Is it possible to perform ceremonies on Sunday. Is it possible to do a love spell on Sunday

Most Full description in all details - is it possible to do a love spell on Sunday with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

In today's high-tech world, magic is very often used to attract the love of another person. For this, they are used love rituals most of which can easily be done at home. But at the same time, it is important not only to follow the recommendations of a particular ritual, but also to know when it is better to do a love spell.

How to choose the time for a love spell?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; for various magical directed influences, the optimal may be different time. It is better to do a love spell only after you decide on the choice of the rite and carefully study its recommendations.

Rites to the Moon

The moon is considered a symbol of love, therefore it can enhance the directed love spell. That is why lunar rites are the most popular. This means that such rituals must be performed at night. Most love spells are performed in the rising phase of the night star, but some are performed on the full moon.

For lunar love spells, there is also such a thing as male and women's days. This means that in order to bewitch a man, you need to perform a ritual on men's day. They are: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. A love spell directed at a female person should be performed on women's days of the week. These are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

If the description does not say anything about the time of the ceremony, then in any case it should be performed after sunset, but at a time convenient for you.

The magic of men's days

Since more often women bewitch men, it is necessary to know how men's days influence direction.

Monday is the first male day of the week. He is under the influence of the moon. Therefore, love spells on this day are extremely strong. In addition, it should be noted that men with strong energy only on this day are susceptible to magic.

If you experience a strong love for a person, but, unfortunately, despite all the efforts made, he does not pay attention to you, then the love spell should be performed on Monday. The most arrogant and independent men can be bewitched on this day. It is recommended to perform the ceremony on Monday for wives whose husband has left. It will be possible to return it without much effort with the help of magic, and for this it will be quite enough to have some kind of rite of white magic, which will not lead to strong negative consequences.

Tuesday, the second male day of the week, is ruled by Mars. On this day, it is better to bewitch calm and balanced men who lead a measured lifestyle. On this day, you should not try to bewitch strong focused people, since the impact will not be effective. An important condition The effectiveness of the love spell held on this day is the absence of any barriers.

In addition, professional magicians are advised to conduct only love spells related to white magic on Thursdays. Black rituals on this day can lead to strong negative consequences for the performer.

Thursday is considered the day of dreamers and romantics, it is ruled by Jupiter. Therefore, on this day, subtle creative natures are most susceptible to love spells. Although most professional magicians agree that Thursday is the best day for a love spell. Conspiracies in which natural forces are called for help work especially well.

Creating ideal conditions

A love spell should be carried out only after creating all the conditions. It is important to properly tune in to the magical action. It is necessary to analyze the current situation. You need to understand how dear to you the person you plan to bewitch. In no case should it be performed out of a sense of revenge or just for the sake of experiment. Such an approach can lead to serious negative consequences.

After the decision to conduct the ceremony is finally made, it is necessary to prepare the room in which the ceremony will be held. It should be a private, well soundproofed room. If possible, all unnecessary items should be removed from the room. This will minimize energy interference.

If nothing else is provided for in the ceremony, then it is necessary to light candles and turn off artificial lighting. Be sure to make sure that nothing and no one interferes with the implementation of directed impact.

Only by foreseeing the smallest nuances can one begin to conduct a magical act, observing all the recommendations and rules of a particular rite.

Men's days for a love spell

Men's days for a love spell- It is not simple beautiful words. After all, often the effectiveness of a magical ritual directly depends not only on the correctness of the ritual, the position of the stars, but also on the day of the week. The fact is that there is some unspoken distinction between periods for men and women. This division is not often talked about, as it is a very subtle point. This fact is known and used mainly by specialists.

It must be said that this question is not so critical as to fundamentally influence the course of influence. However, those who want to achieve a 100% result should take into account such features. The use of women's and men's days enhances magical processes. Let's look at an example. Let's take men's days for a love spell. What are they, what is special about them, and so on. Let's start by dividing the week by gender.

Men's days for a love spell: when is it better

Girls need to take into account that the day of the week, which has a male gender, is better suited for a magical effect on the descendants of Adam. These are: Thursday, Monday and Tuesday. It is believed that on these days a man is more susceptible to influence. otherworldly forces. His gender is tuned to receive information, less protected from alien influence.

In principle, this is a completely understandable phenomenon. It is not so much magic that influences a man as subconscious psychology. Imagine that a representative of the opposite sex is next to a guy, what is his reaction (we consider only people with a normal orientation)? Naturally, a person tenses up, takes care of himself, tries to impress. This is laid down at the level of instincts and is not subjected to comprehension. Any man tries to look like a "hero" in the eyes of any woman.

Now transfer all this to the days of the week. When he bears a "female" name, the reaction of a man is the same as when communicating with a representative of the weaker sex. That is, he subconsciously tenses up, tries to be "on horseback." Another thing is when the day is "one's own", masculine. Purely psychologically, this has a relaxing effect on a man. The "enemy" retreated for a while, you can rest. The man takes off his armor, becomes unprotected. Here you can "take it with your bare hands."

Everything described is so deeply hidden that a person does not think about such things at all. Don't even try to "test" or verify this postulate. At the level of consciousness, no man and no woman will be able to feel the level of their security depending on the day of the week. The magicians noticed this fact and decided to take advantage of it. The effect was amazing. The jokes of the subconscious, coupled with magical powers, can become the basis for a complete rebirth of the personality, of course, if you know which side to get down to business. But that is not all. Men's days for a love spell are not the same. Each has its own characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.

Men's days for a love spell: Monday

On the first day of the week, it is not recommended to start any business. But this does not apply to the matter of conquering the proud shrew. Girls should take note that the most arrogant and independent men are especially susceptible to magic on Monday. This is a revolutionary day. The more unrealistic and impossible the “idea” of falling in love, the easier it is to realize it on this particular day.

This means that on Mondays they bewitch those who not only do not look in the direction of the customer, but also have completely opposite tastes. On this pioneering day, you can “lay” a time bomb into the basis of the worldview of a strong and courageous descendant of Adam. I must say that this case will not only be “cunning”, but also, to some extent, vile. The victim does not expect such a trick in any way, since he believes that his logic and a “sober” look at life processes completely protect him from provocations from outside.

This statement is quite true for the reaction of the brain to events, but does not withstand the pressure of feelings. Nothing will help here. The energy of the love spell will make its way through the secret paths of the subconscious, which on this day is habitually preparing to receive or generate new ideas. Grabbed, immediately strive to implement or make a plan further development events. And you are right there with feelings that the client’s subconscious will pick up and consider “his own”.

Men's days for a love spell: Tuesday

But stubborn people who are not prone to brain attacks, but to calm, purposeful movement, are better to bewitch on the second day of the week. The energy of Tuesday is as follows: the process has been launched, it is necessary to observe its movement and correct the direction of the application of forces. At this moment, an alien program, which is a love spell, will be better perceived by people for whom the function of the performer is closer, and not the initiator of the process.

This means that on Tuesdays it is necessary to bewitch thoughtful, inactive, sometimes led people. Here the customer, so to speak, and the cards in hand. The subconscious of such a man will count new program part life process. No resistance is expected. That is, the love spell will "take root" in the client's field completely painlessly.

Advice: men's days for a love spell are diverse and in the direction of energy. On Tuesdays, light (white) love spells work better. It is not recommended to use black magic on this day. It will work, but almost completely careless customer will have to answer for the consequences.

Men's days for a love spell: Thursday

It so happened that the third men's day is the time of dreamers and romantics. It is at this time that it is worth influencing subtle, aesthetic natures. Although, it is worth saying that Thursday is the most suitable day for any victim - men. Only the ritual must be chosen correctly. On this day, the forces associated with the Temple, earth, and water work more efficiently. If you find rituals that involve plants, the sun, the moon, then they will be perfect on Thursday.

It is not advisable to use negative words in conspiracies on this day. For example, many love spells contain the wish to "yearn", "dry" and so on. That is, there is negativity in this, the wish of evil to the victim in case the person does not fulfill the desire of the customer. On Thursdays, it is advisable to avoid this. For today's day, it's kind of rough. But mental love spells, mental images of future happiness and bliss are perfectly absorbed by a potential victim.


Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk with you on what days it is better to do a love spell. In the course of my practice, I am faced with the need to choose the best days for a strong love spell between a guy and a girl. Knowing the characteristics of the lunar day, this is not difficult to do. What is needed? Why not do a love spell any day on the growing moon? Yes, because the energies of the lunar day are different, and the work that is good to do on one day, on the other, most likely, will fall badly.

Auspicious day for a love spell of a husband to his wife

A good day to bewitch your husband's love, refresh his feelings and arouse the desire for intimacy is the 10th lunar day. On this day, the love spells of the husband to harmonize relations in the family, to solve problems related to the relationship of spouses in the intimate sphere, work perfectly and bring the expected results. Remember the golden rule of silence. If a love spell is made, after 3 days it is impossible to give reviews, since any discussions can slow down, or even knock down a self-made ritual of love magic.

The 12 lunar day is also not bad, when the magician-performer can successfully make light love spells without coercion, submission and bondage. On this day, any non-compulsory work goes well. It is on the 12 lunar day that the practical magic of love is especially strong. However, if the situation in your relationship with your loved one is serious, requiring emergency magical intervention, then to the question: on what days to do a love spell at home in order to seriously affect your husband or lover, I will advise the next 13 days.

13 lunar day is a strong magical day. On this day, you can do home love rituals for your beloved guy. Simple and hard love spells at a distance work equally well, rituals with a volt doll are especially strong. Home love spells work strongly and accurately on menstrual blood. In my opinion, these are the best days for an independent love spell of a beloved guy to a girl. In addition to these days, you can bewitch yourself the entire phase of lunar growth; in addition, there are several days on the waning moon when independent rituals of home magic are not contraindicated.

There is also another question: what day of the week to do the spell at home? Here the rules are simple. If you need to influence the woman you love, do it on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

When can spells be performed

If you want to study magic, start with the basics, namely with Moon phases and male/female days. It is these factors that most often determine the strength and effect of a love spell. If you are doing a love spell on a man, then you need to do it on men's days, which include Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday.

The action for a love spell is intensifying these days, which means that your chances of success increase exponentially.

Monday Magic

The planet Moon is assigned to Monday, it is included in the zodiac constellation Cancer. The element of this day is Water. Monday's metal is silver. Stones: aquamarine, pearls, moonstone, rock crystal, fluorite. The strongest in the magical plan are Mondays, which fall on the period of June 22 to July 22.

