The names of the planets of the solar system: where do they come from? Puzzle games with the names of constellations, stars and bodies of the solar system Which planet has a hidden Greek letter in its name.


Take our fun quiz to find out which planet rules your personality type. The test is very interesting and entertaining.

After the test, we have prepared for you some interesting facts about the planets of the solar system.

Jupiter is the fastest planet in terms of the speed of rotation around its axis: it does this in 12 hours, while the Earth needs a day. However, in order to go around the Sun, Jupiter needs as much as 12 years, and not one year like the Earth.

Jupiter is related to Earth by similar climatic processes, since atmospheric currents set in motion water cycles.

Among other things, Jupiter is the real killer of comets. Since it is the largest planet in the system, as much as 318 times larger than the Earth, any comet approaching it flies to certain death.

The most beautiful ring system, consisting of stone and ice fragments, is concentrated around Saturn. Nobody knows exactly how old they are. The rings were discovered during the first telescopic survey in the 1600s.

Some say that the rings were formed as a result of the relatively recent destruction of a large satellite, while others argue that the rings appeared billions of years ago thanks to the solar nebula. Saturn has 60 moons and is second only to Jupiter with 63.

Mercury is the slowest planet, because one day on Mercury is half a year on Earth. However, Mercury compensates for the slow rotation around its axis by moving quite quickly around the Sun, it only takes 88 days for it to do this.

Mercury is a hot planet, which nevertheless has ice. This is the closest planet from the Sun, the ice reserves of which are right on the surface. Sounds fantastic, but the ice is hidden in crater formations where the sun's rays never reach.

Neptune and Pluto resonate with each other in a two-to-three mode. Whereas Pluto makes two revolutions around the star, Neptune makes three in this time. On Neptune, as well as on Earth, winds walk. But Earthlings will never understand what is happening on Neptune, because the wind there can accelerate to a speed of 1770 km / h, which is faster than the speed of sound.

Venus is considered the brightest planet, as it is able to reflect sunlight more intensively than others, giving 76 percent out of 100. It's all about the planet's clouds. Venus has no satellites. It was assumed that once Venus had its own Moon, which was swallowed by the Sun or which crashed into the planet.

For a very long time in astronomy, it was believed that there were only 9 planets in the solar system. However, in 2006, Pluto was removed from the general list after the decision of the Astronomical Union. It's all about its small size, because of which it cannot be ranked among the planets.

Mars is a well-known planet with a reddish tint. Mars has the highest mountain, which has risen to a height of 27 kilometers. It is believed that Ancient Mars had a very thick atmospheric layer, which probably came under the influence of the Sun (it could pull out light molecules). Today Mars is a sad and cold desert.

A distinctive feature of Uranus is that it is located in exact accordance with the vertical axis: the planet is located at an angle of 98 degrees to the axis.

Earth is the only planet not named after a deity. Earth, Mercury, Mars and Venus are the terrestrial planets. The Earth ranks first among them in terms of size and mass, the strength of the magnetic field and the level of gravity.

Puzzle games

with the names of constellations, stars and bodies of the solar system.

Riddles with the names of the constellations.

*How many constellations are on the star chart? (88)

* How many people are on the star map? (15)

* What representatives of the cat family are there on the star map? What about dog families? (Feline: Lion, Small Lion, Lynx. Canine: Big Dog, Small Dog, Hounds Dogs, Wolf, Chanterelle).

* What physical devices are there on the star map? (Scales, Compass, Microscope, Pump, Octant, Sextant, Telescope, Clock)

* What birds can be found on the star map? (Raven, Dove, Swan, Eagle, Bird of Paradise, Toucan, Phoenix)

* How many fish are on the star map? (Five - two in the constellation of Pisces, Southern Fish, Golden Fish, Flying Fish. Whale and Dolphin are not fish).

