Why do the leaves and flowers of the spathiphyllum turn black. Tag: Why spathiphyllum leaves turn black around the edges

Why do leaves turn black in indoor and garden plants? This question requires a detailed answer, which readers can read below.

What is the reason for the blackening of the leaves?

The first and most common cause of this phenomenon is dry air. Caring owners can regularly water their pets, but their leaves may also turn black.

Another reason, mainly related to dust. Many indoor flowers are very sensitive to both humidity and dust - plants can get sick from a large number dust in the room. This is typical for tropical plants: dracaena owners, for example, may face such a problem.

Plant health is affected by food. Both a deficiency and an excess of nutrients can lead to blackening of the leaves.

Other factors affecting health are accommodation plants in relation to the light source, mechanical impact per plant (various damage), insufficient or too abundant watering.

What to do so that the plants do not turn black?

First of all, they should be sprayed regularly. Using a watering can is completely insufficient, since not only the roots, but also the leaves need moisture.

First of all, you need to remove the damaged leaves. If the plant has large leaves, all the leaves need to be wiped - a soft foam rubber sponge is suitable for this. After that, spray the plant and continue to do it regularly, along with watering.

Further. You should pay attention to the process of watering. The idea that the more often you water the plant, the better, is wrong. This is not always the case and does not apply to all plants. Here, too, a measure is needed: if watering is too rare, the leaves of the plants gradually turn yellow and fall off, but when overflowing, the leaves begin to turn black. This property is especially inherent in those flowers that need high-quality drainage and are sensitive to excess water thawing in the soil. Overflow is also not liked even by those plants that were born in the humid tropics and subtropics.

If the establishment of the irrigation regime did not lead to the desired result, the plant needs to be transplanted. To do this, the plant is dug up, damaged roots are removed, wound sites are sprinkled charcoal. Flower pot intended for transplantation should be slightly smaller. The new pot must be thoroughly washed soda solution and pour over boiling water. The plant must be provided with good drainage. By the way, it is precisely because of insufficient drainage that the leaves of begonias, camellias and geraniums often turn black.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that not all plants are useful regular feeding, and each group of plants needs its own fertilizer. Equally harmful is both the abundance of top dressing and its lack.

What to do if the spathiphyllum leaves turn black

Spathiphyllum is a houseplant, which is often called "women's happiness". The flower has an attractive appearance and does not require complex maintenance.

Why does the spathiphyllum leaf turn black

There are no difficulties in breeding, except for one: the leaves may turn black. What to do if the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black?

Source: Depositphotos

So that the leaves of the spathiphyllum do not turn black, you need proper care

A houseplant can turn black due to many factors:

  • Dry air in the room. With this problem, the tips of the leaves dry out, then turn black.
  • deficit nutrients. It depends on the amount of fertilizer applied and its type.
  • Fertilizer surplus. Too frequent feeding also harms the plant.
  • Stagnation of moisture in the soil. This is facilitated by frequent or excessive watering.
  • Water quality. Rigid and cold water bad effect on the state of the flower.
  • deficiency or excess sunlight. This is due to the incorrect placement of the plant.
  • To fix the problem, analyze the above points and determine what caused the blackening of the leaves.

    The tips of the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black: what to do

    To prevent the flower from wilting and stop the blackening in time, while it has spread only to the tips, eliminate the cause of the phenomenon:

    • Provide the flower with moderate humidity in the room. Spray it regularly with a spray bottle. But do it in moderation, especially if the room is cold.
    • In the warm season, feed the plant every 10 days. When it's cool, once a month is enough.
    • If you have been feeding the flower more than it needs, cut off the affected leaves and stop fertilizing for a while until the plant recovers.
    • Water the flower as the topsoil dries out. 2 hours after each watering, pour out excess liquid that has accumulated in the pan. Water only with soft water. room temperature.
    • Select a place for the flower on the south, west or east side. If the plant is located in the middle of the room, create additional lighting for it.

    So, spathiphyllum is an undemanding plant, the problem of which can be only one - blackening of the leaves. To eliminate it, you need to remove the cause of this phenomenon.

Spathiphyllums are often used in interior design, because these plants with exquisite white flowers are unpretentious and are great for growing at home.