The weakest Mondays are from December 22 to January 20. The peak of Monday's magical power is midnight. Mondays are associated with the gods: Alpheus, Anahit, Arethus, Artemis, Astarte, Hekate, Diana, Isis, Ishtar, Canon, Lusin, Saraswati, Selene, Soma, Tefnut, Tinnit, Hathor, Tsarpannit, Tsukuyumi, Chandra, Chang-e, Endymion .

Monday is a special day of the week, at least for witches, who timed the most important magical rituals on this day, requiring maximum caution and designed for subtle work in the astral plane.

Monday is perfect for any rituals, especially those related to love magic! Monday is able to increase sexual attractiveness, rejuvenate, strengthen tender affection and family ties, etc.

Love spells, conspiracies, other rituals with water on Monday have a special power and maximum effect. On this day, it is recommended to make amulets, talismans, get rid of the evil eye, damage, remove the love spell.

Tuesday Magic

Tuesday's planet Mars. Zodiac constellation Scorpio and Aries. Monday's element is Fire. Iron metal. And the stones of this day are pomegranate, carnelian and tourmaline. The strongest Tuesdays fall on the period from March 21 to April 19, and the weakest from September 23 to October 22.

The strongest sorcerous power of Tuesdays falls at dawn. The day is associated with the gods: Ares, Vulcan, Hephaestus, Mars, Nergal, Osiris, Set, Tyr.

On this day, magic rituals are held that are related to combat magic, the ability to change the course of events, move things off the ground, etc. On Tuesday, amulets are made that help increase stamina, self-confidence and one's own strengths, protect in extreme situations, arouse passion, reveal masculine qualities and strengthen them.

It is better for novice witches to refuse to perform rituals on this day, as they require high level control and maximum return of strength and energy, which as a result can lead to disastrous consequences. The powerful currents of astral force of this day are not for beginners! Only experienced magicians and witches can handle them.

The love magic of this day is aimed at increasing male potency, strengthening relationships and separating from too obsessive fans or breaking off boring relationships.

Thursday Magic

Thursday refers to Jupiter, the zodiac constellations of Sagittarius and Pisces, to the element of Fire, silicon metal, amethyst stones, turquoise, lapis lazuli, sapphire.

The strongest magical Thursdays fall on the period from November 22 to December 21. The weakest from May 21 to June 21. The peak of the magical power of the day falls on the time from noon to sunset.

The gods belong to Thursday: Marduk, Perun, Zeus, Thor, Jupiter.

On this day, it is better not to conduct rituals, paying increased attention to theory, visiting mentors, and gaining new knowledge. Perform all kinds of exercises to develop your magical power, increase your intellectual level, pray, meditate.

Sunday Magic

Sunday is tightly connected with the Sun, the zodiac constellation Leo, the element of Fire, gold metal, rock crystal stones, carnelian, tiger's eye, amber.

Especially strong in the magical plan are Thursdays, which fall in the period from July 23 to August 22, the weakest from January 21 to February 19. The focus of the magical power of Thursday falls at noon.

The gods belong to Thursday: Aten, Attis, Adonis, Atum, Apollo, Helios, Dazhdbog, Dionysus, Demeter, Marduk, Osiris, Od, Ra, Svarog, Tammuz, Freya, Hore, Khepri, Shamash, Yarilo.

Sunday is characterized by festive rituals, since earlier this day was the beginning of the week and its name in Russian is associated with the word resurrection

Sunday helps to attract positive energy and good luck.

th. Festive rituals bring positive energy into life. On Sunday, amulets and talismans are made to help catch blue bird good luck, granting success and victory in any endeavors, including love ones. So on this day, you can safely do love spells on men.

Just be careful, because on Sunday it is undesirable to joke with such parts of the body as the heart and back.

On what days to carry out love spells, and on which it is not worth it

Love spells can be performed by both women and men. Some of us want to get our husband back, some of us try to attract the attention of our chosen one by such an unconventional method. There are people who want revenge with a love spell.

Making the object of influence suffer from this. It does not matter for what purpose the love spell will be performed, the most important thing is that it be done correctly.

You can order a love spell from a reliable magician, or a familiar "grandmother". But the reality is that basically the customer falls into the network of charlatans. Real sorcerers or magicians - a rarity in our time. But do not despair, a love spell can be performed independently and at no cost. But for the reliability of its operation, it is necessary mandatory compliance all conditions for the performance of a love spell.

First of all, you need to know that the triggering of a love spell largely depends on the strength of positive feelings. And if you want revenge on someone in this way, then this is unlikely to come true.

As for the question, which day of the week is most suitable for performing a love spell, much depends on the methods of magical influences, or rather, on instructions for a magical ritual. Rituals are different from each other, and the rules for their implementation are completely different.

In magic, there is also such a thing as women's and men's days, or separation according to gender. This is very important aspect, along with the phase of the moon, since the right day will help the love spell work better. It is best to bewitch a beloved man on days related to male gender i.e. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

And, accordingly, girls for women - on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. However, such a division often becomes an archaic convention, and more a tribute to tradition than the existence of practical meaning in it.

If the description of the love spell does not regulate the time of its commission, then this ritual is recommended to be performed after sunset. There is a category of love spells that must be performed at midnight, and just when the clock strikes twelve.

To choose the days of a love spell, you must follow another recommendation on the magical effects of love magic, especially sensitive to the phases of the moon.

One of these influences is a love ritual for longing related to the days of the growing moon, and as it intensifies, additional nourishment and strengthening of the love effect will be made. This method of divination involves the use of blood (love spell on blood), which refers to magical influences in which there is a mystical connection with the state and position of the moon. Which, accordingly, will maximally affect the emotions and feelings of the bewitched.

But there are exceptions. Influences from the category of sexual or love spells are most often universal. They are applicable at any time of the day and day of the week.

After reviewing the instructions for love spells, it is necessary to pay special attention to indicating the time period (suitable days, phase of the moon) for performing this ritual, these recommendations must be strictly followed, and in their absence, you should not get hung up on unnecessary formalities.

In the case of providing you with magical help from a specialist, you must rely on his knowledge of the time of the love spell.

Which day to choose

If we consider specific days of the week, then on Mondays it is best to perform rituals related to love magic. Love magic on this day can lead to an increase in the level of sexual attractiveness, strengthening tender affection, family ties, and rejuvenation.

The planet Moon, which is part of the zodiac constellation Cancer, is assigned to Monday, and the element for it is considered to be Water. The metal corresponding to Monday is silver. Stones - aquamarine, fluorite, pearls, rock crystal, moonstone. The strongest Mondays, in magical terms, are the days that fall on the time - June 22 - July 22.

The weakest of them relate to the time period - December 22 - January 20. The concentration of magic power on Monday comes at midnight. This day is associated with such gods as Endymion, Tefnut, Arethusa, Hekate, Isis, Chandra, Canon, Alpheus, Ishtar, Tsarpannita, Selena, Tannita, Chang-e, Astarte, Soma, Lusin, Anahit, Hathor, Artemis.

Monday is a special day of the week not only for performing love spells, but also for witchcraft. It is on this day that they perform the most important, magical spells that must be performed with the utmost care, and require very fine work in terms of astral influence.

All kinds of rituals and conspiracies, love spells with water, have the maximum effect on Mondays and have special power. This is an ideal day for making talismans, amulets, getting rid of damage, the evil eye and for removing a love spell.

Tuesday also favors the manufacture of amulets, which will have great power and have a powerful effect on the male half.

The zodiacal constellations related to Tuesday are Aries and Scorpio, and its planet is Mars, the element is fire, and the metal is iron. The stones of this day are mainly tourmaline, garnet and carnelian. The strongest Tuesdays are - March 21 - April 19, and the weakest - from September 23 - October 22.

Dawn is considered the apogee of the magical power of Tuesday. Gods associated with this day: Tyr, Ares, Hephaestus, Set, Vulcan, Osiris, Mars, Nergal.

On Tuesdays, magical influences are held related to movement and combat magic (the possibility of changing the course of events, advancing some business that has become on the brakes). Manufactured amulets, on this day, contribute to increasing endurance, self-confidence and self-confidence, the awakening of passion, protection in various extreme situations, the disclosure of masculine virtues and qualities, as well as their strengthening.

Conducting magical rituals on Tuesday requires maximum concentration and dedication of energy and strength, so novice witches should refuse to perform any spells and love spells, as the results can be unpredictable.

Powerful flows of astral forces are not subject to beginners, only experienced witches and magicians can tame them and direct them in the right direction!

Love magic on this day is always associated with an increase in male potency, strengthening relationships, separation from overly obsessive fans or breaking up annoying relationships.

Thursday is not conducive to rituals, as it is associated with Jupiter, the zodiac constellations of Pisces and Sagittarius, and with the element of Fire. Metal corresponds to it - silicon, and stones - sapphire, turquoise, lapis lazuli, amethyst.

The strongest, in magical terms, Thursdays fall on the numbers - November 22 - December 21, the weakest - May 21 - June 21. The most powerful magical power of this day falls at noon, and noticeably decreases only after sunset.

They idolize by Thursday - Perun, Jupiter, Marduk, Zeus, Thor.

On this day, you should not engage in rituals, but take the time to gain new knowledge, increase the study of theory, and visit mentors. Take care of raising your intellectual level, performing all kinds of exercises that contribute to the development of your magical power, meditate, pray.

Sunday is entirely tied to the Sun, and the zodiac constellation Leo. The main element is Fire, the metal is gold. Stones - amber, carnelian, tiger's eye, rock crystal.

Sundays that fall in the period - July 23 - August 22 are considered magically strong, the weakest - January 21 - February 19. The noon of this day is the concentration of magical power.

Gods favoring Sunday: Yarilo, Apollo, Shamash, Adonis, Khepri, Attis, Horus, Aton, Freya, Osiris, Tammuz, Marduk, Svarog, Demeter, Ra, Dionysus, Od, Dazhbog, Helios, Atum.

Sunday is characterized mainly by the holding of festive rituals because earlier on this day the week began, and the word “resurrect” was associated with its name, in Russian. Festive magical influences help to attract positive energy into life.

And the made Sunday talismans and amulets help in the capture of the blue bird of good luck, which then generously bestows victories and success in any endeavors, as well as love ones. Therefore, on this day, you can safely do love spells on men.

But this must be done carefully, because on Sunday it is extremely undesirable to joke about such parts of the body as the back and heart.