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn the bird into a beast. (Eagle - donkey)

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn the constellation into a synonym for the word "clown". (Hare - clown)

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn the constellation into a Dostoevsky novel. (Libra - "Demons")

* Replacing one letter, turn the constellation into a star. (Lyra - Mira)

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn a musical instrument into a deciduous tree. (Lyra - linden)

* Removing one letter from the name of the constellation, turn a wild animal into a pet. (Wolf - ox)

* After reading the name of the constellation from right to left, get a synonym for the word "character". (Raven - burrows)

* Reading the name of the constellation from right to left, get the name of the dense tissue. (Whale tick)

* Swapping the syllables in the name of the constellation, get the name of the coniferous tree. (Pump - pine)

* By swapping the letters in the name of the constellation, get an insect. (Feed - mosquito)

* Crossing out the name of the constellation two letters, get the name of another constellation. (Sagittarius - Taurus)

* Crossing out three letters from the name of the constellation, get the name of another constellation. (Dragon - Cancer, Scorpio - Orion)

* By adding one letter to the name of the constellation, get the name of the state. (Cancer - Iraq)

* By adding one letter to the name of a constellation, chase that constellation away. (Lynx - scat)

Riddles with the names of planets and satellites.

* In the name of which planet is the note hidden?

Draw it on the musical staff. (Earth)

* In the name of which planet is the letter of the Greek alphabet hidden?

Write this letter. (Jupiter)

* The older brother made a riddle to the younger one: he cut the name of one of the planets into separate letters and offered to re-fold this name. Thinking about the riddle, the younger brother dropped two letters on the floor, but, most surprisingly, he still got the name of the planet from the remaining letters! What planet did the older brother think of? The name of which planet was added by the youngest? (Saturn - Uranus)

* If you swap the letters of the name of one of the planets of the solar system, you get the name of the capital of the state that is part of the CIS. What is the name of the planet and the capital? What state is this? (Venus, Yerevan, Armenia)

* What planet is in the periodic table? (Uranus)

* What satellite is called the same as silk fabric?

(Atlas, satellite of Saturn)

* Which satellite is named the same as the musical interval?

(Triton is a satellite of Neptune)

* Replacing one letter, turn the satellite into an optical device. (Moon - magnifying glass)

* Which planet's moons are named after characters in Shakespeare's plays?

(Satellites of Uranus - Titania, Oberon, Juliet, Desdemona, Ophelia, etc.)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a month. (Mars - March)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a state. (Uranus - Iran)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a drink. (Mars - mors)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a mountain range. (Uranus - Ural)

* By replacing one letter, turn the planet into an animal. (Mars - leopard)

Charades "Names of stars"

1. I am a prefix of a nobleman

In some western country;

And one more thing for me:

Above the earth above

Vast picture

(excluding the letter "O").

Do you recognize him?

2. There is a star in the constellation Virgo.

Put the letter "C" first,

And then, reading from the left,

Add a weapon to it.

(Cossacks him in the war

used on a horse).

3. My first syllable is everywhere,

Where someone is against something;

And you will find my second syllable -

God of war, I'm in that star.

4. And pepper,

and chewing gum forgotten leaf -

Initial part (choose an option);

Without last letter

hot spring -

And together - a supergiant star.

5. I am a supergiant, but everything is in me

Against all war.

I only want one

Find out after all - what?

6. The first syllable is very melodious,

He is like a violin (with a bow),

And the second - it is tasty, juicy -

Irny root. Do not know?

You will recognize that plant -

And you guess me.

7. The first syllable is one second;

A bitter vegetable is the second syllable;

With the letter "C" you recognize the star.

This is a Greek hero.

8. The first syllable is the second note;

The noise is lingering - the second syllable.

Well, in general, this is something

It's called a star.

9. I am a country without the letter "I"

In Asia Minor. I have a couple

Hussar decoration -

(It contains the second part of mine).

I am the brightest star.

10. My first syllable -

in the country of hummocks;

My second syllable is the game stage.