In nature, spathiphyllum grows in the lower tier of tropical forests, so it is better for him to provide conditions similar to those at home. natural environment a habitat. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to properly care for the flower, and its leaves begin to turn black. In this article, we will look at the reasons that can cause such a process, as well as ways to combat blackening.

Spathiphyllum leaves turn black - reasons

There are many reasons that can cause blackening of the leaves of a spathiphyllum. Among them are diseases and errors in care. But most often, blackening and drying out is associated precisely with improper care of the plant (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Blackening of leaves with improper care

So that you do not encounter a similar problem, consider the main factors that can provoke blackening and give effective ways fight against this pathology.

Overfeeding with fertilizers

Houseplants, as well as crops open ground, fertilizers are required. The only difference is that when feeding home flowers, the dosage should be strictly observed so as not to exceed the level of minerals in the soil.

Note: Most flower shops spathiphyllums are planted in special pots with a nutrient substrate that retains its beneficial features within one and a half months. Therefore, it is not recommended to transplant or fertilize a flower immediately after purchase.

The increased content of fertilizers in the soil, no matter how strange it may sound, can cause blackening. The fact is that the roots simply cannot cope with so many nutrients and begin to rot. This, in turn, causes a rapid blackening of the aerial parts.

The only way out of the situation will be transplanting into a pot with a fresh substrate. In this case, you need to carefully examine the roots and aerial parts of the plant, and remove the damaged ones. After transplanting, the crop is transferred to a regular fertilization schedule.

Fertilizing twice a month is optimal, and the crop should be fertilized from early spring to mid-autumn. In this case, it is desirable to alternate mineral and organic preparations, making them foliar. In winter, when the plant has a dormant period, top dressing is not carried out at all, and watering is reduced to a minimum so as not to provoke root rotting.

frozen roots

A common cause of blackening is the wrong temperature regime of the flower content. Because in natural conditions this culture grows in the tropics, it reacts very negatively to sharp temperature fluctuations and drafts.

In summer, a comfortable temperature is +20+29 degrees during the day and a few degrees lower at night. In winter, it is undesirable to allow the temperature in the room to drop below +15 degrees.

Hypothermia of the aerial parts and the root system of the plant can also be caused by improper watering in winter time. Water used for irrigation should be at room temperature. If it is cold, the roots will become supercooled and begin to rot, and the leaves, accordingly, will turn black.

Insufficient air humidity

Optimum air humidity is another milestone in the cultivation of spathiphyllum, since the humid air is fully consistent with the natural habitat of the flower. At home, problems with this indicator occur mainly in winter, when heaters are turned on and the air in the room becomes dry. In such conditions, the tips of the spathiphyllum leaves begin to gradually dry out and turn black.

To cope with this problem, you need to regularly rinse or spray the culture with settled water at room temperature. It is noteworthy that this procedure is carried out year-round. In summer, it gives the culture additional moisture and cleans dust, and in winter it maintains an optimal level of humidity in the room. In addition, such processing helps prevent the invasion of pests that can settle on the plant and feed on its juice.


Despite the fact that the spathiphyllum is a resident of a warm tropical climate, the light for it should be bright enough, but diffused. This is also explained by the natural habitat of the flower. Since it is constantly in the shade of trees, its leaves are not physically adapted to bright light.

Figure 2. Signs of a sunburn

If you place the plant pot on a brightly lit window sill, black spots may appear on it over time (Figure 2). it sunburn, which not only reduce the decorativeness of the culture, but also worsen its health. To avoid this problem, spathiphyllum should be placed on eastern or western window sills, and shaded from direct sunlight in summer. If black spots have already appeared, the affected parts must be removed, and the plant pot should be rearranged away from direct sunlight.

The wrong substrate

Spathiphyllum, as a resident of the tropics, needs a special substrate for growing. If the soil is too dense, moisture will stagnate at the roots and can cause them to rot.

When choosing soil for a plant, one should also take into account the characteristics of its growth in vivo. As mentioned above, in nature, spathiphyllum grows under trees in tropical forests, and the basis of the substrate is not only the earth, but also parts of the bark, fallen branches and leaves. For home growing it is better to buy a special substrate. But you can cook it yourself by mixing peat, sand, garden soil and a special substrate for orchids, which includes the components necessary for spathiphyllum. In addition, a layer of drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot, which will prevent stagnation of moisture at the roots.

