
formation of research skills
formation of communication skills in different situations.

Skills and abilities of students

Expanding the literary horizons of students, mastering the skills of analyzing poetic works, performing creative tasks and written research work, writing their own poems will help students get involved in independent work, the ability to find, assume, prove, compare, and show their creative activity. It is important to combine the breadth and depth of content, preference for mass forms of work, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, various forms of classes, and the flexibility of their use.

Expected Result

As a result of studying in the classroom, students become prepared to participate in school and city reading competitions. As a result of working in a circle, students enrich their vocabulary, develop creative abilities, and master the norms of literate oral speech.

Work plan for 2014-2015 academic year

Target: development of children's creative abilities, their literary gift.

    development of the child's emotional sphere as the basis for the formation of a "culture of feelings";

    formation of communication skills, stimulation of interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia, world culture;

    introduction to the world of art; education of aesthetic taste.

Three areas of work:

creative: writing poetry;

educational: release of poems of his own composition;

mass: participation in competitions, literary and musical holidays, quizzes, olympiads.

Thematic planning of the circle« postscriptum»

The work of the circle is aimed at developing the following ZUN in students:

    possession of expressive reading skills

    the ability to see the aesthetic function of language means and artistic details of a work

    the ability to independently analyze works and their fragments

    the ability to competently build monologues of various forms

    ability to create creative research papers

Since the work of the circle also involves the co-creation of students, it is advisable to conduct some classes as individual ones.

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topic

Key Content Elements


The control

Planned learning outcomes (personal, meta-subject, subject)

Planned dates / date of the event

Theory of Literature.Meters, feet and verse sizes(iamb, trochee).

Meters, feet and verse sizes(iamb, trochee). How to determine the meter.

Work with poems

Meters, feet and verse sizes

Meters, feet and verse sizes(dactyl, amphibrach, anapaest).

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Understanding the poetic size, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Workshop. Reading and writing poetry.

Creation of own texts. Expressive reading.

Reading own texts.

Circle meeting dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak

The story about S.Ya.Marshak.

Drawing up a plan, answering questions of a reproductive nature

Plan the lecture

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Rhyme and its varieties

Ways of rhyming (cross, ring, pair). Algorithm for determining the type of rhyme in a given text.

Working with poems, determining the types of rhymes

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Theory of Literature. Rhyming system

The concept of feminine and masculine rhyme, how to determine the rhyming system.

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Understanding rhyme, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.


Generalization of knowledge on types of sizes and rhymes in poems

Working with poems, determining the types and systems of rhymes

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

Test work.

Understanding rhyme, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Understanding the poetic size, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Landscape autumn lyrics (A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev)

Acquaintance with the poems of A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. Determination of features of the image of autumn.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Landscape autumn lyrics (S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova).

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova. Determination of features of the image of autumn.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Literary theory. Stanza(quatrains, octaves).

The concept of a line. Types of stanzas: quatrains and octaves.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Autumn lyrics

Creation of own texts on a given topic. Expressive reading.

Writing your own works, including according to given principles.

Reading own texts.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Strophe (terzan, Onegin, ballad)

The concept of a line. Types of stanzas: terzan, Onegin, ballad.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Literary theory. Stanza(odic, sonnets, limericks).

The concept of a line. Types of stanzas: odic, sonnets, limericks.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Rhymes and stanzas.

Control lesson on the topic "Rhymes and stanzas"

test work

Independent work

Theory of Literature.Varieties of poems(acrostic, free verse).

types of poems. Acrostic, free verse. Key Features.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Theory of Literature. Strophe (quatrains, octaves, terts).

Summarize knowledge about the types of stanzas. The principle of working with stanzas in a poem.

Work with poems

Drawing up a table "Types of stanzas", working with poems

Theory of Literature. Varieties of poems (acrostic, free, free verse, etc.)).

types of poems. Acrostic, free verse, free verse. Key Features.

Work with poems

Drawing up a scheme "Varieties of poems"

Ability to analyze and systematize own knowledge

Winter in the poems of S. Yesenin, A.S. Pushkin, K. Balmont. Practice. Illustrations.

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, A. S. Pushkin, K. Balmont. Determining the features of the image of a winter landscape.

Work with poems

Working with illustrations

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Creative laboratory dedicated to the winter landscape.

Writing a text on a given topic, the concept of "keywords".

word drawing

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature.Requirements for the writer's style(clarity of speech, accuracy of speech, synonyms).

The concept of the style of the poet. Clarity, accuracy of speech are the main requirements for the writer's style.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Spring is a wonderful time. Work with texts. (O. Mandelstam, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev)

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, O. Mandelstam, N. Klyuev, features of the image of spring nature. The concept of mood in a poem.

Work with poems

Working with illustrations

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Figurative speech. Epithets.

Expressiveness of speech as a basis in poetry. The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Epithets.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Comparisons.

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Comparisons.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Tropes (metaphor, personification, allegory).

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Trails. Metaphor, personification, allegory.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Tropes (metonymy, synecdoche, irony).

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Metonymy, synecdoche, irony.

Work with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating the conclusions of the lesson.

Build your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Theory of Literature. Figures (repetition, exclamation, antithesis). The control.

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. syntactic figures. Repetition. Exclamation. Antithesis.

Work with poems

Test to find examples in texts.

Independent work

Poems about the war. Poem genre. R. Rozhdestvensky. “210 steps. War"

Poem genre. The specificity of the theme of war in poetry on the example of R. Rozhdestvensky's poem “210 steps. War"

Poem work. Collective reading of the poem, breaking down the text into semantic parts. Expressive reading

Setting educational goals and objectives.

Group work.

Ability to analyze and correct own work.

Ability to work in a group.

Summer landscapes (M.Yu. Lermontov, M.Tsvetaeva, S.Yesenin)

Features of the image of summer nature on the example of poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin. The concept of the mood of the poem.

Work with poems Expressive reading

Setting educational goals and objectives.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Summer landscapes.

Create your own poems on a given topic.

Writing texts. Expressive reading.

Setting educational goals and objectives.

The ability to analyze and correct their own speech and the speech of others.

Reserve lessons

List of literature for the teacher

1. Concise Dictionary literary terms. M., "Enlightenment", 1985.

2. V.P. Medvedev "Studying lyrics at the school M. "Enlightenment" 1985

3. M.M. Girshmon “Analysis of the poetic works of the ASP, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, M. " graduate School 1981"

4. N. Gordeev, V. Peshkov "Tambov path to Pushkin."

5. A.I. Revyakin "History of Russian literature of the 19th century." M. "Enlightenment" 1981

6. Literary reference materials. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1989

List of literature for students

1. Works by A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. , M. Prishvina.

2. V.G. Belinsky "Works of A.S. Pushkin". M. " Soviet Russia» 1984

3. Explanatory dictionary. 4. Brief dictionary of literary terms.

« Personal creative plan»

The work of the circle reflects the activities to improve my own professional pedagogical qualifications, as I am working on the topic "Personally-oriented and developing teaching technologies and lessons of the Russian language and literature." I think that the purpose modern learning, the main value of which is the recognition of individuality in each student, consists in creating psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow working in a single class team with an orientation towards the average student, and with each individual, taking into account individual cognitive capabilities, needs and interests. This makes it possible to develop the individual abilities of the student, form a comprehensively developed personality, acquire skills and abilities based on the cooperation of the teacher and the student, mutual understanding; development of creative ZUN, involving the integration of subjects (literature, Russian language, history, music, painting).