And if you are not weak in the game,

You guessed it, no questions.

11. I am a pretext, it will be preceded by me

What they are talking about;

The letter "C"; then a particle

Which has a charge.

I am in the constellation Canis Minor.

Well, do you understand my question?

12. You don't have to go far.

There is a star, tie it up

The sound involved in laughter

And the concept of surprise.

13. Yenisei I tributary

Right without a doubt;

Some work - my second syllable -

Any creation.

Composer and poet

They are created by capturing the light.

Answers: 1) Deneb, 2) Spica, 3) Antares, 4) Betelgeuse, 5) Mira,

6) Altair, 7) Pollux, 8) Regulus,

9) Sirius, 10) Arcturus, 11) Procyon,

12) Hadar, 13) Canopus.

The charades are quoted from the book by E.V.Soviet "Effective educational technologies" - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. - pp. 264-266

Tasks a, b and c - this is the game "The fourth is extra". What is superfluous in each case from the point of view of astronomy? Why?

a) Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, Orion, Cassiopeia.

Answer : Orion, since it rises and sets, the rest of the constellations do not set.

Or: Orion is visible in winter, other constellations are visible on any clear night.

The answer option "Orion, the rest are located close to the North Star" is assessed as correct.

b) Leo, Taurus, Capricorn, Dragon.

Answer : The Dragon is a non-zodiacal constellation among the zodiac.

c) Black Sea, White Sea, East Sea, North Sea.

Answer : The East Sea is a lunar sea among earthly ones.

d) In the name of which planet is the Greek letter hidden? Write this letter.

Answer : Jupiter π

e) The Day of the Space Forces of Russia is celebrated annually on October 4th. In honor of what event was this date chosen?

Answer : On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into space.

Evaluation criteria : in paragraphs a, b, c for each correct answer - 1 point, each correct substantiation is 1 point; in paragraphs d, e for a complete answer - 2 points, partial - 1 point.

Max per task 10 points.

Task 2 (dictionary)

What do the words mean:

  • a) an astronomical unit;
  • b) galaxy;
  • c) a meteor

Answers :

  • a) astronomical unit - the average distance between the Earth and the Sun;
  • b) galaxy - a star system that unites billions of stars;
  • c) meteor - a flash in the atmosphere when a small solid particle invades it at high speed from space.

Evaluation criteria : on 1 point for the correct (at least in your own words) explanation of the meaning of each word.

Max per task 3 points.

Task 3 (gallery)

What space objects are shown in the photographs?

Answers :

  1. Pluto
  2. Milky Way
  3. The sun.

Evaluation criteria : on 1 point for each correct answer.

Max per task 3 points.

Task 4

Suppose that today the Moon (for an observer living in Moscow) looks like it is shown in #1 . How will she look in a week? Specify the number of the correct drawing. Explain your choice.

Answer: in figure No. 1, the Moon is in phase between the new moon and the first quarter. The phases of the moon repeat in about a month. A week later, a quarter of this period will pass, and the Moon will be in a phase between the first quarter and the full moon. This is drawing number 3.

Evaluation criteria : for a correct answer without justification - 1 point; for the correct answer using the period of the change of lunar phases and the week as the fourth part of this period or with an explanatory picture - 3 points; for using the correct phase names - 1 point.

Max per task 4 points.

Task 5

In the poem "Son of the Century", the Soviet poet Igor Rink described the flight of Yuri Gagarin as follows:

You rush on a flying island,
Surrounding native land.
Having smelled colorful blankets,
Under you the continents slumber
Under you, like in a kaleidoscope,
Dance of colors, crimson and blue, -
Morning in Asia, evening in Europe,
Night in America, day in Russia...
What is wrong in these lines?

Answer : Gagarin's ship launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan (Central Asia) at 9 am Moscow time and stayed in flight for less than two hours. Morning in Asia is already over. In Siberia and the Far East of Russia it was day, in Europe it was morning, in America the night was ending. The words "morning in Asia" and "evening in Europe" are erroneous.