Excessive hydration

It is improper excessive watering that most often causes blackening of spathiphyllum leaves. Despite the fact that moisture must be applied regularly and in sufficient large quantities, waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed.

To choose the right time for watering, you should wait for the top layer of the substrate to dry. On average, in the summer, watering is carried out every 3-4 days. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, as the plant is in a period of vegetative dormancy. In the cold season, it will be enough to water the spathiphyllum once a week.

Spathiphyllum: leaves turn black around the edges, what to do

If your spathiphyllum leaves begin to turn black, you need to carefully examine the plant, since such a process can be associated not only with improper care, but also with diseases.

First of all, you need to decide which side sheet plate started to turn black. Since it is this symptom that is considered the key, we will consider the main signs and causes of blackening in more detail.

Leaves turn black at the tips

If the leaves of the spathiphyllum begin to turn black and dry out at the tips, most likely your plant is suffering from proper care. First of all, you need to check the humidity of the substrate: perhaps your flower simply does not have enough moisture. But it should be borne in mind that excessive watering can cause this process. If the leaves turn black massively from an excess of moisture, you will have to transplant the flower into a new pot.

In addition, the blackening of the tips of the leaves may be due to the wrong substrate, drafts or an excess of fertilizers. In this case, you need to either replace the soil in the pot with a suitable one, or rearrange the spathiphyllum to a new place, away from cold air currents, and stop feeding for a while.

Leaves turn black in the middle

If negative factors environment provoke blackening of the leaves at the edges, then the formation dark spots in the middle of the leaf indicates a completely different process - the disease (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Symptoms of a fungal infection

As a rule, the blackening of the leaves is associated with a fungal infection of the plant. Despite the fact that the spathiphyllum loves heat and moisture, with an increase in these indicators, spores of the fungus begin to spread through the air. They cause root and leaf rot, which is accompanied by the formation of dark spots. If this happens to your flower, immediately remove the affected parts and spray the plant with a fungicide. It is also necessary to inspect the substrate: if it is too wet, the culture must be transplanted into a pot with fresh soil.

Plant prevention

If you were able to identify and eliminate the cause of the blackening of the leaves, certain measures should be taken to prevent similar problems in the future.

Preventive measures for spathiphyllum are as follows:

  1. Watering should be plentiful, but not excessive. It is possible to determine that a plant needs moisture by the degree of moisture in the substrate. If it has dried up to a depth of 2-3 cm, it is necessary to water the flower.
  2. To increase the humidity of the air, especially in the cold season, you should regularly spray the plant or wash its leaves with a damp sponge. This event will not only increase the humidity in the room, but also serve as an excellent protection against pests.
  3. Top dressing must be carried out carefully, strictly observing the dosage. In the case of spathiphyllum, it is better to under-fertilize a little than to cause an overabundance of minerals in the soil.

In addition, you need to carefully select a place to place the spathiphyllum in the house. It is advisable to put it on the eastern or western windowsills, where the light is bright enough, but diffused, and the plant cannot suffer from sunburn.

Spathiphyllum leaves turn black, what to do: video

From the video you will learn why spathiphyllum leaves may begin to turn black, and how to deal with this problem.

Among the many varieties of domestic plants, spathiphyllum is very popular. This tropical flower is loved by many housewives. Caring for it is simple, but when the cold season comes, the plant reacts sharply to the dry air in the living room. It begins to dry and blacken the tips of the leaves. For what reason is sick indoor flower and how to help your favorite plant?

plant description

Many flower growers are familiar with spaciphylus under another common name - "woman's happiness". An elegant-looking flower is considered unpretentious in care and is very popular. It can be seen in almost every home. With proper care, he pleases with his original and exquisite flowering.

The indoor flower belongs to the genus Spathiphyllum and there are 45 plant species in total. Some of these species are very decorative in appearance. motherland tropical plant - South America, tropics of several countries:

  • Brazil;
  • Colombia;
  • Venezuela;
  • Philippine Islands.

Unusual plant inflorescences white color reminiscent of a white blanket. Translated from Greek name flower has two words - "veil" and "white".

