Validity of the maestro card. Social card of Sberbank MIR, Maestro "Pension"

The Maestro plastic card has become a very popular tool for cashless payments. Often, Sberbank issues such cards to holders of pension deposits. However, many users are still wondering: does Maestro belong to the Visa or Mastercard payment system?

Let's answer right away: Maestro belongs to the MasterCard system and has an international status.

By purchasing Maestro, you get a debit card of the simplest level. It gives the owner access to non-cash use of personal funds. Having issued a card, you will be able to make money transfers, pay for purchases and manage your account through your personal account in the Sberbank Online system.

Another popular question of the bank's customers: how much does the annual maintenance of the Maestro card cost? It is considered a budget product. The annual maintenance fee does not exceed 300 rubles. The product is given to pensioners free of charge.

Like most similar products, the Maestro debit card is valid for 3 years. After this time, you should re-issue.

Each variation of a banking product has unique properties. We will consider them in this article.

Features and Features

The possibilities of the Maestro Sberbank card are quite extensive. Despite the fact that the card is a budget option, it supports all standard operations.

This means that after issuing a card, you will receive the following features:

  • Independent choice of currency for keeping funds.
  • The advantage of remote account management through Mobile Banking or Sberbank Online.
  • Customer loyalty system.
  • Withdrawal of funds from ATMs of Sberbank of Russia and other financial systems. However, when withdrawing money from third-party ATMs, a fee will be charged from the holder.
  • Cash withdrawal abroad at ATMs that cooperate with Sberbank.
  • Transfer of funds between accounts.
  • Using the "Auto payment" option, which allows you to automatically top up your cell phone account or pay utility bills.
  • Cashless payment for purchases both on the territory of our country and abroad.
  • Payment for purchases via the Internet.

Among the features of the Maestro card, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Being an instant issue product, it is not always personal. However, on salary and pension cards, the name and surname of the owner are indicated without fail.
  • Own accounts cannot be opened by persons under the age of 14.
  • The card number consists of eighteen numbers.
  • Any transaction requires authorization by entering a pin code.
  • The Sberbank Maestro debit card issued before 2014 did not have a security code such as CVV2, CVC2, which must be used for online payment. The security of cards of this type was provided by the Secure Code system. Today, depositing funds for the purchase of goods via the Internet is hardly possible without entering the CVV2, CVC2 code.
  • Within thirty days, you can withdraw no more than 500 thousand rubles. The daily limit is only 50 thousand rubles.

What the map looks like can be seen in the photo below:

Maestro, Visa or Mastercard: what to choose?

Most owners are usually not aware of the differences in payment systems. The selection of banking services is based on superficial knowledge about the main features of each card. In fact, there are a number of differences between payment systems. Let's consider them in more detail.

Differences between Maestro and Mastercard. Mastercard is an international payment system that operates in most countries of the world. The system includes several brands. In other words, Maestro is one of the services of the Mastercard system, which appeared in the nineties. Whereas the system itself was formed in the late 70s. Authorization of payments on the Maestro card in Sberbank is carried out only during online transactions.

Other services allow offline authorization or voice confirmation. The first option implies instant confirmation of the payment: the necessary funds will be withdrawn from your account, and information about their withdrawal will be delivered to the bank at the end of the working day. Voice authorization is a confirmation of payment by the cashier by phone. It contacts the bank's security team and confirms your payment. This service is not new and is considered obsolete. However, it is still used in some cases.

Differences between Visa and Maestro. Visa, by analogy with Mastercard, is a payment system that consists of many brands. Visa or Mastercard - the choice is yours. However, it is worth noting that in the Visa payment system there is also a card that is an analogue of Maestro - this is Visa Electron. Unlike the Maestro, the Visa card has a number of 16 characters. Visa Electron allows you to pay for goods without entering a pin code.

The visa is used to exchange currency for dollars. While Maestro Sberbank's bank card is in euros.

With the Visa card you can pay for purchases on the Internet. This option is managed by the bank. Electronic purchase with Maestro will only be possible if you have enabled options such as access to the PayPal system.

As you can see, there is a difference. Bank staff will help you decide which option suits you best.

How to apply?

In order to become the owner of a Sberbank Maestro plastic card, you must meet certain banking requirements. The main one is that you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation at the age of fourteen. Of the documents you only need a passport.

How to get a card? You can do this in two ways:

Most often, the Maestro card is issued in order to receive various types of payments. For example, it can be a salary or. However, in some cases, it becomes necessary to replenish the account with cash.

