Lecture Self-presentation of personality The phenomenon of self-presentation. Theoretical approaches to the study of personality self-presentation

Presentation #1


Zodiac sign - Taurus (which I am very proud of!).By profession and by vocation, she is a psychologist.I have two diplomas, plus a never-ending process of self-education and self-improvement (this process, by the way, I do not plan to stop and interrupt). I am active and healthy lifestyle life, I love sports (not associated with extreme sports and risk to life). Bad habits missing. I was not involved in discrediting me connections. I didn’t go through “places not so remote”. The reputation is impeccable. The past is transparent. She did not run for president. She did not serve in foreign intelligence. There are no enemies.

The character is balanced and flexible, the temperament is a thick mixture of "sanguine" with "phlegmatic". The perception of the world is figurative, visualistic. The mind is inquisitive, insightful. Endurance is strong, reaction is fast. The person is responsible, punctual. The woman is sociable and sociable, but legible in communications. Personal space is remote. Psychotype - "listener". Self-esteem is high. The level of ambition inspires respect, but does not go off scale. Views on life are realistic and pragmatic. The style of thinking and perception of everything that happens is optimistic. I love life and people. A sense of humor is always with me. Life credo: "Everything that is done, everything is for the better"! Philosophical worldview: "We form the events of our life with our thought forms." Purposeful nature. I am a person of the "golden mean". I don't rush to make important decisions. The principle - "who does not risk, he does not drink champagne" is uncomfortable for me, but I will not "measure the stool 77 times" either. I am able to look at the task from the “third side”, I am easily accepting and applying non-standard solutions. The nature is creative, thinking of the right hemisphere prevails. Decent, honest, inclined to seek a compromise in everything. I try to get close to people who have the same characteristics. I keep a great distance with hysterical, impulsive and hyper-lazy personalities, and if such communication is inevitable, then I carefully and correctly build my psychological protection I love close friendly company, I feel bad in a large crowd. Ask me my “favorite” question: “WHAT ARE YOUR FAULTS?” I answer: “With the shortcomings that appear, which bring with them a bunch of problems, prevent communication with people, I immediately begin to fight, eradicate them (or reduce them to a comfortable minimum). At the same time, I treat criticism from others evenly - I listen, analyze, but I don’t store complexes in myself and I won’t give offense to my pride. Those qualities for which one person can love and respect me can simultaneously irritate someone else, so I don’t consider it necessary to devote much time to this item and leave the topic “me and my shortcomings” for discussion by others. This is such an easy self-presentation, not overloaded with self-criticism. Please love and respect me for who I am. No problems in communication with me guarantee. Presentation #2 I'm so cool. This is what I would like to end with. I complained to a friend here that last time in class I wrote a speech to sell a magazineCosmo, and by this Saturday I will have to write a speech in order to sell myself, she told me that she was ready to buy me, and so, without any speech, so that the goal was achieved, I was already bought. But I'll still tell you more about myself. I always want to move forward, I can never stand still, do the same thing, it depresses me. Therefore, if we are in this, a little similar, then we will become good friends. On this path - “constantly forward”, rather sad events will occur, but with me you will not be afraid, I can always show you that not everything is so bad, it could be worse. And you will understand how lucky you are with the situation and with your friend. Despite my carefree nature, I can easily cope with all problems, thanks to communication with the most different people, I can look at the situation from a variety of angles, maybe this is not a problem at all. I will help you look at the world with different eyes. The ability to empathize makes me a great friend, I can always share joys and sorrows with you, in any weather. By the way, I really like to walk in the rain or on the sea at night, so call me, I'm ready. If you can surround me with comfort, get a person with a sparkling and original sense of humor, it will be fun with me. The desire to do and do something significant prompted me, 6 years ago, to choose future profession- political science. So, stay close to me and you will see something unusual and majestic. Thanks to my wide range of interests and horizons, we can always find a topic for conversation with you, as I already said that I am always interested in everything new. so if you, for example, are afraid to jump with a parachute, then call me, we will be afraid together. I am also terribly smart, although I carefully hide it, it was not in vain that I was attracted several times as an analyst by the Ministry of Education of Kaliningrad. I can’t help but say, I’m very lazy, so when you once again want to do nothing, shout, I will share this pleasant feeling with you.