Evaluation criteria : for the correct answer with full justification - 4 points; for a correct answer with partial justification, without using actual data about Gagarin's flight - 3 points; for a partially correct answer with justification - 2 points; for a correct answer without justification - 1 point.

Max per task 4 points.

Task 6

Find astronomical errors in the painting by Soviet artist Andrei Sokolov “The Moon. Traces of astronauts in the lunar dust.

Answer : several astronomical errors were made in the picture.

  1. First, the Earth is not shown in phase. Judging by the shadows from the rocks and astronauts, the Sun shines from the right side and is located quite high above the horizon. Therefore, the globe should also be illuminated from the top right and look like a crescent or half-disk.
  2. Secondly, the apparent diameter of the Earth is greatly exaggerated. The Earth is about three and a half times the diameter of the Moon, so the Earth in the lunar sky should be only three and a half times the size of the Moon in the Earth's sky.
  3. Thirdly, the Moon has no atmosphere, so inside the shadows, where the light of the Sun does not hit, it should be completely dark, no details can be seen.

Evaluation criteria : on 1 point for finding each of the errors; 1 point for the correct substantiation of the answer (at least one of the three points).

Max per task 4 points.

Task 7

Light from the Sun reaches the Earth in 500 seconds, light from the nearest star to the solar system, Proxima in the constellation Centaurus, takes 4.22 years. How far is Proxima from the Sun?

Answer : the distance to Proxima is as many times greater than the distance to the Sun, how many times 4.22 years is greater than 500 s. 4.22 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60/500 = 266k times.

Evaluation criteria

For a rational decision (without unnecessary actions), the correct answer is - 4 points.

By 1 point removed for:

  • irrationality of the decision;
  • computational error;
  • exceeding the accuracy in the answer.

For a correct answer without a solution - 1 point.

Max per task 4 points.

Total for work 32 points.

Puzzle games

with the names of constellations, stars and bodies of the solar system.

Riddles with the names of the constellations.

*How many constellations are on the star chart? (88)

* How many people are on the star map? (15)

* What representatives of the cat family are there on the star map? What about dog families? (Feline: Lion, Small Lion, Lynx. Canine: Big Dog, Small Dog, Hounds Dogs, Wolf, Chanterelle).

* What physical devices are there on the star map? (Scales, Compass, Microscope, Pump, Octant, Sextant, Telescope, Clock)

* What birds can be found on the star map? (Raven, Dove, Swan, Eagle, Bird of Paradise, Toucan, Phoenix)

* How many fish are on the star map? (Five - two in the constellation of Pisces, Southern Fish, Golden Fish, Flying Fish. Whale and Dolphin are not fish).

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn the bird into a beast. (Eagle - donkey)

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn the constellation into a synonym for the word "clown". (Hare - clown)

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn the constellation into a Dostoevsky novel. (Libra - "Demons")

* Replacing one letter, turn the constellation into a star. (Lyra - Mira)

* Replacing one letter in the name of the constellation, turn a musical instrument into a deciduous tree. (Lyra - linden)

* Removing one letter from the name of the constellation, turn a wild animal into a pet. (Wolf - ox)

* After reading the name of the constellation from right to left, get a synonym for the word "character". (Raven - burrows)

* Reading the name of the constellation from right to left, get the name of the dense tissue. (Whale tick)

* Swapping the syllables in the name of the constellation, get the name of the coniferous tree. (Pump - pine)

* By swapping the letters in the name of the constellation, get an insect. (Feed - mosquito)

* Crossing out the name of the constellation two letters, get the name of another constellation. (Sagittarius - Taurus)

* Crossing out three letters from the name of the constellation, get the name of another constellation. (Dragon - Cancer, Scorpio - Orion)

* By adding one letter to the name of the constellation, get the name of the state. (Cancer - Iraq)

* By adding one letter to the name of a constellation, chase that constellation away. (Lynx - scat)

Riddles with the names of planets and satellites.