Women's and men's days in magic

How well it works magic, CONSPIRACY or love spell per person, directly depends on his gender and on the day on which the ritual is performed. Traditionally, the week is divided into men's and women's days in magick as follows:

Conspiracies in which you want to influence a man are best read on a men's day, respectively, magic on a woman will work best on a woman's day.

Men's days in magic

Men's Day Traditionally, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - men's magical days. These include all male days of the week. It is on such days that a man is more susceptible to the effects of otherworldly forces and it is easier to impose on him strong love spell or conspiracy.

Monday - men's day

Monday is associated with the beginning, it is a revolutionary day. The moon is assigned to the first day of the week, the element of this day is water. On Mondays, they make a love spell on proud, courageous and inaccessible men.. If a man does not even look in the direction of a woman, then he definitely needs to be bewitched on Monday. Monday is leader day. The strongest Mondays fall between June 22 and July 22.

On Monday, the most subtle rituals are performed, requiring special care. It is good on this day to make amulets for love, affection and give to men.

Men's Day Tuesday

The planet of the second day of the week is Mars, and the element is fire. Smart, thoughtful stubborn people are bewitched on Tuesday. If a man is calm, purposefully follows his life path, is prone to brain attacks, then his day is Tuesday.

Here combat rituals are suitable, as a result of which the course of events will change, something important will get off the ground. The love magic of this day will affect male potency, strengthen relationships at a distance.

Men's Day Thursday

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and the element of fire. On Thursday, meditation rituals are held.

A subtle aesthete, dreamer, romance in the soul are bewitched on Thursday. Any magical rituals associated with the moon or the sun are considered ideal on this day. It is better that there are no words containing negative energy in the text of the conspiracy. For example, such as "dry", "yearn".

Women's days of the week

Women's Days Accordingly, Wednesday, Saturday and Friday - primordially women's days in magic. It is better to bewitch a woman on any women's day of the week. Each day of the week is associated with a planet, as is the case with men's days.

Wednesday - women's day

Mars rules over Wednesday, this is the middle of the week. Day favorable for a love spell of smart, intellectually developed, educated women. On this day, eloquent conspiracies are used. Also on this day, magical rituals are performed using stones and herbs.

women's day friday

Friday is ruled by Venus. This is a real day of female beauty. On Friday, rituals are held to achieve family well-being, as well as conspiracies to harmonize relationships and marriage. If you create fate - only on Friday.

Saturday - women's day

Magic Day - Sunday

Lunar days Sunday stands a little apart, it can be attributed to both men's and women's days. It is on this day of the week that it is really possible to attract good luck into your life, to catch the so-called blue bird by the tail. Sunday is a favorable day for conspiracies for money and good luck, for both men and women.


Also, many rituals and ceremonies of folk magic depends on the position of the moon, whether it is currently waning or waxing. Some conspiracies are generally held on a specific lunar day, for example, on a full moon. If you are interested, you can read about the influence of lunar days on magic.

In magic, there are universal rituals that can be performed on any day of the week and at any time of the day. This applies to sexual love spells.

What kind of conspiracy, ritual or love spell and when exactly to carry out is a private matter for everyone. All of the above is not a rule, but only recommendations. An experienced witch can perform the ceremony on any day of the week. The division of the days of the week by magic into female and male is just one of the elements of a successful ritual, so do not forget about other rules for conspiracies.

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If I understand correctly, then a love spell on a girl should be done on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday?

Is it possible to do a love spell on a guy on Sunday?

if it works, then I'll be the most happy man on the planet.

Unfortunately you won't.

Well, why not. Maybe it will, just not for long

Hello, I have a question, do you need a printed photo or can it be printed on a printer from a computer?

It does not matter, the main thing is that the photo is on paper, not on the screen.

Information is read very well from the screen.

hello Katya!! Thank you for everything you do to help people! Huge thanks to you. I would like to do, and soon I will make a call on Longo, only today is Sunday, is it possible? I’m on fire with the desire to do it today, because the man whom I want to meet in doubt today, says that his arm hurts (I did a love spell from the photo and accidentally pierced my shoulder when pierced with a needle with a red thread) says that he fell and tore off his skin, of course I’ll glue it with electrical tape later but for now I want to meet him today. I think it will work!! I want this man so much, we had sex with him 2 times and he called me 2 times, but I fell in love with him very much and now I myself proposed a meeting, I think after Longo I will agree tonight. Well, is it possible today on Sunday? I look forward to your reply! Thanks in advance Katya! 🙂

Please 🙂 Of course, you can also hold a call on Sunday!

Hello Katya. Tell me please? 1. Is it enough to read this love spell once or not how many?

2.if a girl is very mad at me, will this love spell help?

You probably mixed up the page, this article is not about a love spell, but about lunar days.

Hello. I want to return my beloved, I took the child and went to the major. How they changed it. I will try.

And it certainly will not work at least to some extent)))?

and on what lunar days is it better to bewitch a guy?

Is it possible to do a love spell on a man on Saturday?

no! not desirable. all the same, it is better in men's days!

Hello! I have a question, if my husband has feelings for me, is it worth doing a love spell? Can I return them with a love spell? And is he dangerous for my family?

Hello, I need to go to church, but on women's days, but can I go on Sunday?

And one more question .. if I didn’t swap words during the ritual .. will it somehow affect? And if you need to redo it, then you need to change the photo, thread, candles?

And on which day is it better to make a lapel for a husband or wife? Or is it worth relying only on lunar days?

I want to make a love spell on a guy, so I have to do it on men's day?

And then the guy will be able to find out about the love spell on him?

You are welcome. Reply. I am not writing for the first time.

I did a love spell on the photo, it worked, after 2 months. We were together for 1.5 months, everything was fine. Now they quarreled, he believes that I betrayed him, he doesn’t want to know me, he said that it’s all over, we haven’t communicated for 2 weeks. Please tell me, Katya, how to be. Do everything new? rip open an envelope? or fill the old wax? Answer, please!

If you really betrayed him, then you need to let him go. If this is not so, then you need to explain to him why this is not so. Why do you need to do a spell?

Is it possible to call a loved one on Saturday?

And Sunday, What will be given to black magic.

Hello Katya! Please tell me, is it possible to make a love spell on a guy on the full moon and on Women's Day, that is, today?

Hello, I would like to know how long it will take to start working?

please tell me you just need to wait or try to call yourself after you have done a love spell and for how many days.

Hello, this is dangerous. This may somehow affect us in the future and whether he will understand that I have bewitched him. Thanks in advance

I correctly understood that it is better to do a love spell on a man on the night of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday? or do you mean something else? thanks in advance

good evening! a love spell on a man should be done on Monday night or on the night from Monday to Tuesday??

Is it possible to do a love spell during menstruation?_

Katya Hello! Tell me, if one lapel day falls on Sunday, can it be done on that day?

Can your love spell work if it is done on a guy not on a mournful day.

please tell me, if I do it on Thursday after midnight, it's not a men's day anymore, right? what is the best time to do it?

Dear Kate! I don’t know what they’re doing in my life, there’s no luck, no happiness. I’m not lucky, I’m getting to know everything goes well for a week and we all part ways, so if I had a boyfriend, he used to say that he loves, he breathed me, they thought they would play a wedding, but a week passed and everyone help

Hello. The site is good. Cleansing, yes, Conspiracy for good luck, yes. from bad habits, yes. I know this for sure. I am already 50 years old. Only goodness, and not the slavery of someone else's will. And one's own stupidity can be corrected in another way, quite winter.

I can’t understand. Dear Ekaterina, you wrote that love spells on guys are done on men’s days. Then why is Friday considered the most favorable day for love spells? In fact, Friday is a women’s day, and Tuesday is a men’s day, but it is the most suitable for lapels .

And I would also like to ask you, I read on many sites that it is impossible to bewitch and read conspiracies on Sunday, is this really true? After all, there is, for example, a love spell for 40 candles, it is carried out 40 days in a row, what is it to miss Sunday? With respect. Victoria

Excuse me, can you tell me if it is possible to make a love spell at the first hour of the night on Thursday?? thanks for the answer)))))

Is it possible to make a love spell on a guy on a waxing moon, only on Women's Day?

I myself do protection for children and conspiracies from enemies, that's right

Girls, stop doing love spells on guys, “it won’t be forcibly nice”, you will bewitch him, and you will live badly.

Girls, women are lovely, stop! After all, you don’t know how you will pay later for a love spell, and not only you, but also your children. And the person destined for you by fate does not need to bewitch, he will not get away from you anyway. So why do you need a stranger, not your soul mate?! You will never be happy with him. True love is NOT mutual! Unrequited love (passion) is a karmic punishment, it can and should only be experienced.

tell me please, but on Sunday you can’t do love spells? Sun husband day or wives is considered?

Hello! One of the days of a male love spell is Thursday. Question: Does this mean on the night of Wednesday to Thursday?

Please tell me 44 years old. I did a love spell on a 50-year-old widower, and I did it on Wednesday and when I had my period. A love spell that will not work. Really looking forward to the answer.