Application for classes

Lessons 9-10

Landscape autumn lyrics, her artistic features.

"Golden autumn has come"


    show the beauty and diversity of nature through poetry.


    to acquaint with the works of A.S. Pushkin, F. I. Tyutchev, S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova, dedicated to autumn;

    teach the selection of rhymes;

    teach how to work with a dictionary;

    learn to compare different works.

    develop a sense of language;

    cultivate love for the native nature;

    cultivate a love for the poetic word.

I. Verification homework. At the last poetry meeting, we worked with texts by S.Ya. Marshak and wrote quatrains dedicated to our smaller brothers. We agreed to finalize what was written at home, and now I would like to listen to your texts.

Reading children's work.

II. Today's meeting is dedicated to autumn, a wonderful time of the year. Let's see what definition S.I. Ozhegov's dictionary gives to the word "autumn". Autumn is the season following summer. Meager lines that carry only specific information that do not reflect the speaker's attitude to the subject of conversation.
III. Let's turn to poetic texts and see what autumn will appear in verse.

1. A.S. Pushkin

Autumn (excerpt)

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your beautiful beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In the vestibule of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

2. F.I. Tyutchev

Is in the autumn of the original

short but marvelous time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure pours

To the resting field...

3. S. Yesenin


Quiet in the thicket of juniper along the cliff.

Autumn - red mare - more often mane

Above the river bank

The blue clang of her horseshoes is heard.

Schemnik - the wind with a careful step

It crushes the leaves on the ledges of the road.

And kisses on the rowan bush

Red ulcers to the invisible Christ.

4. A. Blok

golden valley

You leave, mute and wild.

Crane melts in the sky

A receding scream.

Frozen seems to be at its zenith

Endlessly pulling threads

Triumphant Spider.

Through transparent fibers

The sun, the light is not melting,

Idly beats on the blind windows

Empty housing.

Behind smart clothes

Autumn gave the sun

Flying Hopes

Inspirational warmth.

5. A.Akhmatova

Unprecedented autumn built a high dome,

There was an order to the clouds not to darken this dome.

And people marveled: the September deadlines are passing,

And where did the cold, wet days go?

The water of muddy channels became emerald,

And the nettles smelled like roses, but only stronger.

It was stuffy from the dawns, intolerable, demonic and scarlet,

We all remember them until the end of our days.

The sun was like a rebel who entered the capital,

And spring autumn caressed him so greedily,

What seemed - now a transparent snowdrop will turn white ...

That's when you approached, calm, to my porch.

After reading each poem, a conversation is held according to the following approximate plan:

1. What mood does this poem evoke?

2. What is autumn in the description of this poet? What is it expressed in?

3. Are all words clear?

A number of “definitions” of autumn are written on the board (comparisons, epithets, ...) We conclude that each poet has his own autumn. Often poets convey their state of mind through the description of nature. It must be said that poetry cannot talk about anything without relating it to a person. Any description of an object or landscape will somehow speak of the poet.

IV. Poetry is close to music. Listen to how Vivaldi expressed his feelings, showed his understanding and perception of autumn. Sounds like a fragment of "Seasons".

V. And, of course, I would really like you to try to write something right now. I offer you a form of tercene (three lines) based on past tense verbs.

For example:

Autumn. The leaves turned yellow

The birds have flown

Only eight kopecks. Autumn!

The guys write, read the resulting poems. A fragment from Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons" sounds.

Lesson 4

The meeting of the poetic circle dedicated to children's literature and creativity of S. Ya. Marshak.


    to involve students in the work of a poetic circle, showing the possibility of developing speech, co-creation, creativity.


    to acquaint with the life and work of S.Ya.;

    develop a sense of language, showing the beauty of the poetic word;

    develop the creative abilities of students;

    cultivate love for literature, poetic word;

    cultivate love for our smaller brothers.

I. poetic speech unusual. Even the Bible gives an explanation of its origin: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Indeed, well-known Christian motives are close to poetic speech. We hear poetic speech from the cradle, falling asleep to the songs of our mother, listening to the tales of A.S. Pushkin, riddles and jokes.

II. Today we will get acquainted with children's poems, and maybe remember what is painfully familiar from childhood.

So, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964). This is the largest poet, playwright, translator, creator of great poetry for little ones. This is what I want to talk about today in more detail.

In the work of Marshak for children, both the variety of the content of books and the variety of their literary genres are striking. He wrote funny poems about children, about their games, toys (“Giant”, “Ball”, “Roly-Vstanka”, “Mustache-striped”, “Good day”, “Children of our yard”, etc.) and poetic cognitive books (“Yesterday and Today”, “A Fun Journey from A to Z”, “ All year round”, “Colorful book”, “How a planer made a planer”), and heroic stories about the exploits and labor of a person (“Passport”, “Mail”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Ice Island”.)

The works of Marshak also reflect the exciting events in the life of our people: “War with the Dnieper” (about the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station), “Military Post (about fighting

for the Motherland), "False fiction" (about pre-revolutionary life). He also wrote humorous books: "The Distracted Man", "Luggage", "Poodle", Based on folk art, he created a wonderful fairy tale "Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings", fairy tales-plays "Teremok", "Cat's House", "Twelve Months " and etc.

He translated many works from in English: Shakespeare's sonnets, poems by Burns, Byron. characteristic feature his work is that his poems are read with pleasure not only by children, but also by adults. And this is a sign of true art of the word!

Why do you think this serious man wrote poetry for the little ones?

(A fun story, a good joke help to present material for education best qualities person).

V. G. Belinsky wrote: “Write, write for children, but only in such a way that an adult can read your book with pleasure.” Marshak himself believed that “no discounts should be made on children's literature. We do not feed children worse products than adults. The demand for simplicity and value in a children's book should not lead to simplification of thoughts and impoverishment of feelings.

III. Expressive reading of the works of S. Ya. Marshak

1. Mustachioed - striped.

2. Giant.

3. Tale of a stupid little mouse.

4. Children in a cage.

5. All year round (calendar).

6. About everything in the world (ABC in verses and pictures).

Which poems do you like best and why?

What means of expression does the author use most often? (epithets and comparisons).

IV. Today we will try to “put” our “children in cages”, we will try to write poems about animals that we know best, which are closer to us.

I offer you possible beginnings of poems.

Where are you, little gray mouse?

How much can you squeak

Children to sleep disturb?)

I am a naughty kitten.

(Where is your book, my friend?

Yes, a notebook will do:

Tearing her leaves is sweet...)

I am a red, perky, cheerful puppy.

(To you, dear friend, I'm flying with all legs.

I'm waiting for you faithfully at the door.

Give me a bone or a candy soon!)

Cowardly, gray and oblique

(Didn't want to be friends with the fox

And just one time

He ran past us.)

Red-tailed sly -

(The biggest liar.

Waving his tail - deceit,

Whatever the word - all the fog).

Gray stupid wolf cub

(Often he howls awake.

Just look at the moon

In a howl rolls to the bottom).

During home preparation, the teacher beats the proposed beginnings of the lines himself, sees what is easier for children to cope with.

The creative process can be accompanied by Shainsky's music.


Analysis of a poetic text

    Really biographical and factual commentary.

    Genre (drama, lyrics, epic, epic).