In these situations, they resort to such methods of replenishing the balance as:

  • Transfer of finance from one account to another using electronic services.
  • Transfer from the plastic of another bank.
  • Replenishment of the balance using an ATM or terminal.

In addition to the issue of replenishing the card, it may be necessary to detail the movement of funds. Such information can be obtained through electronic services, or you can order a monthly distribution of the report. This service is usually free.

The Maestro Sberbank card is a very popular product in our country. In order to personalize it as much as possible, the bank issues several types for different segments of the population. On social cards, you can often even find a photo of the owner.

Plastic cards are the usual means of payment for millions of people around the world. This fact can be fully considered the merit of the Mastercard and Visa payment systems, the development of which has made it possible to simplify access to funds and speed up the process of exchanging financial information. Part of their strategy is to launch affordable payment platforms aimed at the masses.

Maestro is such a service. You will learn about what this type of card is, what is its difference and much more from this article.

What is a mapMaestro

Maestro is a debit card support and maintenance service launched in 1990 by Mastercard. At the moment, it is one of the most common brand among all payment systems due to its availability. The Maestro card allows its owner to withdraw funds through ATMs and cash points, as well as to carry out non-cash transactions at outlets equipped with equipment for such transactions. The Maestro system is not used on cards with a credit limit due to the fact that this service allows access only to the owner's personal funds.

The main idea behind the launch of the Maestro project was to develop a convenient and affordable means of payment that allows the owner to use basic banking services for a nominal fee. On the basis of Maestro, most financial organizations issue plastic cards for students and pensioners, and also use them in payroll projects.

On the territory of Russia, Mastercard implemented an analogue of the local payment system - Maestro Momentum. Its peculiarity was that such a card can only be used on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, over time, the need for such a system disappeared and it was easily replaced by other cards.

Card FeaturesMaestro

Maestro cards are the usual plastic card with a magnetic stripe. Most of the issued cards are not personalized and embossed. In other words, on their front side there is no information about the name and surname of the owner, and the card number is not squeezed out, as on cards of other standards, but only slightly shows through. Thanks to this feature, issuing banks can issue cards at the time the client visits the branch. To do this, empty plastic cards were prepared in the offices of financial structures, which were tied to the current account in the presence of the client and are being activated.

Due to the fact that Maestro is positioned as an entry-level card, its owner has access to only basic technologies that ensure the security of funds. For example, most cards have only a magnetic tape, while other systems use a security chip as an additional security. However, this to some extent depends on the bank servicing this card.

Using Maestro cards outside of your home region can be problematic. The reason for this is some technical nuances of information processing. Therefore, it is recommended to use cards of a higher class for long-distance transactions. It is also worth mentioning that the Maestro card is not intended for paying for goods and services on the Internet, especially in foreign stores.

differenceMaestro byVISAElectron

Mastercard's main competitor in Russia is considered to be VISA, an international payment system with offices in more than 100 countries. In the segment of low-cost means of payment, it presents its own brand - VISA Electron. Both products have simple functionality and a basic set of security tools. Despite the status of competitors, these services have extremely minor differences. For example, when making transactions at retail outlets using Maestro cards, the system always asks for a PIN code, while VISA Electron does not require transaction confirmation.

Both payment systems have their own loyalty programs aimed at attracting an additional number of customers. However, they do not apply to entry-level cards. In addition, an extremely small number of customers think about which of the companies to give preference, because they simply do not have information about their differences. As a result, the final choice most often lies with the bank, which independently chooses the payment system.

Bank offers using cardsMaestro

There are not many financial organizations in Russia that develop products based on the Maestro system. The basic level of security and reduced functionality compared to standard Mastercard cards do not allow creating an attractive package of services.

Maestro service cards are most of all implemented by Sberbank within the framework of projects aimed at students and pensioners. In the first case, potential customers are captivated by the instant issuance of a card, and secondly, by its low price. For some time, such cards were the basis for payroll projects implemented by banks, but after receiving a certain amount of negative feedback caused by insufficient functionality, the use of such technologies is reduced to a minimum.

It is especially worth mentioning that Maestro cards occupy a leading position among all brands abroad. This is due to the fact that in European countries there are no restrictions on the type of transactions. In other words, residents of Germany, Spain, Austria and other EU countries do not need to worry about currency conversion. All payments are made in euros, and well-known online stores have their own representative offices.

Advantages and disadvantages of cardsMaestro

Among the obvious advantages of Maestro cards, one should note its low cost and availability. On the basis of this system, banks and other financial institutions offer their customers instant issue cards.