* In the name of which planet is the note hidden?

Draw it on the musical staff. (Earth)

* In the name of which planet is the letter of the Greek alphabet hidden?

Write this letter. (Jupiter)

* The older brother made a riddle to the younger one: he cut the name of one of the planets into separate letters and offered to re-fold this name. Thinking about the riddle, the younger brother dropped two letters on the floor, but, most surprisingly, he still got the name of the planet from the remaining letters! What planet did the older brother think of? The name of which planet was added by the youngest? (Saturn - Uranus)

* If you swap the letters of the name of one of the planets of the solar system, you get the name of the capital of the state that is part of the CIS. What is the name of the planet and the capital? What state is this? (Venus, Yerevan, Armenia)

* What planet is in the periodic table? (Uranus)

* What satellite is called the same as silk fabric?

(Atlas, satellite of Saturn)

* Which satellite is named the same as the musical interval?

(Triton is a satellite of Neptune)

* Replacing one letter, turn the satellite into an optical device. (Moon - magnifying glass)

* Which planet's moons are named after characters in Shakespeare's plays?

(Satellites of Uranus - Titania, Oberon, Juliet, Desdemona, Ophelia, etc.)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a month. (Mars - March)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a state. (Uranus - Iran)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a drink. (Mars - mors)

* Replacing one letter, turn the planet into a mountain range. (Uranus - Ural)

* By replacing one letter, turn the planet into an animal. (Mars - leopard)

Kochnev S.A.

Charades "Names of stars"

1. I am a prefix of a nobleman

In some western country;

And one more thing for me:

Above the earth above

Vast picture

(excluding the letter "O").

Do you recognize him?

2. There is a star in the constellation Virgo.

Put the letter "C" first,

And then, reading from the left,

Add a weapon to it.

(Cossacks him in the war

used on a horse).

3. My first syllable is everywhere,

Where someone is against something;

And you will find my second syllable -

God of war, I'm in that star.

4. And pepper,

and chewing gum forgotten leaf -

Initial part (choose an option);

Without last letter

hot spring -

And together - a supergiant star.

5. I am a supergiant, but everything is in me

Against all war.

I only want one

Find out after all - what?

6. The first syllable is very melodious,

He is like a violin (with a bow),

And the second - it is tasty, juicy -

Irny root. Do not know?

You will recognize that plant -

And you guess me.

7. The first syllable is one second;

A bitter vegetable is the second syllable;

With the letter "C" you recognize the star.

This is a Greek hero.

8. The first syllable is the second note;

The noise is lingering - the second syllable.

Well, in general, this is something

It's called a star.

9. I am a country without the letter "I"

In Asia Minor. I have a couple

Hussar decoration -

(It contains the second part of mine).

I am the brightest star.

10. My first syllable -

in the country of hummocks;

My second syllable is the game stage.

And if you are not weak in the game,

You guessed it, no questions.

11. I am a pretext, it will be preceded by me

What they are talking about;

The letter "C"; then a particle

Which has a charge.

I am in the constellation Canis Minor.

Well, do you understand my question?

12. You don't have to go far.

There is a star, tie it up

The sound involved in laughter

And the concept of surprise.

13. Yenisei I tributary

Right without a doubt;

Some work - my second syllable -

Any creation.

Composer and poet

They are created by capturing the light.

Answers: 1) Deneb, 2) Spica, 3) Antares, 4) Betelgeuse, 5) Mira,

6) Altair, 7) Pollux, 8) Regulus,

9) Sirius, 10) Arcturus, 11) Procyon,

12) Hadar, 13) Canopus.