Presentation #3


I am a psychologist. Thanks to my natural abilities, such as quick learner, good memory, working capacity, I graduated from the 8th grade of the school with excellent marks and entered the Medical School. I really liked the specialty I chose, because by nature I am a kind, sympathetic person who is not indifferent to someone else's grief. I enjoyed learning and actively participated in public life, enjoyed the well-deserved authority of classmates and, thanks to her good organizational skills, was elected head of the group. I graduated with a red diploma.

Went to work in Kindergarten where did my little son, head nurse. I have good team members. warm relationship with employees, as I am contact, friendly, ready to help.

Then I called for real military service which I am currently going through. I successfully meet the requirements of my new profession, thanks to such qualities as endurance, the ability to maintain self-control, the ability to concentrate, the ability to quickly and competently solve tasks, the willingness to take responsibility.

I am married and happily married. I am a wonderful wife and mother. I am very proud of my family, believing that the trusting and close relationship between us is the result of my love, patience, flexibility, female wisdom. I consider myself attractive, charming, feminine. I listen to my desires and trust my intuition.

Since I have always been interested in questions about the inner world of a person and the relationship between people, I decided to enter the Moscow Open Social Academy. Thanks to such qualities of mine as curiosity, hard work, diligence, perseverance, I graduated from the academy with honors and received the specialty "psychologist".

I look to the future with confidence. Today I want to dedicate myself to something that I really like and really find interesting. I came to the Baltic Institute of Psychology in order to get closer to my dream, to gain practical skills, gain experience, and meet competent people. In the future, I plan to psychological counseling, and I clearly understand what I need to do for this. I know what I am doing and why, I know how to plan and organize my time, I am responsible, punctual, well trained, I correctly reflect my thoughts orally and in writing, I adequately respond to criticism. I consider my most important quality to be the fact that I always bring the work I have started to the end.

About presentations

Friends! Let me tell you a fairy tale Or maybe not a fairy tale Or maybe not simple But also good. Now I will read a fable, About how rainy day Or maybe dangerous Or maybe in paradise. Like in Africa, like in Africa And in the heart of Africa. Animals met there Reptile and bird: And an ostrich, a turtle, Chameleon and hedgehog. Since the house im in place Doesn't sit Then they began to argue about: Who is Of these, and the most attractive? And the most respectable? And maybe abusive Or maybe sucking? But also good. Here comes the bird And sat on the sand. Or maybe not a bird Or maybe an elephant. Chirped, jumped And raised her tail. And she was so beautiful and sweet that she sang a song, Or maybe she roared Or maybe a trunk She shook her ears. And an ostrich, a turtle, Chameleon and hedgehog Trembling with fear We hid, well. Here is an ostrich head Buried in the sand. And the hedgehog wrapped himself in a prickly ball. The tortoise has gone into its shell, As in a house, in a strong shirt. 00, Chameleon changed color. You can't tell right away if he is or isn't. Or maybe they had fun Or maybe they sang For joy, for joy They laughed and giggled. The happy danced Or maybe not in the dance, Or maybe they didn’t grieve Or maybe they were friends. And an ostrich, a turtle, Chameleon and hedgehog. Maybe in training With a psychologist at the training Communicated, understood On psychological training. And they were all in a learning situation By training, by training Titled "Presentation". Don't cry, don't be sad And don't even be embarrassed. That's how you achieve in life All results are important.

For some, public speaking is their native element, while someone has difficulty speaking in front of. But both categories of people are probably familiar with such a concept as “self-presentation”.

What is meant by "self-presentation"?