The technology also allows the issuance of prepaid cards that can be used as gifts. However, an extremely small number of banks sell such products, since their functionality is limited by the amount of the prepayment.

Oddly enough, but in the low cost of Maestro cards lies their main drawback. First, the cards and do not have information about the owner on the front side. This means that if a plastic card is lost or stolen, fraudsters can more easily gain access to funds.

Secondly, it is extremely difficult to pay for services and goods abroad with an instant issue card. The system does not have sufficient functionality for currency conversion, so its use for these purposes is undesirable. The same applies to the transfer of funds into foreign currency and payment for purchases in online stores.

But even in Russia, Maestro cards have significant drawbacks. The most important thing can be called a reduced daily and monthly limit on the issuance of cash. This parameter depends more on the issuing bank, but it is significantly lower than for standard cards, and rarely exceeds 100,000 rubles per month.


Maestro cards have the status of an accessible card with a basic level of security. Any financial institution offering Maestro-based banking products to its customers issues cards within 15-20 minutes.

To obtain it, you only need a passport. At the bank branch, specialists will enter your data into the system, and after signing the contract for banking services, the client will be able to receive the card in his hands. Annual service on such cards is either absent or is no more than 300 rubles for 12 months.

A feature of the Maestro system is that citizens of the Russian Federation can use it from the moment they receive a passport, that is, from the age of 14, unlike standard cards that are issued from the age of 18. This option allows parents not only to remotely transfer funds to their children, but also to control their expenses.

For comfortable use of Maestro cards, first of all, it is worth comparing its capabilities and your goals. Don't expect a wide range of features from entry-level cards. Their use, as a rule, comes down to replenishment, cash withdrawals from ATMs and transactions in retail outlets.

It is worth paying special attention to cash withdrawal limits. If the specified values ​​are exceeded, the cardholder loses the opportunity to withdraw money through an ATM until the end of the calendar month.

When signing documents for issuing a plastic card, check with bank employees about all the features of the service. Even such a truncated functionality is used differently by various financial institutions.

When handling the card, make sure that it is always with you. The use of simplified security technologies in the production and maintenance of Maestro cards requires greater vigilance from cardholders.

General tips for using plastic cards also apply to payment elements of the Maestro system.


Maestro service cards are still one of the most common payment elements in the world. This is due to the convenience of obtaining and the low price of the product. However, in Russia, this system has a number of limitations that do not allow using them as the main means of payment.

Video. Which card to choose?

Important: at the moment, the bank no longer issues Maestro and Electron cards.

The simplest products of Sberbank, offering a standard set of features and having a low cost, include Visa Electron and MasterCard Maestro cards. Let's take a closer look at their capabilities.

Let's get straight to the point, Maestro and Electron are a type of plastic that belongs to the lowest level among plastic financial instruments. But Visa or MasterCard are payment systems. We will talk about them in the next section of the article.

Maestro belongs to MasterCard financial instruments

So, so that there are no questions - how they differ from each other, we will explain which types of plastics belong to which payment systems.

Visa payment system:

  • Electron (Visa Electron);
  • Classic (Visa Classic);
  • Gold (Visa Gold);
  • Platinum (Visa Platinum);


  • Maestro (MasterCard Maestro);
  • Standard (MasterCard Standard);
  • Gold (MasterCard Gold);
  • Platinum (MasterCard Platinum);

Differences and features of Visa and MasterCard

It is practically quite difficult to determine how the Visa Electron card differs from the Maestro Mastercard in Sberbank. There are no differences regarding the terms of issue, opportunities for the client or other privileges provided by the issuing bank. It consists only in the type of payment system.

Not so long ago, they differed in the principle of converting currencies when it was required to convert them. But now the conversion takes place according to a single principle and has no significant differences. The European payment system is considered to be more common, but most likely it will be quite difficult to notice, since all modern services around the world support these systems.

Card features

In addition to accruals, transfers and various payments, the following possibilities include:

  • Set up automatic payments for utility companies.
  • Carry out online transactions remotely through the Internet Bank.
  • Request information and carry out transactions through and SMS messages (through Mobile Banking).
  • and consultation through the Bank's Call Center by phone.
  • Binding to electronic wallets.

Service is 300 rubles. The renewal is free of charge.

Transfer from Visa card to Maestro of Sberbank

To transfer money within one bank, you can use both a mobile application - it is available for both Android devices and iPhones and is practically no different. The only thing you will need to know to make transfers is the recipient's plastic number.