Hello! I REALLY need your help and advice. I'm sorry for taking up your time. But please read it .. It all started a year ago. I met a man at my work and realized that he is the one I need .. I started flirting with him and acting like a child. He was my manager. He began to show sympathy for me. And then he quit. We saw each other for two weeks. I fell in love and thought that I was falling in love with him too. We had an intimacy and after that he disappeared. I wrote to him on the phone, on the Internet .. I called, and in response, nothing but ignore. And then he wrote that he was in a fog, he didn’t know what was happening .. and now he doesn’t want a serious relationship. I suffered after what I saw ... I suffered for about a month. I didn’t understand that how can I say that if we were good together. After all this, I could not leave everything like that. I stumbled upon your site and made a love spell from a photo! And what do you think?? He returned a week after the spell. He said that I sunk into his memory, which he never had serious relationship and wants to try with me. been thinking about me all week. Of course, I accepted it. We started dating, seeing each other every day, having passionate sex EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE. I was happy and he too. He said that these are the most sincere relationships and feelings for me, and he never had in his heart what was happening to him now. But there was one thing, we quarreled every month at the end of the month, but then we put up, but all this was very painful for both of us in particular. After 5 months we came to the fact that we want to live together. we started renting an apartment .. we lived for exactly a month. And we parted. Why? He offended me, mentally. On my birthday, he came in the morning and without a gift. I was with friends at the club. I cried all night. In the morning he tried to congratulate me on my DR and said that he wishes me love and happiness. I took it as if he wishes me it with another man. In the evening I arrived from work with gifts and a bunch of flowers. All this was presented by friends and an ex-man ( we just had a respectful relationship with him because we met for 7 years). My man didn’t like it and he made a scandal. I couldn’t stand all this and took out a white envelope from my box in which there was a love spell and cut the threads. I threw everything away, except for the photo. A couple of days later, we left for our parents. I tried to return him, but he said that he didn’t want anything else and wanted to see me self-sufficient (although at the same time he didn’t provide for me and didn’t buy anything, when I asked to buy something for me, we swore to the point that we will part) for 2 months I suffered, wrote how much I love him, called, but he ignored. I regretted that I had opened and tore the love spell. Time passed and summer came and every month I went to rest .. I was constantly somewhere with my friends, looked 100% and posted photos on the social network. and one day, I wrote to him that I didn’t have a man after him and I really want sex. We began to communicate, I was glad that he began to answer my SMS. We began to see each other, to have crazy sex. And more and more often. But I began to disappear after our meetings for several days. This went on for a month and a half, and then he told me everything. What a disgusting thing on my part, that I appear when I want sex and disappear after that. I told him that I do this because I don’t know how he feels about me and how he treats me. In general, we sat and talked for a very long time, did work on the mistakes and came to the conclusion that we had even more passion and we were very good together, forgave all our mistakes and began to meet again. I was very happy with this turn of events. After the restaurant, he drove me home, but they were so excited that they did it next to the highway not far from the restaurant. 4 days passed and I was wedged, I thought that nothing would work out for us, that he did not love me, it was just a passion, his attitude towards me was not good enough. And she told him about it: “It seems to me that nothing will work out for us.” He replied: “And what are we going to do about it?” I offered 2 choices. Either we part and remain as friends (but already without intimacy) or get married. I said that I am at the stage that I want to see a man next to me who will become the father of my children. He said: “I don’t think it will be me. I don’t plan to get married in the next 5 years.” I asked, how did you imagine the development of our relations then? He: I did not plan and did not think about the development of relations. I thanked him for all the lessons he gave me and wished him happiness. And he told me. And it's been a week .. at first I was happy that everything was over .. even as it was easy. But now I'm starting to suffer again and thinking about what can make a love spell again? Tell me what should I do? I love him very much and another man cannot make me happy because my heart belongs to him. I'm looking forward to your answer and advice. Thank you!

Hello! Thank you for a very interesting post!

To be honest, I do not know if you should do a love spell. After all, you yourself are not confident in a man. As you wrote, you need a father for the children, but he does not think about it yet. You have a choice, or just live with it, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow, or you are looking for another man.

I think that if you want to return it, you do not need a love spell, you have enough of your own, female magic 😉

Hello, tell me please. I'm going to make a lapel on a loved one. When should I do it? What day of the week? Better on a waning moon, right?

To do on men's day, on the waning moon.

Hello, Katya! Give me a lift, if a loved one said for no reason that he doesn’t love and that he wants to be alone and remain friends, although before that everything was fine and there weren’t even bad thoughts, a love spell will help. thank)

Can I do a love spell on a woman today on Monday? And twice on men's and women's days is it possible?

Wednesday, Monday, Friday - women's.

Tuesday and Thursday are for men.

Saturday for fights.

On Sunday, they do their work.

Hello, my name is Sasha, I can’t understand what kind of love spell I need, the girl left me, I really ask you, I just belittle your help

hello, please tell me the person whom I want to return my ex-husband, what is the probability that I will succeed, and whether it will harm him

Can you please tell me which day is Sunday?

Hello Ekaterina, tell me please, I'm 16 years old, yes, I understand the age is not suitable for this. But still. I want to transform the girl, we met with her for two weeks, after that she left me, I don’t know the reason. I just love her very much, it’s been 3 days without her, but it’s like my whole life has passed before my eyes. Can you please tell me which spell will be the most effective? Thank you in advance.

Katya, please tell me) can you do a love spell with a red thread and an envelope on Men's Day if you want a code or only on the growing moon?

today the growing moon will be from 21:44, but only Friday, is it possible to do it today?

Katya, today she removed the love spell from her husband with salt, he went to another woman for two weeks, we haven’t seen each other at all, he just shied away from me and became very angry. But today is not men's day. Will this ritual help me? Answer me please

it is written that Conspiracies in which you want to influence a man are best read on men's day, respectively, magic on a woman will work best on women's, and it is also written that If a woman performs a love spell, then she should carry it out on women's days (Wednesday, Friday Saturday). Men spend a love spell on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). So what's right?

Katya, hello. Please tell me, what will happen if I mixed up the day and read several conspiracies (for good luck, respect) on myself on men's day? Well, I messed up, I just forgot. Will there be any consequences, and if so, can they be somehow neutralized? I am a beginner, I try to follow the rules, but then I forgot something about the day of the week.

And one more thing: if I realized about the wrong day and cut off the reading of the plot in mid-sentence, will something happen or will it just not work?

Please tell me, it's very necessary. Thank you.

Is it possible to heat the evening milk in the morning and make it?

Selection of materials according to the rules of reading conspiracies.
(sources are different, so the rules are different from each other, but the general
you can draw up a picture - what can be done and what cannot be done when reading conspiracies).

Maria Bazhenova "Conspiracies of the Ural healer against damage and the evil eye."

Buy this book on Ozone:

“At the request of Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya, I begin the book with a warning. If someone engages in conspiracies without thinking or out of curiosity, he can harm himself and others. Always think carefully before using them. Because by influencing life with the help of conspiracies, you are rebuilding the existing world. Everything in the world is interconnected. And if one thing changes, it will set off an inevitable chain reaction of change.

Are you ready to take responsibility for any changes that will occur after your action?

Are you ready to give up people you love and get close to those with whom you didn’t plan to get close (this can happen even after an action that seems completely innocent to you; in principle, everything can happen, a chain reaction is always unpredictable)?

Are you really unable to achieve what you long for by ordinary means?

Is it really necessary to use the incomprehensible and unpredictable energy of conspiracies and rituals?

Never experiment with conspiracies, take them very seriously, resort to them only in special situations. Do not neglect personal protection - be sure to take measures so that your action does not turn against you.


In this book you will find tips on how to attract money and become a successful person. The rituals and incantations that you can use were created at different times. Some came to us from ancient times, others appeared, perhaps, already in the twentieth century. But they are all working. Just remember this:

1. Think again what you are doing and what it can turn into. Not sure if you need it - do not do anything so that you do not bite your elbows later.

2. Never do anything out of curiosity. Only out of necessity.

3. Do only what you believe will help you. Do only to help yourself or others, never do to harm or harm someone.

4. Do everything alone, unless you need another person for the ceremony. Banish all extraneous thoughts. You should only think about what you want. And it is better not to think, but simply to know.

5. Everything must be carried out exactly as described! If a replacement is possible, this will be stated. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item described in the rite, it is better to choose another rite.

6. All words of conspiracies, love spells, spells, etc. must be repeated exactly as written.

7. Your clothes should be monophonic (or it is better to conduct rituals without clothes at all, in a long shirt of unbleached linen). Everything is done only barefoot, take off not only shoes or slippers, but also stockings. There should be no jewelry on the hands and ears. Take off any jewelry. The cross must also be removed if you wear it. Hair should be loosened, do not comb in the morning.

8. No cosmetics on the face is allowed.

9. If you are addressing the spirits of the dead, the windows should be tightly closed.

10. If you call for good luck, open the windows.

11. Rites aimed at forgetting the past (or aimed at making another person forget the past) should be done at sunrise (or before sunrise). And if your goal is to influence your future, conspiracies should be read at sunset.

12. On the day when you are going to do the ritual, sit on bread and water in the morning.

13. You can not do the ritual during menstruation.

14. Any ritual can be performed only once. If it seems to you that you did something wrong or said the wrong words, do not try to start over! The error means that you do not need to do this particular ritual.

15. Be sure to put "protection" when creating any ritual. The best ways protections are as follows: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after performing the ritual and burn it on a church candle; before performing the ritual, go outside, hug the tree that grows closest to your door, and after the ritual, pierce with a steel pin ring finger on the left hand, return to the same tree and squeeze out seven drops of blood under its roots; immediately after the ritual, go for a small need and pour it into the snow behind the house (such protection is valid only in winter, when there is snow). Be sure to read after each ritual "Our Father" nine times.

16. Never tell anyone about what you did and what you achieved with it.

17. Seal any conspiracy with the words “key, lock, tongue”, “key in the sky, castle in the sea”, etc.

18. It is imperative to have several icons in the house: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lady of Kazan, the saints in whose honor all family members are named or baptized, St. Panteleimon (the healer), Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Spiridonius of Trimifuntsky (helps associated with the house), all saints.

19. There should always be reds, yellows and browns in the house. church candles, holy water, silver items.

20. It is necessary to memorize the prayers: “Our Father”, “Hail the Virgin Mary”, “Jesus Prayer”.

21. Have a lunar calendar handy, because some conspiracies must be done on certain lunar days.

22. If you make a conspiracy to someone, then be sure to take something from him in payment.

“How do you know what time is money? And the one in which something begins. The most money time New Year. Only not on January 1 - but on January 14 - according to the old style. The first five days of the growing moon are also monetary; but on the waning moon it is better not to make conspiracies for money. The beginning of every day, dawn - very strong time for conspiracies for "working" money. But the beginning of the night, sunset - good for conspiracies to preserve wealth. Big sunny holidays - Solstice- days when money magic works in full force.

Instructions for reading conspiracies.
Read the plot at the evening or morning dawn (especially effective and quick action - at the moment the sun appears on the horizon line or at the moment when the sun begins to set below the horizon line).
. Read the plot in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening, but not earlier than three hours after eating.
. Be sure to read when open window or window leaf, turning to the east.
. Take a slow breath in and out first. Read in such a way that with the last word (“amen”) you push the air out of you. If the plot is long, then take a breath and exhale and read the plot to the end.
. Buy the candle that you light to read the plot in the church.
. Before reading the plot, light a candle, cross yourself three times in front of the icon, then read the prayer “Our Father”, and then the plot.
. If you need to read the plot on water, then take about half a glass or a glass of water (the volume of water does not matter) and drink it in small sips for 5 minutes.
. Read the plot with attention, sincere interest, with a desire to help yourself or the patient. I advise you to do this without ridicule and not for the sake of curiosity.
. The plot can be repeated to enhance the action 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are conspiracies that must be pronounced 40 times.
. Please note that the main condition for reading a conspiracy to cure diseases, alcoholism, etc. is the waning moon (the first decade is especially important). If you worked with a conspiracy on the last day of the waning moon, then nothing may work or the result will be insignificant.
. There are conspiracies that should help women. They should be read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the plot should help a man, then select men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
. You can’t read conspiracies on Sunday, on major religious holidays and fasts.
. If you have the opportunity, then read the conspiracies in front of the old icon, as it contains a very large energy (the icon of forty saints is especially recommended).