According to a well-known philosophical law, the form always corresponds to the content. Therefore, self-presentation implies both the appearance of a person and his speech. Self-presentation is considered a verbal and non-verbal demonstration of one's own personality in the communication system.

When a guest lecturer or leader talks about himself to the team, he attracts attention not only with words, but also with gestures and his involuntary movements. During self-presentation, it is important to achieve harmony between appearance, text and gestures.

How to conduct an effective self-presentation?

How to conduct a self-presentation and build your speech so that others see you as a person whose personal efficiency, competence and charisma capture the attention of the audience from the first minutes? Consider a simple algorithm.

The main thing is that the suit fits.

The catchphrase very accurately reflects the effect that the speaker's clothes should have on the audience. The choice of costume depends on how the speaker wants to appear to others. If the goal is to look smart, businesslike, concentrated and strict, then dark tones, minimum details, good fabric and one bright accent. When the task is to show the audience competence, flexibility, purposefulness, then you can use a few medium tones in clothes, and even some kind of jewelry, and sometimes, depending on the audience, the casual style can also be in place.

Our thoughts on paper and out loud.

Before the performance, everyone learns speech. But often with such an exercise you can overdo it. It is better to thoroughly prepare two days before the performance, and the day before it, give your head a rest. It is much more useful to spend the evening on the eve of the presentation not in front of the computer, but in nature. And start your speech with a relevant joke than look tired of endless cramming and go straight to the text of the presentation.

Talking about yourself is never easy. Therefore, personal effectiveness must lie in complete inner peace. Those who are terribly afraid of speaking in front of the public should drink a small dose of a sedative. This will help you avoid slurred speech. It is better when the speech is slightly slow and smooth.

From what you tell about yourself, people should not fall asleep. For one self-presentation there should be one good joke, one case from life and a maximum of specific information. During your performance for the public, you are akin to an artist: even in a business presentation, people want to see « spectacle » , as we all value our time very much and do not want to waste it.

Gestures, facial expressions, movements.

Nervous twitches and "dancing" spoil the whole presentation. Movements must match the words, smiles are allowed where appropriate. To completely deprive your performance of humor would be a critical mistake. The emotionality and involvement of yourself in your self-presentation will help to capture the attention of the audience.

“Meet by clothes, see off by mind” - this folk proverb well reflects the essence of self-presentation. In fact, people present themselves every day when they pick up a suit and makeup, when they talk about themselves to their close and unfamiliar people. And if you don’t become a tragedy in your own head, then in fact the question of how to conduct a successful self-presentation will not turn out to be unbearably difficult.

How to win over people?

Usually self-presentation does not last long. But even during a short presentation, it's easy to get the people listening to you interested.

  • Before the start of the speech, you can turn to someone with a small request. For example, ask to close the door, window or turn on additional lighting. Asking for a favor encourages a person to interact more openly;
  • If during a speech the lecturer is listened to attentively, it is worth thanking people for this right in the middle of a speech, because by the end of any speech, attention weakens;
  • Sometimes it is useful to copy an involuntary gesture from someone in the audience. For example, fixing her hair, like that girl in the blue jacket, or flipping a pen, like the young man on the right. But do not use this technique too often, otherwise it will be noticeable;
  • You need to speak calmly, look for eye contact with the audience, and smile sincerely from time to time. Then people will be disposed to learn more about the speaker and listen with great interest to the speech. Dry words, no matter how beautifully put on paper, will never be properly received by the public.

Have you noticed what kind of request baffles most of us? "Tell us about yourself". And now we are already crumpling, blushing, fidgeting in a chair, rolling our eyes ... Few people are able to conduct a self-presentation at a decent level. In the meantime, here's 5 simple rules its preparation, which the site shared with the portal Anastasia Takhtarova-Ivanova, self-management coach, trainer of stress and energy management programs.

If we want to be noticed and appreciated, we just need to learn how to present ourselves. Self-presentation is a real art. But this is not a gift from above. It is quite possible to learn it. The secret is simple: a few rules and guidelines, some effort and time, and voila - you did it!