Foliage with solid edges has an oval shape, and in the very center prominent central vein. Thinner veins adjoin it. The petioles of the flower expand at the base. The species with white inflorescences are mostly common, although there are less rare species with a greenish veil.

The duration of flowering spathiphyllum is approximately 2-3 weeks in spring time of the year. If properly cared for, the flower will delight with its flowering in summer and autumn. When the flowering period has come to an end and the inflorescences have dried up, they must be removed.

Features of care

Even such an easy-to-care houseplant needs constant care and attention. When the spathiphyllum leaves turn black or begin to turn yellow, the tips of the leaves dry, such symptoms should be an alarm. The plant reacts to improper care, disease. Necessary immediately after the manifestation of the listed symptoms take action otherwise the plant will continue to hurt and may soon die.

Spathiphyllum is one of those plants that need warmth, because it comes from the tropics. It is recommended to create for a flower in the warm season high humidity in room. In winter, spathiphyllum should be limited in watering, it does not tolerate excessive moisture. Excess water from the pan must be removed if it is there.

Indoor flower does not tolerate direct sunlight. For normal development, penumbra is more suitable for him. Temperature regime in summer it should be within 22-23 ° C, and in the cold season the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C. The flower reacts very painfully to drafts in the room. If you do not know these features, the spathiphyllum will be difficult to grow without problems.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black?

There can be several reasons why this plant has problems. Most often, flower growers notice that the tips of the leaves begin to blacken at the flower. This is influenced by various unfavourable conditions cultivation of "women's happiness". Main indicator health and proper care of spathiphyllum - its beautiful appearance. Often, flower growers notice that the tips of the leaves dry at the spathiphyllum. Most likely, such signs are associated with a violation of watering a houseplant.

Experienced flower growers identify two reasons why the tips of the faces of the leaves of the plant turn black:

  • excessive watering;
  • inadequate nutrition.

When the plant is too often, watered abundantly and is in a cool room, its roots begin to rot. Gradually, this is reflected on the leaves of the spathiphyllum - the tips of the leaves dry, black spots appear on them. When it is seen that the root system begins to darken, then this is a clear sign of damage to gray rot. It is necessary to immediately treat the soil with fungicides, and place the plant in a ventilated room with a temperature of at least 16 ° C. In the winter season, it is better to put the plant on a windowsill overlooking south side. The plant should be watered only with settled water and reduce the number of waterings.

The second reason - lack of nutrition. This may be due to an insufficient amount of nitrogen or phosphorus in soil mixture. If this is the reason, then you need to apply fertilizer, which includes:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

The dosage of top dressing should correspond to that indicated on the package. In the warm season, fertilizer is applied 1 time in 2-3 weeks. In the cold season, the spathiphyllum does not need fertilizer, since it is at rest.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow?

Although spathiphyllum is considered easy to care for houseplant, but troubles may appear in the process of its development. Very often one has to observe that the indoor flower turns yellow or dries and the question immediately arises, why is this happening? Experts believe that this is due to low indoor humidity. When the air is too dry, then the tips of the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow or dry at the ends.

You can spray the plant more often at home, but this does not always give positive results. Humidity can be increased in other ways:

  • the pot should be placed in a tray with moistened pebbles;
  • cover the soil in a pot with wet moss;
  • place a container of water next to the pot.

Yellowing or drying leaves may be due to too dry soil or excessive watering. The second reason is that the capacity is too small, the flower needs a freer pot.

The main cause of dryness and yellowness of the leaves can be direct sunlight or excess sunlight. For example, direct sunlight will cause burns on the leaves of the plant.

If the plant is over-watered, it can also cause dryness and yellowing of the foliage. It is advisable to water as the topsoil dries. It is best to spray the leaves of "women's happiness" more often, to prevent stagnant water, to carry out moderate watering so that the soil is slightly dry, but not dry.

Observing simple rules caring for spathiphyllum at home, you can achieve regular flowering. A healthy plant will delight the eye with juicy green foliage, exquisite white flowers.

Unfortunately, sometimes even such a thing gets sick and withers. unpretentious plant like spathiphyllum. The leaves turn black, dry at the edges, turn yellow or become small, flowers stop appearing - all this should alert the owner. The plant thus makes it clear that something is wrong with it. This can be the result of both improper care and a symptom of the disease. And if you do not take action, the flower may eventually die altogether.