Rules for reading a plot.

1. When reading a conspiracy, all words must be read exactly as written. Adding or removing words is not recommended.
2. It is necessary to observe the sonority of the word. If you somehow uttered the wrong word, the plot needs to be re-read. To do this, it is recommended that you first read each conspiracy to yourself.
3. If the conspiracy is directed at you, then you need to fast for three days before reading it. At the same time, you can not swear, get angry, quarrel.
4. Conspiracies should not be read to pregnant women and women with menstruation.
5. If you are sick, then the plot also cannot be read.
6. If another person makes you a conspiracy, be sure to thank him. Money is not allowed, better any gift (alcohol is not allowed).
7. The one who is plotted against must also fast for three days before this.

How and when can you make a conspiracy?

1. When reading a conspiracy, you need to remove all jewelry from yourself: rings, earrings, chains, etc. You can leave only the pectoral cross.
2. A man should be bareheaded. A woman needs to loosen and comb her hair well, smoothing the top of her head.
3. Clothing must be clean, light colors.
4. The plot is read in complete solitude. It is better to close all windows and doors, close the curtains: not a single person should even see with an eye what you are doing.
5. You can’t tell anyone about the conspiracy that has been made.
6. Conspiracies are made in the morning, before sunrise, or at sunset. Before the conspiracy, you can’t eat for three hours, you can only drink clean water.
7. If there are no special instructions, then the conspiracy can be done on any day except Wednesday and Friday.
8. Conspiracies are not made on Easter and on the twelfth church holidays:
o Nativity of the Virgin,
o the Exaltation of the Cross,
o Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos,
o Christmas,
o Epiphany (except for a special baptismal conspiracy),
o Candlemas,
o Annunciation,
o Transformation,
o Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
o Palm Sunday,
o Ascension,
o Trinity.
o Also, conspiracies are not done on Holy Week, on Forgiveness Sunday.


2. The conspiracy can be recited by heart, but it can also be read from the sheet, this does not reduce the power of the conspiracy.

4. The plot can be repeated to enhance the action 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are conspiracies that must be pronounced 40 times. There must be a reference to the number of repetitions of the text, otherwise the text is read once or three times. After each repetition, it is customary to spit three times over the left shoulder, as is done "from the evil eye" or if a black cat crosses the road. But you do not need to count the number of repetitions aloud, fix it in your mind.

5. If the plot is intended for a woman, it is necessary to read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the plot is to help a man - only on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

6. Conspiracies for the cure of diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, the removal of damage, the evil eye to read on the waning moon (best in the first decade). The last lunar day will not bring results, or it will be insignificant.

8. Most the best time for reading a plot - evening or dawn, at the moment the sun appears on the horizon or goes below the horizon. If necessary, you can also read during the day (most often these are healing conspiracies at the bedside of the patient).

10. Before reading the plot, light a candle bought in the church, cross yourself three times, read the prayer "Our Father":

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Yes, shine your name yes come Your kingdom Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Take a calm breath and exhale, then read the plot in such a way that with the last word of the plot you push the air out of yourself.

11. The water on which the conspiracy was read (the volume of water does not matter) should be drunk in small sips for 5 minutes.

12. From the conspiracy, not a single word should be thrown out. Nothing can be added, not a word, not a half-word, not a letter. Each word has its own meaning, and if the conspirator misses it for some reason or says an extra word, then the conspiracy will not work.

13. All words of conspiracies, prayers, spells must be spoken as written.
If you make a conspiracy for yourself, then you need to be in good health, with a calm head, so as not to quarrel with anyone ahead of time, so that your stomach does not swell.

14. Do not drink alcohol three days before. On the night before the conspiracy, not to be loved with anyone is not to have mercy. If a woman, then there should be no menstruation on the day when the conspiracy is made.

15. It is considered useful on the eve of the conspiracy to follow a vegetarian diet for three days, excluding sugar, which can be replaced with honey or fruits. During the entire time indicated above, give up tobacco, discos or passion for rock music, as well as exclude rude words from your speech. In no case do not swear or vilify anyone, even using words from Dahl's dictionary. Seek solitude, avoiding quarrels, conflicts, gossip, gossip and watching action movies on TV.

17. Before the conspiracy, you need to wash your hands, put on clean clothes, preferably white or light.

18. If a conspirator does something to you, then you definitely need to pay off or give back. The price is not directly asked. Or learn from third-party people, or give yourself for the labors of which it is not a pity.

19. A man makes a conspiracy with his head uncovered, a woman with a simple hair. Both the one and the other remove all rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry from themselves. Leave only the pectoral cross.

Your clothes must be plain. Conspiracies are done only barefoot, take off not only your shoes, but also socks (tights) - if you work at home or in the summer in nature. Women, both those who speak and those who speak, need to let their hair down, not to comb it in the morning.

20. No cosmetics on the face is allowed.

21. Conspiracies are not read in front of strangers.

22. No one can talk about their conspiracy. If you go to church, then do not mention it at confession.

23. Conspiracies are "personal" and "absentee", that is, you can speak to someone personally or in his absence.

24. If you speak water, or food, or drink, then it’s better anyway so that the spell is personal. And if a person cannot come, then in absentia.

25. If you speak water for treatment, then heal with that water until it runs out. And when it ends, you speak again and heal again. But there are times when you need to take a break. This is specifically written about.

26. Do not do rituals to check if the conspiracy will work or not. If you trust the ritual, then use conspiracies in accordance with real problems in order to solve these problems.

27. You need to have a clear understanding, focus on why you undertook to plot.

28. When conducting a conspiracy, one cannot joke, laugh, have fun, and the speaker and the speaker must be neutral and serious.

29. If you are doing work according to white magic, then before conducting the conspiracy, light a church candle, cross yourself three times and say: “I call on God’s army for help, let the satanic army go home. day and hour, and I will not accept his help. Amen. Amen. Amen."

30. Do conspiracies only to solve your problems; never do to someone unless you are asked to.

31. When conducting conspiracies, there should be nothing distracting, you need to focus on working with the problem that worries you.

When you plot, focus on it. Do everything as it is written in the ritual.

32. Conspiracies act on all people, however, on skeptics and those of little faith - to the least extent. In addition, there are many tricks that include oppositely directed spells that neutralize the conspiracy or reverse its action. All this should be remembered.

33. When applying the conspiracy, the caster himself must be in good mental and physical shape, and also be confident in the effectiveness of the conspiracy.

34. In case of failure, which often happens with beginners in magic, you should not despair and lose heart, but be patient and repeat the plot as many times as you have enough time and energy.

35. Before you start a conspiracy, you need to calm down. To do this, it is better to meditate according to a yogic or modern method, and if your confessional affiliation allows you, then say a prayer.

36. Remember that a conspiracy worked best centuries of experience your ancestors. Some ancient spells contain archaic, obsolete and incomprehensible words. Other words, although preserved, received a completely different meaning for a contemporary. Some of the expressions may simply be unpleasant for you. Of course, you can also speak the text in foreign language if you fully trust him and know his translation. However, if you have personal doubts, then you are better off making your own spell formula. It is traditionally believed that this kind of text is best written on the waning moon.

37. Take care of your body for better spell effectiveness. To this end, never cast a spell in depression, confusion, or in the presence of any disease.

38. In the process of pronouncing a conspiracy, no one should interfere with you and even watch you at this moment.

39. In no case do not use the wording of the conspiracy, directed to the detriment of any person, since the result may be unexpected and deplorable for you. You should always remember from the law feedback or the law of karma that exists in magic, according to which sooner or later you will receive back everything that you have sent to others.

40. The master himself must be willing to help the patient! If you are acting as a conspiracy reader, you must be completely focused on solving the problem.
Always remember that the moment you work with a person, he is completely dependent on you!

41. No need to look for logic in conspiracies: many of them carry a magical, energetic secret, which is not always clear.

42. Reading conspiracies is necessary only for those who feel the need for it, they themselves desire. It's bad when the Master forces himself. I will say that you should refuse to work with a person to whom you feel antipathy (here we mean healing and reunion conspiracies).

43. Usually a conspiracy has final words: “so be it”, “amen”, “my word is strong”, “true”. I do not recommend using the Greek “amen” in Russian-language conspiracies (in translation, it means “true”), since I have long been convinced that the vibrations and energy of foreign words can become harmful.

44. When you dictate a spoken text aloud to someone, be sure to close all windows and doors. This is an old rule, designed to ensure that when teaching beginner sorcerers, conspiracies "do not disappear", that is, they do not lose their force.

45. When performing any magical actions, including reading conspiracies, you often get the feeling that someone is watching you, but you should never turn around! You won’t see anyone anyway, and your actions will lose their power.

46. ​​If you read a plot outside the house, do not turn around all the time while you are going home and do not talk to anyone on the way. Don't even greet your neighbors.

47. As for the introductory prayers, one must carefully read the explanatory text that accompanies the charm part. In some cases, it is necessary to first read some kind of prayer (prayers) a certain number of times, in others - there is no such need. There should also be a reference to the number of repetitions of the main incantation text. If there are no comments on the conspiracy at all, then the author, most likely, just thoughtlessly "torn" the text from somewhere, and then you better find some other, more serious source for describing conspiracy therapy.

48. Now about witchcraft procedures performed on blood relatives. Danger may lie in wait for you if you practice exactly medical procedures in relation to your blood relatives, because in this case you can take over the disease or, at least, significantly weaken your health and immunity.

49. Treatment of blood relatives with the help of conspiracy-sorcery techniques can be used only in exceptional cases. To a limited extent, the practice of reading healing conspiracies by a mother for her children is permissible. With witchcraft manipulations of this direction, the mother does not risk her health too much. The opposite is strictly prohibited, children should not use healers and energy techniques to treat their parents!

50. And conspiracies that attract good luck, security, etc., you can read for any of your blood relatives without any fear. Well, just in case, let me remind you that the damage done to one of the blood relatives, especially in the parent-child bond, upon returning to the aggressor, is so intensified that it can even physically destroy him (the aggressor).

51. All of the above applies to people with whom you had traditional unprotected sexual contact (I will not specify, but I hope you understood me correctly, especially with regard to the concept of "traditional"). Therefore, spouses should not get carried away reading healing conspiracies over each other.