1. Attract attention. First of all, self-presentation is a story. And the story should be exciting and not too long, from 3 to 5 minutes.

It is also worth remembering the principles of good storytelling - listeners should be interested, captivated, intrigued. If it is appropriate, you can start the story with a suitable metaphor, something unexpected or even a little provocative.

2. Give basic information - briefly, clearly, clearly. Now that you have received your attention quota, you can move on to the main block of information. It is important that it be capacious, representing strengths you as a person or your project, and rather brief, as the degree of attention of the listeners will quickly decline. If you don’t know where to start presenting yourself, you can start by simply making a list of your strengths, and not necessarily just on the stated topic. From a large list it is always easier to choose the right one. In addition, qualities that seem unimportant at first glance, with more detailed consideration can help to highlight your advantages.

After all, the main goal of self-presentation is to demonstrate your strengths and transform weaknesses to the benefits. You may be asked difficult questions, so it's better to work out possible options in advance.

3. Communicate with an interlocutor or audience. Remember that any presentation is a sale. You are selling yourself, your ideas, your personality and beliefs, your skills, your project, and so on. What is the success of a good sale? That's right, communication. Address those for whom you speak. Engage them in communication.

Ask questions that can be answered with “yes”. Because once they agree with you, people will tend to agree when you offer them something else. For example, yourself as a potential employee. Use it Golden Rule sales.

4. Be yourself. Audrey Hepburn, one of Hollywood's most outspoken actresses, once said, “Be yourself—sincerely, honestly, and wholeheartedly. No one can do this better than you." This also works in the case of self-presentation. People feel insincerity and, on the contrary, open up in response to your real, true feelings.

You need to present your personality, inner qualities. Let not ideal, but your "zest" will attract the sympathy of people to you. Perhaps a mask that falls into expectations will help you at first. But at some point it will have to be removed. And the consequences of disappointment can be quite painful.

5. Rehearse in advance. The best impromptu is a pre-prepared speech. So carefully prepare your presentation. It is better to rehearse it several times in front of a mirror. And ideally - to record on video. So when viewing, you will be able to see yourself from the side and evaluate more adequately.

P. S. If you are afraid

What to do in this case? Well, for starters, it’s worth reminding yourself that it’s quite normal to worry about important moments in your life. In case of fear public speaking Techniques of presence, for example, the so-called “power postures”, will help you a lot. If you suffer from low self-esteem, then you need to work in this direction. And this work will take time.

Train yourself to think that you are good enough. No, not perfect, but good enough here and now. You can write it to yourself on a sticker and stick it on a mirror, refrigerator, etc. And train to feel that way. It will be difficult, so even a minute a day is enough to start.

Work on a list of your accomplishments. It can be made as detailed as your memory will allow. Have you learned to walk and talk? Most likely yes, since you are reading this. It means that they coped with the two most difficult things in life. Here is your first victory. And most likely, there will be many such victories. It's best to keep the list handy. When you feel like you're starting to doubt yourself, re-read it.

Very often, this simple act has an almost magical effect.

Self-presentation is one of the topics that presenters fear. It is difficult to understand what the audience wants to know and how much they want to tell about themselves. Self-presentation is one of the most common speeches you will be asked to give in life.

Self-presentation is the process by which individuals present themselves to social world. This process takes place on both conscious and unconscious levels, usually motivated by the desire to please others and satisfy one's own needs. Self-presentation can be used as a means of managing impressions.

Self-presentation is any behavior intended to create, modify, preserve an impression of oneself in the minds of other people.

Self-presentation performs three important functions:

  • helps social interaction
  • enables people to achieve material and social rewards
  • helps individuals create desired identities

Types of presentations

You can communicate information about yourself to people through self-presentation. They are divided into groups:

  1. The ratio of the audience to the presenter.
  2. According to the form of implementation (oral, in the form of text).
  3. According to the purpose of the event (promoting, informational).
  4. By the size of the audience (private, chamber,).
  5. The theory of self-presentation suggests that human behavior is aimed at creating a desired impression. We want people to see us in a certain way.