Charades are quoted from the book by E.V.Soviet "Effective educational technologies" - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. - pp. 264-266

How can a season be turned into a game?
Answer: Summer → lotto

What letter should be hidden behind the pronoun to get the name of the animal?
Answer: The letter "c" for "i" (hare)

Without which letter do airy cake exist?
Answer: Without "e" (meringue)

From which letter do you need to drop the letter "a" to get the name of the dwelling?
Answer: From "b" (hut)

I don't live in Moscow, Minsk or Tbilisi, but I love cities like Kustanai, Murom, Buguruslan. Who am I?
Answer: The letter "U"

How old are you this year if you were born in '91?
Answer: 1920 years

Which peninsula speaks about its size?
Answer: Yamal

What type of boat will turn into a note if its name is read backwards?
Answer: Yal

What notes can divide the whole?
Answer: Do-la-mi

What five-letter word has five letters o?
Answer: Again

Which word has three identical letters?
Answer: Trio

Who is the master of all trades?
Answer: Glover

Which forests do not have game?
Answer: in construction

How else can you call Phil from "Good night, kids"?
Answer: Simpleton (just Phil)

When is the day shorter: winter or summer?
Answer: same

How do you say "dust" in French?
Answer: Powder

What two chocolates always argue with each other?
Answer: Snickers (don't slow down) and Twix (follow the pause)

It is the ninth in order, and its name is translated from Latin as "seventh". What are we talking about?
Answer: September

Which candy has a chill in its name?
Answer: Lollipop

If you rearrange the letters in the name of one of the planets of the solar system, you get the name of the capital of one of the CIS countries. Which?
Answer: Venus (Yerevan)

In the name of which planet is the note hidden?
Answer: Earth

In the name of which star is the note hidden?
Answer: Sirius, Polar

What is the easiest dairy product to prepare, judging by its name?
Answer: Buttermilk

On the way not to meet, but on the way to find. In the ocean, in the lake, even in the swamp you will see, but never in the river.
Answer: The letter "O"

Dropped one, took a whole handful. What is it?
Answer: Seed

What is thrown into the pot before something is put into it?
Answer: look

What fabric can not be used to sew a shirt?
Answer: From the railway

What belongs only to you, but is used most often by others?
Answer: Name

How can you remove a wheel in one second?
Answer: camera

How does summer end and autumn begin?
Answer: The letter "O"

Which stone cannot be found in the sea?
Answer: Dry

How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea?
Answer: Giraffes don't swim

How can you bow your head without lowering it down?
Answer: by cases

What doesn't exist but has a name?
Answer: Nothing

What female name can be written as thirty "I"?
Answer: Zoya

What can't you build a house without?
Answer: no corners

Which pet's name is made up of two prepositions?
Answer: To-from, to-for

The most famous veterinarian in the world.
Answer: Aibolit

What weapon has a number and a whole century?
Answer: Pistol (number Pi - one hundred - years)

Which word has 100 consonants?
Answer: table, stoN, etc.

What word means half a letter of the Russian alphabet?
Answer: Shelf (floor K)

The man looks at the portrait. Whose portrait are you looking at? - they ask him. The man replies: “In the family, I grew up alone, like a finger, alone. And yet the father of the one in the portrait is the son of my father. Whose portrait is the person looking at?
Answer: Father looking at son's portrait

How can the number 666 be increased by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations on it?
Answer: Write 666 on a piece of paper and turn it upside down

Why do white sheep eat more grass than black sheep?
Answer: Because there are more whites

A flock of geese flew. One goose in front and two behind. One behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many were there?
Answer: Three (flying one after another)

What is the order of this series of numbers? 8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6
Answer: In alphabetical order: eight, two, nine...

Where in the world can you see the sunrise twice a day?
Answer: In any, because next sunrise will be in less than 24 hours

There is one in a minute and two in a moment, but only one in a million years. What is it?
Answer: The letter "m"

What has no content, yet you can see it?
Answer: hole

When we look at the number 2 and say 10?
Answer: When we look at the clock