52. The same applies to removing the evil eye, fear, damage. Conspiracies of household and family orientation are quite acceptable. And yet keep in mind that "in case of emergency" (for example, when wives of husbands bewitch) witchcraft can hit very hard if it returns along the path called blood connection. There are cases when, when the mother's curse is lifted, the mother quickly goes to another world.

53. It is far from always possible for a non-professional to "reset" negative energy, and in the case of treating blood relatives, the disease can cling tightly to the healer. General recommendation for non-professionals, this is: after pronouncing each conspiracy, be sure to spit three times over your left shoulder, after a healing session, hold your hands in a stream of running water and dry them over a fire.

Words have great power, and magic is proof of that. However, by conducting a conspiracy at the wrong time, the result may not be achieved. If you correctly approach when to read the plot, then the power of the spoken words will increase significantly. The phase of the moon can have a fatal effect on the achievement of a goal, and a correctly chosen day of the week will help some desires and will not help others at all.

Lunar days for conspiracies

First of all, it is worth designating the first and last quarters of the moon as beneficial for magical deeds. Yet a particular phase of the moon is good for certain requests.

  • New moon most often exploited to start. Women often talk. Men, starting their own business, can read a conspiracy that guarantees success in it. But the phase cannot be called strong. On the contrary, the influence of the moon at this moment is the least. During this period, it will be beneficial to start something important, then a favorable outcome is more than possible.
  • First quarter of the moon otherwise called the growing month. This period is designed to lay the foundation for the success of the undertaking. The moon is just gaining momentum, and, consequently, strength. Therefore, one should not expect quick results. Here it is necessary to speak words that can persuade the luminary to help them.
  • second quarter moon noticeably closer to the full moon, which is why conspiracies during this period will be more powerful. Here, requests for an increase in welfare will be appropriate. This is the best time for character adjustment. For example, in order to, you should read a thematic plot precisely in the period before the full moon.
  • Full moon- the peak of the lunar influence. The period is responsible for the constancy of the result. The words spoken in a conspiracy must contain a long-term request.
  • third quarter will provide the one asking for deliverance from something bad, intrusive and annoying. The power of the luminary is even greater, and therefore the request should be significant. or a sudden-adhering illness are ideal plot themes.
  • fourth quarter symbolizes the end. and - best use this lunar period.

What days of the week to read conspiracies

The days of the week have their own magical colors. Depending on the day of the week, you can slightly change the practical effect of the conspiracy.

  • Monday favorable to love magic. or - that's what is required to speak on this day. The first day of the week loves water, which is why all the liquid used in the conspiracy will significantly bring you closer to the goal;
  • Tuesday aimed at winning. Based on the fact that the goal is more often assigned to men, endurance or life protection will be most successful;
  • Wednesday indulges in any business related to the exchange;
  • Thursday help those who ask;
  • Friday respects conspiracies capable of and;
  • Saturday represents fertility. It follows that words aimed at increasing productivity will become justified;
  • Sunday induces to increase the strength of positive conspiracies.

If you say the right words on the wrong day, the effect will still be. But, perhaps not as fast or strong as we would like.

Men's and women's days in conspiracies

Separating the days of the week by gender is very simple:

  • women's days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  • men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Is it possible to conduct conspiracies on holidays

Most practicing magicians argue that it is better not to engage in conspiracies, love spells and magic on major church holidays. The exception is special ceremonies that are held only on the day of the holiday, for example , or .

Conspiracies on the days of the calendar

According to Dahl, there are 33 days in the year on the black book list, when they read conspiracies and do magic:

  • January 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 19 and 20;
  • February 11, 17, 28;
  • March 1, 4, 14 and 24;
  • April 3, 17 and 18;
  • May 7 and 8;
  • June 17;
  • July 17 and 21;
  • August 20 and 21;
  • September 10 and 19;
  • October 6;
  • November 6 and 8;
  • December 6, 11 and 18;


The only recommendation that is inherent in conspiracies on any day of the week and absolutely in every phase of the moon is faith. He who speaks the words of magic must unshakably believe that they will work. A burning desire must be in every letter of a readable conspiracy, then the result will break all records.

Magical ceremonies require a responsible attitude. Even the strongest spells and spells will not work properly if mistakes are made during their execution. Any negligence can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Serious rituals are recommended only when there is an urgent need for it. Never perform magical ceremonies out of curiosity or for entertainment purposes! This article provides general guidelines that should be followed if there are no other requirements in the description of the ritual.

What day to read the plot

There are so-called. "female" and "male" days of the week. For women, rites are performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday; for men - on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. On Sunday, spells are read very rarely, it is better to devote this day to meditation, prayers and good deeds.

The next important aspect is the lunar cycle. The caster chooses the phase of the moon, based on the features of the upcoming ritual:

  • Growing moon - to increase wealth, for love
  • New moon and full moon - suitable for inducing damage
  • Waning moon - for the healing of diseases

There are several "strong" days in the year that can multiply the effect of the performed magical action. For example, on Easter you can read white prayers for healing from illnesses. On Ivan Kupala, rituals are also performed for the return of youth.

Halloween (originally a Celtic holiday with pagan roots) is suitable for any "dirty" deeds. However, a magician who decides to cause damage or create other evil precisely on the night of October 31 to November 1 should be careful. At this time, the evil spirit acquires special power and can harm the caster.

Magic is mystery

If you want to know how to read conspiracies correctly, then the first thing you should understand is that there should be no strangers next to you during the ceremony. No one should see you or hear the words of the spell being cast. This is dangerous, both for a bystander and for the magician himself.

An assistant is allowed to perform the ritual together. You must instruct the assistant in detail about the rules to be followed during the ceremony. The assistant should not talk with the magician, distract him from the ceremony. If the ceremony involves the inscription on the floor or on the ground, then the assistant is forbidden to leave this circle.

Possible consequences

Neophytes from magic are often interested in whether it is possible to read conspiracies, what consequences can come? Consider the possible threats:

  • Talisman making - no danger
  • Treatment of the patient - there is a risk of "dragging" the disease onto yourself
  • Inducing damage, evil eye - the magician can be overtaken by a reverse blow
  • Removing damage - there is a risk of conflict with the magician who brought it on
  • Spells for luck, for love - there is no danger

In order to “pay off” from the disease (or “buy off” their client from it), spellcasters make a lining. It can be a valuable item or a purse with money. The lining is left where a passer-by can pick it up. Together with material values, a person will “pull” illness, damage or bad luck onto himself. Therefore, you should think carefully before taking such "gifts".

To avoid kickback when inducing damage, magicians use a kind of "lightning rod" - they throw the "return" on an animal or on a person. However, completely avoid negative consequences will not succeed (details in the article).

Preparations for the ceremony

How to read conspiracies at home? If a ritual of black magic is to be performed, then all mirrors and reflective surfaces that are in the house should be preliminarily curtained. Otherwise, the evil spirit can "pass" into the mirror, and then begin to spoil the life of the owners.

At the time of the ceremony, the caster must be absolutely sober and healthy! This is very important, as the magician cannot afford to show weakness. People who are going to seriously engage in practical magic are advised to completely abandon the use of tobacco, alcohol and substances that can change consciousness.

Words have great power, and magic is proof of that. However, by conducting a conspiracy at the wrong time, the result may not be achieved. If you correctly approach when to read the plot, then the power of the spoken words will increase significantly. The phase of the moon can have a fatal effect on the achievement of a goal, and a correctly chosen day of the week will help some desires and will not help others at all.

Lunar days for conspiracies

First of all, it is worth designating the first and last quarters of the moon as beneficial for magical deeds. Yet a particular phase of the moon is good for certain requests.

  • New moon most often exploited to start. Women often talk. Men, starting their own business, can read a conspiracy that guarantees success in it. But the phase cannot be called strong. On the contrary, the influence of the moon at this moment is the least. During this period, it will be beneficial to start something important, then a favorable outcome is more than possible.
  • First quarter of the moon otherwise called the growing month. This period is designed to lay the foundation for the success of the undertaking. The moon is just gaining momentum, and, consequently, strength. Therefore, one should not expect quick results. Here it is necessary to speak words that can persuade the luminary to help them.
  • second quarter moon noticeably closer to the full moon, which is why conspiracies during this period will be more powerful. Here, requests for an increase in welfare will be appropriate. This is the best time for character adjustment. For example, in order to read a thematic plot precisely in the period before the full moon.
  • Full moon- the peak of the lunar influence. The period is responsible for the constancy of the result. The words spoken in a conspiracy must contain a long-term request.
  • third quarter will provide the one asking for deliverance from something bad, intrusive and annoying. The power of the luminary is even greater, and therefore the request should be significant. or a sudden-adhering illness are ideal plot themes.
  • fourth quarter symbolizes the end. and - the best use of this lunar period.

What days of the week to read conspiracies

The days of the week have their own magical colors. Depending on the day of the week, you can slightly change the practical effect of the conspiracy.

  • Monday favorable to love magic. or - that's what is required to speak on this day. The first day of the week loves water, which is why all the liquid used in the conspiracy will significantly bring you closer to the goal;
  • Tuesday aimed at winning. Based on the fact that the goal is more often assigned to men, endurance or life protection will be most successful;
  • Wednesday indulges in any business related to the exchange;
  • Thursday help those who ask;
  • Friday respects conspiracies capable of and;
  • Saturday represents fertility. It follows that words aimed at increasing productivity will become justified;
  • Sunday induces to increase the strength of positive conspiracies.

If you say the right words on the wrong day, the effect will still be. But, perhaps not as fast or strong as we would like.

Men's and women's days in conspiracies

Separating the days of the week by gender is very simple:

  • women's days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  • men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Is it possible to conduct conspiracies on holidays

Most practicing magicians argue that it is better not to engage in conspiracies, love spells and magic on major church holidays. The exception is special ceremonies that are held only on the day of the holiday, for example, or.

Conspiracies on the days of the calendar

According to Dahl, there are 33 days in the year on the black book list, when they read conspiracies and do magic:

  • January 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 19 and 20;
  • February 11, 17, 28;
  • March 1, 4, 14 and 24;
  • April 3, 17 and 18;
  • May 7 and 8;
  • June 17;
  • July 17 and 21;
  • August 20 and 21;
  • September 10 and 19;
  • October 6;
  • November 6 and 8;
  • December 6, 11 and 18;


The only recommendation that is inherent in conspiracies on any day of the week and absolutely in every phase of the moon is faith. He who speaks the words of magic must unshakably believe that they will work. A burning desire must be in every letter of a read conspiracy, then the result will break all records.