Three components of a successful self-presentation:

  • the speaker must be motivated to have a special effect on the minds of the listeners
  • the speaker must have the cognitive ability to know which particular behavior will lead to the desired impression
  • must be able and willing to accept the desired behavior

Successful self-presentation involves a balance between advantages (presenting the most useful image for the situation) and believability (making sure that the image will be perceived by others). Being aware of these factors, people usually change according to the audience's expectations.

When planning a speech, divide it into three parts - beginning, middle, conclusion. This will give it structure and help with writing.

Greet the audience with warmth, tell who you are, what and why you are going to speak.

Tell us about yourself: hobbies, hopes, dreams, goals. Be informative, if appropriate, be sure to talk about personal achievements.

Discuss the reasons for wanting to work for the company, touch on past experiences, and explain why you think you are the right fit for the position. Tell an interesting incident from the past, if appropriate. Let interviewers know what you're proud of. It can be the ability to save time, efficiency, skills. Get ready for questions about this.

If you are in high school, starting a new college course, explain why you chose this course, what interests you in a particular job or career.

Most important point! Don't add Additional information at the end of the speech, you should ask the audience if there are any questions. You should thank the listeners for their time and attention.

Aspects of Personal Presentation

Important components of a personal presentation: clothing, accessories (bags, phones, diaries, jewelry, scarves), body language, voice.

Clothing is the most obvious side of personal presentation. When deciding what to wear, pay attention to a few things. What is the audience expecting? A business suit may not always be appropriate. Much depends on the expectations of potential listeners. Sometimes a smart casual style is more appropriate.

You need to feel confident and relaxed at the presentation, you need to find a balance between the expectation of the audience and comfort.

Women need to think about shoes: you will have to stand long time make sure you can do it. If you're not used to heels, don't wear them.

Accessories must match the clothing. This does not mean that the bag should be the same color as the jacket. If you are wearing a suit, then your materials should be in a briefcase, not in a backpack.

The role of the voice in a speech

Three main elements of speech must be mastered by those who want to become effective speakers:

  1. Volume - to be heard.
  2. Clarity is to be understood.
  3. Variety is to generate interest.

Volume. Some people have naturally soft voices. If the voice is too high, the tonal quality is lost. Do not raise, but “project” your voice as you exhale.

When talking to a group, it is important not to direct the speech to the front row or just to the people closest to you, but to consciously address the phrases to those who are further away.

Clarity. Some people tend to speak through clenched teeth. This inability to open the mouth and not make sounds distinctly is the main cause of slurred speech.

Diversity. To make speech effective and interesting, you need to apply vocal variety. Ways to achieve vocal diversity:

  • speed
  • volume
  • delivery - intonation - accent
  • pause

Speaking speed. If the speech is too fast, the listeners do not have time to absorb what is said. To keep the listeners interested, you need to vary the pace of speech - first speeding up, and then slowing down.

Volume. By increasing or decreasing the volume, you can create an accent.

Presentation - Intonation - Accent: Speaking in public, try to convey information with as much energy and enthusiasm in your voice as possible.

Pause. Can be used for effect, to highlight a previous statement, or to grab attention with an important message.

Sample of self-presentation in an interview

An interview is a meeting and conversation between an applicant and a potential employer. During the interview, it is important for the parties to understand whether they are suitable for each other, to discuss the details of joint work. can ask questions about education and as well as skills and knowledge. It is possible to talk about personal, aspirations and plans in life.

First impressions can play an important role in how an employer perceives you as a candidate. What you say at the first stage of the interview may have great importance as a result.

  1. Start with a smile on your face, identify yourself.
  2. Tell me about the details of education.
  3. Answer the question why you want to work for this company.
  4. Report skills and abilities.
  5. Add if necessary.
  6. Tell us about your hobbies and hobbies.
  7. How do you spend your free time, if any?
  8. When finished, say THANK YOU to the person who listened to you.