DRAMA- one of the four genres of literature. In the narrow sense of the word - the genre of a work depicting a conflict between characters, in a broad sense - all works without the author's speech. Types (genres) of dramatic works: tragedy, drama, comedy, vaudeville.
LYRICS- one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through the personal experiences of a person, his feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: song, elegy, ode, thought, message, madrigal, stanzas, eclogue, epigram, epitaph.
LYROEPIC- one of the four types of literature, in the works of which the reader observes and evaluates the artistic world from the outside as a plot narrative, but at the same time events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment of the narrator. A ballad is a lyric-epic poetic work.
EPOS- one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events that happen to him. The main types (genres) of epic literature: epic, novel, story, short story, short story, artistic essay.

    Theme (what the poem is about)

    The meaning of the title (the title reflects the main theme and idea of ​​the poem).

    Basic images.

    The use of figurative and expressive means of the language (tropes, artistic techniques, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms).

    Color spectrum.

    Construction features.

    Poetic size Coachman x about dit, iambic, trochee (disyllabic)

Am yo ba d a kaet amphibrachs, dactyl,

An not sun I kaya.anapaest (trisyllabic)

    Rhyme (steam room - AABB, cross - ABAB, ring or encircling - ABAB).

    Intonation, semantic and rhythmic pauses.

    Conclusion (my opinion).


Working program of the literary circle

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Ershova Tamara Andreevna

Explanatory note

The federal state educational standard provides for new requirements for education, new approaches to work: creative workshops, reader conferences, quizzes, competitions, express concerts and other forms of conduct that help organize and conduct exciting group work.

Materials developed for work in a circle can be used both in literature lessons and in extra classes.

aim literary circle is:

Development of children's creative abilities, independent creative activity

Expansion of the life experience of schoolchildren, involving them in a creative environment corresponding to their interests

Development of general creative potential and special literary and creative abilities.

The program puts the following tasks:

1. Educational:

Mastering by children of deeper knowledge on various aspects of literary creativity (versification, genres of the work, lexical means of the language);

The formation of students' creative thinking: associative images, fantasizing, understanding patterns, the ability to solve complex problem situations;

To develop the ability to think freely, outside the box, the ability to convey one's thoughts in written and oral form;

The development of aesthetic qualities, independence of judgment in the perception of the work.

2. Educational:

Education in students of respect and love for native literature;

Formation of adequate self-esteem, development of communication skills, culture of communication with peers;

Education of an active life position.

Expected results program development:

personal the result of the study group students is the formation of a comprehensively educated, proactive, successful and creative personality, possessing a system of modern worldviews, value orientations, ideological, moral, cultural and ethical principles.

Metasubject the results are in the formation and development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

The ability to independently acquire new knowledge and practical actions - skills;

Ability to conduct an independent search, analysis, selection of information, its transformation, preservation, transmission and presentation;

Mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written form.


Understanding literature as a phenomenon of national and world culture, a means of preserving and transmitting moral values ​​and traditions;

Awareness of the importance of literature for personal development;

Ability to apply literary knowledge in Everyday life.

Program focus: artistic and aesthetic

Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program:

At the heart of circle work is the principle of voluntariness.

The main pedagogical principles that ensure the implementation of the program are:

Accounting for the age and individual characteristics of each student;

Friendly psychological climate in the classroom;

Personal-active approach to the organization of the educational process;

The optimal combination of forms of activity;


Forms of work:

heuristic conversation;

Individual, group and collective research activities;

Expressive reading;

Independent creative work (individual and group) - creative workshops;

Articulation workouts;

Discussion of problematic issues;



Theatrical productions;

Magazine issue.

The basic principles of the circle.

1. The principle of connection of extracurricular work with lessons literary reading

2. The principle of systematicity in the presentation of language material.

3. The principle of taking into account the individual interests and abilities of students.

4. The principle of entertainment.

5. The principle of diversity of forms and types of extracurricular activities.

6. The principle of interconnection certain types extracurricular work.

7. The principle of voluntariness.

8. The principle of mass character.

Calendar-thematic planning

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

What is a word?

Lexical meaning of the word

direct and figurative meaning the words

cipher letter


Country "Rebusology"

Small genres of folklore

We compose riddles


Lotto of fairy tales

Our theatre. Fables.

Poems about animals

Final lesson. Creation of the magazine "We are on the site-2016"

Technical equipment:

A computer;


Artistic drawings and illustrations;

Books with works;

Materials for artistic creation (gouache, watercolor, paper, etc.)


For the teacher:

Albetkova R.I. / Russian literature, - tutorial, DROFA, M., 2013.

Municipal budgetary educational institution Novoselkovskaya secondary comprehensive school

"I approve"

head teacher

Korisheva E.B.

"___" ________ 2012



creative association

"Art Word"

Compiled by:

Russian teacher

language and literature

Evstigneeva V.B.

Arzamas region

Bebyaevo village, 40V

Document status:

The program is compiled in accordance with the approximate requirements for programs additional education(letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2006 No. 06 - 1844)

CIRCLE "Artistic word"

The concept of the circle is based on the fusion of the two most important components of our art - stage activity and literature.


The relevance of the program is due to the following factors.

In the context of socio-economic and political transformations, the Russian state needs creative personnel, creative performers. Therefore, the development of creative abilities in our children, in particular literary and creative, becomes one of the most important tasks. modern school.

Creativity refers to this kind of individual or collective human activity, which has its own stages and mechanisms aimed at solving a creative problem and is the result, criterion and form of development.

For the realization of creativity, objective (social, material) and subjective personal conditions (knowledge, skills, creative abilities) are necessary.

For the formation of the literary and creative activity of the student, it is necessary first of all to create pedagogical conditions, which will help the development of literary abilities in many children.

How to make the life of students diverse and exciting? How to introduce them to literature and creativity, instill a love for such ordinary school events? How to make school life a bright, unforgettable holiday in which both children and teachers will participate, both as speakers, actors and as spectators?

Such a means is the school circle "Artistic Word". The circle has existed since a year.

Gifted children are stars in the school sky. The task of the teacher is to help them shine brighter.

Staging scenes for specific school events, holding school literary evenings, staging scenarios for various school holidays, theatrical performances fairy tales, episodes from literary works - all this is aimed at familiarizing children with art and literature.

Moving from simple to complex, children will be able to comprehend the fascinating science of theatrical skills, gain experience in public speaking and creative work. It is important that, being engaged in a literary and dramatic circle, children learn teamwork, work with a partner, learn to communicate with the audience, learn to work on the characters’ characters, motives for their actions, creatively refract the data of a text or script on stage, acquire skills to critically evaluate as literary works in general, as well as individual literary heroes. At literary evenings, children learn not only to expressively read the text, but also to work on remarks that must be meaningful and felt, create the character of the character as they see it, gain experience in the formation own opinion about a literary work.

N.V. Gogol spoke about the theater like this: “The theater is by no means a trifle and not at all an empty thing ... This is such a department from which one can say a lot of good to the world.”

Circle goals "Art Word" : the formation of spiritual and moral culture in children, the upbringing of kindness, love for neighbors, their homeland, the development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics, inclinations and inclinations, teaching children the ability to speak and write.


1. Cultivate children's creativity

2. Education of observation, attention, strong-willed qualities, imagination

3. Development of creative initiative, emotional responsiveness to fiction

4. Education of a culture of speech, the acquisition of diction skills, facial expressions and plasticity.

5. Development in children of the skill to act on the stage in a genuine, logical, purposeful way to reveal the content of the roles available to them in action and interaction with each other

6. Development of the ability to act with a word, evoke a response from the viewer, influence their emotional state

7. To reveal the creative possibilities of children, to enable the realization of these possibilities.

    Education in children of kindness, love for neighbors, attention to people, native land, indifferent attitude to the world around.