Absolutely everyone, without exception, has not only positive traits, somewhere in the depths of our consciousness hides the second face of our soul. Each person has inherent qualities: selfishness, greed, despair and, of course, faith in one's unique destiny.

At first glance, we are absolutely normal, not representing the slightest danger to society, citizens. No one will do, say, or even think or think about something anti-social for everyone to see. After all, this can cause rumors, condemnation, some negative actions or very real trouble with the law. We understand that not always, and certainly with a very narrow circle of people, we can talk frankly about the issues that torment us, but sometimes we don’t even have that. And just then, complete impotence pushes us to resort to something that we practically did not know and did not think about - to spells and magic.

First you need to find the right plot, learn by heart, perform the ritual completely and without changes. But any conspiracy is set up to invest in it a certain energy program, which means that even a conspiracy must be read correctly.

The obligatory rules for reading conspiracies are as follows:

1. A correctly read conspiracy in one way or another acts on everyone and everyone. There are no exceptions, there is protection from negative programs. Do not wish evil on your neighbor, for you yourself will receive it a hundredfold. Sometimes it is better to just sincerely forgive a person, all evil will return to him immediately. In a conspiracy, you need to believe only the one who pronounces it.

2. Say prayers before or after reading the plot. If you resort to dark magic, of course, after.

3. It is desirable that the plot be uttered in a whisper. Unless otherwise stated.

4. Before reading the plot (if you need to read it more than 3 times, and there is a risk of losing count), it is recommended to stock up the right amount matches for each reading time. After each reading, simply shift one match from the first pile to the second. In this case, it is important not to move away from the ritual itself, the action should be purely automatic.

5. While reading the plot, there should be an appropriate emotional mood, no need to rush and crumple words. Long pauses and hesitation are also best avoided altogether.

7. Different rituals are performed at different times of the day, which will increase the power of the conspiracy. For example, it is better to get rid of smoking between 9 and 10 pm, and love spells - at midnight. Unless otherwise specified in the ritual.

8. The speaker should look in the direction where in this moment the sun is located in the sky, i.e. in the morning to the east, and in the evening to the west.

9. It is desirable, but not necessary, after reading the conspiracy, to visualize its action mentally, repeat it to yourself several times.

On what days you can read conspiracies, and on which not

On other days, conspiracies are read every day, depending on gender. There are women's (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and men's (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) days.

If you don't get results the first time, try again after a few days. If the plot still did not work, continue to improve persistently, it is quite possible that you are doing something wrong.

1) You can’t read conspiracies on Sunday, on major religious holidays and fasts.

2) All conspiracies and prayers are read from memory. Of course, you can also use the text on paper, but in this case it must be a text rewritten by the magician himself. Otherwise, conspiracy and prayer usually do not work !!!

4) The plot can be repeated to enhance the action 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are conspiracies that must be pronounced 40 times. There must be a reference to the number of repetitions of the text, otherwise the text is read once or three times. After each repetition, it is customary to spit three times over the left shoulder, as is done "from the evil eye" or if a black cat crosses the road. But you do not need to count out loud the number of repetitions or bend your fingers. In order not to lose count, the Master after each reading puts aside one coin or match. This does not mean anything magically, but it will help to carry out the ritual correctly.

5) If the plot is intended for a woman, it is necessary to read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the plot is to help a man - only on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

6) Conspiracies for the cure of diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, removal of damage, the evil eye to read on the waning moon (best in the first decade). The last lunar day will not bring results, or it will be insignificant.

8. The best time to read the conspiracy is the evening or morning dawn, at the moment the sun appears on the horizon line or it leaves the horizon. If necessary, you can read during the day (most often these are healing conspiracies at the bedside of the patient).

10) Before the conspiracy, the magician reads the opening prayer. Christian magicians usually read "Our Father", "May God rise again", and we, pagan sorcerers and Rodnovers, use other prayers, which, in our opinion, are stronger and more effective.
You can also say the following universal pre-conspiracy prayer:
"Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil."
Take a calm breath and exhale, then read the plot in such a way that with the last word of the plot you push the air out of yourself.

11) The water on which the conspiracy was read (the volume of water does not matter), you need to drink in small sips for 5 minutes.

12) From the plot, not a single word should be thrown out. Nothing can be added - not a word, not a half-word, not a letter. Each word has its own meaning, and if the conspirator misses it for some reason or says an extra word, then the conspiracy will not work.

13) All words of conspiracies, prayers, spells must be spoken as written.

If you make a conspiracy for yourself, then you need to be in good health, with a calm head, so as not to quarrel with anyone ahead of time, so that your stomach does not swell.

14) Do not drink alcohol three days before. On the night before the conspiracy, not to love anyone - not to have mercy. If a woman, then there should be no menstruation on the day when the conspiracy is made.

15) It is considered useful on the eve of the conspiracy to follow a vegetarian diet for three days, excluding sugar, which can be replaced with honey or fruits. During the entire time indicated above, give up tobacco, discos or passion for rock music, as well as exclude rude words from your speech. In no case do not swear or vilify anyone, even using words from Dahl's dictionary. Seek solitude, avoiding quarrels, conflicts, gossip, gossip and watching action movies on TV.

17) Before the conspiracy, you need to wash your hands, put on clean clothes, preferably white or light, plain.

18) If a conspirator does something to you, then you definitely need to pay off or give back. The price is not directly asked. Or learn from third-party people, or give yourself for the labors of which it is not a pity.

19) A man conspires with his head uncovered, a woman with bare hair. Both the one and the other remove all rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry from themselves. Leave only the pectoral cross. Conspiracies are done only barefoot, take off not only your shoes, but also socks (tights) - if you work at home or in the summer in nature. Women, both speaking and speaking, need to let their hair down, not to comb it in the morning.

20) No cosmetics on the face is allowed.

21) Conspiracies are not read in front of strangers.

22) No one can talk about their conspiracy action. If you go to church, then do not mention it at confession.

23) Conspiracies are “personal” and “absentee”, that is, you can speak to someone personally or in his absence.

24) If you speak water, or food, or drink, then it’s better anyway, so that the spell is personal. And if a person cannot come, then in absentia.

25) If you speak water for treatment, then heal with that water until it runs out. And when it ends, you speak again and heal again. But there are times when you need to take a break. This is specifically written about.

26) Don't do rituals to check if the plot will work or not. If you trust the ritual, then use conspiracies in accordance with real problems in order to solve these problems.

27) You need to have a clear understanding, focus on why you undertook to plot.

28) When conducting a conspiracy, one cannot joke, laugh, have fun - both the speaker and the speaker must be neutral-serious.

29) If you are doing work according to white magic, then before conducting the conspiracy, light a church candle, cross yourself three times and say: “I call on God’s army for help, let the satanic army go home. I accept help only from God and His saints, I renounce the devil and his angels in every way day and hour, and I will not accept his help. Amen. Amen. Amen."

30) Do spells only to solve your problems; never do to someone unless you are asked to.

31) When conducting conspiracies, there should be nothing distracting, you need to focus on working with the problem that concerns you.
When making a spell, focus on it. Do everything as it is written in the ritual.

32) Conspiracies act on all people, however, on skeptics and those of little faith - to the least extent. In addition, there are many tricks that include oppositely directed spells that neutralize the conspiracy or reverse its effect. All this should be remembered.

33) When applying a conspiracy, the caster himself must be in good mental and physical shape, and also be confident in the effectiveness of the conspiracy.

34) In case of failure, which often happens with beginners in magic, you should not despair and lose heart, but be patient and repeat the plot as many times as you have enough time and energy.

35) Before you start a conspiracy, you need to calm down. To do this, it is better to meditate according to a yogic or modern method, and if your confessional affiliation allows you, then say a prayer.

36) Remember that a conspiracy worked out by the centuries-old experience of your ancestors works best. Some ancient spells contain archaic, obsolete and incomprehensible words. Other words, although preserved, received a completely different meaning for a contemporary. Some of the expressions may simply be unpleasant for you. Of course, you can pronounce the text even in a foreign language if you fully trust it and know its translation. However, if you have personal doubts, then you are better off making your own spell formula. It is traditionally believed that this kind of text is best written on the waning moon.

37) Take care of your body for better effectiveness of the plot. To this end, never cast a spell in depression, confusion, or in the presence of any disease.

38) In the process of pronouncing a conspiracy, no one should interfere with you and even watch you at this moment.

39) In no case do not use the wording of the conspiracy, directed to the detriment of any person, since the result may be unexpected and deplorable for you. It should always be remembered from the law of feedback or the law of karma that exists in magic, according to which sooner or later you will receive back everything that you sent to others.

40) The master himself must be willing to help the patient! If you are acting as a conspiracy reader, you must be completely focused on solving the problem.
Always remember that the moment you work with a person, he is completely dependent on you!

41) No need to look for logic in conspiracies: many of them carry a magical, energetic secret, which is not always clear.

42) Only those who feel the need for it, want to read conspiracies, need to read. It's bad when the Master forces himself. I will say that you should refuse to work with a person to whom you feel antipathy (here we mean healing and reunion conspiracies).

43) Usually a conspiracy has final words: “so be it,” “amen,” “my word is strong,” “true.” I do not recommend using the Greek “amen” in Russian-language conspiracies (in translation, it means “true”), since I have long been convinced that the vibrations and energy of foreign words can become harmful.

44) When you dictate a spoken text aloud to someone, be sure to close all windows and doors. This is an old rule, designed to ensure that when teaching beginner sorcerers, conspiracies "do not disappear", that is, they do not lose their force.

45) When performing any magical actions, including reading conspiracies, you often get the feeling that someone is watching you, but you should never turn around! You won’t see anyone anyway, and your actions will lose their power.

46) If you read a plot outside the house, do not turn around all the time while you are going home, and do not talk to anyone on the way. Don't even greet your neighbors.

47) As for the introductory prayers, one should carefully read the explanatory text that accompanies the incantation part. In some cases, it is necessary to first read some kind of prayer (prayers) certain number times, in others - there is no such need. There should also be a reference to the number of repetitions of the main incantation text. If there are no comments on the conspiracy at all, then the author, most likely, just thoughtlessly "torn" the text from somewhere, and then you better find some other, more serious source for describing conspiracy therapy.

48) Now about witchcraft procedures performed on blood relatives. Danger may lie in wait for you if you practice precisely medical procedures in relation to your blood relatives, since in this case you can drag the disease onto yourself or, at least, significantly weaken your health and immunity.