In general, you can use any convenient way to transfer between plastics of different types - it can be a short SMS:

or you can use internet banking.

Bonus connection Thank you

Regardless of which Sberbank card is better for you than Maestro or Electron, we recommend that you take the opportunity and become a member of the bonus program. We talked about this in more detail in the article. Recall that even if you do not focus on accumulating bonuses, they will accumulate on your account, and when you want to pay with them in the bank's partner stores (more on this in the material -), you will be pleasantly surprised by the possible discount.

Electronic plastics have no difference in terms of service

The process of issuing an electronic card Visa or Mastercard

To order the issue of electronic cards, you must contact the department with the documents. Requirements for the client are very loyal:

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Availability of registration, incl. temporal.
  • Age: from 14 years old. Until the age of majority, the permission of the guardians or parents is required.
  • Possibility to issue an additional product to a relative or friend, incl. child from 7 years old.

After filling out the form, the client must leave it for approval for further receipt. The answer will come in a couple of days. After that, you will need to go for the plastic and sign the documents.

If you want to decorate the front side of the product in an original way, you can order a design - but for this, these Electron plastics, you need the next level - Classic or Standard.

This can only be done through an online application, where you need to upload your photo picture or select it from the gallery. It will take a little longer to wait for an answer, and the cost will cost 500 rubles.

The popularity of payment cards as a financial instrument used in everyday life is growing every day. Sberbank of the Russian Federation, releasing all types of this product on the international platforms Maestro, Mastercard and Visa, has taken a stable position as a leader in this market segment.

The most accessible and, therefore, in demand by customers (both credit and debit) are Sberbank Maestro. If we consider the debit version on the Maestro platform, then it is most often issued as a social product (to pay pensions, scholarships, allowances), sometimes it is also used to pay salaries to employees.

The secret of the popularity of this particular plastic is its cost. If the client opens Maestro as a personal card, its cost and maintenance will be minimal. In the case of registration of the target option, the holder does not pay anything for it at all. When receiving a credit card based on Sberbank Maestro, the rates for it will also be minimal.

When issuing a card at Sberbank, a client can choose between Visa, MasterCard and Maestro. In the latter case, both the release and the cost will be cheaper. But, by applying for a "Visa", the client receives a number of additional benefits that are not available to holders who have chosen a different payment system. True, they are associated mainly with discounts in fairly expensive stores or outlets abroad, so for most customers, savings on service will be much more important.

Being a universal means of payment, Sberbank allows the client not only to withdraw money from it, replenish an account, use a loan within the established limit, but also perform other operations. For example, having issued it once, the holder can subsequently freely make most of the current payments not at the bank’s cash desk, but on his own - at an ATM or self-service terminal. For these purposes, any card is suitable, including Sberbank Maestro.

By connecting to one of the self-service services, any client-holder of this means of payment gets the opportunity to manage it remotely, and not only check the balance or transfer money from one account to another, but also transfer it to others (and with a minimum commission), pay for goods and various services, repay the loan.

The bank provides remote access to a card account via the Internet (this system is called Sberbank-online) or a mobile phone (mobile banking). Both the first and second services provide for pre-registration and are available to all customers who have at least one payment product.

You can connect to mobile banking directly where the contract is drawn up, and to gain access to Sberbank Online, you should use an ATM that will issue a check to the client with one-time passwords to enter your personal account.

Thus, by issuing a card on the Sberbank Maestro platform, the client, with a minimum of costs, gets maximum access not only to using his own account, but also to a number of useful additional functions.

Any bank card belongs to a certain payment system. The most common types are Visa and MasterCard. Cards that have the emblems of these companies have full functionality. Also, each of the systems has a "simplified" version, for Mastercard - this is Maestro. Sberbank, like many others, issues cards of this type on preferential terms. Distinctive features of plastic are availability, low cost of maintenance and full access to the Internet banking system.

The Maestro card is in the nature of an electronic card, and therefore its capabilities are limited. In most cases, this is a debit card, Maestro credit cards are issued only in special cases. Often this product is used as payroll projects or for calculating social benefits and pensions. It is also often used as an additional one, due to its affordable price and ease of use.

This product is very limited in functionality, it is considered to be an entry-level plastic. In this regard, the cost of annual maintenance does not exceed 300 rubles. Although the bank has the right to set the tariff on its own, you can find free suggestions, for example - in Sberbank.