    To teach schoolchildren to use all the wealth of language tools (to contribute to the constant replenishment of vocabulary, development and improvement grammatical structure their speeches).

    To ensure that students master the norms of the Russian literary language; to form in schoolchildren the ability and skills to justifiably use the means of language in different life situations when perceiving and creating statements in compliance with Russian speech etiquette.

    To create conditions for literary creativity.

    To develop the giftedness of students through the optimal combination of basic, additional and individual education.

    Involve gifted children in serious creative work

Organization of the activities of the circle "Artistic word"

The set goals and objectives will have to be fulfilled by staging theater performances for school students, organizing school literary evenings, where poetry and prose of both famous authors and their own work will be read. Within the framework of the circle, demonstrative readings of the best school compositions and their subsequent discussion, staging of theatrical miniatures are provided. The students of the circle will take an active part in the organization of school-wide events. An important role is given directly to rehearsals, since it is during such classes that friendships and the ability to work in a team develop, as well as skills of mutual assistance, responsibility, attention are instilled, and the creative potential of the child is revealed.

Main directions:

    Spiritual and educational.

Thematic conversations about ascetics, calendar holidays, rituals, oral journals, presentations about writers, writers, historical events.

2. Educational and recreational

Visiting holy places, museums.

3. Cultural and educational.

Concerts, holidays, fairy tales, dramatizations, theater visits, movies

4. Stage performance.

Theatrical game, rhythmoplasty, culture of speech.

5. Creative.

Performance at various competitions, research activities, writing essays, poetry creation, publishing the newspaper "Russian Word"


Know by heart and be able to read 5-10 tongue twisters correctly and expressively

Know 3-5 nursery rhymes and jokes, jokes, be able to beat them

To be able to imagine the character of the heroes of the poem, fable, beat the content of the works

To work in a team, with a partner, to be able to behave on stage. Be able to listen to comrades and defend their point of view on their stage hero

Learn to have a sense of rhythm, plasticity of voice and movements, read classical works within the circle.

This program designed for the 2012-2015 academic year. With its subsequent development for three academic years. The program makes it possible for children of any school age (from 10 to 16 years old) to take part in the work of the circle and involves both work with the team as a whole and individual lessons during rehearsals. The program of the literary circle "Artistic Word" is designed for 70 hours per year, and includes work

By the perception of someone else's speech;

By reproduction of the finished text;

By creating your own sayings

Classes are held once a week for two hours and consist of two main blocks: theory and practice, where theory is given 40 minutes, practical skills - 1 hour 20 minutes. At theoretical classes, conversations, lectures are held with students, listening to samples of the artistic word, watching thematic films are given. In practical classes, students conduct research work, work on the technique of expressive reading, analyze literary texts, perform at school-wide and district events and competitions.

Brief information about the team.

Students attend the "Artistic Word" circle different ages 10 to 16 years old, 5th to 11th grade. They make up two groups that study for 1 hour. The younger ones learn from the older ones, the principle of succession is implemented. The circle is visited mainly by emotional, creative children who are fond of literature, poetry, theater, and music. All members of the circle study at "4" and "5", initiative, active, interested.

Number of persons: -14 - 27 (divided into 2 groups)

Results output:

Performance at school holidays, solemn and thematic lines. Participation in school activities, class hours, participation in activities lower grades, staging fairy tales, scenes from the life of the school and staging fairy tales and plays for free viewing. Carrying out creative literary evenings, READING COMPETITIONS. Participation in school and district competitions of readers, essays, research work, visits to theaters, recreation centers, literary museums, thematic excursions, trips to holy places.

Achievements in the work of the circle.

The students of the circle take part in all school-wide and district competitions of readers, competitions of research works, and other district competitions

2007 - 2008 academic year - 3rd place in the district (grade 6)

2008 - 2009 academic year - 2nd place in the district (grade 11)

2009 - 2010 academic year - 1.3 place (grade 10),

2nd place in the research competition (Grade 10)

2nd place (grade 8)

2010 - 2011 academic year - 2nd place (6th grade), 2nd place in the regional competition of theater drawing rooms "Reading the classics"

2nd place in the research competition - 11th grade

2011 - 2012 academic year - 1,2,3 and places in the school-wide competition, 1st place in the district competition "Rodniki", 2nd place in the district research competition (grade 10)

2012 - 2013 academic year - 2nd place in the district (grade 8)

Thematic planning of the circle "Artistic word" for the 2012-2013 academic year


Number of hours

the date




Volunteer occupation. Familiarization with the rules on TB. Acquaintance. We play sketches. "Acquaintance", "Organic Silence", etc.

“In every word there is an abyss of space.” What is real poetry.

Why is poetry needed? Work on poems by A. Pushkin, A. Tyutchev. Observation of artistic means.

Acting exercises. Listening to "Masters of the Word"

The miracle of the poetic word. (Development of the concepts of metaphor, poetic and prose speech.

The logic of speech. Articulation exercises from the arsenal of A.M. Nakhimovsky. "Hamster", "Mugs"

Preparing for the school-wide holiday Teacher's Day. Writing a script. Learning scenes and poems.

Rehearsal of skits, poems, songs for Teacher's Day.

The miracle of the poetic word. (Theatrical rhythm, imagery). Articulation exercises. Expressive reading of poems by poets of the 19th century. Selection of poems for the competition.

Preparation for the regional competition of readers dedicated to the Year of History. Practicing articulation, voice, rhythm.

Preparation for the school-wide competition of readers dedicated to the Year of History and the district competition “Raising Patriots of Russia” Development of speech technique.

Preparation for participation in the municipal competition of creative works dedicated to the Year of History and "My First Teacher" (editing essays, creative works, essays, presentations)

Preparation and publication of the newspaper "Russian Word", a report-presentation on an excursion to the Boldinsky Museum-Reserve. Collection of poems about autumn.

Masterpieces of the artistic word. Formation of the need to communicate with samples of the artistic word. We listen to the "masters of the word"

Preparation for the regional essay competition "One Anniversary Date" Choice of topics, collection of material. A selection of poems and scenes for a co-concert dedicated to Mother's Day.

Issue of the newspaper "Russian Word" for Mother's Day. Preparing for the event for Mother's Day.

The art of declamation. The expressiveness of reading a conversation about theatrical art. The simplest exercises and games.

Editing of the compositions “One Anniversary Date” Sergius of Radonezh is the intercessor and educator of the Russian land.

Selection of poems, scenes, songs for the New Year.

The culture of behavior in the theater. Conversation. Theatrical alphabet. Role-playing games. The theater is impromptu. Learning poems, songs, skits for the New Year.

Preparation for the New Year. Practicing exercises on the technique of speech. Practicing expressive reading of poetry, practicing acting skills (rehearsal of scenes)

Orthodox traditions in Russian literature and the modern world. Christmas holiday. Learning carols, Christmas poems.

Watching the film Orthodox Shrines of Russia. Correspondence excursion to Murom.

Action as the main expressive means of acting art. Watching a performance.

Philological analysis of a literary text. Works of Russian classics performed by masters of the artistic word

A selection of amateur performances for a school-wide concert by March 8. Plan for writing research papers. Choice of topics.