Things to avoid talking about in an interview:

  1. I can't stand my current job.
  2. My boss is the worst boss.
  3. My current company is terrible.
  4. When I can ?
  5. Can you give me a taxi to get back home?
  6. May I answer the call?
  7. I really need this job.
  8. I don't have all the experience you need, but I'm a fast learner.
  9. I don't know.
  10. I have an appointment, will this end soon?
  11. Sorry I'm late.
  12. Profanity, profanity.
  13. Babysitting is not available right now, but I will do something.
  14. I don't have a car yet, but soon.
  15. it does not suit me. Can it be changed?
  16. I have no questions.
  17. What is included in the benefits package?
  18. Interviews make me nervous.
  19. Can I ?

Self-presentation example

Good morning,

Nice to introduce myself. My name is Igor Novikov. I'm from St. Petersburg. I work in electronics and software engineering. Last year I graduated from LETI. I also completed courses in computer security there.

My father is a civil servant and my mother is a housewife.

My strengths are that I like to solve problems, I am a self-motivated person and a self-disciplined person. I am a good team player and I am great at leading a team. I can accept any medium. I am a good listener and a fast learner.

I do not want to talk about my weaknesses, but I like to talk about the possibility of improvement, I believe in myself and my work, and I want to improve.

My short term goal is to have a base where I can make a career along with the growth of an organization like yours.

My long-term goal is I want to be one of the reasons for the success of your company.

It's all about me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself.

When applying or starting a new course, often the first meeting will involve getting to know each other, and that means talking a little about yourself. Fortunately, this is a short time frame, five or ten minutes, so it's not as difficult as it sounds. Having learned the secrets of successful self-presentation, having read our tips, you will feel more confident and easily achieve the desired result.

Write your question in the form below

Discussion: 2 comments

    I think that the most important thing at an interview is to be self-confident and know what you are going to tell, the manager will feel confident. Highlight the most important things for yourself in advance and tell without a hitch.


    I can say that not everyone is given to speak in public. But if the goal is at stake good job, then of course it makes sense to thoroughly prepare and present yourself with better side. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how.


How to write a self-presentation to unlock your potential and create a positive image? Can a story about yourself "in a nutshell" distinguish you from others and present you as a professional? We'll tell you in the article.

From the article you will learn:

A specialist who knows his strengths and shows himself in the best light has a number of advantages over his colleagues. Self-presentation helps to make a positive impression, prove yourself at an important meeting, demonstrate your best qualities. It forms people's opinion of you as a highly qualified specialist who knows his job. Effective self-presentation works for the benefit of a career and helps to reach new heights.

What is self-presentation and why is it to the secretary?

Presentations received wide use in practice business communication. The term comes from Latin word"praesentatio" is a public presentation of something new. Self-presentation is the presentation of one's own image in order to create a certain impression among others.

Presentation is a tried and tested method of attracting attention. Business self-presentation, when you briefly tell About Me during a meeting or interview - example presenting yourself as a professional. Its goals include:

  • creating an opinion among colleagues about you as a professional who knows his job;
  • manifestation of intellectual potential and leadership qualities;
  • demonstration of organization, initiative and creativity;
  • acceptance of your ideas and suggestions by other people.

How to write a self-presentation: define goals and audience

Presentation of knowledge and skills is carried out in written or oral form. Self-presentation text directed towards a specific target. Example such a "target" - an open vacancy, promotion or useful acquaintance.

In the process of developing a plan for self-presentation, be clear about who it is directed to. Determine the target audience and think about how to win their favor. The goals of influence determine the mechanisms for constructing self-presentation.

To be productive self-presentation use as sample next questions:

  • Who do you plan to communicate with?
  • what does the opponent expect from this communication;
  • what can you offer him;
  • who are your main competitors.

Improvise or learn the text of self-presentation?