49) Treatment of blood relatives with the help of conspiracy-sorcery techniques can be used only in exceptional cases. To a limited extent, the practice of reading healing conspiracies by a mother for her children is permissible. With witchcraft manipulations of this direction, the mother does not risk her health too much. The opposite is strictly prohibited, children should not use healers and energy techniques to treat their parents!

50) And conspiracies that attract good luck, security, etc., you can read for any of your blood relatives without any fear. Well, just in case, let me remind you that the damage done to one of the blood relatives, especially in the parent-child bond, upon returning to the aggressor, is so intensified that it can even physically destroy him (the aggressor).

51) All of the above also applies to people with whom you had traditional unprotected sexual contact (I will not specify, but I hope you understood me correctly, especially with regard to the concept of "traditional"). Therefore, spouses should not get carried away reading healing conspiracies over each other.

52) The same applies to the removal of the evil eye, fear, damage. Conspiracies of household and family orientation are quite acceptable. And yet keep in mind that "in case of emergency" (for example, when wives of husbands bewitch) witchcraft can hit very hard if it returns along the path called blood connection. There are cases when, when the mother's curse is lifted, the mother quickly goes to another world.

53) It is far from always possible for a non-professional to "reset" negative energy, and in the case of treating blood relatives, the disease can cling tightly to the healer. The general recommendation for non-professionals is this: after pronouncing each conspiracy, be sure to spit three times over your left shoulder, after a healing session, hold your hands in a stream of running water and dry them over the fire.

The power of conspiracies

Today, many resort to the power of conspiracies and all kinds of magical rituals. But it is important not only to pronounce a suitable conspiracy, it is necessary to do it correctly. Only in this case, you can count on the desired result. So, how to read conspiracies correctly? If everything is done correctly, then magical actions will help to cure diseases, improve the material condition, build relationships, and get rid of psychological difficulties. So, you need to know the rules of how and when to read conspiracies.

What is the power of the conspiracy?

Where does strength come from

The hidden meaning of the spoken words, the special order of combining sounds, the correct intonation, the selection of key and symbolic words by the voice, the right mood - all this has a certain meaning when reading conspiracies.

Healers are sure: certain combinations of sounds act on the brain and body, contribute to the healing of the body.

And, most importantly, they are programmed to fulfill a specific goal, for the sake of which the conspiracy is read.

Faith is also of great importance. The person who pronounces the conspiracy, and the one in respect of whom the magic words are spoken, must be sure that the result will be achieved.

Without faith in one's own strength, it makes no sense to pronounce conspiracies.

Correct spelling pronunciation

How to pronounce

The loudness of the pronunciation does not play a role: both a whisper and a loud reading can have the same power. But it is very important to pronounce all the words clearly. In cases where a conspiracy is read on another person, his presence is desirable - a person needs to hear all the words of the conspiracy.
But reading the plot should not be directed towards the patient. You need to turn to the Higher powers, and not to the person in need of help. In fact, a person will be like a guide, will tune in to achieve the desired result.

And regardless of whether a person is present at the reading of the conspiracy or not, his name in the conspiracy must be pronounced.

When the plot is fully read and all the required magical actions are done, you should definitely thank the Higher powers that can help in the implementation of the plan.

Conditions for the correct reading of the plot

The necessary conditions

Healers who know how to read conspiracies always focus on: it is important not only to correctly pronounce the words of the conspiracy themselves, but also to carry out certain actions that will help fulfill their plans. So, before reading any conspiracy, you should say the prayer “Our Father” three times.

It also does not interfere with turning to the saints - the holy martyrs Samoy, Aviv, Guriy, the holy martyr Tryphon, the holy healer Panteleimon, the holy great martyr Barbara and others. You should pray to the saints for forgiveness of sins, pray for healing, for loved ones, for yourself. However, you should not be overly wordy - you should still focus on reading the plot.

We follow the rules

  1. Highly important rule successful reading conspiracy is a clear representation of the desired outcome. Regardless of what needs to be achieved, it is important to visualize and as realistically as possible what should be achieved.
  2. Many are interested in when it is better to read conspiracies. Experienced healers are sure that it is most effective to pronounce conspiracies during the morning or evening dawn.
  3. There is also a rule that it is better to read the plot with your back turned to the west.
  4. Before reading the plot, you need to calmly and deeply breathe. Ideally: the last word of the conspiracy should sound at the end of the exhalation. Then it is advisable to hold your breath for a while.
  5. When reading a conspiracy, thoughts must be pure. The healer from the bottom of his heart should want to help the person. If he pursues some selfish motives, then the conspiracy will not have the necessary strength.
  6. It is best to pronounce the plot in this position: stand up straight, with a straight back, while the head should be slightly lowered.
  7. During many magical rituals, water is spoken. The charmed water should be drunk little by little, every few sips you need to break for five minutes. Every four sips, the charmed water must be poured onto right hand to wipe the skin of the face and neck.
  8. If a conspiracy is read on a sore spot, then after reading it, one should blow on a sore spot.
  9. You can strengthen the plot if you read it again. Moreover, the plot should be repeated an odd number of times.

In a word, following these rules when reading a conspiracy, you can achieve your goals. And we repeat: the most important rules are the clear and uniform pronunciation of all the words of the conspiracy in the right sequence, as well as the visualization of the desired result. In this case, conspiracies will be as effective as possible.

A heated debate flared up on the network among people who were interested in whether it was possible to read the conspiracy on Sunday. This topic is special.

It arose due to a misunderstanding of some (who lived, by the way, a long time ago) personalities of the meaning of magical rituals and ceremonies.

In a nutshell, let's say this to those who really do not understand that Sunday is the same day as any other.

Is it possible to read conspiracies on Sunday

Believers began to introduce confusion into the "ranks of domestic magicians". After all, it is known that the Lord commanded to work selflessly for six days, and on the seventh day to forget about work, to do nothing.

Only, let me ask you, how is this statement related? They would still force witches and sorcerers to go to communion.

You see, people who practice magic are neither atheists nor Satanists. Among them there are also deeply religious people. But all of them, as a rule, are contemptuous of dogma.

The Lord does not speak to everyone through the Church, especially not through its ministers. Therefore, when to work and when to rest, each person decides for himself. “In agreement” with the Lord, who, as you know, is in the soul.

Everything else is just the desire of individuals to command others, to enslave them.

And for those who cannot understand whose opinion is trustworthy, it is recommended to find the Lord in themselves, look inside, seek advice. As a rule, information in one form or another necessarily comes to those who seek it.

A conspiracy on Sunday, like a “forbidden fruit”, can even be pumped up with additional energy. To do this, you need to call your personal "rebel", which each of us has. Then the rite will receive an additional impetus.

And let's say to those who are not yet sure that Sunday is a normal day for a magician. But what about those rituals that are usually performed on major holidays? They definitely fall on Sunday.

Easter, for example, or Forgiveness Sunday. How to explain that these days you can tell fortunes, but not on others?

Think. Maybe the one who convinces you otherwise just wants to look like a big dock, not being one in reality?

Forgiveness Sunday Conspiracies

The plot is read after asking for forgiveness from all relatives (friends, acquaintances). It must be pronounced near the Icon of your Guardian Angel.

That it was within reach, you need to worry in advance. If she is not at home, then go to the Temple.

The words are:

“On a joyful day, when the world is cleansed, a bright star in the sky lights up. Pleases the whole baptized world! Look, little star, into my window, illuminate the purity and simplicity of my house. Help to realize (clearly formulate a desire)! Please the Lord, but do not fall from the sky! Amen!"

In order for love to enter your life, you need to face the east early in the morning and say these words:

“Forgive me, Lord servant (name), good people! Accept my obeisances and mournful words! I forgive you everything, I do not remember evil and do not notice! May a miracle happen to everyone on earth. God, let me fall in love. For the feeling to be mutual. So that you live with your loved one all your life! Amen!"

There is also a ritual for well-being and a quiet life, which is held on Forgiveness Sunday.

  1. You need to go to the tree that grows near the house.
  2. Tie a blue scarf on its branches and say the words of the formula.
  3. After that, prepare (buy) a treat and distribute it to your neighbors.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy toys for children, new clothes, or please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Behind Last year we made a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

The words of the conspiracy are:

“On the Holy Day, the Lord forgives everyone, bequeaths us to blame. I bow to the tree, I blame it. Forgive me, nature is a mother. Give me happiness, so that troubles do not know. Protect my peace and protect. Close the evil way to my house! May peace dwell in him forever. Don't look in my direction evil person! Amen!"

On Palm Sunday

On this holiday, everyone went to the Temple. Naturally, it was necessary to have willow branches with you.

Have you ever seen how people beat each other with them after the service? This is an old rite.

People believed that the twigs ward off troubles and illnesses. It was customary to lightly hit the children and other members of the seven with these "rods" with the words:

"Verba, hit! Willow, whip! Drive out thousands of diseases, drive away troubles, add health! Amen!"

Branches must then be stored. And those that remained from last year were burned before going to the Temple. The following words were spoken to the fire:

"Burn, camel, burn the poor!"

This is how it should be done year after year. This rite protects not only from random eyes, but also from love spells, for example.

Willow ashes must be collected. They sprinkle the threshold from the enemy and a bad person.

Women hid a branch of willow behind the Icons. Now you can do the same. How to put it, so say:

“As long as the branch behind the Icon is kept, until then my happiness will not change! Amen!". BUT married ladies it was supposed to say such words: “Willow for the Icon, husband to my hem. He will forget betrayal, he will love the age! Amen!"

Even on this Sunday, it was supposed to have breakfast with kidneys from willow. You only need to eat three things, only on an empty stomach, as you return from the Temple. In this case, the following words should be spoken:

“Saint Paul, beat with a willow, beat off illnesses. Neither their own nor other people's ailments will come to this compound anymore. Amen!"

To do this, you need to collect seven branches. Of them are connected small bouquet or "broom". Should be used yellow tape or thread.

Hang this item at your doorstep, saying:

“Twig to twig, broom is going. Drive money into the house, coin to coin, so that the children are fed. So that old people get water, so that there are happy faces in the house. Amen!"

If you want to attract the attention of a certain person, then the willow, consecrated in the Temple, will also come in handy. With this branch, touch the desired person and say quietly:

“Willow, verbinka, dry your tears. Light love in your heart, help to be together. Tame the ambition to caress enough. Verba, look into the soul, light the passion in the Lord's servant (name)! Amen!"