Collection of material for research work. Creation of a festive newspaper issue, presentation. Preparation for the competition of essays, poems "Mom is the sun"

Rehearsal of amateur performances for a festive concert by March 8. Collection of material for research work.

Rehearsal of amateur performances for a festive concert by March 8. Practicing reading and acting skills. Issue of the festive newspaper "Russian Word", essay competition, poetry "Mom is the sun"

The theory of verse. logical emphasis. Intonation. Working with voice. Poetry. Editing of research papers.

Editing of research papers. Preparing for the defense. Making a presentation.

Practicum "How to speak so that they listen."

11. We study the language of facial expressions and gestures.

word in prose

1. Genres of prose.

"We invent a fairy tale"

"We are writing a story"

"Creative experiment".

Role-playing game "Visiting a literary character."

Dramatization of S. Mikhalkov's poem "How an old man sold a cow."

Fables of I.A. Krylov. Score composition.

Development of the scenario of the rally for the Victory Day. Selection of verses, songs, performances.

Creation of the presentation “And Victory Day comes again” Issue of a festive newspaper.

Orthodox traditions in the life of modern man and in Russian literature. History of Easter.

Preparations for the celebration of Victory Day.

Literary and musical composition "Feast with tears in the eyes."

word in prose

1. Genres of prose.

2. Artistic analysis of the text.

3. Collective creative work:

"We invent a fairy tale"

"We are writing a story"

"Creative experiment".

4. Work on creating your own prose texts and improving the artistic word in an epic work.

public purpose theater. Folk games. learning folk games. Orthodox holidays. History of the Feast of the Trinity.

      Diction. Orthoepy.

Unlike everyday speech, the speech of a teacher, lecturer, actor should be distinguished by dictional frequency, clarity, intelligibility, as well as strict adherence to orthoepic norms, rules of literary pronunciation and stress.

Avoid dictional sloppiness in the words: (training exercises) troika - construction; helmet - a fairy tale; to clap - to devour; break - break; flow - confluence; open - hide.

    Reading logic. Logic pauses .

The isolation of the logical side of the sound is necessary and constantly improved. The means of recreating the logical skeleton of a readable, spoken text is its division into parts, the implementation of logical stresses within these parts, the change in the tempo of pronouncing speech measures, links, pieces.

    Speech hearing.

The concept of speech hearing includes a combination of the following components:

    physical hearing- the ability to perceive sounds of varying degrees of loudness and strength;

    phonemic hearing- the ability to distinguish and recreate all speech sounds in accordance with the requirements of the phonetic system of a given language;

    pitch hearing- the ability to feel and recreate the melody (melody) of speech, the nature of intonation, a sense of tempo and rhythm.

The presence of these abilities ensures the development of the ability to use the "six levers" (according to VP Ostrogorsky):

Louder - quieter

Higher lower,

The magic mediator is the vision of the image.

“If the reader himself, the actor, does not clearly see in front of him those images that he wants to convey to the audience, with which he seeks to captivate the imagination of his listeners, these images will not be able to“ see ”the listeners, viewers, and the words themselves, not illuminated by an internal representation, will slip past their consciousness and imagination. They will remain only a combination of sounds denoting concepts. But the meaning of these concepts and their meaning will not be revealed, ”- V, N, Aksenov, director.

The vision of the poet is a mediator between life and work in the process of its creation, thanks to the vision, an effective connection is established between the poetic creation and the reader, the vision contributes to the established contacts between the performer and the viewer, the listener. Pass through yourself, in your imagination, the vision of the image.

The vision mechanism does not always work, as people are divided according to I.P. Pavlov into three categories, three types:

    Figurative (signals I signal system);

    Thinking (II signal. System);

    Therefore, artistic imagination, vision, must be developed. Images of Krylov's fables.

    Position and posture.

    • Position- a fundamental attitude towards someone or something.

    Pose- this is a transfer, reincarnation, in order to better, brighter, more convincingly depict this or that phenomenon, demonstrating one's attitude towards it. The performer needs to understand the position of the author and clarify his own, which may or may not coincide with the author's.

    People who lack a sense of humor can simply find it unbearable to take someone else's pose, saying that they "cannot and do not want to be hypocritical." But he who poses as an accuser of any defect is not in danger of being infected with this vice.

    • True artistry lies in the ability to quickly and freely move from one state of mind into another. This ability must be maintained and developed in order to avoid emotional deafness and insensitivity. “Insensitivity is a mutilation,” said N.A. Nekrasov.

    The basis of declamatory art should be rhythm.

    The task of the performer is to awaken the reaction of the listener - the viewer to the rhythm. “Possession of the rhythm, the living pulse of the verse gives the naturalness and variety necessary for reading the verse,” says the actor G.V. Artobolevsky. To master the rhythm, you need to catch and feel it.

List of educational and methodological support:


eleven . Belenky G.I. Introduction to the art of the word. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1990. 192s.

2. . Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M .: Education, 1991

3. Zhizina A.D. How to comprehend the language of poetry. - M., 1997.

4. Kozhinov V.V. How poetry is written. - M., 2001.

5. 5. Ovchinnikova I.G. In addition to boring ... (On the genres of school essays) / The best teacher- creation. M .: Education, 1966. 226 p., 2001.

6. Suvorova E.B. Literature as art. - M., 2002.

7. Nameless. O., School Theatre, M, 2001

8. Karishev-Lubotsky, Theatrical performances for schoolchildren. M., 2005 3. Issues of the journal "Pedagogical Council"

    Russians folk tales


TV, VCR, DVD, computer, projector, discs with recording of fairy tales and performances.


The program of the literary and poetic circle "Artistic Word" is based on:

    The fundamental core of the content of general education and the Requirements for the results of mastering basic general education, established in the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education in 2012.

    Curriculum of general education high school village Krasny Tekstilshchik, Saratov district, Saratov region for the 2015-2016 academic year

    Approximate main educational program basic general education / The program was prepared by the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Scientific supervisors - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education A. M. Kondakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education L. P. Kezina. Compiled by E. S. Savinov. M. "Enlightenment", 2012

The program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education, which recognizes the spiritual and moral development and education as a priority for a student - a future citizen of his country, who loves his people, language and culture and respects the traditions and culture of other peoples. It takes into account the main ideas and provisions of the Program for the development and formation of universal educational activities for general education.

The program of the circle details and reveals the content of the federal state educational standard of the second generation, determines the general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a subject in accordance with the goals of studying literature, which are defined by the standard.

The program is addressed to students of the 5th grade of a comprehensive secondary school. Its implementation period is 2015-2016 academic year. This program is designed for 1 year of implementation.

The program provides for the development of all the main activities of students, the program has features due to the subject content of the general education system and psychological features students.

This program is based on such a subject as literature. The subject "Literature", in turn, is included in the field "Philological disciplines", is one of the main subjects of the general school course, which is reflected in detail in the program.

Program structure

The program has the following structure:

    Explanatory note.

    Program content.

    The content of the topics of the training course (table of thematic distribution of hours per level of study).

    Calendar-thematic planning of educational material.

    Description of material and technical equipment.

Distinctive features of this program

The main distinguishing feature of the program is that the study of literature as an aesthetic and national-historical phenomenon and the creation of one's own poetic texts is seen not so much as the goal of teaching, but as a means of personal development.

Prerequisites for the development of this program

The prerequisites for the development of this program were the following contradictions, identified during the subject questioning of 5th grade students at the end of the school year:

1. Between the need for schoolchildren to accept national spiritual traditions and the cultural experience of the people and the unformed need for familiarization with cultural values.