Self-presentation - a story about yourself, taking into account the needs of the listener. Think about what your opponent wants, study his needs. Work through the text so that it is clear and sufficiently varied. In preparation, study examples of writing self-presentations with comments from experienced staff. So you will understand what a potential employer expects, and how he can be “hooked”. Even if you prepare for a presentation, don't shy away from improvising. No wonder they say that the best improvisation is prepared in advance.

The material was prepared jointly with the editors of the electronic journal"Handbook of the secretary and office manager" .

Answered by Maria Dolinova,
psychologist, head of the psychological workshop "Prosto".

It seems to you that a portfolio is not useful at your current place of work - after all, your business qualities and abilities are already known to both your bosses and personnel officers. But it is not so. A portfolio can become a "career engine" if used in the right situations.

How to behave during self-presentation?

To create a positive impression of yourself, it is important not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you do it. If you want to prove yourself as a self-confident person, a professional in your field, follow the following rules:

Speak clearly and confidently.

Make your speech loud enough for everyone to hear the target audience. If people don't hear or understand you, they lose interest.

Limit gestures.

- … I worked as an ordinary sales manager for only 5 months. During this time, I became the best of the team of 12 people 3 times. I was noticed because I effectively replaced the manager during a business trip and was appointed as a senior manager of the sales department…

In the first three minutes of the dialogue, give the speech the maximum semantic load. Show the interlocutor that you have common interests, demonstrate your usefulness. Think about the presentation order in advance and follow it during the interview.

We offer example algorithm self-presentation about oneself and sample text.

  1. Smile and say your name.
  2. Briefly describe the details of education.
  3. Mark the competencies and practical skills that are important for the vacancy.
  4. Tell us why you want to work for this company.
  5. If necessary, say a few words about the family.
  6. Briefly describe your hobbies and interests.
  7. Mark your useful personal qualities.
  8. List your top benefits.
  9. Thank the interviewer for their attention.

Figure 1. Sample self-presentation text

Written self-presentation: sample structure

The written presentation is type of resume. If the document is of interest to the employer, the candidate is invited for an additional interview. The text of the presentation is structured, highlighting semantic blocks in it. The purpose of each of them is a favorable reflection of your qualities. Sample structures self-presentations and examples filling of each block are given in the table.

Table 1. Self-presentation about yourself sample text structure

In today's business environment, professional skills are not enough for career success. Goals are achieved by those who know their strengths and competently “sell” them to the employer. Self-presentation - bright example such a commercial offer". It helps to make a first impression and sets you apart from the competition. A competent presentation increases the chances of showing oneself at a business meeting, demonstrating initiative and leadership qualities.

Verification test

Take the test to find out if your self-presentation will interest a potential employer.

1. Is it possible to improvise during self-presentation?

  1. Yes, let it be improvised. This will make the speech livelier.
  2. Yes, if the improvisation is prepared and does not lead away from the intended plan.
  3. No, it is better to learn the text by heart and not deviate from it.

2. What should be the main focus in self-presentation?

  1. On education and all the diplomas and certificates you receive.
  2. On your versatile hobbies and hobbies.
  3. On how you can be useful in this company.

3. What documents should be included in the presentation?

  1. All documents that may be of interest to the employer.
  2. Letters of recommendation only.
  3. Documents about education.

4. Can natural presentation be corrected?

  1. No, this is intuitive behavior.
  2. Yes, innate patterns of behavior are amenable to change.
  3. You can, if you develop the skills of self-control.

5. What to write in the resume section "About Me"?

  1. List all your positive qualities.
  2. Indicate what the recruiter wants to hear in connection with the vacancy.
  3. Tell us in detail about your career development.

6. What does the recruiter evaluate at the beginning of the interview?

  1. Your questionnaire.
  2. Your skill level.
  3. Your appearance and demeanor.

7. What should be done at the end of the presentation?

  1. Thank the interviewer.
  2. Ask if you will be hired.
  3. Give the recruiter your business card.