How to care for spathiphyllum

Despite the fact that the plant is not picky, this does not mean at all that it can be placed somewhere on the windowsill and forgot about existence for six months. Having brought home a pot with bright or dark green leaves (depending on the variety), you first need to learn how to properly care for the spathiphyllum. In principle, this applies to any representative of the flora. Among the many plants that decorate houses, apartments and offices, there are light-loving and not very light-loving ones, those that prefer humid air and die from an excess of water. So, without knowing the preferences of the flower, it is very easy to ruin it.

Spathiphyllums are heat-loving varieties, since they naturally grow in the tropics. For the same reason, it is recommended to maintain high humidity in the summer, and to refrain from excessive watering in the winter.

It should also be remembered that the spathiphyllum does not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring partial shade. Ignorance of this feature quite often leads to illness and even death of the flower.

How to water

In summer, you need to water the plant quite often, but the main thing is not to overdo it so that the soil has time to dry out. As a rule, the plant signals a lack of water with drooping leaves. It is also recommended to spray it (daily or less often) or wipe it with a soft damp cloth, sponge, cotton pad. And you can also bathe the flower right under the shower, only the water temperature should be about 20 degrees.

In winter, most plants require less intensive watering, including spathiphyllum: the leaves turn black, become covered with brown spots or dry out in the cold season, often precisely because of excess moisture. are in a dormant stage, so rare watering and no spraying for 2-3 weeks will benefit them.

Where is the best place to put

In a room where there is little light throughout the day, the flower will be quite comfortable on the windowsill. Otherwise, it is better to put it away - on a cabinet, shelf or in a corner. Large specimens with large leaves look great on the floor.

This plant rarely suffers from a lack of light. Therefore, if the room has a far corner in which a flower pot fits well, it may just be a spathiphyllum. His leaves turn black, as a rule, not due to problems with lighting, but from improper watering and lack of minerals. From an excess of light, the spathiphyllum stops growing. Existing leaves do not increase in size, and new ones do not appear.

Why is it not blooming

Spathiphyllum, like any other plant, reacts to environmental conditions. If the leaves become small, begin to turn yellow and dry, and the flowers stop appearing, then something does not suit him. In order to prevent his death, you need to try to understand what exactly is missing.

Most florists know why spathiphyllum leaves turn black. This is the first sign of problems with watering the plant. Moreover, in this way it reacts both to an excess of moisture and to its lack. But if everything is more or less clear with the leaves, then with the flowers - not quite. There are two main reasons for their absence. First, the age of the plant. Too young spathiphyllum will not bloom, this is possible only after the roots fill all the space allotted for them.

The second reason is the opposite. If the plant is crowded in a pot, it stops blooming, and the leaves become small. So, depending on the situation, you need to either wait a bit or transplant the spathiphyllum.

Leaves turn black - what to do?

As described above, there are two main reasons for the appearance of dark spots on the plant. And they are opposite to each other. The first is insufficient watering, the second is excess moisture. So when black (or brown) spots appear, you must first determine which option is taking place.

It is not difficult to do this. It is necessary to try to pull the flower out of the pot and touch the roots. If they are wet, dry the plant and limit moisture. In the case of dry soil, it just needs to be watered more often.

It happens that the plant is not easy to remove from the pot. Then, in order not to injure him, you can make a recess with a pencil or loosening stick and determine the soil moisture at a depth of several centimeters, drawing the appropriate conclusions. When everything is fine with watering, and the leaves continue to turn black, perhaps the problem lies in the lack of minerals in the soil. In this case, top dressing is necessary.

Dry tips indicate insufficiently humid air. You can try to spray the plant more often, although in most cases this problem is not easy to deal with. If the leaf turns yellow completely, more frequent watering is most likely needed.

In general, the plant is quite hardy and to the temperature difference, and to the lack of light. It can look great in truly spartan conditions. Therefore, for those who do not know how to care for flowers, spathiphyllum is recommended. Its leaves turn black from a lack or excess of moisture, it stops growing from bright light - this knowledge, as a rule, is quite enough.