2. Between the need of students for self-expression and successful socialization in society and their lack of knowledge and methods of positive self-expression.

3. Between the desire of students to improve in literary creativity and the lack of purposeful work in this direction.

After analyzing the identified contradictions, a problem was formulated that the students faced with the need to realize themselves in literary creativity. This is the problem of the aesthetic development of adolescents from the standpoint of a system-activity approach and in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The goals of creating a literary circle "Souls are wonderful impulses"

primary goal The literary circle, as well as literary education in general, consists in the formation of the spiritual world of a person, the creation of conditions for the formation of the inner need of the individual for continuous improvement, for the realization and development of his creative abilities. At the same time, the student masters the skill of the reader, free and vivid own speech.

In addition to the main purpose of creating this circle, there are several more additional goals that the leader of such a literary community should set for himself:

    the formation of a spiritually developed personality with a humanistic worldview, national self-awareness and all-Russian civic consciousness, a sense of patriotism;

    development of intellectual and creative abilities of students necessary for successful socialization and self-realization of the individual;

    students' comprehension of the top works of domestic and world literature, their reading and analysis, based on an understanding of the figurative nature of the art of the word, based on the principles of the unity of artistic form and content, the connection of art with life, historicism;

    step-by-step, consistent formation of the ability to read, comment, analyze and interpret a literary text;

    mastering possible algorithms for comprehending the meanings inherent in a literary text (or any other speech statement), and creating your own text, presenting your own assessments and judgments about what you have read;

    mastering the most important general educational skills and universal educational activities (formulate the goals of the activity, plan it, carry out a bibliographic search, find and process the necessary information from various sources, including the Internet, etc.);

    using the experience of communication with works of fiction in everyday life and educational activities, speech self-improvement.

home idea literary circle programs - the study of the poetic heritage of different authors in order to identify distinctive or similar features between poetic works, preserve literary traditions, etc.

One of the signs correct understanding text is the expressiveness of reading by students. It is the formation of expressive reading skills that contributes to the study of literature in grades 5-6. The program includes a list required types works on the development of speech, in particular, such as the creation of their own poems, as well as a list of poetic texts for memorization or expressive reading in front of an audience.

The main tasks of the literary circle

1) identify talented children involved in literary creativity and provide them with opportunities for the development of creative abilities;

2) to increase students' interest in literature and the Russian language through familiarization with the cultural heritage of the people and creative meetings with bards, poets and writers of the city of Irbit;

3) provide an opportunity for children involved in literary creativity to exchange experiences with their peers and teachers;

4) develop ICT - competence: the ability to use computer programs, develop multimedia products.

Achievement goals and objectives literary circle programs will contribute to use of elements of modern educational technologies:

1. Active Methods learning

2.Game technology

3.Research learning technology

4. Technology for the development of critical thinking in the lessons of the Russian language and literature

5.Project method

6.Technology of workshops in the lessons of the Russian language and literature

7. Technologies of level differentiation

8. Information and communication technologies

9.Health-saving technologies.

The course of the literary circle program for grade 5 is represented by the following sections:

    The poetic heritage of the Russian people

    Poetic 19th century.

    Poetic heritage of the twentieth century

    foreign poetry

    Information from the theory and history of literature.

Estimated results of the work of the literary circle

The results of the work of the literary circle are presented in the Requirements for the level of preparation of students in the subject "Literature". They contain the following components: be able to- a list of specific skills in literature, the main types of speech activity; a group of knowledge and skills that are in demand in the practical activities of the student and his daily life is also highlighted.

Student Assessment System

The grading system concerns subject, meta-subject and personal student achievement.

A) Subject achievements are evaluated with the help of the publication of literary newspapers (printed organs of the circle), carried out at the end of the study of the topic. For participating in the creation of a newspaper issue, students receive encouragement.

When analyzing subject results, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of learning through activity. The analysis process involves answering the questions: “What can a student who has successfully mastered the material do?”, “What questions can he answer?”, “What tasks can a student solve?”.

2) When determining metasubject results it is advisable to highlight those results that can be analyzed. First of all, this is the formation of students in such areas of culture as design, research, communication.

Project activities are aimed to gain experience in creating and implementing educational projects. Research activities includes a general educational culture and a culture of working with information. Communication skills assume possession of all types of speech activity.

3) Personal achievements students are entered in tables of personal non-personalized data. They are recommended to be evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system, when summing up the results for the sections personally by the teacher.

Results of the work

    creation of a printed organ of the circle (newspapers);

    reading by heart poetic texts;

    mutual control;


    circle meetings;

    participation in school creative competitions.



    monitoring the enthusiasm of students, the social life of the school, city, country;

    questioning in order to identify the interests and needs of adolescents and correct the thematic planning of the work of the circle and the content of individual classes;

    analysis of the information received and a conversation at each lesson of the circle.

Forms of work

    individual work


    group lessons,





The principles underlying the work of the literary circle program

Personally oriented principles: principle of adaptability; principle of development; comfort principle.

Culturally oriented principles: the principle of the picture of the world; the principle of the integrity of the content of education; the principle of systematicity; the principle of semantic attitude to the world; the principle of the indicative function of knowledge; the principle of relying on culture as a worldview and as a cultural stereotype.

Activity-oriented principles: the principle of activity learning; the principle of a controlled transition from activity in a learning situation to activity in life situation; the principle of transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to independent activity of the student (zone of proximal development); the principle of relying on the processes of spontaneous development; the principle of the formation of the need for creativity and skills of creativity.

Place and role of the literary circle in education:

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and in accordance with the Curriculum of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School of the Village of Krasny Tekstilshchik, Saratov District, Saratov Region", the "Artistic Word" circle is conducted in 5th grade. The total number of lessons per week is 1 hour (34 academic weeks per year involves 37 lessons - 34 lessons + 3 lessons during the holidays).

Description of the value orientations of the content of the literary circle

The literary circle at school is based on the principles of the connection between art and life, unity of form and content, historicism, traditions and innovation, understanding of historical and cultural information, moral and aesthetic ideas, mastering the basic concepts of the theory and history of literature, developing the ability to evaluate and analyze works of art, mastering the richest expressive means of the Russian literary language.

Visiting a literary circle at school allows students to realize literature as the greatest spiritual and aesthetic value; master the ideological and aesthetic richness of native literature in its the best samples and individual works of literature of the peoples of Russia, get acquainted with the masterpieces of world classics; learn to analyze and evaluate literary works; get an idea about the life and creative path of outstanding writers; develop and improve communication skills based on the awareness of the functions of language and the artistic imagery of a literary text.

The academic subject "Literature", which is the basis of the program of the literary circle, is one of the most important parts of the educational field "Philology". The connection of literature with the Russian language is obvious, because. Mastering literature as an academic subject is the most important condition for a student's speech and linguistic literacy. Literary education contributes to the formation of his speech culture.

Literature also interacts with other disciplines: music, visual arts, world artistic culture, history, social studies, geography, biology, and even mathematics.

One of the components of literary education is the literary creativity of students. Creative works of various genres contribute to the development of the student's analytical and imaginative thinking, to a large extent shaping his general culture and social and moral guidelines.

As a result of mastering the content of the letter circle, the student gets the opportunity to improve and expand the range of general educational skills, skills and methods of activity, the mastery of which is a necessary condition for the development and socialization of schoolchildren.