A Sberbank Momentum plastic card can be obtained in 15 minutes. The cost of issue and maintenance is 0 rubles.

Externally, the card has characteristic embossed numbers, and is also equipped with a magnetic stripe or a chip. The features of the Maestro card from Sberbank include:

  • Nameless card. The name of the owner is not indicated on the plastic.
  • The contract can be drawn up from the age of 14.
  • Unlike Visa or Mastercard, there are only 18 digits on the plastic.
  • It is not possible to use the Pay Pass service, which allows you to make contactless payments. When making purchases and withdrawing money, you must enter the pin code each time.
  • There are no numbers on the back for online transactions, online payments can be made through third-party services.

The difference between payment systems

Often, when issuing a bank card, users do not pay attention to the payment system, although it differs from one another in a significant way. For example, Mastercard is distributed in almost all countries of the world.

Difference from Mastercard

Using a card with this logo, you can make purchases without a doubt that plastic will not be accepted. Maestro, rather, is an additional service provided by MasterCard. Payment systems have a similar logo, which characterizes their belonging to the same group of companies, confirming the status of a reliable service.

Maestro's transactions must be confirmed online. This can be done by entering a pin code or the customer's signature. Mastercard, on the other hand, involves the operation at the expense of the bank. The financial company registers transactions in the internal system and at night carries out the closing procedure of the day, transferring information to the processing of the payment system.

As a rule, MasterCard is a personalized card with all the ensuing benefits. It can be used abroad, receive credit funds. The Maestro has limited options.

Comparison with Visa

Visa is similar to MasterCard and most of the points will be the same. Therefore, it is more logical to compare Maestro with Visa Electron.

  • Electron, like Maestro, is well suited for shopping at retail outlets within the country.
  • The Visa has only 16 characters on the plastic.
  • When paying for goods, the system will not ask for a pin code, unlike Maestro cards.
  • The correct application of the Visa is its use in countries where dollar settlements are carried out, cards from MasterCard are suitable for settlements in euros.
  • Electron allows you to make Internet transactions with the support of the banking system, which transfers data to processing. Using Maestro, you can pay for goods on the Web only using Pay Pal or a MasterCard card linked to Maestro.

Maestro pension cards

Sberbank is the issuer of the Maestro card. Basically, the company uses this payment system for social money transfers. It is worth noting that, according to the instructions of the Central Bank, commercial banks will be required to use the payment system The world for social security payments in 2018. At the moment, the bank has several programs with the Maestro system.

In case of receiving a pension, 3.5 percent per annum is charged on the balance of the account. At the same time, such replenishment is carried out not by a bank, but by a pension fund.

Available in full personal account service where you can control the flow of funds, pay fines, utility bills, apply for an online loan and connect auto payment templates.

The card is equipped with a chip and meets the requirements of the Central Bank. You can withdraw and replenish money to a personal card through an online account or technical devices, Sberbank cash desks. It is also acceptable to use third-party services to transfer money to the account, for example, deposit funds through the Golden Crown system or other banks.

The cost of SMS alerts is charged on a preferential basis and is only 30 rubles per month.

You can withdraw cash without commission directly through Sberbank. At the same time, a monthly limit of 500,000 rubles and a daily limit of 50,000 rubles were set. Money can be withdrawn both through cash desks and through Sberbank ATMs. There are no restrictions on purchase transactions. The validity period of plastic is 5 years.

Card Features

To obtain a card, it is enough to make an application at the bank office or through the website. Of the documents you need only a passport. The bank will inform you about the readiness of the plastic within 3 days, after which you can get a card. Momentum is issued upon application, it can be picked up by filling out the contract, but Mastercard can also be instant.

This product is suitable for use in the domestic market. The technical capabilities of ATMs and terminals in stores allow you to make payments and withdraw money. The card can be used as an additional account for children, since registration is possible from the age of 7.

Under the terms of the Sberbank Online service, transfers from cards of any payment systems issued by the bank are carried out instantly and without commission.

For travel and business trips, it is better to use products from Visa and Mastercard. Firstly, technical devices that are capable of reading information from the Maestro are not installed everywhere. Secondly, if there is no name on the card, then abroad the seller has the right refuse to operate.

It is also often difficult to pay online. Most payment aggregators are not ready to accept Maestro. This does not mean that this product has a ban on Internet transactions, you can pay on the Web, but not everywhere. Therefore, it is recommended to use Maestro as a pocket card for purchases in local stores, since Sberbank offers a convenient service in the form of a “Thank you from Sberbank” cashback.