Achieving this goal involves:

    reading and studying outstanding works of domestic and world literature;

    formation schoolchildren have knowledge and skills that ensure the independent development of artistic values;

    formation ideas about Russian literature as a sociocultural phenomenon that occupies a specific place in the life of the nation and humanity;

    development artistic and creative abilities, imagination, aesthetic sense of schoolchildren, education of their emotional and intellectual responsiveness in the perception of works of art;

    development literacy skills and freehold literary speech.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the program material of the literary circle "Souls are wonderful impulses"


§ positive attitude to cognitive activity;

desire to acquire new knowledge and skills;

§ development of new activities;

§ participation in the creative process;

§ awareness of oneself as an individual and at the same time as a member of society.


§ willingness to use knowledge of subject areas in creative creative activity


Possession of all types of speech activity

Regulatory UUD:

§ the ability to plan their activities through the performance of the necessary actions and operations;

§ the ability to set goals and realize the planned;

§ the ability to make the necessary adjustments;

§ the ability to adequately assess one's achievements (self-assessment).

Cognitive UUD:

§ willingness to be aware of the cognitive task;

§ the ability to perform educational and cognitive actions in material and mental form;

§ the ability to carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison;

§ the ability to make generalizations, conclusions.

Communicative UUD:

§ the ability to participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior;

§ the ability to formulate one's own thoughts and listen to the statements of others;

§ the ability to express and justify one's own point of view;

§ ability to work in groups (determining the purpose and functions of group members)

Requirements for the level of preparation of students after the completion of the literary circle

Learning Outcomes

The results of extracurricular activities of the literary circle "Souls are wonderful impulses" are presented in the Requirements for the level of graduates, which contain the following components: to teach the opportunity to learn / to learn- a list of knowledge necessary for the assimilation of each student; be able to- a list of specific skills in the Russian language, the main types of speech activity; a group of knowledge and skills that are in demand in the practical activities of the student and his daily life is also highlighted.

As a result of mastering the program of the literary circle, the student will learn the following:

Learns the basic theoretical and literary concepts: folklore, folklore, genres of folklore; constant epithets, hyperbole, comparison (development of ideas); lyrics as a genre of literature (development of ideas); poetic speech and poetic sizes (initial representations); metaphor, sound writing and alliteration; humor; portrait, landscape (development of ideas); lyric hero.

Students will have the opportunity to learn the following:

analyze a lyrical work;

to distinguish a poem from prose using information about versification (rhythm, rhyme, stanza);

see the connection between different types of art and use their comparison, for example, when referring to an illustration created for a particular work;

identify the main moral issues of the work;

determine the theme and idea of ​​a lyrical work, find the artistic means used in the work by the author;

trace the change in mood (intonation) in the poem;

perceive the ambiguity of words in a poetic literary text, determine their role in the work;

to distinguish between the features of the construction and language of works (lyrical poems);

use the alphabetical catalog of the school library;

navigate in an unfamiliar book (author, abstract, table of contents, preface, afterword);

prepare an expressive reading of a lyric poem by heart with subsequent analysis;

to argue their attitude to the heroes of the work, to explain the motives of the behavior of the heroes, to compare and evaluate their actions, experiences, portraits, speech, to find direct author's assessments;

write a creative work (note) on the material of life and literary impressions;

compose short lyrical works;

create newspapers as a form of reporting on the work of the circle.

For convenience, the program uses a system of abbreviations (symbols). With their help, the forms of control for classes and types of classes are indicated (the typology of lessons is taken as the basis).

Abbreviations ( conventions) used in the program

Forms of current and intermediate control

    FO - frontal survey;

    WG - work in groups;

    SG - creation of a newspaper;

    HF - expressive reading;

    CH - reading by heart

Types of lessons (classes)

    UONZ - a lesson in familiarization with new knowledge;

    UONR - a lesson in skills development and reflection;

    UOMN - a lesson of a general methodological orientation;

    URC - a lesson in developmental control

Program content

    Introduction (1 hour) "Literary Kaleidoscope". heuristic conversation. Filling out the questionnaire

    Poetry is life (16 hours) Creative workshop (composing poems and mini-poems dedicated to Teacher's Day, school anniversary, memorable dates). A brief analysis of the questionnaires and a conversation: "What is the main sign of poetry?" Acquaintance with literary criticism(analysis of the poetic content of L. Martynov's poem "The Rich Beggar" and "In the Core").
    Recitation competition
    « Eye charm." Reading by students of poems of their own composition. "What is poetry?" Mindfulness and imagination of the reader of poetry. Recommendations for complex text analysis. Linguistic analysis of Yesenin's and Drunina's poems.

    Comparison of works by different authors on the same topic "What is happiness?" E. Asadov and N. Aseeva. Stamp competition. Work on the issue of the newspaper "Inspiration"

    All about the poem (19 h.)

Why do people need speech? Why do people need poetry? Foot, meter, two-syllable meter. The main thing in the work is the idea, the main idea. How to connect sentences in a text, images in a poem? Trisyllabic meter. Versatile meter. images around us. Literary game "What does it look like?". Rhyme, ways and types of rhyme. Poetry competition dedicated to the seasons. Speech styles. Artistic style. Mixture of styles. Form and content. What's more important? Vowels and consonants in a poem Poetic genres, their artistic originality. What is a stanza? Nature poetry competition. Parody. Irony, humor, sarcasm, satire in a poetic work. The role of music and painting in the creation of poetic works "This must be seen! This must be heard!" To narrate is to tell (the ability to build a narrative poem based on a text, a series of drawings, an imaginary plot) (compatibility of words, word in the text). Competition of readers "Happy time of childhood". Work on the issue of the newspaper "Inspiration" for the Children's Day.

    Summing up (1 hour)

The content of the topics of the training course. Table of thematic distribution of hours per level of study

Section of the training course, number of hours. Content elements

Characteristics of the activities of students


Forms of control

Section 1 Introduction

Literary kaleidoscope. heuristic conversation. Filling out the questionnaire (1 hour)

Chatting with the teacher. They give examples from fiction as arguments, consciously build statements and listen to the opinions of classmates.

Regulatory : the ability to plan their activities through the accomplishment of certain operations; setting educational goals and objectives;

Cognitive: reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control of the process and results of activity; conscious construction of speech utterance; analysis and synthesis of the received information; readiness to realize the cognitive task;


determination of the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction; the ability to express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks of communication; Personal ; mmetasubject : ; subject :


Section 2. Poetry is life

Poetry is life (16 hours)

Creative workshop (composing poems and mini-poems dedicated to Teacher's Day, memorable dates). Creation of a literary newspapers. A brief analysis of the questionnaires and a conversation: "What is the main sign of poetry?" Acquaintance with literary criticism (analysis of the poetic content of L. Martynov's poem "The Rich Beggar" and "In the Core").
"I know the power of words..." A conversation about the appointment of a poet and poetry. Performances by students with messages about their favorite poets. Dispute “How to understand -“ You can not be a poet ”?
Competition of readers "Charm of the eyes".
Poetry and us". Reading by students of poems of their own composition. Literary discussion. (Oh, open your eyes wider, open your attention and hearing - this is the most wonderful thing in the world than life gives you around!)
"What is poetry?" Mindfulness and imagination of the reader of poetry. Recommendations for complex text analysis. Linguistic analysis of Yesenin's and Drunina's poems.
Poetry and stamps. Analysis of unsuccessful poems, imperfect poetic works selected by the teacher and students (cliches, stylistic inaccuracies, edification).
Comparison of works by different authors on the same topic "What is happiness?" E. Asadov and N. Aseeva. Stamp competition.

They read the text, identify the distinctive compositional and artistic features of epics of different cycles, and analyze the literary text. They select quotes to answer the question posed, retell literary texts. They analyze the images of the characters, independently evaluate the literary work, look for material for the project, prepare the project and newspapers.

Regulatory : , the ability to plan their activities through the accomplishment of certain operations; the ability to make the necessary adjustments.



planning of educational cooperation,

Personal : use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems; the formation of a sense of beauty, love for literature and the Fatherland, orientation in the system of moral norms and values, their appropriation ; mmetasubject : master all types of speech activity ; subject : consciously comprehend poetry


Section 3. All about the poem

All about the poem (19 hours)

Why do people need speech? Why do people need poetry? Foot, meter, two-syllable meter. The main thing in the work is the idea, the main idea. How to connect sentences in a text, images in a poem? Trisyllabic meter. Versatile meter. images around us. Literary game "What does it look like?" Syllabo-tonic versification. Rhyme, ways and types of rhyme. Poetry competition dedicated to the seasons. Speech styles. Art style. A mixture of styles. Form and content. What's more important? Instrumentation of the verse: alliteration, assonance. Poetic genres, their artistic originality. What is a stanza? Nature poetry competition. Parody. Irony, humor, sarcasm, satire in a poetic work. The role of music and painting in the creation of poetic works "This must be seen! This must be heard!" To narrate means to tell (the ability to build a narrative poem based on a text, a series of drawings, an imaginary plot) Why do we say that? (compatibility of words, word in the text). Competition of readers "Happy time of childhood". Work on the issue of the newspaper "Inspiration"

They read the text, identify the distinctive compositional and artistic features of epics of different cycles, and analyze the literary text. They select quotes to answer the question posed, retell literary texts. They analyze the images of the characters, independently evaluate the literary work, look for material for the project, prepare the project

Regulatory : ability to goal-setting, setting a learning task ; the ability to make the necessary adjustments.

Cognitive: reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control of the process and results of activity; conscious construction of speech utterance; analysis and synthesis of the received information.


planning of educational cooperation,

determination of the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction; the ability to express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks of communication; creation of a poetic text of one's own composition according to certain canons; work on the creation of literary newspapers Personal : use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems; the formation of a sense of beauty, love for literature and the Fatherland, orientation in the system of moral norms and values, their appropriation ; mmetasubject : master all types of speech activity ; subject :


Final lesson. Game "Young Poets"

They participate in the game, prove their point of view, drawing on previously studied literary material.

Regulatory : the ability to set goals, setting a learning task ; the ability to make the necessary adjustments.

Cognitive: reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control of the process and results of activity; conscious construction of speech utterance; analysis and synthesis of the received information.


planning of educational cooperation,

determination of the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction; the ability to express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks of communication; creation of a poetic text of one's own composition according to certain canons Personal : use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems; the formation of a sense of beauty, love for literature and the Fatherland, orientation in the system of moral norms and values, their appropriation ; mmetasubject : master all types of speech activity ; subject : conscious perception of a poetic text






Date plan

date fact

Lesson topic

Type of lesson (lesson)

Current and intermediate control

1 quarter (7, 5 weeks) 8 lessons + 1 lesson during the holidays

Section 1 Introduction

1.1 (1)

Introductory lesson. Acquaintance "Literary Kaleidoscope"



Section 2 Poetry is life (16 hours)

2.1 (2)

Composing poems dedicated to school



2.2 (3)



2.3 (4)

Creation of the newspaper "Inspiration" about the school



2.4 (5)

Composing poems and mini-poems dedicated to Teacher's Day



2.5 (6)

Conversation "What is the main sign of poetry?". Introduction to literary criticism.



2. 6 (7)

Analysis of the poetic content of L. Martynov's poem "The Rich Beggar" and "In the Core"



2. 7 (8)

“I know the power of words…” Prepared projects of students' speeches about their favorite poets.



2. 8 (9)

I know the power of words ... "Prepared projects for student speeches about favorite poets



2nd quarter (8, 5 weeks) – 9 lessons + 1 lesson during the holidays

2. 9 (10)

Dispute “How to understand the words “You can not be a poet?”



2. 10 (11)

Competition of readers "Charm of the eyes"



2. 11 (12)

"Poetry and Us". Reading poems on a free topic



2. 12 (13)

What is poetry? Linguistic analysis of poems by S. Yesenin, Yu. Drunina



2. 13 (14)

Poetry and Stamps, Stamp Contest



2. 14 (15)

Comparison of works by different authors on the same topic "What is happiness?" E. Asadova and N. Aseeva



2. 15 (16)

Work on the issue of the newspaper "Inspiration" "When the Christmas trees are lit"



2.16 (17)

Work on the issue of the newspaper "Inspiration" "When the Christmas trees are lit"



Section 3 All about the poem (20 hours)

3.1 (18)

Why do people need poetry? Foot, disyllabic measurements



3.2 (19)

The main thing in the poem is the theme and idea



3rd quarter (11 weeks) - 11 lessons + 1 lesson during the holidays

3.3 (20)

How to connect sentences in the text and images in the poem? Trisyllabic meter



3.4 (21)

images around us. Literary game "What does it look like?"



3.5 (22)

Rhyme, ways and types of rhyme. Poetry competition dedicated to the seasons



3.6 (23)

Speech styles. Art style. Mixing styles



3.7 (24)

Form and content. What is more important in a poem?



3.8 (25)

Repetition of consonants and vowels in poetic texts



3.9 (26)

Poetic genres, their artistic originality



3.10 (27)

What is a stanza?



3.11 (28)

Composing poems of your own composition on a free topic



3.11 (29)

Nature poetry competition



3.12 (30)

Parody. Irony and humor in poetry



4th quarter (8 weeks) - 8 lessons

3.13 (31)

Sarcasm and satire in poetry



3.14 (32)

The role of music and painting in the creation of poetic works. Project Protection



3.15 (33)

To narrate means to tell (the ability to build a narrative poem based on a series of drawings and an imaginary plot)



3.16 (34)

Reading competition "Happy time of childhood!"



3.18 (35)



3.19 (36)

Work on the issue of the newspaper "Inspiration" "Children's Day"



Section 4. Summing up (1 hour)

4.1 (37)

Final lesson. Game "Young Poets"





List of literature for the teacher

    V. I. Anisimov. Poetry of truth and dreams. – M.: Fiction, 1988

    Kaplan I. E. Analysis of the works of Russian classics. - M .: Fiction, 1995

3 . Karsalova E. V. "The living verses themselves speak ...". - M.: Enlightenment, 2002

4. Lyantsman O. Ya. Poetry lives here. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

4. E. Etkind. Talk about poetry. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008

List of used literature for students.

1. Read, think, argue... Didactic materials on literature. 6th grade. - M. Bustard, 2010
2.Voiteleva T. M.. Russian language. Didactic materials. - M. Bustard, 2009
3.Nikitina E. I.. Russian speech. The development of speech. – M. Bustard, 2011

4. . T. V. Matveeva. From sound to text. – M. Bustard, 2011

Applications to the program

Themes of projects, creative works

    "I know the power of words..." My favorite poet of the XIX - XX century.

    The role of music and painting in the creation of poetic texts.
